Volumes 53(1) - 54(6)
Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
Decision Sciences 1970-1975 + 2010-2023 |
Journal Updates by Year
Abbasi, B., M. Fadaki, Z. Hosseinifard, H. Jahani and D. J. Thomas. 2022. Allocation policies to fulfill heterogeneous service requirements under resource pooling. Decision Sciences 53(2): 277-319.
Agnihotri, R., S. Mani, N. N. Chaker, P. J. Daugherty and P. Kothandaraman. 2022. Drivers and performance implications of frontline employees' social capital development and maintenance: The role of online social networks*. Decision Sciences 53(1): 181-215.
Akcay, Y. and F. Karaesmen. 2023. Customers know best: Pricing policies for products with heterogeneous quality. Decision Sciences 54(1): 113-124.
Ben-Assuli, O., O. Arzy, N. Kumar and I. Shabtai. 2023. Too much information? The use of extraneous information to support decision-making in emergency settings. Decision Sciences 54(6): 632-650.
Cezar, A. and S. Raghunathan. 2023. Competitive location-based and trajectory-based mobile targeting. Decision Sciences 54(2): 177-192.
Chaurasia, S., R. K. Pati, S. S. Padhi, J. M. Jensen and N. Gavirneni. 2022. Achieving the United Nations sustainable development goals-2030 through the nutraceutical industry: A review of managerial research and the role of operations management. Decision Sciences 53(4): 630-645.
Chen, Q., G. Ozkan-Seely, S. Wang and A. Roth. 2022. Knowledge-based view of the use of an intermediary in new product manufacturing outsourcing. Decision Sciences 53(5): 856-895.
Chen, R., Z. Wang, Y. Liu, Ng, C. T. and T. Cheng. 2022. A study of operational risk and credit portfolio risk estimation using data analytics*. Decision Sciences 53(1): 84-123.
Damali, U., L. D. Fredendall, J. Miller, D. Moore and C. J. Dye. 2022. Enhancing patient participation in healthcare operations through patient training and education using the theoretical lens of media synchronicity. Decision Sciences 53(4): 750-770.
Darby, J. L., B. S. Fugate and J. B. Murray. 2022. The role of small and medium enterprise and family business distinctions in decision-making: Insights from the farm echelon. Decision Sciences 53(3): 578-597.
Devlin, A. G., W. J. Elmaghraby and R. W. Hamilton. 2022. Portioning cash flows to overcome retailer aversion to stocking new products. Decision Sciences 53(6): 1048-1067.
Ding, X. and X. Peng. 2022. The impact of electronic medical records on the process of care: Alignment with complexity and clinical focus. Decision Sciences 53(2): 348-389.
Fattahi, M. and K. Govindan. 2022. Data-driven rolling horizon approach for dynamic design of supply chain distribution networks under disruption and demand uncertainty. Decision Sciences 53(1): 150-180.
Feng, X., Y. Rong, Z. M. Shen and L. V. Snyder. 2022. Pricing during disruptions: Order variability versus profit. Decision Sciences 53(4): 646-680.
Feng, Z., Q. He and G. Ma. 2022. Mitigating poverty through solar panels adoptions in developing economies. Decision Sciences 53(6): 1003-1023.
Galetsi, P., K. Katsaliaki, S. Kumar and M. Ferguson. 2023. What affects consumer behavior in mobile health professional diagnosis applications. Decision Sciences 54(3): 315-333.
Gheibi, S., B. Kazaz and S. Webster. 2023. Capacity reservation and sourcing under exchange-rate uncertainty. Decision Sciences 54(3): 257-276.
Gopalakrishnan, M., H. Zhang and Z. Zhang. 2023. Multiproduct pricing under the multinomial logit model with local network effects. Decision Sciences 54(4): 447-466.
Govindan, K., S. P. Sethi, T. C. E. Cheng and S. Feng Lu. 2023. Designing supply chain strategies against epidemic outbreaks such as COVID-19: Review and future research directions. Decision Sciences 54(4): 365-374.
Hosseinfard, Z., L. Shao and S. Tallluri. 2022. Service-level agreement with dynamic inventory policy: The effect of the performance review period and the incentive structure. Decision Sciences 53(5): 802-826.
Hyndman, K. B. and M. B. Menezes. 2023. Behavioral pitfalls of product proliferation in supply chains: An experimental study. Decision Sciences 54(2): 131-153.
IIk, N. and S. Fan. 2022. Combing textual cues with social clues: Utilizing social features to improve sentiment analysis in social media. Decision Sciences 53(2): 320-347.
Jahandideh, H., K. McCardle, C. Tang and B. Fahimnia. 2023. Capacity allocation for producing age-based products. Decision Sciences 54(5): 473-493.
