Management And Accounting Web

Japanese Management Bibliography

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

Japanese Management Main Page | JIT Main Page

Abernathy, W. J., K. B. Clark and A. M. Kantrow. 1981. The new industrial competition. Harvard Business Review (September-October): 68-81. (These authors discuss how Japanese and European competition has affected U.S. manufacturers in automobiles, machine tools, minicomputers, commercial aircraft, textile machinery, and color TV sets. Using autos as an example they attribute Japanese success to superiority in manufacturing processes and work force management).

Abramovitch, I. 1994. Beyond kaizen. Success (January/February): 85-88.

Adler, R. W. and T. Hiromoto. 2012. Amoeba management: Lessons from Japan's Kyocera. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 83-89.

Ahmadjian, C. L. and P. Robinson. 2001. Safety in numbers: Downsizing and the deinstitutionalization of permanent employment in Japan. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(4): 622-654.

Akao, Y. 1991. Hoshin Kanri: Policy Deployment for Successful TQM. Productivity Press.

Amano, Y. 2020. Real effects of intangibles capitalization - Empirical evidence from voluntary IFRS adoption in Japan. Journal of International Accounting Research 19(3): 19-36.

Amar, A. D. 1984. Japanese production management - Just-in-time and total quality control: Review and critique. Mid-Atlantic Journal of Business (Summer): 55-59.

Aoki, K. and T. T. Lennerfors. 2013. The new improved keiretsu. Harvard Business Review (September): 109-113.

Arnold, W. J. 1961. Japanese management rates itself - An experiment in appraising "business efficiencies". The Journal of the Academy of Management 4(2): 144-148.

Asada, T. J. C. Bailes and K. Suzuki. 2000. Implementing ABM with Hoshin management. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 6-11. Note: Hoshin management is a Japanese concept.

Auyeung, P. K. 2002. A comparative study of accounting adaptation: China and Japan during the nineteenth century. The Accounting Historians Journal 29(2): 1-30.

Bandyopadhyay, J. K. 1993. Poka yokay systems to ensure zero defect quality manufacturing. International Journal of Management 10 (1): 29-33.

Barton, M. F., S. P. Agrawal and Lynn Rockwell. 1988. Meeting the challenge of Japanese Management concepts. Management Accounting (September): 49-53.

Benedict, R. 1946. The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Company Inc.

Bensaou, M. and M. Earl. 1998. The right mind-set for managing information technology. Harvard Business Review (September-October): 119-128. (Compares the western approach with how Japanese companies manage information technology). (Summary).

Bergevin, P. M. 1993. The stockholders' equity section of a Japanese company: The Minolta Camera Company case. Journal of Accounting Education 11(2): 301-311.

Birnbaum, P. H. 1987. Review: The Behavioral Science of Leadership: An Interdisciplinary Japanese Research Program, by J. Misumi. Administrative Science Quarterly 32(3): 455-456.

Black, J. S. and A. J. Morrison. 2010. A cautionary tale for emerging market giants: How leadership failures in corporate Japan knocked its companies off the world stage. Harvard Business Review (September): 99-103.

Bloom, R. and J. Solotko. 2003. The foundation of Confucianism in Chinese and Japanese accounting. Accounting, Business & Financial History 13(1): 27-40.

Brett, J. M. and T. Okumura. 1998. Inter- and intracultural negotiation: U.S. and Japanese negotiators. The Academy of Management Journal 41(5): 495-510.

Brinker, B. J. 1990. ABCs, thanks, and Japanese baseball. Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 3.

Brown, T. 2008. Design thinking. Harvard Business Review (June): 84-92.

Burnaby, P. and M. Nakashima. 2018. Toshiba Corporation - How could so much be wrong? Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(2): 267-280.

Chalice, R. 2005. Stop Rising Healthcare Costs Using Toyota Lean Production Methods: 38 Steps for Improvement. ASQ Quality Press.

Chang, S. J. 1995. International expansion strategy of Japanese firms: Capability building through sequential entry. The Academy of Management Journal 38(2): 383-407.

Charitou, A. 2000. The impact of losses and cash flows on dividends: Evidence for Japan. Abacus 36(2): 198-225.

Chase, R. B. and D. M. Stewart. 1994. Make your service fail-safe. Sloan Management Review (Spring): 35-44.

