Management And Accounting Web

Marketing, Sales and Advertising Bibliography

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Aaker, D. 2003. The power of the branded differentiator. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 83-87.

Abbey, J., M. Ketzenberg and R. Metters. 2018. A more profitable approach to product returns. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-6.

Abdel-Khalik, A. R. 1975. Advertising effectiveness and accounting policy. The Accounting Review (October): 657-670.

Abraham, M. and D. C. Edelman. 2024. Personalization done right. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 104-115.

Acimovic, J., M. K. Lim and H. Mak. 2018. Beyond the speed-price trade-off. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 12, 14-15.

Adamson, B. 2022. Sensemaking for sales: Your customers are overwhelmed with information. Help them figure out what they need to know. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 122-129.

Adamson, B., M. Dixon and N. Toman. 2012. The end of solution sales. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 60-68.

Adamson, B., M. Dixon and N. Toman. 2013. Dismantling the sales machine. Harvard Business Review (November): 102-109.

Adikari, S. and K. Dutta. 2021. Adaptive ad network selection for publisher-return optimization in mobile-app advertising. Decision Sciences 52(4): 986-1017.

Adjei, M. T., C. H. Noble and S. M. Noble. 2012. Enhancing relationships with customers through online brand communities. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 22-24.

Adomavicius, G., J. Bockstedt, S. P. Curley, J. Zhang and S. Ransbotham. 2019. The hidden side effects of recommendation systems. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-6.

Akçura, M. T. and K. Srinivasan. 2005. Research note: Customer intimacy and cross-selling strategy. Management Science (June): 1007-1012.

Algesheimer, R. and P. M. Dholakia. 2006. Do customer communities pay off? Harvard Business Review (November): 26-30.

Allen, R. W. 1966. Factors influencing market penetration. Management Science (September): 22-41.

Allon, G. and A. Bassamboo. 2011. Buying from the babbling retailer? The impact of availability information on customer behavior. Management Science (April): 713-726.

Almquist, E., J. Senior and N. Bloch. 2016. The elements of value: Measuring - and delivering - what consumers really want. Harvard Business Review (September): 46-53. (30 elements of value that meet four kinds of need: functional, emotional, life changing, and social impact. When combined optimally, they will increase customer loyalty and revenue growth).

Amaral, J. E. G. Anderson Jr. and G. G. Parker. 2011. Putting it together: How to succeed in distributed product development. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 51-58.

Amorim, P., E. Calvo and L. Wagner. 2023. How E-commerce companies can reduce returns. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 15-17.

Amos, D. P. 2010. Afliac's CEO explains how he fell for the duck. Harvard Business Review (January): 131-134.

Anand, K. S., M. F. Pac and S. Veeraraghavan. 2011. Quality-speed conundrum: Trade-offs in customer-intensive services. Management Science (January): 40-56.

Anctil, R., M. Borneman and T. Long. 2014. The Glenridge Retail Development. IMA Educational Case Journal 7(4): 1-10.

Anderson, E. and V. Onyemah. 2006. How right should the customer be? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 59-67.

Anderson, E. E. 1974. Determining the most profitable retail brand mix from empirical measures of brand preference. Decision Sciences 5(4): 564-574.

Anderson, E. T., D. Mok and N. Jairam. 2013. Escaping the discount trap. Harvard Business Review (September): 121-125.

Anderson, J. C. and J. A. Narus. 2003. Selectively pursuing more of your customer's business. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 42-49.

Anderson, J. C. and M. Wouters. 2013. What you can learn from your customer's customer. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 75-82.

Anderson, J. C., J. A. Narus and M. Wouters. 2014. Tiebreaker selling. Harvard Business Review (March): 90-96.

Anderson, J. C., J. A. Narus and W. van Rossum. 2006. Customer value propositions in business markets. Harvard Business Review (March): 90-99.

Anderson, M. C., R. D. Banker and S. N. Janakiraman. 2003. Are selling, general, and administrative costs "Sticky"? Journal of Accounting Research (March): 47-63.

