Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Abernethy, M. A., J. Bouwens, C. Hofmann and L. van Lent. 2023. Altruism, social norms, and incentive contract design. Review of Accounting Studies 28(2): 570-614.
Aghamolla, C. and N. Li. 2018. Debt contract enforcement and conservatism: Evidence from a natural experiment. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1383-1416.
Aitken, M. and R. Czernkowski. 1991. Organizational change within the stockbroking industry: A contracting perspective. Abacus 27(2): 97-116.
Alford, L. C., S. C. Hansen and J. M. Hermis. 2023. Predicting federal contractor misconduct. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 8(1): 307-335.
Allen, L. H. 1917. Cost accounting for the contractor. Journal of Accountancy (March): 177-184.
Allyn, R. G. 1945. Case history of a terminated contract. The Accounting Review (October): 410-415.
Amiraslani, H., J. Donovan, M. A. Phillips and R. Wittenberg-Moerman. 2023. Contracting in the dark: The rise of public-side lenders in the syndicated loan market. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 101586.
Antle, R. and J. S. Demski. 1991. Contracting frictions, regulation, and the structure of CPA firms. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Accounting Institutions in Markets and Organizations): 1-24.
Arel, B., M. J. Tomas, III and L. Stark. 2023. The effect of fraud diamond capability measures on fraud occurrence. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 8(1): 141-159.
Armstrong, C. S., S. A. Glaeser and S. Huang. 2022. Contracting with controllable risk. The Accounting Review (July): 27-50.
Arya, A., B. Mittendorf and A. Sudbury. 2015. Forward contracting and incentives for disclosure. Review of Accounting Studies 20(3): 1093-1121.
Balakrishnan, R., G. G. Sprinkle and M. G. Williamson. 2011. Contracting benefits of corporate giving: An experimental investigation. The Accounting Review (November): 1887-1907.
Baldwin, A. M. 1965. Controllership in a defense contracting business. N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 57-63.
Ball, R., R. M. Bushman and F. P. Vasvari. 2008. The debt-contracting value of accounting information and loan syndicate structure. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 247-287.
Banker, R. D., R. Huang and R. Natarajan. 2009. Incentive contracting and value relevance of earnings and cash flows. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 647-678.
Beatty, A. 2008. Discussion of The debt-contracting value of accounting information and loan syndicate structure. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 289-295.
Beatty, A. and J. Weber. 2003. The effects of debt contracting on voluntary accounting method changes. The Accounting Review (January): 119-142.
Boland, M. and D. Godsell. 2021. Bureaucratic discretion and contracting outcomes. Accounting, Organizations and Society (88): 101173.
Boyabatli, O., P. R. Kleindorfer and S. R. Koontz. 2011. Integrating long-term and short-term contracting in beef supply chains. Management Science (October): 1771-1787.
Brown, J. L., K. D. Drake and M. A. Martin. 2016. Compensation in the post-FIN 48 period: The case of contracting on tax performance and uncertainty. Contemporary Accounting Research 33(1): 121-151.
Brown, T. J., T. M. Majors and T. W. Vance. 2021. Incomplete contracts and employee opportunism: How Machiavellianism moderates the effects of impacting an uncompensated objective. Journal of Management Accounting Research 33(2): 1-18.
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Cai, Y., T. Choi and J. Zhang. 2021. Platform supported supply chain operations in the blockchain era: Supply contracting and moral hazards. Decision Sciences 52(4): 866-892.
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Charles, L., J. Gaa and G. Maxfield.1945. Accounting aspects of contract settlement. The Accounting Review (January): 44-58.
Chen, T., C. Chin, S. Wang and W. Yao. 2015. The effects of financial reporting on bank loan contracting in global markets: Evidence from mandatory IFRS adoption. Journal of International Accounting Research 14(2): 45-81.
Chou, C., N. R. Hwang, G. P. Schneider, T. Wang, C. Li and W. Wei. 2021. Using smart contracts to establish decentralized accounting contracts: An example of revenue recognition. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 17-52.
Christensen, H. B. and V. V. Nikolaev. 2017. Contracting on GAAP changes: Large sample evidence. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1021-1050.
Christensen, H. B., V. V. Nikolaev and R. Wittenberg-Moerman. 2016. Accounting information in financial contracting: The incomplete contract theory perspective. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 397-435.
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De Waegenaere, A., R. Sansing and J. L. Wielhouwer. 2015. Financial accounting effects of tax aggressiveness: Contracting and measurement. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(1): 223-242.
Dekker, H. C., T. Kawai and J. Sakaguchi. 2018. Contracting abroad: A comparative analysis of contract design in host and home country outsourcing relations. Management Accounting Research (September): 47-61.
Dekker, H. C., T. Kawai and J. Sakaguchi. 2019. The interfirm contracting value of management accounting information. Journal of Management Accounting Research 31(2): 59-74.
Demerjian, P. R., J. Donovan and C. R. Larson. 2016. Fair value accounting and debt contracting: Evidence from adoption of SFAS 159. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 1041-1076.
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Drake, K. D., E. Engel and M. A. Martin. 2022. Investigating discretion in executive contracting: Extracting private information from valuation allowance decisions. Review of Accounting Studies 28(2): 533-569.
Dulac, T., J. A. Coyle-Shapiro, D. J. Henderson and S. J. Wayne. 2008. Not all responses to breach are the same: The interconnection of social exchange and psychological contract processes in organizations. The Academy of Management Journal 51(6): 1079-1098.
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Frankel, R., C. Seethamraju and T. Zach. 2008. GAAP goodwill and debt contracting efficiency: Evidence from net-worth covenants. Review of Accounting Studies 13(1): 87-118.
Frydlinger, D., O. Hart and K. Vitasek. 2023. A new approach to contracts: How to build better long-term strategic partnerships. Harvard Business Review (Winter Special Issue): 112-119.
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Glover, J. and H. Xue. 2023. Accounting conservatism and relational contracting. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 101571.
Glover, J. C. and H. Xue. 2020. Team incentives and bonus floors in relational contracts. The Accounting Review (November): 181-212.
Gong, G. and S. Luo. 2018. Lenders' experience with borrowers' major customers and the debt contracting demand for accounting conservatism. The Accounting Review (September): 187-222.
Gonzalez, G. C., V. B. Hoffman and D. V. Moser. 2020. Do effort differences between bonus and penalty contracts persist in labor markets? The Accounting Review (May): 205-222.
Grafton, J. and J. Mundy. 2017. Relational contracting and the myth of trust: Control in a co-opetitive setting. Management Accounting Research (September): 24-42.
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