Management And Accounting Web

Executive Compensation Bibliography

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Abdel-Khalik, A. R., C. Chi and D. Ghicas. 1987. Rationality of executive compensation schemes and real accounting changes. Contemporary Accounting Research 4(1): 32-60.

Abernethy, M. A., Y. F. Kuang and B. Qin. 2015. The influence of CEO power on compensation contract design. The Accounting Review (July): 1265-1306.

Adams, A. M. 2021. Managing the 'excess compensation' tax: Exempt organizations with highly paid employees must reckon with this burden. Journal of Accountancy (March): 36-42.

Addy, N. and T. Yoder. 2011. The decision to adopt a clawback provision. The CPA Journal (January): 58-63. (Note: Clawbacks authorize companies to recoup compensation from executives when there are financial restatements, or there has been executive misbehavior).

Albuquerque, A., B. Bennet, C. Custodio and D. Cvijanovic. 2023. CEO compensation and real estate prices: Pay for luck or pay for action? Review of Accounting Studies 28(4): 2401-2447.

Anderson, S. W., H. C. Dekker, K. L. Sedatole and E. Wiersma. 2020. When one size does not fit all: Using ex post subjective ratings to provide parity in risk-adjusted compensation. Management Accounting Research (December): 100706.

Antle, R. and A. Smith. 1985. Measuring executive compensation: Methods and an application. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 296-325.

Arnold, M., M. Artz and R. A. Grasser. 2023. When do firms adjust bonus targets intrayear? Evidence from sales executives' targets. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(1): 324-355.

Asante-Appiah, B. and D. S. Sharma. 2022. Determinants and consequences of the severity of executive compensation clawbacks. Contemporary Accounting Research 39(4): 2409-2455.

Baber, W. R., S. Kang, and K. R. Kumar. 1998. Accounting earnings and executive compensation: The role of earnings persistence. Journal of Accounting and Economics (27 May): 169-193.

Baber, W. R., S. Kang and K. R. Kumar. 1999. The explanatory power of earnings levels vs. earnings changes in the context of executive compensation. The Accounting Review (October): 459-472.

Baber, W. R., S. N. Janakiraman and S. Kang. 1996. Investment opportunities and the structure of executive compensation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (June): 297-318.

Baker, G. P. 1987. Discussion of an analysis of the use of accounting and market measures of performance in executive compensation contracts. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Stewardship Uses of Accounting Information): 126-129.

Balsam, S. and E. E. Harris. 2014. The impact of CEO compensation on nonprofit donations. The Accounting Review (March): 425-450.

Balsam, S., Y. Gu and C. X. Mao. 2018. Creditor influence and CEO compensation: Evidence from debt covenant violations. The Accounting Review (September): 23-50.

Banker, R. D., M. N. Darrough, R. Huang and J. M. Plehn-Dujowich. 2013. The relation between CEO compensation and past performance. The Accounting Review (January): 1-30.

Bao, D., S. Y. K. Fung and L. Su. 2018. Can shareholders be at rest after adopting clawback provisions? Evidence from stock price crash risk. Contemporary Accounting Research 35(3): 1578-1615.

Bao, M. X., X. Cheng and D. Smith. 2020. A path analysis investigation of the relationship between CEO pay ratios and firm performance mediated by employee satisfaction. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (48): 100457.

Barlas, S. 2015. More time to pursue civil penalties, and pushback on clawback reporting proposal. Strategic Finance (November): 13.

Barlas, S. 2016. SEC takes next step on S-K, and Executive compensation proposal satisfies no one. Strategic Finance (November): 13.

Beatty, R. P. and E. J. Zajac. 1994.Managerial incentives, monitoring, and risk bearing: A study of executive compensation, ownership, and board structure in initial public offerings. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(2): 313-335.

Beaumont, S. et. al. 2016. Comments on Shan and Walter: Towards a set of design principles for executive compensation contracts. Abacus 52(4): 685-771.

