Management And Accounting Web

Impairment Bibliography

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Alciatore, M., P. Easton and N. Spear. 2000. Accounting for the impairment of long-lived assets: Evidence from the petroleum industry. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 151-172.

Allen, C. R. 2018. How data-hosting services affect independence: Hosting an attest client's data or records leads to impairment under a new interpretation. Journal of Accountancy (January): 42-45.

Anthony, J. H., W. Choi and S. Grabski. 2006. Market reaction to e-commerce impairments evidenced by website outages. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 7(2): 60-78.

Anthony, J. H., W. Choi and S. V. Grabski. 2006. Market reaction to e-commerce impairments evidenced by website outages authors' response. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 7(2): 87-90.

Avallone, F. and A. Quagli. 2015. Insight into the variables used to manage the goodwill impairment test under IAS 36. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 31(1): 107-114.

Banker, R. D., S. Basu and D. Byzalov. 2017. Implications of impairment decisions and assets' cash-flow horizons for conservatism research. The Accounting Review (March): 41-67.

Barth, M. E., D. W. Collins, G. M. Crooch, J. A. Elliott, T. J. Frecka, E. A. Imhoff Jr, W. R. Landsman and R. G. Stephens. 1995. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB discussion documents: Response to The FASB exposure draft "Accounting by creditors for impairment of a loan - Income recognition". Accounting Horizons (March): 96-98.

Barth, M. E., D. W. Collins, G. M. Crooch, J. A. Elliott, T. J. Frecka, E. A. Imhoff, Jr., W. R. Landsman, C. L. McDonald and D. G. Searfoss. 1993. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB discussion memorandums and exposure draft: Accounting by creditors for impairment of a loan. Accounting Horizons (September): 114-117.

Beatty, A. and J. Weber. 2006. Accounting discretion in fair value estimates: An examination of SFAS 142 goodwill impairments. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 257-288.

Beaudoin, C. A. and S. B. Hughes. 2014. APT, Inc.: An application of impairment testing and fair value estimation using international financial standards. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 1-17.

Bens, D. A. 2006. Discussion of Accounting discretion in fair value estimates: An examination of SFAS 142 goodwill impairments. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 289-296.

Birnberg, J. G. 1996. Commentary on exploratory experimental evidence on independence impairment conditions: Aggregate and individual results. Behavioral Research In Accounting (8 Supplement):196-199.

Black, D. E., J. Krupa and M. Minutti-Meza. 2022. The optional qualitative assessment in impairment tests. Journal of International Accounting Research 21(2): 1-30.

Boyle, D. M. and B. W. Carpenter. 2011. Testing goodwill for impairment: An optional consideration of qualitative factors. The CPA Journal (November): 36-39.

Boyle, D. M., B. W. Carpenter and D. Mahoney. 2012. Goodwill accounting: A closer examination of the matter of nonimpairments. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 10-19.

Boyle, D. M., B. W. Carpenter, N. Luciani and D. P. Mahoney. 2016. Goodwill impairment adequacy: Perspectives of accounting professionals. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 11-20.

Cantrell, B. W. 2019. Generic Bank: Accounting for debt securities sales and impairments. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 15-29.

Caplan, D. H., S. K. Dutta and A. Z. Liu. 2018. Are material weaknesses in internal controls associated with poor M&A decisions? Evidence from goodwill impairment. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 37(4): 49-74.

Chambers, D. and C. Finger. 2011. Goodwill non-impairments. The CPA Journal (February): 38-41.

Chen, L. H., J. Krishnan and H. Sami. 2015. Goodwill impairment charges and analyst forecast propertied. Accounting Horizons (March): 141-169.

Churyk, N. T. and B. Cripe. 2011. Goodwill impairment: Immediate write-offs. The CPA Journal (January): 28-31.

Cottell, P. G. Jr. 2010. Shreffler Stores accounting issues related to consumer receivables, asset impairment, and discounted operations: A problem-based learning unfolding problem. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 775-787. (Teaching case).

Detzen, D., T. S. G. Wersborg and H. Zulch. 2015. Bleak weather for Sun-Shine AG: A case study of impairment of assets. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 113-126.

Dhaliwal, D. S., P. T. Lamoreaux, C. S. Lennox and L. M. Mauler. 2015. Management influence on auditor selection and subsequent impairments of auditor independence during the post-SOX period. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(2): 575-607.

Fried, D., M. Schiff and A. C. Sondhi. 1989. Impairments and writeoffs of long-lived assets. Management Accounting (August): 48-50.

Frucot, V. G., L. G. Jordan and M. I. Lebow. 2004. A & B Companies: Impairment of goodwill. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 369-376.

Glaum, M., W. R. Landsman and S. Wyrwa. 2018. Goodwill impairment: The effects of public enforcement and monitoring by institutional investors. The Accounting Review (November): 149-180.

Golden, J., L. Sun and J. H. Zhang. 2018. Corporate social responsibility and goodwill impairment. Accounting and the Public Interest (18): 1-28.

Gordon, E. A. and H. Hsu. 2018. Tangible long-lived asset impairments and future operating cash flows under U.S. GAAP and IFRS. The Accounting Review (January): 187-211.

Gore, R. A. and P. J. Herz. 2010. Snowy Ridge Ski Resort: Fair value measurement and the impairment of long-term assets. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 59-70.

Gox, R. F. and A. Wagenhofer. 2009. Optimal impairment rules. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October): 2-16.

Gu, F. and B. Lev. 2011. Overpriced shares, ill-advised acquisitions, and goodwill impairment. The Accounting Review (November): 1995-2022.

