Management And Accounting Web

Leadership and Corporate Governance Bibliography A-I

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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

Leadership & Corporate Governance Main Page

Abbott, L. J., S. Parker and T. J. Presley. 2012. Female board presence and the likelihood of financial restatement. Accounting Horizons (December): 607-629.

Abbott, L. J., S. Parker, G. F. Peters and D. V. Rama. 2007. Corporate governance, audit quality, and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Evidence from internal audit outstanding. The Accounting Review (July): 803-835.

Abdel-Khalik, A. R. 2014. CEO risk preference and investing in R&D. Abacus 50(3): 245-278.

Abdel-Khalik, A. R., C. Chi and D. Ghicas. 1987. Rationality of executive compensation schemes and real accounting changes. Contemporary Accounting Research 4(1): 32-60.

Abdolmohammadi, M. J., W. J. Read and K. Asare. 2010. Corporate governance factors associated with financial fraud. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 2(2): 1-29.

Abernethy, M. A., F. K. Yu and B. Qin. 2019. The relation between strategy, CEO selection, and firm performance. Contemporary Accounting Research 36(3): 1575-1606.

Abernethy, M. A., J. Bouwens, and L. van Lent. 2010. Leadership and control system design. Management Accounting Research (March): 2-16.

Abernethy, M. A., L. Jiang and Y. F. Kuang. 2019. Can organizational identification mitigate the CEO horizon problem? Accounting, Organizations and Society (78): 101056.

Abrahams, R. and B. Groysberg. 2024. Leading an exhausted workforce. Harvard Business Review (Spring Special Issue): 108-110.

Abrams, S. 2019. Lead from the Outside: How to Build Your Future and Make Real Change. Picador.

Adair, J. 1984. The Skills of Leadership. Nichols Publishing Co.

Adams, J., R. W. Rice and D. Instone. 1984. Follower attitudes toward women and judgments concerning performance by female and male leaders. The Academy of Management Journal 27(3): 636-643.

Adhikari, B. K., A. Agrawal and J. Malm. 2019. Do women managers keep firms out of trouble? Evidence from corporate litigation and policies. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 202-225.

Adut, D., W. H. Cready and T. J. Lopez. 2003. Restructuring charges and CEO cash compensation: A reexamination. The Accounting Review (January): 169-192.

Aghamolla, C. and T. Hashimoto. 2021. Aggressive boards and CEO turnover. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 437-486.

Agle, B. R., N. J. Nagarajan, J. A. Sonnenfeld and D. Srinivasan. 2006. Does CEO charisma matter? An empirical analysis of the relationships among organizational performance, environmental uncertainty, and top management team perceptions of CEO charisma. The Academy of Management Journal 49(1): 161-174.

Agle, B. R., R. K. Mitchell and J. A. Sonnenfeld. 1999. Who matters to CEOs? An investigation of stakeholder attributes and salience, corporate performance, and CEO values. The Academy of Management Journal 42(5): 507-525.

Ahmed, A. S., B. E. Christensen, A. J. Olson and C. G. Yust. 2019. Déjà Vu: The effect of executives and directors with prior banking crisis experience on bank outcomes around the global financial crisis. Contemporary Accounting Research 36(2): 958-998.

Ainsworth, W. J. 1988. Survey of senior manufacturing executives. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 3.

Akula, V. 2008. Business basics at the base of the pyramid. Harvard Business Review (June): 53-57.

Al-Hadi, A. and A. Habib. 2023. Consequences of state-level regulations in accounting, finance, and corporate governance: A review. Advances in Accounting (60): 100630.

Alaix, J. R. 2014. The CEO of Zoetis on how he prepared for the top job. Harvard Business Review (June): 41-44.

Albanese, R. 1966. Substitutional and essential authority. The Academy of Management Journal 9(2): 136-144.

Albanese, R. 1973. Criteria for evaluating authority patterns. The Academy of Management Journal 16(1): 102-111.

Alber, L. 2014. The CEO of Williams-Sonoma on blending instinct with analysis. Harvard Business Review (September): 41-44.

Albright, M. 2016. Servant leadership: Not just buzzwords. Strategic Finance (October): 19-20.

Albuquerque, A. 2009. Peer firms in relative performance evaluation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October): 69-89.

Albuquerque, A., B. Chen, Q. Dong and E. J. Riedl. 2019. Ex post settling up in cash compensation: New evidence. Contemporary Accounting Research 36(4): 2283-2318.

Alexander, J. A., M. L. Fennell and M. T. Halpern. 1993. Leadership instability in hospitals: The influence of board-CEO relations and organizational growth and decline. Administrative Science Quarterly 38(1): 74-99.

Ali, A. and W. Zhang. 2015. CEO tenure and earnings management. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 60-79.

Ali, S., P. Green and A. Robb. 2013. Measuring top management's IT governance knowledge absorptive capacity. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 137-155.

Allan, P. 1981. Managers at work: A large-scale study of the managerial job in New York City government. The Academy of Management Journal 24(3): 613-619.

Allcorn, S., H. S. Gaum, M. A. Diamond and H. F. Stein. 1996. The Human Cost of a Management Failure. Quorum Books.

Allen, M., C. Renner and D. English. 2004. Evaluating the corporate board. Strategic Finance (January): 37-43.

Allen, M. P. and S. K. Panian. 1982. Power, performance, and succession in the large corporation. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(4): 538-547.

Allen, M. P., S. K. Panian and R. E. Lotz. 1979. Managerial succession and organizational performance: A recalcitrant problem revisited. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(2): 167-180.

Alles, M. and M. Piechocki. 2012. Will XBRL improve corporate governance?: A framework for enhancing governance making using interactive data. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 13(2): 91-108.

Altman, E. J., D. Kiron, J. Schwartz and R. Jones. 2023. Manage your workforce ecosystem, not just your employees. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 80-84.

Alvarez, J. L. and S. Svejenova. 2006. Sharing Executive Power: Roles and Relationships at the Top. Cambridge University Press.