Bebchuk, L. and J. M. Fried. 2004. Pay without Performance: The Unfulfilled Promise of Executive Compensation. Harvard University Press.

Berrone, P. and L. R. Gomez-Mejia. 2009. Environmental performance and executive compensation: An integrated agency-institutional perspective. The Academy of Management Journal 52(1): 103-126.

Bettis, J. C., J. Bizjak, J. L. Coles and S. Kalpathy. 2018. Performance-vesting provisions in executive compensation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 194-221.

Bizjak, J. M., S. L. Kalpathy and V. T. Mihov. 2019. Performance contingencies in CEO equity awards and debt contracting. The Accounting Review (September): 57-82.

Blazovich, J. L., G. R. Huston and J. M. Huston. 2014. Creating an executive compensation plan: A corporate tax planning case. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 1-8.

Bloomfield, M., B. Gipper, J. D. Kepler and D. Tsui. 2021. Cost shielding in executive bonus plans. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 101428.

Bornemann, T., M. Jacob and M. Sailer. 2023. Do corporate taxes affect executive compensation? The Accounting Review (March): 31-58.

Brink, A. G., A. Gouldman, J. M. Rose and K. Rotaru. 2020. Effects of superiors' compensation structure on psychophysiological responses and real earnings management decisions of subordinate managers. Management Accounting Research (September): 100691.

Brown, K. E. and J. Lim. 2012. The effect of internal control deficiencies on the usefulness of earnings in executive compensation. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 28(1): 75-87.

Bushman, R. 2021. Cash-based bonus plans as a strategic communication, coordination and commitment mechanism. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 101447.

Cadman, B., M. E. Carter and X. Peng. 2021. The participation constraint and CEO equity grants. The Accounting Review (January): 67-89.

Cadman, B., R. Carrizosa and P. Xiaoxia. 2020. Inducement grants, hiring announcements, and adverse selection for new CEOs. Review of Accounting Studies 25(1): 279-312.

Cadman, B., R. Carrizosa and X. Peng. 2020. Compensation disclosures and corporate governance through shareholder voting. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(3): 27-48.

Cadman, B., R. Carrizosa and X. Peng. 2021. Correction to: Cadman, B., R. Carrizosa and X. Peng. 2020. Inducement grants, hiring announcements, and adverse selection for CEOs. Review of Accounting Studies 25(1): 279-312.  Review of Accounting Studies 26(2): 864-865.

Cardinaels, E. and H. Yin. 2015. Think twice before going for incentives: Social norms and the principal's decision on compensation contracts. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 985-1015.

Carter, M. , L. J. Lynch and X. Peng. 2022. Covid-related pay cuts for CEOs. Strategic Finance (May): 34-41.

Carter, M. E. 2011. Book review: Executive Compensation and Financial Accounting, Foundations and Trends® in Accounting Vol. 4 by David Aboody, Ron Kasznik. The Accounting Review (March): 735-738.

Carter, M. E., F. Franco and I. Tuna. 2019. Matching premiums in the executive labor market. The Accounting Review (November): 109-136.

Cha, Y., S. Gill and B. Wong-On-Wing. 2023. Clawback policy enforcement: To disclose or not to disclose. Advances in Accounting (62): 100661.

Chan, L. H., K. C. W. Chen, T. Chen and Y. Yu. 2012. The effects of firm-initiated clawback provisions on earnings quality and auditor behavior. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October-December): 180-196.

Chang, W., M. Dambra, B. Schonberger and I. Suk. 2023. Does sensationalism affect executive compensation? Evidence from pay ratio disclosure reform. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 187-242.

Chang, Y., M. Huang, Y. Su and K. Tseng. 2021. Short-termist CEO compensation in speculative markets: A Controlled experiment. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(3): 2105-2156.

Charnes, A., W. W. Cooper and R. O. Ferguson. 1955. Optimal estimation of executive compensation by linear programming. Management Science (January): 138-151.