Chew, D. H. 1997. Studies in International Corporate Finance and Governance Systems: A Comparison of the U.S., Japan, and Europe. Oxford University Press.

Chow, C. W., Y. Kato and K. A. Merchant. 1996. The use of organizational controls and their effects on data manipulation and management myopia: A Japan vs. U.S. comparison. Accounting, Organizations and Society 21(2-3): 175-192. (Summary).

Christopher, R. C. 1987. Second to None. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Company Inc.

Chrysler, M. 1988. Japan's 'shame' society. Tokyo Journal (August).

Clinton, B. D. and S. C. Del Vecchio. 2002. Cosourcing in manufacturing. Journal of Cost Management (September/October): 5-12. (Summary). (This paper includes a discussion of Japanese keiretsu networks and compares them to other supplier arrangements).

Cole, R. E. 1981. The Japanese lessons in quality. Technology Review (July).

Cole, R. E. 1983. Improving product quality through continuous feedback. Management Review (October).

Cole, R. E. 1980. Learning from the Japanese: Prospects and pitfalls. Management Review (September).

Cole, R. E. 1985. Target information for competitive performance. Harvard Business Review (May-June): 100-109.

Cole, R. E. 2011. What really happened to Toyota? MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 29-35.

Cole, R. E. and P. Byosiere. 1986. Managerial objectives for introducing quality circles: A U.S.-Japan comparison. Quality Progress (March).

Cooke, T., T. Omura and R. Willett. 2009. Consistency, value relevance and sufficiency of book for market values in five Japanese conglomerates over the period 1950-2004. Abacus 45(1): 88-123.

Cooke, T. E. 1993. The impact of accounting principles on profits: The US versus Japan. Accounting and Business Research (Autumn): 460-476. (Summary).

Cooper, R. 1994. Peter Drucker on Japan. Management Accounting (November): 27-33.

Cooper, R. 1996. Costing techniques to support corporate strategy: Evidence from Japan. Management Accounting Research (June): 219-246.

Cooper, R. and C. A. Raiborn. 1995. Finding the missing pieces in Japanese cost management systems. Advances in Management Accounting (4): 87-102. (Summary).

Corsetti, G., P. Pesenti and N. Roubini. 1999. What caused the Asian currency crisis? Japan and the World Economy (11): 305-373.

Courtis, J. K. 1997. Accounting History: The contribution of Osamu Kojima. The Accounting Historians Journal 24(1): 165-181. ("One cannot readily conceive of a painter or sculptor who would not have studied the history of art, or of a composer who would not have a knowledge of the history of music. This is an integral part of their studies and is included in their curricula. Such is not the case with accounting . . . While many sciences have their history, that of accounting remains to be written. It is strange that the accountant follows the guidelines without the desire to give credit or honor to those who developed them." (Sir Ernst Stevelinck, 2nd World Congress of Accounting Historians, 1976). Quoted in Courtis above.).

Crawford, R. J. 1998. Reinterpreting the Japanese economic miracle. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 179-184. (Summary).

Gulati, R., C. Casto and C. Krontiris. 2014. How the other Fukushima plant survived. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 111-115.

Cusumano. M. A. 1991. Japan's Software Factories: A Challenge to U. S. Management. New York: Oxford University Press.

Daniel, S. J., and W. D. Reitsperger. 1991. Management control systems for JIT: Empirical comparison of Japan and the U.S. Journal of International Studies (Fourth Quarter): 603-617.

Daniel, S. J. and W. D. Reitsperger. 1991. Linking quality strategy with management control systems: Empirical evidence from Japanese industry. Accounting, Organizations and Society 16(7): 601-618.

Daniel, S. J., and W. D. Reitsperger. 1992. Management control systems for quality: An empirical comparison of the U.S. and Japanese electronic industries. Journal of Management Accounting Research (Fall): 64-78.

Daniel, S. J., W. D. Reitsperger and T. Gregson. 1995. Quality consciousness in Japanese and U.S. electronics manufacturers: An examination of the impact of quality strategy and management control systems on perceptions of the importance of quality to expected management rewards. Management Accounting Research (December): 367-382.

Daoping, H. and L. Guan. 2012. Convertible debt issuance and earning management: Evidence from Japanese issuers. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 4(2): 264-291.