Anderson, R. E., S. Swaminathan and R. Mehta. 2013. How to drive customer satisfaction. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 13-15.

Anita, K. D., M. Bergen and S. Dutta. 2004. Competing with gray markets. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 63-69.

Anshen, M. 1956. Management science in marketing: Status and prospects. Management Science (April): 222-231.

Anteby, M. 2010. Markets, morals, and practices of trade: Jurisdictional disputes in the U.S. commerce in cadavers. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(4): 606-638.

Aral, S. 2014. The problem with online ratings. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 47-52.

Aral, S. and D. Walker. 2011. Creating social contagion through viral product design: A randomized trial of peer influence in networks. Management Science (September): 1623-1639.

Aral, S. and D. Walker. 2011. Forget viral marketing - Make the product itself viral. Harvard Business Review (June): 34-35.

Archak, N., A. Ghose and P. G. Ipeirotis. 2011. Deriving the pricing power of product features by mining consumer reviews. Management Science (August): 1485-1509.

Archerd, W. R. 1949. Leaves from the salesman's order book - A simplified order and billing routine. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October): 185-188.

Ariely, D. 2007. The customers' revenge. Harvard Business Review (December): 31-36, 38, 40, 42-43. (Case study).

Arora, S. 2022. Natural language processing in accounting: Customer sentiment analysis is one of many areas where NLP can be applied for transformative business gains. Strategic Finance (March): 50-56.

Ascarza, E., M. Ross and B. G. S. Hardie. 2021. Why you aren't getting more from your marketing AI: Chances are, you haven't asked the right questions. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 48-54.

Alexander, J. 2012. Quick response codes: A marketing tool for accounting firms. The CPA Journal (August): 18.

Avery, J., S. Fournier and J. Wittenbraker. 2014. Unlock the mysteries of your customer relationships. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 72-81.

Avery, J., T. Steenburgh, J. Lecinski and D. Shah. 2024. Case study: Should we deploy a Gen AI salesbot? Harvard Business Review (November/December): 148-153.

Avery, J., T. Steenburgh, R. Martin and M. Volpe. 2012. Target the right market. Harvard Business Review (October): 119-123.

Ayanso, A. and B. Mokaya. 2013. Efficiency evaluation in search advertising. Decision Sciences 44(5): 877-913.

Barton, S. and C. Raiborn. 2019. Customer loyalty program fraud. Loyalty programs help businesses create lasting relationships with customers, but they've also become a target for fraud. Strategic Finance (December): 32-39.

Barwise, P. and S. Meehan. 2010. Is your company as customer-focused as you think? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 63-68.

Barwise, P. and S. Meehan. 2010. The one thing you must get right when building a brand. Harvard Business Review (December): 80-84.

Batchelder, G. M. 1949. What records are essential for direction and control of sales effort? N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November): 295-298.

Beard, L. H. and V. A. Hoyle. 1976. Cost accounting proposal for an advertising agency. Management Accounting (December): 38-40.

Bell, C. E. 1968. The N days of Christmas: A model for competitive advertising over an intensive campaign. Management Science (May): 525-535.

Bell, D. R. and X. Dreze. 2002. Changing the channel: A better way to do trade promotions. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 42-49.

Bell, D. R., C. Jeonghye and L. Lodish. 2012. What matters most in internet retailing. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 27-33.

Bell, D. R., S. Gallino and A. Moreno. 2014. How to win in an ominichannel world. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 45-53.

Bell, D. R., S. Gallino and A. Moreno. 2018. The store is dead - Long live the store. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 59-66.

Bendapudi, N. and V. Bendapudi. 2005. Creating the living brand. Harvard Business Review (May): 124-132.

Bendle, N. T. and C. K. Bagga. 2016. The metrics that marketers muddle. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 73-82.

Berald, S. B. 2014. What to do when a customer files for bankruptcy. Strategic Finance (October): 29-33.

Berg, J. D., J. M. Mathews and C. M. O'Hare. 2007. Measuring brand health to improve top-line growth. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 61-68.

Berinato, S. 2011. The demographics of cool: Don't market to who they are. Understand how they think. Harvard Business Review (December): 136-137.

