Management And Accounting Web

Health Care Cost and Management Bibliography

Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

Health Care Cost and Management Main Page

Abbasi, B. and S. Z. Hosseinifard. 2014. On the issuing policies for perishable items such as red blood cells and platelets in blood service. Decision Sciences 45(5): 995-1020.

Abernethy, M. A. and A. M. Lillis. 2001. Interdependencies in organization design: A test in hospitals. Journal of Management Accounting Research (13): 107-129.

Abernethy, M. A. and J. U. Stoelwinder. 1991. Budget use, task uncertainty, system goal orientation and subunit performance: A test of the 'fit' hypothesis in not-for-profit hospitals. Accounting, Organizations and Society 16(2): 105-120.

Abernethy, M. A. and P. Brownell. 1999. The role of budgets in organizations facing strategic change: An exploratory study. Accounting, Organizations and Society 24(3): 189-204. (Summary).

Ahadiat, N. and M. Gomaa. 2018. Healthcare fraud and abuse: An investigation of the nature, and most common schemes. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(3): 428-435. (Survey questions pertaining to either Medicare/Medicaid or private insurance companies).

AICPA. 2012. Health Care Entities - AICPA Audit and Accounting Guide. AICPA.

Aidemark, L. and L. Lindkvist. 2004. The vision gives wings: A study of two hospitals run as limited companies. Management Accounting Research (September): 305-318.

Aldhizer, G. R. and P. Juras. 2015. Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of healthcare delivery systems. The CPA Journal (January): 66-71.

Alexander, J. A., M. L. Fennell and M. T. Halpern. 1993. Leadership instability in hospitals: The influence of board-CEO relations and organizational growth and decline. Administrative Science Quarterly 38(1): 74-99.

Alexander, J. W. and W. A. Randolph. 1985. The fit between technology and structure as a predictor of performance in nursing subunits. The Academy of Management Journal 28(4): 844-859.

Alford, R. R. 1974. Research note: Problems of data and measurement in interorganizational studies of hospitals and clinics. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(4): 485-490.

Alkafaji, Y., K. Gleason and Y. Kannan. 2022. Prescription for fraud: NMC Health Group. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 14(3): 529-545.

Allen, H. and S. Sullivan. 2006. Seeing the "health care costs. Harvard Business Review (February): 48-56.

Altamuro, J. L. M., J. V. Gray and H. Zhang. 2022. Corporate integrity culture and compliance: A study of the pharmaceutical industry. Contemporary Accounting Research 39(1): 428-458.

Alutto, J. A. and D. J. Vredenburgh. 1977. Characteristics of decisional participation by nurses. The Academy of Management Journal 20(2): 341-347.

Amato, N. and S. P. Schreiber. 2013. Small businesses struggle to navigate provisions of the health care law. Journal of Accountancy (January): 38-43.

Ameiss, A. P., F. J. Ehlen and C. W. Hutchison. 1973. Program management in Missouri's division of mental health. Management Accounting (August): 31-34.

Anders, S. B. 2015. Website of the month: Affordable Care Act websites-Part II. The CPA Journal (January): 72-73.

Anisfeld, M. H. 1994. Validation- How much can the world afford? Are we getting value for money? PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology (Jan-Feb): 45-48.

Apte, A., S. K. Heath, A. Pico and Y. H. R. Tan. 2015. Evacuating people with mobility-challenges in a short-notice disaster. Decision Sciences 46(4): 731-754.

Aptel, O., M. Pomberg and H. Pourjalali. 2009. Improving activities of logistics departments in hospitals: A comparison of French and U.S. hospitals. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 1-20.

Argote, L. 1982. Input uncertainty and organizational coordination in hospital emergency units. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(3): 420-434.

Arnaboldi, M. and I. Lapsley. 2004. Modern costing innovations and legitimation: A health care study. Abacus 40(1): 1-20.

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2000. Presenting structural innovation in an institutional environment: Hospitals' use of impression management. Administrative Science Quarterly 45(3): 494-522.

Arndt, M. and B. Bigelow. 2005. Professionalizing and masculinizing a female occupation: The reconceptualization of hospital administration in the early 1900s. Administrative Science Quarterly 50(2): 233-261.

Arnold, P. J. 1991. Accounting and the state: Consequences of merger and acquisition accounting in the U. S. hospital industry. Accounting, Organizations and Society 16(2): 121-140.

