Management And Accounting Web

Accrual and Accrual Accounting Bibliography

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Ali, A., X. Chen, T. Yao and T. Yu. 2008. Do mutual funds profit from the accruals anomaly? Journal of Accounting Research (March): 1-26.

Allen, E. J., C. R. Larson and R. G. Sloan. 2013. Accrual reversals, earnings and stock returns. Journal of Accounting and Economics (July): 113-129.

Amsbaugh, J. K. 1965. Accrual calculations with mutual holdings. The Accounting Review (April): 461-462.

Anderson, M., U. Anderson, R. Helleloid, E. Joyce and M. Schadewald. 1990. Internal Revenue Service access to tax accrual workpapers: A laboratory investigation. The Accounting Review (October): 857-874.

Arif, S., N. Marshall and T. L. Yohn. 2016. Understanding the relation between accruals and volatility: A real options-based investment approach. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 65-86.

Ayers, B. C., J. Jiang and P. E. Yeung. 2006. Discretionary accruals and earnings management: An analysis of pseudo earnings targets. The Accounting Review (May): 617-652.

Abdel-Khalik, A. R. 1988. Incentives for accruing costs and efficiency in regulated monopolies subject to ROE constraint. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Management's Ability and Incentives to Affect the Timing and Magnitude of Accounting Accruals): 144-174.

Baber, W. R., S. Kang and Y. Li. 2011. Modeling discretionary accrual reversal and the balance sheet as an earnings management constraint. The Accounting Review (July): 1189-1212.

Badertscher, B. A., D. W. Collins and T. Z. Lys. 2012. Discretionary accounting choices and the predictive ability of accruals with respect to future cash flows. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February-April): 330-352.

Ball, R. and L. Shivakumar. 2006. The role of accruals in asymmetrically timely gain and loss recognition. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 207-242.

Balsam, S., E. Bartov and C. Marquardt. 2002. Accruals management, investor sophistication, and equity valuation: Evidence from 10-Q filings. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 987-1012.

Barth, M. E. and A. P. Hutton. 2004. Analyst earnings forecast revisions and the pricing of accruals. Review of Accounting Studies 9(1): 59-96.

Barth, M. E., D. P. Cram and K. K. Nelson. 2001. Accruals and the prediction of future cash flows. The Accounting Review (January): 27-58.

Barth, M. E., G. Clinch and D. Israeli. 2016. What do accruals tell us about future cash flows? Review of Accounting Studies 21(3): 768-807.

Barth, M. E., W. H. Beaver, J. R. M. Hand and W. R. Landsman. 1999. Accruals, cash flows, and equity values. Review of Accounting Studies 4(3-4): 205-229.

Bartov, E. 2003. Discussion of “Investor sophistication and the mispricing of accruals”. Review of Accounting Studies 8(2-3): 277-281.

Bartov, E., F. A. Gul, and J. S. L. Tsui. 2000. Discretionary-accruals models and audit qualifications. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 421-452.

Barua, A., L. F. Davidson, D. V. Rama and S. Thiruvadi. 2010. CFO gender and accruals quality. Accounting Horizons (March): 25-39.

Battalio, R. H., A. Lerman, J. Livnat and R. R. Mendenhall. 2012. Who, if anyone, reacts to accrual information? Journal of Accounting and Economics (February-April): 205-224.

Beaver, W. H. and M. F. McNichols. 2001. Do stock prices of property casualty insurers fully reflect information about earnings, accruals, cash flows, and development? Review of Accounting Studies 6(2-3): 197-220.

Beaver, W. H., M. F. McNichols and K. K. Nelson. 2003. Management of the loss reserve accrual and the distribution of earnings in the property-casualty insurance industry. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 347-376.

Bendel, C. W. 1946. A simple formula for the accrual of the vacation pay. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 15): 916-922.

Beneish, M. D. 1998. Discussion of “Are accruals during initial public offerings opportunistic?” Review of Accounting Studies 3(1-2): 209-221.