Jeong, S., Z. S. Rogers and S. Washispack. 2023. Writing to advance knowledge: The impact of readability on knowledge diffusion in OSCM. Decision Sciences 54(3): 297-314.
Joonyup, E., V. Tiwari and W. S. Sandberg. 2022. Predicting daily surgical volumes using probabilistic estimates of providers' future availability. Decision Sciences 53(1): 124-149.
Katewa, S. and T. Jain. 2022. Mobile application's quality and pricing decisions under competition. Decision Sciences 53(5): 896-931.
Kedong, C., Y. Li and K. Linderman. 2022. Supply network resilience learning: An exploratory data analytics study. Decision Sciences 53(1): 8-27.
Kuiper, A., M. Mandjes, J. de Mast and R. Brokkelkamp. 2023. A flexible and optimal approach for appointment scheduling in healthcare. Decision Sciences 54(1): 85-100.
Kumar, S., J. Singhal and K. Singhal. 2022. A programmed method for generating new product ideas from an existing product line. Decision Sciences 53(4): 771-776.
Kumar, S., Y. Wang and H. Chen. 2023. Behavioral pricing in the platform economy. Decision Sciences 54(4): 432-433.
Laik, J. and P. Mirchandani. 2023. Effect of seasonality, sales growth rate, and fiscal year on cash conversion cycle. Decision Sciences 54(1): 43-63.
Li, X., M. de Groot and T. Back. 2023. Using forecasting to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on passenger air transport demand. Decision Sciences 54(4): 394-409.
Li, Y. and L. Mu. 2023. The role of offline trade in sharing accommodation. Decision Sciences 54(1): 101-112.
Lins, S., T. Kromat and B. Julian. 2022. Why don't you join in? A typology of information system certification adopters. Decision Sciences 53(3): 452-485.
Liu, J., X. Liu and H. Shen. 2022. Reward-based crowdfunding: The role of information disclosure. Decision Sciences 53(2): 390-422.
Liu, X., Y. Kou, J. Shockley and J. S. Smith. 2023. How does supplier CSR performance help to expand exchange relationships with major buyers? The moderating role of supply-side and demand-driven uncertainty. Decision Sciences 54(3): 334-357.
Liu Z., X. Lin, X. Wang and T. Wang. 2022. Self-regulation deficiency in predicting problematic use of mobile social networking apps: The role of media dependency. Decision Sciences 53(5): 827-855.
Narayanan, A., A. W. Mackelprang and M. K. Malhotra. 2022. System performance implications of capacity and flexibility constraints on Bullwhip effect in supply chains. Decision Sciences 53(5): 783-801.
Narayanan, S., S. K. Vickery, M. L. Nicolae, M. J. Castel and M. K. McLeod. 2022. The effects of lean implementation on hospital financial performance. Decision Sciences 53(3): 557-577.
Oliveira, F. S. 2023. Procurement risk management in a petroleum refinery. Decision Sciences 54(3): 277-296.
Olsder, W., T. Martagan and C. S. Tang. 2023. Converting a drug from off-label to on-label use: Government subsidies and patient welfare. Decision Sciences 54(6): 579-595.
Ovchinnikov, A., H. Pun and G. Raz. 2023. The impact of inventory risk on market prices under competition. Decision Sciences 54(1): 29-42.
Padhi, S. S. and S. Mukherjee. 2022. Optimal portfolio choices to split orders during supply disruptions: An application of sport's principle for routine sourcing. Decision Sciences 53(6): 1068-1087.
Patidar, N., K. B. Lee, R. Weech-Maldonado, R. P. Bailur and S. Rao. 2023. On the creation of free-standing emergency departments by hospitals - Some insights. Decision Sciences 54(6): 596-614.
Peng, Z., B. Flynn, A. Narayanan and R. Fan. 2023. Alternative information processing mechanisms in hospital supply chains: Impact on cost, quality, and patient satisfaction. Decision Sciences 54(5): 494-513.
Polyviou, M., M. J. Rungtusanatham and T. J. Kull. 2022. Supplier selection in the aftermath of a supply disruption and guilt: Once bitten, twice (not so) shy. Decision Sciences 53(1): 28-50.
Sampath, S., E. S. Gel, K. G. Kempf and J. W. Fowler. 2022. A generalized decision support framework for large-scale project portfolio decisions. Decision Sciences 53(6): 1024-1047.
Seyedghorban, Z., D. Samson and M. Swink. 2022. Quo vadis OSCM? An analysis of past and future trends in operations and supply chain management research. Decision Sciences 53(3): 429-451.
