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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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MacCormack, A., F. Murray and E. Wagner. 2013. Spurring innovation through competitions. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 25-32.
Mackey, J. and L. Välikangas. The myth of unbounded growth. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 89-92.
Mackunis, K. J. 2014. It could never happen to me, or could it? Journal of Accountancy (September): 61-62. (Professional liability insurance).
MacMillan, I. C. and A. Meshulach. 1983. Replacement versus expansion: Dilemma for mature U.S. businesses. The Academy of Management Journal 26(4): 708-726.
Madison, T. F. and D.K. Clancy. 2000. Downsizing and performance: An empirical study of the effects of competition and equity market pressure. Advances in Management Accounting (9): 91-107.
Madsen, J. M. and J. L. McMullin. 2020. Economic consequences of risk disclosures: Evidence from crowdfunding. The Accounting Review (July): 331-363.
Magni, M. and L. Maruping. 2019. Unleashing innovation with collaboration platforms. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-5.
Majchrzak, A., D. Logan, R. McCurdy and M. Kirchmer. 2006. Four keys to managing emergence. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 14-18. (Continuous discourse with potential participants, continuous updating of knowledge maps, blurring the boundaries between participants inside and outside the organization, and governing through reputation networks).
Malapragada, G. and R. Srinivasan. 2017. Innovativeness as an unintended outcome of franchising: Insights from restaurant chains. Decision Sciences 48(6): 1164-1197.
Malhotra, D. 2015. Control the negotiation before it begins. Harvard Business Review (December): 66-72.
Malhotra, N., C. Zietsma, T. Morris and M. Smets. 2021. Handling resistance to change when societal and workplace logics conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(2): 475-520.
Malone, D. and M. Mouritsen. 2014. Change management: Risk, transition, and strategy. Cost Management (May/June): 6-13. (Summary).
Management Accounting Research. 2006. ENROAC - European Network for Research on Organizational and Accounting Change. Management Accounting Research (March): 123-124.
Management Accounting Research. 2006. Special issue on management accounting research: Risk management, corporate governance and management accounting. Management Accounting Research (June): 224-225.
Management Accounting Research. 2007. ENROAC - European Network for Research on Organizational and Accounting change presents. Management Accounting Research (December): 476-478.
Mande, V., M. Son and H. Song. 2017. Auditor search periods as signals of engagement risk: Effects on auditor choice and auditor pricing. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (37): 15-29.
Mandelbrot, B. and R. L. Hudson. 2006. The Misbehavior of Markets: A Fractal view of Financial Turbulence. Basic Books.
Mangelsdorf, M. E. 2017. What executives get wrong about cybersecurity. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 22-24.
Maniha, J. and C. Perrow. 1965. The reluctant organization and the aggressive environment. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(2): 238-257.
Mankins, M. and P. Litre. 2024. Transformations that work. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 86-95.
Mao, Y. 2021. Managing innovation: The role of collateral. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 101419.
March, J. G. 1981. Footnotes to organizational change. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(4): 563-577.
Marchant, G. 1990. Accounting changes and information processing: Some further empirical evidence. Behavioral Research In Accounting (2): 93-103.
Marcus, A. A. 1988. Implementing externally induced innovations: A comparison of rule-bound and autonomous approaches. The Academy of Management Journal 31(2): 235-256.
Margolis, J. D. and P. G. Stoltz. 2010. How to bounce back from adversity. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 86-92.
Mariello, A. 2007. The five stages of successful innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 8-9. (Idea generation and mobilization, advocacy and screening, experimentation, commercialization, and diffusion and implementation).
Markides, C. C. 1992. Consequences of corporate refocusing: Ex ante evidence. The Academy of Management Journal 35(2): 398-412.
Marquis, C. 2009. Book review: Market Rebels: How Activists Make or Break Radical Innovations by Hayagreeva Rao. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(3): 543-544.
Martin, J. and H. Cendrowski. 2020. Environmental, social, and governance matters and enterprise risk management. Cost Management (March/April): 40-43.
Martin, R. L. 2011. The innovation catalysts. Harvard Business Review (June): 82-87.
Martin, X., A. Swaminathan and W. Mitchell. 1998. Organizational evolution in the interorganizational environment: Incentives and constraints on international expansion strategy. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(3): 566-601.
Maskell, B. H. 1996. Making the Numbers Count: The Accountant As Change Agent on the World Class Team. Productivity Press.
Maskell, B. 2009. Making the Numbers Count, 2nd Edition. The Accountant as Change Agent on the World Class Team. Productivity Press.
Massey, C. and G. Wu. 2005. Detecting regime shifts: The causes of under- and overreaction. Management Science (June): 932-947.
Masuch, M. 1985. Vicious circles in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(1): 14-33.
Mat, T. Z. T., M. Smith and H. Djajadikerta. 2010. Management accounting and organisational change: An exploratory study in Malaysian manufacturing firms. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 51-80.
Matejka, M. and A. D. Waegenaere. 2005. Influence costs and implementation of organizational changes. Journal of Management Accounting Research (17): 43-52.
Mathews, R. and W. Wacker. 2002. The Deviant's Advantage: How Fringe Ideas Create Mass Markets. Crown Business.
Matzler, K., V. Veider and W. Kathan. 2015. Adapting to the sharing economy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 71-77.
May, R. C., W. H. Stewart, Jr. and R. Sweo. 2000. Environmental scanning behavior in a transitional economy: Evidence from Russia. The Academy of Management Journal 43(3): 403-427.
McAfee, A. 2003. When too much IT knowledge is a dangerous thing. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 83-89.
McAfee, A., D. Rock and E. Brynjolfsson. 2023. How to capitalize on generative AI: A guide to realizing its benefits while limiting its risks. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 42-48.
McBride, J. A. Jr. 1952. Programming and recording insurance. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 807-812.
McCafferty, F. 1977. Basic elements of risk management. Management Accounting (July): 43-45.
McCaffrey, T. and J. Pearson. 2015. Find innovation where you least expect it. Harvard Business Review (December): 82-89.
McCallum, B. T. and M. C. Knapp. 2016. Coping with catastrophes business interruption insurance claims. The CPA Journal (May): 54-59.
McCann, D. 2011. "You take risks and you own them." CFOs at private equity-backed companies love the challenge, and the payoff. CFO (July/August): 40-43.
McDonald, C. 2013. Don't forget about Forex risk. CFO (January/February): 27-28.
McDonald, C. and D. M. Katz. 2013. A deceptive calm. CFO (March): 24-25. (Directors and officers liability coverage).
McDonough, E. F. III and R. Leifer. 1983. Using simultaneous structures to cope with uncertainty. The Academy of Management Journal 26(4): 727-735.
