Management And Accounting Web

Product Development Bibliography

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Abernathy, W. J. and N. Baloff. 1973. Concepts, theory, and technique: A methodology for planning new product. Decision Sciences 4(1): 1-20.

Akroyd, C., S. S. N. Biswas and S. Chuang. 2016. How management control practices enable strategic alignment during the product development process. Advances in Management Accounting (26): 99-138.

Amaral, J. E. G. Anderson Jr. and G. G. Parker. 2011. Putting it together: How to succeed in distributed product development. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 51-58.

Anderson, S. W. and K. Sedatole. 1998. Designing quality into products: The use of accounting data in new product development. Accounting Horizons (September): 213-233. (Summary).

Artto, K. A. 1994. Life cycle cost concepts and methodologies. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 28-32. (Summary).

Atuahene-Gima, K. 2003. The effects of centrifugal and centripetal forces on product development speed and quality: How does problem solving matter? The Academy of Management Journal 46(3): 359-373.

Atuahene-Gima, K. and H. Li. 2004. Strategic decision comprehensiveness and new product development outcomes in new technology ventures. The Academy of Management Journal 47(4): 583-597.

Bisbe, J. and P. Sivabalan. 2017. Management control and trust in virtual settings: A case study of a virtual new product development team. Management Accounting Research (December): 12-29.

Bonabeau, E., N. Bodick and R. W. Armstrong. 2008. A more rational approach to new-product development. Harvard Business Review (March): 96-102.

Booker, D. M., A. R. Drake and D. L. Heitger. 2007. New product development: How cost information precision affects designer focus and behavior in a multiple objective setting. Behavioral Research In Accounting (19): 19-41.

Brosnahan, J. P. 2008. Unleash the power of lean accounting. Journal of Accountancy (July): 60-66. (Summary).

Browning, T. R. and A. A. Yassine. 2016. Managing a portfolio of product development projects under resource constraints. Decision Sciences 47(2): 333-372.

Cooper, R. 2002. Target costing for new-product development. Journal of Cost Management (May/June): 5-12.

Cooper, R. and R. Slagmulder. 2002. Target costing for new-product development: Product-level target costing. Journal of Cost Management (July/August): 5-12.

Cooper, R. and R. Slagmulder. 2002. Target costing for new-product development: Component-level target costing. Journal of Cost Management (September/October): 36-43.

Cooper, R. and R. Slagmulder. 2003. Interorganizational costing, Part 2. Cost Management (November/December): 12-24. (Summary).

Curtis, C. C. 1994. Nonfinancial performance measures in new product development. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 18-26.

Curtis, C.C. and L.W. Ellis. 1997. Balanced scorecards for new product development. Journal of Cost Management (May/June): 12-18.

Davila, A., G. Foster and M. Li. 2009. Reasons for management control systems adoption: Insights from product development systems choice by early-stage entrepreneurial companies. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(3-4): 322-347.

Davila, T. 2000. An empirical study on the drivers of management control systems' design in new product development. Accounting, Organizations and Society 25(4-5): 383-409.

Davis, C. R. 2002. Calculated risk: A framework for evaluating product development. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 71-77.

Dougherty, D. and C. Hardy. 1996. Sustained product innovation in large, mature organizations: Overcoming innovation-to-organization problems. The Academy of Management Journal 39(5): 1120-1153.

Dyer, J. H. 1996. How Chrysler created an American keiretsu. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 42-43, 46-47, 50-56. (Summary).

Eppinger, S. D. 2006. The new practice of global product development. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 22-30.

Eigner, M. and R. Stelzer. 2009. Product Lifecycle Management: Ein Leitfaden fur Product Development und Life Cycle Management (German Edition). Springer.

Fiksel, J. 2009. Design for Environment: A Guide to Sustainable Product Development, 2nd edition. McGraw-Hill Professional.

Ford, R. B. 2024. The CEO of Abbott on revamping its breakthrough diabetes device. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 37-41.

Freeman, J. C. 1949. An outline of a product development budgetary control procedure. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October): 173-182.

Gaiser, B. 1997. German cost management systems. Journal of Cost Management (September/October): 35-41. (Summary).

Gaiser, B. 1997. German cost management systems (part 2). Journal of Cost Management (November/December): 41-45. (Summary).

Gernert, A., H. Sebastian Heese and D. A. Wuttke. 2021. Subcontracting new product development projects: The role of competition and commitment. Decision Sciences 52(5): 1039-1070.

Gopalakrishnan, M., T. Libby, J. A. Samuels and D. Swenson. 2015. The effect of cost goal specificity and new product development process on cost reduction performance. Accounting, Organizations and Society (42): 1-11.

Govindarajan, V., T. T. Eapen and D. J. Finkenstadt. 2024. Design products that won't become obsolete. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 96-103.

Green, S. G., M. A. Welsh and G. E. Dehler. 2003. Advocacy, performance, and threshold influences on decisions to terminate new product development. The Academy of Management Journal 46(4): 419-434.

