Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Adler, F. P. 1960. Relationships between organization size and efficiency. Management Science (October): 80-84.
Armitage, H. and A. A. Atkinson. 1990. The choice of productivity measures in organizations. Measures for Manufacturing Excellence. Harvard Business School Press. Chapter 4: 91-126.
Arnett, H. E. 1984. Increasing productivity in the United States. Management Accounting (November): 63-64.
Babson, S. M. Jr. 1981. Profiling your productivity. Management Accounting (December): 13-17, 32.
Backman, J. ed. 1974. Labor Technology and Productivity in the Seventies. University Press, New York.
Baik, B., J. Chae, S. Choi and D. B. Farber. 2013. Changes in operational efficiency and firm performance: A frontier analysis approach. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(3): 996-1026.
Balezentis, T., S. Blancard, Z. Shen and D. Streimikiene. 2021. Analysis of environmental total factor productivity evolution in European agricultural sector. Decision Sciences 52(2): 483-511.
Banker, R. D. and S. M. Datar. 1987. Accounting for labor productivity in manufacturing operations: An application. Accounting and Management Field Study Perspectives. Edited by W. J. Bruns, Jr. and R. S. Kaplan. Harvard Business School Press: 169-203.
Banker, R. D., H. Chang and R. Natarajan. 2005. Productivity change, technical progress, and relative efficiency change in the public accounting industry. Management Science (February): 291-304.
Barlev, B. 1986. Total factor productivity and cost variances: Survey and analysis. Journal of Accounting Literature (5): 35-56.
Barnes, R. M. 1949. Toward standardized productivity measurement - The time study basis. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March 1): 783-790.
Bentson, R., G. L. Gass, and G. McMakin. 1987.White collar productivity. Management Accounting (September): 33-37.
Berglas, S. 2006. How to keep A players productive. Harvard Business Review (September): 104-112.
Blinder, A. 1990. Paying for Productivity. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution.
Blinder, A. 1990. Paying for Productivity: A Look at the Evidence. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution.
Bloom, N. and S. Berinato. 2014. To raise productivity, let more employees work from home. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 28-29.
Boyd, P. and M.K. Fleming. 1987. Productivity: The controller's role. Management Accounting (September): 28-32.
Brandt, L. 1987. The buzz: competitiveness. Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 62-64. (Compares productivity growth from 1950-1985 for Japan, West Germany, Italy, France, Canada, UK and US).
Brayton, G. N. 1985. Productivity measure aids in profit analysis. Management Accounting (January): 54-58.
Brayton, G. N. 1983. Simplified method of measuring productivity identifies opportunities for increasing it. Industrial Engineering (February): 49-56.
Bridges, E. M., W. J. Doyle and D. J. Mahan. 1968. Effects of hierarchical differentiation on group productivity, efficiency, and risk taking. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(2): 305-319.
Briggs, F. R. and J. E. Hosking. 1984. Hospitals eye excess capacity and plan to improve productivity. Modern Healthcare (February 1): 114, 116, 119.
Brinkman, S. 1987. Productivity begins with hiring. Management Accounting (July): 50-52.
Buehler, V. M. and Y. K. Shetty. 1981. Productivity Improvement: Case Studies of Proven Practice. AMACOM.
Buller, P. F. and C. H. Bell, Jr. 1986. Effects of team building and goal setting on productivity: A field experiment. The Academy of Management Journal 29(2): 305-328.
Bullock, R.J., and Timothy L. Ross. 1980. Integrating measurement of productivity into a standard cost system. Financial Executive (October): 34-40.
Burstein, C., and K. Sedlak 1988.The Federal productivity improvement effort: Current status and future agenda. National Productivity Review (Spring): 122-133.
Call, F. O. 1951. The task of the time and production reporting staff. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 946-955.
Calvasina, E. J. and W. R. Boxx. 1975. Efficiency of workers on the four-day workweek. The Academy of Management Journal 18(3): 604-610.
Carey, J. R. 1972. M. A. S. H. Note: A report on the Army's productivity program. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(3): 409.
