Volume 45(1) - 45(6)
Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
Decision Sciences 1970-1975 + 2010-2023 |
Journal Updates by Year
Abbasi, B. and S. Z. Hosseinifard. 2014. On the issuing policies for perishable items such as red blood cells and platelets in blood service. Decision Sciences 45(5): 995-1020.
Bai, G., S. H. Hsu and R. Krishnan. 2014. Accounting performance and capacity investment decisions: Evidence from California hospitals. Decision Sciences 45(2): 309-339.
Basole, R. C. and M. A. Bellamy. 2014. Supply network structure, visibility, and risk diffusion: A computational approach. Decision Sciences 45(4): 753-789.
Benedek, G., A. Lubloy and G. Vastag. 2014. The importance of social embeddedness: Churn models at mobile providers. Decision Sciences 45(1): 175-201.
Chuang, H. H., G. Lu, D. X. Peng and G. R. Heim. 2014. Impact of value-added service features in e-retailing processes: An econometric analysis of web site functions. Decision Sciences 45(6): 1159-1186.
Chung, W., S. Talluri and R. Narasimhan. 2014. Quantity flexibility contract in the presence of discount incentive. Decision Sciences 45(1): 49-79.
Demir, E. 2014. A decision support tool for predicting patients at risk of readmission: A comparison of classification trees, logistic regression, generalized additive models, and multivariate adaptive regression splines. Decision Sciences 45(5): 849-880.
Ferrand, Y. B., M. J. Magazine and U. S. Rao. 2014. Partially flexible operating rooms for elective and emergency surgeries. Decision Sciences 45(5): 819-847.
Ganguly, S., S. Lawrence and M. Prather. 2014. Emergency department staff planning to improve patient care and reduce costs. Decision Sciences 45(1): 115-145.
Griffis, S. E., C. W. Autry, L. M. Thornton and A. B. Brik. 2014. Assessing antecedents of socially responsible supplier selection in three global supply chain contexts. Decision Sciences 45(6): 1187-1215.
Gupta, R. and K. Jain. 2014. Adoption of mobile telephony in rural India: An empirical study. Decision Sciences 45(2): 281-307.
Heim, G. R., D. X. Peng and S. Jayanthi. 2014. Longitudinal analysis of inhibitors of manufacturer delivery performance. Decision Sciences 45(6): 1117-1158.
Hsu, P., P. J. Hu, C. Wei and J. Huang. 2014. Green purchasing by MNC subsidiaries: The role of local tailoring in the presence of institutional duality. Decision Sciences 45(4): 647-682.
Huber, S. and S. Spinler. 2014. Pricing of full-service repair contracts with learning, optimized maintenance, and information asymmetry. Decision Sciences 45(4): 791-815.
Jin, Y., J. K. Ryan and W. Yund. 2014. Sourcing decisions with competitive suppliers and imperfect information. Decision Sciences 45(2): 229-254.
Klassen, K. J. and R. Yoogalingam. 2014. Strategies for appointment policy design with patient unpunctuality. Decision Sciences 45(5): 881-911.
Kleis, L., B. R. Nault and A. S. Dexter. 2014. Producing synergy: Innovation, IT, and productivity. Decision Sciences 45(5): 939-969.
Koufteros, X., C. Droge, G. Heim, N. Massad and S. K. Vickery. 2014. Encounter satisfaction in e-tailing: Are the relationships of order fulfillment service quality with its antecedents and consequences moderated by historical satisfaction? Decision Sciences 45(1): 5-48.
Kulkarni, S. S., U. M. Apte and N. E. Evangelopoulos. 2014. The use of latent sematic analysis in operations management research. Decision Sciences 45(5): 971-994.
Kull, T. J., A. Oke and K. J. Dooley. 2014. Supplier selection behavior under uncertainty: Contextual and cognitive effects on risk perception ad choice. Decision Sciences 45(3): 467-505.
Matopoulos, A., G. Kovacs and O. Hayes. 2014. Local resources and procurement practices in humanitarian supply chains: An empirical examination of large-scale house reconstruction projects. Decision Sciences 45(4): 621-646.
Mohan, S., F. M. Alam, J. W. Fowler, M. Gopalakrishnan and A. Printezis. 2014. Capacity planning and allocation for web-based applications. Decision Sciences 45(3): 535-567.
Narasimhan, R. 2014. Theory development in operations management: Extending the frontiers of a mature discipline via qualitative research. Decision Sciences 45(2): 209-227.
Narayanan, S. and R. Narasimhan. 2014. Governance choice, sourcing relationship characteristics, and relationship performance. Decision Sciences 45(4): 717-751.
Ozdemir-Akyildirim, O., M. Denizel and M. Ferguson. 2014. Allocation of returned products among different recovery options through an opportunity cost-based dynamic approach. Decision Sciences 45(6): 1083-1116.
Qin, F., U. S. Rao, H. Gurnani and R. Bollapragada. 2014. Role of random capacity risk and the retailer in decentralized supply chains with competing suppliers. Decision Sciences 45(2): 255-279.
Rosales, C. R., M. Magazine and U. Rao. 2014. Point-of-use hybrid inventory policy for hospitals. Decision Sciences 45(5): 913-937.
Seow, C., J. Sarkis, M. Lockstrom and T. Callarman. 2014. "Responsible purchasing and supply Practices" - Editorial. Decision Sciences 45(4): 571-576.
Shafiq, A., R. D. Klassen, P. F. Johnson and A. Awaysheh. 2014. Socially responsible practices: An exploratory study on scale development using stakeholder theory. Decision Sciences 45(4): 683-716.
Shao, J., H. Krishnan and S. T. McCormick. 2014. Price incentives and coordination in a two-product decentralized supply chain. Decision Sciences 45(3): 507-533.
Tenhiala, A. and F. Salvador. 2014. Looking inside glitch mitigation capability: The effect of intraorganizational communication channels. Decision Sciences 45(3): 437-466.
Touboulic, A., D. Chicksand and H. Walker. 2014. Managing imbalanced supply chain relationships for sustainability: A power perspectice. Decision Sciences 45(4): 577-619. Erratum. 2014. Managing imbalanced supply chain relationships for sustainability: A power perspective. Decision Sciences 45(5): 1021.
Yan, H., T. Ma and V. Huynh. 2014. Coping with group behaviors in uncertain quality function deployment. Decision Sciences 45(6): 1025-1052.
Yang, C., C. Wei and Y. Chaing. 2014. Exploiting technological indicators for effective technology merger and acquisition (M&A) predictions. Decision Sciences 45(1): 147-174.
Yayla, A. A. and Q. Hu. 2014. The effect of board of directors' IT awareness on CIO compensation and firm performance. Decision Sciences 45(3): 401-436.
Yim, A. 2014. Failure risk and quality cost management in single versus multiple sourcing decision. Decision Sciences 45(2): 341-354.
Yin, R. and C. S. Tang. 2014. Optimal temporal customer purchasing decisions under trade-in programs with up-front fees. Decision Sciences 45(3): 373-400.
Zhang, D., K. Linderman and R. G. Schroeder. 2014. Customizing quality management practices: A conceptual and measurement framework. Decision Sciences 45(1): 81-114.
Zobel, C. W. 2014. Quantitatively representing nonlinear disaster recovery. Decision Sciences 45(6): 1053-1082.