Berinato, S. 2015. Putting yourself in the customer's shoes doesn't work. Harvard Business Review (March): 34-35.

Berinato, S. 2015. Reusable bags make people buy organic - and junk. Harvard Business Review (April): 26-27.

Bernoff, J. and T. Schadler. 2010. Empowered. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 94-101. (Dealing with angry tweets).

Berry, L. L. and N. Bendapudi. 2003. Clueing in customers. Harvard Business Review (February): 100-106.

Berry, L. L., L. P. Carbone and S. H. Haeckel. 2002. Managing the total customer experience. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 85-89.

Berry, L. L., S. W. Davis and J. Wilmet. 2015. When the customer is stressed. Harvard Business Review (October): 86-94.

Berthon, P., M. B. Holbrook and J. M. Hulbert. 2003. Understanding and managing brand space. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 49-54.

Berthon, P., M. B. Holbrook, J. M. Hulbert and L. F. Pitt. 2007. Viewing brands in multiple dimensions. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 37-43.

Bertini, M. and N. Tavassoli. 2017. Case study: When you have to choose between core and new customers: An extreme sports company considers a VIP tier. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 143-147.

Bertini, M. and O. Koenigsberg. 2014. When customers help set prices. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 57-64.

Bertini, M. and O. Koenigsberg. 2020. Competing on customer outcomes. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 78-84.

Bertini, M. and O. Koenigsberg. 2021. The pitfalls of pricing algorithms. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 74-83.

Bertini, M., J. T. Gourville, R. Gonzalez and K. L. Keller. 2011. Time for a unified campaign? Harvard Business Review (June): 129-133.

Bertini, M., L Wathieu, B. P. Sigman and M. I. Norton. 2012. Do social deal sites really work? Harvard Business Review (May): 139-143.

Bertolini, M., D. Duncan and A. Waldeck. 2015. Knowing when to reinvent. Harvard Business Review (December): 90-101.

Bettencourt, L. A. and A. W. Ulwick. 2008. The customer-centered innovation map. Harvard Business Review (May): 109-114.

Bettencourt, L. A., B. J. Pine II., J. H. Gilmore and D. W. Norton. 2022. The "new you" business: How to compete on personal transformations. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 70-81.

Beyersdorfer, D., V. Dessain, C. Mentzelopoulos, and P. S. de Rothschild. 2011. Preserve the luxury or extend the brand?Harvard Business Review (January/February): 173-177.

Bigelow, C. M. 1932. Market analysis and sales control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January 15): 659-680.

Bilimoria, K. 2018 Cobra's chairman on turning an Indian beer into a global brand. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 32-35.

Birnbaum, D. 2014. SodaStream's CEO on turning a banned Super Bowl ad into marketing gold. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 39-42.

Birt, C. C. 2019. Awareness Without Advertising: Making Buzz That Brands. Bravely. Kublach & Haller Books.

Bloom, P. N., S. Hoeffler, K. L. Keller and C. E. Basurto. 2006. How social-cause marketing affects consumer perceptions. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 49-55.

Bogaert, M., M. Ballings, R. Bergmans and D. Van den Poel. 2021. Predicting self-declared movie watching behavior using Facebook data and information-fusion sensitivity analysis. Decision Sciences 52(3): 776-810.

Boghossian, J. and R. J. David. 2021. Under the umbrella: Goal-derived category construction and product category nesting. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(4): 1084-1129.

Bohn, S. 2016. Understanding sales. Strategic Finance (February): 11.

Bolton, R. N., K. N. Lemon and M. D. Bramlett. 2006. The effect of service experiences over time on a supplier's retention of business customers. Management Science (December): 1811-1823.

Bonacchi, M., K. Kolev and B. Lev. 2015. Customer franchise - A hidden, yet crucial, asset. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(3): 1024-1049.

Bonoma, T. V. 2006. Major sales. Who really does the buying? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 172-181.

Booth, John. 1985. When accountants must take a role in marketing tasks. Accountancy (August): 80-81.

