Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
Research Methods Main Page
Kachelmeier, S. J., J. R. Smith and W. F. Yancey. 1994. Budgets as a credible threat: An experimental study of cheap talk and forward induction. Journal of Management Accounting Research (6): 144-174. Used a lab experiment with 120 subjects.
Kakkuri-Knuuttila, M., K. Lukka and J. Kuorikoski. 2008. Interpretive research in management accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 33(2-3): 267-291.
Kakkuri-Knuuttila, M., K. Lukka and J. Kuorikoski. 2008. No premature closures of debates, please: A response to Ahrens. Accounting, Organizations and Society 33(2-3): 298-301.
Kanodia, C. 1982. Discussion of models in managerial accounting. Journal of Accounting Research (Supplement: Studies on Current Research Methodologies in Accounting: A Critical Evaluation): 153-160.
Kaplan, N. 1959. The role of the research administrator. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(1): 20-42.
Kaplan, N. 1961. Research administration and the administrator: U.S.S.R. and U.S. Administrative Science Quarterly 6(1): 51-72.
Kaplan, R. S. 1981. The impact of management accounting research on policy and practice. In Buckley, J. W. Editor. The Impact of Accounting Research on Policy and Practice. Arthur Young Professors Roundtable: 57-76.
Kaplan, R. S. 1983. Comments on Wilson and Jensen. The Accounting Review (April): 340-346. (Part of a special section that includes 8 papers on research perspectives from related disciplines).
Kaplan, R. S. 1983. Measuring manufacturing performance: A new challenge for managerial accounting research. The Accounting Review (October): 686-705.(Summary).
Kaplan, R. S. 1986. Role of empirical research in management accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 11(4-5): 429-452.
Kaplan, R. S. 1986. Research cultures in managerial accounting: Empirical research. Accounting and Culture. Annual meeting plenary session papers. American Accounting Association: 78-87. (Summary).
Kaplan, R. S. 1989. Connecting the research-teaching-practice triangle. Accounting Horizons (March): 129-132.
Kaplan, R. S. 1993. Research opportunities in management accounting. Journal of Management Accounting Research (5): 1-14. (Summary).
Kaplan, R. S. 1998. Innovation action research: Creating new management theory and practice. Journal of Management Accounting Research (10): 89-118. (Summary).
Kaplan, R. S. 2011. Accounting scholarship that advances professional knowledge and practice. The Accounting Review (March): 367-383.
Kaplan, R. S. 2019. Reverse the curse of the top-5. Accounting Horizons (June): 17-24.
Kaplan, S. E. and J. T. Mackey. 1992. An examination of the association between organizational design factors and the use of accounting information for managerial performance evaluation. Journal of Management Accounting Research (4): 116-130. This paper provides a study based on Contingency theory, i.e., that there is a relationship between organizational structure and situation. The most effective organizational structure will depend, or be contingent on, the organization’s particular situation. Questionnaires from 47 firms. Questionnaire included in an appendix. Uses probit regression analysis. (Summary).
Karpoff, J. M., A. Koester, D. S. Lee and G. Martin. 2017. Proxies and databases in financial misconduct research. The Accounting Review (November): 129-163.
Kasanen, E., K. Lukka and A. Siitonen. 1993. The constructive approach in management accounting. Journal of Management Accounting Research (5): 243-264. (Summary).
Keating, P. 1995. A framework for classifying and evaluating the theoretical contributions of case research in management accounting. Journal of Management Accounting Research (5): 66-86.
Kelton, A. S. and U. S. Murthy. 2023. Reimagining design science and behavioral science AIS research through a business activity lens. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (50): 100623.
Kennedy, D. B. 1992. Classification techniques in accounting research: Empirical evidence of comparative performance. Contemporary Accounting Research 8(2): 419-442.
Kennedy, J. L. and G. H. Putt. 1956. Administration of research in a research corporation. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(3): 326-339.
Kern, B. B. and M. H. Morris. 1994. Differences in the COMPUSTAT and expanded Value Line databases and the potential impact on empirical research. The Accounting Review (January): 274-284.
Kerr, S., J. Tolliver and D. Petree. 1977. Manuscript characteristics which influence acceptance for management and social science journals. The Academy of Management Journal 20(1): 132-141.
Keys, D. E. and J. A. Hendricks. 1984. The ethics of accounting research. Journal of Accounting Education 2(2): 77-88.
Kifner, J. 2001. Scholar sets off gastronomic false alarm. New York Times (September 8).
Kim, J. H. and I. Choi. 2021. Choosing the level of significance: A decision-theoretic approach. Abacus 57(1): 27-71.
Kim, J. H., K. Ahmed and P. I. Ji. 2018. Significance testing in accounting research: A critical evaluation based on evidence. Abacus 54(4): 524-546.
Kim, N. K. W. and E. M. Matsumura. 2017. Managerial accounting research in corporate social responsibility: A framework and opportunities for research. Advances in Management Accounting (28): 31-58.