Beneish, M. D. and M. E. Vargus. 2002. Insider trading, earnings quality, and accrual mispricing. The Accounting Review (October): 755-791.

Bernard, V. L. and D. J. Skinner. 1996. What motivates managers' choice of discretionary accruals? Journal of Accounting and Economics (August-December): 313-325.

Bernard, V. L. and T. L. Stober. 1989. The nature and amount of information in cash flows and accruals. The Accounting Review (October): 624-652.

Bhojraj, S. and B. Swaminathan. 2009. How does the corporate bond market value capital investments and accruals? Review of Accounting Studies 14(1): 31-62.

Bierman, H. 1988. Extending the usefulness of accrual accounting. Accounting Horizons (September): 10-14.

Boone, J. P., I. K. Khurana and K. K. Raman. 2011. Litigation risk and abnormal accruals. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 30(2): 231-256.

Boone, J. P., I. K. Khurana and K. K. Raman. 2011. Litigation risk and abnormal accruals. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 30(2): 231-256.

Bowen, R. M., D. Burgstahler and L. A. Daley. 1987. The incremental information content of accrual versus cash flows. The Accounting Review (October): 723-747.

Bradshaw, M. T., S. A. Richardson and R. G. Sloan. 2001. Do analysts and auditors use information in accruals? Journal of Accounting Research (June): 45-74.

Burnett, B. M., B. M. Cripe, G. W. Martin and B. P. McAllister. 2012. Audit quality and the trade-off between accretive stock repurchases and accrual-based earnings management. The Accounting Review (November): 1861-1884.

Butler, M., A. J. Leone and M. Willenborg. 2004. An empirical analysis of auditor reporting and its association with abnormal accruals. Journal of Accounting and Economics (June): 139-165.

Byzalov, D. and S. Basu. 2016. Conditional conservatism and disaggregated bad news indicators in accrual models. Review of Accounting Studies 21(3): 859-897.

Cahan, S. F. 1992. The effect of antitrust investigations on discretionary accruals: A refined test of the political-cost hypothesis. The Accounting Review (January): 77-95.

Calegari, M. J. 2000. The effect of tax accounting rules on capital structure and discretionary accruals. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 1-31.

Call, A. C., S. Chen, B. Miao and Y. H. Tong. 2014. Short-term earnings guidance and accrual-based earnings management. Review of Accounting Studies 19(2): 955-987.

Callen, J. L. and D. Segal. 2004. Do accruals drive firm-level stock returns? A variance decomposition analysis. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 527-560.

Carver, B. T., C. W. Hollingsworth and J. D. Stanley. 2011. Recent auditor downgrade activity and changes in clients' discretionary accruals. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 30(3): 33-58.

Casey, R., F. Gao, M. Kirschenheiter, S. Li and S. Pandit. 2017. Articulation-based accruals. Review of Accounting Studies 22(1): 288-319.

Cassell, C. A., L. A. Myers and T. A. Seidel. 2015. Disclosure transparency about activity in valuation allowance and reserve accounts and accruals-based earnings management. Accounting, Organizations and Society (46): 23-38.

Cecchini, M., S. B. Jackson and X. Liu. 2012. Do initial public offering firms manage accruals? Evidence from individual accounts. Review of Accounting Studies 17(1): 22-40.

Cheng, C. S. A. and W. B. Thomas. 2006. Evidence of the abnormal accrual anomaly incremental to operating cash flows. The Accounting Review (October): 1151-1167.

Cheng, X. 2012. Managing specific accruals vs. structuring transactions: Evidence from banking industry. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 28(1): 22-37.

Chichernea, D. C., A. D. Holder and A. Petkevich. 2015. Does return dispersion explain the accrual and investment anomalies? Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 133-148.

Choudhary, P., A. Koester and T. Shevlin. 2016. Measuring income tax accrual quality. Review of Accounting Studies 21(1): 89-139.

