Management And Accounting Web

Incentives and Motivation Bibliography

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Abernethy, M. A., H. C. Dekker and A. K. Schulz. 2015. Are employee selection and incentive contracts complements or substitutes? Journal of Accounting Research (September): 633-668.

Abernethy, M. A., J. Bouwens, C. Hofmann and L. van Lent. 2023. Altruism, social norms, and incentive contract design. Review of Accounting Studies 28(2): 570-614.

Aboody, D., S. Levi and D. Weiss. 2018. Managerial incentives, options, and cost-structure choices. Review of Accounting Studies 23(2): 422-451.

Ackerman, D. E. 1945. Wage incentives - A management tool. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 1): 807-816.

Adler, P. S. and C. X. Chen. 2011. Combining creativity and control: Understanding individual motivation in large-scale collaborative creativity. Accounting, Organizations and Society 36(2): 63-85.

Akinyele, K. O., K. C. Demek and Y. Tian. 2023. Self-interest or public interest: The role of incentive schemes in public sector employees' decisions. Accounting and the Public Interest (23): 1-22.

Akinyele, K. O., V. Arnold and S. G. Sutton. 2020. Wording and saliency matter: The impact of incentive system and organization value statement on employees' performance. Behavioral Research In Accounting 32(1): 101-118.

Akter, M., J. Y. Lee and Y. Monden. 1999. Motivational impacts of the type and tightness of target cost information: A laboratory experiment. Advances In Management Accounting (8): 159-171.

Albanese, R. 1972. Profiles of P.O.M.C. The Academy of Management Journal 15(3): 371-374. (Surveys of 50 students' and 50 managers' sentiments towards the terms planning, organization, motivation, and control).

Amabile, T. M. 1998. How to kill creativity: Keep doing what you're doing. Or, if you want to spark innovation, rethink how you motivate, reward, and assign work to people. Harvard Business Review (September-October): 77- 87. (Summary).

Anderson, C. M. 1963. Motivation - The essential in budgeting. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 46.

Aranda, C., J. Arellano and A. Davila. 2019. Subjective bonuses and target setting in budget-based incentive contracts. Management Accounting Research (June): 45-60.

Armstrong, M. B., J. E. Ketz and D. Owsen. 2003. Ethics education in accounting: Moving toward ethical motivation and ethical behavior. Journal of Accounting Education21(1): 1-16.

Arnaiz, O. G. and V. Salas-Fumás. 2008. Performance standards and optimal incentives. Journal of Accounting and Economics (March): 139-152.

Arnold, H. J. 1981. A test of the validity of the multiplicative hypothesis of expectancy-valence theories of work motivation. The Academy of Management Journal 24(1): 128-141.

Arnold, H. J. 1985. Task performance, perceived competence, and attributed causes of performance as determinants of intrinsic motivation. The Academy of Management Journal 28(4): 876-888.

Arya, A., J. Fellingham, and J. Glover. 1997. Teams, repeated tasks, and implicit incentives. Journal of Accounting and Economics (May): 7-30.

Ashton, R. H. 1990. Pressure and performance in accounting decision settings: Paradoxical effects of incentives, feedback, and justification. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Judgment in Accounting and Auditing): 148-180.

Atkinson, A. A. 1979. Information incentives in a standard-setting model of control. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 1-22.

August, T. and T. I. Tunca. 2006. Network software security and user incentives. Management Science (November): 1703-1720.

Autrey, R. L., S. S. Dikolli and D. P. Newman. 2010. Performance measure aggregation, career incentives, and explicit incentives. Journal of Management Accounting Research (22): 115-131.

Awasthi, V. and J. Pratt. 1990. The effects of monetary incentives on effort and decision performance: The role of cognitive characteristics. The Accounting Review (October): 797-811.

Baik, B., J. H. Evans III, K. Kim and Y. Yanadori. 2016. White collar incentives. Accounting, Organizations and Society (53): 34-49.

Bailey, C. D. and N. J. Fessler. 2011. The moderating effects of task complexity and task attractiveness on the impact of monetary incentives in repeated tasks. Journal of Management Accounting Research (23): 189-210.

