Management And Accounting Web

Platforms Bibliography

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Adner, R. 2022. Sharing value for ecosystem success: Winning platforms require that both leaders and followers work to further the other's interest. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 85-90.

Allan, P. 2018. The New School of Economics: The Platform and Theory Behind the New Physiocrats. Independently Published.

Attuel-Mendes, L. 2014. Crowdfunding platforms for microfinance: A new way to eradicate poverty through the creations of a global hub? Cost Management (March/April): 38-47.

Balachandran, B. V. and C. Srinivasan. 2012. Achieving operational excellence through a strategy-aligned execution platform: Extending the ERP models. Cost Management (January/February): 29-43.

Beynon, R. 1992. Change management as a platform for activity-based management. Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 24-30. (Summary).

Bonnet, D. and G. Westerman. 2021. The new elements of digital transformation: The authors revisit their landmark research and address how the competitive advantages offered by digital technology have evolved. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 82-89. (Summary).

Buge, M. and P. Ozcan. 2021. Platform scaling, fast and slow. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 40-46.

Cennamo, C. and J. Santalo. 2015. How to avoid platform traps. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 12-15.

Choudary, S. P. 2015. Platform Scale: How an emerging business model helps startups build large empires with minimum investment. Platform Thinking Labs.

Cormier, D., M. Ledoux and M. Magnan. 2009. The use of web sites as a disclosure platform for corporate performance. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 10(1): 1-24.

Cusumano, M. A. and A. Gawer. 2002. The elements of platform leadership. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 51-58. (Platform leaders are companies that drive industry wide innovation for an evolving system of separately developed pieces of technology).

Cusumano, M. A., A. Gawer and D. B. Yoffie. 2019. The Business of Platforms: Strategy in the Age of Digital Competition, Innovation, and Power. Harper Business.

Cusumano, M. A., D. B. Yoffie and A. Gawer. 2020. The future of platforms: Platforms power some of the world's most valuable companies, but it will get harder and harder to capture and monetize their disruptive potential. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 46-54. (Summary).

Cutolo, D., A. Hargadon and M. Kenney. 2021. Competing on platforms: Companies must find new competitive strategies to succeed on dominant internet platforms. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 22-28, 30.

Economides, N. and E. Katsamakas. 2006. Two-sided competition of proprietary vs. open source technology platforms and the implications for the software industry. Management Science (July): 1057-1071.

Edelman, B. 2015. How to launch your digital platform: A playbook for strategists. Harvard Business Review (April): 90-97.

Edelman, B. and D. Geradin. 2016. Spontaneous deregulation: How to compete with platforms that ignore the rules. Harvard Business Review (April): 80-87.

Evans, D. S. and R. Schmalensee. 2016. Matchmakers: The New Economics of Multisided Platforms. Harvard Business Review Press.

Fisman, R. and M. Luca. 2016. Fixing discrimination in online marketplaces: Airbnb, Uber, and others are facing the unintended consequences of their platforms' design choices. Harvard Business Review (December): 88-95.

Fuller, J., M. Raman, A. Bailey and N. Vaduganathan. 2020. Rethinking the on-demand workforce: Digital talent platforms have matured, and many companies are using them to hire skilled gig workers. Now they need to get strategic about it. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 96-103.

Gawer, A. and M. A. Cusumano. 2008. How companies become platform leaders. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 28-35.

Gawer, A. R. and M. A. Cusumano. 2002. Platform Leadership: How Intel, Microsoft, and Cisco Drive Innovation. Harvard Business School Press.

Hagiu, A. 2014. Strategic decisions for multisided platforms. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 71-80.

Hagiu, A. and E. J. Altman. 2017. Finding the platform in your product: Four strategies that can reveal hidden value. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 94-100.

Hagiu, A. and J. Wright. 2021. Don't let platforms commoditize your business: How to make them work for your brand. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 108-114.

Hagiu, A. and J. Wright. 2024. Will that marketplace succeed? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 94-103.

Hopkins, M. S. 2011. How to innovate when platforms won't stop moving. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 55-60.

Hornik, S. and S. Thronburg. 2010. Really engaging accounting: Second LifeTM as a learning platform. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 361-378.

Hua, Y. Y. Cheng and L. R. Tingting. 2020. Monetary rewards, intrinsic motivators, and work engagement in the IT-enabled sharing economy: A mixed methods investigation of internet taxi drivers. Decision Sciences 51(3): 755-785.