Amabile, T. M. 1998. How to kill creativity: Keep doing what you're doing. Or, if you want to spark innovation, rethink how you motivate, reward, and assign work to people. Harvard Business Review (September-October): 77- 87. (Summary).

Amabile, T. M. and M. Khaire. 2008. Creativity and the role of the leader. Harvard Business Review (October): 100-109.

Amann, L. 2015. Nurturing student leaders while they have fun: Under the careful guidance of a faculty advisor, IMA student chapter members can develop and refine their leadership skills without even realizing it. Strategic Finance (August): 48-55.

Amason, A. C. 1996. Distinguishing the effects of functional and dysfunctional conflict on strategic decision making: Resolving a paradox for top management teams. The Academy of Management Journal 39(1): 123-148.

Amato, N. 2013. Competitive advantage. Bill Balhoff brings a family approach to his term as the AICPA's 101st chairman. Journal of Accountancy (November): 24-28.

Amato, N. 2013. Succession planning: The challenge of what's next. Journal of Accountancy (January): 44-47.

Amato, N. 2013. The opaque CFO bonus. Journal of Accountancy (September): 52-54.

Amer, W. 2017. The art of creative leadership. Strategic Finance (June): 21-22.

Ancona, D. 2019. Five rules for leading in a digital world. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-4.

Ancona, D. and D. N. T. Perkins. 2022. Family ghosts in the executive suite: The roles you played growing up can help and hinder you at work. Here's how to maximize the positive. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 92-101.

Ancona, D., E. Backman and K. Isaacs. 2019. Nimble leadership. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 74-83.

Ancona, D., T. W. Malone and W. J. Orlikowski. 2023. In praise of the incomplete leader. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 44-53.

Ancona, D., T. W. Malone, W. J. Orlikowski and P. M. Senge. 2007. In praise of the incomplete leader. Harvard Business Review (February): 92-100.

Anders, S. B. 2016. Governance, risk management, and compliance: OCEG and the network. The CPA Journal (March): 64-65.

Anderson, C. R. and C. E. Schneier. 1978. Locus of control, leader behavior and leader performance among management students. The Academy of Management Journal 21(4): 690-698.

Anderson, D. and L. A. Anderson. 2001. Beyond Change Management: Advanced Strategies for Today's Transformational Leaders. Jossey-Bass.

Anderson, L. A. and D. Anderson. 2001. The Change Leader's Roadmap: How to Navigate Your Organization's Transformation. Jossey-Bass.

Anderson, R. C. and D. M. Reeb. 2004. Board composition: Balancing family influence in S&P 500 firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 49(2): 209-237.

Anderson, R. H. 2014. How we did it... Delta's CEO on using innovative thinking to revive a bankrupt airline. Harvard Business Review (December): 43-47.

Anderson, T. and P. Cappelli. 2021. The outsider edge: The success of managers hired for temporary roles shows that sometimes loose ties and cultural distance can help a leader be effective. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-7.

Andrus, J. 2019. Traeger's CEO on cleaning up a toxic culture. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 33-37.

Ang, J. S., C. Hsu, D. Tang and C. Wu. 2021. The role of social media in corporate governance. The Accounting Review (March): 1-32.

Anocona, D., M. Williams and G. Gerlach. 2020. The overlooked key to leading through chaos. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 34-39.

Anthony, S. D. and M. Putz. 2020. How leaders delude themselves about disruption. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 56-63.

Antioco, J. 2011. Blockbuster's former CEO on sparring with an activist shareholder. Harvard Business Review (April): 39-44.

Antonakis, J., M. Fenley and S. Liechti. 2012. Learning charisma: Transforming yourself into the person others want to follow. Harvard Business Review (June): 127-130.

Antle, R. and A. Smith. 1985. Measuring executive compensation: Methods and an application. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 296-325.

Antle, R. and A. Smith. 1986. An empirical investigation of the relative performance evaluation of corporate executives. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 1-39.

Apgar, M. IV. 2009. What every leader should know about real estate. Harvard Business Review (November): 100-107.

Appiah, K. O. and A. Chizema. 2016. The impact of board quality and nomination committee on corporate bankruptcy. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (35): 75-81.

Aquayo, R. 1990. Dr. Deming: The American Who Taught the Japanese About Quality. New York: Carol Publishing Group.

Archambeault, D. and J. Friedl. 2007. CPAs as corporate directors. Journal of Accountancy (September): 52-56.

Arens, A. A. 1990. Celebration, evaluation and rededication. Accounting Horizons (December): 88-96.

Armstrong, C., A. D. Jagolinzer and D. F. Larcker. 2010. Chief executive officer equity incentives and accounting irregularities. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 225-271.

Armstrong, C. S. 2013. Discussion of "CEO compensation and corporate risk-taking: Evidence from a natural experiment". Journal of Accounting and Economics (December Supplement): 102-111.

Armstrong, C. S., C. D. Ittner and D. F. Larcker. 2012. Corporate governance, compensation consultants, and CEO pay levels. Review of Accounting Studies 17(2): 322-351.

Armstrong, C. S., J. L. Blouin, A. D. Jagolinzer and D. F. Larcker. 2015. Corporate governance, incentives, and tax avoidance. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 1-17.

Armstrong, C. S., K. Balakrishnan and D. Cohen. 2012. Corporate governance and the information environment: Evidence from state antitakeover laws. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February-April): 185-204.

Armstrong, W. G. Jr. 1999. On the cusp. Strategic Finance (August): 26-33. (Discussion of IMA's new President, Bud Kulesza).

Arnold, M. C. and I. D. Tafkov. 2019. Managerial discretion and task interdependence in teams. Contemporary Accounting Research 36(4): 2467-2493.

Arthaud-Day, M. L., S. T. Certo, C. M. Dalton and D. R. Dalton. 2006. A changing of the guard: Executive and director turnover following corporate financial restatements. The Academy of Management Journal 49(6): 1119-1136.

Ashkenas, R. 2007. Simplicity-minded management. Harvard Business Review (December): 101-109.