Bailey, C. D., L. D. Brown and A. F. Cocco. 1998. The effects of monetary incentives on worker learning and performance in an assembly task. Journal of Management Accounting Research (10): 119-131. (Summary).

Balammal, A., M. P. Ganesh and R. Madhumathi. 2013. Aligning field officers' motivation to the social mission of microfinance. Cost Management (March/April): 20-28.

Balsam, S. and E. E. Harris. 2018. Nonprofit executive incentive pay. Review of Accounting Studies 23(4): 1665-1714.

Barsness, Z. I., K. A. Diekmann and M. L. Seidel. 2005. Motivation and opportunity: The role of remote work, demographic dissimilarity, and social network centrality in impression management. The Academy of Management Journal 48(3): 401-419.

Bass, A. W. 1933. Financial incentives for clerical service. N.A.C.A Bulletin (April 1): 1115-1127.

Bauer, A. M., X. Fang and J. A. Pittman. 2021. The importance of IRS enforcement to stock price crash risk: The role of CEO power and incentives. The Accounting Review (July): 81-109.

Beard, A. 2017. The theory: "If you understand how the brain works, you can reach anyone. A conversation with biological anthropologist Helen Fisher. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 60-62. (Summary).

Becker, D. A. 1997. The effects of choice on auditors' intrinsic motivation and performance. Behavioral Research In Accounting (9): 1-19.

Bedford, N. M. 1957. Cost accounting as a motivation technique. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June): 1250-1257.

Begley, J. and G. A. Feltham. 1999. An empirical examination of the relation between debt contracts and management incentives. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 229-259.

Behling, O., C. Schriesheim and J. Tolliver. 1975. Alternatives to expectancy theories of work motivation. Decision Sciences 6(3): 449-461.

Behling, O., G. Labovitz and R. Kosmo. 1968. The Herzberg controversy: A critical reappraisal. The Academy of Management Journal 11(1): 99-108.

Benston, G. J. 1963. The role of the firm's accounting system for motivation. The Accounting Review (April): 347-354.

Berger, L., L. Guo and A. Presslee. 2023. Motivating employees with goal-based prosocial rewards. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(1): 231-256.

Bhimani, A., H. Silvola and P. Sivabalan. 2016. Voluntary corporate social responsibility reporting: A study of early and late reporter motivations and outcomes. Journal of Management Accounting Research 28(2): 77-101.

Black, P. W. 2023. The effect of peer-to-peer recognition systems on helping behavior: The influence of rewards and group affiliation. Accounting, Organizations and Society (109): 101454.

Bodnar, G. and E. J. Lusk. 1977. Motivational considerations in cost allocation systems: A conditioning theory approach. The Accounting Review (October): 857-868.

Bol, J. C. and J. B. Lill. 2015. Performance target revisions in incentive contracts: Do information and trust reduce ratcheting and ratchet effect? The Accounting Review (September): 1755-1778.

Bonner, S. E. and G. B. Sprinkle. 2002. The effects of monetary incentives on effort and task performance: Theories, evidence, and a framework for research. Accounting, Organizations and Society 27(4-5): 303-345. (Summary).

Bono, J. E. and T. A. Judge. 2003. Self-concordance at work: Toward understanding the motivational effects of transformational leaders. The Academy of Management Journal 46(5): 554-571.

Borthick, A. F. and D. R. Jones. 2000. The motivation for collaborative discovery learning online and its application in an information systems assurance course. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 181-210.

Botosan, C. A. and M. S. Harris. 2000. Motivations for a change in disclosure frequency and its consequences: An examination of voluntary quarterly segment disclosures. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 329-353.

Bowin, R. B. 1973. Attitude change toward a theory of managerial motivation. The Academy of Management Journal 16(4): 686-691.

Bradshaw, M. T., L. F. Lee and K. Peterson. 2016. The interactive role of difficulty and incentives in explaining the annual earnings forecast walkdown. The Accounting Review (July): 995-1021.