Kavadias, S., K. Ladas and C. Loch. 2016. The transformative business model: How to tell if you have one. Harvard Business Review (October): 90-98. (Summary).

Knee, J. A. 2018. Why some platforms are better than others. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 18-20.

Kornberger, M., D. Pflueger and J. Mouritsen. 2017. Evaluative infrastructures: Accounting for platform organization. Accounting, Organizations and Society (60): 79-95.

Kumar, S., Y. Wang and H. Chen. 2023. Behavioral pricing in the platform economy. Decision Sciences 54(4): 432-433.

Laurie, D. L., Y. L. Doz and C. P. Sheer. 2006. Creating new growth platforms. Harvard Business Review (May): 80-90.

Li, Y. and L. Mu. 2023. The role of offline trade in sharing accommodation. Decision Sciences 54(1): 101-112.

Lin, T., H. K. Cheng, F. Wang and K. Chang. 2012. A study of online auction sellers' intention to switch platform: The case of Yahoo!Kimo versus Ruten_eBay. Decision Sciences 43(2): 241-272.

MacDonald, A. 2019. How digital platforms have become double-edged swords. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-7. (This is an interview with Michael Cusumano, one of the authors of The Business of Platforms: Strategy in the Age of Digital Competition, Innovation, and Power. Harper Business).

Magni, M. and L. Maruping. 2019. Unleashing innovation with collaboration platforms. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-5.

Marley, R. N. and N. M. Snow. 2019. An empirical investigation on social media users' demand for financial information distributed via social media platforms. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 155-175.

Parker, G. G. and M. W. Van Alstyne. 2005. Two-sided network effects: A theory of information product design. Management Science (October): 1494-1504.

Parker, G. G., M. W. Van Alstyne and S. P. Choudary. 2017. Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets are Transformaing the Economy - and How to Make Them Work for You. W. W. Norton & Company.

Pope, K. R. 2015. Overhauling ethics education: Engaging students digitally will give them a better learning experience and will help them remember the lessons throughout their careers. Strategic Finance (August): 40-47.

Reillier, L. C. and B. Reillier. 2017. Platform Strategy: How to Unlock the Power of Communities and Networks to Grow Your Business. Routledge.

Rheinhardt, A., F. Briscoe and A. Joshi. 2023. Organization-as-platform activism: Theory and evidence from the National Football League "Take a Knee" movement. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(2): 395-428.

Sampler, J. L. 2018. Platforms that grow are more than matchmakers. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-5.

Segarra, M. 2013. Furnishing growth: How the CFO of an online home-goods retailer helped build a sturdy platform for rapid growth. CFO (October): 32-34.

Sokol, D. D. and M. Van Alstyne. 2021. The rising risk of platform regulation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 6A-10A.

Suarez, F. F. and J. Kirtley. 2012. Dethroning an established platform. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 35-41.

Taneja, H. 2018. The end of scale. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 67-72. (The basis of economies of unscale is to give each customer exactly what he or she wants. Three ways to unscale large companies: Become a platform, instill an absolute product focus, and grow through dynamic rebundling).

Tripathy, M., J. Bai and H. S. Heese. 2023. Driver collusion in ride-hailing platforms. Decision Sciences 54(4): 434-446.

Unruh, G. C. 2008. The biosphere rules. Harvard Business Review (February): 111-117. (Sustainability following three rules: use as few materials as possible, up-cycle, i.e., planning beyond the product's life cycle, and leverage general purpose platforms).

Van Alstyne, M. W., Parker, G. G. and S. P. Choudary. 2016. Pipelines, platforms, and the new rules of strategy: Scale now trumps differentiation. Harvard Business Review (April): 54-62. (Summary).

Wang, T. and D. Wu. 2020. Data-driven dispatching system with allocation constraints and operational risk management for a ride-sharing platform. Decision Sciences 51(6): 1490-1520.

Wen, Z. and L. Lin. 2016. Optimal fee structures of crowdsourcing platforms. Decision Sciences 47(5): 820-850.

Xu, X., T. Siqin, S. Chung and T. Choi. 2023. Seeking survivals under COVID-19: The WhatsApp platform's shopping service operations. Decision Sciences 54(4): 375-393.

Zhu, F. and M. Iansiti. 2019. Why some platforms thrive and others don't: What Alibaba, Tencent, and Uber teach us about networks that flourish. The five characteristics that make the difference. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 118-125. (Summary).

Zhu, F. and N. Furr. 2016. Products to platforms: Making the leap. Harvard Business Review (April): 72-78.