Initial Public Offerings
Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Note: For Stock see MAAW's Stock Bibliography, For Stock Dividends and Splits see MAAW's Dividends Bibliography. For Stock Options see MAAW's Stock Options Bibliography.
Aharony, J., C. J. Lee and T. J. Wong. 2000. Financial packaging of IPO firms in China. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 103-126.
Ball, R. and L. Shivakumar. 2008. Earnings quality at initial public offerings. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 324-349.
Barlas, S. 2018. Forced arbitration clauses a no-go in IPO registrations. Strategic Finance (July): 13.
Barth, M. E., W. R. Landsman and D. J. Taylor. 2017. The Jobs Act and information uncertainty in IPO firms. The Accounting Review (November): 25-47.
Bartov, E., P. Mohanram and C. Seethamraju. 2002. Valuation of internet stocks: An IPO perspective. Studies on Accounting, Entrepreneurship and E-Commerce. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 321-346.
Beams, J. D., A. J. Amoruso and F. M. Richardson. 2005. Discretionary reporting of stock options by IPO firms. Accounting Horizons (December): 223-236.
Beatty, R. P. 1989. Auditor reputation and the pricing of initial public offerings. The Accounting Review (October): 693-709.
Beatty, R. P. 1993. The economic determinants of auditor compensation in the initial public offerings market. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 294-302.
Beatty, R. P. and E. J. Zajac. 1994. Managerial incentives, monitoring, and risk bearing: A study of executive compensation, ownership, and board structure in initial public offerings. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(2): 313-335.
Beneish, M. D. 1998. Discussion of “Are accruals during initial public offerings opportunistic?” Review of Accounting Studies 3(1-2): 209-221.
Berger, P. G. 2002. Discussion of Valuation of internet stocks: An IPO perspective. Studies on Accounting, Entrepreneurship and E-Commerce. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 347-358.
Bigus, J. and F. Dreyer. 2023. Country-level accounting enforcement and IPO underpricing. Abacus 59(3): 735-775.
Billings, M. B. and M. F. Lewis-Western. 2016. When does pre-IPO financial reporting trigger post-IPO legal consequences? Contemporary Accounting Research 33(1): 378-411.
Boulton, T. J., S. B. Smart and C. J. Zutter. 2011. Earnings quality and international IPO underpricing. The Accounting Review (March): 483-505.
Boyle, P. P. 1989. Discussion of "The valuation of initial public offerings". Contemporary Accounting Research 5(2): 516-518.
Bragg, S. M. 2009. Running a Public Company: From IPO to SEC Reporting. Wiley.
Brau, J. C. and P. M. Johnson. 2009. Earnings management in IPOs: Post-engagement third-party mitigation or issuer signaling? Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 25(2): 125-135.
Brenner, V. C. and W. K. Schroff. 2004. Reverse merger or IPO? Strategic Finance (May): 46-52.
Burke, Q. L. and T. V. Eaton. 2016. Alibaba Group initial public offering: A case study of financial reporting issues. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 449-460.
Canace, T. G. and J. E. Wilkerson Jr. 2014. A practice-based statement of cash flows learning experience: An initial public offering for Contempri Homes? Issues in Accounting Education (February): 18-46.
Cao, C., W. Hou, X. Liu and H. Pan. 2023. Do excess funds make financially constrained firms better off? Evidence from IPOs in China. Abacus 59(3): 818-846.
Cecchini, M., S. B. Jackson and X. Liu. 2012. Do initial public offering firms manage accruals? Evidence from individual accounts. Review of Accounting Studies 17(1): 22-40.
Certo, S. T., C. M. Daily, A. A. Cannella Jr. and D. R. Dalton. 2003. Giving money to get money: How CEO stock options and CEO equity enhance IPO valuations. The Academy of Management Journal 46(5): 643-653.
CFO. 2013. IPO outlook promising. CFO (January/February): 14.
Chahine, S., G. Colak, I. Hasan and M. Mazboudi. 2020. Investor relations and IPO performance. Review of Accounting Studies 25(2): 474-512.
Chen, G. and M. Firth. 1999. The accuracy of profit forecasts and their roles and associations with IPO firm valuations. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 10(3): 202-226.
Chen, G., M. Firth and J. Kim. 2000. The post-issue market performance of initial public offerings in China’s new stock markets. Review of Quantitative Finance & Accounting 14(4): 319-339.