Arnold, P. J. and L. S. Oakes. 1998. Accounting as discursive construction: The relationship between statement of financial accounting standards no. 106 and the dismantling of retiree health benefits. Accounting, Organizations and Society 23(2): 129-153.

Ashton, A. H., R. H. Ashton and L. A. Maines. 1998. Instructional case: General Medical Center - Evaluation of diagnostic imaging equipment. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 985-1003.

Aspinall, M. G. and R. G. Hamermesh. 2007. Realizing the promise of personalized medicine. Harvard Business Review (October): 108-117.

Bai, G. 2016. Applying variance analysis to understand California hospitals' expense recovery status by patient groups. Accounting Horizons (June): 211-223.

Bai, G., S. H. Hsu and R. Krishnan. 2014. Accounting performance and capacity investment decisions: Evidence from California hospitals. Decision Sciences 45(2): 309-339.

Bailey, W. A., R. R. Tidd and R. Cahalan. 2013. The effect of the Affordable Care Act on charitable hospitals: The new IRC section 501(r) and the CPA's role. The CPA Journal (May): 57-62.

Bain, C. E., A. I. Blankley and D. A. Forgione. 2001. The Methodist Hospital system: Tax exemption and charitable responsibilities of not-for-profit hospitals. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 67-97.

Baker, J. J. 1999. Cost Accounting for Healthcare Organizations: Utilizing Information and Technology for Effective Decision Making. McGraw Hill.

Baker, J. J. and R. W. Baker. 2000. Health Care Finance: Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers. Aspen Publishers, Inc.

Balakrishnan, R. and N. S. Soderstrom. 2000. The cost of system congestion: Evidence from the healthcare sector. Journal of Management Accounting Research (12): 97-114.

Balakrishnan, R., A. J. Pugely and A. S. Shah. 2017. Modeling resource use with time equations: Empirical evidence. Journal of Management Accounting Research 29(1): 1-12.

Balakrishnan, R., D. M. Koehler and A. S. Shah. 2018. TDABC: Lessons from an application in healthcare. Accounting Horizons (December): 31-47.

Balakrishnan, R., N. S. Soderstrom and T. D. West. 2007. Spending patterns with lapsing budgets: Evidence from U.S. Army Hospitals. Journal of Management Accounting Research (19): 1-23.

Ballantine, J., S. Brignall and S. Modell. 1998. Performance measurement and management in public health services: A comparison of U.K. and Swedish practice. Management Accounting Research (March): 71-94.

Ballou, B., D. L. Heitger and R. Tabor. 2003. Nonfinancial performance measures in the healthcare industry. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 11-16.

Baranek, D. and M. Sanchez. 2022. Fresenius Medical Care: A case study of the FCPA. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 14(1): 167-176. (FCPA refers to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act).

Barley, S. R. 1986. Technology as an occasion for structuring: Evidence from observations of CT scanners and the social order of radiology departments. Administrative Science Quarterly 31(1): 78-108.

Barnes, B. G., S. Buchheit and L. M. Parsons. 2017. Threshold-based Medicare incentives and aggressive patient reporting in U.S. hospitals. Accounting and the Public Interest (17): 84-106.

Barnes, G. and J. J. Jurinski. 1989. Strategic management of employee health care costs. Management Accounting (September): 44-48.

Bast, J. L., R. C. Rue and S. A. Wesbury Jr. 1993. Why we spend too much on Health Care and what we can do about it. Heartland Institute. (Summary).

Bayou, M. E., A. Reinstein, X. Du and A. Arya. 2014. Using fuzzy set theory to help resolve governmental hospitals' health care decision conflicts. Advances in Management Accounting (24): 163-187.

Bazzle, K. L. 1989. Funding postemployment health care benefits. Management Accounting (April): 27-29.

Beane, M. 2019. Shadow learning: Building robotic surgical skill when approved means fail. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(1): 87-123.

Beane, M. 2023. Resourcing a technological portfolio: How Fairtown Hospital preserved results while degrading its older surgical robot. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(3): 691-733.

Beauvais, B., C. Habig, T. Giannulli, L. Lasota, M. Wright and J. Roberts. 2016. How to pay for health care/The case for capitation: Interaction. Harvard Business Review (November): 20.

Beaver, K. 2002. Healthcare Information Systems, Second Edition (Best Practices). AUERBACH.

Beck, A., C. Gilstrap, J. Rippy and B. Vansant. 2021. Strategic reporting by nonprofit hospitals: An examination of bad debt and charity care. Review of Accounting Studies 26(3): 933-970.

