Management And Accounting Web

Financial Reporting and Standard Setting

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

Financial Reporting

Financial Reporting Main Bibliography
Accounting Changes Bibliography
Accounts Payable Bibliography
Accounts Receivable Bibliography
Accrual and Accrual Accounting Bibliography
Assets Bibliography
Balance Sheet Bibliography
Bonds Bibliography
Business Combinations & Consolidations Bibliography
Cloud Accounting Bibliography
Debt Bibliography
Derivatives Bibliography
Disclosure Bibliography
Dividends Bibliography
Earning Per Share Bibliography
Equity Bibliography
Expense and Expenses Bibliography
Fair Value Accounting Bibliography
FASB Bibliography
Funds Statement Bibliography
Goodwill Bibliography
Impairment Bibliography
Interest Bibliography
IFRS Bibliography
Income and Income Statements Bibliography
Liabilities Bibliography
Partnerships Bibliography
Payroll Bibliography
Pensions Bibliography
Postulates and Principles Bibliography
Replacement Cost Accounting Bibliography
Revenue and Revenue Recognition Bibliography
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) Bibliography
Securities and Exchange Commission Bibliography
Stock and Stock Ownership Bibliography
Working Capital Bibliography
XBRL Bibliography
Financial Shenanigans
Intangibles and Financial reporting
The Earnings Game