Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
Behavioral Issues Main Page
Anand, N. and M. R. Watson. 2004. Tournament rituals in evolution of fields: The case of the Grammy awards. The Academy of Management Journal 47(1): 59-80.
Becker, B. E. and M. A. Huselid. 1992. The incentive effects of tournament compensation systems. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(2): 336-350.
Berger, L., K. J. Klassen, T. Libby and A. Webb. 2013. Complacency and giving up across repeated tournaments: Evidence from the field. Journal of Management Accounting Research (25): 143-167.
Berger, L., T. Libby and A. Webb. 2018. The effects of tournament horizon and the percentage of winners on social comparisons and performance in multi-period competitions. Accounting, Organizations and Society (64): 1-16.
Bothner, M. S., J. Kang and T. E. Stuart. 2007. Competitive crowding and risk taking in a tournament: Evidence from NASCAR racing. Administrative Science Quarterly 52(2): 208-247.
Cable, D. M. and B. Murray. 1999. Tournaments versus sponsored mobility as determinants of job search success. The Academy of Management Journal 42(4): 439-449.
Cardinaels, E., C. X. Chen and H. Yin. 2018. Leveling the playing field: The selection and motivation effects of tournament prize spread information. The Accounting Review (July): 127-149.
Chan, E. W., J. H. Evans III. and D. Hong. 2022. Losers of CEO tournaments: Incentives, turnover, and career outcomes. The Accounting Review (November, Issue 6): 123-148.
Chen, H., S. H. Ham and N. Lim. 2011. Designing multiperson tournaments with asymmetric contestants: An experimental study. Management Science (May): 864-883.
Choi, J., A. H. Newman and I. D. Tafkov. 2016. A marathon, a series of sprints, or both? Tournament horizon and dynamic task complexity in multi-period settings. The Accounting Review (September): 1391-1410.
Guo, L., K. Huo and T. Libby. 2022. Cooperate or compete? The impact of vertical wage dispersion on employees' behavior in tournaments. Management Accounting Research (March): 100817.
Hannan, R. L., K. L. Towry and Y. Zhang. 2013. Turning up the volume: An experimental investigation of the role of mutual monitoring in tournaments. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(4): 1401-1426.
Harbring, C. and B. Irlenbusch. 2011. Sabotage in tournaments: Evidence from a laboratory experiment. Management Science (April): 611-627.
Kelly, K., A. Presslee and R. A. Webb. 2017. The effects of tangible rewards versus cash rewards in consecutive sales tournaments: A field experiment. The Accounting Review (November): 165-185.
Kersting, L., K. Krumwiede, R. Marley and M. J. Mellon. 2021. Employee tournaments: One size does not fit all. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 9-17.
Kersting, L., R. N. Marley and M. J. Mellon. 2019. Tournament horizon: A marathon or a sprint? It depends upon the level of heterogeneity in ability among employees. Journal of Management Accounting Research 31(2): 95-110.
Ma, M., J. Pan and S. R. Stubben. 2020. The effect of local tournament incentives on firms' performance, risk-taking decisions, and financial reporting decisions. The Accounting Review (March): 283-309.
Newman, A. H. and I. D. Tafkov. 2014. Relative performance information in tournaments with different prize structures. Accounting, Organizations and Society 39(5): 348-361.
Ning, J. 2018. Tournament incentives and stock price crash risk. Accounting Horizons (September): 101-121.
O'Reilly C. A. III, B. G. Main and G. S. Crystal. 1988. CEO compensation as tournament and social comparison: A tale of two theories. Administrative Science Quarterly 33(2): 257-274.
Rankin, F. W. and T. L. Sayre. 2011. Responses to risk in tournaments. Accounting, Organizations and Society 36(1): 53-62.
Sheridan, J. E., J. W. Slocum, Jr., R. Buda and R. C. Thompson. 1990. Effects of corporate sponsorship and departmental power on career tournaments. The Academy of Management Journal 33(3): 578-602.
Vidal, J. B. I. and M. Nossol. 2011. Tournaments without prizes: Evidence from personnel records. Management Science (October): 1721-1736.
Wang, L. W. and H. Yin. 2023. The effects of emotion-understanding ability and tournament incentives on supervisors' propensity to acquire subordinate-type information to use in control decisions. Accounting, Organizations and Society (107): 101425.
Yin, H. and H. Zhang. 2014. Tournaments of financial analysts. Review of Accounting Studies 19(2): 573-605.