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IMA Educational Case Journal

Volumes 1(1) 2008 - 16(4) 2023

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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Abdullah, I., K. Green and D. Liede. 2019. Special report: Infusing ethics in managerial/cost accounting classrooms: A teaching resource. IMA Educational Case Journal 12(4): 1-6.

Agyekum, A., N. Austin and P. Keys. 2017. Realizing the dream: Decision-making in action. IMA Educational Case Journal 10(3): 1-7. (Small business in Ghana).

Albright, T., B. Hudgens, P. Juras and B. Petty. 2016. Kate's cycle components. IMA Educational Case Journal 9(2): 1-7.

Albright, T., S. Davis and A. R. Hibbets. 2009. Tri-Cities Community Bank - A balanced scorecard case. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(1): 1-7.

Albright, T. 2008. Mercedes-Benz all activity vehicle (AAV). IMA Educational Case Journal 1(1): 1-4.

Albright, T. L. 2008. Forest Hill Paper Company. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(2): 1-4.

Albright, T. L. 2014. Over-land Trucking and Freight: Relevant costs for decision making. IMA Educational Case Journal 7(2): 1-6.

Anctil, R., M. Borneman and T. Long. 2014. The Glenridge Retail Development. IMA Educational Case Journal 7(4): 1-10.

Anctil, R. M., P. J. Saly, M. E. Borneman. 2009. Newport Home: Multichannel merchandising and inventory management. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(4): 1-5.

Anderson, M. O. 2013. Koss Corporation corporate governance, internal controls, and ethics: What went wrong? IMA Educational Case Journal 6(1): 1-4.

Andic-Mortan, E. and G. Thalmann. 2022. Coffee supply chains' sustainable impact: A case study. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(2): 1-7.

Ansari, S. and J. Bell. 2008. Activity-based management in Shell Gabon. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(4): 1-7.

Ansari, S., P. Mulligan and A. J. Nanni, Jr. 2008. Pelarsen Windows: Humans v. robots. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(3): 1-16.

Arya, A. and J. Chang. 2009. Embezzlement at Sanchou College. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(1): 1-6.

Asare, K., D. Bline and R. Farrar. 2022. Flash Inc.: A comprehensive variance analysis. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(1): 1-12.

Axelsson, D., M. Fogelkvist and G. M. Cunningham. 2013. Product costing at Fine Foods: Is it a symptom or the problem? IMA Educational Case Journal 6(2): 1-7.

Baah, G. K. and N. U. Alino. 2023. Data analytical tools in revealing fraud. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(1): 1-6.

Balakrishnan, R. and C. Quinto. 2022. Denim Products Incorporated (B): Profit variance analysis. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(3): 1-5.

Bandyopadhyay, J., M. Lam and S. Kudrimoti. 2018. The show must go on: Making the numbers work for a not-for-profit theater company. IMA Educational Case Journal 11(1): 1-6.

Bargerstock, A. and Y. Shi. 2018. Watson Water Technologies: Ethical dilemma in the workplace. IMA Educational Case Journal 11(2): 1-4.

Bastida, F. 2023. Fripozo: Decision making in a frozen food company. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(2): 1-2.

Beg, Z. 2019. A modern family phone plan. IMA Educational Case Journal 12(3): 1-4.

Beg, Z. 2020. Flex budgets and variances at Speedy Tire Co. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(4): 1-6.

Bell, J., A. J. Nanni, Jr. and S. Ansari. 2010. Performance management at Perelson Weiner, LLC. IMA Educational Case Journal 3(2): 1-23.

Bell, J., S. S. Erzurumlu and H. Fowler. 2012. Deploying sustainability at Solea. IMA Educational Case Journal 5(2): 1-11.

Bell, T. and A. Fergus. 2014. Cat & Joe's Pig Rig: Should we stay or should we go? IMA Educational Case Journal 7(3): 1-6.

Bell, T. and A. Fergus. 2017. Peregrine: The CNC Machine Decision. IMA Educational Case Journal 10(3): 1-4.

Beranek, P. and K. A. Zahller. 2017. Community gone awry. IMA Educational Case Journal 10(1): 1-6.

