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1986 - Volume 37(3) Fall 2023

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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Abernathy, J. L., B. Beyer, J. F. Downes and E. T. Rapley. 2020. High-quality information technology and capital investment decisions. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-29.

Abu-Khadra, H. and D. Olsen. 2023. Toward automating shredding nonprofit XML files: The case of IRS Form 990 Data. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 169-188.

Adamson, I. L. and D. M. Dilts. 1995. Development of an accounting object model from accounting transactions. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 43-64.

Addy, N. D. and N. R. Berglund. 2020. Determinants of timely adoption of the 2013 COSO integrated framework. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-20.

Ajayi, O. and J. Zhang. 2022. The joint effects of argument quality and interactivity on nonprofessional investors' perceptions of disclosure credibility and investment decisions. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-26.

Alali, F. A. and C. Yeh. 2012. Cloud computing: Overview and risk analysis. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 13-33.

Alamin, A. A., C. L. Wilkin, W. Yeoh and M. Warren. 2020. The impact of self-efficacy on accountants' behavioral intention to adopt and use accounting information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 31-46.

Albizri, A. and D. Appelbaum. 2021. Trust but verify: The Oracle paradox of blockchain smart contracts. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 1-16.

Aldhizer, G. R. III., L. D. Turner and M. D. Shank. 2002. Determinants of consulting service quality for accounting and nonaccounting service providers. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 61-74.

Ali, S., P. Green and A. Robb. 2013. Measuring top management's IT governance knowledge absorptive capacity. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 137-155.

Allen, E., D. E. O'Leary, H. Qu and C. W. Swenson. 2021. Tax specific versus generic accounting-based textual analysis and the relationship with effective tax rates: Building context. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 115-147.

Alles, M. and G. L. Gray. 2020. Will the medium become the message? A framework for understanding the coming automation of the audit process. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 109-130.

Alles, M. G. and G. L. Grey. 2012. A relative cost framework of demand for external assurance of XBRL filings. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 103-126.

Alles, M. G., A. Kogan and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2008. Putting continuous auditing theory into practice: Lessons from two pilot implementations. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 195-214.

Amer, T. 1991. An experimental investigation of multi-cue financial information display and decision making. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 18-34.

Amer, T., A. D. Bailey Jr. and P. De. 1987. A review of the computer information systems research related to accounting and auditing. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 3-28.

Amer, T. S. 1993. Entity-relationship and relational database modeling representations for the audit review of accounting applications: An experimental examination of effectiveness. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-15.

Amer, T. S. 1994. Discussion of modeling conversion process events. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 55-58.

Amer, T. S. 2005. Bias due to visual illusion in the graphical presentation of accounting information. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-18.

Amer, T. S. and J. B. Maris. 2007. Signal words and signal icons in application control and information technology exception messages - Hazard matching and habituation effects. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-26.

Amer, T. S. and S. Ravindran. 2010. The effect of visual illusions on the graphical display of information. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 23-42.

Appelbaum, D. and R. A. Nehmer. 2020. Auditing cloud-based blockchain accounting systems. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 5-21.

Arbore, A., R. Graziani and S. Venturini. 2014. Understanding personal mobile technologies: Decomposing and de-averaging the value of a smartphone. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 167-185.

Arnold, V. 1995. Discussion of an experimental evaluation of measurements of information systems effectiveness. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 85-91.

Arnold, V. 1998. Discussion of factors that influence reliance on decision aids: A model and an experiment. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 95-97.

Arnold, V., T. S. Benford, C. Hampton and S. G. Sutton. 2012. Enterprise risk management as a strategic governance mechanism in B2B-enabled transnational supply chains. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 51-76.

Arnold, V., T. S. Benford, C. Hampton and S. G. Sutton. 2014. Enterprise risk management: Re-conceptualizing the role of risk and trust on information sharing in transnational alliances. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 257-285.

Arunachalam, V. and W. Dilla. 1992. Computer-mediated communication and structured interaction in transfer pricing negotiation. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 149-170.

Arunachalam, V., B. K. W. Pei and P. J. Steinbart. 2002. Reply to Discussion of impression management with graphs: Effects on choices. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 207-208.