Chen, C. X., E. M. Matsumura and J. Y. Shin. 2015. The effect of competition intensity and competition type on the use of customer satisfaction measures in executive annual bonus contracts. The Accounting Review (January): 229-263.

Chen, H., W. Luo and N. Soderstrom. 2023. Career concerns, contract choice, and "unpaid" executives. Journal of Management Accounting Research 35(1): 93-113.

Chen, K. C. W. and F. Tang. 2017. Post-IFRS revaluation adjustments and executive compensation. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(2): 1210-1231.

Chen, W., S. Jung, Z. Xiaoxia and I. Xiying. 2022. Outside opportunities, managerial risk taking, and CEO compensation. The Accounting Review (March): 135-160.

Chen, X., Q. Cheng, A. K. Lo and X. Wang. 2015. CEO contractual protection and managerial short-termism. The Accounting Review (September): 1871-1906.

Chen, Y., F. A. Gul, M. Veeraraghavan and L. Zolotoy. 2015. Executive equity risk-taking incentives and audit pricing. The Accounting Review (November): 2205-2234.

Cho, J., I. Hwang, J. Hyun and J. Y. Shin. 2020. Compensation consultant fees and CEO pay. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(1): 51-78.

Choi, S., S. Kim, S. Kwon and J. Y. Shin. 2021. Analyst forecasts and target setting in executive annual bonus contracts. Journal of Management Accounting Research 33(2): 19-42.

Cochran, P. L., R. A. Wood and T. B. Jones. 1985. The composition of boards of directors and incidence of golden parachutes. The Academy of Management Journal 28(3): 664-671.

Cohen, S., I. Kadach, G. Ormazabal and S. Reichelstein. Executive compensation tied to ESG performance: International evidence. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 805-853.

Colonnello, S., M. Koetter and K. Wagner. 2023. Compensation regulation in banking: Executive director behavior and bank performance after the EU bonus cap. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 101576.

Core, J. E. and H. A. Packard. 2022. Non-price and price performance vesting provisions and CEO incentives. The Accounting Review (November, Issue 7): 109-134.

Coughlan, A. T. and R. M. Schmidt. 1985. Executive compensation, management turnover, and firm performance: An empirical investigation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 43-66.

Davidson, R. H. 2022. Who did it matters: Executive equity compensation and financial reporting fraud. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 101453.

De Simone, L., C. McClure and B. Stomberg. 2022. Examining the effects of the tax cuts and jobs act on executive compensation. Contemporary Accounting Research 39(4): 2376-2408.

Defeo, V. J., R. A. Lambert and D. F. Larcker. 1989. The executive compensation effects of equity-for-debt swaps. The Accounting Review (April): 201-227.

DeHaan, E., F. Hodge and T. Shevlin. 2013. Does voluntary adoption of a clawback provision improve financial reporting quality? Contemporary Accounting Research 30(3): 1027-1062.

Dhole, S., S. B. Khumawala, S. Mishra and T. Ranasinghe. 2015. Executive compensation and regulation-imposed governance: Evidence from the California Nonprofit Integrity Act. The Accounting Review (March): 443-466.

Denis, D. J. and J. Xu. 2013. Insider trading restrictions and top executive compensation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (July): 91-112.

Denis, D. K. 2012. Mandatory clawback provisions, information disclosure, and the regulation of securities markets. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October-December): 197-200.

Dierynck, B. and V. van Pelt. 2021. The sorting benefits of discretionary adjustments to performance-based pay. Management Accounting Research (September): 100755.

Dikolli, S. S., M. M. Frank, Z. Guo and L. J. Lynch. 2023. ESG mutual fund voting on executive compensation shareholder proposals. Journal of Management Accounting Research 35(3): 51-74.

Drake, K. D., E. Engel and M. A. Martin. 2022. Investigating discretion in executive contracting: Extracting private information from valuation allowance decisions. Review of Accounting Studies 28(2): 533-569.

