Volume 1, 1990 - Volume 61, November 2023
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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Abdel-Kader, M. G. and D. Dugdale. 1998. Investment in advanced manufacturing technology: A study of practice in large U.K. companies. Management Accounting Research (September): 261-284.
Abernethy, M. A., A. M. Millis, P. Brownell and P. Carter. 2001. Product diversity and costing system design choice: Field study evidence. Management Accounting Research (September): 261-279.
Abernethy, M. A., J. Bouwens, and L. van Lent. 2010. Leadership and control system design. Management Accounting Research (March): 2-16.
Abernethy, M. A., M. Horne, A. M. Lillis, M. A. Malina and F. H. Selto. 2005. A multi-method approach to building causal performance maps from expert knowledge. Management Accounting Research (June): 135-155.
Agndal, H. and U. Nilsson. 2009. Interorganizational cost management in the exchange process. Management Accounting Research (June): 85-101.
Agndal, H. and U. Nilsson. 2010. Different open book accounting practices for different purchasing strategies. Management Accounting Research (September): 147-166.
Agndal, H. and U. Nilsson. 2019. The fast and the furious: The role of entrainment in controlled inter-organizational relationship transformation. Management Accounting Research (June): 15-28.
Ahrens, T. and C. Chapman. 2002. The structuration of legitimate performance measures and management: Day-today contests of accountability in a U.K. restaurant chain. Management Accounting Research (June): 151-171.
Ahrens, T. and L. Ferry. 2018. Institutional entrepreneurship, practice memory, and cultural memory: Choice and creativity in the pursuit of endogenous change of local authority budgeting. Management Accounting Research (March): 12-21.
Ahrens, T., L. Ferry and R. Khalifa. 2020. Governmentality and counter-conduct: A field study of accounting amidst concurrent and competing rationales and programmes. Management Accounting Research (September): 100686.
Aidemark, L. and L. Lindkvist. 2004. The vision gives wings: A study of two hospitals run as limited companies. Management Accounting Research (September): 305-318.
Akroyd, C. and R. Kober. 2020. Imprinting founders' blueprints on management control systems. Management Accounting Research (March): 100645.
Al-Omiri, M. and C. Drury. 2007. A survey of factors influencing the choice of product costing systems in UK organizations. Management Accounting Research (December): 399-424.
Alam, M. 1997. Budgetary process in uncertain contexts: A study of state-owned enterprises in Bangladesh. Management Accounting Research (June): 147-167.
Alcouffe, S., N. Berland and Y. Levant. 2008. Actor-networks and the diffusion of management accounting innovations: A comparative study. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-17.
Alles, M. and S. Datar. 2002. Control implications of worker identification with firm sales success. Management Accounting Research (June): 173-190.
Altenburger, M. 2021. Mood and honesty in budget reporting. Management Accounting Research (March): 100707.
Amans, P., A. Mazars-Chapelon and F. Villeseque-Dubus. 2015. Budgeting in institutional complexity: The case of performing arts organizations. Management Accounting Research (June): 47-66.
Amat, J., S. Carmona and H. Roberts. 1994. Context and change in management accounting systems: A Spanish case study. Management Accounting Research (June): 107-122.
Amslem, T. and Y. Gendron. 2019. From emotionality to the cultivation of employability: An ethnography of change in social work expertise following the spread of quantification in a social enterprise. Management Accounting Research (March): 39-55.
Anderson, S. W., H. C. Dekker, K. L. Sedatole and E. Wiersma. 2020. When one size does not fit all: Using ex post subjective ratings to provide parity in risk-adjusted compensation. Management Accounting Research (December): 100706.
Andon, P., J. Baxter and W. F. Chua. 2007. Accounting change as relational drifting: A field study of experiments with performance measurement. Management Accounting Research (June): 273-308.
Aranda, C., J. Arellano and A. Davila. 2019. Subjective bonuses and target setting in budget-based incentive contracts. Management Accounting Research (June): 45-60.
Archer, S. and D. Otley. 1991. Strategy, structure, planning and control systems and performance evaluation - Rumenco Ltd. Management Accounting Research (December): 263-303.
Arjalies, D. and J. Mundy. 2013. The use of management control systems to manage CSR strategy: A levers of control perspective. Management Accounting Research (December): 284-300.
Armstrong, P. 1990. The Bromwich and Bhimani report - A Layperson's reaction. Management Accounting Research (June): 146-150.
Armstrong, P. and C. Jones. 1992. The decline of operational expertise in the knowledge-base of management accounting: An examination of some post-war trends in the qualifying requirements of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Management Accounting Research (March): 53-75.
Armstrong, P., P. Marginson, P. Edwards and J. Purcell. 1996. Budgetary control and the labour force: Findings from a survey of large British companies. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-23.
Arnaboldi, M. and T. Palermo. 2011. Translating ambiguous reforms: Doing better next time? Management Accounting Research (March): 6-15. "This paper investigates the translation of a key management accounting concern - performance based appraisal and reward systems - in three central government organisations.").
Arwidi, O. and L. A. Samuelson. 1993. The development of budgetary control in Sweden - A research note. Management Accounting Research (June): 93-107.
Ashraf, J. and S. Uddin. 2015. Military, 'managers' and hegemonies of management accounting controls: A critical realist interpretation. Management Accounting Research (December): 13-26.
Auzair, S. M. and K. Langfield-Smith. 2005. The effect of service process type, business strategy and life cycle stage on bureaucratic MCS in service organizations. Management Accounting Research (December): 399-421.
Awasthi, V. N., C. W. Chow and A. Wu. 1998. Performance measure and resource expenditure choices in a teamwork environment: The effects of national culture. Management Accounting Research (June): 119-138.
Ax, C. and J. Greve. 2017. Adoption of management accounting innovations: Organizational culture compatibility and perceived outcomes. Management Accounting Research (March): 59-74.
Ax, C. and T. Bjornenak. 2005. Bundling and diffusion of management accounting innovations - The case of the balanced scorecard in Sweden. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-20.
Baird, K. M., G. L. Harrison and R. C. Reeve. 2004. Adoption of activity management practices: A note on the extent of adoption and the influence of organizational and cultural factors. Management Accounting Research (December): 383-399.
Baldvinsdottir, G., F. Mitchell and H. Nørreklit. 2010. Issues in the relationship between theory and practice in management accounting. Management Accounting Research (June): 79-82.