Best, E. E. and W. J. Walker. 2019. Seeing both sides: Role reversal in budgetary decision-making. IMA Educational Case Journal 12(4): 1-6.

Bettinghaus, B., S. R. Goldberg and L. Kessler. 2019. A reporting dilemma: Hiring freeze headcount. IMA Educational Case Journal 12(2): 1-5.

Boldt, M. N. 2020. Sea Pines Villa: Are they ready for the big one? IMA Educational Case Journal 13(1): 1-3.

Boneck, R., A. L. Wilford and D. S. Christensen. 2022. Repairing the joint strike fighter's landing gear - A case study on the application of learning curve theory and ethics. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(3): 1-2.

Boneck, R. and D. S. Christensen. 2009. My CPA saved me millions. . . Or did he? A case study of professional ethics and the SC2 tax planning strategy. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(4): 1-4.

Borkowski, S., M. J. Welsh and K. Wentzel. 2010. Johnson & Johnson: A case study on sustainability reporting. IMA Educational Case Journal 3(2): 1-15.

Bouillon, M. L., C. Ehoff, Jr. and K. A. Smith. 2021. Allocating university administrative costs in a responsibility-centered management (RCM) model. IMA Educational Case Journal 14(2): 1-5.

Bowlin, W. 2013. Performance measurement at Great Persons, Inc.: An application of the balanced scorecard. IMA Educational Case Journal 6(1): 1-4.

Bowlin, W. F. and M. L. Andersen. 2010. City of Waterloo, Iowa: Organizing a chief financial officer function. IMA Educational Case Journal 3(4): 1-5.

Brewer, P. and F. Kennedy. 2008. Creating a lean enterprise: The case of the Lebanon Gasket Company. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(4): 1-8.

Brennan, L. L. and D. D. McIntyre. 2009. Creating incentives for change by keeping score. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(4): 1-5.

Brooks, A., G. Vesty and M. Shackell. 2020. Kilgors Wine Division: A balanced scorecard simulation. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(1): 1-5.

Brooks, A., G. Vesty and M. Taouk. 2020. Testing a strategic investment evaluation tool at Kilgors: A digital-based simulation case. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(3): 1-10.

Bruni-Bossio, V., S. Kalagnanam and D. Kalesnikoff. 2014. Prairie Addiction Society. IMA Educational Case Journal 7(1): 1-10.

Bukovinsky, D. M. 2020. Activity-based costing and the evaluation of customer profitability: A case study. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(1): 1-3.

Burney, L. and Z. Paul. 2008. Financial Services Corporation: Implementing an HR balanced scorecard. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(2): 1-10.

Calderon, T., J. W. Hesford, M. Pizzini and M. J. Turner. 2019. Lone Star Lodging. IMA Educational Case Journal 12(3): 1-12.

Canace, T. G. and P. E. Juras. 2012. Pikesville Lightening: Evaluating strategic business expansion opportunities. IMA Educational Case Journal 5(2): 1-6.

Carr, L. 2008. Delivering the Irvin promise. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(3): 1-10.

Christensen, D. S. and R. Boneck. 2013. The a-12 Stealth Bomber: Escalating commitment to a failing project. IMA Educational Case Journal 6(3): 1-7.

Clarke, P. 2010. The Pudong Coffee Shop. IMA Educational Case Journal 3(3): 1-7.

Carr, L. 2008. Nypro, Inc. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(4): 1-15.

Chua, W. 2022. TU Packaging Group: Using data analytics to assess customer profitability.  IMA Educational Case Journal 15(4): 1-5.

Cunningham, G. M. and S. Eriksen. 2008. Measuring and controlling value created in Endesa. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(1): 1-13.

D'Angelo, T. and M. Lam. 2022. Disclosure strategy: A case of ethics in financial reporting. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(1): 1-8.

D'Angelo, T. and M. Lam. 2022. Principal or agent? A case of managerial judgment in reporting revenue. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(1): 1-4.

Dexter, J. E. Jr. and J. C. Porter. 2021. NTW Co.: Recognizing and solving ethical dilemmas. IMA Educational Case Journal 14(4): 1-3.