Arunachalam, V., B. K. W. Pei and P. J. Steinbart. 2002. Impression management with graphs: Effects on choices. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 183-202.

Ashkanasy, N., P. L. Bowen, F. H. Rohde and C. Y. A. Wu. 2007. The effects of user characteristics on query performance in the presence of information request ambiguity. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 53-82.

Asthana, S. 2003. Impact of information technology on post-earnings announcement drift. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-17.

Bagranoff, N. A. and L. D. Turner. 2004. Growing a nontraditional accounting firm: Warren and Associates. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 49-56.

Bagranoff, N. A. and P. C. Brewer. 2003. PMB investments: An enterprise system implementation. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 85-106.

Bailey, A. D. Jr. 2000. Discussion of AICPA/CICA SYSTRUST™ principles and criteria. Journal of Information Systems (Supplement): 9-16.

Bailey, A. D. Jr., A. B. Whinston and P. T. Zacarias. 1989. Knowledge representation theory and the design of auditable office information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-28.

Bailey, A. D. Jr., K. Hackenbrack, P. De and J. Dillard. 1987. Artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and computational modeling in auditing research: A research approach. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 20-40.

Bain, C. E., A. I. Blankley and L. M. Smith. 2002. An examination of topical coverage for the first accounting information systems course. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 143-164.

Bajaj, A., W. E. Bradley and K. S. Cravens. 2008. SAAS: Integrating systems analysis with accounting and strategy for ex ante evaluation of IS investments. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 97-124.

Balwin-Morgan, A. 1993. The impact of expert system audit tools on auditing firms in the year 2001. A Delphi investigation. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 16-34.

Bamber, E. M., M. C. Hill and R. T. Watson. 1998. Audit groups and group support systems: A framework and propositions for future research. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 45-73.

Banker, R. D. and C. Feng. 2019. The impact of information security breach incidents on CIO turnover. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 309-329.

Banker, R. D., H. Chang and Y. Kao. 2002. Impact of information technology on public accounting firm productivity. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 209-222.

Banker, R. D., H. Chang and Y. Kao. 2002. Reply to Discussion of Impact of information technology on public accounting firm productivity. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 227-229.

Banker, R. D., T. S. Frost and M. K. Tripathi. 2022. The determinants of information week 500 selection and its implications: A textual analysis approach. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 81-109.

Bart, C. and O. Turel. 2010. IT and the board of directors: An empirical investigation into the "governance questions" Canadian board members ask about IT. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 147-172.

Barra, R. A. 2010. The impact of internal controls and penalties on fraud. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-21.

Barrick, J. A., N. W. Mecham, S. L. Summers and D. A. Wood. 2019. Ranking accounting journals by topical area and methodology. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 1-22.

Basoglu, K. A. and T. J. Hess. 2014. Online business reporting: A signaling theory perspective. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 67-101.

Bauer, T. D., B. Dehning and T. C. Stratopoulos. 2012. The financial performance of global information and communication technology companies. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 119-152.

Baxter, R. J., D. K. Holderness Jr. and D. A. Wood. 2016. Applying basic gamification techniques to IT compliance training: Evidence from lab and field. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 119-133.

Bazilevich, L. A. 1992. Transition from a command to a market economy: Creation of a valid management information system. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 14-31.

Beck, G. M., R. Limor, V. Arunachalam and P. R. Wheeler. 2014. The effect of changes in decision aid bias on learning: Evidence of functional fixation. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 19-42.

Behn, B. K., D. L. Searcy and J. B. Woodroof. 2006. A within firm analysis of current and expected future audit lag determinants. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 65-86.

Bierstaker, J. L., D. Hanes-Downey, J. M. Rose and J. C. Thibodeau. 2018. Effects of stories and checklist decision aids on knowledge structure development and auditor judgment. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 1-24.

Blankley, A. I. 2006. Using SQL to develop database query proficiency: A follow-up note to Borthick, Jones, and Kim (2001). Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 117-137.

Blaskovich, J. L. 2008. Exploring the effect of distance: An experimental investigation of virtual collaboration, social loafing, and group decisions. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 27-46.

Blaskovich, J. and N. Mintchik. 2011. Information technology outsourcing: A taxonomy of prior studies and directions for future research. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-36.