Christensen, T. E., J. D'Adduzio and K. K. Nelson. 2023. Explaining accruals quality over time. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 101575.

Chung, H. and S. Kallapur. 2003. Client importance, nonaudit services, and abnormal accruals. The Accounting Review (October): 931-955.

Cohen, D. A. and P. Zarowin. 2010. Accrual-based and real earnings management activities around seasoned equity offerings. Journal of Accounting and Economics (May): 2-19.

Cohen, D. A. and T. Z. Lys. 2006. Weighing the evidence on the relation between external corporate financing activities, accruals and stock returns. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October): 87-105.

Colen, D. A., A. Dey and T. Z. Lys. 2008. Real and accrual-based earnings management in the pre- and post-Sarbanes-Oxley periods. The Accounting Review (May): 757-787.

Collins, D. W. and P. Hribar. 2000. Earnings-based and accrual-based market anomalies: One effect or two? Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 101-123.

Collins, D. W., G. Gong and P. Hribar. 2003. Investor sophistication and the mispricing of accruals. Review of Accounting Studies 8(2-3): 251-276.

Corbridge, C. L., W. W. Austin and D. J. Lemak. 1993. Germany's accrual accounting practices. Management Accounting (August): 45-47.

Core, J. E. 2006. Discussion of An analysis of the theories and explanations offered for the mispricing of accruals and accrual components. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 341-350.

Core, J. E., W. R. Guay and R. Verdi. 2008. Is accruals quality a priced risk factor? Journal of Accounting and Economics (September): 2-22.

Cushing, B. E. 1997. Instructional case: Christy's Lemonade Stand: An introduction to accrual accounting. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 161-170.

Daniels, R. B., R. DeLaurell and T. M. Spade. 2016. IRS schedule UTP and the legal privileges of tax accrual workpapers understanding the risks for auditors. The CPA Journal (March): 46-53.

DeAngelo, L. 1988. Discussion of evidence of earnings management from the provision for bad debts. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Management's Ability and Incentives to Affect the Timing and Magnitude of Accounting Accruals): 32-40.

Dechow, P. M. 1994. Accounting earnings and cash flows as measures of firm performance: The role of accounting accruals. Journal of Accounting and Economics (July): 3-42.

Dechow, P. M. and I. D. Dichev. 2002. The quality of accruals and earnings: The role of accrual estimation errors. The Accounting Review (Supplement: Quality of Earnings Conference): 35-59.

Dechow, P. M. and W. Ge. 2006. The persistence of earnings and cash flows and the role of special items: Implications for the accrual anomaly. Review of Accounting Studies 11(2-3): 253-296.

DeFond, M. L. and C. W. Park. 2001. The reversal of abnormal accruals and the market valuation of earnings surprises. The Accounting Review (July): 375-404.

DeFond, M. L. and J. Jiambalvo. 1994. Debt covenant violation and manipulation of accruals. Journal of Accounting and Economics (January): 145-176.

DeFond, M. L. and K. R. Subramanyam. 1998. Auditor changes and discretionary accruals. Journal of Accounting and Economics (26 February): 35-67.

Desai, H., S. Rajgopal and M. Venkatachalam. 2004. Value-glamour and accruals mispricing: One anomaly or two? The Accounting Review (April): 355-385.

Dhaliwal, D., V. Naiker and F. Navissi. 2010. The association between accruals quality and the characteristics of accounting experts and mix of expertise on audit committees. Contemporary Accounting Research 27(3): 787-827.

Dichev, I. D. 2003. Discussion of “The Differential persistence of accruals and cash flows for future operating income versus future profitability”. Review of Accounting Studies 8(2-3): 245-250.

Doyle, J. T., W. Ge and S. McVay. 2007. Accruals quality and internal control over financial reporting. The Accounting Review (October): 1141-1170.