Dzuranin, A. C. 2018. Huskie Motor Corporation: visualizing the present and predicting the future. IMA Educational Case Journal 11(2): 1-7.

Fayard, D. 2022. Activity-based costing at Hot Bricks Inc. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(4): 1-5.

Fessler, N. J. 2014. A declaration of war: A case of competition in the video game industry. IMA Educational Case Journal 7(2): 1-10.

Fessler, N. J. 2018. Texas Products, Inc. IMA Educational Case Journal 11(3): 1-3.

Fessler, N. J. 2019. A tale of IMA Educational Case Journal 12(3): 1-7.

Fessler, N. J. and C. A. Denison. 2021. Travel-Space Trailers: A budgeting experience. IMA Educational Case Journal 14(1): 1-8.

Fish, M. and D. Becker. 2016. Accounting for work-related injuries at Growth Spurt Automotive Accessories. IMA Educational Case Journal 9(1): 1-9.

Fowler, S. and S. Smith. 2023. Tibbins Pharmaceuticals: A case of the application of time-driven activity-based costing. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(3): 1-7.

Fullerton, R., S. F. Gunnell and R. C. Murray. 2013. Autoliv, Inc.: Using lean practices to improve the A/P reconciliation process. IMA Educational Case Journal 6(3): 1-5.

Gallagher, S., J. Meersman and L. Shen. 2022. To make or not to make? That is the question. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(1): 1-4.

Gonzalez, G. 2018. Fashion Design International, Inc. IMA Educational Case Journal 11(4): 1-5.

Gordon, G., D. E. Stout, S. Hartzog, M. Lusty and J. Nelson. 2012. SEWMEX: Short-term profit planning in an international setting. IMA Educational Case Journal 5(1): 1-7.

Grasso, L. 2008. Aero Gear, Inc.: Performance measurement, cost management, and product costing in a lean transition. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(3): 1-10.

Gray, D. 2017. EcoBags, Inc.: Production planning in a standard cost environment. IMA Educational Case Journal 10(4): 1-4.

Gribbin, D. and J. S. Saini. 2021. GoGreen Supercenter: Energy savings and parking lot lighting system case. IMA Educational Case Journal 14(2): 1-4.

Grove, H., T. Cook and K. Richter. 2008. Coors balanced scorecard: A decade of experience. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(1): 1-7.

Grove, H., T. Cook and L. Victoravich. 2008. Frosty Footwear, Inc.: Business valuations. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(2): 1-12.

Grove, H., T. Hillestad, L. M. Victoravich and W. Wiley. 2008. Northlake Bookstore: Benchmarking for performance evaluation. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(4): 1-8.

Hall, C. M. 2022. Lakewood Village: Estimating costs and benefits: An economic analysis of asset replacement. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(4): 1-4.

Hansen, S. and T. Albright. 2015. Hula Island - Strategic decisions involving costs and benefits of internet advertising programs. IMA Educational Case Journal 8(3): 1-5.

Hansen, S., S. Brien and M. Pizzini. 2018. Cutting commissaries: Approaches to downsizing a government program. IMA Educational Case Journal 11(2): 1-6.

Hansen, S. C. 2019. Golden State Elixirs: Should we obtain a canna-business license? IMA Educational Case Journal 12(3): 1-4.

Hansen, S. C. and R. Y. Mansouri. 2021. Re-budgeting for re-opening: Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church. IMA Educational Case Journal 14(3): 1-9.

Haroon, O. and M. Basharullah. 2023. Star Textiles cutting out the middleman. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(2): 1-6.

Harris, M. A., S. D. Smith, M. R. Swain and W. B. Tayler. 2016. Pounds of trouble: Analyzing exchange rate variances.  IMA Educational Case Journal 9(4): 1-5.

Haywood, M. E. and M. O'Reilly-Allen. 2013. From sparks to fired: Ethical and internal control violations surrounding business entertainment expenses. IMA Educational Case Journal 6(2): 1-4.

Hesford, J. W., C. R. Thomas, Jr. and M. J. Turner. 2023. Kunapipi Gardens: A case study of transfer pricing in a service industry context. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(4): 1-6.

Hopkins, L. and S. Moriarity. 2009. Luxor Cosmetics. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(2): 1-7.