Ashkenas, R. and B. Manville. 2024. The fundamentals of leadership still haven't changed. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 37-38.

Ashraf, M. 2022. The role of peer events in corporate governance: Evidence from data breaches. The Accounting Review (March): 1-24.

Austin, R. D. and D. M. Upton. 2016. Leading in the age of super-transparency. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 25-32.

Austin, R. D., R. H. Hayes and R. L. Nolan. 2023. Cashing out excellence: Why do so many leaders trade in long -standing capabilities for short-term results? MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 58-63. (Performance hacking is defined as giving the appearance of effective leadership by delivering on particular metrics, without delivering real performance, e.g., liquidating non-balance sheet assets; time-shifting cash flows and accounting assumption shifts, drawing down buffers, stock buybacks, and kicking risk down the road.)

Avolio, B. J., J. M. Howell and J. J. Sosik. 1999. A funny thing happened on the way to the bottom line: Humor as a moderator of leadership style effects. The Academy of Management Journal 42(2): 219-227.

Baber, W. R., S. Kang, L. Liang and Z. Zhu. 2015. External corporate governance and misreporting. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(4): 1413-1442.

Badaracco, J. L. Jr. 2002. Leading Quietly: An Unorthodox Guide to Doing the Right Thing. Harvard Business School Press.

Badaracco, J. L. Jr. 2006. Leadership in literature. Harvard Business Review (March): 47-55.

Baer, L. M., I. K Khurana and H. Kyung. 2023. Internal control and the insider versus outsider CEO choice. Journal of Management Accounting Research 35(2): 43-68.

Baer, L. M., Y. Ertimur and J. Zhang. 2023. Tainted executives as outside directors. The Accounting Review (November): 33-59.

Bahat, R. E., T. A. Kochan and L. W. Rubenstein. 2023. The labor-savvy leader. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 66-75.

Bailey, A. D. Jr. 2008. Gatekeepers: The Professions and Corporate Governance by John C. Coffee. The Accounting Review (January): 251-257.

Balachandran, B. V. and K. S. Sundar. 2013. Governance, risk, and compliance: The value driver for good corporate governance. Cost Management (November/December): 39-47.

Balachandran, S. and P. Mohanram. 2010. Are CEOs compensated for value destroying growth in earnings? Review of Accounting Studies 15(3): 545-577.

Baldenius, T., X. Meng and L. Qiu. 2019. Baised boards. The Accounting Review (March): 1-27.

Baldenius, T., X. Meng and L. Qiu. 2021. The value of board commitment. Review of Accounting Studies 26(4): 1587-1622.

Balkin, D. B., G. D. Markman and L. R. Gomez-Mejia. 2000. Is CEO pay in high-technology firms related to innovation? The Academy of Management Journal 43(6): 1118-1129.

Bamford, J. and G. Walker. 2022. Closing the governance gap in joint ventures. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-9.

Banker, R. D., M. N. Darrough, R. Huang and J. M. Plehn-Dujowich. 2013. The relation between CEO compensation and past performance. The Accounting Review (January): 1-30.

Banker, R. D., S. M. Datar and A. Maindiratta. 1988. Unobservable outcomes and multiattribute preferences in the evaluation of managerial performance. Contemporary Accounting Research 5(1): 96-124.

Barber, W. R., L. Liang and Z. Zhu. 2012. Associations between internal and external corporate governance characteristics: Implications for investigating financial accounting restatements. Accounting Horizons (June): 219-237.

Barden, J. Q. and W. Mitchell. 2007. Disentangling the influences of leaders' relational embeddedness on interorganizational exchange. The Academy of Management Journal 50(6): 1440-1461.

Barkema, H. G. and L. R. Gomez-Mejia. 1998. Managerial compensation and firm performance: A general research framework. The Academy of Management Journal 41(2): 135-145.

Barker, J. R. 2011. Book review: The Power of Framing: Creating the Language of Leadership by G. T. Fairhurst. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(1): 136-139.

Barnes, C. M. 2018. Sleep well, lead better. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 140-143.

Barnes, C. M. 2024. Sleep well, lead better. Harvard Business Review (Spring Special Issue): 32-36.

Barnet, E. M. 1960. The problem of executive manpower insolvency. The Journal of the Academy of Management 3(3): 197-199.

Barone, G. 2019. Being a smart leader in the digital age. Strategic Finance (May): 16-17. (Interview with Mike Walsh).

Barrett, A. L. 1963. University governance: Some omitted aspects. The Academy of Management Journal 6(2): 170-172.

Barrick, M. R., B. H. Bradley, A. L. Kristof-Brown and A. E. Colbert. 2007. The moderating role of top management team interdependence: Implications for real teams and working groups. The Academy of Management Journal 50(3): 544-557.

Barrios, J. M., P. A. Bianchi, H. Isidro and D. Nanda. 2022. Boards of a feather: Homophily in foreign director appointments around the world. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 1293-1335.

Barsade, S. and O. A. O'Neill. 2016. Manage your emotional culture. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 58-66.

Barsade, S. G., A. J. Ward, J. D. F. Turner and J. A. Sonnenfeld. 2000. To your heart's content: A model of affective diversity in top management teams. Administrative Science Quarterly 45(4): 802-836.

Barsoux, J. and C. Bouquet. 2013. How to overcome a power deficit. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 45-53.

Bart, C. and O. Turel. 2010. IT and the board of directors: An empirical investigation into the "governance questions" Canadian board members ask about IT. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 147-172.

Bartel, C. A. 2011. Book review: The New Psychology of Leadership: Identity, Influence and Power by A. S. Haslam, S. D. Reicher, M. J. Platow. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(3): 477-479.

Bartol, K. M. 1974. Male versus female leaders: The effect of leader need for dominance on follower satisfaction. The Academy of Management Journal 17(2): 225-233.

Barton, D. and M. Wiseman. 2015. Where boards fall short. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 98-104.

Bass, B. M. and R. Bass. 2008. The Bass Handbook of Leadership: Theory, Research, and Managerial Applications, 4th edition. Free Press.