Davies, S. 2009. Evolution of the Toyota production system. Engineering & Technology (May 20). (According to Davies, Mitsubishi learned how to use takt time from the Germans. Toyota combined the concepts of flow production, pull systems, level production, and takt time to form the basis for just-in-time. Takt time limits production to avoid either over or under production).

Dekker, H. C., T. Kawai and J. Sakaguchi. 2019. The interfirm contracting value of management accounting information. Journal of Management Accounting Research 31(2): 59-74.

Delios, A. and W. J. Henisz. 2000. Japanese firms' investment strategies in emerging economies. The Academy of Management Journal 43(3): 305-323.

Dillon, L. 1990. Can Japanese methods be applied in the western workplace? Quality Progress (October): 27-30. (Summary).

Dodd, J., S. Richmond, T. Taku and D. Waddell. 2001. The Rough Guide to Japan, 2nd ed. Rough Guides Limited.

Dugar, A. and M. R. Gujarathi. 2018. Toshiba's creative accounting for construction contracts. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 117-134.

Dutta, S. K. and R. Lawson. 2018. Accounting fraud at Japanese Companies. Strategic Finance (November): 40-47.

Dyer, J. H. 1996. How Chrysler created an American keiretsu. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 42-43, 46-47, 50-56. (Summary).

Dyer, J. H. and K. Nobeoka. 2000. Creating and managing a high-performance knowledge-sharing network: The Toyota case. Strategic Management Journal (21): 345-367.

Elsbree, W. H. 1970. Japan's Role in Southeast Asian Nationalist Movements, 1940 to 1945. Russell & Russell.

Eng, L. L., L. Sun and T. Vichitsarawong. 2013. The valuation properties of earnings and book values reported under IAS, domestic GAAP and U.S. GAAP: Evidence from China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea and Singapore. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 29(2): 278-285.

England, G. W. and R. Lee. 1971. Organizational goals and expected behavior among American, Japanese and Korean managers - A comparative study. The Academy of Management Journal 14(4): 425-438.

Ezrati, M. 2000. Kawari: How Japan's Economic and Cultural Transformation Will Alter the Balance of Power Among Nations. Perseus Books.

Ezrati, M., H. Takeuchi and P. F. Drucker. 2002. The United States and Japan. Council of Foreign Relations Press.

Fields, G. 1983. From Bonsai to Levi's. New York: Mentor.

Finch, B. 1986. Japanese management techniques in small manufacturing companies: A strategy for implementation. Production and Inventory Management (3rd Quarter): 30-38.

Fingleton, E. 1995. Surviving as the fittest: Reports of Japan's demise have been greatly exaggerated. Worldbusiness (January): 20. (This is a point counterpoint column. See the article below Terry, E. 1995. Sayonara to all that: Japan's days as an economic superpower are numbered. Fingleton argues that there are hundreds of facts to prove that Japan's economy is alive and well.)

Friedman, T. L. 2000. The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization. Anchor Books.

Froomkin, J. N. 1964. Management and organization in Japanese industry. The Academy of Management Journal 7(1): 71-76.

Fucini, J. J. and S. Fucini. 1990. Working for the Japanese: Inside Mazda's Auto Plant. The Free Press.

Fujiyama, K. and M. Kuroki. 2020. Strategic management forecasts and accounting choices: A case of employee downsizing in Japan. Journal of International Accounting Research 19(3): 91-109.

Galsworth, G. D. and G. D. Galsworth. 1997. Visual Systems. American Management Association.

Garvin, D. A. 1983. Quality on the line: Hard new evidence on American product quality underscores the task ahead for management. Harvard Business Review (September-October): 64-75. (Compares U.S. and Japanese quality. Japanese companies' average assembly-line defect rate was almost 70 times lower and their average first-year service call rates nearly 17 times better).

Garvin, D. A. 1986. Quality problems, policies, and attitudes in the United States and Japan: An exploratory study. The Academy of Management Journal 29(4): 653-673.

Gedajlovic, E. and D. M. Shapiro. 2002. Ownership structure and firm profitability in Japan. The Academy of Management Journal 45(3): 565-575.

Gerlach, M. L. 1992. Alliance Capitalism: The Social Organization of Japanese Business. University of California Press.