Hucks, R., J. Peracha and W. C. Preston. 2021. Rideshare driving: How much am I making, anyway? IMA Educational Case Journal 14(4): 1-5.

Hurtt, D., B. Lail, M. Robinson and M. Stuebs. 2015. The Gatekeepers - A case on allocations and justifications. IMA Educational Case Journal 8(3): 1-6.

Irwin, K., D. Kerby and S. Weber. 2010. Appaloosa Day Care Center, Inc. (ACDC). IMA Educational Case Journal 3(4): 1-5.

Jonick, C. and J. Schneider. 2019. Tracking manufacturing costs on a continuous flow of identical products. IMA Educational Case Journal 12(2): 1-4.

Joseph, G. 2011. Implementing sustainability at Tata Steel. IMA Educational Case Journal 4(1): 1-10.

Joseph, G. and M. Myles. 2015. The Moulder Company - Alternative strategies for toxics use reduction. IMA Educational Case Journal 8(2): 1-9.

Kalagnanam, S., S. Mitra and M. Parikh. 2016. Jaipur Group - A management control journey. IMA Educational Case Journal 9(2): 1-7.

Kalesnikoff, D. and S. Kalagnanam. 2012. Caribbean Brewers: Transfer pricing, ethics, and governance. IMA Educational Case Journal 5(2): 1-7.

Kalesnikoff, D., V. Gruni-Bossio and S. Kalagnanam. 2015. West Coast Equestrian Association. IMA Educational Case Journal 8(3): 1-4.

Keels, J. K. and N. T. Sheehan. 2012. Jensen Pharma: A governance role-play. IMA Educational Case Journal 5(1): 1-8.

Kessler, L. and D. Danko. 2021. Ethics of shifting taxable income: Substance vs. form. IMA Educational Case Journal 14(3): 1-6.

King, G. H. and J. Saly. 2011. Sometimes accountants fail to budget. IMA Educational Case Journal 4(3): 1-5.

Klammer, T. 2009. Competing with fast fashion at Zara. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(3): 1-3.

Klassen, M. and S. Kalagnanam. 2011. Western Cabinets - Building a cabinet or building a transformation? IMA Educational Case Journal 4(4): 1-6.

Knapp, M. C. and C. A. Knapp. 2015. The Le-Natures Inc. Fraud - What happened and why. IMA Educational Case Journal 8(4): 1-6.

Kraut, M. A., J. C. Porter and A. Gray. 2016. Tough choices - Ethical decisions in whistleblowing. IMA Educational Case Journal 9(1): 1-4.

Kreuze, J. 2009. Ace Fertilizer Company: Ethical cost allocations and price determination. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(3): 1-5.

Kucic, R., J. E. Sorensen and L. M. Vitoravich. 2010. Bridgestone Behavioral Health Center: Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis for planning and control. IMA Educational Case Journal 3(4): 1-8.

Lamberton, B. 2018. First day on the job and facing an ethical dilemma. IMA Educational Case Journal 11(1): 1-2.

Lassar, W. M. and J. T. Patton. 2023. Boston Telecare: Disruption and strategy in Home Healthcare Industry. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(1): 1-10.

Lau, A. H. and C. H. Woo. 2008. Procomp Informatics: Stepping on ethical landmines in Asia. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(2): 1-14.

Lebow, M. I., V. Frucot and J. Angima. 2013. A partnership with unlimited possibilities: A case of allocation of partnership income and common costs. IMA Educational Case Journal 6(2): 1-3.

Ledgerwood, J. R., T. Curtis and A. Vilderson. 2016. An ethical dilemma: A case from the aviation industry. IMA Educational Case Journal 9(3): 1-5.

Lee, C. and U. Rackliffe. 2019. Football stadium: A diamond in the rough? IMA Educational Case Journal 12(2): 1-10.

Lovata, L. M. and S. M. Murray. 2014. KPG Grocers: Capital budgeting information elicitation case. IMA Educational Case Journal 7(1): 1-3.

MacArthur, J. and T. Barton. 2012. A Green Winter: The case of proposed Jiminy Peak Mountain Resort Wind Tribine. IMA Educational Case Journal 5(3): 1-3.

