Volume 33 Spring, Summer, Fall
Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
Journal of Information Systems
1986-2023 | Journal Updates by Year
Banker, R. D. and C. Feng. 2019. The impact of information security breach incidents on CIO turnover. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 309-329.
Barrick, J. A., N. W. Mecham, S. L. Summers and D. A. Wood. 2019. Ranking accounting journals by topical area and methodology. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 1-22.
Chen, G. and J. Zhou. 2019. XBRL adoption and systemic information acquisition via EDGAR. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 23-43.
Cheng, X. and S. Walton. 2019. Do nonprofessional investors care about how and when data breaches are disclosed? Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 163-182.
Cong, Y., A. Omar and H. Sun. 2019. Does IT outsourcing affect the accuracy and speed of financial disclosures? Evidence from preparer-side XBRL filing decisions. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 45-61.
Curry, M., B. Marshall, J. Correia and R. Crossler. 2019. InfoSec Process Action Model (IPAM): Targeting insiders' weak password behavior. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 201-225.
Debreceny, R. S., T. Wang and M. Zhou. 2019. Research in social media: Data sources and methodologies. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-28.
Fordham, D. R. and C. W. Hamilton. 2019. Accounting information technology in small businesses: An inquiry. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 63-75.
Frank, M. L., J. H. Grenier and J. S. Pyzoha. 2019. How disclosing a prior cyberattack influences the efficacy of cybersecurity risk management reporting and independent assurance. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 183-200.
Gao, L. and A. G. Brink. 2019. A content analysis of the privacy policies of cloud computing services. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 93-115.
Holt, T. P. and T. M. Loraas. 2019. Using qualtrics panels to source external auditors: A replication study. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 29-41.
Hsieh, T., Z. Wang and M. J. Abdolmohammadi. 2019. Factors associated with companies' choices of XBRL implementation strategies: Evidence from the U.S. market. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 75-91.
Huang, F., W. G. No and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2019. Do managers use extension elements strategically in the SEC's tagged data for financial statements? Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 61-74.
Hunt, N. C. and A. M. Scheetz. 2019. Using MTurk to distribute a survey or experiment: Methodological considerations. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 43-65.
Ionita, D., R. Wieringa, J. Gordijn and A. S. Yesuf. 2019. Quantitative, value-driven risk analysis of e-services. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 45-60.
Karim, K. E., K. J. Lin, R. E. Pinsker and H. Zhu. 2019. Using linguistics to mine unstructured data from FASB exposure drafts. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 67-83.
Kipp, P. C., Y. Zhang and A. F. Tadesse. 2019. Can social media interaction and message features influence nonprofessional investors' perceptions of firms? Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 77-98.
Ku, C. and M. Firoozi. 2019. The use of crowdsourcing and social media in accounting research. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 85-111.
Lamboy-Ruiz, M. A., W. G. No and O. V. Watanabe. 2019. Discrepancies in hospital financial information: Comparison of financial data in state data repositories and the healthcare cost reporting information system. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 19-44.
Lei, L., Y. Li and Y. Luo. 2019. Social media and voluntary nonfinancial disclosure: Evidence from Twitter presence and corporate political disclosure. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 99-128.
Lenk, M. M., J. P. Krahel, D. J. Janvrin and B. Considine. 2019. Social technology: An integrated strategy and risk management framework. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 129-153.
Marley, R. N. and N. M. Snow. 2019. An empirical investigation on social media users' demand for financial information distributed via social media platforms. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 155-175.
O'Leary, D. E. 2019. Facilitating citizens' voice and process reengineering using a cloud-based mobile app. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 137-162.
O'Leary, D. E. 2019. What phishing e-mails reveal: An exploratory analysis of phishing attempts using text analysis. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 285-307.
Owens, J. and E. M. Hawkins. 2019. Using online labor market participants for nonprofessional investor research: A comparison of MTurk and Qualtrics samples. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 113-128.
Richardson, V. J., R. E. Smith and M. W. Watson. 2019. Much ado about nothing: The (lack of) economic impact of data privacy breaches. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 227-265.
Smith, A. L., Y. Zhang and P. C. Kipp. 2019. Cloud-computing risk disclosure and ICFR material weakness: The moderating role of accounting reporting complexity. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-17.
Smith, T. J., J. L. Higgs and R. E. Pinsker. 2019. Do auditors price breach risk in their audit fees? Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 177-204.
Thibodeau, J. C., L. T. Williams and A. L. Witte. 2019. Point and click data: An assessment of editorial perceptions and recommendations for the peer-review process in the new data frontier. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 129-144.
Vincent, N. E., J. L. Higgs and R. E. Pinsker. 2019. Board and management-level factors affecting the maturity of IT risk management practices. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 117-135.
Werner, M. and N. Gehrke. 2019. Identifying the absence of effective internal controls: An alternative approach for internal control audits. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 205-222.
Xu, H., S. Guo, J. Z. Haislip and R. E. Pinsker. 2019. Earnings management in firms with data security breaches. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 267-284.
Zhang, M. C., D. N. Stone and H. Xie. 2019. Text data sources in archival accounting research: Insights and strategies for accounting systems' scholars. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 145-180.