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Accounting Horizons A-F

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Volume 1(1) March 1987 - Volume 38(4) December 2024

Recent Updates by Year

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Abbott, L. J., S. Parker and G. F. Peters. 2010. Serving two masters: The association between audit committee internal audit oversight and internal audit activities. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-24.

Abbott, L. J., S. Parker and T. J. Presley. 2012. Female board presence and the likelihood of financial restatement. Accounting Horizons (December): 607-629.

Abdel-Meguid, A. M., G. D. Fernando, R. A. Schneible Jr. and S. Suh. 2019. Differential interpretations and earning quality. Accounting Horizons (June): 59-73.

Abdolmohammadi, M., R. Simnett, J. C. Thibodeau and A. M. Wright. 2006. Sell-side analysts' reports and the current external reporting model. Accounting Horizons (December): 375-389.

Accola, W. L. 1994. Assessing risk and uncertainty in new technology investments. Accounting Horizons (September): 19-35.

Accounting Horizons. 2012. Editor report. Accounting Horizons (December): v-xii.

Accounting Horizons. 2013. Editor's report. Accounting Horizons (December): 909-918.

Accounting Horizons. 2014. Editors report. Accounting Horizons (December): 949-955.

Adams, B., M. M. Frank and T. Perry. 2011. The potential for inflating earnings through the expected rate of return on defined benefit pension plan assets. Accounting Horizons (September): 443-464.

Adhikari, A. and A. Duru. 2006. Voluntary disclosures of free cash flow information. Accounting Horizons (December): 311-332.

Ahn, H., S. Choi and S. C. Yun. 2020. Financial statement comparability and the market value of cash holdings. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-21.

Aier, J. K., J. Comprix, M. T. Gunlock and D. Lee. 2005. The financial expertise of CFOs and accounting restatements. Accounting Horizons (September): 123-135.

Aier, J. K., K. L. Jones, Q. Lian and J. H. Schroeder. 2024. An examination of the terminal year in an auditor-client relationship. Accounting Horizons (June): 1-25.

Akono, H., H. Choi and K. E. Karim. 2022. Convertible debt usage and the pricing of audit services. Accounting Horizons (September): 21-43.

Akresh, A. D. 2010. A risk model to opine on internal control. Accounting Horizons (March): 65-78.

Alberti, C. T. and L. Morris. 2024. Online toxic communication about the accounting academic job market. Accounting Horizons (March): 7-26.

Albright, T. L. and H. Roth. 1992. The measurement of quality costs: An alternative paradigm. Accounting Horizons (June): 15-27. (Summary).

Alford, R. M., J. R. Strawser and R. H. Strawser. 1990. Does graduate education improve success in public accounting? Accounting Horizons (March): 69-76. (Survey).

Allee, K. D., D. Erickson, A. M. Esplin and T. L. Yohn. 2020. The characteristics, valuation methods, and information use of valuation specialists. Accounting Horizons (September): 23-38.

Allen, P. W. and C. K. Ng. 1997. Financial stake and support for banning trade names, commissions, referral fees and contingent fees. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-6.

Allen, R. D., A. A. Gramling and D. R. Hermanson. 2023. Thinking like an auditor: Evaluating information to arrive at evidence-based conclusions. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-8.

Allen, R. D., D. R. Hermanson, T. M. Kozloski and R. J. Ramsay. 2006. Auditor risk assessment: Insights from the academic literature. Accounting Horizons (June): 157-177.

Alles, M. G. 2015. Drivers of the use and facilitators and obstacles of the evolution of big data by the audit profession. Accounting Horizons (June): 439-449.

Almer, E. D., J. R. Hopper and S. E. Kaplan. 1998. The effect of diversity-related attributes on hiring, advancement and voluntary turnover judgments. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-17.

Alyathural, G., W. W. Cooper and K. K. Sinha. 1991. Note on activity accounting. Accounting Horizons (December): 60-68.

Amin, K., C. Kim, Z. Yang and F. Ye. 2021. Politically connected boards and audit pricing: U.S. evidence. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-22.

Amin, K., J. D. Eshleman and C. Feng. 2018. The effect of SEC's XBRL mandate on audit report lags. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-27.

Anderson, S. W. and H. C. Dekker. 2009. Strategic cost management in supply chains, Part 1: Structural cost management. Accounting Horizons (June): 201-220.

Anderson, S. W. and H. C. Dekker. 2009. Strategic cost management in supply chains, Part 2: Executional cost management. Accounting Horizons (September): 289-305.

Anderson, S. W. and K. Sedatole. 1998. Designing quality into products: The use of accounting data in new product development. Accounting Horizons (September): 213-233. (Summary).

Anderson, U. L., M. H. Christ, K. M. Johnston and L. E. Rittenberg. 2012. A post-SOX examination of factors associated with the size of internal audit functions. Accounting Horizons (June): 167-191.

Anderson-Gough, F., C. Edgley, K. Robson and N. Sharma. 2024. Diversity and evaluation of talent in the accounting profession: The enigma of merit. Accounting Horizons (March): 27-37.

Andiola, L. M., J. C. Bedard and J. Kremin. 2021. Coaching quality and subordinate work attitudes in the multiple supervisor audit context. Accounting Horizons (September): 23-46.

Angelini, J. P., M. R. Hutton and R. M. Copeland. 1994. Potential adverse effects of specialization within accounting firms. Accounting Horizons (September): 36-47.

Ansari, S. and K. J. Euske. 1995. Breaking down the barriers between financial and managerial accounting: A comment on the Jenkins committee report. Accounting Horizons (June): 40-43.

Anthony, J. J. and S. C. Dilley. 1988. The tax basis financial reporting alternative for nonpublic firms. Accounting Horizons (September): 41-47.

Anthony, R. N. 1988. The accounting concepts we need. Accounting Horizons (December): 128-135.

Anthony, R. N. 1995. The nonprofit accounting mess. Accounting Horizons (June): 44-53.

Anthony, R. N. 1995. Reply: Nonprofit accounting standards. Accounting Horizons (September): 100-103.

Anthony, R. N. 1997. Financial reporting in the 1990s and beyond. Accounting Horizons (December): 107-111.

Appelbaum, D., D. S. Showwalter, T. Sun and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2021. A framework for auditor data literacy: A normative position. Accounting Horizons (June): 5-25.

Appleton, A., A. Barckow, C. A. Botosan, Y. Kawanishi, A. Kogasaka, A. Lennard, L. Mezon-Hutter, J. Sy and R. Villman. 2023. Perspectives on the financial reporting of intangibles. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-13.

Archambeault, D. S., F. T. DeZoort and T. P. Holt. 2008. The need for an internal auditor report to external stakeholders to improve governance transparency. Accounting Horizons (December): 375-388.

Arens, A. A. 1990. Celebration, evaluation and rededication. Accounting Horizons (December): 88-96.

Argyris, C. and R. S. Kaplan. 1994. Implementing new knowledge: The case of activity-based costing. Accounting Horizons (September): 83-105. (Summary).

Armstrong, M. B. and J. I. Vincent. 1988. Public accounting profession at a crossroads. Accounting Horizons (March): 94-98.

Arnold, J. L. 1992. Message from the managing editor. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-3. (Discussion of the four functions of the professoriate: 1) The scholarship of discovery, 2) the scholarship of integration, 3) the scholarship of application, and 4) the scholarship of teaching, and how recognition of the multiple levels of scholarship is to be applied in the editorial policy of Accounting Horizons. Based on Boyer, E. L. 1990. Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching).

Arnold, J. L. 1992. Message from the managing editor. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-4.

Arnold, J. L. 1993. Preface to: "Personal integrity and accountability". Accounting Horizons (March): 58.

Arya, A., J. C. Glover and S. Sunder. 2003. Are unmanaged earnings always better for shareholders? Accounting Horizons (Supplement): 111-116.

Asare, S. K. and A. M. Wright. 2012. Investors', auditors', and lenders' understanding of the message conveyed by the standard audit report on the financial statements. Accounting Horizons (June): 193-217.

Ashbaugh, H., K. M. Johnstone and T. D. Warfield. 1999. Corporate reporting on the internet. Accounting Horizons (September): 241-257.

Ashton, R. H. and A. M. Cianci. 1998. Contributions of the "Research opportunities in auditing" program: An empirical assessment. Accounting Horizons (June): 120-138.

Asthana, S. C., K. K. Raman and H. Xu. 2015. U. S.-listed foreign companies' choice of a U. S. -based versus home country-based big N principle auditor and the effect on audit fees and earnings quality. Accounting Horizons (September): 631-666.

Asthana, S. C., R. Kalelkar and K. K. Raman. 2021. Does client cyber-breach have reputational consequences for the local audit office? Accounting Horizons (December): 1-22.

Atiase, R. K., L. S. Bamber and R. N. Freeman. 1988. Accounting disclosures based on company size: Regulations and capital markets evidence. Accounting Horizons (March): 18-26.

Ayers, B. C., C. E. Lefanowicz and J. R. Robinson. 2000. The financial statement effects of eliminating the pooling-of-interest method of acquisition accounting. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-19.

Ayers, S. and S. E. Kaplan. 1998. Potential differences between engagement and risk review partners and their effect on client acceptance judgments. Accounting Horizons (June): 139-153.

Baber, W. R. and S. Kang. 2002. The impact of split adjusting and rounding on analysts' forecast error calculations. Accounting Horizons (December): 277-289.

Baber, W. R., A. A. Roberts and G. Visvanathan. 2001. Charitable organizations' strategies and program-spending ratios. Accounting Horizons (December): 329-343.

Badertscher, B. A. and J. J. Burks. 2011. Accounting restatements and the timeliness of disclosures. Accounting Horizons (December): 609-629.

Baetge, J., H. Berndt, H. Bruns, W. B. von Colbe, A. G. Coenenberg, H. Korst, H. Lederle, A. Metze, D. Ordelheide, H. Pfingsten, H. Reinhard, C. Schnicke, J. Schwitters, T. Seeberg, G. Siepe, P. Urban, H. Weber, A. Weismuller and K. V. Wysocki. 1995. Working group on external financial reporting of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft-Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Betriebswirtschaft. German accounting principles: An institutionalized framework.  Accounting Horizons (September): 92-99.

Bagby, J. W. and P. L. Kintzle. 1987. Management discussion and analysis: Discretionary disclosures and the business segment. Accounting Horizons (March): 51-60.

Bagley, P. L., D. Dalton and M. Ortegren. 2012. The factors that affect accountants' decisions to seek careers with Big 4 versus non-Big 4 accounting firms. Accounting Horizons (June): 239-264.