Drake, M. S. and L. A. Myers. 2011. Analysts' accrual-related over-optimism: Do analyst characteristics play a role? Review of Accounting Studies 16(1): 59-88.

Dutta, S. and S. Reichelstein. 2005. Accrual accounting for performance evaluation. Review of Accounting Studies 10(4): 527-552.

Ecker, F. and K. Schipper. 2014. Discussion of "Analysts' cash flow forecasts and the decline of the accruals anomaly" and "Analysts' cash flow forecasts and accrual mispricing". Contemporary Accounting Research 31(4): 1171-1190.

Ecker, F., J. Francis, P. Olsson and K. Schipper. 2013. Estimation sample selection for discretionary accruals models. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 190-211.

Elliott, J. A. and W. H. Shaw. 1988. Write-offs as accounting procedures to manage perceptions. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Management's Ability and Incentives to Affect the Timing and Magnitude of Accounting Accruals): 91-119.

Evans, J. H. III. and S. S. Sridhar. 1996. Multiple control systems, accrual accounting, and earnings management. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 45-65.

Fairfield, P. M. 2006. Discussion of “The persistence of earnings and cash flows and the role of special items: Implications for the accrual anomaly”. Review of Accounting Studies 11(2-3): 297-303.

Fairfield, P. M., S. Whisenant and T. L. Yohn. 2003. The differential persistence of accruals and cash flows for future operating income versus future profitability. Review of Accounting Studies 8(2-3): 221-243.

Feldman, R., S. Govindaraj, J. Livnat and B. Segal. 2010. Management's tone change, post earnings announcement drift and accruals. Review of Accounting Studies 15(4): 915-953.

Fellingham, J. 1988. Discussion of The LIFO/FIFO choice: An asymmetric information approach. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Management's Ability and Incentives to Affect the Timing and Magnitude of Accounting Accruals): 59-62.

Francis, J. and M. Smith. 2005. A reexamination of the persistence of accruals and cash flows. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 413-451.

Francis, J., R. LaFond, P. Olsson and K. Schipper. 2005. The market pricing of accruals quality. Journal of Accounting and Economics (June): 295-327.

Francis, R. N. and P. Eason. 2012. Accruals and the naive out-of-sample prediction of operating cash flow. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 28(2): 226-234.

Frankel, R., J. Jennings and J. Lee. 2016. Using unstructured and qualitative disclosures to explain accruals. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 209-227.

Garcia-Teruel, P., P. Martinez-Solano and J. P. Sanchez-Ballesta. 2010. Accruals quality and debt maturity structure. Abacus 46(2): 188-210.

Geiger, M. A. and D. S. North. 2006. Does hiring a new CFO change things? An investigation of changes in discretionary accruals. The Accounting Review (July): 781-809.

Ghosh, D. and L. Olsen. 2009. Environmental uncertainty and managers’ use of discretionary accruals. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(2): 188-205.

Gibbins, M. and R. J. Willett. 1997. New light on accrual, aggregation and allocation, using an axiomatic analysis of accounting numbers' fundamental and statistical character. Abacus 33(2): 137-167.

Givoly, D. and C. Hayn. 2000. The changing time-series properties of earnings, cash flows and accruals: Has financial reporting become more conservative? Journal of Accounting and Economics (June): 287-320.

Gong, G., L. Y. Li and H. Xie. 2009. The association between management earnings forecast errors and accruals. The Accounting Review (March): 497-530.

Gordon, E. A., K. A. Petruska and M. Yu. 2014. Do analysts' cash flow forecasts mitigate the accrual anomaly? International evidence. Journal of International Accounting Research 13(1): 61-90.

Green, J., J. R. M. Hand and M. T. Soliman. 2011. Going, going, gone? The apparent demise of the accruals anomaly. Management Science (May): 797-816.

Griffin, P. A. and S. J. R. Wallach. 1991. Latin American lending by major U. S. banks: The effects of disclosures about nonaccrual loans and loan loss provisions. The Accounting Review (October): 830-846.