Shen, B., T. Zhang, X. Xu, H. Chan and T. Choi. 2022. Preordering in luxury fashion: Will additional demand information bring negative effects to the retailer?* Decision Sciences 53(4): 681-711.
Shin, S. K., K. Kang and G. L. Sanders. 2023. The effects of perceived network characteristics on knowledge exchange in virtual communities. Decision Sciences 54(6): 615-631.
Shuang, M., Y. Hua, D. Li and Y. Wang. 2022. Proposing customers economic value or relational value? A study of two stages of the crowdfunding project. Decision Sciences 53(4): 712-749.
Smith, J. S., J. Shockley, A. Jeff and X. Liu. 2022. Tension in the emergency department? The impact of flow stage times on managing patient-reported experiences and financial productivity. Decision Sciences 53(3): 514-556.
Spiliotopoulou, E. and A. Conte. 2022. Fairness ideals in inventory allocation. Decision Sciences 53(6): 985-1002.
Srinivasan, R., A. K. Jha and N. K. Verma. 2023. To talk or not?: An analysis of firm-initiated social media communication's impact on firm value preservation during a massive disruption across multiple firms and industries. Decision Sciences 54(4): 410-431.
Su, H., M. J. Rungtusanatham and K. Lindeerman. 2023. Retail inventory shrinkage, sensing weak security breach signals, and organizational structure. Decision Sciences 54(1): 8-28.
Suzuki, Y and B. Lan. 2023. Reducing the cost of B2B logistics via night deliveries: Does it really work? Decision Sciences 54(2): 193-210.
Tong, X., K. Linderman, C. K. Lo, K. Lai and T. Cheng. 2022. Anti-learning behavior toward safety risk: The roles of internal context and social contagion. Decision Sciences 53(5): 932-961.
Tripathy, M., J. Bai and H. S. Heese. 2023. Driver collusion in ride-hailing platforms. Decision Sciences 54(4): 434-446.
Van Oorschot, K. E., L. N. Van Wassenhove, M. Jahre, K. Selviaridis and H. De Vries. 2022. Drug shortages: A systems view of the current state. Decision Sciences 53(6): 969-984.
Vemprala, N., C. Z. Liiu and K. R. Choo. 2023. From puzzles to portraits: Enhancing situation awareness during natural disasters using a design science approach. Decision Sciences 54(2): 211-231.
Verghese, A. J., X. Koufteros, T. Schoenherr and E. Vanpoucke. 2022. Is relationship evolution good or bad? It depends! A qualitative and quantitative examination of the relational behaviors and the stimulants of supply chain integration. Decision Sciences 53(4): 605-629.
Wooten, J. O., S. Cho, T. D. Fry and J. M. Donohue. 2022. Overcoming cost disadvantages in procurement auctions. Decision Sciences 53(3): 486-513.
Xu, X., T. Siqin, S. Chung and T. Choi. 2023. Seeking survivals under COVID-19: The WhatsApp platform's shopping service operations. Decision Sciences 54(4): 375-393.
Xue, W., L. Ma, Y. Liu and M. Lin. 2022. Value of inventory pooling with limited demand information and risk aversion. Decision Sciences 53(1): 51-83.
Yan, N., X. Xu and T. Tong. 2022. Should businesses keep consistent performance between channels? Empirical evidence from the impact of rating discrepancy on demand. Decision Sciences 53(2): 260-276.
Yan, W., P. Letizia and W. Zhou. 2022. Three cobblers worth the mastermind? The potential of ensemble in crowdsourced classification problems. Decision Sciences 53(2): 223-238.
Yenipazarli, A. 2023. On the effects of antitrust policy intervention in pricing strategies in a distribution channel. Decision Sciences 54(1): 64-84.
Yoon, J., J. M. Song, J. Choi and S. Talluri. 2022. Joint sustainability in a supply chain. Decision Sciences 53(2): 239-259.
Yu, Y., T. Wang and Y. Shi. 2023. Analytics for multiperiod risk-averse newsvendor under nonstationary demands. Decision Sciences 54(5): 554-572.
Zeng, S. and Y. He. 2023. Blessing or curse? Sharing economy and its impact on the community of customers and suppliers. Decision Sciences 54(5): 514-534.
Zhang, H., G. Aydin and H. B. Heese. 2023. Curbing the usage of conflict minerals: A supply network perspective. Decision Sciences 54(5): 535-553.
Zhang, S., Y. Yao and J. Zhang. 2023. Consumer showrooming with supplier encroachment and omnichannel retailing. Decision Sciences 54(2): 232-249.
Zhuo, Y., S. Solak, O. Harmanli and K. A. Jones. 2023. Optimal treatment policies for pelvic organ prolapse in women. Decision Sciences 54(2): 154-176.