Bahnson, P. R., P. B. W. Miller and B. P. Budge. 1996. Nonarticulation in cash flow statements and implications for education. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-15.

Bai, G. 2016. Applying variance analysis to understand California hospitals' expense recovery status by patient groups. Accounting Horizons (June): 211-223.

Bailey, A. D. Jr. 2008. Foreward - "Your intellectual property: Who owns it? Accounting Horizons (March): 47-48.

Bailey, A. D. Jr. 2014. Perspectives on the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) 2004-2005. Accounting Horizons (December): 889-899.

Bailey, C. D., D. W. Derek, N. L. Harp and T. J. Phillips Jr. 2024. Socializing remote newcomers in public accounting: Challenges and best practices from the perspective of experience Big 4 professionals. Accounting Horizons (June): 27-43.

Baker, R. R., G. C. Biddle, M. R. Lowry and N. G. O'Connor. 2018. Shades of gray: Internal control reporting by Chinese U.S.-listed firms. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-30.

Balakrishnan, R. and K. Sivaramakrishnan. 1996. Is assigning capacity costs to individual products necessary for capacity planning. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-11.

Balakrishnan, R., D. M. Koehler and A. S. Shah. 2018. TDABC: Lessons from an application in healthcare. Accounting Horizons (December): 31-47.

Balakrishnan, R., E. Labro and K. Sivaramakrishnan. 2012. Product costs as decision aids: An analysis of alternative approaches (Part 1). Accounting Horizons (March): 1-20. (Description of four types of cost systems: Traditional volume-based systems, activity-based systems, time-driven activity-based systems, and resource consumption accounting).

Balakrishnan, R., E. Labro and K. Sivaramakrishnan. 2012. Product costs as decision aids: An analysis of alternative approaches (Part 2). Accounting Horizons (March): 21-41.

Balakrishnan, R., K. Sivaramakrishnan and S. Sunder. 2004. A resource granularity framework for estimating opportunity costs. Accounting Horizons (September): 197-206.

Ball, R. 2008. What is the actual economic role of financial reporting? Accounting Horizons (December): 427-432.

Ball, R. 2013. Accounting informs investors and earnings management is rife: Two questionable beliefs. Accounting Horizons (December): 847-853.

Ballou, B., J. H. Grenier and A. Reffett. 2021. Stakeholder perceptions of data and analytics based auditing techniques. Accounting Horizons (September): 47-68.

Ballou, B., N. H. Godwin and R. T. Shortridge. 2003. Firm value and employee attitudes on workplace quality. Accounting Horizons (December): 329-341.

Ballou, B., R. J. Casey, J. H. Grenier and D. L. Heitger. 2012. Exploring the strategic integration of sustainability initiatives: Opportunities for accounting research. Accounting Horizons (June): 265-288.

Balsam, S. 1994. Extending the method of accounting for stock appreciation rights to employee stock options. Accounting Horizons (December): 52-60.

Balsam, S. and R. Lipka. 1998. Share prices and alternative measures of earnings per share. Accounting Horizons (September): 234-249.

Balsam, S., A. J. Irani and Q. J. Yin. 2012. Impact of job complexity and performance on CFO compensation. Accounting Horizons (September): 395-416.

Balsam, S., A. L. Reitenga and J. Yin. 2008. Option acceleration in response to SFAS No. 123(R). Accounting Horizons (March): 23-45.

Balsam, S., H. A. Mozes, and H. A. Newman. 2003. Managing pro forma stock option expense under SFAS No. 123. Accounting Horizons (March): 31-45.

Bamber, E. M. and R. A. Stratton. 1997. The information content of the uncertainty-modified audit report: Evidence from bank loan officers. Accounting Horizons (June): 1-11.

Banker, R. D. and R. S. Kaplan. 2014. William W. Cooper: Innovator, fighter, and scholar. Accounting Horizons (March): 193-203.

Banker, R. D., X. Li, S. A. Maex and W. Shi. 2020. The audit implications of cloud computing. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-31.

Bannister, J. W. and H. A. Newman. 2003. Analysis of corporate disclosures on relative performance evaluation. Accounting Horizons (September): 235-246.

Bao, D., J. Choi, B. U. Kang and W. Lee. 2021. The effect of external audits: Evidence from voluntary audits of hedge funds. Accounting Horizons (December): 23-43.

Barber, W. R., L. Liang and Z. Zhu. 2012. Associations between internal and external corporate governance characteristics: Implications for investigating financial accounting restatements. Accounting Horizons (June): 219-237.

Bardhan, I., S. Lin and S. Wu. 2015. The quality of internal control over financial reporting in family firms. Accounting Horizons (March): 41-60.

Barker, R. 2004. Reporting financial performance. Accounting Horizons (June): 157-172.

Barnes, B. G., M. Cussatt, D. W. Dalton and N. L. Harp. 2024. Partner-track aspirations in public accounting: Comparisons between partners and nonpartners. Accounting Horizons (June): 45-56.

Barrett, M. J., W. H. Beaver, W. W. Cooper, J. A. Milburn, D. Solomons and D. P. Tweedie. American Accounting Association Committee on Accounting and Auditing Measurement, 1989-90. Accounting Horizons (September): 81-105.

Barth, M. E. 2006. Including estimates of the future in today's financial statements. Accounting Horizons (September): 271-285.

Barth, M. E. 2014. Measurement in financial reporting: The need for concepts. Accounting Horizons (June): 331-352.

Barth, M. E. and C. M. Murphy. 1994. Required financial statement disclosures: Purposes, subject, number, and trends. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-22.

Barth, M. E. and W. R. Landsman. 1995. Fundamental issues related to using fair value accounting for financial reporting. Accounting Horizons (December): 97-107.

Barth, M. E. and W. R. Landsman. 2018. Using fair value earnings to assess firm value. Accounting Horizons (December): 49-58.

Barth, M. E., D. W. Collins, G. M. Crooch,  J. A. Elliott, T. J. Frecka, E. A. Imhoff Jr, W. R. Landsman and R. G. Stephens. 1995. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB discussion documents: Response to The FASB exposure draft "Accounting by creditors for impairment of a loan - Income recognition". Accounting Horizons (March): 96-98.

Barth, M. E., D. W. Collins, G. M. Crooch, J. A. Elliott, T. J. Frecka, E. A. Imhoff, Jr., W. R. Landsman, C. L. McDonald and D. G. Searfoss. 1993. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB discussion memorandums and exposure draft: Accounting by creditors for impairment of a loan.  Accounting Horizons (September): 114-117.

Barth, M. E., D. W. Collins, G. M. Crooch, J. A. Elliot, T. J. Flecka, E. A. Imhoff, Jr. W. R. Landsman, C. L. McDonald and D. G. Searfoss. 1994. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee report,. Response to the FASB exposure draft "Accounting for certain investments in debt securities". Accounting Horizons (June): 117-119.

Barth, M. E., D. W. Collins, G. M. Crooch, J. A. Elliott, T. J. Frecka, E. A. Imhoff Jr, W. R. Landsman and R. G. Stephens. 1995. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB discussion documents: Response to the FASB exposure draft "Disclosure about derivative instruments and fair value of financial instruments". Accounting Horizons (March): 92-95.

Barth, M. E., D. W. Collins, J. A. Elliott, J. W. Gribble, W. R. Landsman, S. H. Penman, J. T. Smith, R. G. Stephens and T. D. Warfield. 1995. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB discussion documents: Response to the FASB exposure draft "Accounting for mortgage servicing rights, and excess servicing rights and for securitization of mortgage loans". Accounting Horizons (June): 77-79.

Barth, M. E., D. W. Collins, J. A. Elliott, J. W. Gribble, W. R. Landsman, S. H. Penman, J. T. Smith, R. G. Stephens and T. D. Warfield. 1995. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB discussion documents: Response to the FASB "Preliminary views on major issues related to consolidation policy". Accounting Horizons (June): 80-82.

Barth, M. E., J. A. Elliott, D. W. Collins, G. M. Crooch, T. J. Frecka, E. A. Imhoff Jr, W. R. Landsman and R. G. Stephens. 1995. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB discussion documents: Response to the FASB discussion document "Accounting for hedging and other risk-adjusting activities: Questions for comment and discussion". Accounting Horizons (March): 87-91.

Barth, M. E., T. B. Bell, D. W. Collins, G. M. Crooch, J. A. Elliot, T. J. Flecka, E. A. Imhoff, Jr. W. R. Landsman and R. G. Stephens. 1994. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee reports. Response to the FASB prospectus "Earnings per share".  Accounting Horizons (June): 111-113.

Barth, M. E., T. B. Bell, D. W. Collins, G. M. Crooch, J. A. Elliot, T. J. Flecka, E. A. Imhoff, Jr. W. R. Landsman and R. G. Stephens. 1994. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee reports. Response to exposure draft "Accounting for stock-based compensation".  Accounting Horizons (June): 114-116.

Barth, M. E., T. B. Bell, D. W. Collins, G. M. Crooch, J. A. Elliot, T. J. Flecka, E. A. Imhoff, Jr. W. R. Landsman and R. G. Stephens. 1994. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee report. Response to the FASB discussion memorandum "Reporting disaggregated information by business enterprises". Accounting Horizons (September): 75-82.

Barth, M. E., W. R. Landsman and R. J. Rendleman Jr. 2000. Implementation of an option pricing-based bond valuation model for corporate debt and its components. Accounting Horizons (December): 455-479.

Bartlett, G. D., J. Kremin, K. K. Saunders and D. A. Wood. 2016. Attracting applications for in-house and outsourced internal audit positions: Views from external auditors. Accounting Horizons (March): 143-156.

Bartlett, R. W. 1991. A heretical challenge to the incantations of audit independence. Accounting Horizons (March): 11-16.

Bartley, J., A. Y. S. Chen and E. Z. Taylor. 2011. A comparison of XBRL filings to corporate 10-Ks: Evidence from the voluntary filings program. Accounting Horizons (June): 227-245.

Bartley, J. W. and A. Y. S. Chen. 1992. Material changes in financial reporting attributes to the Tax Reform Act of 1986. Accounting Horizons (March): 62-74.

Bartov, E. and Y. Konchitchki. 2017. SEC filings, regulatory deadlines, and capital market consequences. Accounting Horizons (December): 109-131.

Barua, A., K. Raghunandan and V. Dasaratha. 2017. Shareholder votes on auditor ratification and subsequent auditor dismissals. Accounting Horizons (March): 129-139.

Barua, A., L. F. Davidson, D. V. Rama and S. Thiruvadi. 2010. CFO gender and accruals quality. Accounting Horizons (March): 25-39.

