Volume 15(1) - Volume 15(3)
Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
Journal of International Accounting Research 2002-2023 |
Journal Updates by Year
Ball, R. 2016. Why we do international accounting research. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 1-6.
Bova, F. 2016. Discussion of Accounting for biological assets and the cost of debt. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 49-51.
Brink, A. G., D. J. Emerson and L. Yang. 2016. Job autonomy and counterproductive behaviors in Chinese accountants: The role of job-related attitudes. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(1): 115-131.
Chan, K. H., P. Lai Lan Mo and T. Tang. 2016. Tax avoidance and tunneling: Empirical analysis from an agency perspective. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(3): 49-66.
Chan, K. H, R. Luo and P. Lai Lan Mo. 2016. Auditors' constraining effect on tax noncompliance at different-tax conformity levels in a transition economy. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(3): 1-30.
Chen, C., G. Gotti, D. Herrmann and K. Schumann. 2016. Earnings quality of foreign versus U.S. reverse mergers: Geographical location or firm-level incentives? Journal of International Accounting Research 15(1): 49-66.
Chen, J. Z., C. Y. Lim and G. J. Lobo. 2016. Does the relation between information quality and capital structure vary with cross-country institutional differences? Journal of International Accounting Research 15(3): 131-156.
Chen, Y. and J. Jermias. 2016. Linking key performance indicators to new international venture survival. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(3): 31-48.
Cieslewicz, J. K. 2016. Collusive accounting supervision and economic culture. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(1): 89-108.
Conover, J. 2016. Discussion of Government intervention in IPO - Evidence on the exemption from IPO regulatory requirements in China. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 97-99.
Cormier, D. and M. L. Magnan. 2016. The advent of IFRS in Canada: Incidence on value relevance. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(3): 113-130.
Daly, A. and H. A. Skaife. 2016. Accounting for biological assets and the cost of debt. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 31-47.
DeSimone, S. M. and M. Abdolmohammadi. 2016. Correlates of external quality assessment and improvement programs in internal auditing: A study of 68 countries. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 53-77.
Duong, H. K., H. Kang and S. B. Salter. 2016. National culture and corporate governance. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(3): 67-96.
Garner, S. A., P. D. Hutchison and T. L. Conover. 2016. The effect of SEC disclosure regulation regarding audit committees' financial experts on foreign private issuers cross-listed on U.S. securities exchanges. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 7-26.
Gupta, G. 2016. Discussion of: Collusive accounting supervision and economic culture. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(1): 109-114.
Journal of International Accounting Research. 2016. Editor report. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(3): 157-161.
Li, W., Y. Li and H. Zhu. 2016. Government intervention in IPO - Evidence on the exemption from IPO regulatory requirements in China. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 79-96.
Lopes, A. B., M. Walker and R. L. M. da Silva. 2016. The determinants of firm-specific corporate governance arrangements, IFRS adoption, and the informativeness of accounting reports: Evidence from Brazil. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 101-124.
Lu, W. and M. E. Taylor. 2016. Which factors moderate the relationship between sustainability performance and financial performance? A meta-analysis study. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(1): 1-15.
Luo, L. L. and Q. Tang. 2016. Does national culture influence corporate carbon disclosure propensity? Journal of International Accounting Research 15(1): 17-47.
Murcia, F. D. 2016. Discussion of The determinants of firm-specific corporate governance arrangements, IFRS adoption, and the informativeness of accounting reports: Evidence from Brazil. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 125-128.
Song, Y. and L. Zhou. 2016. Mandatory preliminary performance reports: Evidence from China. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(1): 67-88.
Su, L. 2016. Discussion of The effect of SEC disclosure regulation regarding audit committees' financial experts on foreign private issuers cross-listed on U.S. securities exchanges. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 27-29.
Subramaniam, R. K., S. D. Samuel and S. Mahenthiran. 2016. Liquidity implications of corporate social responsibility disclosures: Malaysian evidence. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(1): 133-153.
Wood, D. A. 2016. Discussion of Correlates of external quality assessment and improvement programs in internal auditing: A study of 68 countries. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 73-77.
Ying, S. X. and C. Patel. 2016. Skeptical judgments and self-construal: A comparative study between Chinese accounting students in Australia and China. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(3): 97-111.