McDonough, E. F. III, M. H. Zack, H. Lin and I. Berdrow. 2008. Integrating innovation style and knowledge into strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 53-58.
McGahan, A. M. 2004. How industries change. Harvard Business Review (October): 86-94.
McGahan, A. M. 2004. How Industries Evolve: Principles for Achieving and Sustaining Superior Performance. Harvard Business School Press.
McGrath, R. and R. McManus. 2020. Discovery-driven digital transformation. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 124-133.
McGrath, R. G. 2011. Failing by design. Harvard Business Review (April): 76-83.
McGrath, R. G. 2012. How the growth outliers do it. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 110-116.
McGrath, R. G. and I. MacMillan. 2000. The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Strategies for Continuously Creating Opportunity in an Age of Uncertainty. Harvard Business School Press.
McGrath, R. G. and I. C. MacMillan. 2009. How to rethink your business during uncertainty. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 25-30.
McGrath, R. G., T. Keil and T. Tukiainen. 2006. Extracting value from corporate venturing. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 50-56.
McIntosh, R. I., S. J. Culley, A. R. Mileham and G. W. Owen. 2001. Improving Changeover Performance: A Strategy for becoming a Lean, Responsive Manufacturer. Butterworth Heinemann.
McKay, S. 2016. CGMA tools: How to communicate risks using a heat map. Journal of Accountancy (June): 35-40. (Summary).
McMurray, A. R. 1959. Plant re-location expenses - Identification and control. N.A.A. Bulletin (March): 51-60.
McNair, C. J. 1996. To serve the customer within. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 40-43.
McNair-Connolly, C. J., G. Wallig and L. Pashia. 2015. Risky business: maximizing performance by effectively managing on the risk-crisis frontier. Cost Management (May/June): 39-47.
McNally, J. S. 2018. Catalyst for change. Strategic Finance (October): 21-22.
McNally, J. S. 2018. Business transformation: No pain, no gain? Effective planning, change management, project execution, and strong leadership can help you limit the pain and achieve success. Strategic Finance (November): 34-39.
McNally, J. S. and V. H. Tophoff. 2014. Leveraging effective risk management and internal control. Strategic Finance (April): 28-36.
McNally, J. S. and V. H. Tophoff. 2015. Stacked in your favor: You can increase your chances for organizational success by upgrading your risk management and internal control. Strategic Finance (April): 30-39.
McNally, J. S. and V. H. Tophoff. 2016. Risk management: It's what we do! Strategic Finance (September): 24-31.
McNeal, A. 2017. What's your fraud IQ? Effective fraud risk management. Journal of Accountancy (June): 32-35.
McNulty, J. E. 1962. Organizational change in growing enterprises. Administrative Science Quarterly 7(1): 1-21.
McWhorter, L. B., M. Matherly and D. M. Frizzell. 2006. The connection between performance measurement and risk management. Strategic Finance (February): 50-55.
Meindl, J. R. 1982. The abundance of solutions: Some thoughts for theoretical and practical solution seekers. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(4): 670-685. (Part of a special section on the utilization of organizational research, part 1).
Meindl, J. R. 1983. Erratum: An abundance of solutions: Some thoughts for theoretical and practical solution seekers. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(1): 152.
Merchant, K. A. 2012. ERM: Where to go from here. Journal of Accountancy (September): 32-34, 36. (Summary).
Merton, R. C. 2013. Innovation risk. Harvard Business Review (April): 48-56.
Messier, W. F. Jr. 1990. Discussion of a cognitive computational model of risk hypothesis generation. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Judgment in Accounting and Auditing): 104-109.
Meulbroek, L. 2002. The promise and challenge of integrated risk management. Risk Management and Insurance Review 5(1): 55-66.
Meulbroek, L. K. 2002. Integrated risk management for the firm: A senior manager's guide. Corporate Risk Management. (Chapter 4): 63-86. Columbia University Press.
Meyer, A. D. 1982. Adapting to environmental jolts. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(4): 515-537.
Meyer, A. D. and J. B. Goes. 1988. Organizational assimilation of innovations: A multilevel contextual analysis. The Academy of Management Journal 31(4): 897-923.
Meyerson, D. E. 2001. Tempered Radicals: How People Use Difference to Inspire Change at Work. Harvard Business School Press.
Michel, A. A. 2007. A distributed cognition perspective on newcomers' change processes: The management of cognitive uncertainty in two investment banks. Administrative Science Quarterly 52(4): 507-557.
Michels, D. and K. Murphy. 2021. How good is your company at change? A new system for measuring (and improving) your ability to adapt. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 62-71.
Midanek, D. H. 2003. When crisis crosses borders. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 16-19.
Mikes, A. 2009. Risk management and calculative cultures. Management Accounting Research (March): 18-40.
Mikes, A. 2011. From counting risk to making risk count: Boundary-work in risk management. Accounting, Organizations and Society 36(4-5): 226-245.
Miles, R. H. 2010. Accelerating corporate transformations (Don't lose your nerve!). Harvard Business Review (January-February): 68-75.
Miller, B. P., A. G. Sheneman and B. M. Williams. 2022. The impact of control systems on corporate innovation. Contemporary Accounting Research 39(2): 1425-1454.
Miller, D. and P. Friesen. 1980. Archetypes of organizational transition. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(2): 268-299.
Miller, D. and P. H. Friesen. 1980. Momentum and revolution in organizational adaptation. The Academy of Management Journal 23(4): 591-614.
Miller, D. and P. H. Friesen. 1982. Structural change and performance: Quantum versus piecemeal-incremental approaches. The Academy of Management Journal 25(4): 867-892.
Miller, D. J., M. J. Fern and L. B. Cardinal. 2007. The use of knowledge for technological innovation within diversified firms. The Academy of Management Journal 50(2): 308-326.
Miller, K. A. 1992. Framework for integrated risk management in international business. Journal of International Business Studies. (23): 311-331.
Miller, K. D. 1998. Economic exposure and integrated risk management. Strategic Management Journal 19(5): 497-514.
Miller, K. D. and M. J. Leiblein. 1996. Corporate risk-return relations: Returns variability versus downside risk. The Academy of Management Journal 39(1): 91-122.
Miller, K. D. and P. Bromiley. 1990. Strategic risk and corporate performance: An analysis of alternative risk measures. The Academy of Management Journal 33(4): 756-779.
Miller, K. D. and W. Chen. 2004. Variable organizational risk preferences: Tests of the March-Shapira model. The Academy of Management Journal 47(1): 105-115.
Miller, P. and T. Wedell-Wedellsborg. 2013. The case for stealth innovation: When it's better to ask for forgiveness than seek permission. Harvard Business Review (March): 90-97.
Miller, P., L. Kurunmäki and T. O’Leary. 2008. Accounting, hybrids and the management of risk. Accounting, Organizations and Society 33(7-8): 942-967.
