Volumes 46-53
Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
Management Accountng
Research 1990-2023 | Journal
Bibliographies Main Page
Ahrens, T., L. Ferry and R. Khalifa. 2020. Governmentality and counter-conduct: A field study of accounting amidst concurrent and competing rationales and programmes. Management Accounting Research (September): 100686.
Akroyd, C. and R. Kober. 2020. Imprinting founders' blueprints on management control systems. Management Accounting Research (March): 100645.
Altenburger, M. 2021. Mood and honesty in budget reporting. Management Accounting Research (March): 100707.
Anderson, S. W., H. C. Dekker, K. L. Sedatole and E. Wiersma. 2020. When one size does not fit all: Using ex post subjective ratings to provide parity in risk-adjusted compensation. Management Accounting Research (December): 100706.
Brink, A. G., A. Gouldman, J. M. Rose and K. Rotaru. 2020. Effects of superiors' compensation structure on psychophysiological responses and real earnings management decisions of subordinate managers. Management Accounting Research (September): 100691.
Carroll, E. and D. Marginson. 2021. Relative performance information and social comparisons: Exploring managers' cognitive, emotional and dysfunctional behavior processes. Management Accounting Research (November): 100768.
Chapman, C., W. F. Chua and T. Fiedler. 2021. Seduction as control: Gamification at Foursquare. Management Accounting Research (November): 100765.
Dierynck, B. and A. Verriest. 2020. Financial reporting quality and peer group selection. Management Accounting Research (June): 100675.
Choi, Y., M. Kim, H. Jung and H. Cho. 2021. Bargaining power and budget ratcheting: Evidence from South Korean local governments. Management Accounting Research (November): 100767.
Dierynck, B. and V. van Pelt. 2021. The sorting benefits of discretionary adjustments to performance-based pay. Management Accounting Research (September): 100755.
Editor-in-Chief of Management Accounting Research. 2020. Announcement: David Solomons Prize. Aranda, C., J. Arellano and A. Davila. 2019. Subjective bonuses and target setting in budget-based incentive contracts. (June): 45-60. Management Accounting Research (September): 100694.
Erratum to "Contested organizational change and accounting in trials of incompatibility" Res. 45 (2019) 100641. Management Accounting Research (June): 100693.
Fehrenbacher, D. D., S. E. Kaplan and C. Moulang. 2020. The role of accountability in reducing the impact of affective reactions on capital budgeting decisions. Management Accounting Research (June): 100650.
Firk, S., S. Richter and M. Wolff. 2021. Does value-based management facilitate managerial decision-making: An analysis of divestiture decisions. Management Accounting Research (June): 100736.
Gago-Rodriguez, S., G. Marquez-Illescas and M. Nunez-Nickel. 2021. Bargaining power as a moderator of the "delay costs effect" in supply chain negotiations. Management Accounting Research (June): 100737.
Gerdin, J. 2020. Management control as a system: Integrating and extending theorizing on MC complementarity and institutional logics. Management Accounting Research (December): 100716.
Golden, J., R. Mashruwala and M. Pevzner. 2020. Labor adjustment costs and asymmetric cost behavior: An extension. Management Accounting Research (March): 100647.
Habran, Y., S. Matsugi and J. Mouritsen. 2021. Mediating relations between financial and operational concerns when structural interdependencies are significant: The development of pseudo micro-profit centres at Kitanihon. Management Accounting Research (November): 100766.
Hadid, W. and M. Al-Sayed. 2021. Management accountants and strategic management accounting: The role of organizational culture and information systems. Management Accounting Research (March): 100725.
Hartlieb, S., T. R. Loy and B. Eierle. 2020. Does community social capital affect asymmetric cost behaviour? Management Accounting Research (March): 100640.
Heggen, C. and V. G. Sridharan. 2021. The effects of an enabling approach to eco-control on firms' environmental performance: A research note. Management Accounting Research (March): 100724.
Holm, M. and C. Ax. 2020. The interactive effect of competition intensity and customer service competition on customer accounting sophistication - Evidence of positive and negative associations. Management Accounting Research (March): 100644.
Jin, X. and H. Wu. 2021. Economic policy uncertainty and cost stickiness. Management Accounting Research (September): 100750.
Kim, J. 2020. When organizational performance matters for personnel decisions: Executives' career patterns in a conglomerate. Management Accounting Research (December): 100695.
Laguecir, A., A. Kern and C. Kharoubi. 2020. Management accounting systems in institutional complexity: Hysteresis and boundaries of practices in social housing. Management Accounting Research (December): 100715.
Ligonie, M. 2021. Sharing sustainability through sustainability control activities. A practice-based analysis. Management Accounting Research (March): 100726.
Lourenco, S. M. 2020. Do self-reported motivators really motivate higher performance? Management Accounting Research (June): 100676.
Management Accounting Research. 2021. David Solomons Prize announcement. Management Accounting Research (June): 100748.
Maske, M. K., M. Sohn and b. Hirsch. 2021. How managerial accountability mitigates a halo effect in managers' ex-post bonus adjustments. Management Accounting Research (June): 100738.
Mavropulo, O., M. S. Rapp and L. A. Udoieva. 2021. Value-based management control systems and the dynamics of working capital: Empirical evidence. Management Accounting Research (September): 100740.
Schneider, G., A. Scholze and F. MeiBner. 2021. Asymmetric taxation, limited liability, and agency conflicts. Management Accounting Research (June): 100739.
Sutton, N. and D. A. Brown. 2021. Beyond the decision to ally: Constraints on adapting to emergent control risks. Management Accounting Research (September): 100756.
Tekathen, M. and N. Dechow. 2020. Semantic narrowing in risk talk: The prevalence of communicative path dependency. Management Accounting Research (September): 100692.
Unger, O., A. Szczesny and M. Holderried. 2020. Does performance pay increase productivity? Evidence from a medical typing unit. Management Accounting Research (June): 100649.
Van der Kolk, P. M. G. van Veen-Dirks and H. J. ter Bogt. 2020. How combinations of control elements create tensions and how these can be managed: An embedded case study. Management Accounting Research (September): 100677.