Bratten, B. and Y. Xue. 2017. Institutional ownership and CEO equity incentives. Journal of Management Accounting Research 29(3): 55-77.

Braun, K. W. and R. D. Sellers. 2012. Using a 'daily motivational quiz' to increase student preparation, attendance, and participation. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 267-279.

Brazel, J. F., J. Leiby and T. J. Schaefer. 2022. Do rewards encourage professional skepticism? It depends. The Accounting Review (July): 131-154.

Brenner, V. C., C. W. Carmack and M. G. Weinstein. 1971. An empirical test of the motivation-hygiene theory. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 359-366.

Brink, A. G., J. L. Hobson and D. E. Stevens. 2017. The effect of high power financial incentives on excessive risk-taking behavior: An experimental examination. Journal of Management Accounting Research 29(1): 13-29.

Brisker, E. R., J. C. Park and H. Song. 2022. Managers' equity incentives and asymmetric cost behavior. Journal of Management Accounting Research 34(2): 43-69.

Broadston, J. A. 1968. Learning curve wage incentives. Management Accounting (August): 15-23.

Brown, C. V. C., J. H. Evans, D. V. Moser and A. Presslee. 2022. The strength of performance incentives, pay dispersion, and lower-paid employee effort. Journal of Management Accounting Research 34(3): 59-76.

Brown, P., H. Y. Izan and A. L. Loh. 1992. Fixed asset revaluations and managerial incentives. Abacus 28(1): 36-57.

Brownell, P. 1983. The motivational impact of management-by-exception in a budgetary context. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 456-472.

Brownell, P. and M. McInnes. 1986. Budgetary participation, motivation, and managerial performance. The Accounting Review (October): 587-600.

Brüggen, A. 2011. Ability, career concerns, and financial incentives in a multi-task setting. Journal of Management Accounting Research (23): 211-229.

Bruggen, A. and F. Moers. 2007. The role of financial incentives and social incentives in multi-task settings. Journal of Management Accounting Research (19): 25-50.

Buchenroth, K. J. 1969. Motivation: Financial and nonfinancial. Management Accounting (December):15-16, 48.

Buchheit, S., D. Dalton, T. Downen and S. Pippin. 2012. Outcome feedback, incentives, and performance: Evidence from a relatively complex forecasting task. Behavioral Research In Accounting 24(2): 1-20.

Buehler, V. M. and Y. K. Shetty. 1974. Motivations for corporate social action. The Academy of Management Journal 17(4): 767-771.

Bushman, R. M., Z. Dai and W. Zhang. 2016. Management team incentive: Dispersion and firm performance. The Accounting Review (January): 21-45.

Cai, W., S. Gallani and J. Shin. 2023. Incentive contract design and employee-initiated innovation: Evidence from the field. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(1): 292-323.

Callahan, C. M., W. H. Shaw and W. D. Terando. 2001. Tax and regulatory motivations for issuing non-voting, non-convertible preferred stock. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 463-480.

Campbell, D. 2008. Nonfinancial performance measures and promotion-based incentives. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 297-332.

Campbell, S. V., T. Baronina and B. P. Reider. 2003. Using expectancy theory to assess group-level differences in student motivation: A replication in the Russian far east. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 125-136.

Capkun, V. and E. Ors. 2021. Replacing key employee retention plans with incentive plans in bankruptcy. Accounting, Organizations and Society (94): 101278.

Cardinaels, E. and H. Yin. 2015. Think twice before going for incentives: Social norms and the principal's decision on compensation contracts. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 985-1015.

Carter, M. E., J. Choi and K. L. Sedatole. 2021. The effect of supplier industry competition on pay-for-performance incentive intensity. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 101389.

Casas-Arce, P., C. Deller, F. A. Martinez-Jerez and J. M. Narciso. 2023. Knowing that you know: Incentive effects of relative performance disclosure. Review of Accounting Studies 28(1): 91-125.

Champoux, J. E. 1980. A three sample test of some extensions to the job characteristics model of work motivation. The Academy of Management Journal 23(3): 466-478.