Gerlach, M. L. 1992. The Japanese corporate network: A blockmodel analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(1): 105-139. (Corporate group membership or keiretsu).

Gramlich, J. D., P. Limpaphayom and S. G. Rhee. 2004. Taxes, keiretsu affiliation, and income shifting. Journal of Accounting and Economics (June): 203-228.

Grout, J. R. 1997. Mistake-proofing production. Production and Inventory Management Journal 38(3):33-37.

Grout, J. R. 1998. Mistake-proofing: Process improvement through innovative inspection techniques. The Quality Yearbook, 1998 Edition: 405-414.

Grout, J. R. and B. T. Downs. 1998. Fail-safing and measurement control charts. Quality Management Journal 5(2): 67-75.

Guo, J., P. Huang, Y. Zhang and N. Zhou. 2015. Foreign ownership and real earnings management: Evidence from Japan. Journal of International Accounting Research 14(2): 185-213.

Hammond, T. and A. Preston. 1992. Culture, gender and corporate control: Japan as "other". Accounting, Organizations and Society 17(8): 795-808.

Hane, M. 1996. Eastern Phoenix: Japan Since 1945. Westview Press: A Division of HarperCollins Publishers.

Hayashi, K. 1978. Corporate planning practices in Japanese multinationals. The Academy of Management Journal 21(2): 211-226.

Hayes, R. H. 1981. Why Japanese factories work. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 57-66. (Summary).

Hayes, R. H. and W. J. Abernathy. 1980. Managing our way to economic decline. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 67-77.

Hayes, R. H. and W. J. Abernathy. 2007. Managing our way to economic decline. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 138-149. (This is a reprint of the their 1980 article above with a retrospect by Hayes on page 141). (Summary).

Henisz, W. J. and A. Delios. 2001. Uncertainty, imitation, and plant location: Japanese multinational corporations, 1990-1996. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(3): 443-475.

Henshall, K. G. 2001. A History of Japan: From Stone Age to Superpower. Palgrave MacMillan.

Herrmann, D., T. Inoue and W. B. Thomas. 2002. The effects of investor informativeness and earnings persistence on the Japanese subsidiary earnings anomaly. Journal of International Accounting Research (1): 45-59.

Herrmann, D., T. Inoue and W. B. Thomas. 2003. The sale of assets to manage earnings in Japan. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 89-108.

Hiromoto, T. 1988. Another hidden edge: Japanese management accounting. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 22-25. (Summary).

Hiromoto, T. 1991. Restoring the relevance of management accounting. Journal of Management Accounting Research (3): 1-15. (Summary).

Hofstede, G. 1987. The cultural context of accounting. In Accounting and Culture: Plenary Session Papers and Discussants' Comments from the 1986 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, edited by B. E. Cushing. American Accounting Association: 1-11. (Summary).

Hopkins, R. P. 1974. Japanese business practices. Management Accounting (July): 52-53, 56.

Howell, R. A. and Sakurai. 1992. Management accounting (and other) lessons from the Japanese. Management Accounting (December): 28-34. (Summary).

Hundley, G., C. K. Jacobson and S. H. Park. 1996. Effects of profitability and liquidity on R&D intensity: Japanese and U.S. companies compared. The Academy of Management Journal 39(6): 1659-1674.

Hutchinson, R. and K. Liao. 2009. Zen accounting: How Japanese management accounting practice supports lean management. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 27-35.

Ichii, S., S. Hattori and D. Michael. 2012. How to win in emerging markets: Lessons from Japan. Harvard Business Review (May): 126-130.

Ikegawa, C. and N. Michels-Kim. 2019. Lessons from CFO teams in Japan. Strategic Finance (November): 22-29.

Imai, M. 1986. Kaizen: The Key To Japan's Competitive Success. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. (Summary).

Imai, M. 1997. Gemba Kaizen: A Commonsense, Low-Cost Approach to Management. McGraw Hill Professional Publishing.

Isobe, T., S. Makino, D. B. Montgomery. 2000. Resource commitment, entry timing, and market performance of foreign direct investments in emerging economies: The case of Japanese international joint ventures in China. The Academy of Management Journal 43(3): 468-484.

Ito, Y. 1995. Strategic goals of quality costing in Japanese companies. Management Accounting Research (December): 383-397.