Bastable, C. W. and D. H. Bao. 1988. The fiction of sales-mix and sales-quantity variances. Accounting Horizons (June): 10-17.

Basu, S. 2008. Panel on big unanswered questions in accounting-genesis. Accounting Horizons (December): 425-426.

Basu, S. 2008. Panel on big unanswered questions in accounting-synopsis. Accounting Horizons (December): 449-451.

Basu, S. 2012. How can accounting researchers become more innovative? Accounting Horizons (December): 851-870.

Basu, S. 2013. Devil's advocate: The most incorrect beliefs of accounting experts. Accounting Horizons (December): 841-846.

Basu, S. and G. B. Waymire. 2006. Recordkeeping and human evolution. Accounting Horizons (September): 201-229.

Baudot, L., A. M. Convery and M. Kaufman. 2024. Reflections of women standard setters in the United States. Accounting Horizons (March): 39-48.

Bauman, M. P. 2003. The impact and valuation of off-balance-sheet activities concealed by equity method accounting. Accounting Horizons (December): 303-314.

Bauman, M. P. and K. W. Shaw. 2014. An analysis of critical accounting estimate disclosures of pension assumptions. Accounting Horizons (December): 819-845.

Bauman, M. P. and R. N. Francis. 2011. Issues in lessor accounting: The forgotten half of lease accounting. Accounting Horizons (June): 247-266.

Baumker, M., P. Biggs, S. E. McVay and J. Pierce. 2014. The disclosure of non-GAAP earnings following regulation G: An analysis of transitory gains. Accounting Horizons (March): 77-92.

Bayless, R., J. Cochrane, T. Harris, J. Leisenring, J. McLaughlin and J. P. Wirtz. 1996. International access to U.S. capital markets - An AAA forum on accounting policy. Accounting Horizons (March): 75-94.

Bazley, J. D. and J. C. Tripp. 1989. The corporate alternative minimum tax: Impacts on financial reporting. Accounting Horizons (March): 54-62.

Beams, J. D., A. J. Amoruso and F. M. Richardson. 2005. Discretionary reporting of stock options by IPO firms. Accounting Horizons (December): 223-236.

Beasley, M. S., J. V. Carcello, Dana R. Hermanson and P. D. Lapides. 2000. Fraudulent financial reporting: Consideration of industry traits and corporate governance mechanisms. Accounting Horizons (December): 441-454.

Beatty, A. 1996. Forum on experience in practice: Federal Reserve Bank. Accounting Horizons (September): 122-125.

Beatty, R. P., S. M. Riffe and R. Thompson. 1999. The method of comparables and tax court valuations of private firms: An empirical investigation. Accounting Horizons (September): 177-199.

Beaulieu, P. 2014. Voluntary income reporting. Accounting Horizons (June): 277-295.

Beaver, W. H. 1987. Presidential address. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-6.

Beaver, W. H. 1991. Problems and paradoxes in the financial reporting of future events. Accounting Horizons (December): 122-134.

Beaver, W. H. 1996. Directions in accounting research: Near and far. Accounting Horizons (June): 113-124.

Beaver, W. H. and M. A. Wolfson. 2013. Charles T. Horngren: Mentor, role model, colleague, and friend. Accounting Horizons (June): 433-442. (Link to Beaver).

Bédard, J., P. Coram, R. Espahbodi and T. J. Mock. 2016. Does recent academic research support changes to audit reporting standards? Accounting Horizons (June): 255-275.

Beets, S. D. and C. C. Souther. 1999. Corporate environmental reports: The need for standards and an environmental assurance service. Accounting Horizons (June): 129-145.

Begley, J. and R. Freedman. 2004. The changing role of accounting numbers in public lending agreements. Accounting Horizons (June): 81-96.

Behling, O. and J. F. Dillard. 1987. Accounting: The intuitive challenge. Accounting Horizons (June): 35-42. (Very interesting discussion of the rational (analytic or computational) decision model versus the intuitive (judgmental) decision model. The authors provide some recommendations related to a balanced approach involving four decision strategies related to when cause and effect relationships are certain or uncertain. The strategies include: computational, judgmental, compromise, and inspirational).

Behn, B. K., J. V. Carcello, D. R. Hermanson and R. H. Hermanson. 1997. The determinants of audit client satisfaction among clients of big 6 firms. Accounting Horizons (March): 7-24.

Behn, B. K., T. V. Eaton and J. R. Williams. 1998. The determinants of the deferred tax allowance account under SFAS No. 109. Accounting Horizons (March): 63-78.

Bell, T. B., T. J. Frecka and I. Solomon. 1993. The relation between research productivity and teaching effectiveness: Empirical evidence for accounting educators. Accounting Horizons (December): 33-47.

Ben-Amar, W., E. Garcie-Meca, C. Francoeur and J. Martinez-Ferrero. 2024. Do gender-diverse boards enhance the linguistic features of corporate financial reporting? Accounting Horizons (June): 57-81.

Benston, G. J. 1995. Review of Defining the roles of accountants, bankers and regulators in the United States. Accounting Horizons (December): 138-142.

Benston, G. J., D. R. Carmichael, J. S. Demski, B. G. Dharan, K. Jamal, R. Laux, S. Rajgopal and G. Vrana. 2007. AAA Financial Accounting Standards Committee: The FASB's conceptual framework for financial reporting: A critical analysis. Accounting Horizons (June): 229-238.

Bentley, J. W. 2021. Improving the statistical power and reliability of research using Amazon Mechanical Turk. Accounting Horizons (December): 45-62.

Beresford, D. 1990. Internationalization of accounting standards. Accounting Horizons (March): 99-107.

Beresford, D. R. 1988. The "balancing act" in setting accounting standards. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-7.

Beresford, D. R. 1991. Standard setting process in trouble (again). Accounting Horizons (June): 94-96.

Beresford, D. R. 1993. Frustrations of a standards setter. 1993. Accounting Horizons (December): 70-76.

Beresford, D. R. 1995. How should the FASB be judged? Accounting Horizons (June): 56-61.

Beresford, D. R. 1996. What did we learn from the stock compensation project? Accounting Horizons (June): 125-130.

Beresford, D. R. 1997. How to succeed as a standard setter by trying really hard. Accounting Horizons (September): 79-90.

Beresford, D. R. 2001. Congress looks at accounting for business combinations. Accounting Horizons (March): 73-86.

Beresford, D. R. and L. T. Johnson. 1995. Interactions between the FASB and the academic community. Accounting Horizons (December): 108-117.

Beyer, B. D., D. R. Herrmann and E. T. Rapley. 2019. Disaggregated capital expenditures. Accounting Horizons (December): 77-93.

Beyer, B. D., S. M. Nabor and E. T.  Rapley. 2018. Real earnings management by benchmark-beating firms: Implications for future profitability. Accounting Horizons (December): 59-84.

Bhandari, A., B. Mammadov, M. Thevenot and H. Vakilzadeh. 2022. Corporate culture and financial reporting quality. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-24.

Bhat, G., J. A. Lee and S. G. Ryan. 2021. Using loan loss indicators by loan type to sharpen the evaluation of banks' loan loss accruals. Accounting Horizons (September): 69-91.

Bhattacharjee, S., M. J. Maletta and K. K. Moreno. 2016. The role of account subjectivity and risk of material misstatement on auditors' internal audit reliance judgments. Accounting Horizons (June): 225-238.

Bhattacharya, N., E. L. Black, T. E. Christensen and R. D. Mergenthaler. 2004. Empirical evidence on recent trends in pro forma reporting. Accounting Horizons (March): 27-43.

Biddle, G. C. and S. M. Saudagaran. 1991. Foreign stock listings: Benefits, costs, and the accounting policy dilemma. Accounting Horizons (September): 69-80.

Bierman, H. 1988. Extending the usefulness of accrual accounting. Accounting Horizons (September): 10-14.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1990. One more reason to revise statement 96. Accounting Horizons (June): 42-46.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1992. Proportionate consolidation and financial analysis. Accounting Horizons (December): 5-17.

Billings, B. A., J. R. McGowan and F. K. AlNajjar. 1994. An inter-country comparison of the research and development tax credit. Accounting Horizons (March): 19-34.

Biondi, Y., J. Glover, K. Jamal, J. A. Ohlson, S. H. Penman, S. Sunder and E. Tsujiyama. 2012. Some conceptual tensions in financial reporting. Accounting Horizons (March): 125-133. (American Accounting Association's Financial Accounting Standards Committee).

Biondi, Y., R. J. Bloomfield, J. C. Glover, K. Jamal, J. A. Ohlson, S. H. Penman, E. Tsujiyama and T. J. Wilks. 2011. A perspective on the joint IASB/FASB exposure draft on accounting for leases. Accounting Horizons (December): 861-871.

Birnberg, J. G. 2011. Robert N. Anthony: A pioneering thinker in management accounting. Accounting Horizons (September): 593-602.

Birnberg, J. G., M. Bromwich and J. Roberts. 2013. Anthony G. Hopwood: Academic iconoclast and entrepreneur 1944-2010. Accounting Horizons (December): 895-907.

Bjornsen, M., B. G. Brockbank and J. D. Prentice. 2023. The effect of analyst conservatism on meeting the consensus via earnings management. Accounting Horizons (June): 1-17.

Black, F. 1993. Choosing accounting rules. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-17.

Blankley, A. I. and E. P. Swanson. 1995. A longitudinal study of SFAS 87 pension rate assumptions. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-21.

Blankley, A. I., P. K. Hong and K. C. Roland. 2018. Expected benefit payments and asset allocation in defined benefit plans post-SFAS 132(R). Accounting Horizons (September): 71-82.

Blay, A. D., L. Mauler and J. Nash. 2023. Within or across auditors? Understanding knowledge transfer in audit production. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-26.

Bloch, R. I., E. E. Harris and A. N. Peterson. 2020. Interlocking boards in nonprofit organizations. Accounting Horizons (June): 1-17.

Bloomfield, R. J. 2002. The "Incomplete revelation hypothesis" and financial reporting. Accounting Horizons (September): 233-243.

Bloomfield, R. J. 2008. Accounting as the language of business. Accounting Horizons (December): 433-436.

Bloomfield, R. J. 2012. A pragmatic approach to more efficient corporate disclosure. Accounting Horizons (June): 357-370.

Bloomfield, R. T. E. Christensen, J. Glover, S. Haka, et al. 2010. Comments on the proposed SEC's 2010-2015 draft strategic plan. Accounting Horizons (March): 109-115.

Blouin, J. L. and L. A. Robinson. 2014. Insights from academic participation in FAF's initial PIR: The PIR of FIB 48. Accounting Horizons (September): 479-500.