Bollen, L. H., H. F. Hassink, R. K. de Lange and S. D. Buijl. 2008. Best practices in managing investor relations websites: Directions for future research. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 171-194.

Bonson, E. and M. Bednarova. 2015. YouTube sustainability reporting: Empirical evidence from Eurozone-listed companies. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 35-50.

Boritz, J. E. and J. E. Hunton. 2002.Investigating the impact of auditor-provided systems reliability assurance on potential service recipients. Journal of Information Systems (Spring Supplement): 69-87. (Retracted).

Boritz, J. E. and J. E. Hunton. 2015. Retraction: Investigating the impact of auditor-provided systems reliability assurance on potential service recipients. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 239.

Boritz, J. E. and L. M. Timoshenko. 2015. Firm-specific characteristics of the participants in the SEC's XBRL voluntary filing program. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 9-36.

Boritz, J. E. and T. C. Stratopoulos. 2022. Annual editor report. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-5.

Boritz, J. E. and T. C. Stratopoulos. 2022. JIS workshop on robotic process automation (RPA) research: Views from RPA Industry leaders and AIS researchers. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-5.

Boritz, J. E. and T. C. Stratopoulos. 2023. AI and the accounting profession: Views from industry and academia. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-9.

Boritz, J. E. and T. Stratopoulos. 2023. Journal of Information Systems workshop on data value creation: Views from industry and academia. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-6.

Boritz, J. E. and W. G. No. 2009. Assurance on XBRL-related documents: The case of United Technologies Corporation. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 49-78.

Boritz, J. E. and W. G. No. 2011. E-commerce and privacy: Exploring what we know and opportunities for future discovery. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 11-45.

Boritz, J. E. and W. G. No. 2020. How significant are the differences in financial data provided by key data sources? A comparison of XBRL, Compustat, Yahoo! Finance, and Google Finance. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 47-75.

Boritz, J. E., C. Carnaghan and P. S. Alencar. 2014. Business modeling to improve auditor risk assessment: An investigation of alternative representations. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 231-256.

Boritz, J. E., C. Ge and K. Patterson. 2022. Factors affecting employees' susceptibility to cyber-attacks. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 27-60.

Boritz, J. E., J. Efendi and J. Lim. 2018. The impact of senior management competencies on the voluntary adoption of an innovative technology. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 25-46.

Borthick, A. F. 1992. Editorial: Helping users get the information they want, when they want it, in the form they want it: Integrating the choice and use of information. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): pv-ix.

Borthick, A. F. 1992. Editor's foreword. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): piii-iv.

Borthick, A. F. 1993. Editor's foreword. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): Preceding 1.

Borthick, A. F. 1993. Editor's foreword. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): Preceding 65.

Borthick, A. F. 1996. Editorial: Helping accountants learn to get the information managers want: The role of the accounting information systems course. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 75-85.

Borthick, A. F. 2012. Designing continuous auditing for highly automated procure-to-pay process. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 153-166.

Borthick, A. F. and D. R. Jones. 2005. Analyzing a potential warranty call center budget overrun: Using database queries to solve business problems. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 97-111.

Borthick, A. F. and D. R. Jones. 2007. Creating a business process diagram and database queries to detect billing errors and analyze calling patterns for cell phone service. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 107-122.

Borthick, A. F. and J. H. Scheiner. 1988. Selection of small business computer systems: Structuring a multi-criteria approach. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 10-29.

Borthick, A. F. and M. B. Curtis. 2008. Due diligence on fast-fashion inventory through data querying. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 77-93.

Borthick, A. F. and P. L. Bowen. 2008. Auditing system development: constructing the meaning of "systematic and rational" in the context of Legacy code migration. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 47-62.

Borthick, A. F. and R. R. Pennington. 2017. When data become ubiquitous, what becomes of accounting and assurance? Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-4.

Borthick, A. F., D. R. Jones and K. Ryan. 2001. Developing database query proficiency: Assuring compliance for responses to web site referrals. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 35-56.

Borthick, A. F., D. R. Jones and S. Wakai. 2003. Designing learning experiences within learners' zones of proximal development (ZPDs): Enabling collaborative learning on-site and online. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 107-134.