Kim, W. J., M. A. Plumlee and S. R. Stubben. 2022. Overview of U.S. state and local government financial reporting: A reference for academic research. Accounting Horizons (September): 127-148.
King, G., R. O. Keohane and S. Verba. 1994. Designing Social Inquiry. Princeton University Press.
King, R. R. and D. E. Wallin. 1996. Managerial incentives for disclosure timing: An experimental investigation. Journal of Management Accounting Research (8): 117-136.
Kinney, W. R. Jr. 1986. Empirical accounting research design for Ph.D. students. The Accounting Review (April): 338-350.
Kinney, W. R. Jr. 1988. Attestation research opportunities: 1987. Contemporary Accounting Research 4(2): 416-425.
Kinney, W. R. Jr. 1988. L'attestation de recherche, 1987. Contemporary Accounting Research 4(2): 426-437.
Kinney, W. R. Jr. 1989. The relation of accounting research to teaching and practice: A "positive" view. Accounting Horizons (March): 119-124.
Kinney, W. R. Jr. 2001. Accounting scholarship: What is uniquely ours? The Accounting Review (April): 275-284.
Klemstine, C. F. and M. W. Maher. 1984. Management Accounting Research: A Review and Annotated Bibliography. New York: Garland Publishing.
Klersey, G. F. and T. J. Mock. 1989. Verbal protocol research in auditing. Accounting, Organizations and Society 14(1-2): 133-151.
Kochan, T. A., M. F. Guillen, L. W. Hunter and Siobhan O'Mahony. 2009. Introduction to the special research forumpublic policy and management research: Finding the common ground. The Academy of Management Journal 52(6): 1088-1100.
Kocsis, D. 2019. A conceptual foundation of design and implementation research in accounting information systems. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (34): 100420.
Kohlbeck, M. J., S. D. Krische, N. R. Mangold and S. G. Ryan. 2012. Financial market regulation and opportunities for accounting research. Accounting Horizons (September): 563-581.
Kohler, E. L. 1932. Needed: A research plan for accountancy. The Accounting Review (March): 1-10.
Konchitchki, Y. and D. E. O'Leary. 2011. Event study methodologies in information systems research. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 12(2): 99-115.
Kosh, A. S., C. E. Lefanowicz and J. R. Robinson. 2013. Regulation FD: A review and synthesis of the academic literature. Accounting Horizons (September): 619-646.
Koufteros, X. A., S. Babbar, R. S. Behara and M. Baghersad. 2021. OM research: Leading authors and institutions. Decision Sciences 52(1): 8-77.
Krawczyk, K. and D. S. Showalter. 2020. Utilizing environmental remediation to teach research skills: An instructional case. Journal of Accounting Education (51): 100659.
Kray, L. J., L. Thompson and A. Galinsky. 2001. Battle of the sexes: Gender stereotype confirmation and reactance in negotiations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (80): 942-958.
Kren, L. 1990. Performance in a budget-based control system: An extended expectancy theory model approach. Journal of Management Accounting Research (2): 100-112.
Krishnan, R. 2020. Across the great divide: Bridging the gap between economics- and sociology-based research on management accounting. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(2): 21-25.
Ku, C. and M. Firoozi. 2019. The use of crowdsourcing and social media in accounting research. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 85-111.
Kuhn, T. S. 1996. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 3rd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Kulkarni, S. S., U. M. Apte and N. E. Evangelopoulos. 2014. The use of latent sematic analysis in operations management research. Decision Sciences 45(5): 971-994.
Kumar, N., L. W. Stern and J. C. Anderson. 1993. Conducting interorganizational research using key informants. The Academy of Management Journal 36(6): 1633-1651.
Kumar, R. 2010. Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners, 3rd edition. Sage Publications Ltd.
La Porte, T. R. 1965. Conditions of strain and accommodation in industrial research organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(1): 21-38.
Labro, E. 2015. Hobby horses ridden. Journal of Management Accounting Research 27(1): 133-138. (Part of the special section on management accounting research: Knowledge base, themes, and future directions).
Lachmann, M., I. Trapp and R. Trapp. 2017. Diversity and validity in positivist management research - A longitudinal perspective over four decades. Management Accounting Research (March): 42-58.
Lara, J. M. G., B. G. Osma and B. G. de Albornoz Noguer. 2006. Effects of database choice on international accounting research. Abacus 42(3-4): 426-454.
Larcker, D. F. and T. O. Rusticus. 2010. On the use of instrumental variables in accounting research. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 186-205.
Largay, J. A. III. 2001. Three Rs and four Ws. Accounting Horizons (March): 71-72. (The essential characteristics of Horizons papers: Readability, Relevance, and Rigor. Early in the paper the authors must explain: What they are doing, Why they are doing it, What they found, and Why the findings are important).
Larsson, R. 1993. Case survey methodology: Quantitative analysis of patterns across case studies. The Academy of Management Journal 36(6): 1515-1546.
La Salle, B. 1959. Basic research in accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 603-608.
Lave, C. A., and J. G. March. 1993. An Introduction to Models in the Social Sciences. University Press of America.