Dye, R. A. and S. S. Sridhar. 2016. Hedging executive compensation risk through investment banks. The Accounting Review (July): 1109-1138.

Ellahie, A., A. Tahoun and I. Tuna. 2017. Do common inherited beliefs and values influence CEO pay? Journal of Accounting and Economics (November): 346-367.

Elson, C. 2003. What's wrong with executive compensation? Harvard Business Review (January): 68-77.

Erkens, M. H. R., Y. Gan and B. B. Yurtoglu. 2018. Not all clawbacks are the same: Consequences of strong versus weak clawback provisions. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 291-317.

Evans, J. H. III., Z. Gao, Y. Hwang and W. Wu. 2018. Performance periods in CEO performance-based equity awards: Theory and Evidence. The Accounting Review (March): 161-190.

Farrell, A. M., J. O Goh and B. J. White. 2014. The effect of performance-based incentive contracts on system 1 and system 2 processing in affective decision contexts: fMRI and behavioral evidence. The Accounting Review (November): 1979-2010.

Ferri, F., R. Zheng and Y. Zou. 2018. Uncertainty about managers' reporting objectives and investors' response to earnings reports: Evidence from 2006 executive compensation disclosures. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 339-365.

Finley, A. R., C. M. Hall and A. R. Marino. 2022. Negotiation and executive gender pay gaps in nonprofit organizations. Review of Accounting Studies 27(4): 1357-1388.

Fleming, A. S. 2008. Group decision-making and leadership: An experimental examination in an executive compensation scenario. Advances in Management Accounting (17): 113-149.

Flor, C. R., H. Frimor and C. Munk. 2014. Options in compensation: Promises and pitfalls. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 703-732.

Gao, H., J. Luo and T. Tang. 2015. Effects of managerial labor market on executive compensation: Evidence from job-hopping. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 203-220.

Gayle, G., L. Chen and R. A. Miller. 2022. Was Sarbanes-Oxley costly? Evidence from optimal contracting on CEO compensation. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 1189-1234.

Goldman, N. C. and N. B. Ozel. 2023. Executive compensation, individual-level tax rates, and insider trading profits. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 101574.

Gomez-Mejia, L. R., H. Tosi and T. Hinkin. 1987. Managerial control, performance, and executive compensation. The Academy of Management Journal 30(1): 51-70.

Gomez-Mejia, L. R., M. Larraza-Kintana and M. Makri. 2003. The determinants of executive compensation in family-controlled public corporations. The Academy of Management Journal 46(2): 226-237.

Gong, G., L. Y. Li and J. Y. Shin. 2011. Relative performance evaluation and related peer groups in executive compensation contracts. The Accounting Review (May): 1007-1043.

Gong, J. J. 2011. Examining shareholder value creation over CEO tenure: A new approach to testing effectiveness of executive compensation. Journal of Management Accounting Research (23): 1-28.

Gox, R. F. and T. Hemmer. 2020. On the relation between managerial power and CEO pay. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 101300.

Groysberg, B., S. Abbott, M. R. Marino and M. Aksoy. 2021. Compensation packages that actually drive performance: Principles for designing executive pay. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 102-111.

Guest, N. M., S. P. Kothari and R. C. Pozen. 2022. Why do large positive non-GAAP earnings adjustments predict abnormally high CEO pay. The Accounting Review (November, Issue 6): 297-326.

Guo, Y. and S. Pippin. 2020. Clawback provisions for executive compensation. Strategic Finance (January): 46-51.

Gupta, A. and A. J. Wowak. 2017. The elephant (or donkey) in the boardroom: How board political ideology affects CEO pay. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(1): 1-30.

Harris, D. G. and J. R. Livingstone. 2002. Federal tax legislation as an implicit contracting cost benchmark: The definition of excessive executive compensation. The Accounting Review (October): 997-1018.