Basu, O. N. 1994. The institutional effects of leadership: The United States General Accounting Office and its audit report review process. The Accounting Historians Journal 21(1): 255-273.

Basu, S. and Y. Liang. 2019. Director liability reduction laws and conditional conservatism. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 889-917.

Bauer, T. N., S. G. Green and T. N. Bauer. 1996. Development of leader-member exchange: A longitudinal test. The Academy of Management Journal 39(6): 1538-1567. 1997. Erratum: Development of leader-member exchange: A longitudinal test. The Academy of Management Journal 40(2): 258.

Baumgartel, H. 1957. Leadership style as a variable in research administration. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(3): 344-360.

Bavelas, A. 1960. Leadership: Man and function. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(4): 491-498.

Bazerman, M. H. 2020. A new model for ethical leadership: Create more value for society. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 90-97.

Bazerman, M. H. and M. D. Watkins. 2004. Predictable Surprises: The Disasters You Should Have Seen Coming, and How to Prevent Them (Leadership for the Common Good). Harvard Business School Press.

Beard, A. 2010. Losing the top job - and winning it back. Harvard Business Review (October): 136-138.

Beard, A. 2016. CEOs shouldn't try to embody their firms' culture. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 28-29.

Beatty, R. W. 1973. Blacks as supervisors: A study of training, job performance, and employers' expectations. The Academy of Management Journal 16(2): 196-206.

Beaumont, S. et. al. 2016. Comments on Shan and Walter: Towards a set of design principles for executive compensation contracts. Abacus 52(4): 685-771.

Bebchuk, L. and J. M. Fried. 2004. Pay without Performance: The Unfulfilled Promise of Executive Compensation. Harvard University Press.

Beck, D. and C. Cowan. 1996. Spiral Dynamic: Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change (Developmental Management). Blackwell Publishing.

Bedard, J. 2012. Reaching Key Financial Reporting Decisions: How Directors and Auditors Interact by Vivien Beattie, Stella Fearnley. The Accounting Review (September): 1819-1820.

Bedard, J. C., R. Hoitash and U. Hoitash. 2014. Chief financial officers as inside directors. Contemporary Accounting Research 31(3): 787-817.

Beer, M., M. Finnstrom and D. Schrader. 2016. Why leadership training fails - and what to do about it. Harvard Business Review (October): 50-57.

Beeson, J., J. W. Rowe, E. Reilly, J. A. Conger, D. A. Ready and M. Jordan. 2006. Indispensable. Harvard Business Review (September): 37-50. (Case).

Begley, J., S. Chamberlain, S. Yang and J. L. Zhang. 2015. CEO incentives and the health of defined benefit pension plans. Review of Accounting Studies 20(3): 1013-1058.

Behn, B. K., B. T. Carver and T. L. Neal. 2013. Small firms and the value of improvements in corporate governance mechanisms. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 29(2): 171-179.

Belliveau, M. A., C. A. O'Reilly III and J. B. Wade. 1996. Social capital at the top: Effects of social similarity and status on CEO compensation. The Academy of Management Journal 39(6): 1568-1593.

Ben-Amar, W., E. Garcie-Meca, C. Francoeur and J. Martinez-Ferrero. 2024. Do gender-diverse boards enhance the linguistic features of corporate financial reporting? Accounting Horizons (June): 57-81.

Bennett, N. and S. A. Miles. 2006. Second in command. Harvard Business Review (May): 71-78.

Bennis, W. 2001. Leading in unnerving times. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 97-103.

Bennis, W. 2002. Will the legacy live on? Harvard Business Review (February): 95-99. (The bottom line on Jack Welch).

Bennis, W. G. 1959. Leadership theory and administrative behavior: The problem of authority. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(3): 259-301.

Bennis, W. G. 2004. The seven ages of the leader. Harvard Business Review (January): 46-53.

Bennis, W. G. and R. J. Thomas. 2002. Crucibles of leadership. Harvard Business Review (September): 39-45.

Bennis, W. G. and R. J. Thomas. 2002. Geeks and Geezers: How Era, Values, and Defining Moments Shape Leaders. Harvard Business School Press.

Bergh, C. 2018. The CEO of Levi Strauss on leading an iconic brand back to growth. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 33-39.

Berglas, S. 2002. The very real dangers of executive coaching. Harvard Business Review (June): 86-93.

Bernstein, A., S. G. Carmichael and N. Torres. 2023. Lead with authenticity. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 102-109.

Beshears, J. and F. Gino. 2015. Leaders as decision architects. Harvard Business Review (May): 51-62.

Beyer, J. M., P. Chattopadhyay, E. George, W. H. Glick, D. Ogilvie, D. Pugliese. 1997. The selective perception of managers revisited. The Academy of Management Journal 40(3): 716-737.

Bhandari, A., B. Mammadov, A. Shelton and M. Thevenot. 2018. It is not only what you know, it is also who you know: CEO network connections and financial reporting quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 37(2): 27-50.

Bhattacharya, R. 2022. Books: Going beyond mentoring. Strategic Finance (June): 8. (Review of  Sylvia A. Hewlett's The Sponsor Effect: How to be a Better Leader).

Bigley, G. A. and M. F. Wiersema. 2002. New CEOs and corporate strategic refocusing: How experience as heir apparent influences the use of power. Administrative Science Quarterly 47(4): 707-727.

Bingham, C. B. and R. M. McDonald. 2022. Mastering innovation's toughest trade-offs: Leaders must answer eight key questions to address the hidden tensions underlying innovation strategies. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 66-72.

Binns, A., M. L. Tushman and C. O'Reilly III. 2022. Leading disruption in a legacy business. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-4.

Bird, A. and S. A. Karolyi. 2017. Governance and taxes: Evidence from regression discontinuity. The Accounting Review (January): 29-50.

Birkinshaw, J. and M. Mol. 2006. How management innovation happens. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 81-88.

Birkinshaw, J., C. Bouquet and T. C. Ambos. 2007. Managing executive attention in the global company. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 39-45.