Chane, G. W. 1946. Current and future trends of wage incentives and wage payments. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October 15): 271-279.

Chan, E. W., S. J. Kachelmeier and X. Zhang. 2021. Working longer but not harder: The effects of incentivizing inputs versus outputs in a heterogeneous workforce. The Accounting Review (September): 133-156. (An experiment where participants solve anagram puzzles).

Chen, C. X., J. B. Lill and T. W. Vance. 2020. Management control system design and employees' autonomous motivation. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(3): 71-91.

Chen, C. X., H. Yin and Y. M. Zhang. 2022. The effects of goal publicity and incentives on self-set performance goals. Journal of Management Accounting Research 34(1): 117-132.

Chen, C. X., Y. Gao, Y. Wang and S. Xue. 2020. Tailoring the weights on objective versus subjective performance measures between top management and middle managers: Evidence from performance-based equity incentive plans. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(3): 49-70.

Chen, F. 2005. Salesforce incentives, market information, and production/inventory planning. Management Science (January): 60-75.

Chen, M., K. Su and W. Tsai. 2007. Competitive tension: The awareness-motivation-capability perspective. The Academy of Management Journal 50(1): 101-118.

Chen, Y. and L. B. Hoshower. 1998. Assessing student motivation to participate in teaching evaluations. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 531-549.

Cheng, Q., T. Luo and H. Yue. 2013. Managerial incentives and management forecast precision. The Accounting Review (September): 1575-1602.

Choi, J. 2014. Can offering a signing bonus motivate effort? Experimental evidence of the moderating effects of labor market competition. The Accounting Review (March): 545-570.

Choi, S., S. Kim, S. Kwon and J. Y. Shin. 2021. Analyst forecasts and target setting in executive annual bonus contracts. Journal of Management Accounting Research 33(2): 19-42.

Chowdhury, J. 1993. The motivational impact of sales quotas on effort. Journal of Marketing Research (February): 28-41.

Christ, M. H. and T. W. Vance. 2018. Cascading controls: The effects of managers' incentives on subordinate effort to help or harm. Accounting, Organizations and Society (65): 20-32.

Christ, M. H., S. A. Emett, S. L. Summers and D. A. Wood. 2012. The effects of preventive and detective controls on employee performance and motivation. Contemporary Accounting Research 29(2): 432-452.

Christensen, P. O., G. A. Feltham and F. Sabac. 2003. Dynamic incentives and responsibility accounting: A comment. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 423-436.

Christensen, P. O., H. Frimor and F. Sabac. 2020. Real incentive effects of soft information. Contemporary Accounting Research 37(1): 514-541.

Chung, K. 2004. Corporate acquisition decisions under different strategic motivations. Advances in Management Accounting (12): 265-286.

Chung, K. H. 1968. Developing a comprehensive model of motivation and performance. The Academy of Management Journal 11(1): 63-73.

Clinton, B. D. and J. M. Kohlmeyer III. 2005. The effects of group quizzes on performance and motivation to learn: Two experiments in cooperative learning. Journal of Accounting Education 23(2): 96-116.

Collins, F. 1979. Management accounting and motivation - The relationship. Management Accounting (March): 22-26.

Connolly, T. 1976. Some conceptual and methodological issues in expectancy models of work performance motivation. Academy of Management Review: 179-186.

Coram, P. J. and M. J. Robinson. 2017. Professionalism and performance incentives in accounting firms. Accounting Horizons (March): 103-123.

Core, J. E. and H. A. Packard. 2022. Non-price and price performance vesting provisions and CEO incentives. The Accounting Review (November, Issue 7): 109-134.

Cropsey, D. V. 1955. Experiences with indirect labor incentives. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 966-974.

Crossler, R. E., J. H. Long, T. M. Loraas and B. S. Trinkle. 2014. Understanding compliance with bring your own device policies utilizing protection motivation theory: Bridging the intention-behavior gap. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 209-226.