Borthick, A. F., P. L. Bowen and G. J. Gerard. 2008. Modeling a business process and querying the resulting database: Analyzing RFID data to develop business intelligence. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 331-350. (Teaching case).

Borthick, A. F., R. L. Clark and A. S. Hollander. 1990. Making accounting information systems work: An empirical investigation of the creative thinking paradigm. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 48-62.

Bovee, M., A. Kogan, K. Nelson, R. P. Srivastava and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2005. Financial reporting and auditing with net knowledge (FRAANK) and extensible business reporting language (XBRL). Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 19-41.

Bovee, M., M. L. Ettredge, R. P. Srivastava and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2002. Does the year 2002 XBRL taxonomy accommodate current business financial-reporting practice? Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 165-182.

Bradford, M.,  E. Z. Taylor and M. Seymore. 2022. A view from the CISO: Insights from the data classification process. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 201-218.

Bradford, M., S. B. Richtermeyer and D. F. Roberts. 2007. System diagramming techniques: An analysis of methods used in accounting education and practice. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 173-212.

Brazel, J. F. and L. Dang. 2008. The effect of ERP system implementations on the management of earnings and earnings release dates. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-21.

Brown, C. E. and D. S. Murphy. 1990. the use of auditing expert systems in public accounting. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 63-72.

Brown, D. L. and D. R. Jones. 1998. Factors that influence reliance on decision aids: A model and an experiment. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 75-94.

Brown, D. L., J. F. Dillard and R. S. Marshall. 2005. Strategically informed, environmentally conscious information requirements for accounting information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 79-103.

Brown, J. O., J. A. Marcum and M. T. Stuebs Jr. 2017. Professional virtue reinforcements: A necessary complement to technological and policy reforms. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 5-23.

Brown, R. M. and B. Ruf. 1989. Applying software design principles to accounting software: A direct manipulation approach. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 41-54.

Bryant, S. M. 2001. A blueprint for an AIS consulting course. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 19-34.

Burch, J. G. 1987. Information systems: Is it too late to join the revolution? Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 114-123.

Burney, L. L. and M. Matherly. 2007. Examining performance measurement from an integrated perspective. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 49-68.

Burney, L. L., R. R. Radtke and S. K. Widener. 2017. The intersection of "Bad Apples," "Bad Barrels," and the enabling use of performance measurement systems. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 25-48.

Burton, F. G. 2001. A user's willingness to adopt a new information system: The influence of the decision-making improvements and performance-monitoring dimensions of the system. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 61-79.

Burton, R. N. 2000. Discussion of information technology-related activities of internal auditors. Journal of Information Systems (Supplement): 57-60.

Calderon, T. G. and L. Gao. 2023. Innovative and novel research datasets related to cybersecurity risk disclosures: A research note. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 123-128.

Callahan, C. M., E. A. Gabriel and R. E. Smith. 2009. The effects of inter-firm cost correlation, IT investment, and product cost accuracy on production decisions and firm profitability. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 51-78.

Campbell, T. L. 1987. Trends and projections of IS/MAS faculty and courses. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 101-113.

Canada, J. and E. E. Harris. 2020. The role of web assurance seals in nonprofit giving. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 131-148.

Cao, J., A. I. Nicolaou and S. Bhattacharya. 2013. A longitudinal examination of enterprise resource planning system post-implementation enhancements. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 13-39.

Carnaghan, C. 2002. Discussion of Holistic, continuous assurance integration: e-business opportunities and challenges. Journal of Information Systems (Spring Supplement): 25-27.

Carrillo, H. E., R. Pennington and Y. Zhang. 2022. Is an Emoji worth a thousand words? The effect of Emoji usage on nonprofessional investors' perceptions. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 1-15.

Carson, E. and C. Dowling. 2012. The competitive advantage of audit support systems: The relationship between extent of structure and audit pricing. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 35-49.

Caster, P., R. J. Elder and D. J. Janvrin. 2021. An exploration of bank confirmation process automation: A longitudinal study. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-16.

Cefaratti, M. A. and H. Lin. 2018. Exploring data center migration: A case study. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-17.