Miller, S. K. and J. J. Tucker III. 2005. Limit practice liability. Journal of Accountancy (September): 71-74.
Milliken, F. J. 1990. Perceiving and interpreting environmental change: An examination of college administrators' interpretation of changing demographics. The Academy of Management Journal 33(1): 42-63.
Millman, G. J. 1991. Currency risk management at Monsanto. Management Accounting (April): 43-48.
Millo, Y. and D. MacKenzie. 2009. The usefulness of inaccurate models: Towards an understanding of the emergence of financial risk management. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(5): 638-653.
Mishler, M. D. 2017. Currency turmoil, price, and profit in global markets. How to manage the risks of volatile foreign currency exchange rates. Journal of Accountancy (March): 50-55.
Mishler, M. D. 2020. Capex risk management during the coronavirus pandemic: Use these five steps to identify company vulnerabilities as well as capital expenditures during a global crisis. Journal of Accountancy (December): 26-30.
Mishler, M. D. 2023. Identifying and analyzing the risks of 'risk-free' securities. Journal of Accountancy (September): 1-7.
Mishler, M. D. 2023. Managing interest rate risk with FASB's hedging flexibility. Journal of Accountancy (March): 1-4.
Mishra, A. K. and K. E. Mishra. 2009. Downsizing the company without downsizing morale. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 39-44.
MIT Sloan Management Review. 2013. Outsourcing business processes for innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 63-69.
MIT Sloan Management Review. 2013. Optimizing your digital business model. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 71-78.
Mitroff, I. I. 2018. Why tech companies don't see their biggest problems coming. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-4.
Mitroff, I. I. and M. C. Alpaslan. 2003. Preparing for evil. Harvard Business Review (April): 109-115. (A crisis tool kit).
Mittal, V., A. Piazza and S. Singh. 2024. Safety should be a performance driver. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 116-127.
Mitzen, M. 2019. The risk suite: This teenager can mitigate liability angst. Journal of Accountancy (August): 14-15. (Risk assessment standards for auditors).
Mitzen, M. and D. K. Rood. 2019. Addressing risks related to the TCJA and Wayfair. Journal of Accountancy (February): 16-17. (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act).
Mitzen, M. and D. K. Rood. 2020. Navigating storms, and risk with subcontractors. Journal of Accountancy (January): 12-13.
Mock, T. J., R. P. Srivasta and A. M. Wright. 2017. Fraud risk assessment using the fraud risk model as a decision aid. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 14(1): 37-56.
Momente, F., F. Reggiani and S. Richardson. 2015. Accruals and future performance: Can it be attributed to risk? Review of Accounting Studies 20(4): 1297-1333.
Monaco, J. V. and E. D. White III. 2006. Extending cost growth estimation to predict schedule risk. The Journal of Cost Analysis & Management 8(1): 1-13.
Moon, D. and J. P. Krahel. 2020. Continuous risk monitoring and assessment: New component of continuous assurance. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 17(2): 173-200.
Morgan, C. P. and R. W. Beatty. 1976. Information relevant to the task in the risky shift phenomenon. The Academy of Management Journal 19(2): 304-308.
Morita, J. G., T. W. Lee and R. T. Mowday. 1993. The regression-analog to survival analysis: A selected application to turnover research. The Academy of Management Journal 36(6): 1430-1464.
Moroney, R. and R. Simnett. 2009. Differences in industry specialist knowledge and business risk identification and evaluation. Behavioral Research In Accounting 21(2): 73-89.
Morris, M. H. and D. F. Kuratko. 2002. Corporate Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Development within Organizations. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Morris, M. W. and P. C. Moore. 2000. The lessons we (don't) learn: Counterfactual thinking and organizational accountability after a close call. Administrative Science Quarterly 45(4): 737-765.
Morrison, E. R. 1993. Off-balance sheet risks: What are they and why is their disclosure important? Journal of Accounting Education 11(2): 313-320.
Morrison, E. W. and C. C. Phelps. 1999. Taking charge at work: Extrarole efforts to initiate workplace change. The Academy of Management Journal 42(4): 403-419.
Morrison, T. A. and E. Kaczka. 1969. A new application of calculus and risk analysis to cost-volume-profit changes. The Accounting Review (April): 330-343.
Morvan, L., F. Hintermann and A. Ovanessoff. 2020. Preparing for the risky world of extended reality. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-4.
Moschella, J., E. Boulianne and M. Magnan. 2023. Risk management in small- and medium-sized businesses and how accountants contribute. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(1): 668-703.
Moskowitz, H., P. Drnevich, O. Ersoy, K. Altinkemer and A. Chaturvedi. 2011. Using real-time decision tools to improve distributed decision-making capabilities in high-magnitude crisis situations. Decision Sciences 42(2): 477-493.
Moumen, N., H. B. Othman and K. Hussainey. 2016. Board structure and the informativeness of risk disclosure: Evidence from MENA emerging markets. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (35): 82-97.
Mouritsen, J., A. Hansen and C. O. Hansen. 2009. Short and long translations: Management accounting calculations and innovation management. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(6-7): 738-754.
Mouritsen, J., I. Pedraza-Acosta and S. Thrane. 2022. Performance, risk, and overflows: When are multiple management control practices related? Management Accounting Research (June): 100796.
Mouritsen M. L. and R. Mano. 2007. Do you know where your computers are? Strategic Finance (January): 46-53.
Mowen, R. F. 1962. Conservation of assets through a prudent insurance program. N.A.A. Bulletin (February): 49-58.
Mulig, E.,L. M. Smith and C. T. Stambaugh. 2014. Identity hack! Is your company next? Strategic Finance (December): 33-39.
Muller-Stewens, B., S. K. Widener, K. Moller and J. Steinmann. 2020. The role of diagnostic and interactive control uses in innovation. Accounting, Organizations and Society (80): 101078.
Mullins, J. W. 2007. Discovering "unk-unks". MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 17-21. (Discovering the unknown unknowns. Discovering the things you don't know that you don't know, or things that your customers don't know that they don't know).
Murphy, M. L. 2023. How to implement the risk-based quality management standards. Journal of Accountancy (October): 1-6.
Murray, K. B. 2012. Why dominant companies are vulnerable. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 12-14.
Myers, K. N. 1989. How to keep your company running. Management Accounting (April): 39-41. (Discussion of how to develop a disaster recovery plan).
Myhrvold, N. 2010. Funding eureka! Harvard Business Review (March): 40-50.
Nag, R., K. G. Corley and D. A. Gioia. 2007. The intersection of organizational identity, knowledge, and practice: Attempting strategic change via knowledge grafting. The Academy of Management Journal 50(4): 821-847.