Ballantine, J., S. Brignall and S. Modell. 1998. Performance measurement and management in public health services: A comparison of U.K. and Swedish practice. Management Accounting Research (March): 71-94.
Banker, R., S. Lee and H. Park. 2023. Organizational constraints and outsourcing under demand uncertainty: Evidence from the Brazilian electricity distribution industry. Management Accounting Research (September): 100838.
Banyard, C. 1993. Observations upon reading: 'The decline of operational expertise in the knowledge base of management accounting'. Management Accounting Research (March): 63-66.
Barr-Pulliam, D. 2019. The effect of continuous auditing and role duality on the incidence and likelihood of reporting management opportunism. Management Accounting Research (September): 44-56.
Barretta, A. and C. Busco. 2011. Technologies of government in public sector's networks: In search of cooperation through management control innovations. Management Accounting Research (December): 211-219.
Batac, J. and D. Carassus. 2009. Interactions between control and organizational learning in the case of a municipality: A comparative study with Kloot (1997). Management Accounting Research (June): 102-116.
Baxter, J. 2004. Professor Bill Birkett (1940-2004). Management Accounting Research (December): 381-382.
Baxter, J. and W. F. Chua. 2006. A management accountant from "down under": The research of Professor Bill Birkett (1940-2004). Management Accounting Research (March): 1-10.
Baxter, J. and W. F. Chua. 2008. Be(com)ing the chief financial officer of an organisation: Experimenting with Bourdieu's practice theory. Management Accounting Research (September): 212-230.
Bebbington, J. and I. Thomson. 2013. Sustainable development, management and accounting: Boundary crossing. Management Accounting Research (December): 277-283.
Bedford, D. S. 2015. Management control systems across different modes of innovation: Implications for firm performance. Management Accounting Research (September): 12-30.
Bedford, D. S. and T. Malmi. 2015. Configurations of control: An exploratory analysis. Management Accounting Research (June): 2-26.
Bedford, D. S., J. Bisbe and B. Sweeney. 2022. The joint effects of performance measurement system design and TMT cognitive conflict on innovation ambidexterity. Management Accounting Research (December): 100805.
Belkaoui, A. 1990. The effects of goal setting and task uncertainty on task outcomes. Management Accounting Research (June): 91-100.
Berry, A., E. Loughton and D. Otley. 1991. Control in a financial services company (RIF): A case study. Management Accounting Research (June): 109-139.
Beusch, P., J. E. Frisk, M. Rosen and W. Dilla. 2022. Management control for sustainability: Towards integrated systems. Management Accounting Research (March): 100777.
Bhimani, A. 2009. Risk management, corporate governance and management accounting: Emerging interdependencies. Management Accounting Research (March): 2-5.
Bhimani, A. and D. Pigott. 1992. Implementing ABC: A case study of organizational and behavioural consequences. Management Accounting Research (June): 119-132.
Bhimani, A. and H. Roberts. 2004. Management accounting and knowledge management: In search of intelligibility. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-4.
Bhimani, A. and K. Langfield-Smith. 2007. Structure, formality and the importance of financial and non-financial information in strategy development and implementation. Management Accounting Research (March): 3-31.
Bialecki, M., S. O'Leary and D. Smith. 2017. Judgement devices and the evaluation of singularities: The use of performance ratings and narrative information to guide firm viewer choice. Management Accounting Research (June): 56-65.
Birkett, W. P. 1998. Management accounting in Europe: A view from down-under. Management Accounting Research (December): 485-494.
Bisbe, J. and P. Sivabalan. 2017. Management control and trust in virtual settings: A case study of a virtual new product development team. Management Accounting Research (December): 12-29.
Bisbe, J. and R. Malagueno. 2012. Using strategic performance measurement systems for strategy formulation: Does it work in dynamic environments? Management Accounting Research (December): 296-311.
Bjornenak, T. 1997. Conventional wisdom and costing practices. Management Accounting Research (December): 367-382.
Bjornenak, T. 1997. Diffusion and accounting: The case of ABC in Norway. Management Accounting Research (March): 3-17.
Bjornenak, T. 2000. Understanding cost differences in the public sector - A cost drivers approach. Management Accounting Research (June): 193-211.
Bjornenak, T. and O. Olson. 1999. Unbundling management accounting innovations. Management Accounting Research (December): 325-338.
Blay, A., J. Douthit and B. Fulmer. 2019. Why don't people lie? Negative affect intensity and preferences for honesty in budgetary reporting. Management Accounting Research (March): 56-65.
Boons, A. A. M., H. J. E. Roberts and F. A. Roozen. 1992. Contrasting activity-based costing with the German/Dutch cost pool method. Management Accounting Research (June): 97-117.
Bourguignon, A., V. Malleret and H. Norreklit. 2004. The American balanced scorecard versus the French tableau de bord: The ideological dimension. Management Accounting Research (June): 107-134.
Bourmistrov, A. and K. Kaarboe. 2013. From comfort to stretch zones: A field study of two multinational companies applying "beyond budgeting" ideas. Management Accounting Research (September): 196-211.
Bourne, M., S. A. Melnyk, U. Bititci, K. Platts and B. Andersen. 2014. Emerging issues in performance measurement. Management Accounting Research (June): 117-118.
Bouten, L. and S. Hoozee. 2013. On the interplay between environmental reporting and management accounting change. Management Accounting Research (December): 333-348.
Bouwens, J. and P. Kroos. 2019. The effect of delegation of decision rights and control: The case of lending decisions for small firms. Management Accounting Research (June): 29-44.
Boyns, T. and J. R. Edwards. 1997. Cost and management accounting in early Victorian Britain: A Chandleresque analysis? Management Accounting Research (March): 19-46.
Boyns, T., J. R. Edwards and C. Emmanuel. 1999. A longitudinal study of the determinants of transfer pricing change. Management Accounting Research (June): 85-108.
Brewer, P. C. 1998. National culture and activity-based costing systems: A note. Management Accounting Research (June): 241-260.
Bright, J., R. E. Davies, C. A. Downes and R. C. Sweeting. 1992. The deployment of costing techniques and practices: A UK study. Management Accounting Research (September): 201-211.
Brignall, S. 1997. A contingent rationale for cost system design in services. Management Accounting Research (September): 325-346.
Brignall, S. and J. Ballantine. 2004. Strategic enterprise management systems: New directions for research. Management Accounting Research (June): 225-240.
Brignall, S. and S. Modell. 2000. An institutional perspective on performance measurement and management in the 'new public sector'. Management Accounting Research (September): 281-306.
