Management And Accounting Web

Decision Sciences 2018

Volume 49(1) - 49(6)

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Ataseven, C. A. Nair, and M. Ferguson. 2018. An examination of the relationship between intellectual capital and supply chain integration in humanitarian aid organizations: A survey based investigation of food banks. Decision Sciences 49(5): 827-862.

Burns, A. J., T. L. Roberts, G. Posey, R. J. Bennett and J. F. Courtney. 2018. Intentions to comply versus intentions to protect: A VIE theory approach to understanding the influence of insiders awareness of organizational SETA efforts. Decision Sciences 49(6): 1187-1228. (SETA refers to security education, training, and awareness. VIE refers to the components of expectancy theory, i.e., valence, instrumentality, and expectancy).

Choi, T. M., J. Zhang and T. C. E. Cheng 2018. Quick response in supply chains with stochastically risk sensitive retailers*. Decision Sciences 49(5): 932-957.

Fang, F., H. Gurnani and H. P. Natrajan. 2018. Leadership, dominance, and preeminence in a channel structure with a common retailer. Decision Sciences 49(1): 65-120.

Gabler, C. B., A. Rapp, R. G. Richey Jr. and F. G. Adams. 2018. Can service climate detract from employee performance? The role of experience in optimizing satisfaction and performance outcomes. Decision Sciences 49(1): 7-24.

Ghamat, S., H. Pun and X. Yan. 2018. Optimal outsourcing strategies when capacity is limited. Decision Sciences 49(5): 958-991.

Giannoccaro, I., A. Nair and T. Choi. 2018. The impact of control and complexity on supply network performance: An empirically informed investigation using NK simulation analysis. Decision Sciences 49(4): 625-659.

Hammami, R., I. Nouira and Y. Frein. 2018. Effects of customers' awareness and environmental regulations on the emission intensity and price of a product. Decision Sciences 49(6): 1116-1155.

Herbon, A. 2018. Optimal pricing and replenishment of an expiring inventoried product under heterogeneous consumer sensitivities. Decision Sciences 49(3): 522-552.

Herbon, A. 2018. Single versus two opportunity price postponement and ordering strategies of a seasonal product. Decision Sciences 49(5): 901-931.

Huang, H., Z. Li and H. Xu. 2018. Wholesale price auctions for dual sourcing under supply risk. Decision Sciences 49(4): 754-780.

Intezari, A. and D. J. Pauleen. 2018. Conceptualizing wise management decision making: A grounded theory approach. Decision Sciences 49(2): 335-400.

Ishfaq, R. and U. Raja. 2018. Evaluation of order fulfillment options in retail supply chains. Decision Sciences 49(3): 487-521.

Jain, A. 2018. Responding to shipment delays: The roles of operational flexibility & lead time visibility. Decision Sciences 49(2): 306-334.

Johnson, N. A., R. B. Cooper and R. D. Holowczak. 2018. The influences of media, power, and male communication on concession making by females during negotiations. Decision Sciences 49(3): 553-586.

Kocabıyıkoğlu, A., C. I. Göğüş and M. H. Hekimoğlu. 2018. The impact of decision types on revenue management decisions: An experimental study. Decision Sciences 49(2): 225-249.

Lee, H. C. B., J. M. Cruz and R. Shankar. 2018. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues in supply chain competition: Should greenwashing be regulated? Decision Sciences 49(6): 1088-1115. (Greenwashing refers to dishonest firms who only claim to be green).

Letizia, P. 2018. Contract design in processing trade. Decision Sciences 49(4): 728-753.

Ma, X., W. Ho, P. Ji and S. Talluri. 2018. Contract design with information asymmetry in a supply chain under an emissions trading mechanism. Decision Sciences 49(1): 121-153.

Ma, X., W. Ho, P. Ji and S. Talluri. 2018. Coordinated pricing analysis with the carbon tax scheme in a supply chain*. Decision Sciences 49(5): 863-900.

Mackelprang, A. W., E. Bernardes, G. J. Burke and C. Welter. 2018. Supplier innovation strategy and performance: A matter of supply chain market positioning. Decision Sciences 49(4): 660-689.

Mehta, A. and N. Mehta. 2018. Knowledge integration and team effectiveness: A team goal orientation approach. Decision Sciences 49(3): 445-486.

Mejias, R. J., B. A Reinig, A. R. Dennis and S. B. MacKenzie. 2018. Observation versus perception in the conceptualization and measurement of participation equality in computer mediated communication. Decision Sciences 49(4): 593-624.

Minas, R. K., A. R. Dennis, R. F. Potter and R. Kamhawi. 2018. Triggering insight: Using neuroscience to understand how priming changes individual cognition during electronic brainstorming. Decision Sciences 49(5): 788-826.

Pekgün, P., M. R. Galbreth and B. P. Ghosh. 2018. How unequal perceptions of user reviews impact price competition. Decision Sciences 49(2): 250-274.

Rao, S., K. B. Lee, B. Connelly and D. Iyengar. 2018. Return time leniency in online retail: A signaling theory perspective on buying outcomes. Decision Sciences 49(2): 275-305.

Sainathan, A. 2018. Customer differentiation with shipping as an ancillary service? Free service, prioritization, and strategic delay. Decision Sciences 49(4): 690-727.

Schiffels, S., T. Fliedner and R. Kolisch. 2018. Human behavior in project portfolio selection: Insights from an experimental study. Decision Sciences 49(6): 1061-1087.

Scott, M. A., G. Burke and J. Szmerekovsky. 2018. "Do as I do and not as I say": Exploring price-oriented maverick buying during supplier selection. Decision Sciences 49(1): 25-64.

Shao, L. 2018. Competition under diseconomies of scale: The role of subcontracting and single-sourcing commitment. Decision Sciences 49(1): 154-179.

Tenhiälä, A., M. J. Rungtusanatham and J. W. Miller. 2018. ERP system versus stand alone enterprise applications in the mitigation of operational glitches. Decision Sciences 49(3): 407-444.

Wan, X., M. E. Dresner and P. T. Evers. 2018. How do delivery variety decisions contribute to sales? An empirical study on demand and supply integration. Decision Sciences 49(6): 1024-1060.

Wang, C., G. Schmidt and B. van der Rhee. 2018. Stage-gate contracts to screen agents with inside information. Decision Sciences 49(6): 1156-1186.

Woerner, S., M. Laumanns and S. M. Wagner. 2018. Simulation-based optimization of capacitated assembly systems under beta-service level constraints. Decision Sciences 49(1): 180-217.

Wooten, J. O. and C. S. Tang. 2018. Operations in Space: Exploring a new industry. Decision Sciences 49(6): 999-1023.