Management And Accounting Web

Management Accounting Research 2014

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

Management Accounting Research 1990-2023 | Journal Bibliographies Main Page

Bourne, M., S. A. Melnyk, U. Bititci, K. Platts and B. Andersen. 2014. Emerging issues in performance measurement. Management Accounting Research (June): 117-118.

Bromwich, M. 2014. Goodbye, It has been good to know you. Management Accounting Research (March): 2-5.

Burkert, M., A. Davila, K. Mehta and D. Oyon. 2014. Relating alternative forms of contingency fit to the appropriate methods to test them. Management Accounting Research (March): 6-29.

Chen, C. X., M. Martin and K. A. Merchant. 2014. The effect of measurement timing on the information content of customer satisfaction measures. Management Accounting Research (September): 187-205.

Cheng, M. M. and R. Coyte. 2014. The effects of incentive subjectivity and strategy communication on knowledge-sharing and extra-role behaviours. Management Accounting Research (June): 119-130.

Chong, K. M. and H. Mahama. 2014. The impact of interactive and diagnostic uses of budgets on team effectiveness. Management Accounting Research (September): 206-222.

Denker, U., S. Schwartz, C. Ward and R. Young. 2014. Voluntary disclosure in a bargaining setting: A research note. Management Accounting Research (September): 223-229.

Deville, A., G. D. Ferrier and H. Leleu. 2014. Measuring the performance of hierarchical organizations: An application to bank efficiency at the regional and branch levels. Management Accounting Research (March): 30-44.

Janke, R., M. D. Mahlendorf and J. Weber. 2014. An exploratory study of the reciprocal relationship between interactive use of management control systems and perception of negative external crisis effects. Management Accounting Research (December): 251-270.

Johansson, T. and S. Siverbo. 2014. The appropriateness of tight budget control in public sector organizations facing budget turbulence. Management Accounting Research (December): 271-283.

Kristensen, T. B. and P. Israelsen. 2014. Performance effects of multiple control forms in a lean organization: A quantitative case study in a systems fit approach. Management Accounting Research (March): 45-62.

MacBryde, J., S. Paton, M. Bayliss and N. Grant. 2014. Transformation in the defence sector: The critical role of performance measurement. Management Accounting Research (June): 157-172.

Marginson, D., L. McAulay, M. Roush and T. van Zijl. 2014. Examining a positive psychological role for performance measures. Management Accounting Research (March): 63-75.

Melnyk, S. A., U. Bititci, K. Platts, J. Tobias and B. Andersen. 2014. Is performance measurement and management fit for the future? Management Accounting Research (June): 173-186.

Micheli, P. and L. Mari. 2014. The theory and practice of performance measurement. Management Accounting Research (June): 147-156.

Nama, Y. and A. Lowe. 2014. The 'situated functionality' of accounting in private equity practices: A social 'site' analysis. Management Accounting Research (December): 284-303.

Quinn, M. 2014. Stability and change in management accounting over time - A century or so of evidence from Guinness. Management Accounting Research (March): 76-92.

Scapens, R. W. 2014. My final editorial. Management Accounting Research (December): 245-250.

Scapens, R. W. and M. Bromwich. 2014. Editorial. Management Accounting Research (March): 1.

Seal, W. and R. Mattimoe. 2014. Controlling strategy through dialectical management. Management Accounting Research (September): 230-243.

Spekle, R. F. and F. H. M. Verbeeten. 2014. The use of performance measurement systems in the public sector: Effects on performance. Management Accounting Research (June): 131-146.

Suomala, P., J. Lyly-Yrjanainen and K. Lukka. 2014. Battlefield around interventions: A reflective analysis of conducting interventionist research in management accounting. Management Accounting Research (December): 304-314.

Ylinen, M. and B. Gullkvist. 2014. The effects of organic and mechanistic control in exploratory and exploitative innovations. Management Accounting Research (March): 93-112.