Brignall, T. J., L. Fitzgerald, R. Johnston and R. Silvestro. 1991. Product costing in service organizations. Management Accounting Research (December): 227-248.
Brink, A. G., A. Gouldman, J. M. Rose and K. Rotaru. 2020. Effects of superiors' compensation structure on psychophysiological responses and real earnings management decisions of subordinate managers. Management Accounting Research (September): 100691.
Broadbent, J. and R. Laughlin. 2009. Performance management systems: A conceptual model. Management Accounting Research (December): 283-295.
Broadbent, J., K. Jacobs and R. Laughlin. 1999. Comparing schools in the U.K. and New Zealand: Individualizing and socializing accountabilities and some implications for management control. Management Accounting Research (December): 339-361.
Bromwich, M. 1995. Editorial. Management Accounting Research (September): 239-240.
Bromwich, M. 2014. Goodbye, It has been good to know you. Management Accounting Research (March): 2-5.
Bromwich, M. and C. Hong. 1999. Activity-based costing systems and incremental costs. Management Accounting Research (March): 39-60.
Bromwich, M. and C. Hong. 2000. Costs and regulation in the U.K. telecommunications industry. Management Accounting Research (March): 137-165.
Bromwich, M. and M. Walker. 1998. Residual income past and future. Management Accounting Research (December): 391-419.
Bromwich, M. and R. W. Scapens. 2016. Management Accounting Research: 25 years on. Management Accounting Research (June): 1-9.
Bromwich, M., R. M. Scapens and R. Dixon. 1990. Editorial Statement. Management Accounting Research (March): 1.
Brown, R. and S. Brignall. 2007. Reflections on the use of a dual-methodology research design to evaluate accounting and management practice in UK university central administrative services. Management Accounting Research (March): 32-48.
Bruggeman, W. and R. Slagmulder. 1995. The impact of technological change on management accounting. Management Accounting Research (September): 241-252.
Bruggeman, W. and R. Slagmulder. 1997. Seminar update. Management Accounting Research (March): 141-142.
Bruining, H., M. Bonnet and M. Wright. 2004. Management control systems and strategy change in buyouts. Management Accounting Research (June): 155-177.
Brunsson, N. 1994. Politicization and 'company-ization' - On institutional affiliation and confusion in the organizational world. Management Accounting Research (September): 323-335.
Brunsson, N., I. Lapsley and P. Miller. 1998. Constructing health care accountants: Melding calculation and care. Management Accounting Research (March): 31-35.
Budde, J. 1999. Variance analysis as an incentive device when payments are based on rank order. Management Accounting Research (March): 5-19.
Budde, J. 2009. Variance analysis and linear contracts in agencies with distorted performance measures. Management Accounting Research (September): 166-176.
Budde, J. 2023. The interaction of subjective and objective performance information in fixed payment schemes. Management Accounting Research (December): 100853.
Budding, G. T. 2004. Accountability, environmental uncertainty and government performance: Evidence from Dutch municipalities. Management Accounting Research (September): 285-304.
Bunce, P., R. Fraser and L. Woodcock. 1995. Advanced budgeting: A journey to advanced management systems. Management Accounting Research (September): 253-265.
Burkert, M. and R. Lueg. 2013. Differences in the sophistication of value-based management - The role of top executives. Management Accounting Research (March): 3-22.
Burkert, M., A. Davila, K. Mehta and D. Oyon. 2014. Relating alternative forms of contingency fit to the appropriate methods to test them. Management Accounting Research (March): 6-29.
Burkert, M., F. M. Fischer and U. Schäffer. 2011. Application of the controllability principle and managerial performance: The role of role perceptions. Management Accounting Research (September): 143-159.
Burns, J. and J. Vaivio. 2001. Management accounting change. Management Accounting Research (December): 389-402.
Burns, J. and R. W. Scapens. 2000. Conceptualizing management accounting change: An institutional framework. Management Accounting Research (March): 3-25.
Burrows, G., C. A. Brown, T. W. Thom, J. M. C. King and J. Fearson. 2001. Real-time cost management of aircraft operations. Management Accounting Research (September): 281-298.
Bursal, N. I. 1992. German cost accounting education and the changing manufacturing environment. Management Accounting Research (March): 39-51.
Busby, J. S. and C. G. C. Pitts. 1997. Real options in practice: An exploratory survey of how finance officers deal with flexibility in capital appraisal. Management Accounting Research (June): 169-186.
Busco, C., A. Riccaboni and R. W. Scapens. 2006. Trust accounting and accounting for trust. Management Accounting Research (March): 11-41.
Busco, C. and P. Quattrone. 2018. In search of the "perfect one": How accounting as a maieutic machine sustains inventions through generative 'in-tensions'. Management Accounting Research (June): 1-16.
Busco, C., E. Giovannoni and R. W. Scapens. 2008. Managing the tensions in integrating global organisations: The role of performance management systems. Management Accounting Research (June): 103-125.
Busco, C., P. Quattrone and A. Riccaboni. 2007. Management accounting: Issues in interpreting its nature and change. Management Accounting Research (June): 125-149.
Caglio, A. and A. Ditillo. 2012. Opening the black box of management accounting information exchanges in buyer-supplier relationships. Management Accounting Research (June): 61-78.
Caker, M. 2008. Intertwined coordination mechanisms in interorganizational relationships with dominated suppliers. Management Accounting Research (September): 231-251.
Cäker, M. and S. Siverbo. 2011. Management control in public sector joint ventures. Management Accounting Research (December): 330-348.
Caldarelli, A., C. Fiondella, M Maffei and C. Zagaria. 2016. Managing risk in credit cooperative banks: Lessons from a case study. Management Accounting Research (September): 1-15.
Calleja, K., M. Steliaros and D. C. Thomas. 2006. A note on cost stickiness: Some international comparisons. Management Accounting Research (June): 127-140.
Cannon, J. N. and T. A. Thornock. 2019. How do managers react to a peer's situation? The influence of environmental similarity on budgetary reporting. Management Accounting Research (September): 12-25.
Carlin, T. M. 2004. Output-based management and the management of performance: Insights from the Victorian experience. Management Accounting Research (September): 267-283.
Carlsson-Wall, M., K. Kraus and J. Lind. 2011. The interdependencies of intra- and inter-organisational controls and work practices - The case of domestic care of the elderly. Management Accounting Research (December): 313-329.