Birnbaum, P. H. 1987. Review: The Behavioral Science of Leadership: An Interdisciplinary Japanese Research Program, byJ. Misumi. Administrative Science Quarterly 32(3): 455-456.

Bisoux, T. 2002. The mind of a leader. BizEd (September/October): 26-31.

Bjorkman, I. 1995. The board of directors in Sino-western joint ventures. Corporate Governance: An International Review 3(3): 156-166.

Black, D. E., S. S. Dikolli and S. D. Dyreng. 2014. CEO pay-for-complexity and the risk of managerial diversion from multinational diversification. Contemporary Accounting Research 31(1): 136-151.

Black, J. S. and A. J. Morrison. 2010. A cautionary tale for emerging market giants: How leadership failures in corporate Japan knocked its companies off the world stage. Harvard Business Review (September): 99-103.

Blake, R. R. and J. S. Moulton. 1962. The managerial grid. Advanced Management Office Executive 1(9). (The Grid).

Blake, R. R. and J. S. Moulton. 1964. The Managerial Grid. Gulf Publishing.

Blanchard, K. H. 1967. College boards of trustees: A need for directive leadership. The Academy of Management Journal 10(4): 409-417.

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Blank, S. 2017. When founders go too far: Some start-up CEOs have too much power. Here's what to do about it. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 94-101.

Blanton, K. 2011. Creating a culture of compliance: "Tone at the top" is an overused phrase, but if companies want to mitigate fraud senior leaders need to speak up forcefully. CFO (July/August): 19-21.

Bloch, R. I., E. E. Harris and A. N. Peterson. 2020. Interlocking boards in nonprofit organizations. Accounting Horizons (June): 1-17.

Bloom, M. and J. G. Michel. 2002. The relationships among organizational context, pay dispersion, and managerial turnover. The Academy of Management Journal 45(1): 33-42.

Bochkay, K., R. Chychyla and D. Nanda. 2019. Dynamics of CEO disclosure style. The Accounting Review (July): 103-140.

Boeker, W. 1989. The development and institutionalization of subunit power in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(3): 388-410.

Boeker, W. 1992. Power and managerial dismissal: Scapegoating at the top. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(3): 400-421.

Boeker, W. 1997. Executive migration and strategic change: The effect of top manager movement on product-market entry. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(2): 213-236.

Boeker, W. and J. Goodstein. 1991. Organizational performance and adaptation: Effects of environment and performance on changes in board composition. The Academy of Management Journal 34(4): 805-826.

Boeker, W. and J. Goodstein. 1993. Performance and successor choice: The moderating effects of governance and ownership. The Academy of Management Journal 36(1): 172-186.

Boeker, W. and R. Karichalil. 2002. Entrepreneurial transitions: Factors influencing founder departure. The Academy of Management Journal 45(4): 818-826.

Bohn, S. 2017. Book review: Preparing yourself to lead. Strategic Finance (September): 15. (Review of The Ten Golden Rules of Leadership).

Boland, C. M., E. E. Harris and D. G. Neely. 2022. Nonprofit governance: Are related board members bad for nonprofits? Journal of Management Accounting Research 34(2): 23-41.

Bolt-Lee, C. E., D. B. Farber and S. R. Moehrle. 2011. Highlights of corporate governance research. Journal of Accountancy (September): 34-39.

Bonetti, P. and G. Ormazabal. 2023. Boosting foreign investment: The role of certification of corporate governance. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 95-140.

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Bouquet, C., J. Birkinshaw and J. Barsoux. 2016. Fighting the "headquarters knows best" syndrome. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 59-66.

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Brochet, F., P. Limbach and M. Schmid. 2021. CEO tenure and firm value. The Accounting Review (November): 47-71.

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Broschak, J. P. 2004. Managers' mobility and market interface: The effect of managers' career mobility on the dissolution of market ties. Administrative Science Quarterly 49(4): 608-640.

Bronwyn, F. 2008. Timeless leadership. Harvard Business Review (March): 45-49.

Brooks, A. W. and L. K. John. 2018. The surprising power of questions: It goes far beyond exchanging information. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 60-67. (Asking questions is a powerful tool for unlocking value).

Brooks, C. 2018. AEI's president on measuring the impact of ideas. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 37-42.

Brousseau, K. R., M. J. Driver, G. Hourihan and R. Larsson. 2006. The seasoned executive's decision-making style. Harvard Business Review (February): 110-121.

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Brown, K., P. Pacharn and E. Patterson. 2022. Managerial replacement strategies and severance pay. Advances in Accounting (56): 100583.

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Buckingham, M. 2005. What great managers do. Harvard Business Review (March): 70-79.

Buckingham, M. 2012. Leadership development in the age of the algorithm. Harvard Business Review (June): 86-94. (Five step process).

Buckingham, M. and C. Coffman. 1999. First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently. Simon & Schuster.

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Bunderson, J. S. 2003. Team member functional background and involvement in management teams: Direct effects and the moderating role of power centralization. The Academy of Management Journal 46(4): 458-474.

Bunderson, J. S. and K. M. Sutcliffe. 2002. Comparing alternative conceptualizations of functional diversity in management teams: Process and performance effects. The Academy of Management Journal 45(5): 875-893.

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Burke, R. J. and C. L. Cooper. 2003. Leading in Turbulent Times: Managing in the New World of Work (Manchester Business and Management.). Blackwell Publishing.

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Burnison, G. 2013. Korn/Ferry's CEO on transforming the company in mid-crisis. Harvard Business Review (December): 45-48.

Burrell, L., R. A. Heifetz, J. H. Biggs, T. Clarke and R. Brown. 2006. The CEO who couldn't keep his foot out of his mouth. Harvard Business Review (December): 35-46. (Case).

Burt, R. S. 1980. Cooptive corporate actor networks: A reconsideration of interlocking directorates involving American manufacturing. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(4): 557-582.