Leahey, E., C. M. Beckman and T. L. Stanko. 2017. Prominent but less productive: The impact of interdisciplinarity on scientists' research. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(1): 105-139.
Lee, F., D. Vogel and M. Limayem. 2003. Virtual community informatics: A review and research agenda. The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA) 5(1): 47-61.
Lee, J. Y. 2003. Cost system research perspectives. Advances in Management Accounting (11): 39-57.
Lee, L., S. Petter, D. Fayard and S. Robinson. 2011. On the use of partial least squares path modeling in accounting research. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 12(4): 305-328.
Leisenring, J. J. and L. T. Johnson. 1994. Accounting research: On the relevance of research to practice. Accounting Horizons (December): 74-79.
Leitch, R. A. R. E. Steuer and J. T. Godfrey. 1995. A search process for multiple-objective management accounting problems: A budget illustration. Journal of Management Accounting Research (7): 87-121. Used a combined Tchebycheff / Aspiration criterion vector procedure.
Leitch, R. A. R. E. Steuer and J. T. Godfrey. 1995. A search process for multiple-objective management accounting problems: A budget illustration. Journal of Management Accounting Research (7): 87-121. (Used a laboratory experiment).
Lennox, C. and J. S. Wu. 2022. A review of China-related accounting research in the past 25 years. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 101539.
Lennox, C. S., J. R. Francis and Z. Wang. 2012. Selection models in accounting research. The Accounting Review (March): 589-616.
Leone, A. J., M. Minutti-Meza and C. E. Wasley. 2019. Influential observations and inference in accounting research. The Accounting Review (November): 337-364.
Lesage, C. and H. Wechtler. 2012. An inductive typology of auditing research. Contemporary Accounting Research 29(2): 487-504.
Leuz, C., 2022. Towards a design-based approach to accounting research. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 101550.
Lev, B. and J. A. Ohlson. 1982. Market-based empirical research in accounting: A review, interpretation, and extension. Journal of Accounting Research (Supplement: Studies on Current Research Methodologies in Accounting: A Critical Evaluation): 249-322.
Liang, T., J. S. Chandler, I. Han and J. Roan. 1992. An empirical investigation of some data effects on the classification accuracy of probit, ID3, and neural networks. Contemporary Accounting Research 9(1): 306-328.
Libby, R. 1983. Comments on Weick. The Accounting Review (April): 370-374. (Part of a special section that includes 8 papers on research perspectives from related disciplines).
Libby, R., R. Bloomfield and M. W. Nelson. 2002. Experimental research in financial accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 27(8): 775-810.
Libby, R. and B. L. Lewis. 1977. Human information processing research in accounting: The state of the art. Accounting, Organizations and Society 2(3): 245-268.
Libby, R. and B. L. Lewis. 1982. Human information processing research in accounting: The state of the art in 1982. Accounting, Organizations and Society 7(3): 231-285.
Libby, T. and J. H. Waterhouse. 1996. Predicting change in management accounting systems. Journal of Management Accounting Research (8): 137-150.
Libby, T. and S. E. Salterio. 2019. Deception in management accounting experimental research: "A tricky issue" revisited. Journal of Management Accounting Research 31(2): 143-158.
Lieberson, S. 1985. Making it Count. University of California Press.
Lindsay, R. M. 1993. Incorporating statistical power into the test of significance procedure: A methodological and empirical inquiry. Behavioral Research In Accounting (5): 211-236.
Linnenluecke, M. K., J. Birt, X. Chen, X. Ling and T. Smith. 2017. Accounting research in Abacus, A&F, AAR, and AJM from 2008-2015: A review and research agenda. Abacus 53(2): 159-179.
Lipe, R. C. 2004. Frequently asked questions of a new editor. Accounting Horizons (March): 77-80.
Littlefield, W. J. 1961. Research program of Controllers Institute Research Foundation. The Accounting Review (January): 32-35.
Littleton, A. C. 1926. Research work at the University of Illinois. The Accounting Review (March): 31-38.
Littleton, A. C. 1937. Accounting theses: A list compiled. The Accounting Review (September): 313-315.
Liu, Q. and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2014. Editorial: Big questions in AIS research: Measurement, information processing, data analysis, and reporting. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-17.
Llewellyn, S. 1993. Working in hermeneutic circles in management accounting research: Some implications and applications. Management Accounting Research (September): 231-249.
Locke, K. and K. Golden-Biddle. 1997. Constructing opportunities for contribution: Structuring intertextual coherence and "problematizing" in organizational studies. The Academy of Management Journal 40(5): 1023-1062.
Locke, L. F., S. J. Silverman and W. W. Spirduso. Editors. 2009. Reading and Understanding Research, 3rd edition. Sage Publications Inc.
Loether, H. J., and D. G. McTavish. 1974. Descriptive Statistics for Sociologists: An Introduction. Allyn & Bacon.