Harvard Business Review. 2017. The rapid rise of golden parachutes. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 28.

Harvard Business Review. 2020. Consider personality when structuring CEO pay. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 26-28.

Harvard Business Review. 2020. Does competition spur or stifle creativity? Harvard Business Review (May/June): 24-25.

Hirsch, B., B. E. Reichert and M. Sohn. 2017. The impact of clawback provisions on information processing and investment behaviour. Management Accounting Research (December): 1-11.

Ho, J. L. Y., C. Lu and A. Wu. 2023. The effects of in-group identity and clarity of the bonus determination criteria on supervisors' discretionary bonus adjustments: Field evidence from China. Journal of International Accounting Research 22(2): 103-119.

Hoffman, W. H. Jr. 1961. Executive compensation - Are you keeping in style or counting the costs? N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 15-23.

Hofmann, C., S. Huddart and T. Pfeiffer. 2023. An analysis of net-outcome contracting with applications to equity-based compensation. Review of Accounting Studies 28(3): 1657-1689.

Holthausen, R. W., D. F. Larcker and R. G. Sloan. 1995. Business unit innovation and the structure of executive compensation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (March-May): 279-313.

Hui, K. W. and S. R. Matsunaga. 2015. Are CEOs and CFOs rewarded for disclosure quality? The Accounting Review (May): 1013-1047.

Jayaraman, S. and T. Milbourn. 2015. CEO equity incentives and financial misreporting: The role of auditor expertise. The Accounting Review (January): 321-350.

Jayaraman, S. and T. T. Milbourn. 2012. The role of stock liquidity in executive compensation. The Accounting Review (March): 537-563.

Jongjaroenkamol, P. and V. Laux. 2017. Insider versus outsider CEOs, executive compensation, and accounting manipulation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 253-261.

Jorgensen, B. N., P. H. Patrick and N. S. Soderstrom. 2020. Heaping of executive compensation. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(1): 177-201.

Jung, S., N. K. W. Kim, H. S. Ryu and J. Y. Shin. 2021. Why do firms utilize the flexibility allowed in CEO-employee pay ratio disclosure? Evidence from Dodd-Frank Act section 953(b). Accounting Horizons (June): 83-106.

Kang, J. and L. Xu. 2019. Executive stock ownership guidelines and debt holder wealth. The Accounting Review (March): 267-295.

Karuna, C. 2020. Product market competition and managerial pay. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(1): 203-222.

Kerr, J. L. and L. Kren. 1992. Effect of relative decision monitoring on chief executive compensation. The Academy of Management Journal 35(2): 370-397.

Kim, S. and J. Ng. 2018. Executive bonus contract characteristics and share repurchases. The Accounting Review (January): 289-316.

Kim, S. and J. Y. Shin. 2017. Executive bonus target ratcheting: Evidence from the new executive compensation disclosures rules. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(4): 1843-1879.

Kleymenova, A. and I. Tuna. 2021. Regulation of compensation and systemic risk: Evidence from the UK. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 1123-1175.

Knight, R. A. and L. G. Knight. 2020. Change in corporate ownership or control may result in golden parachute payments. The CPA Journal (May): 48-52.

Kreikamp, N., S. Matanovic, F. Sommer and A. Wohrmann. 2021. The effect of compensation caps on risk-taking. Journal of Management Accounting Research 33(3): 77-95.

Kren, L. 2001. The relation between chief executive compensation and financial performance: The information effects of diversification. Advances in Management Accounting (10): 141-169.

Kroos, P., M. Schabus and F. Verbeeten. 2018. Voluntary clawback adoption and the use of financial measures in CFO bonus plans. The Accounting Review (May): 213-235.

Lambert, R. A. and D. F. Larcker. 1985. Golden parachutes, executive decision-making, and shareholder wealth. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 179-203.