Chang, H., G. D. Fernado, D. Srinivasan and A. Tripathy. 2013. A re-examination of diversification and firm productivity. Journal of Management Accounting Research (25): 99-118.
Chang, L. and B. Birkett. 2004. Managing intellectual capital in a professional service firm: Exploring the creativity-productivity paradox. Management Accounting Research (March): 7-31.
Cheatham, C. 1986. Do you have a productivity disease? Management Accounting (July): 49-51.
Cheatham, C. 1987. Profit and productivity analysis revisited. Journal of Accountancy (July): 123-130.
Chew, W. B., T. F. Bresnahan and K. B. Clark. 1990. Measurement, coordination, and learning in a multiplant network. Measures for Manufacturing Excellence. Edited by R. S. Kaplan. Harvard Business School Press. Chapter 5: 129-162.
Choi, J. H. 2021. Accrual accounting and resource allocation: A general equilibrium analysis. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 1179-1219.
Clancy, D. K. and F. J. Roman. 2013. The impact of firm size on the productivity of resources. Advances in Management Accounting (22): 1-24.
Clark, K. B. and Z. Griliches. 1984. Productivity growth and R&D at the business level: Results from the PIMS data base. In Z. Griliches, ed. R&D, patents and productivity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 393-416.
Coburn, S., H. Grove and C. Fukami. 1995. Benchmarking with ABCM. Management Accounting (January): 56-60. (Summary).
Collins, J. C. 2011. Increase productivity with multiple monitors. Journal of Accountancy (February): 28-33.
Coombe, L. W. and R. R. Densmore. 1982. How Detroit Edison improves its productivity. Management Accounting (May): 50-54.
Cornfield, W. 2016. Making workflows work. Journal of Accountancy (July): 19.
Cotlar, M. 1975. Performance accounting. Management Accounting (August): 33-36. (A graphical performance-monitoring information system).
Craig, C. E. and R. C. Harris. 1973. Total productivity measurement at the firm level. Sloan Management Review (Spring): 12-29.
Daraio, C. and L. Simar. 2010. Advanced Robust and Nonparametric Methods in Efficiency Analysis: Methodology and Applications. Springer.
Datta, D. K., J. P. Guthrie, P. M. Wright. 2005. Human resource management and labor productivity: Does industry matter? The Academy of Management Journal 48(1): 135-145. 2005. Erratum: Human resource management and labor productivity: Does industry matter? The Academy of Management Journal 48(3): 374.
Davis, G. B. 1988. Information systems: Productivity gains from computer-aided software engineering. Accounting Horizons (June): 90-93.
Davis, H. S. 1955 and 1978. Productivity Accounting. Industrial Research Unit, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Dean, J. 1954. Measuring the productivity of capital. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 120-130.
Dehning, B., K. E. Dow and T. Stratopoulos. 2003. The Info-Tech "productivity paradox" dissected and tested. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 31-39. (Summary).
Deitemann, G. J. 1988. Measuring Productivity in a service company. Management Accounting (February): 48-54.
Demski, J. S., J. C. Fellingham, H. H. Lin and D. A. Schroeder. 2008. Interaction between productivity and measurement. Journal of Management Accounting Research (20): 169-190.
Deutsch, M. 1949. A theory of co-operation and competition. Human Relations (2): 129-152.
Deutsch, M. 1962. An experimental study of the effects of cooperation and competition upon group process. Human Relations (56): 159-170.
Dogramaci, A. 1977. Research on the size of administrative overhead and productivity: Some methodological considerations. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(1): 22-26.
Donkersloot, R. Jr. 1981. Productivity through manufacturing control. Management Accounting (December): 25-32.
Douthit, J., P. Martin and M. McAllister. 2021. Corporate philanthropy and employee productivity. Strategic Finance (October): 13-14.
Doyle, W. J. 1971. Effects of achieved status of leader on productivity of groups. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(1): 40-50.
Drake, A., S. Haka and S. Ravenscroft. 1998. Incentive effects on innovation, interaction and productivity in group environments. Advances in Management Accounting (6): 93-112.
Edwards, J. B., and J. A. Heard. 1984. Is Cost accounting the No. 1 enemy of productivity? Management Accounting (June): 44-49.