Lofland, J. and L. H. Lofland. 1984. A Guide to Qualitative Observation and Analysis. Second edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Lofland, J. and L. H. Lofland. 1994. Analyzing Social Settings: A Guide to Qualitative Observation and Analysis. Second edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Long, R. G., W. P. Bowers, T. Barnett and M. C. White. 1998. Research productivity of graduates in management: Effects of academic origin and academic affiliation. The Academy of Management Journal 41(6): 704-714.
Lowe, A. and J. Locke. 2005. Perceptions of journal quality and research paradigm: Results of a web-based survey of British accounting academics. Accounting, Organizations and Society 30(1): 81-98.
Lucas, D. M. Not dated. Folknography: The foundation and rationale.
Lucas, D. M. 2006. The Handbook of Folknography: A Qualitative Research Method for Giving Voice. Pearson Custom Publishing.
Luft, J. and M. D. Shields. 2002. Zimmerman's contentious conjectures: Describing the present and prescribing the future of empirical management accounting research. The European Accounting Review 11(4): 795-803. (Summary).
Luft, J. and M. D. Shields. 2003. Mapping management accounting: Graphics and guidelines for theory-consistent empirical research. Accounting, Organizations and Society 28(2-3): 169-249. (Summary).
Luft, J. and M. D. Shields. 2003. Erratum to "Mapping management accounting: Graphics and guidelines for theory consistent empirical research" [Accounting, Organizations and Society 28(2003) 169-249]. Accounting, Organizations and Society 28(7-8): 815.
Luft, J. and M. D. Shields. 2014. Subjectivity in developing and validating causal explanations in positivist accounting research. Accounting, Organizations and Society 39(7): 550-558.
Luft, J. L. 1997. Long-term change in management accounting: Perspectives from historical research. Journal of Management Accounting Research (9): 163-197. (Summary).
Luft, J. L. 2021. Six impossible things before breakfast. Journal of Management Accounting Research 33(3): 1-7. (About management accounting research).
Lukka, K. 2010. The roles and effects of paradigms in accounting research. Management Accounting Research (June): 110-115.
Lukka, K. 2014. Exploring the possibilities for causal explanation in interpretive research. Accounting, Organizations and Society 39(7): 559-566.
Lukka, K. and E. Kasanen. 1995. The problem of generalizability: Anecdotes and evidence in accounting research. Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal 8(5): 71-90.
Lukka, K. and E. Kasanen. 1996. Is accounting a global or a local discipline? Evidence from major research journals. Accounting, Organizations and Society 21(7-8): 755-773.
Lukka, K. and J. Mouritsen. 2002. Homogeneity or heterogeneity of research in management accounting? The European Accounting Review 11(4): 805-811. (Summary).
Lukka, K. and M. Granlund. 2002. The fragmented communication structure within the accounting academia: The case of activity-based costing research genres. Accounting, Organizations and Society 27(1-2): 165-190.
Lukka, K. and S. Modell. 2010. Validation in interpretive management accounting research. Accounting, Organizations and Society 35(4): 462-477.
Luo, Y., S. E. Salterio and C. Adamson. 2024. Replication of audit and financial accounting research: We do more than we think. Accounting Horizons (December): 173-189.
Lynch, E. J. and L. M. Andiola. 2019. If eyes are the window to our soul, what role does eye-tracking play in accounting research? Behavioral Research In Accounting 31(2): 107-133.
Malimage, K. 2019. Application of underutilized theories in fraud research: Suggestions for future research. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 11(1): 33-49.
Malina, M. A. and B. P. Tucker. 2020. A performance measurement approach to defining and measuring research relevance: Evidence from university senior management. Advances in Management Accounting (32): 117-150.
Malmi, T. 2010. Reflections on paradigms in action in accounting research. Management Accounting Research (June): 121-123.
Management Accounting Research. 2009. ENROAC - European Network for Research on Organizational and Accounting Change. Management Accounting Research (December): 296-297.
Marple, R. P. 1947. Research the key to improved industrial accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January 2): 531-539.
Martin, J. R. Not dated. Framework for Ph.D. study of management accounting. Management And Accounting Web. FrameworkForPh.D.Study
Martin, J. R. Not dated. The concept of validity. Management And Accounting Web. ValidityNotes
May, R. G. and G. L. Sundem. 1976. Research for accounting policy: An overview. The Accounting Review (October): 747-763.
Macintosh, N. B. and R. W. Scapens. 1991. Management accounting and control systems: A structuration theory analysis. Journal of Management Accounting Research (3): 131-158.
Maddala, G. S. 1991. A perspective on the use of limited-dependent and qualitative variables models in accounting research. The Accounting Review (October): 788-807. (Part of a forum on the use of limited-dependent variables in accounting research).
Maines, L. A., G. L. Solamon and G. B. Sprinkle 2006. An information economics perspective on experimental research in accounting. Behavioral Research in Accounting (18): 85-102.
Malone, J. A. 2015. Addendum: Bentley University subsequent report. The Accounting Review (July): 497. (Letter to the American Accounting Association about James E. Hunton's research fraud).
Malone, J. A. 2015. Report of Judith A. Malone, Bentley University ethics officer, concerning Dr. James E. Hunton. The Accounting Review (July): 1-5.