MacArthur, J. B., J. E. Michelman, B. E. Waldrup and D. M. Wallace. 2010. JEA: On the road to cost transparency. IMA Educational Case Journal 3(1): 1-13.

Machande, K. and W. D. Richardson. 2018. Daddy wants a diesel or does he? IMA Educational Case Journal 11(1): 1-2.

Mackey, J. T. and H. D. Brecht. 2010. Kenco Engineering Corporation: Strategy-driven costing and lean management. IMA Educational Case Journal 3(2): 1-10.

Maloney, S. 2015. Forge Group Ltd case study (A) - The revealing nature of numbers. IMA Educational Case Journal 8(1): 1-9.

Maloney, S. 2015. Forge Group Ltd case study (B) - Director duties, management compensation and ownership, risk, and ethics. IMA Educational Case Journal 8(1): 1-5.

Matherly, M. and C. Cockrell. 2020. Carmine's Sacramento Wine Tasting. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(3): 1-3.

McDonald, R. 2011. Don't leave your hand in the cookie jar. IMA Educational Case Journal 4(4): 1-4.

McGowan, M. 2020. Internal Medicine Associates: Decision analysis in an evolving healthcare environment. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(3): 1-6.

McGregor, S. 2014. Product costs: Application in an insurance company. IMA Educational Case Journal 7(3): 1-17.

McGregor, S. 2016. Costs for decision making: An instructional case of relevant costs and differential analysis of cost reduction alternatives. IMA Educational Case Journal 9(3): 1-10.

McGregor, S. and M. Simerly. 2019. The JAV Insurance Group: A case comparing financial statement measurement and long-term economic benefits. IMA Educational Case Journal 12(4): 1-8.

McKnight, C. A. and S. F. Watson. 2021. Ethical awareness and professional responsibility: A case of funding police over puppies. IMA Educational Case Journal 14(4): 1-3.

McNellis, C. J. and N. Gervasini. 2021. Sales incentives at Daisy Mae: Balancing customer service, investor expectations, and reporting considerations. IMA Educational Case Journal 14(4): 1-4.

McNellis, C. J. and R. F. Premuroso. 2014. Dynamic Medical Solutions: Expanding the application of cost management principles to channel and customer profitability analysis. IMA Educational Case Journal 7(2): 1-6.

Medders, L. and K. A. Zahller. 2023. How good is good enough? Water quality vs. affordability. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(4): 1-4.

Medders, L. and K. A. Zahller. 2023. Water capacity for the future - To repair or innovate. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(3): 1-4.

Mei, D., Y. Lu, Z. Wang and Z. Liu. 2023. The failure of Luckin Coffee: The ethics of financial fraud. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(2): 1-6.

Messer, R. 2015. Out of control - Lax procedures at National Capital Trust. IMA Educational Case Journal 8(2): 1-7.

Miller, T. C., S. A. Peffer, M. T. Sooy and D. N. Stone. 2014. The IMA Educational Case Journal: A retrospective of the first five years (2008-2012). IMA Educational Case Journal 7(1): 1-17.

Mills, J. R. and J. Wong. 2009. TallTree 2 Hotel Casino. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(1): 1-9.

Moriarity, S. and A. Slessor. 2013. Bastion Finance. IMA Educational Case Journal 6(1): 1-10.

Moriarity, S. and A. Slessor. 2013. Patterson Manufacturing. IMA Educational Case Journal 6(4): 1-3.

Moriarity, S., L. Hopkins and A. Slessor. 2011. TransGlobal Airlines. IMA Educational Case Journal 4(3): 1-7.

Morris, B. W., V. F. Kleist and R. B. Dull. 2013. Considering information system acceptable use policies and ethical issues. IMA Educational Case Journal 6(3): 1-5.

Mulligan, P. and A. J. Nanni, Jr. 2011. Dräger Medical Systems, Inc.: Technology for life. IMA Educational Case Journal 4(1): 1-10.

Mulligan, P., A. Nanni Jr. and S. Ansari. 2008. Hammond Cards, Inc: The creative acquisition. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(1): 1-10.

Nanni, A. J. Jr. 2019. FND: The Hill Channel partner decision. MA Educational Case Journal 12(4): 1-5.