Eilon, S., B. Gold and J. Soesan. 1976. Applied Productivity Analysis for Industry. Pergamon Press.
Ewing, B. G., C. Burstein, and C. Wickman. 1986. Meeting the productivity challenge in the federal government. National Productivity Review (Summer): 252-261.
Fare, R., S. Grosskopf and C. A. K. Lowell. 2010. The Measurements of Efficiency of Production. Springer.
Fisher, J. 1994. Technological interdependence, labor production functions, and control systems. Accounting, Organizations and Society 19(6): 493-505.
Flynn, F. J. 2003. How much should I give and how often? The effects of generosity and frequency of favor exchange on social status and productivity. The Academy of Management Journal 46(5): 539-553.
Fox, R. E. 1984. Cost accounting measures of productivity - Main bottleneck on the factory floor? Management Review (November): 55-61.
Franklin, W. H. 1947. Productivity in relation to costs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March 15): 859-868.
Freeman, J. 1999. Efficiency and rationality in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 44(1): 163-175.
Frew, D. R. 1974. Transcendental meditation and productivity. The Academy of Management Journal 17(2): 362-368.
Fryer, B. 2006. Sleep deficit: The performance killer. Harvard Business Review (October): 53-59.
Gass, G. L., R. Bentson and G. McMakin. 1987. White collar productivity: How a major insurance company tried to optimize its resources and talents. Management Accounting (September): 33-38.
Gatti, J.F. and D.J. Grinnell. 2000. Joint cost allocations: Measuring and promoting productivity and quality improvements. Journal of Cost Management (July/August): 13-21.
Ghosh, D. and X. Huang. 2020. Managerial ability and employee productivity. Advances in Management Accounting (32): 151-180.
Gibson, D. L. 1994. The effects of screen layout and feedback type on productivity and satisfaction of occasional users. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 105-114.
Glisson, C. A. and P. Y. Martin. 1980. Productivity and efficiency in human service organizations as related to structure, size, and age. The Academy of Management Journal 23(1): 21-37.
Gold, B. 1971. Explorations in Managerial Economics: Productivity Costs, Technology and Growth. Basic Books. New York.
Gold, B. 1979. Productivity, Technology and Capital: Economic Analysis, Managerial Strategies and Government Policies. Lexington Books - D.C. Heath.
Gold, B. 1980. Practical productivity analysis for management accountants. Management Accounting (May): 31-38, 44.
Goldman, A. S. 1959. Information flow and worker productivity. Management Science (April): 270-278.
Goldratt, E. M. 1983. Cost accounting is enemy number one of productivity. International Conference Proceedings, American Production and Inventory Control Society (October).
Golshan, N. M., I. K. Khurana and F. B. G. Silva. 2023. Financial transparency, labor productivity, and real wages: Evidence from mandatory IFRS adoption. Journal of International Accounting Research 22(3): 31-61.
Gooding, R. Z. and J. A. Wagner III. 1985. A meta-analytic review of the relationship between size and performance: The productivity and efficiency of organizations and their subunits. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(4): 462-481.
Goretzki, L. and J. A. Pfister. 2023. Productivity measures in performance evaluations. Strategic Finance (June): 17-18.
Greenberg, L. 1973. A Practical Guide to Productivity Measurement. The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. Washington D.C.
Griliches, Z. 1986. Productivity puzzles and R&D: Another nonexplanation. Journal of Economic Perspectives. 2 (4), 9-21.
Griliches, Z. 1979. Issues in assessing the contribution of R&D to productivity growth. The Bell Journal of Economics 10 (1): 92-116.
Griliches, Z. 1994. Explanations of productivity growth: Is the glass half-empty? American Economic Review 84(1), 1-25.
Griliches, Z. and F. Lichtenberg. 1984. Interindustry technology flows and productivity growth: A re-examination. Review of Economics and Statistics 66 (2): 325-29.
Grupp, H. and S. Maital. 2002. Total factor productivity as a performance benchmark for firms: Theory and evidence.
Gulledge, T. R. and C. A. K. Lovell. 2010. International Applications of Productivity and Efficiency Analysis. Springer.