Malone, J. A. 2016. Report of Judith A. Malone, Bentley University ethics officer, concerning Dr. James E. Hunton. Behavioral Research In Accounting 28(2): 1-5. ("1. Dr. Hunton engaged in research misconduct by fabricating the data underlying Fraud Brainstorming and Tone at the Top." "2. The whole body of Dr. Hunton's extensive research while a faculty member at Bentley University must now be considered suspect."
Maragno, L. M. D., C. J. Skousen and J. A. Borba. 2023. Whistleblowing research: Experimental method choices from accounting and management. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 8(1): 461-485.
Marais, M. L. 1984. An application of the bootstrap method to the analysis of squared, standardized market model prediction errors. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Current Econometric Issues in Accounting Research): 34-54.
Marais, M. L., J. M. Patell and M. A. Wolfson. 1984. The experimental design of classification models: An application of recursive partitioning and bootstrapping to commercial bank loan classifications. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Current Econometric Issues in Accounting Research): 87-114.
March, S. T. and G. F. Smith. 1995. Design and natural science research on information technology. Decision Support Systems 15(4): 251-266.
Marczyk, G. R. 2005. Essentials of Research Design and Methodology. Wiley.
Marks, B. 1966. Some observations on research institute administration in the U.S.A. Management Science (June): C192-C194.
Martin, J. R. Not dated. What is contingency theory? Management And Accounting Web. ContingencyTheory
Martin, M. A. 2020. An evolutionary approach to management control systems research: A prescription for future research. Accounting, Organizations and Society (86): 101186.
Masli, A., V. J. Richardson, J. M. Sanchez and R. E. Smith. 2011. The business value of IT: A synthesis and framework of archival research. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 81-116.
Matherly, M. and R. T. Shortridge. 2009. A pragmatic model to estimate journal quality in accounting. Journal of Accounting Education 27(1): 14-29.
Mattessich, R. 2007. Two Hundred Years of Accounting Research. Psychology Press.
Mautz, R. K. 1987. Editorial: Writing to be read - Some advice for authors. Accounting Horizons (June): 87-89. (Use short sentences, use short and familiar words, avoid the passive voice, eliminate unnecessary words, use paragraphs and section headings, and include a summary of what your paper is about in the early paragraphs).
Mautz, R. K. 1988. Some thoughts on balance. Accounting Horizons (December): 136-139.
Mautz, R. K. and K. F. Skousen. 1969. Some problems in empirical research in accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 447-456.
Mazen, A. M., L. A. Graf, C. E. Kellogg and M. Hemmasi. 1987. Statistical power in contemporary management research. The Academy of Management Journal 30(2): 369-380.
McCarthy, W. E. 2012. Accounting craftspeople versus accounting seers: Exploring the relevance and innovation gaps in academic accounting research. Accounting Horizons (December): 833-843.
McClintock, C. C., D. Brannon and S. Maynard-Moody. 1979. Applying the logic of sample surveys to qualitative case studies: The case cluster method. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(4): 612-629.
McElroy, J. C. and H. K. Downey. 1982. Observation in organizational research: Panacea to the performance-attribution effect? The Academy of Management Journal 25(4): 822-835.
McEwen, W. J. 1956. Position conflict and professional orientation in a research organization. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(2): 208-224.
McFadden, J. A. Jr. 1953. Industrial research has accounting problems. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June): 1327-1339.
McFarland, W. B. 1961. Research in management accounting by the National Association of Accountants. The Accounting Review (January): 21-25.
McFarland, W. B. 1970. Research in management accounting by NAA. Management Accounting (March): 31-34.
McGahan, A. M. 2007. Academic research that matters to managers: On zebras, dogs, lemmings, hammers, and turnips. The Academy of Management Journal 50(4): 748-753.
McGrath, J. E., J. Martin, and R. A. Kulka. 1982. Some quasi-rules for making judgment calls in research. Chapter 4 in Judgment Calls in Research. Edited by J. E. McGrath, J. Martin, and R. A. Kulka. Sage.
McGrath, J. E., J. R. Kelly and J. E. Rhodes. 1993. A feminist perspective on research methodology: Some metatheoretical issues, contrasts, and choices. Chapter 2 in Gender Issues in Contemporary Society. Edited by S. Oskamp, and M. Costanzo. Sage.
McNichols, M. 2000. Research design issues in earnings management studies. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy (19): 313-345.
McNichols, M. F. and S. R. Stubben. 2018. Research design issues in studies using discretionary accruals. Abacus 54(2): 227-246.
McWilliams, A. and D. Siegel. 1997. Event studies in management research: Theoretical and empirical issues. The Academy of Management Journal 40(3): 626-657.
Meckfessel, M. and S. Moehrle. 2017. Self-regulation of the academic accounting literature: The case of James Hunton. Research in Accounting Regulation. 29(1): 10-18.
Mensah, Y. M. 1984. An examination of the stationarity of multivariate bankruptcy prediction models: A methodological study. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 380-395.