Growe, G. A. and P. G. Kaplan. 1985. Surviving the IRS tax accrual decision. Management Accounting (February): 42-45.

Guay, W. 2006. Discussion of The role of accruals in asymmetrically timely gain and loss recognition. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 243-255.

Guay, W. 2010. Discussion of Elections and discretionary accruals: Evidence from 2004. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 477-487.

Guay, W. R. and B. K. Sidhu. 2001. The usefulness of long-term accruals. Abacus 37(1): 110-131.

Guay, W. R., S. P. Kothari and R. L. Watts. 1996. A market-based evaluation of discretionary accrual models. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Recognition, Measurement, and Disclosure Issues in Accounting, 1996): 83-105.

Guo, H. and X. Jiang. 2011. Accruals and the conditional equity premium. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 187-221.

Hafzalla, N., R. Lundholm and E. M. Van Winkle. 2011. Percent accruals. The Accounting Review (January): 209-236.

Hanlon, M. 2005. The persistence and pricing of earnings, accruals, and cash flows when firms have large book-tax differences. The Accounting Review (January): 137-166.

Haw, I., D. Qi and W. Wu. 2001. The nature of information in accruals and cash flows in an emerging capital market: The case of China. The International Journal of Accounting 36: 391-406.

Healy, P. 1996. Discussion of a market-based evaluation of discretionary accrual models. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Recognition, Measurement, and Disclosure Issues in Accounting, 1996): 107-115.

Heninger, W. G. 2001. The association between auditor litigation and abnormal accruals. The Accounting Review (January): 111-126.

Hewitt, M. 2009. Improving investors' forecast accuracy when operating cash flows and accruals are differentially persistent. The Accounting Review (November): 1913-1931.

Hirshleifer, D., K. Hou and S. H. Teoh. 2012. The accrual anomaly: Risk or mispricing? Management Science (February): 320-335.

Hoberg, G. 2016. Discussion of using unstructured and qualitative disclosures to explain accruals. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 228-233.

Hou, Y. 2015. The role of diversification in the pricing of accruals quality. Review of Accounting Studies 20(3): 1059-1092.

Hribar, P. and D. W. Collins. 2002. Errors in estimating accruals: Implications for empirical research. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 105-134.

Hribar, P. and N. Yehuda. 2015. The mispricing of cash flows and accruals at different life-cycle stages. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(3): 1053-1072.

Hribar, P., S. J. Melessa, R. C. Small and J. H. Wilde. 2017. Does managerial sentiment affect accrual estimates? Evidence from the banking industry. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 26-50.

Hughes, P. J. and E. S. Schwartz. 1988. The LIFO/FIFO choice: An asymmetric information approach. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Management's Ability and Incentives to Affect the Timing and Magnitude of Accounting Accruals): 41-58.

Hui, K. W., K. K. Nelson and P. E. Yeung. 2016. On the persistence and pricing of industry-wide and firm-specific earnings, cash flows, and accruals. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 185-202.

Husband, W. H. 1926. The accrual principle applied to bank accounting. The Accounting Review (June): 85-89.

Hyndman, N. and C. Connolly. 2011. Accruals accounting in the public sector: A road not always taken. Management Accounting Research (March): 36-45.

Ingram, R. W. and T. A. Lee. 1997. Information provided by accrual and cash-flow measures of operating activities. Abacus 33(2): 168-185.

Ittonen, K., E. Vähämaa and S. Vähämaa. Female auditors and accruals quality. Accounting Horizons (June): 205-228.

Jackson, A. B. 2018. Discretionary accruals: Earnings management ... or not? Abacus 54(2): 136-153.

Jenkins, D. S. and U. K. Velury. 2012. Auditor tenure and the pricing of discretionary accruals in the post-SOX era. Accounting and the Public Interest (12): 1-15.

Jennings, R. 1986. Discussion of the association of operating cash flow and accruals with security returns. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Alternative Measures of Accounting Income): 134-137.