Lambert, R. A. and D. F. Larcker. 1987. An analysis of the use of accounting and market measures of performance in executive compensation contracts. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Stewardship Uses of Accounting Information): 85-125.

Lambert, R. A., D. F. Larcker and R. E. Verrecchia. 1991. Portfolio considerations in valuing executive compensation. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 129-149.

Lanen, W. N. and D. F. Larcker. 1992. Executive compensation contract adoption in the electric utility industry. Journal of Accounting Research

Laux, V. 2014. Pay convexity, earnings manipulation, and project continuation. The Accounting Review (November): 2233-2259.

Lewellen, W., C. Loderer and K. Martin. 1987. Executive compensation and executive incentive problems: An empirical analysis. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 287-310.

Li, L. Y., S. Wang and W. Zhu. 2022. Operating cash flows and earnings target revision: Evidence from annual cash bonus plans for CEOs. Journal of Management Accounting Research 34(2): 181-199.

Lill, J. B. 2020. When the boss is far away and there is shared pay: The effect of monitoring distance and compensation interdependence on performance misreporting. Accounting, Organizations and Society (86): 101143.

Lillis, A. M., M. A. Malina and J. Mundy. 2022. The role of subjectivity in mitigating incentive contracting risks. The Accounting Review (January): 365-388.

Liu, C., W. Shi and K. C. J. Wei. 2021. CEO expertise and the design of compensation contracts: Evidence from generalist versus specialist CEOs. Journal of Management Accounting Research 33(3): 97-119.

Liu, Y., H. Gan and K. Karim. 2018. The effectiveness of clawback adoptions in mitigating over-investments - Does board governance play a role? Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (40): 61-75.

Lo, K. 2003. Economic consequences of regulated changes in disclosure: The case of executive compensation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 285-314.

Luo, L., H. Wu and C. Zhang. 2021. CEO compensation, incentive alignment, and carbon transparency. Journal of International Accounting Research 20(2): 111-132.

Lyu, M. X. C. Meng and B. Wang. 2023. Chief audit executive as supervisory board member and executive compensation contracts. Abacus 59(1): 258-299. (Related to China's corporate governance).

Maske, M. K., M. Sohn and b. Hirsch. 2021. How managerial accountability mitigates a halo effect in managers' ex-post bonus adjustments. Management Accounting Research (June): 100738.

Murphy, K. J. and T. Sandino. 2020. Compensation consultants and the level, composition, and complexity of CEO pay. The Accounting Review (January): 311-341.

Nam, J. 2020. Financial reporting comparability and accounting-based relative performance evaluation in the design of CEO cash compensation contracts. The Accounting Review (May): 343-370.

Natarajan, R. 1996. Stewardship value of earnings components: Additional evidence on the determinants of executive compensation. The Accounting Review (January): 1-22.

Nienhaus, M. 2022. Executive equity incentives and opportunistic manager behavior: New evidence from a quasi-natural experiment. Review of Accounting Studies 27(4): 1276-1318.

Ortiz-Molina, H. 2007. Executive compensation and capital structure: The effects of convertible debt and straight debt on CEO pay. Journal of Accounting and Economics (March): 69-93.

Ozkan, N., Z. Singer and H. You. 2012. Mandatory IFRS adoption and the contractual usefulness of accounting information in executive compensation. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 1077-1107.

Panitz, P. G. and P. Bonner. 2009. Executive compensation: What's reasonable? Journal of Accountancy (June): 56-61.

Park, H. and D. Vrettos. 2015. The moderating effect of relative performance evaluation on the risk incentive properties of executives' equity portfolios. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1055-1108.

Pawliczek, A. 2021. Performance-vesting share award outcomes and CEO incentives. The Accounting Review (September): 337-364.

Peyravan, L. and R. Wittenberg-Moerman. 2022. Institutional dual-holders and managers' earnings disclosure. The Accounting Review (May): 343-371.

Potepa, J. 2020. The treatment of special items in determining CEO cash compensation. Review of Accounting Studies 25(2): 558-596.