Carlsson-Wall, M., K. Kraus and L. Karlsson. 2017. Managing control in pulsating organisations - A multiple case study of popular culture events. Management Accounting Research (June): 20-34.
Carlsson-Wall, M., K. Kraus and M. Messner. 2016. Performance measurement systems and the enactment of different institutional logics: Insights from a football organization. Management Accounting Research (September): 45-61.
Carmona, S. 1995. Obituary: Angel Saez-Torrecilla. Management Accounting Research (December): 305-306.
Carr, C. and C. Tomkins. 1996. Strategic investment decisions: The importance of SCM. A comparative analysis of 51 case studies in U.K., U.S. and German companies. Management Accounting Research (June): 199-217.
Carr, C. and C. Tomkins. 1998. Context, culture and the role of the finance function in strategic decisions: A comparative analysis of Britain, Germany, the U.S.A. and Japan. Management Accounting Research (June): 213-239.
Carr, C. and J. Ng. 1995. Total cost control: Nissan and its U.K. supplier partnerships. Management Accounting Research (December): 347-365.
Carr, C., C. Tomkins and B. Bayliss. 1991. Strategic controllership - A case study approach. Management Accounting Research (June): 89-107.
Carr, C., K. Kolehmainen and F. Mitchell. 2010. Strategic investment decision making practices: A contextual approach. Management Accounting Research (September): 167-184.
Carr, S., Y. T. Mak and J. E. Needham. 1997. Differences in strategy, quality management practices and performance reporting systems between ISO accredited and non-ISO accredited companies. Management Accounting Research (December): 383-403.
Carroll, E. and D. Marginson. 2021. Relative performance information and social comparisons: Exploring managers' cognitive, emotional and dysfunctional behavior processes. Management Accounting Research (November): 100768.
Carwin, D. and M. J. Bouwman. 2002. The association between activity-based costing and improvement in financial performance. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-39.
Chan, C. W. 1998. Transfer pricing negotiation outcomes and the impact of negotiator mixed-motives and culture: Empirical evidence from the U.S. and Australia. Management Accounting Research (June): 139-161.
Chanegrih, T. 2008. Applying a typology of management accounting change: A research note. Management Accounting Research (September): 278-285.
Chang, L. and B. Birkett. 2004. Managing intellectual capital in a professional service firm: Exploring the creativity-productivity paradox. Management Accounting Research (March): 7-31.
Chapman, C., W. F. Chua and T. Fiedler. 2021. Seduction as control: Gamification at Foursquare. Management Accounting Research (November): 100765.
Chen, C. X., M. Martin and K. A. Merchant. 2014. The effect of measurement timing on the information content of customer satisfaction measures. Management Accounting Research (September): 187-205.
Chen, J., W. Liao, T. W. Lin. 2022. Can non-audit services from shared auditors in the supply chain mitigate the impact of the bullwhip effect on investment efficiency? Management Accounting Research (December): 100816.
Cheng, M. M. and R. Coyte. 2014. The effects of incentive subjectivity and strategy communication on knowledge-sharing and extra-role behaviours. Management Accounting Research (June): 119-130.
Chenhall, R. and K. Langfield-Smith. 1998. Factors influencing the role of management accounting in the development of performance measures within organizational change programs. Management Accounting Research (December): 361-386.
Chenhall, R. H. 1997. Reliance on manufacturing performance measures, total quality management and organizational performance. Management Accounting Research (June): 187-206.
Chenhall, R. H. and K. Langfield-Smith. 1998. Adoption and benefits of management accounting practices: An Australian study. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-19.
Chiwamit, P., S. Modell and R. W. Scapens. 2017. Regulation and adaption of management accounting innovations: The case of economic value added in Thai state-owned enterprises. Management Accounting Research (December): 30-48.
Choi, Y., M. Kim, H. Jung and H. Cho. 2021. Bargaining power and budget ratcheting: Evidence from South Korean local governments. Management Accounting Research (November): 100767.
Chong, K. M. and H. Mahama. 2014. The impact of interactive and diagnostic uses of budgets on team effectiveness. Management Accounting Research (September): 206-222.
Chong, V. K. and I. R. C. Eggleton. 2007. The impact of reliance on incentive-based compensation schemes, information asymmetry and organisational commitment on managerial performance. Management Accounting Research (September): 312-342.
Chong, V. K., C. Y. Loy, S. Masschelein and D. R. Woodliff. 2018. The effect of performance evaluation schemes on predicted transfer prices: Do leadership tone and perceived fairness concerns matter? Management Accounting Research (December): 11-19.
Choudhury, N. 1990. Is cost allocation just? Management Accounting Research (September): 217-232.
Chow, C. W., P. Harrison, T. Lindquist and A. Wu. 1997. Escalating commitment to unprofitable projects: Replication and cross-cultural extension. Management Accounting Research (September): 347-361.
Christensen, J. and A. W. Stark. 1999. Editorial: Economics and management accounting. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-3.
Christensen, J. and A. Wagenhofer. 1997. Editorial: Special section: German cost accounting. Management Accounting Research (September): 255-259.
Christensen, J. and J. S. Demski. 1995. The classical foundation of 'modern' costing. Management Accounting Research (March): 13-32.
Christensen, M., P. Skaerbaek and K. Tryggestad. 2019. Contested organizational change and accounting in trails of incompatibility. Management Accounting Research (December): 100641. 2020. Erratum to "Contested organizational change and accounting in trials of incompatibility" Res. 45 (2019) 100641. Management Accounting Research (June): 100693.
Christiansen, J. K. and P. Skaerbaek. 1997. Implementing budgetary control in the performance arts: Games in the organizational theatre. Management Accounting Research (December): 405-438.
Christner, C. H. and T. Stromsten. 2015. Scientists, venture capitalists and the stock exchange: The mediating role of accounting in product innovation. Management Accounting Research (September): 50-67.
Clarke, P. and I. Lapsley. 2004. Management accounting in the new public sector. Management Accounting Research (September): 243-245.
Cleaver, K. C. and E. A. Evans. 1991. Diverging views on the boundaries of management accounting: A growth of knowledge perspective. Management Accounting Research (March): 47-52.
Coad, A. 1996. Smart work and hard work: Explicating a learning orientation in strategic management accounting. Management Accounting Research (December): 387-408.
Coad, A. F. 1999. Some survey evidence on the learning and performance orientations of management accountants. Management Accounting Research (June): 109-135.
