Volumes 18(1) - 18(3)
Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
Journal of International Accounting Research 2002-2023 |
Journal Updates by Year
Andre, P., A. Filip and R. Moldovan. 2019. Diversified firms and analyst earnings forecasts: The role of management guidance at the segment level. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(3): 1-38.
Bjornsen, M., C. Do and T. C. Omer. 2019. The influence of country-level religiosity on accounting conservatism. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(1): 1-26.
Bova, F. 2019. Discussion of Long-term orientation and earnings management strategies. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(3): 121-122.
Burnett, B. M., D. Hart, B. N. Jorgensen and G. W. Martin. 2019. Multiple regulators and accounting restatements: Evidence from Canada. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(2): 3-29.
Chang, J. 2019. CEO/CFO resignations and the market's reaction to violations of the Foreign Corruption Practices Act. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(1): 27-46.
Chen, J., R. Duh and K. Li. 2019. Does fee disclosure type matter? Evidence from price adjustment in the audit market of Taiwan. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(3): 41-61.
Chen, L. H., S. Deng, P. P. Gupta and H. Sami. 2019. The impact of eliminating the 20-F reconciliation on the cost of debt: An exploratory study. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(1): 47-70.
Chi, W., L. L. Lisic, L. A. Myers, M. Pevzner and T. A. Seidel. 2019. The consequences of providing lower-quality audits at the engagement partner level. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(3): 63-82.
DeFond, M. L. 2019. Why accounting matters: Evidence from accounting's "Big Bang." Journal of International Accounting Research 18(3): 87-96.
Fasan, M. 2019. Discussion of Diversified firms and analyst earnings forecasts: The role of management guidance at the segment level. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(3): 39-40.
Fu, J. 2019. Sophistication of Chinese mutual funds and the mispricing of accruals. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(1): 97-120.
Haga, J., F. Huhtamaki. and D. Sundvik. 2019. Long-term orientation and earnings management strategies. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(3): 97-119.
Hansen, T. B. 2019. Discussion of Sophistication of Chinese mutual funds and the mispricing of accruals. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(1): 121-125.
Ho, J. L. Editorial. 2019. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(2): 1.
Hong, P. K., T. Ma and G. Zhang. 2019. Accruals quality and cost of capital: Evidence from the Chinese stock market. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(1): 71-95.
Hu, J., A. K. Mensah and A. Tsang. 2019. Foreign institutional ownership and the choice between public and private debt. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(2): 31-64.
Lin, H., S. Yeh and A. Yen. 2019. Effects of translation of probability judgments: Evidence from the IFRS in Taiwan. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(1): 127-141.
Luo, L. and H. Wu. 2019. Voluntary carbon transparency: A substitute for or complement to financial transparency? Journal of International Accounting Research 18(2): 65-88.
Panfilo, S. and C. Mio. 2019. Discussion of The consequences of providing lower-quality audits at the engagement partner level. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(3): 83-85.
Watanabe, O., M. J. Imhof and S. Tartaroglu. 2019. Transparency regulation and stock price informativeness: Evidence from the European Union's transparency directive. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(2): 89-113.