Bellon, S. 2024. The CEO of Sodexo on building more-sustainable food systems. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 38-41.

Ben-Assuli, O. and M. Leshno. 2013. Using electronic medical records in admission decisions: A cost effective analysis. Decision Sciences 44(3): 463-481.

Benibo, B. R., V. Chambers and B. Thorne. 2016. Breaking bad news to victims of identity theft: Lessons from medical doctors. Journal of Accountancy (August): 30-34.

Benjamin, L. J. 1975. Doctors incorporated? Management Accounting (November): 37-39.

Bennett, J. P. 1985. Standard cost systems lead to efficiency and profitability. Healthcare Financial Management (September): 46-54.

Bennis, W. G., N. Berkowitz, M. Affinito and M. Malone. 1958. Reference groups and loyalties in the out-patient department. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(4): 481-500.

Benton, W. C. Jr. 2013. A profitability evaluation of America's best hospitals, 2000-2008. Decision Sciences 44(6): 1139-1153.

Berinato, S. 2015. Corporate wellness programs make us unwell. Harvard Business Review (May): 28-29.

Bernardi, V. S. 2014. Claiming the small employer health insurance tax credit. Journal of Accountancy (February): 48-52.

Berndtson, K. 1986. Managers and physicians come head to head over cost control. Healthcare Financial Management (September): 22-24, 28-29.

Berner, E. S. 1998. Clinical Decision Support Systems: Theory and Practice. Springer-Verlag.

Berry, L. and K. Seltman. 2008. Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic: Inside One of the World's Most Admired Service Organizations. McGraw-Hill.

Berry, L. E. 1984. A new treatment for health care costs. Management Accounting (April): 58-61.

Berry, L. L., A. M. Mirabito and D. M. Berwick. 2004. A health care agenda for business. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 56-64.

Berry, L. L., A. M. Mirabito and W. B. Baun. 2010. What's the hard return on employee wellness programs? Harvard Business Review (December): 104-112.

Berry, L. L., G. Adcock and A. M. Mirabito. 2012. "Do-it-yourself" employee health care. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 15-16.

Blanchard, G. A., C. W. Chow and E. Noreen. 1986. Information asymmetry, incentive schemes, and information biasing: The case of hospital budgeting under rate regulation. The Accounting Review (January): 1-15.

Blankley, A. I., P. K. Hong and K. C. Roland. 2018. Expected benefit payments and asset allocation in defined benefit plans post-SFAS 132(R). Accounting Horizons (September): 71-82.

Blau, G. 1999. Early-career job factors influencing the professional commitment of medical technologists. The Academy of Management Journal 42(6): 687-695.

Boer, G. and H. M. Nix. 1975. Hospital management and resource control. Management Accounting (September): 47-48.

Bohmer, R. M. J. 2010. Fixing health care on the front lines. Harvard Business Review (April): 62-69.

Boles, K. E. and J. K. Glenn. 1986. What accounting leaves out of hospital financial management. Hospital and Health Services Administration (March­ April): 8-27.

Bonner, P. 2012. Tax relief and health care acts shape 2011 returns. Journal of Accountancy (January): 24-28.

Brewer, P. C., A. Gallo and M. R. Smith. 2010. Getting fit with corporate wellness programs. Strategic Finance (May): 26-33.

Briggs, F. R. and J. E. Hosking. 1984. Hospitals eye excess capacity and plan to improve productivity. Modern Healthcare (February 1): 114, 116, 119.

Brighenti, W. 2011. How to calculate the Healthcare tax credit. The CPA Journal (April): 52-55.

Brimson, J. A. and J. Antos. 1994. Activity Based Management for Service Industries, Government Entities, and Nonprofit Organizations. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Brown, T. 2008. Design thinking. Harvard Business Review (June): 84-92.

Brubaker, J. A. 1973. A data processing program for hospitals. Management Accounting (March): 21-25.

Bruni-Bossio, V., S. Kalagnanam and D. Kalesnikoff. 2014. Prairie Addiction Society. IMA Educational Case Journal 7(1): 1-10.

Brunsson, N., I. Lapsley and P. Miller. 1998. Constructing health care accountants: Melding calculation and care. Management Accounting Research (March): 31-35.

Bruton, P. W. and J. Waterman. 1985. Capital financing demands new, innovative practices. Healthcare Financial Management (April): 38-46.

Bruttin, F. and D. Dean. 1998. Exposing a cost black hole while improving quality and compliance through integrated risk management. Proceedings WorldPharm98. Philadelphia: 22-24.