Chen, G., M. Firth and J. Kim. 2004. IPO Underpricing in China’s new stock markets. Journal of Multinational Financial Management 14: 283-302.
Chen, J., W. M. Liao and C. Lu. 2012. The effects of public venture capital investments on corporate governance: Evidence from IPO firms in emerging markets. Abacus 48(1): 86-103.
Chen, X., J. Huang, X. Li and T. Zhang. 2018. Corporate governance and resource allocation efficiency: Evidence from IPO regulation in China. Journal of International Accounting Research 17(3): 43-67.
Cheng, C. S. A., J. Wang and S. X. Wei. 2015. State ownership and earnings management around initial public offerings: Evidence from China. Journal of International Accounting Research 14(2): 89-116.
Cho, M., S. Choi, S. Kim and W. Lee. 2024. Length of IPO prospectus and individual investors' demand for IPO shares. Accounting Horizons (December): 71-83.
Chui, A. P. L., H. F. W. Lau and Y. K. Ip. 2001. The post issue performance of initial public offering firms in the People’s Republic of China. Advances in International Accounting 14: 75-100.
Churyk, N. T., A. Reinstein and L. Smith. 2018. Jones Enterprises Real Estate Investment Trust: Comparing U.S. and Canadian acquisition accounting, balance sheet and security commission reporting, and initial public offering location. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 35-42.
Clarkson, P. M. and D. A. Simunic. 1994. The association between audit quality, retained ownership, and firm-specific risk in U.S. vs. Canadian IPO markets. Journal of Accounting and Economics (January): 207-228.
Clarkson, P. M., A. Dontoh, G. Richardson and S. E. Sefcik. 1991. Retained ownership and the valuation of initial public offerings: Canadian evidence. Contemporary Accounting Research 8(1): 115-131.
Clarkson, P. M., A. Dontoh, G. Richardson and S. E. Sefcik. 1992. The voluntary inclusion of earnings forecasts in IPO prospectuses. Contemporary Accounting Research 8(2): 601-626.
Conover, J. 2016. Discussion of Government intervention in IPO - Evidence on the exemption from IPO regulatory requirements in China. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 97-99.
Dai, N. T., Z S. Tan, G. Tang and J. Z. Xiao. 2017. IPOs, institutional complexity, and management accounting in hybrid organisations: A field study in a state-owned enterprise in China. Management Accounting Research (September): 2-23.
Dambra, M., L. C. Field, M. T. Gustafson and K. Pisciotta. 2018. The consequences to analysts involvement in the IPO process: Evidence surrounding the JOBS Act. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 302-330.
Dambra, M. J., M. Gustafson and P. J. Quinn. 2020. Tax-advantaged trust use among IPO executives: Determinants and implications for valuation and future performance. The Accounting Review (May): 145-175.
Damodaran, A., D. M. McCarthy and M. C. Cohen. 2022. IPO disclosures are ripe for reform. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 55-61.
Darrough, M. and S. Rangan. 2005. Do insiders manipulate earnings when they sell their shares in an initial public offering? Journal of Accounting Research (March): 1-33.
Demers, E. and P. Joos. 2007. IPO failure risk. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 333-371.
Dietzen, S. 2016. Pure Storage's CEO on choosing the right time for an IPO. Harvard Business Review (June): 37-40.
Ecker, F. 2014. Information precision and long-run performance of initial public offerings. Contemporary Accounting Research 31(3): 876-910.
Ertimur, Y., E. Sletten and J. Sunder. 2014. Large shareholders and disclosure strategies: Evidence from IPO lockup expirations. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 79-95.
Fan, Q. 2007. Earnings management and ownership retention for initial public offering firms: Theory and evidence. The Accounting Review (January): 27-64.
Fedyk, T., Z. Singer and M. Soliman. 2017. The sharpest tool in the shed: IPO financial statement management of STEM vs. non-Stem firms. Review of Accounting Studies 22(4): 1541-1581.
Fischer, H. M. and T. G. Pollock. 2004. Effects of social capital and power on surviving transformational change: The case of initial public offerings. The Academy of Management Journal 47(4): 463-481.
Forst, A., M. S. Park and B. Wier. 2014. Insider entrenchment and CEO compensation: Evidence from initial public offering firms. Journal of Management Accounting Research 26(1): 101-120.
Ghicas, D. C., A. Papadaki, G. Siougle and T. Sougiannis. 2008. The relevance of quantifiable audit qualifications in the valuation of IPOs. Review of Accounting Studies 13(4): 512-550.
