Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Also see the bibliographies for Accounting Practice, Banking Accounting and Management, and Healthcare.
Abbasi, B., M. Fadaki, Z. Hosseinifard, H. Jahani and D. J. Thomas. 2022. Allocation policies to fulfill heterogeneous service requirements under resource pooling. Decision Sciences 53(2): 277-319.
Acworth, W. M. 1923. Railway grouping in England. Harvard Business Review (July): 414-416.
Adams, C. G. 1946. Airline accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November 15): 359-376.
Adams, H. C. 1908. Railway accounting in its relation to the twentieth section of the act to regulate commerce. Journal of Accountancy (October): 381-393.
Adiel, R. 1996. Reinsurance and the management of regulatory ratios and taxes in the property-casualty insurance industry. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August-December): 207-240.
Adkins, T. and B. Misch. 2015. Does it always make sense to share? Costing in a shared services environment. Cost Management (March/April): 33-40.
Agnich, J. F. 1981. How utilities account to the regulators. Management Accounting (February): 17-22.
Ahrens, T. and C. Chapman. 2002. The structuration of legitimate performance measures and management: Day-today contests of accountability in a U.K. restaurant chain. Management Accounting Research (June): 151-171.
Ahrens, T. and C. S. Chapman. 2007. Management accounting as practice. Accounting, Organizations and Society 32(1-2): 1-27. (Management control in restaurants).
AICPA. 2012. Reporting on Controls at a Service Organization Relevant to Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, or Privacy (SOC 2) - AICPA Guide. AICPA.
Ainsworth, P. 1996. Flint Hills Salon: A Case Analysis. John Wiley & Sons.
Akçura, M. T., Z. D. Ozdemir and M. S. Rahman. 2015. Online intermediary as a channel for selling quality-differentiated services. Decision Sciences 46(1): 37-62.
Albergo, H. 1980. Building better controls in the commercial lending function. Management Accounting (February): 14-17.
Albright, T. L., G. P. Moynihan, R. G. Batson and E. Henderson . 1998. Activity-based relationships among management information systems and service organization revenues: A Markov process. Advances in Management Accounting (6): 195-213.
Allain, E. and M. Gervais. 2014. Traceability of time consumption for costing service transactions. Advances in Management Accounting (23): 253-281.
Allen, A. F. 1907. Operating statistics for street railways. Journal of Accountancy (July): 211-215.
Allen, B. 1987. Make information services pay its own way. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 57-63.
Allen, R. W. 1968. Staffing practices and problems of business units in the California state college system. The Academy of Management Journal 11(1): 75-89.
Allmendinger, G. and R. Lombreglia. 2005. Four strategies for the age of smart services. Harvard Business Review (October): 131-145. (Four basic business models for companies that embrace smart services: The embedded innovator, the solutionist, the aggregator, and the synergist).
Alter, C. 1990. An exploratory study of conflict and coordination in interorganizational service delivery systems. The Academy of Management Journal 33(3): 478-502.
Amlung, M. J. Jr. 1962. Management accounting for the life insurance industry. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 83-91.
Anand, K. S., M. F. Pac and S. Veeraraghavan. 2011. Quality-speed conundrum: Trade-offs in customer-intensive services. Management Science (January): 40-56.
Anderson-Gough, F., C. Edgley, K. Robson and N. Sharma. 2022. Organizational responses to multiple logics: Diversity, identity and the professional service firm. Accounting, Organizations and Society (103): 101336.
Antos, J. 1992. Activity-based management for service, not-for-profit, and governmental organizations. Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 13-23.
Argyris, C. 1958. Some problems in conceptualizing organizational climate: A case study of a bank. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(4): 501-520.
Atwood, J. W. 1969. Motor freight management reporting. Management Accounting (January): 53-54.
Auzair, S. M. and K. Langfield-Smith. 2005. The effect of service process type, business strategy and life cycle stage on bureaucratic MCS in service organizations. Management Accounting Research (December): 399-421.
Avery, H. G. 1954. Some aspects of public utility accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 575-583.