Borden, N. H. 1925. The Harvard advertising awards. Harvard Business Review (April): 257-264.

Borden, N. H. 1926. Some recent books on advertising. Harvard Business Review (October): 116-123.

Brenton, M., R. Jarrar and G. Zaccour. 2006. A note on feedback sequential equilibria in a Lanchester model with empirical application. Management Science (May): 804-811. (Advertising strategies).

Brinker, S. and L. McLellan. 2014. The rise of the chief marketing technologist. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 82-85.

Brittain, R. L. 1953. Sales forecasting and marketing cost control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November): 300-310.

Brown, T. and R. Martin. 2015. Design for action. Harvard Business Review (September): 56-64.

Bryce, D. J., J. H. Dyer and N. W. Hatch. 2011. Competing against free. Harvard Business Review (June): 104-111.

Brynjolfsson, E., Y. Hu and D. Simester. 2011. Goodbye Pareto principle, hello long tail: The effect of search cost on the concentration of product sales. Management Science (August): 1373-1386.

Brynjolfsson, E., Y. J. Hu and M. S. Hahman. 2013. Competing in the age of omnichannel retailing. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 23-29.

Buckley, H. J. 1928. Relation between sales promotion and accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April 15): 925-940.

Bursk, E. C. 2006. Low-pressure selling. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 150-162.

Bush, D. and B. D. Gelb. 2005. When marketing practices raise antitrust concerns. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 73-81.

Bushong, G. and P. S. Koku. 2012. Look before you leap: Marketing advice for small firms. The CPA Journal (May): 52-59.

Cachon, G. P. and R. Swinney. 2011. The value of fast fashion: Quick response, enhanced design, and strategic consumer behavior. Management Science (April): 778-795.

Cafferky, M. E. 2017. Estimating retail breakeven using markup pricing. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 1-11.

Cai, G., Y. Chen, C. Wu and L. Hsiao. 2013. Probabilistic selling, channel structure, and supplier competition. Decision Sciences 44(2): 267-296.

Capon, N. and C. Senn. 2021. When CEOs make sales calls: How top-management involvement in B2B relationships can drive or kill deals. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 40-47.

Cardinaels, E., F. Roodhooft and L. Warlop. 2004. Customer profitability analysis reports for resource allocation: The role of complex marketing environments. Abacus 40(2): 238-258.

Cason, T. N., K. N. Kannan and R. Siebert. 2011. An experimental study of information revelation policies in sequential auctions. Management Science (April): 667-688.

Castenholz, W. B. 1931. Selling and administrative expense analysis as a basis for sales control and cost reduction. The Accounting Review (June): 125-130.

Cennamo, C. and J. Santalo. 2015. How to avoid platform traps. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 12-15.

Cespedes, F. V. 2021. Selling after the crisis: Senior executives must understand how dramatically the process needs to change. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 52-57.

Cespedes, F. V., J. P. Dougherty and B. S. Skinner III. 2013. How to identify the best customers for your business. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 53-59.

Cezar, A. and S. Raghunathan. 2023. Competitive location-based and trajectory-based mobile targeting. Decision Sciences 54(2): 177-192.

Chakravarty, A. and R. Grewal. 2011. The stock market in the driver's seat! Implications for R&D and marketing. Management Science (September): 1594-1609.

Chakravorti, B. 2004. The new rules for bringing innovations to market. Harvard Business Review (March): 58-67.

Champion, D. 2017. "A product that lets people hold on to their habits."A conversation with Intuit chairman and cofounder Scott Cook. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 62-63.

Champion, D. 2017. A conversation with Jorgen Vig Knudstorp, cochairman of the Lego Brand Group. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 58-59.

Champniss, G., H. N. Wilson and E. K. Macdonald. 2015. Why your customer's social identities matter. The way consumers see themselves determines their behavior - and you can influence that. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 88-96.

Chang, H., X. Dai, E. Lohwasser and Y. Qiu. 2022. Organized labor effects on SG&A cost behavior. Contemporary Accounting Research 39(1): 404-427.