Journal of Accounting Research. 1995. Erratum: A model of accrual measurement with implications for the evolution of the book-to-market ratio. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 417.

Kang, Q., Q. Liu and R. Qi. 2010. Predicting stock market returns with aggregate discretionary accruals. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 815-858.

Kaplan, R. S. 1985. Evidence on the effect of bonus schemes on accounting procedure and accrual decisions. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 109-113.

Keung, E. and M. S. H. Shih. 2014. Measuring discretionary accruals: Are ROA-matched models better than the original Jones-type models? Review of Accounting Studies 19(2): 736-768.

Khan, M. 2008. Are accruals mispriced evidence from tests of an intertemporal capital asset pricing model. Journal of Accounting and Economics (March): 55-77.

Kim, D. and Y. Qi. 2010. Accruals quality, stock returns, and macroeconomic conditions. The Accounting Review (May): 937-978.

Kim, J. H. and S. Lin. 2019. Accrual anomaly and mandatory adoption of IFRS: Evidence from Germany. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (47): 100445.

Kim, J. H. and Y. J. Kim. 2017. Implications of firms having both highly negative accruals and cash flows for test of accruals anomaly. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-22.

Kim, J. H. and Y. J. Kim. 2017. Implications of firms having both highly negative accruals and cash flows for test of accruals anomaly. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-22.

Kimbro, B. M. 2005. Managing underpricing? The case of pre-IPO discretionary accruals in China. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 16(3): 229-262.

Konstantinidi, T., A. Kraft and P. F. Pope. 2016. Asymmetric persistence and the market pricing of accruals and cash flows. Abacus 52(1): 140-165.

Kothari, S. P., A. J. Leone and C. E. Wasley. 2005. Performance matched discretionary accrual measures. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 163-197.

Kraft, A., A. J. Leone and C. Wasley. 2006. An analysis of the theories and explanations offered for the mispricing of accruals and accrual components. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 297-339.

Krishnan, G. V., B. Srinidhi and L. Su. 2008. Inventory policy, accruals quality and information risk. Review of Accounting Studies 13(2-3): 369-410.

Kuang, Y. F., B. Qin and J. L. Wielhouwer. 2014. CEO origin and accrual-based earnings management. Accounting Horizons (September): 605-626.

Kumar, K. R. and G. V. Krishnan. 2008. The value-relevance of cash flows and accruals: The role of investment opportunities. The Accounting Review (July): 997-1081.

Laksmana, I. and Y. Yang. 2014. Product market competition and earnings management: Evidence from discretionary accruals and real activity manipulation. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 30(2): 263-275.

Larcker, D. F. and S. A. Richardson. 2004. Fees paid to audit firms, accrual choices, and corporate governance. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 625-658.

Larson, C. R., R. Sloan and J. Z. Giedt. 2018. Defining, measuring, and modeling accruals: A guide for researchers. Review of Accounting Studies 23(3): 827-871.

Leone, A. J. and S. Rock. 2002. Empirical tests of budget ratcheting and its effect on managers’ discretionary accrual choices. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 43-67.

Levi, S. 2008. Voluntary disclosure of accruals in earnings press releases and the pricing of accruals. Review of Accounting Studies 13(1): 1-21.

Lewellen, J. and R. J. Resutek. 2016. The predictive power of investment and accruals. Review of Accounting Studies 21(4): 1046-1080.

Li, H. and S. Li. 2023. The changing role of accrual accounting: International evidence. Journal of International Accounting Research 22(2): 149-170.

Liu, A. Z. and R. Schneible. 2017. Analysts' experience and interpretation of discretionary accruals in predicting future earnings. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (38): 88-98.

Lobo, G. J. and I. Song. 1989. The incremental information in SFAS No. 33 income disclosures over historical cost income and its cash and accrual components. The Accounting Review (April): 329-343.