Boatsman, J. and X. Dong. 2011. Equity value implications of lease accounting. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-16.

Boatsman, J. R., I. K. Khurana and M. L. Loudder. 2000. The economic implications of proposed changes in the accounting for nuclear decommissioning costs. Accounting Horizons (June): 211-233.

Boger, D. C., R. Carney and K. J. Euske. 1994. Increasing the efficacy and efficiency of accounting and control systems in the department of defense. Accounting Horizons (March): 105-113.

Boisjoly, R. M. 1993. Personal integrity and accountability. Accounting Horizons (March): 59-69.

Boland, C. M., C. E. Hogan and M. F. Johnson. 2018. Motivating compliance: Firm response to mandatory disclosure policies. Accounting Horizons (June): 103-119.

Boland, C. M., S. N. Bronson and C. E. Hogan. 2015. Accelerated filing deadlines, internal controls, and financial statement quality: The case of originating misstatements. Accounting Horizons (September): 551-575.

Bonacchi, M. and P. Perego. 2024. Customer analytics in performance measurement and reporting systems. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-29.

Bonner, S. E. 1999. Commentaries based on the 1999 Doctoral Consortium: Judgment and decision-making research in accounting. Accounting Horizons (December): 385-398.

Boo, E., K. Low, X. Soh, and M. Lim. 2007. Assurance versus insurance: A study of consumer receptiveness in an e-commerce setting. Accounting Horizons (December): 331-350.

Boone, J. P., C. L. Linthicum and A. Poe. 2013. Characteristics of accounting standards and SEC review comments. Accounting Horizons (December): 711-736.

Boone, J. P., I. K. Khurana and K. K. Raman. 2023. Accounting estimation intensity, auditor estimation expertise, and management bias. Accounting Horizons (June): 19-46.

Bostwick, E. D., S. L. Lambert and J. G. Donelan. 2016. A wrench in the COGS: An analysis of the differences between cost of goods sold as reported in Compustat and in the financial statements. Accounting Horizons (June): 177-193.

Bothick, A. F. and O. D. West. 1987. Expert systems - A new tool for the professional. Accounting Horizons (March): 9-16.

Botosan, C. A. and A. A. Huffman. 2015. Decision-useful asset measurement from a business valuation perspective. Accounting Horizons (December): 757-776.

Botosan, C. A. and M. A. Plumlee. 2001. Stock option expense: The sword of Damocles revealed. Accounting Horizons (December): 311-327.

Botosan, C. A., A. Huffman and M. H. Stanford. 2021. The state of segment reporting by U.S. public entities: 1976-2017. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-27.

Botosan, C. A., H. Ashbaugh, A. L. Beatty, P. Y. Davis-Friday, P. E. Hopkins, K. K. Nelson, K. ramesh, R. Uhl, M. Venkatachalam and G. Vrana. 2005. AAA Financial Accounting Standards Committee: Response to the FASB's exposure draft on fair value measurements. Accounting Horizons (September): 187-196.

Botosan, C. A., H. Ashbaugh-Skaife, A. L. Beatty, P. Y. Davis-Friday, P. E. Hopkins, K. K. Nelson, K. Ramesh, R. Uhl, M. Venkatachalam and G. Vrana. 2006. AAA Financial Accounting Standards Committee: Financial accounting and reporting standards for private entities. Accounting Horizons (June): 179-194.

Botosan, C. A., L. Koonce, S. G. Ryan, M. S. Stone and J. M. Wahlen. 2005. Accounting for liabilities: Conceptual issues, standard setting, and evidence from academic research. Accounting Horizons (September): 159-186.

Bouwman, M. J., P. Frishoff and P. A. Frishkoff. 1995. The relevance of GAAP-based information: A case study exploring some uses and limitations. Accounting Horizons (December): 22-47.

Bowen, R. M., S. Dutta, S. Tang and P. Zhu. 2023. Does corporate governance quality influence insider trading around private meetings between managers and investors? Accounting Horizons (September): 27-57.

Bowsher, C. A. 1990. Federal budget: Presenting and facing the facts. Accounting Horizons (June): 96-109.

Boyer, E. L. 1992. Comments on Accounting Horizons. Accounting Horizons (March): 4.

Boyle, D. M., B. W. Carpenter and D. R. Hermanson. 2015. The accounting faculty shortage: Causes and contemporary solutions. Accounting Horizons (June): 245-264.

Boyle, D. M., F. T. DeZoort and D. R. Hermanson. 2015. The effects of internal audit report type and reporting relationship on internal auditors' risk judgments. Accounting Horizons (September): 695-718.

Bradbury, M. E. and J. A. Harrison. 2015. The FASB's dissenting opinions. Accounting Horizons (June): 363-375.

Bradford, M., J. B. Earp, D. S. Showalter and P. F. Williams. 2017. Corporate sustainability reporting and stakeholder concerns: Is there a disconnect? Accounting Horizons (March): 83-102.

Bradshaw, M., C. Callahan, J. Ciesielski, E. A. Gordon, et al. 2010. Response to the SEC's proposed rule-roadmap for the potential use of financial statements prepared in accordance with international financial reporting standards (IFRS) by U.S. issuers. Accounting Horizons (March): 117-128.

Bradshaw, M., C. Callahan, J. Ciesielski, E. Gordon, et al. 2010. The American Accounting Association's Financial Reporting Policy Committee's response to the Preliminary Views on Financial Statement Presentation: The Financial Reporting Policy Committee of the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section of the American Accounting Association. Accounting Horizons (June): 279-296.

Bradshaw, M., D. Bens, C. A. Frost, E. Gordon, S. McVay, G. Miller, R. Pfeiffer, M. Plumlee, C. Shakespeare, W. Thomas and F. Wong. 2014. Financial Reporting Policy Committee of the American Accounting Association's Financial Accounting and Reporting Section: Accounting standard setting for private companies. Accounting Horizons (March): 175-192.

Bradshaw, M. T. 2002. The use of target prices to justify sell-side analysts' stock recommendations. Accounting Horizons (March): 27-41.

Brasel, K. R., R. C. Hatfield, E. B. Nickell and L. M. Parsons. 2019. The effect of fraud risk assessment frequency and fraud inquiry timing on auditors' skeptical judgments and actions. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-15.

Brazel, J. F., T. Carpenter, C. Gimbar, J. G. Jenkins and K. L. Jones. 2024. Recent research on the identification, assessment, and response to fraud risks: Implications for audit practice and topics for future research. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-12.

Brecht, H. D. and M. P. Martin. 1996. Accounting information systems: The challenge of extending their scope to business and information strategy. Accounting Horizons (December): 16-22.

Brewster, B. E., J. H. Grenier, D. N. Herda and M. E. Marshall. 2021. Big 4 firms as legal service providers: Implications for audit practice and future research directions. Accounting Horizons (September): 93-112.

Bricker, R. J. and G. J. Previts. 1990. The sociology of accountancy: A study of academic and practice community schisms. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-14.

Briloff, A. J. 1995. Review of Strengthening the professionalism of the independent auditor, report to the public oversight board of the SEC practice section. Accounting Horizons (September): 125-130.

Brink, W. D. and V. J. Hansen. 2020. The effect of tax authority-developed software on taxpayer compliance. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-18.

Brockbank, B. G. and K. M. Hennes. 2018. Strategic timing of 8-K filings by privately owned firms. Accounting Horizons (June): 163-182.

Brockbank, B. G., C. Do and B. P. Lawson. 2023. Audit market concentration and audit quality: Evidence from analysts' forecasts. Accounting Horizons (September): 59-77.

Brody, R. G., D. J. Lowe and K. Pany. 2003. Could $51 million be immaterial when Enron reports income of $105 million? Accounting Horizons (June): 153-160.

Brody, R. G., S. R. Melendy and F. S. Perri. 2012. Commentary from the American Accounting Association's 2011 annual meeting panel on emerging issues in fraud research. Accounting Horizons (September): 513-531.

Brooks, M. R., S. A. Hairston, P. K. Njoroge and J. W. Ryou. 2020. Does the presence of a general counsel in top management affect audit effort and audit outcomes? Accounting Horizons (September): 39-59.

Bronson, S. N., A. Masli and J. H. Schroeder. 2021. Releasing earnings when the audit is less complete: Implications for audit quality and the auditor/client relationship. Accounting Horizons (June): 27-55.

Brown, C. D. and K. Raghunandan. 1995. Audit quality in audits of federal programs by non-federal auditors. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-10.

Brown, C. D. and K. Raghunandan. 1997. Audit quality in audits of federal programs by non-federal auditors: A reply. Accounting Horizons (March): 72-75.

Brown, C. D. and P. Burnaby. 1988. The evolution of the single audit: A 20-year process. Accounting Horizons (June): 47-52.

Brown, H. L. and A. M. Wright. 2008. Negotiation research in auditing. Accounting Horizons (March): 91-109.

Brown, L. D. and K. Huang. 2013. Recommendation-forecast consistency and earnings forecast quality. Accounting Horizons (September): 451-468.

Brown, P. R. 2013. How can we do better? Accounting Horizons (December): 855-859.

Brown, V. H. 1990. Accounting standards: Their economic and social consequences. Accounting Horizons (September): 89-97.

Brown-Liburd, H., H. Issa and D. Lombardi. 2015. Behavioral implications of big data's impact on audit judgment and decision making and future research directions. Accounting Horizons (June): 451-468.

Brown-Liburd, H. L. 2024. Editorial: Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging: Practice problems of real consequence. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-5.

Brownlee, E. R. II. and S. D. Young. 1987. The SEC and mandated disclosure: At the crossroads. Accounting Horizons (September): 17-24.

Bryan, D. B. and T. W. Mason. 2020. Earnings volatility and auditor risk assessments: Evidence from auditor resignations. Accounting Horizons (December): 33-56.

Bucaro, A. C., T. J. Wilks and C. G. Yust. 2024. Current issues faced by controllers. Accounting Horizons (December): 31-49.

Buchanan, H. II. and B. R. Gaumnitz. 1987. Accounting and "insider" trading. Accounting Horizons (December): 7-11.

Buchheit, S., D. W. Dalton, N. L. Harp and C. W. Hollingsworth. 2016. A contemporary analysis of accounting professionals' work-life balance. Accounting Horizons (March): 41-62.

Bull, I. 1987. A transition from the profession to academia. Accounting Horizons (September): 85-91.

Burgstahler, D. C. 2019. Promoting research relevance. Accounting Horizons (June): 1-2.

Burke, J. J., R. Hoitash and U. Hoitash. 2019. Auditor response to negative media coverage of client environmental, social, and governance practices. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-23.