Busco, C., M. L. Frigo, P. Quattrone and A. Riccaboni. 2013. Redefining corporate accountability through integrated reporting. Strategic Finance (August): 31-41. (The International Integrated Reporting Council's (IIRC) mission is to create a globally accepted integrated reporting framework that brings together financial, environmental, social and governance information in a clear, concise, consistent and comparable format to help companies make more sustainable decisions and enable investors and other stakeholders to understand how an organization is really performing).

Bushee, B. J., M. E. Carter and J. Gerakos. 2014. Institutional investor preferences for corporate governance mechanisms. Journal of Management Accounting Research 26(2): 123-149.

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Cadman, B., R. Carrizosa and X. Peng. 2020. Compensation disclosures and corporate governance through shareholder voting. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(3): 27-48.

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Cai, C., I. Hasan, Y. Shen and S. Wang. 2021. Military directors, governance and firm behavior. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (55): 100563.

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Calluzzo, P. 2023. Experts in the boardroom: Director connections in the mutual fund industry. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(2): 1210-1249.

Cambell, A, S Kunisch and G. Muller-Stewens. 2012. Are CEOs getting the best from corporate functions? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 12-14.

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Camfferman, K. 2012. Risk Management and Corporate Governance: Interconnections in Law, Accounting and Tax by Marijn Van daelen, Christoph Van Der Elst. The Accounting Review (March): 709-711.

Campbell, A., J. Whitehead and S. Finkelstein. 2009. Why good leaders make bad decisions. Harvard Business Review (February): 60-66.

Canfield, J. and K. Kramers. 2017. CEO Tools 2.0: A System to Think, Manage, and Lead Like a CEO. Stone Brook Publishing.

Cannella, A. A. Jr. and M. Lubatkin. 1993. Succession as a sociopolitical process: Internal impediments to outsider selection. The Academy of Management Journal 36(4): 763-793.

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Carpenter, B. W., D. M. Boyle, J. F. Boyle and D. P. Mahoney. 2019. Leadership skills at every career level. Strategic Finance (April): 32-37. (Survey).

Carpenter, M. A. and J. B. Wade. 2002. Microlevel opportunity structures as determinants of non-CEO executive pay. The Academy of Management Journal 45(6): 1085-1103.

Carpenter, M. A. and J. D. Westphal. 2001. The strategic context of external network ties: Examining the impact of director appointments on board involvement in strategic decision making. The Academy of Management Journal 44(4): 639-660.

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Carpenter, M. A., G. Sanders and H. B. Gregersen. 2001. Bundling human capital with organizational context: The impact of international assignment experience on multinational firm performance and CEO pay. The Academy of Management Journal 44(3): 493-511.

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Carroll, E. and D. Marginson. 2021. Relative performance information and social comparisons: Exploring managers' cognitive, emotional and dysfunctional behavior processes. Management Accounting Research (November): 100768.

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Carson, J. B., P. E. Tesluk and J. A. Marrone. 2007. Shared leadership in teams: An investigation of antecedent conditions and performance. The Academy of Management Journal 50(5): 1217-1234.

Carson, K. P., R. L. Cardy and G. H. Dobbins. 1991. Performance appraisal as effective management or deadly management disease. Group and Organizational Studies (June): 143-159. (Summary).

Carson, S. J., A. Madhok and T. Wu. 2006. Uncertainty, opportunism, and governance: The effects of volatility and ambiguity on formal and relational contracting. The Academy of Management Journal 49(5): 1058-1077.

Carter, M. E. 2011. Executive Compensation and Financial Accounting, Foundations and Trends® in Accounting Vol. 4 by David Aboody, Ron Kasznik. The Accounting Review (March): 735-738.

Carter, M. E., F. Franco and M. Gine. 2017. Executive gender pay gaps: The roles of female risk aversion and board representation. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(2): 1232-1264.

Carton, A. M. 2018. "I'm not mopping the floors, I'm putting a man on the moon": How NASA leaders enhanced the meaningfulness of work by changing the meaning of work. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(2): 323-369.

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Casciaro, T., A. C. Edmondson and S. Jang. 2019. Cross-silo leadership. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 130-139.

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Caver, K. A. and A. B. Livers. 2002. Dear white boss: What it's really like to be a black manager. Harvard Business Review (November): 76-81.

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Cendrowski, H. and W. C. Mair. 2009. Enterprise Risk Management and COSO: A Guide for Directors, Executives, and Practitioners. Wiley.

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Chamberlin, L. 2010. Cultivating leadership at every level of your organization. Strategic Finance (December): 17-19.

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Chamorro-Premuzic, T., M. Wade and J. Jordan. 2024. As AI makes decisions, the nature of leadership will change. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 85-87.

Champniss, G., H. N. Wilson and E. K. Macdonald. 2015. Why your customer's social identities matter. The way consumers see themselves determines their behavior - and you can influence that. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 88-96.

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Chatterji, A. K. and M. W. Toffel. 2018. The new CEO activists. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 78-89.

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Chen, G. and E. C. Keung. 2018. Directors' and officers' legal liability insurance and internal control weaknesses. Journal of International Accounting Research 17(1): 69-86.

Chen, J. and S. Nadkarni. 2017. It's about time! CEOs' temporal dispositions, temporal leadership, and corporate entrepreneurship. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(1): 31-66.

Chen, K. C. W. and F. Tang. 2017. Post-IFRS revaluation adjustments and executive compensation. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(2): 1210-1231.

Chen, M. 2001. Inside Chinese Business: A Guide for Managers Worldwide. Harvard Business School Press.

Chen, R., S. El Ghoul, O. Guedhami, H. Wang and Y. Yang. 2022. Corporate governance and tax avoidance: Evidence from U.S. cross-listing. The Accounting Review (November, Issue 7): 49-78.

Chen, X., J. Huang, X. Li and T. Zhang. 2018. Corporate governance and resource allocation efficiency: Evidence from IPO regulation in China. Journal of International Accounting Research 17(3): 43-67.