Avery, H. G. 1955. An analysis of Missouri's utility earnings and rate base formula - A rejoinder. The Accounting Review (July): 485-492.
Avery, H. G. 1959. Cost distribution by regulation. The Accounting Review (April): 250-256.
Bailes, J., I. Kleinsorge and L. White. 1992. How support services can use process control: The idea is to let people manage themselves. Management Accounting (October): 45-51. (For more on Oregon Cutting Systems use of JIT concepts see Bailes, J. C. and I. K. Kleinsorge. 1992. Cutting waste with JIT. Management Accounting (June): 28-32.)
Bailey, C. D., A. B. Collins, D. L. Collins and K. R. Lambert. 2009. An analysis of Southwest Airlines: Applying the Horngren, Datar, and Foster (2006) strategic profitability analysis approach. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 539-551.
Baker, C. R. 1976. Accounting problems in the TV broadcast industry. Management Accounting (May): 41-42.
Baker, T., V. Jayaraman and N. Ashley. 2013. A data-driven inventory control policy for cash logistics operations: An exploratory case study application at a financial institution. Decision Sciences 44(1): 205-226.
Balakrishnan, R. and N. S. Soderstrom. 2000. The cost of system congestion: Evidence from the healthcare sector. Journal of Management Accounting Research (12): 97-114.
Barger, P. B. and A. A. Grandey. 2006. Service with a smile and encounter satisfaction: Emotional contagion and appraisal mechanisms. The Academy of Management Journal 49(6): 1229-1238.
BarNiv, R. 1990. Accounting procedures, market data, cash-flow figures, and insolvency classification: The case of the insurance industry. The Accounting Review (July): 578-604.
Basuki, B. and M. D. Riediansyaf. 2014. The application of time-driven activity-based costing in the hospitality industry: An exploratory case. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 27-54.
Bauer, J. 1916. The idea of capitalization as applied to public service corporations. Journal of Accountancy (July): 1-9.
Bauer, J. 1926. The problem of effective regulation of public utilities. Harvard Business Review (October): 68-79.
Bauer, J. 1930. Depreciation and public utility valuation. The Accounting Review (June): 111-116.
Bauer, J. 1937. The concepts of capital and income in the regulation of public utilities. The Accounting Review (March): 22-29.
Baum, J. A. C. and H. A. Haveman. 1997. Love thy neighbor? Differentiation and agglomeration in the Manhattan hotel industry, 1898-1990. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(2): 304-338.
Baum, J. A. C. and H. A. Haveman. 1998. Errata: Love they neighbor? Differentiation and agglomeration in the Manhattan hotel industry, 1898-1990. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(2): 506.
Baum, J. A. C. and S. J. Mezias. 1992. Localized competition and organizational failure in the Manhattan hotel industry, 1898-1990. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(4): 580-604.
Bayou, M. E. 2008. A note on an alternative cost allocation system for municipal service units. Advances in Management Accounting (17): 317-346.
Bean, T. J. and J. G. Gros. 1992. R&D benchmarking at AT&T. Research-Technology Management (July-August): 32-37.
Beatty, A. and S. Liao. 2011. Do delays in expected loss recognition affect banks' willingness to lend? Journal of Accounting and Economics (June): 1-20.
Bennett, J. P. 1985. Standard cost systems lead to efficiency and profitability. Healthcare Financial Management (September): 46-54.
Bennett, R. J. 1924. Building and loan associations. Journal of Accountancy (February): 81-90.
Berkowitz, N. H. and W. G. Bennis. 1961. Interaction patterns in formal service-oriented organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 6(1): 25-50.
Berndtson, K. 1986. Managers and physicians come head to head over cost control. Healthcare Financial Management (September): 22-24, 28-29.
Biggart, N. W. 1977. The creative-destructive process of organizational change: The case of the Post Office. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(3): 410-426.
Birkinshaw, J. and D. Lancefield. 2023. How professional services firms dodged disruption. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 34-39.
Blauvelt, M. P. 1908. Railroad accounting under government supervision. Journal of Accountancy (June): 81-92.