Burke, Q. L., P. Chen and G. J. Lobo. 2020. Is corporate social responsibility performance related to conditional accounting conservatism? Accounting Horizons (June): 19-40.

Burke, Q. L., T. D. Warfield and M. M. Wieland. 2020. Value relevance of disaggregated information: An examination of the rate and volume analysis of bank net interest income. Accounting Horizons (March): 19-43.

Burrows, G. H. 2013. Gordon Shillinglaw: Economist, consultant, and management accounting scholar. Accounting Horizons (September): 647-658.

Burton, F. G., M. W. Starliper, S. L. Summers and D. A. Wood. 2015. The effects of using the internal audit function as a management training ground or as a consulting services provider in enhancing the recruitment of internal auditors. Accounting Horizons (March): 115-140.

Burton, F. G., S. L. Summers, T. J. Wilks and D. A. Wood. 2022. Relevance of accounting research (ROAR) scores: Ratings of titles and abstracts by accounting professionals. Accounting Horizons (June): 7-18.

Burton, J. C. and R. J. Sack. 1989. A call for papers. Accounting Horizons (September): 109-112. (Articles for Horizons should be able to pass the "so what" test).

Burton, J. C. and R. J. Sack. 1989. Accounting Horizons: A (slightly) new perspective. Accounting Horizons (March): 133-134.

Burton, J. C. and R. J. Sack. 1989. Ethics and professionalism in accounting education. Accounting Horizons (December): 114-116.

Burton, J. C. and R. J. Sack. 1989. Tax allocation: Time for a fundamental change. Accounting Horizons (June): 110-112.

Burton, J. C. and R. J. Sack. 1990. Ethics and accounting in the public sector. Accounting Horizons (June): 110-112.

Burton, J. C. and R. J. Sack. 1990. Standard setting process in trouble (again). Accounting Horizons (December): 117-120.

Burton, J. C. and R. J. Sack. 1990. The most important question. Accounting Horizons (September): 101-104. (The pursuit of "why?").

Burton, J. C. and R. J. Sack. 1990. Who cares if you read it? Accounting Horizons (March): 117-121.

Burton, J. C. and R. J. Sack. 1991. Accounting research: A new direction. Accounting Horizons (December): 142-146.

Burton, J. C. and R. J. Sack. 1991. Changes in accounting education and changes in practice. Accounting Horizons (September): 120-122.

Burton, J. C. and R. J. Sack. 1991. Responsibility to the times. Accounting Horizons (March): 92-96.

Burton, J. C. and R. J. Sack. 1991. Time for some lateral thinking. Accounting Horizons (June): 118-122. (Lateral vs. vertical thinking).

Byard, D., S. Mashruwala and J. Suh. 2017. Does the 20-F reconciliation affect investors' perception of comparability between foreign private issuers (FPIs) and U.S. firms? Accounting Horizons (June): 1-23.

Byun, S. and K. Roland-Luttecke. 2014. Meeting-or-beating, earnings management, and investor sensitivity after the scandals. Accounting Horizons (December): 847-867.

Callahan, C. M., C. M. C. Lee and T. L. Yohn. 1997. Accounting information and bid-ask spreads. Accounting Horizons (December): 50-60.

Calvin, C. G. and M. Holt. 2023. The impact of domain-specific internal audit education on financial reporting quality and external audit efficiency. Accounting Horizons (June): 47-65.

Campbell, J. E. and J. F. Mutchler. 1988. The "expectations gap" and going-concern uncertainties. Accounting Horizons (March): 42-49.

Campbell, S. V. 1996. Predicting bankruptcy reorganization for closely held firms. Accounting Horizons (September): 12-25.

Camfferman, K. 1997. The French plan comptable, explanation and translation. Accounting Horizons (December): 112-116.

Cannon, N. H., D. N. Herda and T. M. Puffer. 2019. Colleagues for life? Post-employment citizenship among Big 4 alumni. Accounting Horizons (September): 25-41.

Cao, M., R. Chychyla and T. Stewart. 2015. Big data analytics in financial statement audits. Accounting Horizons (June): 423-429.

Cao, S. S., T. Ma and C. Wan. 2019. Do local investors always know better? Evidence from China's market segmentation. Accounting Horizons (March): 17-37.

Capps, G., L. Koonce and K. R. Petroni. 2016. Natural optimism in financial reporting: A state of mind. Accounting Horizons (March): 79-91.

Carcello, J. V. and R. Santore. 2015. Engagement partner identification: A theoretical analysis. Accounting Horizons (June): 297-311.

Carcello, J. V., C. W. Hollingsworth and T. L. Neal. 2006. Audit committee financial experts: A closer examination using firm designations. Accounting Horizons (December): 351-373.

Carcello, J. V., D. R. Hermanson and T. L. Neal. 2002. Disclosures in audit committee charters and reports. Accounting Horizons (December): 291-304.

Carcello, J. V., J. C. Bedard and D. R. Hermanson. 2009. Responses of the American Accounting Association's tracking team to the recommendations of the advisory committee on the auditing profession. Accounting Horizons (March): 69-84.

Carcello, J. V., J. E. Copeland Jr., R. H. Hermanson and D. H. Turner. 1991. A public accounting career: The gap between student expectations and accounting staff experiences. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-11. (Survey of Beta Alpha Psi members before and after employment).

Carcello, J. V., M. Eulerich, A. Masli and D. A. Wood. 2018. The value to management of using the internal audit function as a management training ground. Accounting Horizons (June): 121-140.

Carmichael, D. R. 1995. Review of The audit agenda. Accounting Horizons (December): 143-148.

Carmichael, D. R. 2004. The PCAOB and the social responsibility of the independent auditor. Accounting Horizons (June): 127-133. (PCAOB refers to the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board).

Carmichael, D. R. 2014. Reflections on the establishment of the PCAOB and its audit standard-setting role. Accounting Horizons (December): 901-915.

Carpenter, V. L. and E. H. Feroz. 1990. The decision to adopt GAAP: A case study of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Accounting Horizons (June): 67-78.

Cashell, J. D. 1995. The effects of SAS No. 55 on audits of small businesses. Accounting Horizons (September): 11-22.

Casterella, J. R., R. Desir, M. A. Stallings and J. S. Wainberg. 2020. Information transfer of bankruptcy announcements: Examining the impact of auditor opinions. Accounting Horizons (March): 45-66.

Catanach, A., J. H. Irving, S. P. Williams and P. L. Walker. 2011. An ex post examination of auditor resignations. Accounting Horizons (June): 267-283.

Catanach, A. H. Jr. and R. G. Brody. 1993. Intangible assets, the loan portfolio and deposit mixes of stock savings & loans. Accounting Horizons (June): 12-29.

Carter, K. E. 2013. Capital structure, earnings management, and Sarbanes-Oxley: Evidence from Canadian and U.S. firms. Accounting Horizons (June): 301-318.

Catlett, G. R. 1988. Effects of changes in investor attitude. Accounting Horizons (September): 117-120.

Causholli, M. and W. R. Kenchel. 2012. An examination of the credence attributes of an audit. Accounting Horizons (December): 631-656.

Cazier, R. A. and R. J. Pfeiffer. 2016. Why are 10-K filings so long? Accounting Horizons (March): 1-21.

Cenker, W. J. and A. L. Nagy. 2008. Auditor resignations and auditor industry specialization. Accounting Horizons (September): 279-295.

Chakrabarty, B., S. Duellman and M. A. Hyman. 2020. A new approach to estimating the relation between audit fees and financial misconduct. Accounting Horizons (June): 41-61.

Chambers, R. J. 1991. Metrical and empirical laws in accounting. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-15.

Chambers, R. J. 1994. Historical cost Tale of a false creed. Accounting Horizons (March): 76-89.

Chan, A. L., A W. Hsu and E. Lee. 2013. Does mandatory IFRS adoption affect the credit ratings of foreign firms cross-listed in the U.S.? Accounting Horizons (September): 491-510.

Chan, K. H., E. J. Jiang and P. L. L. Mo. 2017. The effects of using bank auditors on audit quality and the agency cost of bank loans. Accounting Horizons (December): 133-153.

Chan, K. H., P. L. L. Mo and S. M. Yorke. 2024. Informativeness of internal control weakness disclosure on acquirers' M&A decisions. Accounting Horizons (June): 83-100.

Chandra, U. 2011. Income conservatism in the U.S. technology sector. Accounting Horizons (June): 285-314.

Chandra, U. and B. T. Ro. 2008. The role of revenue in firm valuation. Accounting Horizons (June): 199-222.

Chandra, U., M. L. Ettredge and M. S. Stone. 2006. Enron-era disclosure of off-balance sheet entities. Accounting Horizons (September): 231-252.

Chaney, P. K. and D. C. Jeter. 1989. Accounting for deferred income taxes: Simplicity? Usefulness? Accounting Horizons (June): 6-13.

Chang, Y. and D. N. Stone. 2019. Workplace mindfulness in accounting practice: Issues, opportunities, and challenges. Accounting Horizons (December): 167-185.

Chapman, C., A. Kern and A. Laguecir. 2014. Costing practices in healthcare. Accounting Horizons (June): 353-364.

Chapman, C. S. 2012. Framing the issue of research quality in a context of research diversity. Accounting Horizons (December): 821-831.

Chasteen, L. G. and C. R. Ransom. 2007. Including credit standing in measuring the fair value of liabilities - Let's pass this one to the shareholders. Accounting Horizons (June): 119-135.

Cheatham, C. B. and L. R. Cheatham. 1996. Redesigning cost systems: Is standard costing obsolete? Accounting Horizons (December): 23-31. (Summary).

Chen, C. J. P., F. A. Gul and X. Su. 1999. A comparison of reported earnings under Chinese GAAP vs. IAS: Evidence from the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Accounting Horizons (June): 91-111.

Chen, D., M. Liu, T. Ma and X. Martin. 2017. Accounting quality and trade credit. Accounting Horizons (September): 69-83.

Chen, J., R. Duh, C. Wu and L. Yu. 2019. Macroeconomic uncertainty and audit pricing. Accounting Horizons (June): 75-97.

Chen, J. Z., K. K. Nelson, Y. Wang and L. Yu. 2024. What does the auditor say? Auditor's disclosures of critical audit matters and audit fees. Accounting Horizons (December): 51-70.

Chen, K., D. Henderson and C. I. Wiedman. 2022. Voluntary disclosure of disaggregated balance sheet and cash flow information around restatements. Accounting Horizons (September): 45-70.