Ittner, C. D. and D. F. Larcker. 1997. Quality strategy, strategic control systems, and organizational performance. Accounting, Organizations and Society 22(3-4): 293-314. (Includes results for firms in the U.S., Canada, Germany, and Japan). (Note).

Jackson, T. and J. A. Field. 2023. Toyota's last secret? Radical decentralization, target costing, and Japanese management accounting has supercharged Toyota's development and production operations. Cost Management (January/February): 6-21.

Jacobson, R. and D. Aaker. 1993. Myopic management behavior with efficient, but imperfect, financial markets: A comparison of information asymmetries in the U.S. and Japan. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October): 383-405.

Johnson, H. T. 2006. Lean accounting: To become lean, shed accounting. Cost Management (January/February): 6-17. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. 2006. Sustainability and "Lean Operations". Cost Management (March/April): 40-45. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. 2010. How Toyota ran off the road - and how it can get back on track. Leverage Points Blog. Pegasus Communications (February 9).

Johnson, H. T. 2010. Toyota's current crisis: The price of focusing on growth not quality. The Systems Thinker (February): 2-6.

Johnson, H. T. and A. Broms. 2000. Profit Beyond Measure: Extraordinary Results through Attention to Work and People. New York: The Free Press. (Summary).

Jones, T. C., W. L. Currie and D. Dugdale. 1993. Accounting and technology in Britain and Japan: Learning from field research. Management Accounting Research (June): 109-137.

Joya, M. 1985. Things Japanese. Tokyo: The Japanese Times.

Juran, J. M. 1978. Japanese and western quality: A contrast. Quality Progress (December): 10-18.

Juran, J. M. 1978. Japanese and western quality: A contrast in methods and results. Management Review (November): 27-28, 39-45.

Kapanowski, G. 2016. Lean fundamentals for accountants. Cost Management (January/February): 5-14. Kapanowski provides a good summary of lean concepts. There is a section in the paper about the Toyota production system including 14 principles of lean as described by Liker in The Toyota Way. (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. 1983. Measuring manufacturing performance: A new challenge for managerial accounting research. The Accounting Review (October): 686-705. (Summary).

Kato, I. and A. Smalley. 2010. Toyota Kaizen methods: Six Steps to Improvement. Productivity Press.

Kato, K., D. J. Skinner and M. Kunimura. 2009. Management forecasts in Japan: An empirical study of forecasts that are effectively mandated. The Accounting Review (September): 1575-1606.

Kato, Y. 1993. Target costing support systems: Lessons from leading Japanese companies. Management Accounting Research (March): 33-47.

Katz, D. M. 2011. All in the timing: Recent catastrophes in Japan are spurring a reevaluation of just-in-time manufacturing. CFO (June): 33-35. (Lean inventories are vulnerable when a crisis hits).

Kawashima, S. and F. Takeda. 2013. Market reactions to the reform of shareholder derivative litigation in Japan. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 5(2): 200-223.

Kelley, L. and C. Reeser. 1973. The persistence of culture as a determinant of differentiated attitudes on the part of American managers of Japanese ancestry. The Academy of Management Journal 16(1): 67-76.

Kennedy, M. N. 2003. Product Development for the Lean Enterprise: Why Toyota's System Is Four Times More Productive and How You Can Implement It. Oaklea Press.

Kester, W. C. and T. A. Luehrman. 1992. The myth of Japan's low-cost capital. Harvard Business Review (May-June): 130-138.

Keys, D. E. 1991. Five critical barriers to successful implementation of JIT and total quality control. Industrial Engineering (January): 22-24.

Kharbanda, O. P. 1992. Japan's lessons for the west. CMA Magazine (February): 26-29.

Kharbanda, O. P. and E. A. Stallworthy. 1991. Let's learn from Japan. Management Accounting U.K. (March): 26-33.

Kim, I. and J. Song. 1990. U.S., Korea, & Japan: Accounting practices in three countries. Management Accounting (August): 26-30.

Kim, K. I., H. Park and N. Suzuki. 1990. Reward allocations in the United States, Japan, and Korea: A comparison of individualistic and collectivistic cultures. The Academy of Management Journal 33(1): 188-198.

Kim, Y. 2015. Discussion of Foreign ownership and real earnings management: Evidence from Japan. Journal of International Accounting Research 14(2): 215-219.

