Management And Accounting Web

Strategic Finance 2014


Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

Strategic Finance 1999-2023  |  Journal Updates by Year

Albright, T. L., C. A. Gerber and P. Juras. 2014. How Naval Aviation uses the balanced scorecard. Strategic Finance (October): 20-28.

Aldhizer, G. R. III. and A. Collins. 2014. Adapting neural networks for internal controls. Strategic Finance (July): 40-46.

Arms, D. 2014. Build your personal brand in four weeks! Strategic Finance (December): 40-46.

Arms, D. 2014. How to land the job you want. Strategic Finance (September): 40-45.

Baier, N. H. 2014. Bean counters no more! Strategic Finance (May): 26-33.

Bargerstock, A. and Y. Shi. 2014. Watson Water Technologies: An ethical dilemma in the workplace. Strategic Finance (July): 48-51. (Carl Menconi case writing competition).

Barsky, N. P. and A. H. Catanach. 2014. Non-GAAP nonsense: Fixing the problem once and for all. Strategic Finance (October): 47-51.

Beaudoin, L. 2014. IMA's Higher Education Endorsement Program: Certifying quality. Strategic Finance (August): 54-57.

Berald, S. B. 2014. What to do when a customer files for bankruptcy. Strategic Finance (October): 29-33.

Brewer, P. C., J. E. Sorensen and D. E. Stout. 2014. The future of accounting education: Addressing the competency crisis. Strategic Finance (August): 28-37.

Busco, C., M. L. Frigo, P. Quattrone and A. Riccaboni. 2014. Leading practices in integrated reporting. Strategic Finance (September): 22-32.

Canace, T. G. and P. Juras. 2014. CFO: From analyst to catalyst. Strategic Finance (February): 26-33.

Caplan, D. and R. Lawson. 2014. Preparing students for the CMA exam: What schools are best? Strategic Finance (August):48-53.

Charron, K. and M. Young. 2014. Experiencing the accounting profession in Russia. Strategic Finance (June): 49-55.

Coker, J. L. 2014. How to cut a deal when an M&A looks D.O.A. Strategic Finance (November): 32-37.

Cokins, G. 2014. Mining the past to see the future. Strategic Finance (November): 22-30. (..."agility through quicker and smarter decision making will become the best opportunity for attaining a sustainable competitive advantage. This can be accomplished through competency with business analytics, which means creating an organizational culture for investigation, discovery, metrics, and analytics." p. 26).

Cokins, G. 2014. Top 7 trends in management accounting, Part 2. Strategic Finance (January): 41-47.

Drtina, R. and K. Meyer. 2014. How do nonprofits win foundation grants? Strategic Finance (April): 44-51.

Dykeman, J. G. 2014. What's up with troubled debt restructuring? Strategic Finance (September): 33-39.

Engel, R. and B. Lyons. 2014. Trapped cash: When is a dollar not worth a dollar? Strategic Finance (April): 37-43.

Epstein M. J. and A. R. Buhovac. 2014. A new day for sustainability. Strategic Finance (July): 24-33.

 Epstein, M. J. and K. Yutlas. 2014. How to create a real social impact. Strategic Finance (December): 26-32.

Frigo, M. L. and R. J. Anderson. 2014. Risk management frameworks: Adapt, don't adopt. Strategic Finance (January): 48-53.

Hagan, B. and B. Wilkinson. 2014. Intangible migration and the challenges of the patent box. Strategic Finance (November): 47-51. (Need for international consensus).

Holtfreter, R. and A. Harrington. 2014. Will hackers win the battle? Strategic Finance (January): 26-34.

Jiles, L. 2014. Management accounting career readiness: Shaping your curriculum. Strategic Finance (August): 38-42.

Juras, P. 2014. The why and how of case analysis. Strategic Finance (August): 67-70.

Kang, B. 2014. Managing the strategic finance gap. Strategic Finance (February): 42-48.

Koehn, J. L. and S. W. Shelton. 2014. A comprehensive approach to comprehensive income. Strategic Finance (March): 41-49.

Kovnatska, O. 2014. Say yes to mentoring! Strategic Finance (May): 46-51.

Krippel, G. L. and S. Mitchell. 2014. The CMA advantage: How much more could you earn? Strategic Finance (November): 38-46.

Lawson, R. 2014. IMA 2013 global salary survey update: Younger members earning more. Strategic Finance (June): 40-48.

Lechner, T. A. and R. Strom. 2014. Raising student awareness of management accounting: A pilot program with promise. Strategic Finance (August): 43-46.

MacGregor J., M. Robinson and M. Stuebs. 2014. Creating an effective whistleblowing environment. Strategic Finance (March): 34-40.

Madison, R. L. and W. N. Bockanic. 2014. Retirement: Don't slow down, speed up! Strategic Finance (June): 56-59.

Martin, G. W. and B. P. McAllister. 2014. Sometimes doing nothing really is better. Strategic Finance (October): 40-46. (Reducing earnings per share dilution from exercised stock options).

McKee, T. E. and L. J. B. Mckee. 2014. Using Excel to perform Monte Carlo simulations. Strategic Finance (December): 47-51.

McNally, J. S. and V. H. Tophoff. 2014. Leveraging effective risk management and internal control. Strategic Finance (April): 28-36.

Messer, R. 2014. Out of control: Lax procedures at National Capital Trust? Strategic Finance (August): 71-75. (Student case competition).

Mulig, E.,L. M. Smith and C. T. Stambaugh. 2014. Identity hack! Is your company next? Strategic Finance (December): 33-39.

Murray, C. 2014. Recipe for a successful student chapter. Strategic Finance (August): 61-65.

Parcells, S. 2014. Where ERP systems fall short - Other software catches up. Strategic Finance (October): 34-38.

Parks, L. C. 2014. Joe Vincent: Building bridges. Strategic Finance (August): 22-27.

Ratigan, S. 2014. Beware the slippery slope of sales tax. Strategic Finance (May): 40-45.

Schiff, J. B. 2014. Building a sustainable cost leadership culture. Strategic Finance (September): 46-51.

Schiffel, L. and C. Wilder. 2014. IMA 2013 salary survey: Rainy days persist. Strategic Finance (June): 22-39.

Stroh, P. 2014. The evolving role of business strategist. Strategic Finance (March): 26-33. (Mentions the balanced scorecard).

White, G. 2014. A win-win for companies and students. Strategic Finance (August): 58-60. (IMA Student Leadership Conference).

Wilkins, A. M., R. Colvard and J. Lipinski. 2014. Does your company have this document? Strategic Finance (July): 34-39. (Employee code of conduct).