Nahapiet, J. 1988. The rhetoric and reality of an accounting change: A study of resource allocation. Accounting, Organizations and Society 13(4): 333-358.
Nair, M. and B. V. Balachandran. 2016. Innovation from within: How to energize the organization to reach beyond compliance. Cost Management (September/October): 23-28.
Nakamura, K. 2022. Cybersecurity risk: Constant vigilance required. Journal of Accountancy (September): 1-4.
Nambisan, S. and M. Sawhney. 2007. A buyers guide to the innovation bazaar. Harvard Business Review (June): 109-118.
Nathan, B. and P. Smith. 2016. Cybersecurity: Watch out for data leaks! Strategic Finance (January): 62-63.
Navarro, P. 2009. Recession-proofing your organization. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 45-51.
Narver, J. C. 1971. Rational management responses to external effects. The Academy of Management Journal 14(1): 99-115.
National Association of Accountants. 1984. Seattle '84: Understanding change. Management Accounting (March): 67-68.
Navarro, P. 2004. Principles of the master cyclist. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 20-24.
Nayar, V. 2010. A maverick CEO explains how he persuaded his team to leap into the future. Harvard Business Review (June): 110-113.
Nebeker, D. M. 1975. Situational favorability and perceived environmental uncertainty: An integrative approach. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(2): 281-294.
Nedd, A. N. B. 1971. The simultaneous effects of several variables on attitudes toward change. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(3): 258-270.
Nekrasov, A. and P. K. Shroff. 2009. Fundamentals-based risk measurement in valuation. The Accounting Review (November): 1938-2011.
Nelson, C. J. 1964. Risk management and the accountant. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 57-61.
Nelson, D. C. and J. D. Bell. 2004. Profiles in Entrepreneurship: Leaving More Than Footprints. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Nelson, R. 1995. Recent evolutionary theorizing about economic change. Journal of Economic Literature 33: 48-90.
Neter, J., C. A. Williams Jr. and G. A. Whitmore. 1970. Optimality of independent decision-making for two independent risk situations. Decision Sciences 1(1-2): 1-23.
Newton, G. W. 1976. Management accountant: Catalyst for change. Management Accounting (July): 52-56.
Newton, L. K. 1977. The risk factor in materiality decisions. The Accounting Review (January): 97-108.
Ng, J. 2011. The effect of information quality on liquidity risk. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November): 126-143.
Nigam, A., R. Huising and B. Golden. 2016. Explaining the selection of routines for change during organizational search. Administrative Science Quarterly 61(4): 551-585.
Nigrini, M. J. and A. J. Johnson. 2008. Using key performance indicators and risk measures in continuous monitoring. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (5): 65-80.
Nohria, N. and R. Gulati. 1996. Is slack good or bad for innovation? The Academy of Management Journal 39(5): 1245-1264.
Nohria, N., W. Joyce and B. Roberson. 2003. What really works. Harvard Business Review (July): 42-52. (Excel at four primary practices: Strategy, Execution, Culture, and Structure. And embrace two of four secondary practices: Talent, Innovation, Leadership, and Mergers & partnerships).
Nooteboom, B., H. Berger and N. G. Noorderhaven. 1997. Effects of trust and governance on relational risk. The Academy of Management Journal 40(2): 308-338.
Nor-Aziah, A. K. and R. W. Scapens. 2007. Corporatisation and accounting change: The role of accounting and accountants in a Malaysian public utility. Management Accounting Research (June): 209-247.
Nord, W. R. and D. Durand. 1975. Beyond resistance to change: Behavioral science on the firing line. Organizational Dynamics (Autumn): 2-19.
Nord, W. R. and J. M. Jermier. 1994. Overcoming resistance to resistance: Insights from a study of the shadows. Public Administration Quarterly (Winter): 396-409.
Normann, R. 1971. Organizational innovativeness: Product variation and reorientation. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(2): 203-215.
Nuhu, N. A., K. Baird and R. Appuhami. 2016. The association between the use of management accounting practices with organizational change and organizational performance. Advances in Management Accounting (26): 67-98.
Nunes, P. 2005. The risks of customer intimacy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 15-18.
Nunes, P. and T. Breene. 2011. Reinvent your business before it's too late: Watch out for those S curves. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 80-87.
Nutt, P. C. 1986. Tactics of implementation. The Academy of Management Journal 29(2): 230-261.
Nystrom, P. C. 1977. Managerial resistance to a management system. Accounting, Organizations and Society 2(4): 317-322.
Oansiti, M. and K. R. Lakhani. 2020. Competing in the age of AI: How machine intelligence changes the rules of business. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 60-67.
O'Brien, C. 2017. Can pre-employment tests identify white-collar criminals and reduce fraud risk in your organization? Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 9(1): 621-636.
O'Brien, T. and M. Markiewicz. 2008. Property and casualty insurance solutions for entity owners. The CPA Journal (June): 44-47.
Obuchowski, J. 2006. The strategic benefits of managing risk. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 6-7.
O'Connell, V., D. O'Sullivan and J. Lee. 2018. Taking stock of corporate risk-taking. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-5.
O'Donnell, E. 2005. Enterprise risk management: A systems-thinking framework for the event identification phase. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 6(3): 177-195.
Oestreich, T., F. Buytendijk and T. Hatch. 2011. Uncertainty management: Risk and performance, two side of the same coin. Cost Management (January/February): 5-13.
Ofek, E. and L. Wathieu. 2010. Are you ignoring trends that could shake up your business? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 124-131.
Ogawa, S. and F. T. Piller. 2006. Reducing the risks of new product development. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 65-71.
Ogneva, M., J. D. Piotroski and A. A. Zakolyukina. 2020. Accounting fundamentals and systematic risk: Corporate failure over the business cycle. The Accounting Review (September): 321-350.
Ohlson, J. A. and P. Bilinski. 2015. Risk versus anomaly: A new methodology applied to accruals. The Accounting Review (September): 2057-2077.
Oiu, J. and E. Steiger. 2011. Understanding the two components of risk attitudes: An experimental analysis. Management Science (January): 193-199.
Oke, A., F. O. Walumbwa and A. Myers. 2012. Innovation strategy, human resource policy, and firms' revenue growth: The roles of environmental uncertainty and innovation performances. Decision Sciences 43(2): 273-302. (Retracted 2016. Decision Sciences 47(2): 395).
Okhuysen, G. A. 2001. Structuring change: Familiarity and formal interventions in problem-solving groups. The Academy of Management Journal 44(4): 794-808.
Olejarz, J. M. 2015. The evolving cyberthreat. Harvard Business Review (November): 150-151.
Oliveira, F. S. 2023. Procurement risk management in a petroleum refinery. Decision Sciences 54(3): 277-296.