King, A. M. 2018. Book review: Lessons in value creation. Strategic Finance (November): 11. (Review of Yanagi, R. Corporate Governance and Value Creation in Japan).

Koga, Y. and S. M. Saudagaran. 2022. Operating leases and credit assessments: The role of main banks in Japan. Journal of International Accounting Research 21(2): 101-123.

Konishi, T., H. N. Pontell and G. Geis. 2007. Forensic accounting in Japan. Journal of Forensic Accounting 8(1-2): 141-154.

Krafcik, J. F. 1988. Triumph of the lean production system. Sloan Management Review. (Fall): 41-52.

Kusano, M. and Y. Sakuma. 2020. Recognition versus disclosure and audit fees and costs: Evidence from pension accounting in Japan. Journal of International Accounting Research 19(3): 133-160.

Lee, J. Y., R. Jacob and M. Ulinski. 1994. Activity-based costing and Japanese cost management techniques: A comparison. Advances In Management Accounting (3): 179-196. (Summary).

Lee, P. M. and H. M. O'Neill. 2003. Ownership structures and R&D investments of U.S. and Japanese firms: Agency and stewardship perspectives. The Academy of Management Journal 46(2): 212-225.

Li, P., G. Tang, H. Okano and C. Gao. 2013. The characteristics and dynamics of management control in IJVs: Evidence from a Sino-Japanese case. Management Accounting Research (September): 246-260.

Lieberman, M. B. and R. Dhawan. 2005. Assessing the resource base of Japanese and U.S. auto producers: A stochastic frontier production function approach. Management Science (July): 1060-1075.

Liker, J. 2003. The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles From The World's Greatest Manufacturer. McGraw-Hill. (Briefly: 1. Base decisions on a long-term strategy, 2. Create a continuous process flow, 3. Use pull systems, 4. Level the work load to minimize waste, 5. Stop the line to fix problems, 6. Standardize processes and tasks, 7. Use visual controls, 8. Use reliable thoroughly tested technology, 9. Develop leaders, 10. Develop teams, 11. Respect partners and suppliers, 12. Use go-and-see for yourself management, 13. Use consensus decisions, 14. Become a learning organization through continuous improvement).

Liker, J. and D. Meier. 2005. The Toyota Way Fieldbook. McGraw-Hill.

Liker, J. K. 1999. Remade in America: Transplanting and Transforming Japanese Management Systems (Japan Business and Economics Series). Oxford University Press.

Liker, J. K. and J. Franz. 2011. The Toyota Way to Continuous Improvement: Linking Strategy and Operational Excellence to Achieve Superior Performance. McGraw-Hill.

Lincoln, J. R., M. Hanada and J. Olson 1981. Cultural orientations and individual reactions to organizations: A study of employees of Japanese-owned firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(1): 93-115.

Lincoln, J. R., M. Hanada and K. McBride. 1986. Organizational structures in Japanese and U.S. manufacturing. Administrative Science Quarterly 31(3): 338-364.

Lincoln, J. R., M. L. Gerlach and C. L. Ahmadjian. 1996. Keiretsu networks and corporate performance in Japan. American Sociological Review (61): 67-88.

Louis, M. R. and J. M. Bartunek. 1992. Insider/outsider research teams: Collaboration across diverse perspectives. Journal of Management Inquiry (June): 101-110.

Lowe, H. D. 1990. Shortcomings of Japanese consolidated financial statements. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-9.

Luthans, F., H. S. McCaul and N. G. Dodd. 1985. Organizational commitment: A comparison of American, Japanese, and Korean employees. The Academy of Management Journal 28(1): 213-219.

Majima, I. 1992. The Shift to JIT: How People Make the Difference. Productivity Press. Originally published in 1988 as JIT Kakumei by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd. Tokyo.

Mande, V. and W. Kwak. 1996. Do Japanese analysts overreact or underreact to earnings announcements? Abacus 32(1): 81-101.

Marsh, R. M. and H. Mannari. 1981. Technology and size as determinants of the organizational structure of Japanese factories. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(1): 33-57.