Nanni, A. J. Jr., D. Pachamanova and J. Shanks. 2010. Even’ Star Organic Farm. IMA Educational Case Journal 3(3): 1-4.

Nguyen, H. and G. Spraakman. 2011. Impcorp Foods. IMA Educational Case Journal 4(3): 1-5.

Osland, A. 2008. Kiva. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(3): 1-8.

Otero, K., D. Kerby and K. Harrison. 2016. The student housing decision. IMA Educational Case Journal 9(3): 1-3.

Peacock, E. and P. Juras. 2010. Alternative Costing Methods: Precision Paint Shop’s dilemma. IMA Educational Case Journal 3(3): 1-6.

Perkins, D. and T. K. Tippens. 2021. Corporate policy toward vendor payments: Ethical considerations and unintended consequences. IMA Educational Case Journal 14(3): 1-5.

Phipps, T. 2020. A cash cow? IMA Educational Case Journal 13(4): 1-4.

Porporato, M. and N. Waweru. 2008. Calzados Pezutti Sociedad Anónima (CalPe SA). IMA Educational Case Journal 1(2): 1-8.

Porporato, M. and N. Waweru. 2010. Argento Dairy Farm. IMA Educational Case Journal 3(1): 1-9.

Porter, J. and D. Woolley. 2012. The BBDE Health Center: A case study of business ethics. IMA Educational Case Journal 5(3): 1-3.

Porter, J. C. and T. Stephenson. 2009. Buns Bakery: Creating and using a master budget. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(2): 1-7.

Pryor, C. R., S. S. Gray and A. Ford. 2023. Mother Earth Mulch: Analyzing the impact of cost allocation on cost center performance. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(3): 1-4.

Raiborn, C., J. B. Butler, N. H. Cannon and R. F. Young. 2015. Trust may breed trouble - Fraud opportunities and ethics at Saintly Church. IMA Educational Case Journal 8(4): 1-5.

Rankin, R. 2018. Higher degrees of an ethical dilemma. IMA Educational Case Journal 11(4): 1-4.

Rankin, R. and M. Stuebs. 2017. The chicken or the egg: Hatching a new and innovative product. IMA Educational Case Journal 10(2):. 1-6.

Rankin, R. and T. Driskill. 2020. Troubled Waters: An outsourced ethical dilemma. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(2): 1-4.

Ratliff-Miller, P. 2010. Haworth, Inc.: Building for the triple bottom line. IMA Educational Case Journal 3(1): 1-4.

Ratliff-Miller, P. A. 2018. Chandler Corp: Choosing the right costing method to evaluate new products. IMA Educational Case Journal 11(3): 1-6.

Rockness, H. O., J. W. Rockness, C. L. Earney and S. J. Ankrum. 2011. Jane Ashby Sinclair Art Museum. IMA Educational Case Journal 4(2): 1-10.

Rolling, T. 2021. Small business and trust; A payroll embezzlement case. IMA Educational Case Journal 14(3): 1-5.

Sankara, J. and D. L. Lindberg. 2014. Diamond Foods, Inc. IMA Educational Case Journal 7(4): 1-5.

Sanseverino, A. and M. Michel. 2023. Bribery risk at Kundera Healthcare Supplies: An ethical dilemma. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(4): 1-2.

Searcy, D. L. and T. M. Lorass. 2009. Agile Machinery Group, Inc. - Rental operations analysis. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(2): 1-5.

Sergeant, A. 2017. Consolidated Western Wear Retailers: Regression analysis to understand cost drivers in a purchasing department. IMA Educational Case Journal 10(4): 1-3.

Sergeant, A. and P. Ratliff-Miller. 2012. Alliance Healthcare Network: Using a balanced scorecard to motivate change. IMA Educational Case Journal 5(3): 1-6.

Sheehan, N. T. 2009. Turnaround and down with Richard Brown: EDS 1999-2003. IMA Educational Case Journal 2(3): 1-12.

Sheehan, N. T. and G. P. Kobussen. 2020. Using the balanced scorecard to assess and enhance Magna PC's performance. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(2): 1-2.