Guthrie, J. P. 2001. High-involvement work practices, turnover, and productivity: Evidence from New Zealand. The Academy of Management Journal 44(1): 180-190.
Hales, J. and M. G. Williamson. 2010. Implicit employment contracts: The limits of management reputation for promoting firm productivity. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 51-80.
Han, K. H. 1991. A productivity measurement of activities at the micro level. Management Accounting Research (December): 249-261.
Hann, R. N., H. Kim, W. Wang and Y. Zheng. 2020. Information frictions and productivity dispersion: The role of accounting information. The Accounting Review (May): 223-250.
Hannan, R. L. 2016. Discussion of "Communicated values as informal controls: Promoting quality while undermining productivity? Contemporary Accounting Research 33(4): 1435-1439.
Hansen, D. R., M. M. Mowen and L. H. Hammer. 1992. Profit-linked productivity measurement. Journal of Management Accounting Research (4): 79-98.
Hasselback, J. R., A. Reinstein and E. S. Schwan. 2000. Benchmarks for evaluating the research productivity of accounting faculty. Journal of Accounting Education 18(2): 79-97.
Hayes, R. D. and J. A. Millar. 1990. Measuring production efficiency in a not-for-profit setting. The Accounting Review (July): 505-519.
Hayes, R. D. and J. A. Millar. 1993. A rejoinder to "Measuring production efficiency in a not-for-profit setting: An extension". The Accounting Review (January): 89-92.
Hayes, R. H., and K. B. Clark. 1985. Explaining Observed productivity differentials between plants: Implication for operations research. Interfaces (November-December): 3-14.
Hayes, R. H. and W. J. Abernathy. 1980. Managing our way to economic decline. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 67-77.
Hayes, R. H. and W. J. Abernathy. 2007. Managing our way to economic decline. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 138-149. (This is a reprint of their 1980 article with a retrospect by Hayes on page 141). (Summary).
Hayzen, A. J. and J. M. Reeve. 2000. Examining the relationships in productivity accounting. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 32-39. (Summary).
Herrmann, P. N. 1959. A case in measurement of productivity changes. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 51-61. (Description of productivity accounting).
Hickey, J. 1975. Employee Productivity: How to Improve and Measure Your Company's Performance. The Institute for the Advancement of Scientific Management and Control. Stratford, Conn.
Higgs, P. C. 1960. Productivity portrayal at the bargaining table. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 89-93.
Hill, C. W. L. and S. A. Snell. 1989. Effects of ownership structure and control on corporate productivity. The Academy of Management Journal 32(1): 25-46.
Hoque, Z. 2000. Matching productivity measures with business mission and uncertainty. Advances in Management Accounting (9): 109-125.
Huang, M. and R. T. Rust. 2014. Should your business be less productive? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 67-72.
Huntzinger, J. 2021. Production is wealth creation: Keeping an eye on flow. Cost Management (January/February): 6-9.
James, J. V. and A. G. Rooney. 1957. Outline of a plan for practical productivity accounting. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 31-36.
Johnson, R. E. 2005. Health and productivity programs: The business case. Strategic Finance (March): 46-53, 67.
Johnson, R. E. and P. G. Johnson. 2003. Are H&P programs for you? Strategic Finance (December): 39-45. (Healthcare and productivity programs).
Jones, D. and B. Hansen. 2002. Productivity grows in spite of recession. USA Today (July 29): 1B and 3B. This article provides a ranking of the Fortune 100 companies in terms of total factor productivity (TFP). The TFP measurement is based on the work of Robert Solow and extended by Hariolf Grupp and Shlomo Maital.
Kachelmeier, S. J. and M. G. Williamson. 2010. Attracting creativity: The initial and aggregate effects of contract selection on creativity-weighted productivity. The Accounting Review (September): 1669-1691.
Kachelmeier, S. J., B. E. Reichert and M. G. Williamson. 2008. Measuring and motivating quantity, creativity, or both. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 341-373.
Kachelmeier, S. J., T. A. Thronock and M. G. Williamson. 2016. Communicated values as informal controls: Promoting quality while undermining productivity? Contemporary Accounting Research 33(4): 1411-1434.