Chapman, C. J. and T. J. Steenburg. 2011. An investigation of earnings management through marketing actions. Management Science (January): 72-92.

Chari, M. R., K. Luce and I. Thukral. 2017. Mastering the market intelligence challenge. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 41-49.

Chatterjee, D., M. Bongarzone and A. Schanne. 2022. Employer branding is the new marketing imperative. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-3.

Chekitan S., H. Schulze, J. Granoff, K. L. Keller and J. Frampton. 2008. The corporate brand: Help or hindrance? Harvard Business Review (February): 49-58.

Chen, C. X., M. Martin and K. A. Merchant. 2014. The effect of measurement timing on the information content of customer satisfaction measures. Management Accounting Research (September): 187-205.

Chen, Y., J. E. Carrillo, A. J. Vakharia and P. Sin. 2010. Fusion product planning: A market offering perspective. Decision Sciences 41(2): 325-353.

Chen, Y., X. Zhao, W. Zhu and J. Xie. 2019. How precious are scarce products? An Experimental study on a turn-and-earn allocation mechanism. Decision Sciences 50(5): 1031-1059.

Chennamaneni, P. R. and R. Desiraju. 2011. Comarketing alliances: Should you contract on actions or outcomes? Management Science (April): 752-762.

Cherington, P. T. 1924. Some commercial aspects of styles and fashions in the clothing and textile industries. Harvard Business Review (July): 421-433.

Cheung, C. M. K., G. W. W. Chan and M. Limayem. 2005. A critical review of online consumer behavior. Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations 3(4): 1-19.

Chick, S. E., A Huchzermeier and S. Netessine. 2014. Europe's solution factories. Harvard Business Review (April): 111-115. (Four distinct strategies: Leverage data flows to integrate closely with supply chain partners, optimize customer value across the whole chain, cooperate with suppliers to rapidly improve manufacturing processes, and harness technical capabilities to offer a high degree of product customization for customers).

Childress, R. L. 1973. Optimal planning: The use of sales forecasts. Decision Sciences 4(2): 164-172.

Chintagunta, P., J. Dubé and K. Y. Goh. 2005. Beyond the endogeneity bias: The effect of unmeasured brand characteristics on household-level brand choice models. Management Science (May): 832-849.

Chintagunta, P. K. and P. S. Desai. 2011. Introduction to the special issue on marketing within the enterprise and beyond. Management Science (September): 1511.

Christensen, C. M., S. Cook and T. Hall. 2005. Marketing malpractice: The cause and the cure. Harvard Business Review (December): 74-83.

Christensen, C. M., T. Hall, K. Dillon and D. S. Duncan. 2016. Know your customers' "Jobs to be done": Is innovation inherently a hit-or-miss endeavor? Not if you understand why customers make the choices they do. Harvard Business Review (September): 54-62.

Chung, D. J. 2015. How to really motivate salespeople. Harvard Business Review (April): 54-61.

Chung, D. J. 2015. The latest on sales compensation: Interaction. Harvard Business Review (June): 20.

Chung, D. J. 2021. How to shift from selling products to selling services: It takes different skills and a different focus. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 48-52.

Cil, E. B. 2021. Managing service systems via disguised queues: The role of retaliating customers. Decision Sciences 52(2): 427-454.

Clark, N. B. 1940. Fixed and variable elements in selling costs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April 1): 973-983.

Coan, N. A. 1948. Three tools for sales management. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June 1): 1201-1210.

Cogswell, G. R. 1926. Radio development, and consumer buying and patronage motives. Harvard Business Review (January): 203-210.

Cohen, D., R. Mashruwala and T. Zach. 2010. The use of advertising activities to meet earnings benchmarks: Evidence from monthly data. Review of Accounting Studies 15(4): 808-832.

Cohen, M. A., N. Agrawal and V. Agrawal. 2006. Winning the aftermarket. Harvard Business Review (May): 129-138.

Cohen, S. I. 1966. The rise of management science in advertising. Management Science (October): B10-B28.