Martin, J. R. Not dated. Profit Beyond Measure graphics and notes. Management And Accounting Web. JohnsonBromsGraphicsNotes

Martin, J. R., W. K. Schelb, R. C. Snyder, and J. C. Sparling. 1992. Comparing the practices of U.S. and Japanese companies: The implications for management accounting. Journal of Cost Management (Spring): 6-14. (Summary).

Martin, J. R., W. K. Schelb, R. C. Snyder, and J. C. Sparling. 1993. Chapter F2: Comparing the practices of U.S. and Japanese companies: Implications for management accounting: F2-1-F2-9. Emerging Practices in Cost Management, 1993 Edition. Warren Gorham Lamont. (Reprint of our 1992 article above).

Matsuda, H. 1976. Introduction of standard cost accounting in Japan. Management Accounting (January): 25-27.

McKinnon, J. L. 1984. Application of Anglo-American principles of consolidation to corporate financial disclosure in Japan. Abacus 20(1): 16-33.

McMann, P. J. and A. J. Nanni Jr. 1995. Means versus ends: A review of the literature on Japanese management accounting. Management Accounting Research (December): 313-346.

McQuade, L. 2017. Gemba in the workplace. Cost Management (January/February): 22-27.

Methé, D. T. 1987. Review: Strategic vs. Evolutionary Management: A U.S.-Japan Comparison of Strategy and Organization, by T. Kagono, I. Nonaka, K. Sakakibara, A. Okumura, S. Sakamoto and J. K. Johansson. Administrative Science Quarterly 32(3): 450-452.

Mikitani, H. and R. Mikitani. 2014. The Power to Compete: An Economist and an Entrepreneur on Revitalizing Japan in the Global Economy. Wiley.

Misumi, J. and M. F. Peterson. 1985. The performance-maintenance (PM) theory of leadership: Review of a Japanese research program. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(2): 198-223.

Mitsuhashi, H. 2014. Book review: Hedge Fund Activism in Japan: The Limits of Shareholder Primacy by J. Buchanan, D. H. Chai, S. Deakin. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(2): 366-369.

Mizashita, K. and D. W. Russell. 1995. Keiretsu: Inside the Hidden Japanese Conglomerates. McGraw-Hill.

Monden, Y. 1981. What makes the Toyota production system really tick. Industrial Engineering (January): 36-48.

Monden, Y. 1981. Kanban system. Industrial Engineering (May): 29-46.

Monden, Y. 1981. Production smoothing. Industrial Engineering (August): 42-51.

Monden, Y. 1981. Production smoothing, Part II. Industrial Engineering (September): 22-30.

Monden, Y. 1983. Toyota Production System. Atlanta, GA: Industrial Engineering Press.

Monden, Y. 1998. Toyota Production System: An Integrated Approach to Just-In-Time. Atlanta, GA: Industrial Engineering Press.

Monden, Y. 1992. Cost Management in the New Manufacturing Age: Innovations in the Japanese Automotive Industry. Cambridge, MA: Productivity Press.

Monden, Y. and J. Y. Lee. 1993. How a Japanese auto maker reduces costs. Management Accounting (August): 22-26. (Summary).

Monden, Y. and M. Sakurai, eds. 1990. Japanese Management Accounting: A World Class Approach to Profit Management. Cambridge, MA: Productivity Press.

Monden, Y. and M. Sakurai, eds. 1998. Japanese Management Accounting: A World Class Approach to Profit Management. Cambridge, MA: Productivity Press.

Monden, Y. and K. Hamada, 1991. Target costing and kaizen costing in Japanese automobile companies. Journal of Management Accounting Research (3): 16-34.

Morgan, J. M. 2006. The Toyota Product Development System: Integrating People, Process And Technology. Productivity Press.

Morgan, M. J. and P. S. H. Weerakoon. 1989. Japanese management accounting: Its contribution to the Japanese economic miracle. Management Accounting U.K. (June): 40-43.

Morita, A. 1992. Partnering for competitiveness: The role of Japanese business. Harvard Business Review. (May-June): 76-83.

Mueller, G. G. and H. Yoshida. 1968. Accounting Practices in Japan. Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Washington. Review by S. Minemura.

Mun, E. and J. Jung. 2018. Change above the glass ceiling: Corporate social responsibility and gender diversity in Japanese firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(2): 409-440.

Munday, M. 1991. A case of Japanisation. Management Accounting U.K. (March): 32-33.

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