Boles, K. E. and J. K. Glenn. 1986. What accounting leaves out of hospital financial management. Hospital and Health Services Administration (March April): 8-27.
Bookkeeper Publishing Co. 1901. Accounting Systems for the Wholesale Grocery and Hardware Business. The Bookkeeper Publishing Company.
Bookkeeper Publishing Co. 1901. Retail Accounting: A text book for the use of book-keepers who keep the accounts of retail business, with special attention to the requirements of general stores, drug stores, bakeries, creameries and ice businesses. The Book-Keeper Publishing Company.
Borgstrom, H.G. 2000. Performance management for government internal services. Journal of Cost Management (May/June): 28-34.
Botzem, S. and L. Dobusch. 2017. Financialization as strategy: Accounting for inter-organizational value creation in the European real estate industry. Accounting, Organizations and Society (59): 31-43.
Boutell, W. S. 1962. The implementation of uniform standards of reporting for national voluntary agencies. The Accounting Review (July): 406-409.
Boyle, P. P. 1985. Accounting for equity investments of life insurance companies. Contemporary Accounting Research 1(2): 116-144.
Boyle, P. P. 1985. La comptabilite pour les investissements en actions des compagnies d'assurance-vie. Contemporary Accounting Research 1(2): 145-175.
Bradach, J. L. 1997. Using the plural form in the management of restaurant chains. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(2): 276-303.
Brantner, P. F. 1973. Accounting for land development companies. Management Accounting (August): 15-19.
Braun, M., P. S. Fader, E. T. Bradlow and H. Kunreuther. 2006. Modeling the "pseudodeductible" in insurance claims decisions. Management Science (August): 1258-1272.
Briggs, F. R. and J. E. Hosking. 1984. Hospitals eye excess capacity and plan to improve productivity. Modern Healthcare (February 1): 114, 116, 119.
Brignall, S. 1997. A contingent rationale for cost system design in services. Management Accounting Research (September): 325-346.
Brignall, T. J., L. Fitzgerald, R. Johnston and R. Silvestro. 1991. Product costing in service organizations. Management Accounting Research (December): 227-248.
Brimson, J. A. and J. Antos. 1994. Activity Based Management for Service Industries, Government Entities, and Nonprofit Organizations. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc..
Bromwich, M. and C. Hong. 2000. Costs and regulation in the U.K. telecommunications industry. Management Accounting Research (March): 137-165.
Brown, R. W., and J. B. Pyers. 1988. Putting teeth into the efficiency and effectiveness of public services. Public Administration Review (May-June): 735-742.
Bruton, P. W. and J. Waterman. 1985. Capital financing demands new, innovative practices. Healthcare Financial Management (April): 38-46.
Buckwalter, W. R. 1942. Accrued depreciation and the utility rate base in Pennsylvania. The Accounting Review (July): 265-277.
Burgess, K. F. 1929. Conflict in legislation respecting railroad rates I. Harvard Business Review (July): 423-431.
Burgess, K. F. 1929. Conflict in legislation respecting railroad rates II. Harvard Business Review (October): 24-36.
Burik, D. and T. J. Duvall. 1985. Hospital cost accounting: A basic system framework. Healthcare Financial Management (March): 58-64.
Burik, D. and D. L. Marcellino. 1985. Successfully implementing a multihospital cost system. Healthcare Financial Management (January): 50-52, 54.
Burkert, M., T. G. Calderon, J. W. Hesford and M. J. Turner. 2022. Azure Lodging, Inc.: A case study on capital budgeting with capital rationing in a service industry context. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 67-89.
Butterfield, R. 1987. A quality strategy for service organizations. Quality Progress (December):
Cabot, P. 1929. Public utility rate regulation. Harvard Business Review (April): 257-266.
Cabot, P. 1929. Public utility rate regulation II. Harvard Business Review (July): 413-422.
Cabot, P. C. 1926. Interest rates and utility stock prices. Harvard Business Review (July): 431-438.