Chan, S. H. and S. Wright. 2007. Feasibility of more frequent reporting: A field study informed survey of in-company accounting and IT. Professionals. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 101-115.

Chandra, A. and T. G. Calderon. 2003. Toward a biometric security layer in accounting systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 51-70.

Chandra, A., N. M. Menon and B. K. Mishra. 2018. Budget adjustments and spending patterns: A transaction-cycle view. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 19-43.

Chang, H. W., S. Kaszak, P. Kipp and J. C. Robertson. 2021. The effect of iXBRL formatted financial statements on the effectiveness of managers' decisions when making inter-firm comparisons. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 149-177.

Chao, J. C. 1990. Interception controls of data communications systems. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 69-80.

Chen, C., J. Lim and T. C. Stratopoulos. 2011. IT capability and a firm's ability to recover from losses: Evidence from the economics downturn of the early 2000s. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 117-144.

Chen, G. and J. Zhou. 2019. XBRL adoption and systemic information acquisition via EDGAR. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 23-43.

Chen, G., J. Kim, J. Lim and J. Zhou. 2018. XBRL adoption and bank loan contracting: Early evidence. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 47-69.

Chen, G., X. Wang and J. Zhou. 2018, What do the markets say? Shareholder wealth effects of the XBRL mandate. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-21.

Chen, S., J. Guo and X. Tong. 2017. XBRL implementation and post-earnings-announcement drift: The impact of state ownership in China. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-19.

Chen, Y., A. L. Smith, J. Cao and W. Xia. 2014. Information technology capability, internal control effectiveness, and audit fees and delays. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 149-180.

Cheng, X. 2022. The effect of the frequency and source of instructional messages on knowledge sharing  behavior. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 125-140.

Cheng, X. and S. Walton. 2019. Do nonprofessional investors care about how and when data breaches are disclosed? Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 163-182.

Cheng, X., F. Huang, D. Palmaon and C. Yin. 2021. How does information processing efficiency relate to investment efficiency? Evidence from XBRL adoption. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-25.

Cheong, A., K. Yoon, S. Cho and W. G. No. 2021. Classifying the contents of cybersecurity risk disclosure through textual analysis and factor analysis. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 179-194.

Cherrington, J. O. 1993. Implementing a graduate management consulting course. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 48-61.

Cherrington, J. O. and K. D. Stocks. 1986. Educating a management consultant. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 145-153.

Cherrington, J. O., E. L. Denna and D. P. Andros. 1996. Developing an event-based business solution: The case of IBM's national employee disbursement system. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 51-69.

Cheung, J. K. and N. A. Bagranoff. 1991. Assessing intangible costs and benefits in the systems decision via option pricing theory. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 36-47.

Chou, C., N. R. Hwang, G. P. Schneider, T. Wang, C. Li and W. Wei. 2021. Using smart contracts to establish decentralized accounting contracts: An example of revenue recognition. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 17-52.

Christensen, A. L. and M. M. Eining. 1991. Factors influencing software piracy: Implications for accountants. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 67-80.

Chu, K. C. K., S. Chen and T. Leung. 2021. A novel algorithm for generating a GVKEY-CIK link table. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 27-46.

Chu, P. 1991. A study of the influence of a decision support aid on decision processes: Exploring the blackbox. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-17.

Church, K. and R. Smith. 2008. REA ontology-based simulation models for enterprise strategic planning. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 301-329.

Church, K. S. and R. E. Smith. 2007. An extension of the REA framework to support balanced scorecard information requirements. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-25.

Church, K. S., P. J. Schmidt and K. Ajayi. 2020. Forecast cloudy - Fair or stormy weather: Cloud computing insights and issues. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 23-46.

Chychyla, R. and A. Kogan. 2015. Using XBRL to conduct a large-scale study of discrepancies between the accounting numbers in Compustat and SEC 10-K filings. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 37-72.

Clements, C. E. and C. Wolfe. 2000. Reporting financial results with the video medium: An experimental analysis. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 79-94.

Coalter, T. M., J. E. Hunton and K. H. Price. 1999. Collective user participation in specifying requirements of an information system: Minimizing differences between minority and majority voting subgroups. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 31-48.