Chen, L. H., D. M. Folsom, W. Paek and H. Sami. 2014. Accounting conservatism, earnings persistence, and pricing multiples on earnings. Accounting Horizons (June): 233-260.

Chen, L. H., J. Krishnan and H. Sami. 2015. Goodwill impairment charges and analyst forecast propertied. Accounting Horizons (March): 141-169.

Chen, S., Z. Sun and Y. Wang. 2002. Evidence from China on whether harmonized accounting standards harmonize accounting practices. Accounting Horizons (September): 183-197.

Chen, T. and Y. Liao. 2015. The economic consequences of disclosure quality under SFAS No. 131. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-22.

Chen, Z., A. Z. Liu, G. S. Seow and H. Xie. 2020. Does mandatory retrospective hedge effectiveness assessment under ASC 815 provide risk-relevant information? Accounting Horizons (September): 61-85.

Cheng, C., K. M. Hennes and P. Sapkota. 2022. The nonlinear relation between effective tax rates and tax-related restatements. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-26.

Cheng, C. S. A., C. Liu and T. F. Schaefer. 1997. The value-relevance of SFAS No. 95 cash flows from operations as assessed by security market effects. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-15.

Cheng, L., S. Mitra and H. Song. 2017. Organized labor and audit fees. Accounting Horizons (December): 93-108.

Cheng, R. H., K. W. Brown and M. L. Fischer. 1995. AAA's Government and Nonprofit Accounting Section Standards Committee. Response to the GASB discussion document "Invitation to comment: College and university financial reporting model". Accounting Horizons (September): 104-110.

Cheng, R. H., J. H. Harris, R. C. Iceman, W. T. Wrege and R. B. Yahr. 1995. AAA's Government and Nonprofit Accounting Section Standards Committee. Response to the GASB discussion document "Invitation to comment: Governmental financial reporting model". Accounting Horizons (September): 111-118.

Chesser, D. L., L. G. Conway Jr. and C. W. Moore. 1989. Advertising by the CPA tax professional: What are the results? Accounting Horizons (September): 71-81.

Cheung, J. K. 1992. An option-theoretic argument favoring EPS dilution over holding gain/loss. Accounting Horizons (June): 86-89.

Cheung, J. K., G. V. Krishnan and C. Min. 1997. Does interperiod income tax allocation enhance prediction of cash flows? Accounting Horizons (December): 1-15.

Chi, W., L. L. Lisic and M. Pevzner. 2011. Is enhanced audit quality associated with greater real earnings management? Accounting Horizons (June): 315-335.

Chi, W., L. L. Lisic, L. A. Myers, M. Pevzner and T. Seidel. 2022. Does visibility of an engagement partner's association with recent client restatements increase fee pressures from non-restating clients? Accounting Horizons (June): 19-45.

Chin, C., W. Yao and P. Liu. 2014. Industry audit experts and ownership structure in the syndicated loan market: At the firm and partner levels. Accounting Horizons (December): 749-768.

Chiu, T. and M. Jans. 2019. Process mining of event logs: A case study evaluating internal control effectiveness. Accounting Horizons (September): 141-156.

Cho, S., P. K. Kang, C. Lee and C. Park. 2020. Financial reporting conservatism and voluntary CSR disclosure. Accounting Horizons (June): 63-82.

Choi, F. D. S. and R. M. Levich. 1991. Behavioral effects of international accounting diversity. Accounting Horizons (June): 1-13.

Choi, J., L. A. Myers, Y. Zang and D. A. Ziebart. 2010. The roles that forecast surprise and forecast error play in determining management forecast precision. Accounting Horizons (June): 165-188.

Ciesielski, J. T. 2022. Editorial: Can the FASB regain its mojo? Accounting Horizons (June): 1-6.

Cook, K. A., K. Kim and T. C. Omer. 2020. The cost of independence: Evidence from companies' decisions to dismiss audit firms as tax-service providers. Accounting Horizons (June): 83-107.

Cooper, L. A., D. K. Holderness Jr., T. L. Sorensen and D. A. Wood. 2019. Robotic process automation in public accounting. Accounting Horizons (December): 15-35.

Cho, M., S. Choi, S. Kim and W. Lee. 2024. Length of IPO prospectus and individual investors' demand for IPO shares. Accounting Horizons (December): 71-83.

Chricop, J., P. V. Kiosee and K. Peasnell. 2012. Should repurchase transactions be accounted for as sales or loans? Accounting Horizons (December): 657-679.

Christensen, B. E., R. J. Elder and S. M. Glover. 2015. Behind the numbers: Insights into large audit firm sampling policies. Accounting Horizons (March): 61-81.

Christensen, J. and J. S. Demski. 2007. Anticipatory reporting standards. Accounting Horizons (December): 351-370.

Chung, P. K., M. A. Geiger, G. H. Paik and C. Rabe. 2021. Materiality thresholds: Empirical evidence from change in accounting estimate disclosures. Accounting Horizons (September): 113-141.

Church, B. K. and L. B. Shefchik. 2012. PCAOB inspections and large accounting firms. Accounting Horizons (March): 43-63.

Church, B. K., J. G. Jenkins and J. D. Stanley. 2018. Auditor independence in the United States: Cornerstone of the professional or thorn in our side? Accounting Horizons (September): 145-168.

Church, B. K., J. G. Jenkins, S. A. McCracken, P. B. Roush and J. D. Stanley. 2015. Auditor independence in fact: Research, regulatory, and practice implications drawn from experimental and archival research. Accounting Horizons (March): 217-238.

Church, B. K., S. M. Davis and S. A. McCracken. 2008. The auditor's reporting model: A literature overview and research synthesis. Accounting Horizons (March): 69-90.

Clark, M. W. 1993. Entity theory, modern capital structure theory, and the distinction between debt and equity. Accounting Horizons (September): 14-31.

Clor-Proell, S. M., K. Kadous and C. A. Proell. 2023. Do as I say: A look at the supervisor behaviors that encourage upward communication on audit teams. Accounting Horizons (March): 15-24.

Clor-Proell, S. M., N. Brown, S. R. Stubben, B. J. White, E. Blankespoor, E. A. Gordon, M. R. Gujarathi, E. Henry and K. J. Merkley. 2022. Response by the Financial Reporting Policy Committee of the Financial and Reporting Section of the American Accounting Association to the FASB Invitation to Comment on Identifiable Intangible Assets and Subsequent Accounting for Goodwill. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-19.

Coates, J. C. and S. Srinivasan. 2014. SOX after ten years: A multidisciplinary review. Accounting Horizons (September): 627-671.

Cohen, J., L. M. Gaynor, G. Krishnamoorthy and A. M. Wright. 2007. Auditor communication with the audit committee and the board of directors: Policy recommendations and opportunities for future research. Accounting Horizons (June): 165-187.

Cohen, J. R., G. Krishnamoorthy, M. Peytcheva and A. M. Wright. 2013. How does the strength of the financial regulatory regime influence auditor' judgments to constrain aggressive reporting in a principles-based versus rules-based accounting environment? Accounting Horizons (September): 579-618.

Cohen, J. R., L. L. Holder-Webb, L. Nath and D. Wood. 2012. Corporate reporting of nonfinancial leading indicators of economic performance and sustainability. Accounting Horizons (March): 65-90.

Cohen, J. R., L. W. Pant and D. J. Sharp. 1993. Culture-based ethical conflicts confronting multinational accounting firms. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-13. (Note).

Cohen, J. R., L. W. Pant and D. J. Sharp. 1998. The effect of gender and academic discipline diversity on the ethical evaluations, ethical intentions and ethical orientation of potential public accounting recruits. Accounting Horizons (September): 250-270.

Colbert, G. J. and D. Murray. 1999. An assessment of recent changes in the Uniform Accountancy Act. Accounting Horizons (March): 54-68.

Colbert, G. J. and D. Murray. 2001. Sunset review of public accountancy laws: The Colorado experience. Accounting Horizons (June): 183-192.

Colbert, J. L. 1987. Audit risk - Tracing the evolution. Accounting Horizons (September): 49-57.

Collett, P. H., J. M. Godfrey and S. L. Hrasky. 2001. International harmonization: Cautions from the Australian experience. Accounting Horizons (June): 171-182.

Colley, J. R. and A. G. Volkan. 1988. Accounting for goodwill. Accounting Horizons (March): 35-41.

Collins, D. L., W. R. Pasewark and M. E. Riley. 2012. Financial reporting outcomes under rules-based and principles-based accounting standards. Accounting Horizons (December): 681-705.

Collins, D. L., W. R. Pasewark and J. R. Strawser. 2002. Characteristics influencing perceptions of accounting pronouncement quality. Accounting Horizons (June): 137-151.

Collins, K. M. 1993. Stress and departures from the public accounting profession: A study of gender differences. Accounting Horizons (March): 29-38.

Colson, R. H., R. Bloomfield, T. E. Christensen, K. Jamal, et al. 2010. Response to the Financial Accounting Standards Board's and the International Accounting Standards Board's joint discussion paper entitled preliminary views on revenue recognition in contracts with customers: American Accounting Association's Financial Accounting Standards Committee (AAA FASC). Accounting Horizons (December): 689-702.

Comiskey, E. E. 2006. The classification by real estate investment trusts of distributions from unconsolidated entities. Accounting Horizons (June): 111-132.

Comiskey, E. E. and C. W. Mulford. 1988. The influence of accounting principles on management investment decisions: An illustration. Accounting Horizons (June): 67-72.

Comiskey, E. E., J. E. Clarke and C. W. Mulford. 2010. Is negative goodwill valued by investors? Accounting Horizons (September): 333-353.

Cooper, A. K. 2024. Book review. Bin Srinidhi, ed. Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matter: Challenges and Solutions. Accounting Horizons (March): 149-150.

Cooper, D. J. and W. Morgan. 2008. Case study research in accounting. Accounting Horizons (June): 159-178.

Cooper, R. and R. S. Kaplan. 1992. Activity-based systems: Measuring the costs of resource usage. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-13. (Summary).

Copeland, J. E. Jr. 2005. Ethics as an imperative. Accounting Horizons (March): 35-43.

Copley, P. A., R. H. Chen, J. E. Harris, R. C. Icerman, W. L. Johnson, G. R. Smith, K. A. Smith, W. T. Wrege and R. Yahr. 1997. The new government reporting model: Is it a "field of dreams"? Accounting Horizons (September): 91-101.

Convery, A. M., M. Kaufman and T. D. Warfield. 2022. Stakeholder engagement and effective standard setting. Accounting Horizons (June): 47-69.

Coram, P. J. and M. J. Robinson. 2017. Professionalism and performance incentives in accounting firms. Accounting Horizons (March): 103-123.