Gordon, E. A. 2015. Discussion of State ownership and earnings management around initial public offerings: Evidence from China. Journal of International Accounting Research 14(2): 117-122.
Green, T. C. and B. Hwang. 2012. Initial public offerings as lotteries: Skewness preference and first-day returns. Management Science (February): 432-444.
Grove, H. and L. Victoravich. 2014. Longtop Financial Technologies Ltd. phony cash from IPO onward? Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 6(3): 171-188.
Grove, H. and M. Clouse. 2014. Using fraud models and ratios to improve cross-border forensic analysis: Examples with Chinese IPO and RTO companies. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 6(3): 189-235.
Gu, Z. 2013. Discussion of "Do political connections add value to audit firms? Evidence from IPO audits in China". Contemporary Accounting Research 30(3): 922-924.
Guo, R., B. Lev and N. Zhou. 2004. Competitive costs of disclosure by Biotech IPOs. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 319-355.
Heeley, M. B., S. F. Matusik and N. Jain. 2007. Innovation, appropriability, and the underpricing of initial public offerings. The Academy of Management Journal 50(1): 209-225.
Hilmola, O. and M. Gupta. 2016. EVA-based performance evaluation of initial public offerings: Analysis and some TOC-based insights. Cost Management (November/December): 15-32.
Hogan, C. E. 1997. Costs and benefits of audit quality in the IPO market: A self-selection analysis. The Accounting Review (January): 67-86.
Hribar, P. 2004. Discussion of competitive costs of disclosure by Biotech IPOs. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 357-364.
Hughes, J. S. 1989. Discussion of "The valuation of initial public offerings". Contemporary Accounting Research 5(2): 519-525.
Huyghebaert, N. and W. Xu. 2016. Bias in the post-IPO earnings forecasts of affiliated analysts: Evidence from a Chinese natural experiment. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 486-505.
Jackson, S. B. 2004. Earnings management by initial public offering firms: A reexamination. Journal of Forensic Accounting (5): 67-90.
Kimbro, B. M. 2005. Managing underpricing? The case of pre-IPO discretionary accruals in China. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 16(3): 229-262.
Kraus, K. and T. Strömsten. 2012. Going public: The role of accounting and shareholder value in making sense of an IPO. Management Accounting Research (September): 186-201.
Krinsky, I. and W. Rotenberg. 1989. The valuation of initial public offerings. Contemporary Accounting Research 5(2): 501-515.
Kroll, M., B. A. Walters and S. A. Le. 2007. The impact of board composition and top management team ownership structure on post-IPO performance in young entrepreneurial firms. The Academy of Management Journal 50(5): 1198-1216.
Lau, H. F. W. 2004. Regulations on IPO pricing, earnings management and earnings forecasts during the reform of state enterprises in China. Advances in International Accounting 17: 175-198.
Leitch, R. A., P. R. Philipoom and T. D. Fry. 2005. Opportunity costing decision heuristics for product acceptance decisions. Journal of Management Accounting Research (17): 95-117.
Leone, A. J., S. Rice, J. P. Weber and M. Willenborg. 2013. How do auditors behave during periods of market euphoria? The case of internet IPOs. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(1): 182-214.
Leone, A. J., S. Rock and M. Willenborg. 2007. Disclosure of intended use of proceeds and underpricing in initial public offerings. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 111-153.
Li, B. and Z. Liu. 2017. The oversight role of regulators: Evidence from SEC comment letters in the IPO process. Review of Accounting Studies 22(3): 1229-1260.
Li, O. Z., Y. Lin and J. R. Robinson. 2016. The effect of capital taxes on the initial pricing and underpricing of IPOs. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 465-485.
Li, W., Y. Li and H. Zhu. 2016. Government intervention in IPO - Evidence on the exemption from IPO regulatory requirements in China. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 79-96.
McCann, D. 2011. Beyond the IPO. CFO (December): 32-34.
McCann, D. 2013. The other tech IPO. CFO (December): 12.
McMullen, D. A., M. H. Sanchez and D. E. Stout. 2011. Initial public offerings and the role of the management accountant. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 11-23.
Menon, K. and D. D. Williams. 1991. Auditor credibility and initial public offerings. The Accounting Review (April): 313-332.
Morsfield, S. G. and C. E. L. Tan. 2006. Do venture capitalists influence the decision to manage earnings in initial public offerings? The Accounting Review (October): 1119-1150.