Coad, A. F. and I. P. Herbert. 2009. Back to the future: New potential for structuration theory in management accounting research? Management Accounting Research (September): 177-192.
Coad, A. F. and J. Cullen. 2006. Inter-organisational cost management: Towards an evolutionary perspective. Management Accounting Research (December): 342-369.
Coates, J., T. Davis and R. Stacey. 1995. Performance measurement systems, incentive reward schemes and short-termism in multinational companies: A note. Management Accounting Research (June): 125-135.
Coates, J. B., E. W. Davis, C. R. Emmanuel, S. G. Longden and R. J. Stacey. 1992. Multinational companies performance measurement systems: International perspectives. Management Accounting Research (June): 133-150.
Cobb, I., C. Helliar and J. Innes. 1995. Management accounting change in a bank. Management Accounting Research (June): 155-175.
Cohen, S. I., M. P. Loeb and A. W. Stark. 1992. Separating controllable performance from non-controllable performance: The case of optimal procurement contracting. Management Accounting Research (December): 291-306.
Collier, P. and A. Gregory. 1995. Investment appraisal in service industries: A field study analysis of the U.K. hotels sector. Management Accounting Research (March): 33-57.
Collier, P. M. 2001. The power of accounting: A field study of local financial management in a police force. Management Accounting Research (December): 465-486.
Collier, P. M. 2005. Entrepreneurial control and the construction of a relevant accounting. Management Accounting Research (September): 321-339.
Collier, P. M. and A. J. Berry. 2002. Risk in the process of budgeting. Management Accounting Research (September): 273-297.
Conrad, L. and P. G. Uslu. 2011. Investigation of the impact of 'payment by results' on performance measurement and management in NHS trusts. Management Accounting Research (March): 46-55.
Contrafatto, M. and J. Burns. 2013. Social and environmental accounting, organisational change and management accounting: A processual view. Management Accounting Research (December): 349-365.
Cooper, R. 1996. Costing techniques to support corporate strategy: Evidence from Japan. Management Accounting Research (June): 219-246.
Cotton, W. D. J., S. M. Jackman and R. A. Brown. 2003. Note on a New Zealand replication of the Innes et at. UK activity-based costing survey. Management Accounting Research (March): 67-72.
Cowton, C. J. and S. Dopson. 2002. Foucault's prison? Management control in an automotive distributor. Management Accounting Research (June): 191-213.
Cuganesan, S. and R. Lee. 2006. Intra-organisational influences in procurement networks controls: The impacts of information technology. Management Accounting Research (June): 141-170.
Cuganesan, S., R. Dunford and I. Palmer. 2012. Strategic management accounting and strategy practices within a public sector agency. Management Accounting Research (December): 245-260.
Cuguero-Escofet, N. and J. M. Rosanas. 2013. The just design and use of management control systems as requirements for goal congruence. Management Accounting Research (March): 23-40.
Cullen, J., M. Tsamenyi, M. Bernon and J. Gorst. 2013. Reverse logistics in the UK retail sector: A case study of the role of management accounting in driving organisational change. Management Accounting Research (September): 212-227.
Dai, N. T., C. Free and Y. Gendron. 2019. Interview-based research in accounting 2000-2014: Informal norms, translation and vibrancy. Management Accounting Research (March): 26-38.
Dai, N. T., Z S. Tan, G. Tang and J. Z. Xiao. 2017. IPOs, institutional complexity, and management accounting in hybrid organisations: A field study in a state-owned enterprise in China. Management Accounting Research (September): 2-23.
Dambrin, C. and C. Lambert. 2017. Beauty or not beauty: Making up the producer of popular culture. Management Accounting Research (June): 35-46.
Dambrin, C., C. Lambert and S. Sponem. 2007. Control and change - Analysing the process of institutionalisation. Management Accounting Research (June): 172-208.
Daniel, S. J., W. D. Reitsperger and T. Gregson. 1995. Quality consciousness in Japanese and U.S. electronics manufacturers: An examination of the impact of quality strategy and management control systems on perceptions of the importance of quality to expected management rewards. Management Accounting Research (December): 367-382.
Daowadueng, P., S. Hoozee, A. Jorissen and S. Maussen. 2023. Do costing system design choices mediate the link between strategic orientation and cost information usage for decision making and control? Management Accounting Research (December): 100854.
Davis, S. and T. Albright. 2004. An investigation of the effect of balanced scorecard implementation on financial performance. Management Accounting Research (June): 135-153.
De Baerdemaeker, J. and W. Bruggeman. 2015. The impact of participation in strategic planning on managers' creation of budgetary slack: The mediating role of autonomous motivation and affective organisational commitment. Management Accounting Research (December): 1-12.
De Haas, M. and A. Kleingeld. 1999. Multilevel design of performance measurement systems: Enhancing strategic dialogue throughout the organization. Management Accounting Research (September): 233-261.
De Haas, M. and J. A. Algera. 2002. Demonstrating the effect of the strategic dialogue: Participation in designing the management control system. Management Accounting Research (March): 41-69.
De Harlez, Y. and R. Malagueno. 2016. Examining the joint effects of strategic priorities, use of management control systems, and personal background on hospital performance. Management Accounting Research (March): 2-17.
De Loo, I. 2012. Author-itative interpretation in understanding accounting practice through case research. Management Accounting Research (March): 3-16.
Dekker, H. C. 2003. Value chain analysis in interfirm relationships: A field study. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-23.
Dekker, H. C. 2016. On the boundaries between intrafirm and interfirm management accounting research. Management Accounting Research (June): 86-99.
Dekker, H. C., J. Sakaguchi and T. Kawai. 2013. Beyond the contract: Managing risk in supply chain relations. Management Accounting Research (June): 122-139.
Dekker, H. C., T. Kawai and J. Sakaguchi. 2018. Contracting abroad: A comparative analysis of contract design in host and home country outsourcing relations. Management Accounting Research (September): 47-61.
Demere, B. W., R. Krishnan, K. L. Sedatole and A. Woods. 2016. Do the incentive effects of relative performance measurement vary with the ex ante probability of promotion? Management Accounting Research (March): 18-31.
Demski, J. S. and D. E. M. Sappington. 1999. Summarization with errors: A perspective on empirical investigations of agency relationships. Management Accounting Research (March): 21-37.
Denker, U., S. Schwartz, C. Ward and R. Young. 2014. Voluntary disclosure in a bargaining setting: A research note. Management Accounting Research (September): 223-229.