Corless, J. C. and L. M. Parker. 1987. The impact of MAS on auditor independence: An experiment. Accounting Horizons (September): 25-29. 

Coughlan, J. W. 1988. Anomalies in calculating earnings per share. Accounting Horizons (December): 80-88.

Coughlan, J. W. 1997. ESOs and EPS. Accounting Horizons (March): 25-38. (ESOs refers to employee stock options).

Cowle, E. N., M. A. Draeger and K. W. Smith. 2024. Accounting firm investment in diverse talent: Evidence from charitable giving to historically black colleges and universities. Accounting Horizons (March): 49-67.

Cox, C. T., H. M. Nix and H. Wichmann Jr. 1989. Responsibility accounting and operational control for governmental units. Accounting Horizons (June): 38-48.

Cron, W. R. and R. B. Hayes. 1989. The dollar value LIFO pooling decision: The conventional wisdom is too general. Accounting Horizons (December): 57-70.

Cross, J. M., R. Moroney and S. Phang. 2023. Is it all in the mind (fullness)? An exploratory study assessing the impact of mindfulness on professional skepticism. Accounting Horizons (March): 25-41.

Crowle, E. N., R. P. Decker and S. P. Rowe. 2023. Retain or rotate: The association between frequent auditor switching and audit quality. Accounting Horizons (September): 79-101.

Cummings, B. K., N. G. Apostolou and W. G. Mister. 1987. Accounting for interest rate swaps: An emerging issue. Accounting Horizons (June): 19-24.

Cunningham, L. M. 2017. Auditor ratification: Can't get no (Dis)satisfaction. Accounting Horizons (March): 159-175.

Cunningham, L. M., L. S. Myers and J. C. Short. 2024. Do CFO outside directorships benefit or harm home firm financial reporting quality? Accounting Horizons (June): 101-118.

Cussatt, M., T. J. Pollard and M. S. Stone. 2019. The usefulness of accounting information resulting from standard-setting compromises: The pension accounting case. Accounting Horizons (December): 145-165.

D'Adduzio, J., D. S. Koo, S. Ramalingegowda and Y. Yong. 2024. Does more frequent financial reporting bring the future forward? Accounting Horizons (June): 119-141.

D'Onza, G., G. Sarens and S. DeSimone. 2020. Factors that influence the internal audit functions' maturity. Accounting Horizons (December): 57-74.

Dai, X., Z. Qiao and C. Xia. 2024. Options trading and earnings management. Accounting Horizons (September): 13-34.

Daigle, R. J., R. E. Pinsker and T. J. Pitre. 2015. The impact of order effects on nonprofessional investors' belief revision when presented a long series of disclosures in an experimental market setting. Accounting Horizons (June): 313-326.

Dailey, L. A. and t. Tranter. 1990. Limitations on the value of the conceptual framework in evaluating extant accounting standards. Accounting Horizons (March): 15-24.

Dalton, D. W., S. Buchheit and J. J. McMillan. 2014. Audit and tax career paths in public accounting: An analysis of student and professional perceptions. Accounting Horizons (June): 213-231.

Dao, M., S. Mishra and K. Raghunandan. 2008. Auditor tenure and shareholder ratification of the auditor. Accounting Horizons (September): 297-314.

Darrough, M. N., L. Shi and P. Wang. 2017. Do peer warnings affect CEO compensation? Accounting Horizons (December): 71-91.

Daugherty, B. and W. Tervo. 2010. PCAOB inspections of smaller CPA firms: The perspective of inspected firms. Accounting Horizons (June): 189-219.

Davidson, R. A., A. M. G. Gelardi and F. Li. 1996. Analysis of the conceptual framework of China's new accounting system. Accounting Horizons (March): 58-74.

Davila, A. and M. Wouters. 2004. Designing cost-competitive technology products through cost management. Accounting Horizons (March): 13-26.

Davis, G. B. 1987. Commentary: Information systems. Accounting Horizons (March): 75-79.

Davis, G. B. 1987. Information systems. Accounting Horizons (June): 69-74.

Davis, G. B. 1988. Information systems. Accounting Horizons (March): 101-103.

Davis, G. B. 1988. Information systems: Productivity gains from computer-aided software engineering. Accounting Horizons (June): 90-93.

Davis, G. B. 1988. Information systems: The hidden cost of end-user computing. Accounting Horizons (December):. 103-106

Davis, G. B. and J. R. Hamann. 1988. Information systems. Accounting Horizons (September): 96-99.

Davis, G. B. and M. C. Monroe. 1987. Information requirements for computer applications. Accounting Horizons (December): 105-109.

Davis, L. R., L. M. Lovata and K. L. Philipich. 1991. The effect of debt defeasance on the decisions of loan officers. Accounting Horizons (June): 64-70.

Davis, M. L. 1998. My experience with the FASB faculty fellowship program. Accounting Horizons (December): 429-439.

Davis, S. W. and J. E. Ketz. 1991. Fraud and accounting research. Accounting Horizons (September): 106-109.

Davis-Friday, P. Y. and J. M. Rivera. 2000. Inflation accounting and 20-F disclosures: Evidence from Mexico. Accounting Horizons (June): 113-135.

Deakin, E. B. 1989. Accounting for contingencies: The Pennzoll-Texaco case. Accounting Horizons (March): 21-28.

Dean, G. W., M. E. Persson and M. Sargiacomo. 2021. Memorial: Frank Lewis Clarke (1933-2020): An international journey in quest of a more serviceable accounting. Accounting Horizons (March): 205-219.

Deason, S., S. Rajgopal, G. B. Waymire and R. M. White. 2021. The role of accounting in Ponzi schemes. Accounting Horizons (March): 29-46.

DeBerg, C. L., S. E. Kaplan and K. Pany. 1991. An examination of some relationships between non-audit services and auditor change. Accounting Horizons (March): 17-28.

Debreceny, R. S., S. M. Farewell, M. Piechocki, C. Felden, A. Graning and A. d'Eri. 2011. Flex or break? Extensions in XBRL disclosures to the SEC. Accounting Horizons (December): 631-657.

DeBruine, M. and P. R. Sopariwala. 2011. Capacity costs with time-based and use-based asset value attrition. Accounting Horizons (June): 337-356.

Dechow, P. M. and D. J. Skinner. 2000. Earnings management: Reconciling the views of accounting academics, practitioners, and regulators. Accounting Horizons (June): 235-250. (Summary).

Dechow, P. M. and J. A. Largay III. 2003. Introducing the "Quality of earnings" issue. Accounting Horizons (Supplement): i.

Dechow, P. M., R. G. Sloan and J. Zeng. 2020. Is it a home run? Measuring relative citation rates in accounting research. Accounting Horizons (March): 67-91.

Dee, C. C., A. Lulseged and T. Zhang. 2021. Asymmetric monitoring of quarterly financial statements by Big 4 auditors and the SEC's timely review requirement. Accounting Horizons (December): 63-81.

Defliese, P. L. 1991. Deferred taxes - More fatal flaws. Accounting Horizons (March): 89-91.

DeFond, M. L., C. S. Lennox and J. Zhang. 2018. The primacy of fair presentation: Evidence from PCAOB standards, federal legislation, and the courts. Accounting Horizons (September): 91-100.

DeFond, M. L., M. Hung, E. Carr and J. Zhang. 2011. Was the Sarbanes-Oxley Act good news for corporate bondholders? Accounting Horizons (September): 465-485.

Demirakos, E. G., N. C. Strong and M. Walker. 2004. What valuation models do analysts use? Accounting Horizons (December): 221-240.

Demski, J. S. 2007. Is accounting an academic discipline? Accounting Horizons (June): 153-157. (According to Demski, "Accounting today is not an academic discipline; it is an ever-narrowing insular vocational enterprise.").

Demski, J. S. 2008. Where is the Passion? Accounting Horizons (December): 437.

Demski, J. S. and J. L. Zimmerman. 2000. On "Research vs. teaching": A long-term perspective. Accounting Horizons (September): 343-352.

Demski, J. S., J. C. Fellingham, Y. Ijiri, S. Sunder, J. C. Glover and P. J. Liang. 2002. Some thoughts on the intellectual foundations of accounting. Accounting Horizons (June): 157-168.

Dennis, D. M., T. J. Engle and W. L. Stephens. 1996. The effect of litigation on public accounting as a career choice. Accounting Horizons (June): 1-13.

Dennis, S. A. and K. M. Johnstone. 2016. A field survey of contemporary brainstorming practices. Accounting Horizons (December): 449-472.

Deppe, L., D. R. Hansen and S. Jenne. 1988. The 150-hour education requirement: The history and message of the Utah experience. Accounting Horizons (June): 53-57.

Desir, R., K. Fanning and R. J. Pfeiffer. 2010. Are revisions to SFAS No. 5 needed? Accounting Horizons (December): 525-545.

Desir, R., R. J. Pfeiffer and F. Roberts. 2020. Should government assistance be reflected in financial reports? Accounting Horizons (March): 93-110.

Desir, R., S. J. Perreault and J. S. Wainberg. 2023. When cash is not king: An examination of the relative effectiveness of tangible versus cash rewards on whistleblower reporting behavior. Accounting Horizons (September): 103-115.

Detzen, D. 2014. Inflation, exchange rates, and the conceptual framework: The FASB's debates from 1973 to 1984. Accounting Horizons (September): 673-694.

Detzen, D., A. Gold and A. Wright. 2024. The impact of account-level inspection risk on audit program planning decisions. Accounting Horizons (September): 35-42.

Dey, R. M., L. Lim, D. Dickins and L. Quamina. 2024. Skills required to succeed in public accounting: Perceptions of black and white accountants. Accounting Horizons (March): 69-78.

DeZoort, F. T., P. D. Harrison and E. J. Schnee. 2012. Tax professionals' responsibility for fraud detection: The effects of engagement type and audit status. Accounting Horizons (June): 289-306.

DeZoort, F. T., T. J. Pollard and E. J. Schnee. 2018. A study of perceived ethicality of low corporate effective tax rates. Accounting Horizons (March): 87-104.

Dichev, I. D. 2008. On the balance sheet-based model of financial reporting. Accounting Horizons (December): 453-470.

Dickhaut, J., S. Basu, K. McCabe and G. Waymire. 2010. Neuroaccounting: Consilience between the biologically evolved brain and culturally evolved accounting principles. Accounting Horizons (June): 221-255.

Dickinson, V., D. D. Wangerin and J. J. Wild. 2016. Accounting rules and post-acquisition profitability business combination. Accounting Horizons (December): 427-447.