Merchant, K. and R. Simons. 1986. Research and control in complex organizations: An overview. Journal of Accounting Literature (5): 183-203.
Merchant, K. A. 2010. Paradigms in accounting research: A view from North America. Management Accounting Research (June): 116-120.
Merchant, K. A. and W. A. Van der Stede. 2006. Field-based research in accounting: Accomplishments and prospects. Behavioral Research in Accounting (18): 117-134.
Merino, B. D. and A. G. Mayper. 1993. Accounting history and empirical research. The Accounting Historians Journal 20(2): 237-267.
Merton, R. K. 1968. On sociological theories of the middle range. In Social Theory and Social Structure: 39-53. The Free Press.
Messier, S. A. and R. A. Bernardi. 2012. Demonstrating the need to include multiple firms in forensic accounting research. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 4(1): 84-121.
Miles, M. B., and A. M. Huberman. 1994. Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Milgram, S. 1965. Some conditions of obedience and disobedience to authority. Human Relations (18): 57-75.
Miller, C. C. 2006. From the editors: Peer review in the organizational and management sciences: Prevalence and effects of reviewer hostility, bias, and dissensus. The Academy of Management Journal 49(3): 425-431.
Miller, D. C. 1983. Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement. 4th ed. Longman.
Miller, P. B. W. 1977. What is accounting research supposed to do? Management Accounting (December): 43-47, 52.
Miller, P. B. W. 1978. Accounting research needs a more efficient market. Management Accounting (November): 27-34.
Mills, L. F. 2019. Pursuing relevant (tax) research. The Accounting Review (July): 437-446.
Mintzberg, H. 1978. Mintzberg's final paradigm. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(4): 635-636. (Reject any submitted paper with the word paradigm in the title).
Mintzberg, H. 1979. An emerging strategy of "direct" research. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(4): 582-589.
Misiewicz, K. M. 1977. A macro-case analysis approach to tax research. The Accounting Review (October): 935-938.
Mittendorf, B. 2015. Introduction: Management accounting research: Knowledge base, themes, and future directions. Journal of Management Accounting Research 27(1): 121-122.
Mock, T. J. 1972. A decision tree approach to the methodological decision process. The Accounting Review (October): 826-829. (Note).
Modell, S. 2005. Triangulation between case study and survey methods in management accounting research: An assessment of validity implications. Management Accounting Research (June): 231-254.
Modell, S. 2009. In defence of triangulation: A critical realist approach to mixed methods research in management accounting. Management Accounting Research (September): 208-221.
Modell, S. 2010. Bridging the paradigm divide in management accounting research: The role of mixed methods approaches. Management Accounting Research (June): 124-129.
Modell, S. 2020. Across the great divide: Bridging the gap between economics- and sociology-based research on management accounting. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(2): 1-15.
Modell, S. 2022. Is institutional research on management accounting degenerating or progressing? A Lakatosian analysis. Contemporary Accounting Research 39(4): 2560-2595.
Modell, S., E. Vinnari and K. Lukka. 2017. On the virtues and vices of combining theories: The case of institutional and actor-network theories in accounting research. Accounting, Organizations and Society (60): 62-78.
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Moizer, P. 2009. Publishing in accounting journals: A fair game? Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(2): 285-304. (Lots of good advice for authors and reviewers).
Montgomery, D. C. 2000. Design and Analysis of Experiments, 5th edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Moon, J. S., S. L. Summers, N. J. Waddoups and D. A. Wood. 2022. Publication benchmarking data based on faculty promoted at the top 200 worldwide accounting research institutions. Accounting Horizons (September): 171-188.
Morgan, G. 1983. Social science and accounting research: A commentary on Tomkins and Groves. Accounting, Organizations and Society 8(4): 385-388.
Morita, J. G., T. W. Lee and R. T. Mowday. 1993. The regression-analog to survival analysis: A selected application to turnover research. The Academy of Management Journal 36(6): 1430-1464.
Moser, D. V. 1998. Using an experimental economics approach in behavioral accounting research. Behavioral Research In Accounting (10 Supplement): 94-110.
Moser, D. V. 2012. Is accounting research stagnant? Accounting Horizons (December): 845-850.
Moser, D. V. and P. R. Martin. 2012. A broader perspective on corporate social responsibility research in accounting. The Accounting Review (May): 797-806.
Mouck, T. 1998. Capital markets research and real world complexity: The emerging challenge of chaos theory. Accounting, Organizations and Society 23(2): 189-215.
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Mukherji, A. 1996. The Handbook of Experimental Economics: A review essay. Behavioral Research In Accounting (8): 217-231.
Murray, D. 1983. The effect of certain research design choices on the assessment of the market's reaction to LIFO changes: A methodological study. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 128-140.
Murray, D. 1991. Data fixation: Methodological refinements and additional empirical evidence. Behavioral Research In Accounting (3): 25-38.
Murthy, U. S. 2002. Group support systems research in accounting: A theory-based framework and directions for future research, In Information Systems Research Monograph. Arnold, V. and Sutton S. (Eds). American Accounting Association.