Sheehan, N. T. and G. Vaidyanathanl. 2013. SuperHeroes LLp: A super management control case. IMA Educational Case Journal 6(4): 1-7.

Siagian, F. and S. Johnson. 2022. ATS Sports: Analysis of managers' bonuses. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(2): 1-9.

Siriwardane, H., K. Meyers and D. Siriwardane. 2023. Society Savings Bank: Small enough to indict. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(4): 1-7.

Siriwardane, H. P. and K. De Meyst. 2021. Duralock: Budgeting for decision-making. IMA Educational Case Journal 14(1): 1-3.

Siriwardane, H. P., S. Ramamoorti and M. I. Grilliot. 2021. Budgeting at MHL Company: More heat than light shed at performance review meetings. IMA Educational Case Journal 14(1): 1-6.

Slapnicar, S. and R. King. 2021. Funds transfer pricing and segment profitability - The case of Adriatic Bank. IMA Educational Case Journal 14(2): 1-8.

Smith, D. L., J. D. Byrd Jr. and M. M. Helms. 2020. Dalton Convention Center: A beacon or white elephant? IMA Educational Case Journal 13(2): 1-7.

Smith, S. H. 2017. Northern State University: A balanced scorecard strategy map. IMA Educational Case Journal 10(1): 1-11.

Snyder, H., J. Clifton and W. Bowlin. 2012. Alchemy - An internal auditing case. IMA Educational Case Journal 5(4): 1-3.

Snyder, H. W. and N. Emerson. 2017. Midland Dairy Products: An ethics case. IMA Educational Case Journal 10(2): 1-5.

Stephenson, T. and J. Porter. 2019. Denim Products Incorporated: Creating and using a master budget. IMA Educational Case Journal 12(1): 1-6.

Stearns, J., M. Fore and S. Feltus. 2022. Dilemma at ground zero: Strategic performance measurement, internal controls, and professional ethics. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(3): 1-8.

Stout, D. E., R. J. Shaffer and J. T. Schwartz. 2015. XYZ Company: An integrated capital budgeting instructional case. IMA Educational Case Journal 8(1): 1-7.

Stuebs, M., C. Edison and K. Hurt. 2014. Sunk costs: What costs do you sea? IMA Educational Case Journal 7(3): 1-7.

Swain, M., S. Smith and B. Tayler. 2017. Williams & Jacobs, LLC - A deposition on business. IMA Educational Case Journal 10(2): 1-6.

Tarasovich, B. and B. Lyons. 2017. Repackaging a global brand: A case study analyzing the capital expenditure decision. IMA Educational Case Journal 10(4): 1-4.

Tarasovich, B., L. Hughen and B. Lyons. 2020. NuPetCo: A "tail" of two leases. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(2): 1-5.

Tarasovich, B. E. 2012. Unilever: The financial implications of outsourcing IT services in a global organization. IMA Educational Case Journal 5(4): 1-9.

Taylor, A. 2008. Trim Inc. IMA Educational Case Journal 1(1): 1-5.

Tietz, R., W. Tietz and L. Zucca. 2016. Lack of internal controls: Beaumont Independent School District. IMA Educational Case Journal 9(4): 1-7.

Tietz, W., I. Laksmana and J. Rose. 2018. Snowie's Shaved Ice Business: Planning and decision making. IMA Educational Case Journal 11(3): 1-2.

Twardus, I. J. 2023. LawnBots: Cost-volume-profit and cost behavior in the crowdfunding environment. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(2): 1-6.

Venkatesh, R., A. Fredin and J. Riley. 2019. A Votre Sante (B): Process costing and decision analysis in the wine industry. IMA Educational Case Journal 12(2): 1-3.

Venkatesh, R., A. Fredin and J. Riley. 2019. Pikesville Lightning (B): Evaluating new initiatives via strategy mapping and the balanced scorecard. IMA Educational Case Journal 12(1): 1-5.

Vollmers, G. and W. Coons. 2012. Budgeting for an academic department at a state university: Can you believe the numbers? IMA Educational Case Journal 5(1): 1-6.

Weiss, S. F. 2020. Fair and square? Ethical dilemmas at Baxley Box Company. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(4): 1-6.

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