Qiu, B. and S. L. Slezak. 2019. The equilibrium relationships between performance-based pay, performance, and the commission and detection of fraudulent misreporting. The Accounting Review (March): 325-356.

Radhakrishnan, G., S. Huang and J. Maharjan. 2021. The role of deferred equity pay in retaining managerial talent. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(4): 2521-2554.

Rau, P. R. and J. Xu. 2013. How do ex ante severance pay contracts fit into optimal executive incentive schemes? Journal of Accounting Research (June): 631-671.

Rosen, S. 1985. Commentary on ‘golden parachutes, executive decision-making, and shareholder wealth’. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 205-208.

Roulstone, D. T. 2003. The relation between insider-trading restrictions and executive compensation. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 525-551.

Schueler, A. 2021. Executive compensation and company valuation. Abacus 57(2): 297-324.

Schuhmacher, K., K. L. Towry and J. Zureich. 2022. Leading by example in socially driven organizations: The effect of transparent leader compensation contracts on following. The Accounting Review (May): 373-393.

Shalev, R., I. X. Zhang and Y. Zhang. 2013. CEO compensation and fair value accounting: Evidence from purchase price allocation. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 819-854.

Shan, Y. and T. Walter. 2016. Towards a set of design principles for executive compensation contracts. Abacus 52(4): 619-684.

Shim, E. D. and E. Kim. 2015. An empirical examination of the relationship between top executive compensation and firm performance in the post Sarbanes-Oxley period. Advances in Management Accounting (25): 207-228.

Shim, E. D., J. Lee and T. Corrigan. 1999. An empirical examination of top executive compensation and economic performance in financial service firms. Advances in Management Accounting (8): 225-237.

Siagian, F. and S. Johnson. 2022. ATS Sports: Analysis of managers' bonuses. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(2): 1-9.

Singh, H. and F. Harianto. 1989. Management-board relationships, takeover risk, and the adoption of golden parachutes. The Academy of Management Journal 32(1): 7-24.

Skladany, M. 2022. Rethinking executive incentives can boost ESG performance. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-4.

Sloan, R. G. 1993. Accounting earnings and top executive compensation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (January-July): 55-100.

Solstad, H. M. 1955. Executive compensation - A review of considerations. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January): 729-734.

Stathopoulos, K. S. Espenlaub and M. Walker. 2004. U.K. executive compensation practices: New economy versus old economy. Journal of Management Accounting Research (16): 57-92.

Tehranian, H. and J. F. Waegelein. 1985. Market reaction to short-term executive compensation plan adoption. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 131-144.

Van Der Stede, W. A. 2013. Discretion in managerial bonus pools. The Accounting Review (January): 351-354.

Vrettos, D. 2013. Are relative performance measures in CEO incentive contracts used for risk reduction and/or for strategic interaction? The Accounting Review (November): 2179-2212.

Wade, J., C. A. O'Reilly, III and I. Chandratat. 1990. Golden Parachutes: CEOs and the exercise of social influence. Administrative Science Quarterly 35(4): 587-603.

Wasserman, N. 2006. Stewards, agents, and the founder discount: Executive compensation in new ventures. The Academy of Management Journal 49(5): 960-976.

Webb, R. A., M. G. Williamson and Y. Zhang. 2013. Productivity-target difficulty, target-based pay, and outside-the-box thinking. The Accounting Review (July): 1433-1457.

Weiss, D. 2011. Discussion of: Examining shareholder value creation over CEO tenure: A new approach to testing effectiveness of executive compensation. Journal of Management Accounting Research (23): 29-36.

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Yost, B. P. 2018. Locked-in: The effect of CEOs' capital gains taxes on corporate risk-taking. The Accounting Review (September): 325-358.

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Zajac, E. J. and J. D. Westphal. 1995. Accounting for the explanations of CEO compensation: Substance and symbolism. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(2): 283-308.