Buchbinder, S. B. and N. H. Shanks. 2007. Introduction to Health Care Management. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Buckley, J. W. 1966. Medicare and accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 75-82.

Bugbee, G. P. 1932. Hospital cost accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 15): 789-804.

Burik, D. and T. J. Duvall. 1985. Hospital cost accounting: A basic system framework. Healthcare Financial Management (March): 58-64.

Burik, D. and D. L. Marcellino. 1985. Successfully implementing a multihospital cost system. Healthcare Financial Management (January): 50-52, 54.

Burke, Q. L. and M. R. Gujarathi. 2022. Accounting for blood donation: An instructional case. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 41-57.

Burley, H. T. and S. J. Duckett. 2000. Relative technical efficiency of New South Wales Public Hospital peer groups. The Journal of Cost Analysis & Management 2(1): 17-30.

Burns, L., E. Bradley and B. Weiner. 2011. Shortell and Kaluzny's Healthcare Management: Organization Design and Behavior, 6th edition. Delmar Centage Learning.

Burns, L. R. 1989. Matrix management in hospitals: Testing theories of matrix structure and development. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(3): 349-368.

Byrd, J. Jr., D. L. Smith and M. M. Helms. 2015. Time for a cure? This homespun remedy for healthcare cost inflammation could help reduce errors and fraudulent billings. Strategic Finance (September): 33-38.

Cakic, O. E. 2020. Managing medical item inventories under order loss. Decision Sciences 51(5): 1131-1158.

Caldwell, C. and J. W. Juran. 1998. The Handbook for Managing Change in Healthcare. American Society for Quality.

Caldwell, C., J. Brexier and T. Gillem. 2005. Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare: A Senior Leader Guide to Improving Cost and Throughput. Productivity Press.

Callen, J. L. and H. Falk. 1993. Agency and efficiency in nonprofit organizations: The case of "specific health focus" charities. The Accounting Review (January): 48-65.

Caltrider, J., D. Pattison and P. Richardson. 1995. Can cost control and quality care coexist? Management Accounting (August): 38-42. (Summary).

Cannon, J. N., M. A. Lamboy-Ruiz and O. V. Watanabe. 2022. Ownership type and earnings management in U.S. hospitals. Advances in Accounting (58): 100612.

Capkun, V., Y. Lou, C. A. Otto and Y. Wang. 2023. Do firms respond to peer disclosures? Evidence from disclosures of clinical trial results. The Accounting Review (May): 71-108.

Carlos, W. C. 2012. Book review: Social Movements and the Transformation of American Health Care by J. C. Banaszak-Holl, S. R. Levitsky, M. N. Zald. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(2): 366-368.

Carlson, R. L., J. M. Coulter and T. J. Vogel. 2009. HealthSouth Corp.: The first test of Sarbanes-Oxley. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 1(2): 1-27.

Carper, W. B. and R. J. Litschert. 1983. Strategic power relationships in contemporary profit and nonprofit hospitals. The Academy of Management Journal 26(2): 311-320.

Carr, L. P. 1993. Unbundling the cost of hospitalization. Management Accounting (November): 43-48.

Carter, N. M. 1990. Small firm adaptation: Responses of physicians' organizations to regulatory and competitive uncertainty. The Academy of Management Journal 33(2): 307-333.

Castellon, M. C. 2015. Tax treatment of drug development company startup costs: Make sure the starting line for deductibility reflects the company's role in the development process. Journal of Accountancy (August): 62-64, 66-67.

Cataldi, B., B. Callahan, J. F. Sander and A. S. Kelly. 2017. Cutting through the numbers: How data mining was used to uncover multiple frauds at a hospital system medical center. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 9(3): 936-940.

Caudill, W. 1956. Perspectives on administration in psychiatric hospitals. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(2): 155-170.

Chalice, R. 2005. Stop Rising Healthcare Costs Using Toyota Lean Production Methods: 38 Steps for Improvement. ASQ Quality Press.

Chalos, P. 1993. Managing health care costs under diagnostically related groups. Advances in Management Accounting (2): 207-226.

Champy, J. and H. Greenspun. 2010. Reengineering Health Care: A Manifesto for Radically Rethinking Health Care Delivery. FT Press.

Chan, H. 1993. Cost control for an employee health care program. Advances in Management Accounting (2): 187-206.

Chan, Y. C. L. and S. J. K. Ho. 2000. Performance measurement and the use of balanced scorecard in Canadian hospitals. Advances in Management Accounting (9): 145-169.