Olson, E. E., G. H. Eoyang, R. Beckhard and P. Vaill. 2001. Facilitating Organization Change: Learning from Complexity Science. John Wiley & Sons.
Olson, M. S., D. van Bever and S. Verry. 2008. When growth stalls. Harvard Business Review (March): 50-61.
Onyemah, V., M. R. Pesquera and A. Ali. 2013. What entrepreneurs get wrong. Harvard Business Review (May): 74-79.
Oppong, A. A., D. J. Gaydon and D. M. Boyle. 2020. Managing reputational and financial risks through internal whistleblower programs. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 10-22.
O'Reilly, C. A. III. and M. L. Tushman. 2004. The ambidextrous organization. Harvard Business Review (April): 74-81.
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Ostlund, L. E. 1973. Factor analysis applied to predictors of innovative behavior. Decision Sciences 4(1): 92-108.
Ostroff, F. 2006. Change management in government. Harvard Business Review (May): 141-147.
O'Sullivan, K. 2011. Looking for the light: Guiding a company through a turnaround is no easy feat, but CFO's who can do it are in high demand. CFO (January/February): 46-51.
O'Sullivan, K. 2012. The deep dive: Keeping cool in the hot seat: The financial crisis has prompted CFOs to assume primary responsibility for risk management, and most believe they're on top of it. But their list of worries is long. CFO (March): 39-42. (Customer demand/profitability, workforce capabilities, recent or pending regulatory requirements, and technology/data security are the top concerns).
O'Sullivan, K, A. Stuart and S. Johnson. 2011. "This is a mega-event": The aftershocks of Japan's earthquake continue to ripple through the insurance market. CFO (May): 38-40.
Otivson, T. and C. Fry. 2006. Understanding the dynamics of value-driven variety management. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 63-69.
Oxman, J. A. and B. D. Smith. 2003. The limits of structural change. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 77-82.
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Pacini, C. 2005. Forensic risk management: Accountants and bankruptcy fraud - Part II. Journal of Forensic Accounting 6(2): 473-478.
Pacini, C. 2006. Forensic risk management: Forensic accountants and Qui Tam actions under the False Claims Act. Journal of Forensic Accounting 7(1): 263-268.
Pacini, C. 2007. Forensic risk management: the fight against trade secret espionage. Journal of Forensic Accounting 8(1-2): ?.
Pahnke, E. C., R. Katila and K. M. Eisenhardt. 2015. Who takes you to the dance? How partners' institutional logics influence innovation in young firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(4): 596-633.
Paladino, B. 2008. Strategically managing risk in today's perilous markets. Strategic Finance (November): 26-33.
Palepu, K. 1987. The anatomy of an accounting change. Accounting and Management Field Study Perspectives. Edited by W. J. Bruns, Jr. and R. S. Kaplan. Harvard Business School Press: 73-94.
Panaretou, A., M. B. Shackleton and P. A. Taylor. 2013. Corporate risk management and hedge accounting. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(1): 116-139.
Parenty, T. J. and J. J. Domet. 2019. Sizing up your cyberrisk: Focus first on the threats to your key activities - not on the technology itself. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 102-109.
Parmar, R., I. Mackenzie, D. Cohn and D. Gann. 2014. The new patterns of innovation. Harvard Business Review (January/Feburary): 86-95.
Pascale, R., M. Millemann and L. Gioja. 1997. Changing the way we change. Harvard Business Review (November-December): 127-139. (Summary).
Pascale, R. T. and J. Sternin. 2005. Your company's secret change agents. Harvard Business Review (May): 72-81.
Pasquinelli, J. L. 1991. FAS 105: Industry perspective. Management Accounting (July): 41-43. (Related to financial risk).
Pearce, J. A. II. 2009. The profit-making allure of product reconstruction. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 59-65.
Pearson, A. E. 2002. Tough-minded ways to get innovative. Harvard Business Review (August): 117-124. (Reprint of Pearson's 1988 HBR article).
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Pencle, N. and I. Malaescu. 2016. What's in the words? Development and validation of a multidimensional dictionary for CSR and application using prospectuses. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 13(2): 109-127.
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Pennings, J. M., K. Lee and A. van Witteloostuijn. 1998. Human capital, social capital, and firm dissolution. The Academy of Management Journal 41(4): 425-440.
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Peters, T. 2010. The Little Big Things: 163 Ways to Pursue Excellence. HarperStudio.
Peterson, R. A. and D. G. Berger. 1971. Entrepreneurship in organizations: Evidence from the popular music industry. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(1): 97-106.
Pettigrew, A. M., R. W. Woodman and K. S. Cameron. 2001. Studying organizational change and development: Challenges for future research. The Academy of Management Journal 44(4): 697-713.
Pettus, M. L. 2001. The resource-based view as a developmental growth process: Evidence from the deregulated trucking industry. The Academy of Management Journal 44(4): 878-896.
Pfitzer, M., V. Bockstette and M. Stamp. 2013. Innovating for shared value. Harvard Business Review (September): 100-107.
Pidun, U., M. Reeves and N. Knust. 2022. Setting the rules of the road: Put the right rules in place to orchestrate a platform that creates value for all participants - and helps manage risk. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 44-50.
Pisano, G. P. 2015. You need an innovation strategy. Harvard Business Review (June): 44-54.
Pisano, G. P. 2024. How fast should your company really grow? Harvard Business Review (March/April): 38-45.
Plowman, D. A., L. T. Baker, T. E. Beck, M. Kulkarni, S. T. Solansky and D. V. Travis. 2007. Radical change accidentally: The emergence and amplification of small change. The Academy of Management Journal 50(3): 515-543.
Poczter, S., A. Musacchio and S. G. Lazzarini. 2018. How to compete against the new breed of national champions. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 65-70.
Podolny, J. M. 1994. Market uncertainty and the social character of economic exchange. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(3): 458-483.
Podolny, J. M. and M. T. Hansen. 2020. How Apple is organized for innovation. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 86-95.
Pontikes, E. G. and W. P. Barnett. 2017. The non-consensus entrepreneur: Organizational responses to vital events. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(1): 140-178.
Pope, K. R. and L. Jiles. 2022. Management accountants and corporate compliance: Data analytics capabilities, incentives for reporting wrongdoing, and innovative training can help accounting professionals mitigate the risk of corporate misconduct. Strategic Finance (December): 28-33.
Porras, J. I. and P. J. Robertson. 1987. Organization development theory: A typology and evaluation. In Research in Organizational Change and Development, edited by R. W. Woodman and W. A. Pasmore: 1-57. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Porter, M. E. 1980. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. The Free Press. (Summary).
Porter, M. E. 1996. What is a strategy? Harvard Business Review (November-December): 61-78. (Summary).
Porter, M. E. and S. Stern. 2001. Innovation: Location matters. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 28-36.