Cole, B. M. and D. Chandler. 2019. A model of competitive impression management: Edison versus Westinghouse in the war of the currents. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(4): 1020-1063.

Colletti, J. A. and M. S. Fiss. 2006. The ultimately accountable job leading today's sales organization. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 125-131.

Collins, M. 2023. The myth of the mainstream. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 10-11. (Marketing).

Comer, J. M. 1974. Allocate: A computer model for sales territory planning. Decision Sciences 5(3): 323-338.

Comstock B., R. Gulati and S. Liguori. 2010. Unleashing the power of marketing. Harvard Business Review (October): 90-98.

Conlon, D. E. and N. M. Murray. 1996. Customer perceptions of corporate responses to product complaints: The role of explanations. The Academy of Management Journal 39(4): 1040-1056.

Cool, K. and P. Paranikas. 2011. When every customer is a new customer. Harvard Business Review (May): 29-31.

Copeland, M. K. 2010. Marketing and advertising for CPAs: Leading-edge strategies. The CPA Journal (August): 58-62.

Copeland, M. T. 1923. Relation of consumer's buying habits to marketing methods. Harvard Business Review (April): 282-289.

Copeland, M. T. 1924. Buying motives for industrial goods. Harvard Business Review (April): 303-318.

Copeland, M. T. 1924. Consumers' buying motives. Harvard Business Review (January): 139-153.

Copeland, M. T. 1926. Standardized resale prices. Harvard Business Review (July): 393-406.

Corona, C., L. Nan and R. Zhao. 2020. Imitation in product-market competition and accounting reporting. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(3): 93-115.

Corr, A. V. 1976. A cost-effectiveness approach to marketing outlays. Management Accounting (January): 33-36.

Corstjens, M. and J. Merrihue. 2003. Optimal marketing. Harvard Business Review (October): 114-121.

Corstjens, M. and R. Lal. 2012. Retail doesn't cross borders. Harvard Business Review (April): 104-111.

Cotteleer, M., E. Inderrieden, F. Lee, T. Atkinson and R. Koprowski. 2006. Selling the sales force on automation. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 18-22.

Coutu, D. 2006. Leveraging the psychology of the salesperson. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 42-47.

Crockett, H. G. 1926. Analysis of selling costs and proper basis of salesmen's compensation. N.A.C.A Bulletin (December 1): 228-249.

Croson, R. and K. Donohue. 2006. Behavioral causes of the bullwhip effect and the observed value of inventory information. Management Science (March): 323-336. (The bullwhip effect - The tendency of orders to increase in variability as one moves up a supply chain).

Cui, G., M. L. Wong and H. Lui. 2006. Machine learning for direct marketing response models: Bayesian networks with evolutionary programming. Management Science (April): 597-612.

Curtis, A. B., R. J. Lundholm and S. E. Mcvay. 2014. Forecasting sales: A model and some evidence from the retail industry. Contemporary Accounting Research 31(2): 581-608.

D'Andrea, G., D. Marcotte and G. D. Morrison. 2010. Let emerging market customers be your teachers. Harvard Business Review (December): 115-120.

Dahlsten, F. 2003. Avoiding the customer satisfaction rut. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 73-77.

Dalsace, F. and G. Challagalla. 2024. How to market sustainable products. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 80-87.

Dasu, S. and R. B. Chase. 2010. Designing the soft side of customer service. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 33-39.

David, D. K. 1923. Retail merchandising in relation to general business conditions. Harvard Business Review (October): 37-42.

D'Aveni, R. A. 2007. Mapping your competitive position. Harvard Business Review (November): 110-120. (Developing price-benefit positioning maps to show how your products compare with your competitors).

Davenport, T. H. and J. G. Harris. 2009. What people want (and how to predict it). MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 23-31.

Davenport, T. H., G. Guha and D. Grewal. 2021. How to design an AI marketing strategy: What the technology can do today - and what's next. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 42-47.

Davenport, T. H., J. G. Harris and A. K. Kohli. 2001. How do they know their customers so well? MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 63-73.

