Volumes 15(1) 2022 - 16(4) 2023
Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
IMA Educational Case Journal 2008-2023
| Journal Updates by Year
Andic-Mortan, E. and G. Thalmann. 2022. Coffee supply chains' sustainable impact: A case study. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(2): 1-7.
Asare, K., D. Bline and R. Farrar. 2022. Flash Inc.: A comprehensive variance analysis. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(1): 1-12.
Baah, G. K. and N. U. Alino. 2023. Data analytical tools in revealing fraud. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(1): 1-6.
Balakrishnan, R. and C. Quinto. 2022. Denim Products Incorporated (B): Profit variance analysis. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(3): 1-5.
Bastida, F. 2023. Fripozo: Decision making in a frozen food company. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(2): 1-2.
Boneck, R., A. L. Wilford and D. S. Christensen. 2022. Repairing the joint strike fighter's landing gear - A case study on the application of learning curve theory and ethics. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(3): 1-2.
Chua, W. 2022. TU Packaging Group: Using data analytics to assess customer profitability. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(4): 1-5.
D'Angelo, T. and M. Lam. 2022. Disclosure strategy: A case of ethics in financial reporting. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(1): 1-8.
D'Angelo, T. and M. Lam. 2022. Principal or agent? A case of managerial judgment in reporting revenue. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(1): 1-4.
Fayard, D. 2022. Activity-based costing at Hot Bricks Inc. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(4): 1-5.
Fowler, S. and S. Smith. 2023. Tibbins Pharmaceuticals: A case of the application of time-driven activity-based costing. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(3): 1-7.
Gallagher, S., J. Meersman and L. Shen. 2022. To make or not to make? That is the question. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(1): 1-4.
Hall, C. M. 2022. Lakewood Village: Estimating costs and benefits: An economic analysis of asset replacement. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(4): 1-4.
Haroon, O. and M. Basharullah. 2023. Star Textiles cutting out the middleman. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(2): 1-6.
Hesford, J. W., C. R. Thomas, Jr. and M. J. Turner. 2023. Kunapipi Gardens: A case study of transfer pricing in a service industry context. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(4): 1-6.
Lassar, W. M. and J. T. Patton. 2023. Boston Telecare: Disruption and strategy in Home Healthcare Industry. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(1): 1-10.
Medders, L. and K. A. Zahller. 2023. How good is good enough? Water quality vs. affordability. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(4): 1-4.
Medders, L. and K. A. Zahller. 2023. Water capacity for the future - To repair or innovate. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(3): 1-4.
Mei, D., Y. Lu, Z. Wang and Z. Liu. 2023. The failure of Luckin Coffee: The ethics of financial fraud. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(2): 1-6.
Pryor, C. R., S. S. Gray and A. Ford. 2023. Mother Earth Mulch: Analyzing the impact of cost allocation on cost center performance. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(3): 1-4.
Sanseverino, A. and M. Michel. 2023. Bribery risk at Kundera Healthcare Supplies: An ethical dilemma. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(4): 1-2.
Siagian, F. and S. Johnson. 2022. ATS Sports: Analysis of managers' bonuses. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(2): 1-9.
Siriwardane, H., K. Meyers and D. Siriwardane. 2023. Society Savings Bank: Small enough to indict. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(4): 1-7.
Stearns, J., M. Fore and S. Feltus. 2022. Dilemma at ground zero: Strategic performance measurement, internal controls, and professional ethics. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(3): 1-8.
Twardus, I. J. 2023. LawnBots: Cost-volume-profit and cost behavior in the crowdfunding environment. IMA Educational Case Journal 16(2): 1-6.
Wouters, M. 2022. Analysis of distribution costs at Fissler Holz Gruppe GmbH. IMA Educational Case Journal 15(2): 1-15.