Porter, P. L. 2001. Organizational learning's ten-year march. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 30-31.
Porter, R. B. and K. Carey. 1974. Stochastic dominance as a risk analysis criterion. Decision Sciences 5(1): 10-21.
Posch, A. 2020. Integrating risk into control system design: The complementarity between risk-focused results controls and risk-focused information sharing. Accounting, Organizations and Society (86): 101126.
Posen, H. E. and D. A. Levinthal. 2012. Chasing a moving target: Exploitation and exploration in dynamic environments. Management Science (March): 587-601.
Posner, B. 2018. Is the threat of digital disruption overhyped? MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 96.
Posner, B. and M. E. Mangelsdorf. 2017. 12 essential innovation insights. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 28-36.
Posner, B. G. and M. S. Hopkins. 2009. The opportunities brought to you by distress. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 53-57.
Potter, B. N. 2005. Accounting as a social and institutional practice: Perspectives to enrich our understanding of accounting change. Abacus 41(3): 265-289.
Potter, D. 2004. Confronting low-end competition. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 73-78.
Pournader, M., A. Kach and S. Talluri. 2020. A review of the existing and emerging topics in the supply chain risk management literature. Decision Sciences 51(4): 867-919.
Powell, W. W., K. W. Koput and L. Smith-Doerr. 1996. Interorganizational collaboration and the locus of innovation: Networks of learning in biotechnology. Administrative Science Quarterly 41(1): 116-145.
Power, M. 2007. Business risk auditing - Debating the history of its present. Accounting, Organizations and Society 32(4-5): 379-382.
Power, M. 2009. The risk management of nothing. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(6-7): 849-855.
Power, M. 2013. The apparatus of fraud risk. Accounting, Organizations and Society 38(6-7): 525-543.
Pozen, R. C. 2007. If private equity sized up your business. Harvard Business Review (November): 78-87. (Make the same types of changes they would see a need for).
Prabakar, C., V. Kale and H. I. Ahmad. 2015. The secrete to successful reverse innovation: Interaction. Harvard Business Review (October): 25-26.
Prahalad, C. K. and R. A. Mashelkar. 2010. Innovation's holy grail. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 132-141.
Prahalad, C. K. and V. Ramaswamy. 2003. The new frontier of experience innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 12-18.
Prasad, P. 1993. Symbolic processes in the implementation of technological change: A symbolic interactionist study of work computerization. The Academy of Management Journal 36(6): 1400-1429.
Prather-Kinsey, J. and P. Wheeler. 2012. Out of Africa: Managing risk in global business. Strategic Finance (February): 47-53.
Primoff, W. and S. Kess. 2017. The Equifax data breach. The CPA Journal (December): 14-17.
Profitos, X. S. I., T. Keil and P. Kuusela. 2022. The two blades of the scissors: Performance feedback and intrinsic attributes in organizational risk taking. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(4): 1012-1048.
Prokesch, S. 2009. How GE teaches teams to lead change. Harvard Business Review (January): 99-106.
Prosch, M. 2009. Preventing identity theft throughout the data life cycle. Journal of Accountancy (January): 58-63.
Provost, T. 2013. Cyber-attack order raises questions. CFO (March): 25.
Pryor, C. R., Z. Yan and N. C. Lynch. 2016. Financial planning with excess liability insurance. The CPA Journal (September): 34-39.
Puranam, P., H. Singh and M. Zollo. 2006. Organizing for innovation: Managing the coordination-autonomy dilemma in technology acquisitions. The Academy of Management Journal 49(2): 263-280.
Puri, S. 2022. Case study: Should you compromise your founding principles for faster growth? Harvard Business Review (January/February): 144-149.
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Qin, F., U. S. Rao, H. Gurnani and R. Bollapragada. 2014. Role of random capacity risk and the retailer in decentralized supply chains with competing suppliers. Decision Sciences 45(2): 255-279.
Quattrone, P. and T. Hopper. 2001. What does organizational change mean? Speculations on a taken for granted category. Management Accounting Research (December): 403-435.
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Quick, R. and K. Gauch. 2021. Is assurance on risk management systems relevant for bankers' decisions? Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (55): 100564.
Quinn, J. B. 1980. Strategies for Change: Logical Incrementalism Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin.
Quinn, L. R. 2006. COSO at a crossroad. Strategic Finance (July): 42-49. (The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations' enterprise risk management integrated framework is being adopted by companies outside the U.S.).
Quinn, R. E. 1996. Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within. Jossey-Bass.
Quinn, R. E. 2000. Change the World: How Ordinary People Can Achieve Extraordinary Results. Jossey-Bass.
Quinn, R. E. 2004. Building the Bridge as You Walk on It: A Guide for Leading Change. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Quinn, R. E., editor, S. R. Faerman, M. Thompson and M. R. McGrath. 2002. Becoming A Master Manager: A Competency Framework. John Wiley & Sons.
Raasch, C. and E. Von Hippel. 2013. Innovation process benefits: The journey as reward. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 33-39.
Radcliffe, V. S., D. R. Campbell and T. J. Fogarty. 2001. Exploring downsizing: A case study on the use of accounting information. Journal of Management Accounting Research (13): 131-157.
Raddatz, N. I., J. G. Coyne and B. S. Trinkle. 2020. Internal motivators for the protection of organizational data. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 199-211.
Radjou, N. and J. Prabhu. 2012. Mobilizing for growth in emerging markets. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 81-88.
Rae , K., N. Subramaniam and J. Sands. 2008. Risk management and ethical environment: Effects on internal audit and accounting control procedures. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 11-30.
Rael, R. 2008. Smart Risk Management: A Guide to Identifying and Reducing Everyday Business Risks. AICPA.
Rael, R. 2009. Risk Management Strategies for a Turbulent Economy. AICPA.
Rael, R. 2016. From CGMA Magazine: 9 skills of a great organizational coach. Journal of Accountancy (February): 20-21.
Rafii, F. and L. P. Carr. 1997. Why major change programs fail: An integrative analysis. Journal of Cost Management (January/February): 41-45. (Summary).
Rafii, F. and P. J. Kampas. 2002. How to identify your enemies before they destroy you. Harvard Business Review (November): 115-123. (A tool to distinguish signal from noise).
Rahnuma, A. 2011. Cultural aspects of credit risk management: A lesson from the microfinance industry. The CPA Journal (August): 56-59.
Raisch, S. and G. Von Krogh. 2007. Navigating a path to smart growth. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 65-72.
Ramanujam, R. 2003. The effects of discontinuous change on latent errors in organizations: The moderating role of risk. The Academy of Management Journal 46(5): 608-617.