Chen, X., N. Li and A. Lin. 2022. CFO gaps: Determinants and impact on the corporate information environment. The Accounting Review (November, Issue 6): 173-200.

Chen, X., Q. Cheng and X. Wang. 2015. Does increased board independence reduce earnings management? Evidence from recent regulatory reforms. Review of Accounting Studies 20(2): 899-933.

Chen, X., Q. Cheng and Z. Dai. 2013. Family ownership and CEO turnovers. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(3): 1166-1190.

Chen, X., Q. Cheng, A. K. Lo and X. Wang. 2015. CEO contractual protection and managerial short-termism. The Accounting Review (September): 1871-1906.

Chen, Y. and M. Deng. 2011. Capital rationing and managerial retention: The role of external capital. Journal of Management Accounting Research (23): 285-304.

Chen, Y., F. A. Gul, M. Veeraraghavan and L. Zolotoy. 2015. Executive equity risk-taking incentives and audit pricing. The Accounting Review (November): 2205-2234.

Chen, Y., J. D. Eshleman and J. S. Soileau. 2016. Board gender diversity and internal control weaknesses. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (33): 11-19.

Chen, Z., O. Z. Li and H. Zou. 2016. Directors' and officers' liability insurance and the cost of equity. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 100-120.

Cheng, J. Y. and B. Groysberg. 2020. Gender diversity at the board level can mean innovation success. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-8.

Cheng, Q., J. Lee and T. Shevlin. 2016. Internal governance and real earnings management. The Accounting Review (July): 1051-1085.

Cheng, S. 2004. R&D expenditures and CEO compensation. The Accounting Review (April): 305-328.

Cheng, X., L. Gao, J. E. Lawrence and D. B. Smith. 2014. SEC Division of Corporate Finance monitoring and CEO power. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 33(1): 29-56.

Chhaochharia, V., A. Kumar and A. Niessen-Ruenzi. 2012. Local investors and corporate governance. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 42-67.

Chiu, P., S. H. Teoh and F. Tian. 2013. Board interlocks and earnings management contagion. The Accounting Review (May): 915-944.

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Hamel, G. 2000. Leading the Revolution. Harvard Business School Press.

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Hamel, G. and C. K. Prahalad. 1996. Competing for the Future. Harvard Business School Press.

Hamm, J. 2002. Why entrepreneurs don't scale. Harvard Business Review (December): 110-115. (Testing scalability, i.e., determining if you can turn an entrepreneur into a CEO).

Hamm, J. 2006. The five messages leaders must manage. Harvard Business Review (May): 114-123.

Hamm, S. J. W., M. J. Jung and C. Wang. 2015. Making sense of one dollar CEO salaries. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(3): 941-972.

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Hamori, M. and B. Koyuncu. 2013. The CEO experience trap. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 14-15.

Hamori, M., B. Koyuncu, J. Cao and T. Graf. 2015. What high-potential young managers want. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 61-68.

Hansen, M. T., H. Ibarra and U. Peyer. 2013. The best-performing CEOs in the world: The knock on most business leaders is that they don't take the long view - that they're fixated on achieving short-term goals to lift their pay. So which global CEOs actually delivered solid results over the long run? The 2013 version of the CEO scorecard provides an objective answer. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 8-95.

Hansen, M. T., H. Ibarra, U. Peyer, N. von Bernuth and C. Escallon. 2010. The best-performing CEOs in the world. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 104-113.

Hanson, B. 2016. Leading by the numbers. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 95-96.

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Harris, E., C. M. Petrovits and M. H. Yetman. 2015. The effect of nonprofit governance on donations: Evidence from revised Form 990. The Accounting Review (March): 579-610.

Harrison, J. R., D. L. Torres and S. Kukalis. 1988. The changing of the guard: Turnover and structural change in the top-management positions. Administrative Science Quarterly 33(2): 211-232.

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Hart, L. 2019. Embrace technology and the change it brings. Journal of Accountancy (March): 80.

Hart, L. 2019. Inventory is key. Journal of Accountancy (April/May): 76. (Accounting in the wine industry. Interview with Kirsten Hamilton. To develop a strategy you need to understand the business from grape to bottle to distribution point).

Hart, L. 2019. It's important to be authentic and transparent. Journal of Accountancy (September): 76.

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Hassan, F. 2011. The frontline advantage. Harvard Business Review (May): 106-114. (Leading turnarounds by systematically connecting with first-level managers).

Hasson, R. 2006. How to resolve board disputes more effectively. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 77-80.

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Hayes, R. H., S. C. Wheelwright and K. B. Clark. 1988. Dynamic Manufacturing: Creating the Learning Organization. New York: The Free Press.

Hayes, R. M. 2004. Discussion of underwater options and the dynamics of executive pay-to-performance sensitivities. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 413-421.

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Hayward, M. L. A. and D. C. Hambrick. 1997. Explaining the premiums paid for large acquisitions: Evidence of CEO hubris. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(1): 103-127.

Healy, P. 2017. Case study: How much should a new CEO shake things up? Harvard Business Review (January/February): 157-161.

Heathcote, R. 2021. Lean is a system for creating thinking people. Cost Management (May/June): 38-42. (This article is mainly about leadership, i.e., how leaders should construct a lean learning system.).

Hecht, R. M. 1991. Matching individual and organization styles. Management Accounting (June): 43-44.

Heese, J. and G. Perez-Cavazos. 2020. When the boss comes to town: The effects of headquarters' visits on facility-level misconduct. The Accounting Review (November): 235-261.

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Heifetz, R. A. and M. Linsky. 2002. A survival guide for leaders. Harvard Business Review (June): 65-72.

Heifetz, R. A. and M. Linsky. 2002. Leadership on the Line: Staying Alive through the Dangers of Leading. Harvard Business School Press.

Heimans, J. and H. Timms. 2024. Leading in a world where AI wields power of its own. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 70-79.

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Hemp, P. 2009. Death by information overload. Harvard Business Review (September): 82-89.

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Henderson, A. D. and J. W. Fredrickson. 2001. Top management team coordination needs and the CEO pay gap: A competitive test of economic and behavioral views. The Academy of Management Journal 44(1): 96-117.