Herz, R. H., T. E. Iannaconi, L. A. Maines, K. Palepu, S. G. Ryan, K. Schipper, C. M. Schrand, D. J. Skinner and L. Vincent. 2001. AAA Financial Accounting Standards Committee. Equity valuation models and measuring goodwill impairment. Accounting Horizons (June): 161-170.

Huikku, J., J. Mouritsen and H. Silvola. 2017. Relative reliability and the recognisable firm: Calculating goodwill impairment value. Accounting, Organizations and Society (56): 68-83.

Johnston, J. A., L. Sun and J. H. Zhang. 2018. Environmental uncertainty, managerial ability, goodwill impairment, and earnings management. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(3): 392-421.

Khan, U., S. G. Ryan and A. Varma. 2019. Fair value versus amortized cost measurement and the timeliness of other-than-temporary impairments: Evidence from the insurance industry. The Accounting Review (November): 285-307.

King, A. M. 1994. Asset impairment. Management Accounting (March): 36-39. (Discussion of the FASB's exposure draft Accounting for the Impairment of Long-lived Assets).

King, A. M. 1994. Asset impairment. Management Accounting (March): 36-39. (Discussion of the FASB's exposure draft Accounting for the Impairment of Long-lived Assets).

King, A. M. 1996. Asset impairment - FASB gets it right. Management Accounting (January): 26-30.

Komissarov, S., J. T. Kastantin and K. Rick. 2014. Impairment of long-lived assets: A comparison under the ASC and IFRS. The CPA Journal (May): 28-33.

Krumwiede, T. and E. Giannini. 2008. First Motors Corporation: A classroom case on impairments. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (5): 17-25.

Lange, C. D., J. M. Fornaro and R. J. Buttermilch. 2014. Qualitative assessment of impairment for goodwill and other indefinite-lived intangibles. The CPA Journal (June): 22-29.

Lobo, G. J., L. Paugam, D. Zhang and J. F. Casta. 2017. The effect of joints auditor pair composition on audit quality: Evidence from impairment tests. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(1): 118-153.

McNellis, C. J., R. F. Premuroso and R. E. Houmes. 2015. Using the codification to research a complex accounting issue: The case of goodwill impairment at Jackson Enterprises. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 35-46.

McNellis, C. J. and W. R. Teets. 2019. Is a reported goodwill impairment loss really a goodwill impairment loss? A financial reporting case on evaluating the efficacy of authoritative guidance. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 59-69.

McNellis, C. J. and W. R. Teets. 2019. Erratum: Is a reported goodwill impairment loss really a goodwill impairment loss? A financial reporting case on evaluating the efficacy of authoritative guidance. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 55.

Mensah, N. and L. Velocci. 2006. Market reaction to e-commerce impairments evidenced by website outages: Discussant comments. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 7(2): 82-86.

Needles, B. E. Jr. 2012. Graeber Companies, Inc.: Examining impairment of equity-owned investments. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 1215-1241.

Olante, M. E. 2013. Overpaid acquisitions and goodwill impairment losses - Evidence from the US. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 29(2): 243-254.

Orzechowski, B. and P. Lyster. 2012. Impairment testing: Effectively using the qualitative assessment. Journal of Accountancy (December): 36-40. (Testing goodwill for impairment).

Persellin, J. S., M. K. Shaub and M. S. Wilkins. 2014. Arachnophobia: A case on impairment and accounting ethics. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 25-33.

Petersen, C. and T. Plenborg. 2010. How do firms implement impairment test of goodwill? Abacus 46(4): 419-446.

Ramanna, K. and R. L. Watts. 2012. Evidence on the use of unverifiable estimates in required goodwill impairment. Review of Accounting Studies 17(4): 749-780.

Rees, T. G. and K. F. Fick. 2009. Weathering the "other-than-temporary" impairment storm. Journal of Accountancy (March): 48-56.

Richardson, V. J. 2006. Market reaction to e-commerce impairments evidenced by website outages: Discussant's comments. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 7(2): 79-81.

Riedl, E. J. 2004. An examination of long-lived asset impairments. The Accounting Review (July): 823-852.

Schatzberg, J. W., G. R. Sevcik and B. P. Shapiro. 1996. Exploratory experimental evidence on independence impairment conditions: Aggregate and individual results. Behavioral Research In Accounting (8 Supplement): 173-195.

Stein, S. E. 2019. Auditor industry specialization and accounting estimates: Evidence from asset impairments. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 38(2): 207-234.

Sun, L. 2016. Managerial ability and goodwill impairment. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (32): 42-51.

Tan, H. C. and K. T. Trotman. 2018. Information processing biases in impairment decisions: Effect of reversibility of impairment losses and disclosure transparency. Behavioral Research In Accounting 30(2): 77-94.

Toksoz, T. 2022. An examination of other-than-temporary impairments: Evidence from FSP FAS 115-2 and FAS 124-2. Abacus 58(2): 262-299.

Wilson, G. P. 1996. Discussion write-offs: Manipulation or impairment? Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Recognition, Measurement, and Disclosure Issues in Accounting, 1996): 171-177.

Zeff, S. A. 2007. Impairment of Assets: Measurement without Disclosure? by Richard Andrews. The Accounting Review (October): 1378-1379.

Zining, L., P. K. Shroff, R. Venkataraman and I. X. Zhang. 2011. Causes and consequences of goodwill impairment losses. Review of Accounting Studies 16(4): 745-778.