Ramaswamy, V. and F. Gouillart. 2010. Building the co-creative enterprise. Harvard Business Review (October): 100-109. (The co-creation approach to process and product design attempts to serve the interest of all stakeholders and focuses on their experiences and how they interact with each other).
Ramesh, B., L. Cao, J. Kim, K. Mohan, T. L. James, E. Apfelbaum, M. E. Mangelsdorf, T. Wakayama, K. LaPierre, J. McConnell, M. Spiegel, T. Schmiedel and J. vom Brocke. 2019. Leading through change conflicts: Discover some of the best ways to acknowledge and work through the fears of experimentation - while still embracing flexibility, creativity, and communication. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-23. (This special collection includes Ramesh, B., L. Cao, J. Kim, K. Mohan and T. L. James. Consider culture when implementing agile practices; Wakayama, T. and K. LaPierre. Embracing a strategic paradox; McConnell, J. Neutralize internal politics in digital initiatives; and Spiegel, M., T. Schmiedel and J. vom Brocke. What makes change harder - easier).
Ramirez, R., S. Churchhouse, A. Palermo and J. Hoffmann. 2017. Using scenario planning to reshape strategy: Rather than trying to predict the future, organizations need to strengthen their abilities to cope with uncertainty. A new approach to scenario planning can help companies reframe their long-term strategies by developing several plausible scenarios. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 31-37.
Randall, R. F. 1984. Seattle '84: Annual conference focuses on change. Management Accounting (May): 74-75.
Randall, R. F. 1984. Seattle '84: Managing change. Management Accounting (April): 63-64.
Randall, R. F. 1984. Seattle '84: The impact of change. Management Accounting (September): 59-64.
Rangaswami, M. R. 2009. Why sustainability is now the key driver of innovation. Harvard Business Review (September): 56-64.
Rankin, F. W. and T. L. Sayre. 2011. Responses to risk in tournaments. Accounting, Organizations and Society 36(1): 53-62.
Rao, A. and A. Marie. 2007. Current practices of enterprise risk management in Dubai. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 10-22.
Rao, H. and R. Drazin. 2002. Overcoming resource constraints on product innovation by recruiting talent from rivals: A study of the mutual fund industry, 1986-94. The Academy of Management Journal 45(3): 491-507.
Rao, J. and J. Weitraub. 2013. How innovative is your company's culture? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 29-37.
Raschke, R. L. and A. Mann. 2017. Enterprise content risk management: A conceptual framework for digital asset risk management. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 14(1): 57-62.
Raschke, R. L., A. S. Krishen and P. Kachroo. 2014. Understanding the components of information privacy threats for location-based services. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 227-242.
Rasmussen, J. 1997. Risk management in a dynamic society: A modeling problem. Safety Science 27(2/3): 183-213.
Raspante, J. F. 2014. Professional liability trends and developments. The CPA Journal (October): 6-9.
Ratnatunga, J. 2006. Editorial: The valuation and reporting of reputation risk management capability. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 1-10.
Ratnatunga, J. and A. Sopanah. 2015. Disaster financing: A contingent valuation approach. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer).
Raubenstine, C. M. 1997. Harnessing the power of change. Management Accounting (November): 8, 10.
Ravasi, D. and M. Schultz. 2006. Responding to organizational identity threats: Exploring the role of organizational culture. The Academy of Management Journal 49(3): 433-458.
Rayport, J. F. and B. J. Jaworski. 2004. Best face forward. Harvard Business Review (December): 47-58. ("The new frontier of competitive advantage is the customer interface. Making yours a winner will require the right people - and, increasingly, machines - on the front lines.").
Ready, D. A. and J. A. Conger. 2008. Enabling bold visions. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 70-76.
Reay, T., K. Golden-Biddle and K. Germann. 2006. Legitimizing a new role: Small wins and microprocesses of change. The Academy of Management Journal 49(5): 977-998.
Rechtman, Y. 2017. Shifting the risk of cybercrime. The CPA Journal (June): 46-50.
Rechtman, Y. and G. Gabriele III. 2016. Technology, risk management, and the audit process managing new acquisitions in the restarted economy. The CPA Journal (May): 16-21.
Rees, T. G. and K. F. Fick. 2009. Weathering the "other-than-temporary" impairment storm. Journal of Accountancy (March): 48-56.
Reeves, M. and M. Deimler. 2011. Adaptability: The new competitive advantage. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 134-141.
Reeves, M., C. Love and P. Tillmanns. 2012. Your strategy needs a strategy. Harvard Business Review (September): 76-83. (Note).
Reeves, M., L. FÆste, K. Whitaker and F. Hassan. 2018. The truth about corporate transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-7.
Reeves, M., M. Zeng and A. Venjara. 2015. The self-tuning enterprise: How Alibaba uses algorithmic thinking to constantly reinvent itself. Harvard Business Review (June): 76-83.
Reeves, M., S. Levin and D. Ueda. 2016. The biology of corporate survival: Natural ecosystems hold surprising lessons for business. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 46-55.
Reeves, M., S. Levin, T. Fink and A. Levina. 2020. Taming complexity: Make sure the benefits of any addition to an organization's systems outweight its costs. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 112-121.
Reeves, M., T. Fink, R. Palma and J. Harnoss. 2017. Harnessing the secret structure of innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 37-41.
Reinmoeller, P. and N. Van Baardwijk. 2005. The link between diversity and resilience. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 61-65.
Reisner, R. A. 2002. When a turnaround stalls. Harvard Business Review (February): 45-52. (U.S. Postal Service).
Reitzig, M. 2011. Is your company choosing the best innovation ideas? MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 47-52.
Reuer, J. J. and M. J. Leiblein. 2000. Downside risk implications of multinationality and international joint ventures. The Academy of Management Journal 43(2): 203-214.
Revellino, S. and J. Mouritsen. 2015. Accounting as an engine: The performativity of calculative practices and the dynamics of innovation. Management Accounting Research (September): 31-49.
Rice, C. and A. Zegart. 2018. Managing 21st-century political risk: Today's threats are more complicated, but the remedies don't have to be. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 130-138. (Summary).
Richards, J. C. 1976. A need for communicating uncertainties. Management Accounting (February): 24-26.
Richtner, A., A. Brattstrom, J. Frishammar, J. Bjork and M. Magnusson. 2017. Creating better innovation measurement practices. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 45-53.
Rickett, L. K. and D. Smith. 2016. Bloggers as financial analysts: Companies need to be aware of what the blogosphere is saying about them. Strategic Finance (July): 32-39.
Rider, C. I. 2012. How employees' prior affiliations constrain organizational network change: A study of U.S. venture capital and private equity. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(3): 453-483.
Ries, R. 2016. How to evaluate risk in the modern not-for-profit industry. The CPA Journal (April): 6-7.
Rigby, D. and C. Zook. 2002. Open-market innovation. Harvard Business Review (October): 80-89.