Calvert, J. F. 1908. Depreciation in railway accounting. Journal of Accountancy (August): 229-233.
Campbell, E. M. 1924. Some management problems of investment trusts. Harvard Business Review (April): 296-302.
Campbell, G. M. 2012. On-call overtime for service workforce scheduling when demand is uncertain. Decision Sciences 43(5): 817-850.
Campbell, G. M. 2017. Time-staged overtime staffing for services with updated forecasts and availabilities. Decision Sciences 48(4): 691-722.
Cannon, J. A. 1976. Applying the human resource account framework in an international airline. Accounting, Organizations and Society 1(2 & 3): 253-263.
Carr, L. P. 1993. Unbundling the cost of hospitalization. Management Accounting (November): 43-48.
Carter, T. L., A. M. Sedaghat and T. D. Williams. 1998. How ABC changed the post office. Management Accounting (February): 28-32, 35 and 36. (Summary).
Carthage, P. I. 1920. Retail Organization and Accounting Control. D. Appleton and Company.
Chan, Y. C. L. and S. J. K. Ho. 2000. Performance measurement and the use of balanced scorecard in Canadian hospitals. Advances in Management Accounting (9): 145-169.
Chang, L. and B. Birkett. 2004. Managing intellectual capital in a professional service firm: Exploring the creativity-productivity paradox. Management Accounting Research (March): 7-31.
Charnes, A., W. W. Cooper, J. K. DeVoe, D. B. Learner and W. Reinecke. 1968. A goal programming model for media planning. Management Science (April): 423-430.
Chase, R. B. and D. M. Stewart. 1994. Make your service fail-safe. Sloan Management Review (Spring): 35-44.
Chesbrough, H. 2011. Bringing open innovation to services. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 85-90.
Chopra, S. and M. A. Lariviere. 2005. Managing service inventory to improve performance. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 56-63.
Chow, C. W., K. M. Haddad, and J. E. Williamson. 1997. Applying the balanced scorecard to small companies. Management Accounting (August): 21-27. (Summary).
Cleverly, W. O. 1987. Product costing for health care firms. Health Care Management Review (Fall): 39.
Clifford, L. A. and M. P. Plomann. 1985. Cost and quality: Two sides of the coin in cost containment. Healthcare Financial Management (September): 30-32.
Cobb, I., C. Helliar and J. Innes. 1995. Management accounting change in a bank. Management Accounting Research (June): 155-175.
Cohen, J. and P. Hansen. 1999. The relevance of activity-based costing for the human services sector: The example of hospital social work. Advances in Management Accounting (8): 195-209.
Collier, P. and A. Gregory. 1995. Investment appraisal in service industries: A field study analysis of the U.K. hotels sector. Management Accounting Research (March): 33-57.
Collier, P. M. 2001. The power of accounting: A field study of local financial management in a police force. Management Accounting Research (December): 465-486.
Collins, J. H., G. G. Geisler and D. A. Shackelford. 1997. The effects of taxes, regulation, earnings, and organizational form on life insurers' investment portfolio realizations. Journal of Accounting and Economics (31 December): 337-361.
Coltman, M. M. 1989. Cost Control for the Hospitality Industry, 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Connell, R. 1995. Measuring Customer and Service Profitability in the Finance Sector. London, U.K.: Chapman & Hall.
Conway, T. Jr. 1906. The construction and finances of interurban electric railroads. Journal of Accountancy (May): 1-11.
Conway, T. Jr. 1906. The effect of passenger traffic upon freight earnings. Journal of Accountancy (March): 396-409.
Conway, T. Jr. 1908. The traffic problems of interurban electric railroads: Part I. Journal of Accountancy (September): 340-350.
Conway, T. Jr. 1908. The traffic problems of interurban electric railroads: Part II. Journal of Accountancy (October): 426-434.
Conway, T. Jr. 1909. Traffic problems of interurban electric railroads: Part IV. Journal of Accountancy (January): 214-223.
Cook, J. D. 1973. Profitability analysis in the motor carrier industry. Management Accounting (May): 48-50.