Neill, J. D., S. G. Pourciau and T. F. Schaefer. 1995. Accounting method choice and IPO valuation. Accounting Horizons (September): 68-80.
O'Brien, P. C. and H. Tan. 2015. Geographic proximity and analyst coverage decisions: Evidence from IPOs. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 41-59.
Pisciotta, K. 2023. Analyst workload and information production: Evidence from IPO assignments. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(3): 1605-1640.
Pollock, T. G. and V. P. Rindova. 2003. Media legitimation effects in the market for initial public offerings. The Academy of Management Journal 46(5): 631-642.
Pollock, T. G., V. P. Rindova and P. G. Maggitti. 2008. Market watch: Information and availability cascades among the media and investors in the U.S. IPO market. The Academy of Management Journal 51(2): 335-358.
Ryan, V. 2013. IPO window rarely closes. CFO (October): 24.
Schmidt, E. 2010. Google's CEO on the enduring lessons of a quirky IPO. Harvard Business Review (May): 108-112.
Segarra, M. 2013. A boardroom challenge. Pre-IPO companies should pay special attention to their boards. CFO (June): 25.
Segarra, M. 2013. Can Twitter avoid IPO blunders? When the social media darling goes public, it would do well to avoid the mistakes of Facebook and Groupon. CFO (September): 24-25.
Shawver, T. A. and T. J. Shawver. 2009. Predicting management fraud in IPO companies. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 22-26.
Shawver, T. J., P. C. Bancroft and J. T. Sennetti. 2006. Can the 'clan effect' reduce the gender sensitivity to fraud? The case of the IPO environment. Journal of Forensic Accounting 7(1): 185-208.
Shi, C., K. Pukthuanthong and T. Walker. 2013. Does disclosure regulation work? Evidence from international IPO markets. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(1): 356-387.
Sletten, E., Y. Ertimur, J. Sunder and J. Weber. 2018. When and why do IPO firms manage earnings? Review of Accounting Studies 23(3): 872-906.
Smart, S. B., R. S. Thirumalai and C. J. Zutter. 2008. What's in a vote The short- and long-run impact of dual-class equity on IPO firm values. Journal of Accounting and Economics (March): 94-115.
Stuart, A. 2011. Capital markets: Smoothing the IPO path. CFO (December): 15-17.
Stuart, M. D. and R. H. Willis. 2020. Use of independent valuation specialists in valuing employee stock options: Evidence from IPOs. Review of Accounting Studies 25(2): 438-473.
Teoh, S. H., T. J. Wong and G. R. Rao. 1998. Are accruals during initial public offerings opportunistic? Review of Accounting Studies 3(1-2): 175-208.
Tian, X., G. F. Udell and X. Yu. 2016. Disciplining monitors: When venture capitalists fail to prevent fraud by their IPO firms. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 526-544.
Venkataraman, R., J. P. Weber and M. Willenborg. 2008. Litigation risk, audit quality, and audit fees: Evidence from initial public offerings. The Accounting Review (September): 1315-1345.
Weber, J. and M. Willenborg. 2003. Do expert informational intermediaries add value? Evidence from auditors in Microcap IPOs. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 681-720.
Welbourne, T. M. and A. O. Andrews. 1996. Predicting the performance of initial public offerings: Should human resource management be in the equation? The Academy of Management Journal 39(4): 891-919.
Welbourne, T. M. and L. A. Cyr. 1999. The human resource executive effect in initial public offering firms. The Academy of Management Journal 42(6): 616-629.
West, R. N. and J. A. Girardi. 1998. Executing a successful spin-off and IPO transaction. Management Accounting (February): 20-24, 26.
Whittred, G. 1996. Instructional case: Accounting method choice in the IPO process. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 175-185.
Willenborg, M. 1999. Empirical analysis of the economic demand for auditing in the initial public offerings market. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 225-238.
Willenborg, M. and J. C. McKeown. 2000. Going-concern initial public offerings. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 279-313.
Wongsunwai, W. 2013. The effect of external monitoring on accrual-based and real earnings management: Evidence from venture-backed initial public offerings. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(1): 296-324.
Wysocki, P. D. 2007. Discussion of IPO failure risk. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 373-384.
Xu, Y., J. Yu and J. H. Zhang. 2016. The effects of the existence and financial expertise of audit committees on firms' controversial activities - Evidence form IPOs. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 8(3): 400-427.
Yang, Z. 2013. Do political connections add value to audit firms? Evidence from IPO audits in China. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(3): 891-921.