Kahn, L. B. and W. W. Suojanen. 1955. Useful activity indexes by inventory fractionation. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January): 672-681.
Kahn, L. B. and W. W. Soujanen. 1965. Two simple measures of productivity from accounting data. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 17-23.
Kaydos, W. 1998. Operational Performance Measurement: Increasing Total Productivity. CRC Press - St. Lucie Press.
Katzell, M. E. 1975. Productivity The Measure and the Myth. AMACOM.
Kendrick, J. W. 1965. Summary and evaluation of recent work in measuring the productivity of federal agencies. Management Science (December): B120-B134.
Kendrick, J. W. and D. Creamer. 1965. Measuring Company Productivity: Handbook with Case Studies. Revised edition. The Conference Board.
Khallaf, A. and T. R. Skantz. 2015. R & D productivity following first-time CIO appointments. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (16): 55-72.
Kirby, J. 2005. Toward a theory of high performance. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 30-39.
Klammer, T. P. 1996. Capacity Measurement and Improvement: A Manager's Guide to Evaluating and Optimizing Capacity Productivity. Irwin.
Klein, L. and R. M. Jacques. 1991. 'Pillow talk' for productivity. Management Accounting (February): 47-49. (Related to using bar codes and EDI).
Kocakülâh, M. C., A. D. Austill and D. E. Schenk. 2011. Lean production practices for efficiency. Cost Management (March/April): 20-28.
Kocakülâh, M. C., A. D. Austill and D. E. Schenk. 2011. Lean production practices: Crandon production system, A case study. Cost Management (July/August): 38-48.
Kolmin, F. W. and M. J. Cerullo. 1973. Measuring productivity and efficiency. Management Accounting (November): 32-34.
Konrad, A. M. and J. Pfeffer. 1990. Do you get what you deserve? Factors affecting the relationship between productivity and pay. Administrative Science Quarterly 35(2): 258-285.
Konrad, A. M. and J. Pfeffer. 1990. Erratum: Do you get what you deserve? Factors affecting the relationship between productivity and pay. Administrative Science Quarterly 35(3): 551.
Kraft, K. K. 1983. Measuring production efficiency. Management Accounting (June): 40-43. (Discussion of standards, productivity and variances).
La Grouw, G. 2010. Leading with SPI: Driving Productivity and Profit with Strategic Performance Improvement. CreateSpace.
Lambert, D. M. and H. M. Armitage. 1979. Distribution costs: The challenge. Management Accounting (May): 33-37, 45.
Lampe, J. C. and K. R. Earnest. 1984. Motivation: A key to accountant's productivity and turnover. Management Accounting (February): 50-55. (Survey).
Langenberg, W. 1952. An experiment in productivity measurement. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January): 584-585.
Langenberg, W. 1953. Increasing productivity through control reports. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 982-993.
Latzko, W. J. 1986. Quality and Productivity for Bankers and Financial Managers. Marcel Dekker.
Lawler, W. and J. Livingstone. 1986. Profit and productivity analysis for small business. Journal of Accountancy (December): 190-196.
Lazonick, W. 2014. Profits without prosperity. Stock buybacks manipulate the market and leave most Americans worse off. Harvard Business Review (September): 46-55. (Shows how productivity and wages have parted ways).
Ledingham, D., M. Kovac and H. L. Simon. 2006. The new science of sales force productivity. Harvard Business Review (September): 124-133.
Leiter, W. A. 1966. Gauging the plant productivity level. Management Accounting (February): 11-13.
Lewis, W. W. 2004. The Power of Productivity: Wealth, Poverty, and the Threat to Global Stability. University of Chicago Press.
Liao, S. S. 1975. Three-step analysis measures productivity. Management Accounting (August): 25-28.
Link, A. N. 1981. Basic research and productivity increase in manufacturing: Additional evidence. American Economic Review (71): 1111-12.
Lisbin, S. 2009. Up Productivity.
Mansfield, E. 1965. Rates of return from industrial R&D. American Economic Review (55): 863-73.