Cooke, M. L. 1930. Shoring up the regulation of electrical utilities. Harvard Business Review (April): 316-328.
Cote, R. 2001. Accounting for Hospitality Managers. Educational Institute of the American Hotel Motel Association.
Cottrell, J. L. 1973. Forecasting in multi-outlet businesses. Management Accounting (April): 17-22, 30. (A model for a food retailing chain).
Coulter, P. B. 1979. Organizational effectiveness in the public sector: The example of municipal fire protection. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(1): 65-81.
Cowan, R. K. 1960. Departmental unit cost plan in an insurance company. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 53-65.
Cox, W. R. and J. S. Odom. 1960. Integration of materials accounting - A public utility case study. N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 37-48.
Crain, M. A. 2010. A competitive analysis of business valuation services. Journal of Accountancy (November): 36-40.
Crane, M. and J. Meyer. 1993. Focusing on true cost in a service organization. Management Accounting (February): 41-45.
Crystal, G. S., and S. J. Silberman. 1986. Not-for-profit organizations need incentive compensation. Personnel (April): 7-12.
Cunningham, H. D. 1960. A cost control program in a public utility. N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 5-15.
Daniels, B. et al. 1998. Movie Money: Understanding Hollywood's (Creative) Accounting. Silman-James Press.
Daniels, W. M. 1929. The O'Fallon decision. Harvard Business Review (October): 1-9. (Related to excess earnings of a railroad).
Davenport, T. H. and J. Glaser. 2002. Just-in-time delivery comes to knowledge management. Harvard Business Review (July): 107-111. (Summary).
Davies, H. J. 1915. Fair interest on investment in public utilities. Journal of Accountancy (January): 34-45.
Dein, R. C. 1949. Original cost and public utility regulation. The Accounting Review (January): 68-80.
Deitemann, G. J. 1988. Measuring Productivity in a service company. Management Accounting (February): 48-54.
Delacroix, J. and G. R. Carroll. 1983. Organizational foundings: An ecological study of the newspaper industries of Argentina and Ireland. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(2): 274-291.
Desmarais, M. 2010. The call center's main purpose is to retain customers. Cost Management (September/October): 29-34.
Dev, C. S. and P. O'Connor. 2015. Case. study: Challenge the middlemen? Harvard Business Review (December): 119-123. (A hotel considers an industry response to online travel agengies).
Dietz, J., S. D. Pugh and J. W. Wiley. 2004. Service climate effects on customer attitudes: An examination of boundary conditions. The Academy of Management Journal 47(1): 81-92.
Deller, C. and T. Sandino. 2020. Who should select new employees, headquarters or the unit manager? Consequences of centralizing hiring at a retail chain. The Accounting Review (July): 173-198.
Dillon, R., R. G. Alsup and K. Eyler. 1988. Telecommunications costs - How to identify, analyze, and control them. Management Accounting (August): 50-53.
Dittmer, P. R. 2002. Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls. Wiley.
Dixon, M. J. and G. M. Thompson. 2019. The impact of timing and bundling flexibility on affect-based service package design. Decision Sciences 50(5): 948-984.
Dobbin, F. 2013. Book review: Disintegrating Democracy at Work: Unions and the Future of Good Jobs in the Service Economy by V. Doellgast. Administrative Science Quarterly 58(1): 152-154.
Dobbin, F. and T. J. Dowd. 1997. How policy shapes competition: Early railroad foundings in Massachusetts. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(3): 501-529.
Dobson, G., P. J. Lederer and L. W. Robinson. 2012. A service provider's elicitation of its customers' demand distributions by a price mechanism. Decision Sciences 43(2): 213-240.
Dopson, L. R. and D. K. Hayes. 2008. Managerial Accounting for the Hospitality Industry. Wiley.
Doucet, L. 2004. Service provider hostility and service quality. The Academy of Management Journal 47(5): 761-771. 2004. Erratum: Service provider hostility and service quality. The Academy of Management Journal 47(6): 792.
Dunn, P. 2003. The Firm of the Future: A Guide for Accountants, Lawyers, and Other Professional Services. Wiley.