DiGabriele, J. A. 2008. The moderating effects of acquisition premiums in private corporations: An empirical investigation of relative S corporation and C corporation valuations. Accounting Horizons (December): 415-424.

Dikolli, S. S., J. H. Evans III, J. Hales, M. Matejka, D. V. Moser, et al. 2013. Testing analytical models using archival or experimental methods. Accounting Horizons (March): 129-140.

Dilla, W. N. and D. J. Janvrin. 2010. Voluntary disclosure in annual reports: The association between magnitude and direction of change in corporate financial performance and graph use. Accounting Horizons (June): 257-278.

Ding, K., X. Peng and Y. Wang. 2019. A machine learning-based peer selection method with financial ratios. Accounting Horizons (September): 75-87.

DioGuardi, J. J. 1995. Our unaccountable federal government it doesn't add up. Accounting Horizons (June): 62-67.

Dong, B., S. L. Tate and L. E. Xu. 2020. Unexpected consequences: The effects on non-accelerated filers of an accelerated filing deadline and SOX Section 404. Accounting Horizons (September): 87-112.

Downes, J. F., M. A. Draeger and A. E. Sadler. 2022. Does audit committee disclosure of partner-selection involvement signal greater audit quality? Accounting Horizons (March): 49-75.

Downes, J. F., T. Kang, S. Kim and C. Lee. 2019. Does the mandatory adoption of IFRS improve the association between accruals and cash flows? Evidence from accounting estimates. Accounting Horizons (March): 35-59.

Draeger, M. A. and E. R. Lohwasser. 2023. The effects of internal controls on the audit completeness and reliability of earnings announcements. Accounting Horizons (December): 9-32.

Draeger, M. A., J. Z. Haislip and M. Sterin. 2022. Is audit committee power associated with audit completeness and earnings announcement timing? Accounting Horizons (June): 71-94.

Dragon, Y. T., F. Tian and H. Yan. 2015. Internal control quality and credit default swap spreads. Accounting Horizons (September): 603-629.

Drake, M. S., P. J. Quinn and J. R. Thornock. 2017. Who uses financial statements? A demographic analysis of financial statement downloads from EDGAR. Accounting Horizons (September): 55-68.

Dutillieux, W., J. R. Francis and M. Willekens. 2016. The spillover of SOX on earnings quality in non-U.S. jurisdictions. Accounting Horizons (March): 23-39.

Duvall, L., R. Jennings, J. Robinson and R. B. Thompson II. 1992. Can investors unravel the effects of goodwill accounting? Accounting Horizons (June): 1-14.

Dyckman, T. R. 1988. The king's new cloths. Accounting Horizons (June): 115-122. (Dyckman addresses the question of whether mathematical modeling in managerial accounting has made a net positive contribution to society).

Dyckman, T. R. 1989. Practice to research - "What have you done for me lately?" Accounting Horizons (March): 111-118.

Dyckman, T. R. and S. A. Zeff. 2014. Some methodological deficiencies in empirical research articles in accounting. Accounting Horizons (September): 695-712.

Dye, K. M. and C. A. Bowsher. 1987. Financial statements for a sovereign state: The federal government reporting study. Accounting Horizons (March): 17-24.

Dye, R. A. 2017. Some recent advances in the theory of financial reporting and disclosures. Accounting Horizons (September): 39-54.

Dye, R. A. and S. Sunder. 2001. Why not allow FASB and IASB standards to compete in the U.S.? Accounting Horizons (September): 257-271.

Dye, R. A., J. C. Glover and S. Sunder. 2015. Financial engineering and the arms race between accounting standard setters and preparers. Accounting Horizons (June): 265-295.

Easton, P. D. 1999. Commentaries base on the 1999 Doctoral Consortium: Security returns and the value relevance of accounting data. Accounting Horizons (December): 399-412.

Eilifsen, A., F. Kinserdal, W. F. Messier, Jr. and T. E. McKee. 2020. An exploratory study into the use of audit data analytics on audit engagements. Accounting Horizons (December): 75-103.

El-Gazzar, S., R. A. Jacob and S. P. McGregor. 2015. The relative and incremental valuation effects of embedded value disclosure by life insurers: Evidence from cross-listed firms in the U. S. Accounting Horizons (June): 327-339.

Elder, R. J. 1997. A comment on "Audit quality in audits of federal programs by non-federal auditors". Accounting Horizons (March): 67-71.

Ellifsen, A., W. R. Knechel and P. Wallage. 2001. Application of the business risk audit model: A field study. Accounting Horizons (September): 193-207.

Elliott, R. K. 1991. Improvements in the early employment experience. Accounting Horizons (September): 115-119.

Elliott, R. K. 1992. The third wave breaks on the shores of accounting. Accounting Horizons (June): 61-85. (Summary).

Elliott, R. K. 1994. Confronting the future: Choices for the attest function. Accounting Horizons (September): 106-14.

Elliott, R. K. 1995. The future of assurance services: Implications for academia. Accounting Horizons (December): 118-127.

Elliott, R. K. 1997. Assurance service opportunities: Implications for academia. Accounting Horizons (December): 61-74.

Elliott, R. K. 2001. A perspective on the proposed global professional credential. Accounting Horizons (December): 359-372.

Elliott, R. K. 2002. The evolution of the knowledge professional. Accounting Horizons (March): 69-80.

Elliott, R. K. and P. D. Jacobson. 1994. Costs and benefits of business information disclosure. Accounting Horizons (December): 80-96.

Emett, S. A., M. Eulerich, K. Lovejoy, S. L. Summers and D. A. Wood. 2024. Bridging the digital skills gap in accounting: The process mining audit professional curriculum and badge. Accounting Horizons (September): 43-58.

Emett. S. A., R. N. Guymon, W. B. Tayler and D. Young. 2019. Controls and the asymmetric strickiness of norms. Accounting Horizons (December): 119-143.

Engel, E., F. Gao and X. Wang. 2019. The importance of role-specific performance and sociopolitical factors for chief financial officer employment outcomes. Accounting Horizons (March): 61-81.

Englebrecht, T. D., G. S. Iyer and D. M. Patterson. 1994. An empirical investigation of the publication productivity of promoted accounting faculty. Accounting Horizons (March): 45-68.

Engstrom, J. H. and C. Esmond-Kiger. 1997. Different formats, same user needs: A comparison of the FASB and GASB college and university financial reporting models. Accounting Horizons (September): 16-34.

Entwistle, G. M. 1999. Exploring the R&D disclosure environment. Accounting Horizons (December): 323-341.

Entwistle, G. M., G. D. Feltham and C. Mbagwu. 2006. Financial reporting regulation and the reporting of pro forma earnings. Accounting Horizons (March): 39-55.

Eprile, B. 1994. The future direction of accounting. Accounting Horizons (June): 87-92.

Eshleman, J. D. and B. P. Lawson. 2017. Audit market structure and audit pricing. Accounting Horizons (March): 57-81.

Etgen, E., T. Downen and L. Lee. 2023. Accounting profession mentoring in the #metoo era. Accounting Horizons (December): 33-50.

Ettredge, M., J. Heintz, C. Li and S. Scholz. 2011. Auditor realignments accompanying implementation of SOX 404 ICFR reporting requirements. Accounting Horizons (March): 17-39.

Ettredge, M., Y. Huang and W. Zhang. 2013. Restatement disclosures and management earnings forecasts. Accounting Horizons (June): 347-370.

Ettredge, M. L. and C. L. S. Scholz. 2007. Audit fees and auditor dismissals in the Sarbains-Oxley era. Accounting Horizons (December): 371-386.

Ettredge, M. L., C. Li, Q. Wang and Y. Xu. 2021. Executive board member financial expertise and IPO performance. Accounting Horizons (March): 47-64.

Ettredge, M. L., Y. J. Huang and W. Zhang. 2016. Conservative reporting and securities class action lawsuits. Accounting Horizons (March): 93-118.

Eulerich, M., N. Waddoups, M. Wagener and D. A. Wood. 2024. The dark side of robotic process automation (RPA): Understanding risks and challenges with RPA. Accounting Horizons (June): 143-152.

Eutsler, J., A. S. Fleming, D. K. Holderness, Jr. and M. M. Jones. 2024. Increasing client fraud risk disclosure with minimization techniques. Accounting Horizons (December): 85-96.

Eutsler, J., E. B. Nickell and S. W. G. Robb. 2016. Fraud risk awareness and the likelihood of audit enforcement action. Accounting Horizons (September): 379-408.

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Fang, J., L. He and T. S. Shaw. 2018. The effect of external auditors on managerial slack. Accounting Horizons (December): 85-115.

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Ferguson, C. B., B. D. Richardson and G. Wines. 2000. Audit education and training: The effect of formal studies and work experience. Accounting Horizons (June): 137-167.

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Fleischman, G. M. and T. Stephenson. 2012. Client variables associated with four key determinants of demand for tax preparer services: An exploratory study. Accounting Horizons (September): 417-437.

Fleischman, G. M., T. Stephenson, K. B. Walker and K. A. Cook. 2017. Factors that influence accounting faculty career satisfaction: Comparisons by program prestige and tenure status. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-20.

Fogarty, T. J. and J. Grant. 1995. Impact of the actuarial profession on financial reporting. Accounting Horizons (September): 23-33.

Fogarty, T. J., A. Reinstein and R. S. Heath. 2017. Are today's young accountants different? An intergenerational comparison of three psychological attributes. Accounting Horizons (June): 83-104.

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Frank, K. E. and D. J. Lowe. 2003. An examination of alternative work arrangements in private accounting practice. Accounting Horizons (June): 139-151.

Frank, K. E., R. K. Hanson, D. J. Lowe and J. K. Smith. 2001. CPAs' perceptions of the emerging multidisciplinary accounting/legal practice. Accounting Horizons (March): 35-48.

Francis, B., I. Hasan and Q. Wu. 2013. The benefits of conservative accounting shareholders: Evidence from the financial crisis. Accounting Horizons (June): 319-346.

Franzel, J. M. 2014. A decade after Sarbanes-Oxley: The need for ongoing vigilance, monitoring, and research. Accounting Horizons (December): 917-930.

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Frost, C. A. and G. Pownall. 1996. Interdependencies in the global markets for capital and information: The case of SmithKline Beecham plc. Accounting Horizons (March): 38-57.

Frost, C. A. and M. H. Long. 1996. Foreign companies and U.S. securities markets: Financial reporting policy issues and suggestions for research. Accounting Horizons (March): 95-109.

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Fung, S. Y. K., Z. Wang, L. Zhang and X. Zhu. 2023. Exogenous loss of analyst coverage and choice of audit quality. Accounting Horizons (March): 71-92.

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