Davenport, T. H., J. G. Harris, G. L. Jones, K. N. Lemon, and D. Norton. 2007. The dark side of customer analytics. Harvard Business Review (May): 37-48.

Davenport, T. H., L. D. Mule and J. Lucker. 2011. Know what your customers want before they do. Harvard Business Review (December): 84-92.

Davis, A. M., E. Katok and A. M. Kwasnica. 2011. Do auctioneers pick optimal reserve prices? Management Science (January): 177-192.

Dawar, N. 2004. What are brands good for? MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 31-37.

Dawar, N. 2013. When marketing is strategy. Harvard Business Review (December): 100-108.

Dawar, N. and C. K. Bagga. 2015. A better way to map brand strategy. Harvard Business Review (June): 90-97. (A new approach called the centrality-distinctiveness (C-D) map connects a brand's position on a perceptual map with business outcomes such as sales and price).

Dawar, N. and J. Stornnelli. 2013. Rebuilding the relationship between manufacturers and retailers. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 83-90.

Dawar, N. and M. Vandenbosch. 2004. The seller's hidden advantage. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 83-88.

Dawar, N. and N. Bendle. 2018. Marketing in the age of Alexa. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 80-86.

Day, G. S. 2003. Creating a superior customer-relating capability. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 77-82.

Day, G. S. 2006. Aligning the organization with the market. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 41-49.

De, P., Y. J. Hu and M. S. Rahman. 2018. Avoid these five digital retailing mistakes: Today's retailers need to adopt a data-driven view - with the goal of understanding how website features and advances in AI will affect consumer behavior. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-4.

De Aguiar, A. B., P. N. Pinheiro, J. Carlos and T. Oyadomari. 2014. How do different performance measures affect managerial time orientation? Empirical evidence from sales managers in the oil and gas industry. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 30(1): 143-153.

De Swaan Arons, M., F. van den Driest and K. Weed. 2014. The ultimate marketing machine. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 54-63.

Dean, J. 1955. Decentralization and intra-company pricing. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 65-74.

Dellarocas, C. 2010. Online reputation systems: How to design one that does what you need. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 33-37.

Deller, C. and T. Sandino. 2020. Who should select new employees, headquarters or the unit manager? Consequences of centralizing hiring at a retail chain. The Accounting Review (July): 173-198.

Delmas, M. A., N. Nairn-Birch and M. Galzarova. 2013. Choosing the right eco-label for your product. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 10-12.

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Dong, B., M. Li and K. Sivakumar. 2019. Online review characteristics and trust: A cross-country examination. Decision Sciences 50(3): 537-566.

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Harvard Business Review. 1923. Case studies in business: The mail-order policies of a department store. Harvard Business Review (July): 495-499.

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Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Adding a product of different quality and price to an established line. Harvard Business Review (April): 357-361.

Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Preliminary analysis of the advertising possibilities of a product. Harvard Business Review (October): 111-121.

Harvard Business Review. 1925. Case studies in business: Reaching the consumer through direct personal selling. Harvard Business Review (October): 94-106.

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Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: Consumer advertising - Fabricating materials. Harvard Business Review (April): 350-357.

Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: Department-store expansion. Harvard Business Review (October): 81-89.

Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: Keeping in place in the style cycle. Harvard Business Review (April): 345-350.

Harvard Business Review. 1927. Case studies in business: The international scope of merchandising principles. Harvard Business Review (July): 487-495.

Harvard Business Review. 1927. Legal developments significant in business: Some business and legal aspects of resale price maintenance. Harvard Business Review (October): 114-120.

Harvard Business Review. 1929. Case studies in business: How far should retail departmentization be carried? Harvard Business Review (January): 229-239.

Harvard Business Review. 1929. Case studies in business: The advertising and sales promotion of textile products. Harvard Business Review (October): 108-116.

Harvard Business Review. 1929. Summaries of business research: Department-store organization for direct importing. Harvard Business Review (January): 207-222.

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Heese, H. S. 2012. Retail strategies for extended warranty sales and impact on manufacturer base warranties. Decision Sciences 43(2): 341-367.