Dai, T. 2015. Abstract from the Elwood S. Buffa Doctoral Dissertation award competition: Incentives in U.S. healthcare operations. Decision Sciences 46(2): 455-463.

Davis, S. and J. M. Kohlmeyer III. 2005. The impact of employee rank on the relationship between attitudes, motivation, and performance. Advances in Management Accounting (14): 233-252.

De Baerdemaeker, J. and W. Bruggeman. 2015. The impact of participation in strategic planning on managers' creation of budgetary slack: The mediating role of autonomous motivation and affective organisational commitment. Management Accounting Research (December): 1-12.

Deci, E. L. and R. M. Ryan. 1985. Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior. New York: Plenum Press.

Demski, J. S. and G. A. Feltham. 1978. Economic incentives in budgetary control systems. The Accounting Review (April): 336-359.

Dencker, J. C. 2009. Relative bargaining power, corporate restructuring, and managerial incentives. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(3): 453-485.

Dermer, J. 1975. The interrelationship of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The Academy of Management Journal 18(1): 125-129.

Deutsch, M. 1962. Cooperation and trust: Some theoretical notes. In Jones, M. Editor. Nebraska Symposium on Motivation (10). University of Nebraska Press.

Dhaliwal, D. S., M. Frankel and R. Trezevant. 1994. The taxable and book income motivations for a LIFO layer liquidation. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 278-289.

Douthit, J. D., P. R. Martin and M. McAllister. 2022. Charitable contribution matching and effort-elicitation. The Accounting Review (January): 213-232.

Drake, A. R., J. Wong and S. B. Salter. 2007. Empowerment, motivation, and performance: Examining the impact of feedback and incentives on nonmanagement employees. Behavioral Research In Accounting (19): 71-89.

Drake, B. and T. Mitchell. 1977. The effects of vertical and horizontal power on individual motivation and satisfaction. The Academy of Management Journal 20(4): 573-591.

Drymiotes, G. C. 2011. Information precision and manipulation incentives. Journal of Management Accounting Research (23): 231-258.

Dugan, J. R. 1968. Motivational psychology and the management accountant. Management Accounting (July): 22-25.

Durr, O., N. Markus and A. Rohlfing-Bastian. 2020. Incentives in optimally sized teams for projects with uncertain returns. Review of Accounting Studies 25(1): 313-341.

Dworkis, K. K. and S. M. Young. 2023. Adaptive narcissism, maladaptive narcissism, and the effectiveness of managerial incentives. Advances in Management Accounting (34): 1-32.

Earnest, K. R. 1979. Applying motivational theory in management accounting. Management Accounting (December): 41-44.

Ederhof, M. 2011. Incentive compensation and promotion-based incentives of mid-level managers: Evidence from a multinational corporation. The Accounting Review (January): 131-153.

Eldenburg, L. and R. Krishnan. 2003. Public versus private governance: A study of incentives and operational performance. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 377-404.

Elikai, F. and J. Baker. 1988. Empirical evidence on the effectiveness of quizzes as a motivational technique. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 248-254.

Elliott, J. A. and W. H. Shaw. 1988. Write-offs as accounting procedures to manage perceptions. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Management's Ability and Incentives to Affect the Timing and Magnitude of Accounting Accruals): 91-119.

Emerson, M. L. 1930. The use of sales incentives to control sales and profits. N.A.C.A Bulletin (September 15): 97-108.

Erez, M. and A. Somech. 1996. Is group productivity loss the rule or the exception? Effects of culture and group-based motivation. The Academy of Management Journal 39(6): 1513-1537.

Ericson, R. F. 1962. Rationality and executive motivation. The Journal of the Academy of Management 5(1): 7-23.

Evans, M. G. 1970. Leadership and motivation: A core concept. The Academy of Management Journal 13(1): 91-102.

Fan, Q. and W. Li. 2018. Leading indicator variables and managerial incentives in a dynamic agency setting. Review of Accounting Studies 23(4): 1715-1753.

Farrell, A. M., J. O. Goh and B. J. White. 2014. The effect of performance-based incentive contracts on system 1 and system 2 processing in affective decision contexts: fMRI and behavioral evidence. The Accounting Review (November): 1979-2010.