Dent, J. F. 1996. Global competition: Challenges for management accounting and control. Management Accounting Research (June): 247-269.
Derchi, G., A. Davila and D. Oyon. 2023. Green incentives for environmental goals. Management Accounting Research (June): 100830.
Deville, A. 2009. Branch banking network assessment using DEA: A benchmarking analysis - A note. Management Accounting Research (December): 252-261.
Deville, A., G. D. Ferrier and H. Leleu. 2014. Measuring the performance of hierarchical organizations: An application to bank efficiency at the regional and branch levels. Management Accounting Research (March): 30-44.
Dierynck, B. and A. Verriest. 2020. Financial reporting quality and peer group selection. Management Accounting Research (June): 100675.
Dierynck, B. and V. van Pelt. 2021. The sorting benefits of discretionary adjustments to performance-based pay. Management Accounting Research (September): 100755.
Dietrich, M. 2001. Accounting for the economics of the firm. Management Accounting Research (March): 3-20.
Ding, R., H. C. Dekker and T. Groot. 2013. Risk, partner selection and contractual control in interfirm relationships. Management Accounting Research (June): 140-155.
Dobbs, I. M. 2009. How bad can short termism be? - A study of the consequences of high hurdle discount rates and low payback thresholds. Management Accounting Research (June): 117-128.
Donada, C. and G. Nogatchewsky. 2006. Vassal or lord buyers: How to exert management control in asymmetric interfirm transactional relationships? Management Accounting Research (September): 259-287.
Dossi, A. and L. Patelli. 2008. The decision-influencing use of performance measurement systems in relationships between headquarters and subsidiaries. Management Accounting Research (June): 126-148.
Dotan, A. and M. I. Henig. 1993. The value of multiple testing in cost variance investigation. Management Accounting Research (September): 217-229.
Drury, C. and M. Tayles. 1995. Issues arising from surveys of management accounting practice. Management Accounting Research (September): 267-280.
Dugdale, D. and T. C. Jones. 1997. How many companies use ABC for stock valuation? A comment on Innes and Mitchell's questionnaire findings. Management Accounting Research (June): 233-240.
Dunk, A. S. 2004. Product life cycle cost analysis: The impact of customer profiling, competitive advantage, and quality of IS information. Management Accounting Research (December): 401-414.
Dworkis, K. K. and L. Patelli. 2022. Asymmetric responses to multidimensional performance evaluation systems: The role of non-pathological narcissism. Management Accounting Research (December): 100806.
Editor-in-Chief of Management Accounting Research. 2020. Announcement: David Solomons Prize. Aranda, C., J. Arellano and A. Davila. 2019. Subjective bonuses and target setting in budget-based incentive contracts. (June): 45-60. Management Accounting Research (September): 100694.
Edwards, J. R. and T. Boyns. 1992. Industrial organization and accounting innovation: Charcoal ironmaking in England 1690-1783. Management Accounting Research (June): 151-169.
Edwards, J. R., T. Boyns and M. Matthews. 2003. Costing, pricing and politics in the British steel industry, 1918-1967. Management Accounting Research (March): 25-49.
Edwards, K. A. and C. R. Emmanuel. 1990. Diverging views on the boundaries of management accounting. Management Accounting Research (March): 51-63.
Egginton, D. 1995. Divisional performance measurement: Residual income and the asset base. Management Accounting Research (September): 201-222.
Elad, C. 2000. Integrated accounting a la francaise: The perspective of the Systeme Croise. Management Accounting Research (September): 307-326. (Elad describes the conflict between managerial accounting and financial accounting in France).
Ellwood, S. 1996. Full-cost pricing rules within the National Health Service internal market-accounting choices and the achievement of productive efficiency. Management Accounting Research (March): 25-51.
Emsley, D. 2001. Redesigning variance analysis for problem solving. Management Accounting Research (March): 21-40. (Includes a case study and theory development).
Emsley, D. 2005. Restructuring the management accounting function: A note on the effect of role involvement on innovativeness. Management Accounting Research (June): 157-177.
Englund, H. and J. Gerdin. 2008. Transferring knowledge across sub-genres of the ABC implementation literature. Management Accounting Research (June): 149-162.
Englund, H. and J. Gerdin. 2018. Management accounting and the paradox of embedded agency: A framework for analyzing sources of structural change. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-11.
Essa, S. A. G., H. C. Dekker and T. L. C. M. Groot. 2018. Your gain my pain? The effects of accounting information in uncertain negotiations. Management Accounting Research (December): 20-42.
Euske, K. J., M. J. Lebas and C. J. McNair. 1993. Performance management in an international setting. Management Accounting Research (December): 275-299.
Ezzamel, M. 1990. The impact of environmental uncertainty, managerial autonomy and size on budget characteristics. Management Accounting Research (September): 181-197.
Ezzamel, M. 1994. The emergence of the 'accountant' in the institutions of Ancient Egypt. Management Accounting Research (September): 221-246.
Ezzamel, M., K. Robson, P. Stapleton and C. McLean. 2007. Discourse and institutional change: 'Giving accounts' and accountability. Management Accounting Research (June): 150-171.
Fehrenbacher, D. D., A. K. D. Schulz and K. Rotaru. 2018. The moderating role of decision mode in subjective performance evaluation. Management Accounting Research (December): 1-10.
Fehrenbacher, D. D., S. E. Kaplan and B. Pedell. 2017. The relation between individual characteristics and compensation contract selection. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-18.
Fehrenbacher, D. D., S. E. Kaplan and C. Moulang. 2020. The role of accountability in reducing the impact of affective reactions on capital budgeting decisions. Management Accounting Research (June): 100650.
Ferreira, A. and D. Otley. 2009. The design and use of performance management systems: An extended framework for analysis. Management Accounting Research (December): 263-282. (Summary).
Figge, F. and T. Hahn. 2013. Value drivers of corporate eco-efficiency: Management accounting information for the efficient use of environmental resources. Management Accounting Research (December): 387-400.
Firk, S., S. Schrapp and M. Wolff. 2016. Drivers of value creation - The role of value-based management and underlying institutions. Management Accounting Research (December): 42-60.
Firk, S., S. Richter and M. Wolff. 2021. Does value-based management facilitate managerial decision-making: An analysis of divestiture decisions. Management Accounting Research (June): 100736.
Firk, S., T. Schmidt and M. Wolff. 2019. CFO emphasis on value-based management: Performance implications and the challenge of CFO succession. Management Accounting Research (September): 26-43.