Rigby, D. K., J. Sutherland and H. Takeuchi. 2016. Embracing agile: How to master the process that's transforming management. Harvard Business Review (May): 40-50.
Rigby, D. K., K. Gruver and J. Allen. 2009. Innovation in turbulent times. Harvard Business Review (June): 79-86.
Rindova, V. P. and S. Kotha. 2001. Continuous "morphing": Competing through dynamic capabilities, form, and function. The Academy of Management Journal 44(6): 1263-1280.
Riordan, M. P. 2003. Who has your numbers? Strategic Finance (April): 22-26. (Related to identity fraud).
Rizova, P. 2006. Are you networked for successful innovation? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 49-55.
Roberto, M. A. and L. C. Levesque. 2005. The art of making change initiatives stick. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 53-60. (This case study uncovered four critical processes: chartering, learning, mobilizing, and realigning that provide for a successful strategic change initiative).
Roberto, M. A., R. M. J. Bohmer and A. C. Edmondson. 2006. Facing ambiguous threats. Harvard Business Review (November): 106-113.
Robertson, P. J., D. R. Roberts and J. I. Porras. 1993. Dynamics of planned organizational change: Assessing empirical support for a theoretical model. The Academy of Management Journal 36(3): 619-634.
Robertson, T. S. and Y. Wind. 1983. Organizational cosmopolitanism and innovativeness. The Academy of Management Journal 26(2): 332-338.
Robinson, L. A. and M. J. Alexander. 1971. Are accountants adjusting to change? Management Accounting (November): 11-14, 19.
Robson, K. 1991. On the arenas of accounting change: The process of translation. Accounting, Organizations and Society 16(5-6): 547-570.
Robson, K., C. Humphrey, R. Khalifa and J. Jones. 2007. Transforming audit technologies: Business risk audit methodologies and the audit field. Accounting, Organizations and Society 32(4-5): 409-438.
Rodriguez-Vifa, O., D. Nickerson and S. Bharadwaj. 2024. How inclusive brands fuel growth. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 114-123.
Rogers, E. M. and F. F. Shoemaker. 1971. Communication of Innovations. The Free Press. (Diffusion of innovation theory of change).
Rogers, P., T. Holland and D. Haas. 2002. Value acceleration: Lessons from private-equity masters. Harvard Business Review (June): 94-100.
Rohrer, K. K. and N. Hom. 2017. Technology workbook: Cybersecurity stakeholders. Strategic Finance (November): 70-71.
Rohrer, K. K. and N. S. Hom. 2017. Technology workbook: Who's responsible for Cybersecurity? Strategic Finance (October): 62-63.
Rohrer, K. K. and N. Hom. 2017. Where do we start with Cybersecurity? Strategic Finance (December): 62-63.
Romanelli, E. and M. L. Tushman. 1994. Organizational transformation as punctuated equilibrium: An empirical test. The Academy of Management Journal 37(5): 1141-1166.
Rood, D. K. 2015. Professional liability spotlight: The dangers of dabbling: Ensure that firm staff have the proper experience and training to take on an engagement. Journal of Accountancy (November): 20-21. (Dabbling is defined as undertaking a new service or providing service to a client in an industry with which the CPA is unfamiliar).
Rood, D. K. 2016. Risk management: Worth its SALT. Journal of Accountancy (September): 16-18.
Rood, D. K. 2017. Avoiding website claims that increase malpractice risk. Journal of Accountancy (August): 18-20.
Rood, D. K. 2017. Planning to mitigate risk in tax planning engagements. Journal of Accountancy (June): 16-18.
Rood, D. K. 2020. Financial planning: Remember to plan for risk. Journal of Accountancy (March): 14-15.
Rood, D. K. and S. Platau. 2016. Use standard terms to build a liability shield. Journal of Accountancy (October): 18-20.
Rood, D. K. and G. McCole. 2014. All in a dishonest day's work. Understanding how various insurance products would respond to theft helps practically manage and address the residual risk. Journal of Accountancy (August): 20-21.
Roos, L. L. Jr. and N. P. Roos. 1970. Administrative change in a modernizing society. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(1): 69-78.
Rosenbaum, D. 2012. Hawaiian's big apple venture: How Hawaiian Airline's CFO prepared for the launch of an ambitious new route. CFO (July/August): 29-31.
Rosenberg, J. V. and T. Schuermann. 2006. A general approach to integrated risk management with skewed, fat-tailed risks. Journal of Financial Economics 79(3): 569-614.
Rosett, J. G. 2001. Equity risk and the labor stock: The case of union contracts. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 337-364.
Rosner, M. M. 1968. Economic determinants of organizational innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly 12(4): 614-625.
Ross, J. and B. M. Staw. 1993. Organizational escalation and exit: Lessons from the Shoreham nuclear power plant. The Academy of Management Journal 36(4): 701-732.
Rothrock, R. A., J. Kaplan and F. Van Der Oord. 2018. The board's role in managing cybersecurity risks. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 12-15.
Rothwell, W. J., R. Sullivan and G. N. McLean. 1995. Practicing Organization Development: A Guide for Consultants. Pfeiffer & Company.
Rowe, C., J. G. Birnberg and M. D. Shields. 2008. Effects of organizational process change on responsibility accounting and managers' revelations of private knowledge. Accounting, Organizations and Society 33(2-3): 164-198.
Rowe, C., M. D. Shields and J. G. Birnberg. 2012. Hardening soft accounting information: Games for planning organizational change. Accounting, Organizations and Society 37(4): 260-279.
Rowley, T. J., H. R. Greve, H. Rao, J. A. C. Baum and A. V. Shipilov. 2005. Time to break up: Social and instrumental antecedents of firm exits from exchange cliques. The Academy of Management Journal 48(3): 499-520.
Ruchala, L. V. 1995. New, improved, or reengineered? Management Accounting (December): 37-41. (How to become a change champion).
Rudolph, J. W. and N. P. Repenning. 2002. Disaster dynamics: Understanding the role of quantity in organizational collapse. Administrative Science Quarterly 47(1): 1-30.
Ruhl, J. M. 1995. Change management: Performance measures, and cost accounting. Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 73-79. (Ruhl reviews The Price Waterhouse Change Integration Team's Better Change: Best Practices for Transforming Your Organization and Goldratt's It's Not Luck).
Ruhnka, J. and W. E. Loopesko. 2012. Business e-mails and potential liability: Protecting privilege and confidentiality through disclaimers and prudent use policies. The CPA Journal (August): 68-71.
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Stanko, M. A. and D. H. Henard. 2016. How crowdfunding influences innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 15-17.
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Steinfeld, E. S. and T. Beltoft. 2014. Innovation lessons from China. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 49-55.
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