Murthy, U. S. 2016. Researching at the intersection of accounting and information technology: A call for action. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 159-167.
Mutchler, J. and P. Shane. 1995. A comparative analysis of firms included in and excluded from the NAARS database. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 193-202.
Myers, J. H. 1964. Research projects in accounting 1964. The Accounting Review (October): 1079-1085.
Myers, N., N. Snow, S. L. Summers and D. A. Wood. 2016. Accounting institution citation-based research rankings by topical area and methodology. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 33-62.
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Napier, C. J. 2006. Accounts of change: 30 years of historical accounting research. Accounting, Organizations and Society 31(4-5): 445-507.
Narasimhan, R. 2014. Theory development in operations management: Extending the frontiers of a mature discipline via qualitative research. Decision Sciences 45(2): 209-227.
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National Association of Accountants. 1960. Research Planning Committee outlines objectives and methods of research in management accounting. N.A.A. Bulletin (March): 3-4.
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Newman, D. P. 1980. Prospective theory: Implications for information evaluation. Accounting, Organizations and Society 5(2): 217-230.
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Nobes, C. W. 1985. International variations in perceptions of accounting journals. The Accounting Review (October): 702-705.
Noonan, R. E. 1982. Management accounting - A time of opportunity. Future Perspectives in Accounting Research. University of Alabama: 75-83.
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O'Brien, J. and K. Sivaramakrishnan. 1996. Coordinating order processing and production scheduling in order initiated production environments. Journal of Management Accounting Research (8): 151-170. Use of Simulation to study cycle time accounting.
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Ohlson, J. A. 2015. Accounting research and common sense. Abacus 51(4): 525-535.
Ohlson, J. A. 2022. Researchers' data analysis choices: An excess of false positives? Review of Accounting Studies 27(2): 649-667.
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Pallot, J. 1991. The legitimate concern with fairness: A comment. Accounting Organizations and Society 16(2): 201-208. (Summary).
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Ragin, C. 1994. Constructing Social Research. Pine Forge Press.
Ragins, B. R. 2006. Exploring Positive Relationships at Work: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Ramanna, K. 2013. A framework for research on corporate accountability reporting. Accounting Horizons (June): 409-432.
Rankin, A. C. 1956. The administrative processes of contract and grant research. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(3): 275-294.
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Rautiainen, A., K. Sippola and T. Matto. 2017. Perspectives on relevance: The relevance test in the constructive research approach. Management Accounting Research (March): 19-29.
Ravenscroft, S. and P. F. Williams. 2021. Sustaining discreditable accounting research through ignorance: The mainstream elite's response to the 2008 financial crisis. Accounting, Organizations and Society (95): 101280.
Rea, L. M. and R. A. Parker. 2005. Designing and Conducting Survey Research: A Comprehensive Guide (Jossey Bass Public Administration Series). Jossey-Bass.
Rebele, J. E. and E. K. St. Pierre. 2015. Stagnation in accounting education research. Journal of Accounting Education 33(2): 128-137.
Rebele, J. E., D. E. Stout and J. M. Hassell. 1991. A review of empirical research in accounting education: 1985-1991. Journal of Accounting Education 9(2): 167-231.
Rees, L. L. and P. B. Shane. 2012. Academic research and standard-setting: The case of other comprehensive income. Accounting Horizons (December): 789-815.
Regopoulos, M. 1966. The principle of causation as a basis of scientific method. Management Science (April): C135-C139.
Reiter, S. A. 1994. Beyond economic man: Lessons for behavioral research in accounting. Behavioral Research in Accounting (6) Supplement: 163-185. (Summary).
Reiter, S. A. and P. F. Williams. 2002. The structure and progressivity of accounting research: The crisis in the academy revisited. Accounting, Organizations and Society 27(6): 575-607.
Richmond, G. L. 2010. Federal Tax Research, 8th edition. Foundation Press.
Ricks, W. E. 1984. Discussion of a comparison of event study methodologies using daily stock returns: A simulation approach. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Current Econometric Issues in Accounting Research): 31-33.
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Riordan, D. A. and M. P. Riordan. 2009. IRB creep: Federal regulations protecting human research subjects and increasing instructors' responsibilities. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 31-43.
Roberts, L. M. and J. E. Dutton. 2009. Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Robinson, J. P., P. R. Shaver, L. S. Wrightman, and F. M. Andrews. 1991. Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes. San Diego: Academic Press.
Robson, C. 2002. Real World Research: A Resource for Social Scientists and Practitioner-Researchers. Blackwell Publishers.
Robson, K., M. Annisette and M. E. Peecher. 2021. Editorial: Accounting research and practice in the time of pandemic (v5). Accounting, Organizations and Society (90): 101243.
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Rosenberg, M. 1968. The Logic of Survey Analysis. Basic Books Inc. Review by J. E. Sorensen.
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Rouse, R. W. and R. A. Shockley. 1984. Setting realistic expectations for publishing in leading accounting research journals. Journal of Accounting Education 2(2): 43-52.