Heimans, J. and H. Timms. 2014. Understanding "New power". Harvard Business Review (December): 48-56. (New power actors are differnet from old power players. Old power is like a currency - jealously gaurded, closed, inaccessible and leader driven. New power is like a current - open, participatory, and peer driven).

Hemp, P. 2006. Avatar-based marketing. Harvard Business Review (June): 48-57. (Marketing in Second Life).

Hewlett, S. A., M. Marshall and L. Sherbin. 2011. The relationship you need to get right. Harvard Business Review (October): 131-134.

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Hill, S. and C. Lederer. 2001. The Infinite Asset: Managing Brands to Build New Value. Harvard Business School Press.

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Hinterhuber, A. 2004. Towards value-based pricing - An integrative framework for decision making. Industrial Marketing Management 33(8): 765-778. (The product's economic or customer received value is the price of the customer's best alternative (reference value) plus the value of whatever differentiates the offering from the alternative (differentiation value). Received value is not the same as the customer's desired value. The framework uses economic value analysis, cost-volume profit analysis, and competitive analysis to indicate the customer, company, and competitor perspectives to determine ranges of profitable prices. The emphasis is that an understanding and quantification of customer value is a key to profitable pricing.)

Hinterhuber, A. 2008. Customer value-based pricing strategies: Why companies resist. Journal of Business Strategy  29(4): 41-50. (Summary).

Hinterhuber, A. 2008. Value delivery and value-based pricing in industrial markets. Woodside, A. G., F. Golfetto and M. Gibbert eds. Creating and managing superior customer value. Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing (November): 381-448.

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Hoffman, D. L. and M. Fodor. 2010. Can you measure the ROI of your social media marketing? MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 41-49.

Hoffman, D. L. and T. P. Novak. 2000. How to acquire customers on the web. Harvard Business Review (May-June): 179-180, 183-188.

Holt, D. 2016. Branding in the age of social media. Harvard Business Review (March): 40-50. (Crowdculture).

Holt, D. B. 2003. What becomes an icon most? Harvard Business Review (March): 43-49.

Holt, D. B., J. A. Quelch and E. L. Taylor. 2004. How global brands compete. Harvard Business Review (September): 68-75.

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Hong, P. K., S. Lee, P. Mynatt and R. Ramakrishnan. 2019. The value relevance of timely information: The case of comparable store sales growth. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (44): 10-21.

Hopkins, M. S. and L. Brokaw. 2011. Matchmaking with math: How analytics beats intuition to win customers. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 35-41.

Horst, P. and R. Duboff. 2015. Don't let big data bury your brand. Harvard Business Review (November): 78-86.

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Hsieh, T. 2010. Zappos's CEO on going to extremes for customers. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 41-45.

Huang, M. 2006. Eliminate the middleman? Harvard Business Review (March): 33-37. (Fictional case).

Huang, M. and E. T. G. Wang. 2013. Marketing is from Mars, IT is from Venus: Aligning the worldviews for firm performance. Decision Sciences 44(1): 87-125.

Huston, D. 2016. Priceline's CEO on creating an in-house multilingual customer service operation. Harvard Business Review (April): 37-40.

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Israeli, A., L. A. Schlesinger, M. Higgins and S. Semerkant. 2022. Should your company sell on Amazon? Reach comes at a price. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 38-46.

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Porter, M. E. and J. E. Heppelmann. 2015. How smart, connected products are transforming companies. Harvard Business Review (October): 96-114.

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Reimann, M. 2016. Accurate response with refurbished consumer returns. Decision Sciences 47(1): 31-59.

Reinartz, W. and P. Saffert. 2013. Creativity in advertising: When it works and when it doesn't. Harvard Business Review (June): 106-112.

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Rigby, D. K. and D. Ledingham. 2004. CRM done right. Harvard Business Review (November): 118-129. ("Early adopters of customer relationship management systems were often disappointed by high costs and elusive benefits. Now some companies are reaping strong returns on their CRM investments.").

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Tate, W. L., D. Mollenkopf, T. Stank and A. L. Da Silva. 2015. Integrating supply and demand. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 16-18.

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