Fjell, K. and O. Foros. 2008. Access regulation and strategic transfer pricing. Management Accounting Research (March): 18-31.
Fourne, S. P. L., D. Guessow, M. Margolin and U. Schaffer. 2023. Controllers and strategic decision-making: The role of cognitive flexibility in controller-manager collaboration. Management Accounting Research (September): 100840.
Franco-Santos, M., L. Lucianetti and M. Bourne. 2012. Contemporary performance measurement systems: A review of their consequences and a framework for research. Management Accounting Research (June): 79-119.
Frow, N., D. Marginson and S. Ogden. 2005. Encouraging strategic behaviour while maintaining management control: Multi-functional project teams, budgets, and the negotiation of shared accountabilities in contemporary enterprises. Management Accounting Research (September): 269-292.
Gago-Rodriguez, S., G. Marquez-Illescas and M. Nunez-Nickel. 2021. Bargaining power as a moderator of the "delay costs effect" in supply chain negotiations. Management Accounting Research (June): 100737.
Gerdin, J. 2020. Management control as a system: Integrating and extending theorizing on MC complementarity and institutional logics. Management Accounting Research (December): 100716.
Gietzmann, M. 1990. Performance assessment for the English community dental services screening programme. Management Accounting Research (June): 125-137.
Gietzmann, M. 1991. Implementation issues associated with the construction of an activity-based costing system in an engineering components manufacturer. Management Accounting Research (September): 189-199.
Gietzmann, M. B. and A. J. Ostaszewski. 1999. Hedging the purchase of direct inputs in an inflationary environment. Management Accounting Research (March): 61-84.
Gietzmann, M. B. and G. E. Monahan. 1996. Absorption versus direct costing: The relevance of opportunity costs in the management of congested stochastic production systems. Management Accounting Research (December): 409-429.
Gietzmann, M. B. and J. G. Larsen. 1998. Motivating subcontractors to perform development and design tasks. Management Accounting Research (September): 285-309.
Giraud, F., P. Langevin and C. Mendoza. 2008. Justice as a rationale for the controllability principle: A study of manager's opinions. Management Accounting Research (March): 32-44.
Golden, J., R. Mashruwala and M. Pevzner. 2020. Labor adjustment costs and asymmetric cost behavior: An extension. Management Accounting Research (March): 100647.
Gond, J., S. Grubnic, C. Herzig and J. Moon. 2012. Configuring management control systems: Theorizing the integration of strategy and sustainability. Management Accounting Research (September): 205-223.
Gordon, L. A., M. P. Loeb and A. W. Stark. 1990. Capital budgeting and the value of information. Management Accounting Research (March): 21-35.
Goretzki, L., E. Strauss and J. Weber. 2013. An institutional perspective on the changes in management accountants' professional role. Management Accounting Research (March): 41-63.
Gox, R. F. 2000. Strategic transfer pricing, absorption costing, and observability. Management Accounting Research (September): 327-348.
Grafton, J. and J. Mundy. 2017. Relational contracting and the myth of trust: Control in a co-opetitive setting. Management Accounting Research (September): 24-42.
Grafton, J., M. A. Abernethy and A. M. Lillis. 2011. Organisational design choices in response to public sector reforms: A case study of mandated hospital networks. Management Accounting Research (December): 242-268.
Granlund, M. 2001. Towards explaining stability in and around management accounting systems. Management Accounting Research (June): 141-166.
Granlund, M. and J. Taipaleenmaki. 2005. Management control and controllership in new economy firms - A life cycle perspective. Management Accounting Research (March): 21-57.
Granlund, M. and K. Lukka. 1998. Towards increasing business orientation: Finnish management accountants in a changing cultural context. Management Accounting Research (June): 185-211.
Granlund, M. and T. Malmi. 2002. Moderate impact of ERPS on management accounting: A big lag or permanent outcome? Management Accounting Research (September): 299-321.
Greenhalgh, R. W. 2000. Information and transnational SME controller. Management Accounting Research (December): 413-426.
Grinyer, J. R. and N. I. Daing. 1993. The use of abandonment values in capital budgeting - A research note. Management Accounting Research (March): 49-62.
Groen, B. A. C., M. J. F. Wouters and C. P. M. Wilderom. 2012. Why do employees take more initiatives to improve their performance after co-developing performance measures? A field study. Management Accounting Research (June): 120-141.
Groen, B. A. C., M. J. F. Wouters and C. P. M. Wilderom. 2017. Employee participation, performance metrics, and job performance: A survey based on self-determination theory. Management Accounting Research (September): 51-66.
Guenther, T. W. and A. Heinicke. 2019. Relationships among types of use, levels of sophistication, and organizational outcomes of performance measurement systems: The crucial role of design choices. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-25.
Guilding, C. 2003. Hotel owner/operator structures: Implications for capital budgeting process. Management Accounting Research (September): 179-199.
Guilding, C., K. S. Cravens and M. Tayles. 2000. An international comparison of strategic management accounting practices. Management Accounting Research (March): 113-135.
Gulamhussen, M. A. and L. Guerreiro. 2009. The influence of foreign equity and board membership on corporate strategy and internal cost management in Portuguese banks. Management Accounting Research (March): 6-17.
Guo, L., K. Huo and T. Libby. 2022. Cooperate or compete? The impact of vertical wage dispersion on employees' behavior in tournaments. Management Accounting Research (March): 100817.
Habran, Y., S. Matsugi and J. Mouritsen. 2021. Mediating relations between financial and operational concerns when structural interdependencies are significant: The development of pseudo micro-profit centres at Kitanihon. Management Accounting Research (November): 100766.
Hadid, W. and M. Al-Sayed. 2021. Management accountants and strategic management accounting: The role of organizational culture and information systems. Management Accounting Research (March): 100725.
Haldma, T. and K. Laats. 2002. Contingencies influencing the management accounting practices of Estonian manufacturing companies. Management Accounting Research (December): 379-400.
Halkos, G. E. and D. S. Salamouris. 2004. Efficiency measurement of the Greek commercial banks with the use of financial ratios: A data envelopment analysis approach. Management Accounting Research (June): 201-224.
Hall, M. 2011. Do comprehensive performance measurement systems help or hinder managers’ mental model development? Management Accounting Research (June): 68-83.
Hall, M. 2016. Realising the richness of psychology theory in contingency-based management accounting research. Management Accounting Research (June): 63-74.