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Rutherford, B. A. 2013. A pragmatist defence of classical financial accounting research. Abacus 49(2): 197-218.
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Salterio, S. E. 2015. Barriers to knowledge creation in managerial accounting research. Journal of Management Accounting Research 27(1): 151-170. (Part of the special section on management accounting research: Knowledge base, themes, and future directions).
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Selto, F., C. Renner, and M. Young. 1995. Assessing the organizational fit of a just-in-time manufacturing system: Testing selection, interaction and systems models of contingency theory. Accounting, Organizations and Society (20): 665-684.
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Shehata, M. 1991. Self-selection bias and the economic consequences of accounting regulation: An application of two-stage switching regression to SFAS No. 2. The Accounting Review (October): 768-787. (Part of a forum on the use of limited-dependent variables in accounting research).
Shepard, H. A. 1956. Nine dilemmas in industrial research. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(3): 295-309.
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Shields, M. D. 1997. Research in management accounting by North Americans in the 1990s. Journal of Management Accounting Research (9): 3-61. (Summary).
Shields, M. D. 2015. Established management accounting knowledge. Journal of Management Accounting Research 27(1): 123-132. (Part of the special section on management accounting research: Knowledge base, themes, and future directions).
Shields, M. D. 2018. A perspective on management accounting research. Journal of Management Accounting Research 30(3): 1-11.
Shields, M. D. and S. M. Young. 1993. Antecedents and consequences of participative budgeting: Evidence on the effects of asymmetrical information. Journal of Management Accounting Research (5): 265-280. Used a survey.
Shields, M. D. and S. M. Young. 1994. Managing innovation costs: A study of cost conscious behavior by R&D professionals. Journal of Management Accounting Research (6): 175-196. (Survey).
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Sikka, P. N. and H. C. Willmott. 2002. Beyond reductionism in critical accounting research. Accounting and the Public Interest (2): 88-93.
Silhan, P. A. 1982. Management accounting is research. Management Accounting (September): 38-42.
Silhan, P. A. 1982. Simulated mergers of existent autonomous firms: A new approach to segmentation research. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 255-262.
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Smith, K. 1993. Investment monitoring systems, abandonment of capital assets, and firm performance. Journal of Management Accounting Research (5): 281-299. Used COMPUSTAT data from 10-K reports.
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Weick, K. E. 1983. Stress in accounting systems. The Accounting Review (April): 350-369. (Part of a special section that includes 8 papers on research perspectives from related disciplines).
Weick, K. E. 2018. Book review: R. Ramanujam and K. H. Roberts (eds.): Organizing for Reliability: A Guide for Research and Practice. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(4): NP52-NP55.
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Williams, P. F. 1987. The legitimate concern with fairness. Accounting Organizations and Society 12(2): 169-189. (Summary). (See also Pallot, J. 1991. The legitimate concern with fairness: A comment. Accounting Organizations and Society 16(2): 201-208). (Summary).
Williams, P. F. 1989. The logic of positive accounting research. Accounting, Organizations and Society 14(5-6): 455-468.
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Wilson, R. 1983. Auditing: Perspectives from multi-person decision theory. The Accounting Review (April): 305-318. (Part of a special section that includes 8 papers on research perspectives from related disciplines).
Winakor, A. H. and D. Borth. 1934. Documentation in accounting literature. The Accounting Review (March): 61-68.
Wine, W. D. and X. Shen. 2020. Book review: Jason Owen-Smith: Research Universities and the Public Good: Discovery for an Uncertain Future. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(3): NP30-NP32.
Wolcott, S. K., C. P. Baril, B. M. Cunningham, D. R. Fordham and K. St. Pierre. 2002. Critical thought on critical thinking research. Journal of Accounting Education 20(2): 85-103.
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Young, S. M. and B. Lewis. 1995. Experimental incentive-contracting research in management accounting. In Ashton, R. and A. Ashton. 1995. Judgment and Decision-Making Research in Accounting and Auditing. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. 55-75.
Young, S. M., F. Du, K. K. Dworkis and K. J. Olsen. 2016. It's all about all of us: The rise of narcissism and its implications for management control system research. Journal of Management Accounting Research 28(1): 39-55.
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Zeff, S. A. 1978. Editorial: The process of editorial review. The Accounting Review (July): 726-729.
Zeff, S. A. 1996. A study of academic research journals in accounting. Accounting Horizons (September): 158-177.
Zeff, S. A. 2001. The work of the special committee on research program. The Accounting Historians Journal 28(2): 141-186.
Zeff, S. A. 2018. A critical view of the evolution of the accounting professoriate.
Zeff, S. A. 2021. The FASB's approach toward reviewing, conducting, and sponsoring academic research and to engaging academics. Accounting Horizons (September): 245-254.
Zelditch, M. 1961. Can you really study an army in a laboratory? In A Sociological Reader on Complex Organizations. Edited by A. Etzioni. Rinehart, and Winston: 528-539.
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Zimmerman, J. L. 2001. Conjectures regarding empirical managerial accounting research. Journal of Accounting and Economics (32): 411-427. (Summary).
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