Hermanson, D. R. 2021. Fraud and governance: The importance of people. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 6(1): 313-334.

Hernandez, M. 2018. Putting an end to leaders' self-serving behavior. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-4.

Hernandez, M., J. Khattab and C. Hoopes. 2021. Why good leaders fail. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-4.

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Hewlett, S. A. 2024. The new rules of executive presence. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 134-139.

Hewlett, S. 2024. The new rules of executive presence. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 56-61.

Hewlett, S. A., C. G. Luce and C. West. 2005. Leadership in your midst: Tapping the hidden strengths of minority executives. Harvard Business Review (November): 74-82.

Hildebrand, C. A., J. Baumgarten and M. Madhavan. 2023. How CEOs build confidence in their leadership. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 52-56.

Hill, C. W. L. and P. Phan. 1991. CEO tenure as a determinant of CEO pay. The Academy of Management Journal 34(3): 707-717.

Hill, L. and K. Lineback. 2023. Do your people trust you? Harvard Business Review (Winter Special Issue): 77-78.

Hill, L. and K. Lineback. 2023. For people to trust you, reveal your intentions. Harvard Business Review (Winter Special Issue): 81-82.

Hill, L. and K. Lineback. 2023. The first requirement for becoming a great boss. Harvard Business Review (Winter Special Issue): 76-77.

Hill, L. and K. Lineback. 2023. To build trust, competence if key. Harvard Business Review (Winter Special Issue): 79-80.

Hill, L., E. Tedards, J. Wild and K. Weber. 2024. What makes a great leader? Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 48-55.

Hill, L. A. 2007. Becoming the boss. Harvard Business Review (January): 48-56.

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Hill, L. A. 2023. Becoming the boss: The earliest test of leadership comes with that first assignment to manage others. Most new managers initially fail this test because of as set of common misconceptions about what it means to be in charge. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 70-79.

Hill, L. A. and G. Davis. 2017. The board's new innovation imperative: Directors need to rethink their roles and their attitude to risk. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 102-109.

Hill, L. A. and K. Lineback. 2011. Are you a good boss - or a great one? Harvard Business Review (January/February): 124-131.

Hill, L. A., G. Brandeau, E. T. Sal and K. Lineback. 2014. Collective genius. Harvard Business Review (June): 94-102. (Smart leaders are rewriting the rules of innovation).

Hill, M. S., T. J. Lopez and A. L. Reitenga. 2016. CEO excess compensation: The impact of firm size and managerial power. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (33): 35-46.

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Ibarra, H. 2015. The authenticity paradox. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 52-59. (Leaders struggle with authenticity).

Ibarra, H. and A. Scoular. 2019. The leader as coach. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 110-119.

Ibarra, H. and M. Hunter. 2007. How leaders create and use networks. Harvard Business Review (January): 40-47.

Ibarra, H. and M. T. Hansen. 2011. Are you a collaborative leader? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 68-74.

Ibarra, H., C. A. Hildebrand and S. Vinck. 2023. The leadership odyssey: It's not easy to become less directive and more empowering. Here's how to navigate the challenges. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 102-110.

Ibarra, H., C. A. Herminia and S. Vinck. 2024. The leadership odyssey. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 90-97.

Ignatius, A. 2014. "I came back because the company needed me". Harvard Business Review (July/August): 104-108.

Ignatius, A. 2014. The best-performing CEOs in the world. Harvard Business Review (November): 47-56.

Ignatius, A. 2015. "I'm not talking about this to win a popularity contest". Harvard Business Review (November): 120-125. (An interview with BlackRock CEO Larry Fink about his crusade against short-term thinking and what it might take to change the system).

Iganatius, A. 2016. What CEOs really worry about. Harvard Business Review (November): 52-57.

Ignatius, A. 2017. "Don't try to protect the past": A conversation with IBM CEO Ginni Rometty. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 126-132.

Ignatius, A. 2017. The great transformer. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 10.

Ignatius, A. 2017. The insulated leader. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 12.

Ignatius, A. 2017. "We need people to lean into the future": A conversation with Walmart CEO Doug McMillon. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 94-100.

Ignatius, A. 2018. CEOs step into the fray. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 10.

Ignatius, A. 2018. Cultivate curiosity. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 14.

Ignatius, A. 2018. The CEO vs. the clock. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 10.

Ignatius, A. 2018. "Managers don't have all the answers": A conversation with JPMorgan Chase Jamie Dimon. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 124-130.

Ignatius, A. 2019. The truth about CEO tenure. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 12.

Ignatius, A. and D. McGinn. 2015. Lars Sorensen. Harvard Business Review (November): 60-63. (Best-performing CEO).

Immelt, J. R. 2017. How I remade GE: And what I learned along the way. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 42-51.

Indjejikian, R. and M. Matejka. 2009. CFO fiduciary responsibilities and annual bonus incentives. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 1061-1093.

Indjejikian, R. J. and D. Nanda. 2002. Executive target bonuses and what they imply about performance standards. The Accounting Review (October): 793-819.

Indjejikian, R. J. and M. Matejka. 2012. Accounting decentralization and performance evaluation of business unit managers. The Accounting Review (January): 261-290.

Ingram, P. and Y. Choi. 2022. What does your company really stand for? Align what matters to you as an organization with what matters to your employees. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 40-47. (A five-step method for achieving values alignment).

Institute of Management Accountants. 1997. IMA adopts new governance structure. Management Accounting (August): 18-19.

Institute of Management Accountants. 1998. Pam Prinz Stewart, IMA President. Management Accounting (August): 20-22, 24.

Institute of Management Accountants. 1998. Richard M. Swanson, IMA executive director. Management Accounting (April): 8.

Isaacson, W. 2012. The real leadership lessons of Steve Jobs. Harvard Business Review (April): 92-102.

Ivancevich, J. and T. Duening. 2004. Guidelines for Excellence in Management. South-Western Educational Publishing.

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