Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Quantitative Methods Main Page
Abernathy, W. and K. Wayne. 1974. Limits to the learning curve. Harvard Business Review. (September-October): 109-119.
Andress, F. J. 1954. The learning curve as a production tool. The Harvard Business Review (January-February): 87-97.
Arthur, J. B. and C. L. Huntley. 2005. Ramping up the organizational learning curve: Assessing the impact of deliberate learning on organizational performance under gainsharing. The Academy of Management Journal 48(6): 1159-1170.
Avolio, B. J., D. A. Waldman and M. A. McDaniel. 1990. Age and work performance in nonmanagerial jobs: The effects of experience and occupational type. The Academy of Management Journal 33(2): 407-422. 1990. Errata: Age and work performance in nonmanagerial jobs: The effects of experience and occupational type. The Academy of Management Journal 33(3): 652.
Bailey, C. D. 1989. Forgetting and the learning curve: A laboratory study. Management Science (35): 340-342.
Bailey, C. D. 2000. Learning-curve estimation of production costs and labor hours using a free Excel add-in. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 25-31.
Bailey, C. D. and E. V. McIntyre. 1992. Some evidence on the nature of relearning curves. The Accounting Review (April): 368-378.
Bailey, C. D and E. V. McIntyre. 1997. The relation between fit and prediction for alternative forms of learning curves and relearning curves. IIE Transactions (29): 487-495.
Bailey, C. D., L. D. Brown and A. F. Cocco. 1998. The effects of monetary incentives on worker learning and performance in an assembly task. Journal of Management Accounting Research (10): 119-131. (Summary).
Baloff, N. 1966. The learning curve - Some controversial issues. Journal of Industrial Economics (July): 275-282.
Baloff, N. and J. W. Kennelly. 1967. Accounting implications of product and process start-ups. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 131-143.
Belkaoui, A. 1986. The Learning Curve. Quorum Books.
Bhada, Y. 1972. Dynamic relationships for accounting analyses. Management Accounting (April): 53-57. (Related to the narrow scope of the learning curve).
Boneck, R., A. L. Wilford and D. S. Christensen. 2022. Repairing the joint strike fighter's landing gear - A case study on the application of learning curve theory and ethics. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(3): 1-2.
Boren, W. H. 1964. Some applications of the learning curve to government contracts. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 21-22 .
Boze, K. M. 1994. Measuring learning costs. Management Accounting (August): 48-52. (Related to learning curves).
Brenneck, R. 1959. B-E charts reflecting learning. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 34.
Brenneck, R. 1959. Learning curve techniques for more profitable contracts. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 59-69.
Broadston, J. A. 1968. Learning curve wage incentives. Management Accounting (August): 15-23.
Bukszar, E. and T. Connolly. 1988. Hindsight bias and strategic choice: Some problems in learning from experience. The Academy of Management Journal 31(3): 628-641.
Bump, E. A. 1974. Effects of learning on cost projections. Management Accounting (May): 19-24.
Campbell, D., M. J. Epstein and F. A. Martinez-Jerez. 2011. The learning effects of monitoring. The Accounting Review (November): 1909-1934.
Chase, R. B. 2001. Operations management for competitive advantage, ninth edition. International edition: McGraw Hill/ Irwin.
Chen, J. T. and R. P. Manes. 1985. Distinguishing the two forms of the constant percentage learning curve model. Contemporary Accounting Research 1(2): 242-252.
Chen, J. T. and R. P. Manes. 1988. Distinguishing the two forms of the constant percentage learning curve model: A reply. Contemporary Accounting Research 4(2): 615-616.
Chen, J. T., R. P. Manes and A. W. Richardson. 1991. Learning curves and appropriate regression methodologies. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 284-299.
Consulting, Boston. 1972. Perspectives on Experience, Boston, Mass.
Conway, R. W. and A. Schultz. 1959. The manufacturing progress function. Journal of Industrial Engineering: 39-53.
Dar-El, E. M. 2000. Human Learning: From Learning Curves to Learning Organizations (International Federation for Information Processing). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Davies, G. F. 2004. Economia: New Economic Systems to Empower People and Support the Living World, ABC Books.
Epstein, B. 1949. Immediate and Retention Effects of Interpolated Rest Periods in Learning Performance. Columbia Univeristy Press.
Fortune. 1981. The decline of the experience curve. Fortune (October 5): 139-146.
Gillespie, J. F. 1981. An application of learning curves to standard costing. Management Accounting (September): 63-65.
Goldberg, M. S. 2003. Statistical Methods for Learning Curves and Cost Analysis. Institute of Operations Research and Management.
Hall, L. H. 1957. Experience with experience curves for aircraft design changes. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 59-66.
Harris, L. C. and W. L Stephens. 1978. The learning curve: A case study. Management Accounting (February): 47-52.
Harvard Business Review. 1985. Building strategy on the experience curve. Harvard Business Review (March-April).
Hax, A. C. and N. S. Majluf. 1982. Competitive cost dynamics: The experience curve. Interfaces (October ): 50–61.
Henderson, B. 1974. The experience curve reviewed: V. price stability. #149. Perspectives.
Hellman, K. and A. Burst. 2003. The Customer Learning Curve: Creating Profits from Marketing Chaos. South-Western.
Hirschmann, W. B. 1964. Profit from the learning curve. The Harvard Business Review (January-February): 125-139.
Howell, J. E. and D. Teichroew. 1963. Mathematical Analysis for Business Decisions. Irwin: 159-163.
Imhoff, E. A. Jr. 1978. The learning curve and its applications. Management Accounting (February): 44- 46.
Jaber, M. Y. 2011. Learning Curves: Theory, Models, and Applications. CRC Press.