Ebey, C. F. 1982. Why don't colleges depreciate fixed assets? Management Accounting (August): 13-17.
Edwards, J. B. 1976. Inflation accounting for utilities. Management Accounting (August): 19-23.
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Eggleston, D. C. 1913. Municipal cemetery accounts. Journal of Accountancy (March): 174-184.
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Elango, B., T. Srinivas and G. T. M. Hult. 2013. Understanding drivers of risk-adjusted performance for service firms with international operations. Decision Sciences 44(4): 755-783.
Empson, L. 2019. How to lead your fellow rainmakers. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 114-123. (Leadership in professional service firms).
Etter, W. L. 1974. Benjamin Franklin and Prudential algebra. Decision Sciences 5(1): 145-147.
Euske, K. J. and M. J. Lebas. 1999. Performance measurement for maintenance depots. Advances in Management Accounting (7): 89-110.
Evans, J. H., Y. Hwang, and N.J. Nagarajan. 1997. Cost reduction and process reengineering in hospitals. Journal of Cost Management (May/June): 20-27.
Farrell, J. B. 1964. Management reporting for the professional service organization. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 55-62.
Fayard, A., I. Stigliani and B. A. Bechky. 2017. How nascent occupations construct a mandate: The case of service designers' ethos. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(2): 270-303.
Feddeck, F. C. 1976. Cost accounting in a stock transfer company. Management Accounting (November): 34-36.
Fiechter, P. 2011. The effects of the fair value option under IAS 39 on the volatility of bank earnings. Journal of International Accounting Research 10(1): 85-108.
Fisher, R. W. 2012. Taming the too-big-to-fails: Will Dodd-Frank be the ticket? The CPA Journal (January): 6, 8-11.
Flamholtz, E. G. 1987. Valuation of human assets in a securities brokerage firm: An empirical study. Accounting, Organizations and Society 12(4): 309-318.
Frances, J. and E. Garnsey. 1996. Supermarkets and suppliers in the United Kingdom: System integration, information and control. Accounting, Organizations and Society 21(6): 591-610.
Frei, F. X. 2006. Breaking the trade-off between efficiency and service. Harvard Business Review (November): 92-101.
Frei, F. X. 2008. The four things a service business must get right. Harvard Business Review (April): 70-80.
Galaskiewicz, J. and D. Shatin. 1981. Leadership and networking among neighborhood human service organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(3): 434-448.
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Gammill, G. M. 1981. Strategic management techniques for insurance companies in the '80s. Management Accounting (January): 19-22, 26.
Garber, M. 2004. Advertising by the numbers: Controlling the finances of a half-trillion dollar industry. Cost Management (July/August): 13-21.
Garber, M. 2007. Service sector costs: An illustrated theory of pricing and control. Cost Management (September/October): 5-14 .
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Harrison, S. R. 1988. South Central Bell and the Treadway Commission report. Management Accounting (August): 21-27.
Hartman, B. P., J. L. Haverty and J. M. Larkin. 1999. The strategic and operational role of a supermarket managerial accounting system: The case of food courts. Advances in Management Accounting (7): 239-251.
Harvard Business Review. 1924. Successful distribution through exclusive wholesalers. Harvard Business Review (October): 112-115.
Harvard Business Review. 1928. Legal developments significant in business: Paid-in investment as a public utility rate base in Massachusetts. Harvard Business Review (July): 499-509.
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Kane, G. C. 2017. MetLife centers its strategy on digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 88.
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Kaplan, R. S. and D. P. Norton. 2001. Transforming the balanced scorecard from performance measurement to strategic management: Part I. Accounting Horizons (March): 87-104. (Summary).
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Ruhl, J. M., B. P. Hartman. 1998. Activity-based costing in the service sector. Advances in Management Accounting (6): 147-161. (Summary).
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Schweidel, D. A., E. T. Bradlow and P. S. Fader. 2011. Portfolio dynamics for customers of a multiservice provider. Management Science (March): 471-486.
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