Martin, J. R. Not dated. What is a learning curve? Management And Accounting Web. LearningCurveSummary
Mefford, R. N. 1989. The productivity nexus of new inventory and quality control techniques. Engineering Costs & Production Economics Netherlands 17(1-4): 21-28.
Majumdar, S. K. and A. A. Marcus. 2001. Rules versus discretion: The productivity consequences of flexible regulation. The Academy of Management Journal 44(1): 170-179.
Mammone, J. L. 1980. A Practical Approach to Productivity Measurement. Management Accounting (July): 40-44.
Mammone, J. L. 1980. Productivity measurement: A conceptual overview. Management Accounting (June): 36-42.
Manuel, W. G. 1981. Productivity experiences at Nucor. In Buehler, V. M. and Y. K. Shetty. Productivity Improvement: Case Studies of Proven Practice. AMACOM. Chapter 4.
McNamara, C. R. 1979. Management productivity: How to uncover a hidden corporate asset. Management Review (December): 20-23.
Mehta, M. 2009. A + E = Lean: Process improvement calculates activity efficiency. Industrial Engineer (June): 28-33.
Mensah, Y. M. and S. Li. 1993. Measuring production efficiency in a not-for-profit setting: An extension. The Accounting Review (January): 66-88.
Merrifield, R., J. Calhoun and D. Stevens. 2008. The next revolution in productivity. Harvard Business Review (June): 72-80.
Miller, K. I. and P. R. Monge. 1986. Participation, satisfaction, and productivity: A meta-analytic review. The Academy of Management Journal 29(4): 727-753.
Moore, B. 1975. A Plant-Wide Productivity Plan in Action: Three Years of Experience with the Scanlon Plan. National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life.
Moore, B. and T. L. Ross. 1978. The Scanlon Way to Improved Productivity: A Practical Guide. John Wiley & Sons.
Morgan, C. 1927. Measures of business efficiency. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September 1).
Mucklow, W. 1917. Measuring financial efficiency of institutions. Journal of Accountancy (February): 81-98.
Mullen, J. H. 1965. Differential leadership modes and productivity in a large organization. The Academy of Management Journal 8(2): 107-126.
Murray, J. P. 1984. How an information center improved productivity. Management Accounting (March): 38-39, 42-44.
Nagle, F. 2018. Capturing value from free digital goods: Companies can improve productivity by tapping into the market of free digital goods, such as open source software, and by paying their own employees to contribute. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 16-18.
Nelson, L. W. 1956. An application of productivity measurement. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February): 762-766.
OECD. 2010. Productivity Measurement and Analysis. OECD Publishing.
O'Keefe, H. A. Jr. 1976. Increasing the productivity of local governments. Management Accounting (March): 43-44.
Orrbeck, M. G., D. R. Schuette and H. E. Thompson. 1968. The effect of worker productivity on production smoothing. Management Science (February): B332-B342.
Perry, L. W., and M. K. Sealey. 1983. Measuring productivity: Focusing on key resources and added value management. Cost and Management (March-April): 65-68.
Peterson, P. G. 1972. Productivity is not a dirty word. Management Accounting (September): 57-59.
Poe, G. D. and L. E. Mechem. 1983. How total factor productivity works. Management Accounting (June): 44-46.
Possett, R. W. 1980. Measuring productive costs in the service sector. Management Accounting (October): 16-24.
Pozen, R. C. 2011. Extreme productivity. Harvard Business Review (May): 127-131.
Presnick, W. J. 1980. Measuring managerial productivity. Administrative Management (May): 26-28, 46-48.
Pruden, H. O. and B. J. Stark. 1971. Marginality associated with interorganizational linking process, productivity, and satisfaction. The Academy of Management Journal 14(1): 145-148.
Radcliffe, V. S. 1998. Efficiency audit: An assembly of rationalities and programmes. Accounting, Organizations and Society 23(4): 377-410.
Radcliffe, V. S. 1999. Knowing efficiency: The enactment of efficiency in efficiency auditing. Accounting, Organizations and Society 24(4): 333-362.
Rao, M. P. 2000. A simple method to link productivity to profitability. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 12-17.