Hargadon, A. and R. I. Sutton. 1997. Technology brokering and innovation in a product development firm. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(4): 716-749.

Herrmann, K. 1999. A better mousetrap. Strategic Finance (May): 58-62. (Some lessons on product development).

Hertenstein, J. H. and M. B. Platt. 1998. Why product development teams need management accountants. Management Accounting (April): 50-55. (Summary).

Hertenstein, J. H. and M. B. Platt. 2000. Performance measures and management control in new product development. Accounting Horizons (September): 303-323.

Hertenstein, J. H. and M. B. Platt. 2001. Creative accounting? Wanted for new product development! Advances in Management Accounting (10): 29-75.

Hall, D. and J. Jackson. 1992. Speeding up new product development. Management Accounting (October): 32-36. (Extending JIT techniques to the entire value chain).

Janka, M. and T. W. Guenther. 2018. Management control of new product development and perceived environmental uncertainty: Heterogeneity using a finite mixture approach. Journal of Management Accounting Research 30(2): 131-161.

Jatiningsih, D. E. S. and M. Sholihin. 2015. Examining the interaction effect of cost information types and strategy on the effectiveness of new product development: An experimental study. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer).

Jayaram, J. and M. K. Malhotra. 2010. The differential and contingent impact of concurrency on new product development project performance: A holistic examination. Decision Sciences 41(1): 147-196.

Jones, E. R. and T. L. Capperauld. 2014. Addressing commodity price volatility in product development through a mature target costing process. Cost Management (July/August): 5-10.

Jørgensen, B. and M. Messner. 2009. Management control in new product development: The dynamics of managing flexibility and efficiency. Journal of Management Accounting Research (21): 99-124.

Jørgensen, B. and M. Messner. 2010. Accounting and strategising: A case study from new product development. Accounting, Organizations and Society 35(2): 184-204.

Keller, R. T. 2001. Cross-functional project groups in research and new product development: Diversity, communications, job stress, and outcomes. The Academy of Management Journal 44(3): 547-555.

Kennedy, M. N. 2003. Product Development for the Lean Enterprise: Why Toyota's System Is Four Times More Productive and How You Can Implement It. Oaklea Press.

Koufteros, X. A., G. E. Rawski and R. Rupak. 2010. Organizational integration for product development: The effects on glitches, on-time execution of engineering change orders, and market success. Decision Sciences 41(1): 49-80.

Krabbe, A. D. and S. Grodal. 2023. The aesthetic evolution of product categories. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(3): 734-780.

Kumar, S., J. Singhal and K. Singhal. 2022. A programmed method for generating new product ideas from an existing product line. Decision Sciences 53(4): 771-776.

Lee, C. and W. Wang. 2020. Strategy, accountants' activities and new product development performance. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (50): 100487.

Lee, C., J. Y. Lee and Y. Monden. 2005. Early evidence on the interactive effects involving product development organizations and target cost management. Advances in Management Accounting (14): 189-209.

Lewis, M. W., M. A. Welsh, G. E. Dehler and S. G. Green. 2002. Product development tensions: Exploring contrasting styles of project management. The Academy of Management Journal 45(3): 546-564.

McFadden, J. A. 1956. Organizing new product development. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 832-840.

Moll, J. 2015. Editorial: Special issue on innovation and product development. Management Accounting Research (September): 2-11.

Morgan, J. M. 2006. The Toyota Product Development System: Integrating People, Process And Technology. Productivity Press.

Ogawa, S. and F. T. Piller. 2006. Reducing the risks of new product development. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 65-71.

Ray, M. R. 1995. Cost management for product development. Journal of Cost Management (Spring): 52-60.

Sobek, D. K. II, J. K. Liker and A. C. Ward. 1998. Another look at how Toyota integrates product development. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 36-49. (Summary).

Song, M. and M. M. Montoya-Weiss. 2001. The effect of perceived technological uncertainty on Japanese new product development. The Academy of Management Journal 44(1): 61-80.

Syed, T. A., C. Blome and P. T. Constantin. 2020. Impact of IT ambidexterity on new product development speed: Theory and empirical evidence. Decision Sciences 51(3): 655-690.

Thomke, S. and D. Reinertsen. 2012. Six myths of product development. Harvard Business Review (May): 84-94.

Wouters, M. and S. Morales. 2014. The contemporary art of cost management methods during product development. Advances in Management Accounting (24): 259-346.

Wouters, M., S. Morales, S. Grollmuss and M. Scheer. 2016. Methods for cost management during product development: A review and comparison of different literatures. Advances in Management Accounting (26): 139-274.

Yan, T. and A. Nair. 2016. Structuring supplier involvement in new product development: A China-U.S. study. Decision Sciences 47(4): 589-627.

Yan, T. and T. J. Kull. 2015. Supplier opportunism in buyer-supplier new product development: A China-U.S. study of antecedents, consequences, and cultural/institutional contexts. Decision Sciences 46(2): 403-445.