Louis, H. and A. X. Sun. 2016. Abnormal accruals and managerial intent: Evidence from the timing of merger announcements and completions. Contemporary Accounting Research 33(3): 1101-1135.

Louis, H. and D. Robinson. 2005. Do managers credibly use accruals to signal private information? Evidence from the pricing of discretionary accruals around stock splits. Journal of Accounting and Economics (June): 361-380.

Louis, H., D. Robinson and A. Sbaraglia. 2008. An integrated analysis of the association between accrual disclosure and the abnormal accrual anomaly. Review of Accounting Studies 13(1): 23-54.

Lu, H., G. Richardson and S. Salterio. 2011. Direct and indirect effects of internal control weaknesses on accrual quality: Evidence from a unique Canadian regulatory setting. Contemporary Accounting Research 28(2): 675-707.

Mashruwala, C., S. Rajgopal and T. Shevlin. 2006. Why is the accrual anomaly not arbitraged away? The role of idiosyncratic risk and transaction costs. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October): 3-33.

Mashruwala, C. A. and S. D. Mashruwala. 2011. The pricing of accruals quality: January versus the rest of the year. The Accounting Review (July): 1349-1381.

May, G. O. 1925. Accrual accounting and reserves in tax practice. Journal of Accountancy (December): 470-472.

McInnis, J. and D. W. Collins. 2011. The effect of cash flow forecasts on accrual quality and benchmark beating. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 219-239.

McNichols, M. and G. P. Wilson. 1988. Evidence of earnings management from the provision for bad debts. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Management's Ability and Incentives to Affect the Timing and Magnitude of Accounting Accruals): 1-31.

McNichols, M. F. 2002. The quality of accruals and earnings: The role of accrual estimation errors: Discussion. The Accounting Review (Supplement: Quality of Earnings Conference): 61-69.

McNichols, M. F. and S. R. Stubben. 2018. Research design issues in studies using discretionary accruals. Abacus 54(2): 227-246.

Mendenhall, R. R. and W. D. Nichols. 1988. Bad news and differential market reactions to announcements of earlier-quarters versus fourth-quarter earnings. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Management's Ability and Incentives to Affect the Timing and Magnitude of Accounting Accruals): 63-86.

Menon, K. and D. D. Williams. 2004. Former audit partners and abnormal accruals. The Accounting Review (October): 1095-1118.

Miao, B., S. H. Teoh and Z. Zhu. 2016. Limited attention, statement of cash flow disclosure, and the valuation of accruals. Review of Accounting Studies 21(2): 473-515.

Mitra, S. 2005. Institutional investors, managerial ownership and accrual management. Journal of Forensic Accounting 6(1): 77-102.

Mitra, S. and J. Rodrique. 2002. Discretionary accounting accruals: A methodological issue in earnings management research. Journal of Forensic Accounting (3): 185-206.

Mohanram, P. S. 2014. Analysts' cash flow forecasts and the decline of the accruals anomaly. Contemporary Accounting Research 31(4): 1143-1170.

Momente, F., F. Reggiani and S. Richardson. 2015. Accruals and future performance: Can it be attributed to risk? Review of Accounting Studies 20(4): 1297-1333.

Moonitz, M. and A. Russ. 1966. Accrual accounting for employers' pension costs. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 155-168.

Nallareddy, S. and M. Ogneva. 2017. Accrual quality, skill, and the cross-section of mutual fund returns. Review of Accounting Studies 22(2): 503-542.

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Newman, P. 1988. Discussion of an explanation for accounting income smoothing. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Management's Ability and Incentives to Affect the Timing and Magnitude of Accounting Accruals): 140-143.

Nezlobin, A. 2012. Accrual accounting, information sufficiency, and equity valuation. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 233-273.

O'Brien, P. C. 1986. Discussion of the relative information content of accruals and cash flows: Combined evidence at the earnings announcement and annual report release date. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Alternative Measures of Accounting Income): 201-203.

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