Rao, M. P. 2007. From a black hole to a hole-in-one. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 32-46. (A profit-linked multi-factor productivity measurement for a golf course).
Reed, T. A. 1988. High-tech productivity: The Loch Ness monster? Public Utilities Fortnightly (December 8): 47.
Reinstein, A. and J. R. Hasselback. 1997. A literature review of articles assessing the productivity of accounting faculty members. Journal of Accounting Education 15(3): 425-455.
Revsine, L. and J. B. Thies. 1976. Productivity changes and alternative income series: A simulation. The Accounting Review (April): 255-268.
Riegel, J. W. 1923. The appraisal of labor "efficiency". Harvard Business Review (April): 342-354.
Roberts, K., R. E. Miles and L. V. Blankenship. 1968. Organizational leadership satisfaction and productivity: A comparative analysis. The Academy of Management Journal 11(4): 401-414.
Ross, T. L., and R.J. Bullock. 1980. Integrating measurement of productivity into a standard cost system. Financial Executive (October): 34-40.
Ruhl, J. M. 1995. Review of Handbook for Productivity Measurement and Improvement. Journal of Cost Management (Spring): 67-69.
Ruths, D. 2003. Improve productivity with contextual collaboration. Strategic Finance (March): 22-26.
Salo, A. and A. Punkka. 2011. Ranking intervals and dominance relations for ratio-based efficiency analysis. Management Science (January): 200-214.
Scherer, F., 1982. Interindustry technology flows and productivity growth. Review of Economics and Statistics. 627-34.
Schwartz, T. 2010. The productivity paradox. Harvard Business Review (June): 64-69.
Shalley, E. 1995. Effects of coaction, expected evaluation, and goal setting on creativity and productivity. The Academy of Management Journal 38(2): 483-503.
Sheridan, J.H. 1990. America's Best Plants. Industry Week (October 15): 27-64.
Slusher, A., J. Van Dyke and G. Rose. 1972. Technical competence of group leaders, managerial role, and productivity in engineering design groups. The Academy of Management Journal 15(2): 197-204.
Smith, G. L. 1986. Improving productivity in the controller's organization. Management Accounting (January): 49-51.
Smith, L. L. 1983. Using labor information to measure productivity. Management Accounting (June): 47-49.
Solow, R. 1957. Technical progress and the aggregate production function. Review of Economics and Statistics (39): 312-320.
Sproull, B. 2009. The Ultimate Improvement Cycle: Maximizing Profits through the Integration of Lean, Six Sigma, and the Theory of Constraints. Productivity Press.
Steedle, L. F. 1988. Has productivity measurement outgrown infancy? Management Accounting (August): 15.
Summers, E. L. 1969. Accountants productivity increases in a computer-dependent organization. Management Accounting (April): 28-30.
Suzaki, K. 1985. Work-in-process management: An illustrated guide to productivity improvement. Production and Inventory Management (3rd Quarter): 101-110.
Takeuchi, H. 1981. Productivity: Learning from the Japanese. California Management Review (Summer): 5-18. (Summary.)
Taussig, R. A. and W. L. Shaw. 1985. Accounting for productivity: A practical approach. Management Accounting (May): 48-52.
Terleckyj, N. 1974. Effects of R&D on the Productivity Growth of Industries: An Exploratory Study. Washington DC: National Planning Association.
Thor, C. G. 1983. Planning your productivity efforts. Management Accounting (June): 28-32.
Tingey-Holyoak, J., J. Pisaniello, P. Buss and W. Mayer. 2021. The importance of accounting-integrated information systems for realising productivity and sustainability in the agricultural sector. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (41): 100512.
Tsurumi, Y. 1981. Productivity: The Japanese Approach. Pacific Basin Quarterly (Summer).
Tsurumi, Y. 1982. Japan's challenge to the U.S.: Industrial policies and corporate strategies. Columbia Journal of World Business (Summer): 87-95.
Virtanen, T., M. Tuomaala and E. Pentti. 2013. Energy efficiency complexities: A technical and managerial investigation. Management Accounting Research (December): 401-416.
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