Feltham, G., R. Indjejikian and D. Nanda. 2006. Dynamic incentives and dual-purpose accounting. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 417-437.

Ferris, K. R. 1977. A test of the expectancy theory of motivation in an accounting environment. The Accounting Review (July): 605-615.

Ferris, K. R. 1979. A test of the expectancy theory of motivation in an accounting environment: A response. The Accounting Review (April): 412-413.

Fessler, N. J. 2003. Experimental evidence on the links among monetary incentives, task attractiveness, and task performance. Journal of Management Accounting Research (15): 161-176.

Fitzgerald, G. M. 1946. Sensible wage incentives. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September): 135-143.

Frank, W. G. 1972. Evaluation of wage incentives: Fixed costs, revisited. The Accounting Review (January): 155-160.

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Friedlander, F. and E. Walton. 1964. Positive and negative motivations toward work. Administrative Science Quarterly 9(2): 194-207.

Friis, I. 2020. Preservation of incentives inside the firm: A case study of a quasi-market for cost-based transfer pricing. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(2): 137-157.

Frimor, H. 2014. Book review: Explicit and Implicit Incentives for Multiple Agents by Johathan Glover. The Accounting Review (January): 406-409.

Frischmann, P. J. and T. D. Warfield. 1999. Multiple motivations and effects: The case of trust preferred stock. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 269-284.

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Gardiner, G. S. 1974. Cognitive and motivational development in two experimental undergraduate programs in business. The Academy of Management Journal 17(2): 375-381.

Garrett, J. B., D. K. Holderness and K. J. Olsen. 2021. An experimental investigation of how self-interested organizational norms undermine prosocial motivation and influence employee effort. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 17-36.

Gaydon, D. J. and D. M. Boyle. 2023. The effects of whistleblower program financial incentives and administration on financial managers' reporting judgments. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 8(1): 387-404.

Geiger, M. A. and E. A. Cooper. 1996. Using expectancy theory to assess student motivation. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 113-129.

Geiger, M. A., E. A. Cooper, I. Hussain, B. T. O'Connell, J. Power, K. Raghunandan, D. V. Rama and G. Sanchez. 1998. Using expectancy theory to assess student motivation: An international replication. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 139-156.

Ghosh, D., A. Wu and L. Lee. 2021. Incentive instruments and the weighting of performance measures. Advances in Management Accounting (33): 209-234.

Ghoshal, S. and H. Bruch. 2003. Going beyond motivation to the power of volition. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 51-57.

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Grabner, I. and M. A. Martin. 2021. The effect of horizontal dispersion on the effectiveness of performance-based incentives. Accounting, Organizations and Society (88): 101174.

Grabner, I., J. Kunneke and F. Moers. 2020. How calibration committees can mitigate performance evaluation bias: An analysis of implicit incentives. The Accounting Review (November): 213-233.

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Guo, L., B. Wong-On-Wing and G. Lui. 2012. Motivational effects of linking incentives to different measures in strategic performance measurement systems: Implications for proactive strategic behavior. Advances in Management Accounting (20): 209-240.

Haesebrouck, K., A. Van den Abbeele. and M. G. Williamson. 2021. Building trust through knowledge sharing: Implications for incentive system design. Accounting, Organizations and Society (93): 101241.

Haesebrouck, K., M. Cools and A. Van den Abbeele. 2018. Status differences and knowledge transfer: The effect of incentives. The Accounting Review (January): 213-234.

Haesebrouck, K., A. Van Den Abbeele and M. G. Williamson. 2022. Creating incentives for knowledge sharing. Strategic Finance (February): 21-22.

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Hecht, G., J. L. Hobson and L. W. Wang. 2020. The effect of performance reporting frequency on employee performance. The Accounting Review (July): 199-218.

Hecht, G., V. S. Maas and M. van Rinsum. 2023. The effects of transparency and group incentives on managers' strategic promotion behavior. The Accounting Review (November): 239-260.

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