Hall, M., A. Mikes and Y. Millo. 2015. How do risk managers become influential? A field study of toolmaking in two financial institutions. Management Accounting Research (March): 3-22.
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Hansen, A. 2010. Nonfinancial performance measures, externalities and target setting: A comparative case study of resolutions through planning. Management Accounting Research (March): 17-39.
Hansen, S. C. and W. A. Van der Stede. 2004. Multiple facets of budgeting: An exploratory analysis. Management Accounting Research (December): 415-439.
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Hartlieb, S., T. R. Loy and B. Eierle. 2020. Does community social capital affect asymmetric cost behaviour? Management Accounting Research (March): 100640.
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Harwood, G. B., J. L. Pate and A. Schneider. 1991. Budgeting decisions as a function of framing: An application of prospect theory's reflection effect. Management Accounting Research (September): 161-170.
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Hecht, G., A. H. Newman and I. D. Tafkov. 2019. Managers' strategic use of discretion over relative performance information provision and implications for team-members' effort. Management Accounting Research (December): 100638.
Heggen, C. and V. G. Sridharan. 2021. The effects of an enabling approach to eco-control on firms' environmental performance: A research note. Management Accounting Research (March): 100724.
Heinicke, A., T. W. Guenther and S. K. Widener. 2016. An examination of the relationship between the extent of a flexible culture and the levers of control system: The key role of beliefs control. Management Accounting Research (December): 25-41.
Heninger, W. G., S. D. Smith and D. A. Wood. 2019. Reward type and performance: An examination of organizational wellness programs. Management Accounting Research (September): 1-11.
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Hirsch, B., B. E. Reichert and M. Sohn. 2017. The impact of clawback provisions on information processing and investment behaviour. Management Accounting Research (December): 1-11.
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Hoozée, S. and W. Bruggeman. 2010. Identifying operational improvements during the design process of a time-driven ABC system: The role of collective worker participation and leadership style. Management Accounting Research (September): 185-198.
Hopper, T. and B. Bui. 2016. Has Management Accounting Research been critical? Management Accounting Research (June): 10-30.
Hopper, T. and N. Macintosh. 1993. Management accounting as disciplinary practice: The case of ITT under Harold Geneen. Management Accounting Research (September): 181-216.
Hopper, T., L. Kirkham, R. W. Scapens and S. Turley. 1992. Does financial accounting dominate management accounting - A research note. Management Accounting Research (December): 307-311.
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Horton, K. E., C. D. A. Wanderley. 2018. Identity conflict and the paradox of embedded agency in the management accounting profession: Adding a new piece to the theoretical jigsaw. Management Accounting Research (March): 39-50.
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Hyndman, N. and C. Connolly. 2011. Accruals accounting in the public sector: A road not always taken. Management Accounting Research (March): 36-45.
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Innes, J. and F. Mitchell. 1990. The process of change in management accounting: Some field study evidence. Management Accounting Research (March): 3-19.
Innes, J. and F. Mitchell. 1995. A survey of activity-based costing in the U.K.'s largest companies. Management Accounting Research (June): 137-153.
Innes, J. and F. Mitchell. 1997. Survey research on activity-based costing: A reply to Dugdale and Jones. Management Accounting Research (June): 241-249.
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Jacobs, K. 1995. Budgets: A medium of organizational transformation. Management Accounting Research (March): 59-75.
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Jacobs, K., G. Marcon and D. Witt. 2004. Cost performance information for doctors: An international comparison. Management Accounting Research (September): 337-354.
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Jaecle, I. 2017. The popular pursuit of DIY: Exploring the role of calculative technologies in an actor network. Management Accounting Research (June): 99-109.
Janin, F. 2017. When being a partner means more: The external role of football club management accountants. Management Accounting Research (June): 5-19.
Janke, R., M. D. Mahlendorf and J. Weber. 2014. An exploratory study of the reciprocal relationship between interactive use of management control systems and perception of negative external crisis effects. Management Accounting Research (December): 251-270.
Jansen, E. P. 2011. The effect of leadership style on the information receivers’ reaction to management accounting change. Management Accounting Research (June): 105-124.
Jansen, E. P. 2015. Participation, accounting and learning how to implement a new vision. Management Accounting Research (December): 45-60.
Jaruga, A. and S. S. M. Ho. 2002. Management accounting in transitional economies. Management Accounting Research (December): 375-378.
Jazayeri, M. and T. Hopper. 1999. Management accounting within world class manufacturing: A case study. Management Accounting Research (September): 263-301.
Jemine, G., F. Puyou and C. Dubois. 2023. The diffusion of management fashions as software in an intermediated market: The case of continuous accounting. Management Accounting Research (December): 100852.
Jermias, J. 2006. The influence of accountability on overconfidence and resistance to change: A research framework and experimental evidence. Management Accounting Research (December): 370-388.
Jermias, J. and L. Gani. 2004. Integrating business strategy, organizational configurations and management accounting systems with business unit effectiveness: A fitness landscape approach. Management Accounting Research (June): 179-200.
Jin, X. and H. Wu. 2021. Economic policy uncertainty and cost stickiness. Management Accounting Research (September): 100750.
Johansson, I. and G. Baldvinsdottir. 2003. Accounting for trust: Some empirical evidence. Management Accounting Research (September): 219-234.
Johansson, T. and S. Siverbo. 2009. Why is research on management accounting change not explicitly evolutionary? Taking the next step in the conceptualisation of management accounting change. Management Accounting Research (June): 146-162.
Johansson, T. and S. Siverbo. 2011. Governing cooperation hazards of outsourced municipal low contractibility transactions: An exploratory configuration approach. Management Accounting Research (December): 292-312.
Johansson, T. and S. Siverbo. 2014. The appropriateness of tight budget control in public sector organizations facing budget turbulence. Management Accounting Research (December): 271-283.
Johsson, S. and R. Solli. 1993. 'Accounting talk' in a caring setting. Management Accounting Research (December): 301-320.
Jones, T. C., W. L. Currie and D. Dugdale. 1993. Accounting and technology in Britain and Japan: Learning from field research. Management Accounting Research (June): 109-137.
Jordan, S., L. Jorgensen and H. Mitterhofer. 2013. Performing risk and the project: Risk maps as mediating instruments. Management Accounting Research (June): 156-174.
Joseph, N., S. Turley, J. Burns, L. Lewis, R. Scapens and A. Southworth. 1996. External financial reporting and management information: A survey of U.K. management accountants. Management Accounting Research (March): 73-93.