Jensen, R. E. 1991. Reconciliation of learning rates between the cumulative average vs incremental learning rate models. Scandinavian Journal of Management 7(2): 137-142.
Johnson, W. 2022. Manage your organization as a portfolio of learning curves: Use this approach for talent development, succession planning, and team configuration. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 102-111. (Using the S curve of learning).
Jones, R. P. 1958. The Evaluation of Learning costs and Determination of Optimum Production Quantities. Manufacturing Services Department, Raytheon Manufacturing Company.
Jordan, R. B. 1958. Learning how to use the learning curve. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 27-40.
Journal of Marketing. 1983. Diagnosing the experience curve. Journal of Marketing (Spring).
Kapanowski, G. 2020. The experience curve. Cost Management (September/October): 45-48.
Keachie, E. C. and R. J. Fontana. 1966. Effects of learning on optimal lot size. Management Science (October): B102-B108.
Kiechel, W. III. 1981. The decline of the experience curve. Fortune (October5).
Kilbridge, M. 1962. A model for industrial learning costs. Management Science (July): 516-527.
Kilbridge, M. D. 1959. Predetermined learning curves for clerical operations. The Journal of Industrial Engineering 10(3).
Knowles, A. R. and L. F. Bell. 1950. Learning curves will tell you who's worth training and who isn't. Factory 108(6): 114-115.
Krishnan, R. and H. Ramasubramanian. 2023. Factors that influence the learning curve: Evidence from cost behavior in clinical labs. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(1): 257-291.
Lapré, M. A. and N. Tsikriktsis. 2006. Organizational learning curves for customer dissatisfaction: Heterogeneity across airlines. Management Science (March): 352-366.
Le Morvan, P. and B. Stock. 2005. Medical learning curves and the Kantian ideal. The Journal of Medical Ethics 31.
Lehmann, C. M. and C. S. Norman. 2006. The effects of experience on complex problem representation and judgment in auditing: An experimental investigation. Behavioral Research in Accounting (18): 65-83.
Leslie, M. and C. A. Holloway. 2006. The sales learning curve. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 114-123.
Liao, S. S. 1988. The learning curve: Wright's model vs. Crawford's model. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 302-315.
Martin, J. R. Not dated. What is a learning curve? Management And Accounting Web. (Learning Curve Summary).
Martin, J. R. 1989. Capital budgeting analysis with curvilinear cost and revenue functions: A microcomputer application. Kent/Bentley Journal of Accounting and Computers Volume (V): 118-129.
McKenzie, P. B. 1987. An alternative learning curve formula. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 383-387.
Morse, W. J. 1972. Reporting production costs that follow the learning curve phenomenon. The Accounting Review (October): 761-773.
Neal, D. W. 1961. Straight-line projections with the learning curve. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 62.
Ostwald, P. F. 1992. Engineering Cost Estimating, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall.
Pattison, D. D. and C. J. Teplitz. 1989. Are learning curves still relevant? Management Accounting (February): 37-40. (Calculation of a new learning rate after the adoption of a flexible manufacturing system. New rate % = Old rate % + (1- Old rate %)(L)(R) where: L = proportion of learning attributed solely to direct labor and R = proportion of direct labor being replaced).
Pinder, C. C. and K. G. Schroeder. 1987. Time to proficiency following job transfers. The Academy of Management Journal 30(2): 336-353.
Reagans, R., L. Argote and D. Brooks. 2005. Individual experience and experience working together: Predicting learning rates from knowing who knows what and knowing how to work together. Management Science (June): 869-881.
Reimers, J. M. 1965. Cost/production evaluation through "level of buoyancy" correlations. Management Accounting (September): 30-34. (Related to the learning curve).
Richardson, A. W. 1988. Comment on: "Distinguishing the two forms of the constant percentage learning curve model". Contemporary Accounting Research 4(2): 609-614.
Rose, J. M. 2005. Decision aids and experiential learning. Behavioral Research in Accounting (17): 175-189.
Shroad, V. J. Jr. 1964. Control of labor costs through the use of learning curves. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 15-20.
Smyth, R. C. 1943. How to figure learning time. Factory 101(3): 94-96.
Speelman, C. and K. Kirsner. 2005. Beyond the Learning Curve: The Construction of Mind. Oxford University Press.
Stout, D. E. and P. E. Juras. 2009. Instructional case: Estimating learning-curve functions for managerial planning, control, and decision-making. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 195-217.
Taylor, M. L. 1961. The learning curve - A basic cost prediction tool. N.A.A. Bulletin (February): 21-26.
Teichroew, D. 1964. An Introduction to Management Science. New York: John Wiley.
Teplitz, C. J. 1991. The Learning Curve Deskbook: A Reference Guide to Theory, Calculations, and Applications. Quorum Books.
Togo, D. F. 2001. A curvilinear approach to teaching learning effects for cost estimation. Journal of Accounting Education 19(3): 211-223.
United States Army Logistics Management Center. 1979. Alpha & Omega and the Experience Curve, ALM-63-3126-H 2. Army-Fort Lee, VA-13389-79-1060-C. U.S. Government Printing Office: 1979-638-897/772.
Vayda, T. G. 1972. How to use the learning curves for planning and control. Cost and Management (July-August): 28.
Wright, T. P., 1936. Factors affecting the cost of airplanes. Journal of Aeronautical Sciences 3(4): 122-128.
Wright, T. P. 1936. Learning curve. Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences (February).
Wyer, R. 1953. Learning curve helps figure profits, control costs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December): 490-502.
Wyer, R. 1958. Learning curve techniques for direct labor management. N.A.A. Bulletin Conference Proceedings (July): 19-27.
Yelle, L. E. 1979. The learning curve: Historical review and comprehensive survey. Decision Sciences 10(2): 302-328.