Cockrell, R. C., D. N. Stone and B. Wier. 2018. Accounting for professional accountants' dysfunctional knowledge sharing: A self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 45-65.

Cong, Y. and J. Romero. 2013. On information systems complexity and vulnerability. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 51-64.

Cong, Y., A. Omar and H. Sun. 2019. Does IT outsourcing affect the accuracy and speed of financial disclosures? Evidence from preparer-side XBRL filing decisions. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 45-61.

Cong, Y., H. Du and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2018. Are XBRL files being accessed? Evidence from the SEC EDGAR log file dataset. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 23-29.

Cong, Y., H. Du and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2021. Cloud computing start-ups and emerging technologies: From private investors' perspectives. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 47-64.

Cong, Y., J. Hao and L. Zou. 2014. The impact of XBRL reporting on market efficiency. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 181-207.

Cornell, R. M., M. M. Eining and P. J. Hu. 2011. The effects of process accountability on individuals' use of a familiar technology. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 109-128.

Coss, D. L. and G. Dhillon. 2020. A framework for auditing and strategizing to ensure cloud privacy. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 47-63.

Coy, D. and W. O'Grady. 1992. The changing use of spreadsheets by accountants in New Zealand: A comparison of 1991 with 1986. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 171-181.

Cram, W. A. and R. B. Gallupe. 2016. A method to evaluate information systems control alignment. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 117-135.

Cram, W. A., M. K. Brohman and R. B. Gallupe. 2015. Addressing the control challenges of the enterprise architecture process. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 161-182.

Crossler, R. E., J. H. Long, T. M. Loraas and B. S. Trinkle. 2014. Understanding compliance with bring your own device policies utilizing protection motivation theory: Bridging the intention-behavior gap. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 209-226.

Crossler, R. E., J. H. Long, T. M. Loraas and B. S. Trinkle. 2017. The impact of moral intensity and ethical tone consistency on policy compliance. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 49-64.

Curry, M., B. Marshall, J. Correia and R. Crossler. 2019. InfoSec Process Action Model (IPAM): Targeting insiders' weak password behavior. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 201-225.

Curtis, M. B. and A. F. Borthick. 1999. Evaluation of internal control from a control objective narrative. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 63-81.

Curtis, M. B. and R. S. Debreceny. 2015. Annual Editor report for period ending May, 31, 2015. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 165-171. (The JIS publishes five classes of papers: Research, Practice, Knowledge Resources, Commentary, and Replications).

Curtis, M. B. and R. S. Debreceny. 2016. The Journal of Information Systems at Thirty. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-2.

Curtis, M. B., J. G. Jenkins, J. C. Bedard and D. R. Deis. 2009. Auditors' training and proficiency in information systems: A research synthesis. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 79-96.

Cushing, B. E. 1989. On the feasibility and the consequences of a database approach to corporate financial reporting. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 29-52.

Cushing, B. E. 1990. Frameworks, paradigms, and scientific research in management information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 38-59.

Dai, J. and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2017. Toward blockchain-based accounting and assurance. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 5-21.

Daigle, R. J. 2004. Discussion of: A case study of XML technologies, e-business processes, and accounting information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 75-77.

Daigle, R. J. 2009. Stolen without a gun. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 79-82.

Daigle, R. J., D. C. Hayes and K. E. Hughes II. 2007. Assessing student learning outcomes in the introductory accounting information course using the AICPA's core competency framework. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 149-169.

Dameri, R. P., R. Garelli and M. Resta. 2020. Neural networks in accounting: Clustering firm performance using financial reporting data. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 149-166.

David, J. S. 2003. Discussion of Information transfer among internet firms: The case of hacker attacks. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 83-86.

David, J. S., C. L. Dunn, W. E. McCarthy and R. S. Poston. 1999. The research pyramid: A framework for accounting information systems research. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 7-30.

Davidson, B. I., N. K. Desai and G. J. Gerard. 2013. The effect of continuous auditing on the relationship between internal audit sourcing and the external auditor's reliance on the internal audit function. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 41-59.

Davis, C. E. and K. Lonborg. 1993. X-Oil Inc.: An instructional case in internal control for the payables cycle. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 112-133.

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