Chan, Y. L. 2013. Governance and management accounting: A case of board governance in Ontario's hospital sector. Advances in Management Accounting (22): 97-134.

Chan, Y. L. and A. Seaman. 2008. Strategy, structure, performance management, and organizational outcome: Application of balanced scorecard in Canadian health care organizations. Advances in Management Accounting (17): 151-180.

Chapman, C., A. Kern and A. Laguecir. 2014. Costing practices in healthcare. Accounting Horizons (June): 353-364.

Chase, S. F. 1976. Is hospital accounting different? Management Accounting (March): 39-40.

Chaurasia, S., R. K. Pati, S. S. Padhi, J. M. Jensen and N. Gavirneni. 2022. Achieving the United Nations sustainable development goals-2030 through the nutraceutical industry: A review of managerial research and the role of operations management. Decision Sciences 53(4): 630-645.

Chen, C., L. L. Li, L. Y. Lu and R. Wang. 2023. Flu fallout: Information production constraints and corporate disclosure. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 1063-1108.

Chen, C. X. 2009. Who really matters? Revenue implications of stakeholder satisfaction in a health insurance company. The Accounting Review (November): 1781-1804.

Cheney, G. 1999. Putting the web to good work. 1999. Strategic Finance (September): 50-53. (How 80 managers of a healthcare provider manage 1,500 rehabilitation facilities).

Cheng, S. F., G. De Franco and P. Lin. 2023. Marijuana liberalization and public finance: A capital market perspective on the passage of medical use laws. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 101516.

Chenhall, R. H., M. Hall and D. Smith. 2017. The expressive role of performance measurement systems: A field study of a mental health development project. Accounting, Organizations and Society (63): 60-75.

Chiang, B. 2002. Activity-based benchmarking and process management - Managing the case of cardiac surgery. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 21-30.

Chiang, B. 2002. Activity-based benchmarking in the healthcare industry. Journal of Cost Management (January/February): 43-48.

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Ching, D. F. 1979. How to isolate Medicare costs. Management Accounting (July): 27-30.

Cho, D. and K. Cattani. 2019. The patient patient: The performance of traditional versus open-access scheduling policies. Decision Sciences 50(4): 756-785.

Chu, D. W. K. and K. J. Rask. 2002. The transformation of China’s health care system and accounting methods: Current reforms and developments. Advances in International Accounting 15(1): 13-43.

Chua, W. F. 1995. Experts, networks and inscriptions in the fabrication of accounting images: A story of the representation of three public hospitals. Accounting, Organizations and Society 20(2-3): 111-145.

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Clark, D. W. and D. Pulliam. 2016. Health reimbursement arrangements. The CPA Journal (January): 56-57.

Clark, J. and P. R. Sopariwala. 2017. Applying time-driven activity-based costing to Metro Health's outpatient clinic. Cost Management (March/April): 16-29.

Clark, J. R. and R. S. Huckman. 2012. Broadening focus: Spillovers, complementarities, and specialization in the hospital industry. Management Science (April): 708-722.

Cleverly, W. O. 1987. Product costing for health care firms. Health Care Management Review (Fall): 39.

Clifford, L. A. and M. P. Plomann. 1985. Cost and quality: Two sides of the coin in cost containment. Healthcare Financial Management (September): 30-32.

Cochran, D. S. and D. D. White. 1981. Intraorganizational conflict in the hospital purchasing decision making process. The Academy of Management Journal 24(2): 324-332.

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Cohen, F. 2011. Improving processes in your practice: Do the same thing with less, or more with the same thing with lean six sigma and lean principles in your toolbox. Medical Economics (June): 60-62,-67-69. (Note).

Cohen, F. and O. Dahl. 2009. Lean Six Sigma for the Medical Practice. Greenbranch Publishing.

Cohen, J. and P. Hansen. 1999. The relevance of activity-based costing for the human services sector: The example of hospital social work. Advances in Management Accounting (8): 195-209.

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Comerford, S. E. and M. A. Abernethy. 1999. Budgeting and the management of role conflict in hospitals. Behavioral Research In Accounting (11): 93-110.

Coombs, R. W. 1987. Accounting for the control of doctors: Management information systems in hospitals. Accounting, Organizations and Society 12(4): 389-404.

Covaleski, M. A., M. W. Dirsmith and J. E. Michelman. 1993. An institutional theory perspective on the DRG framework, case-mix accounting systems and healthcare organizations. Accounting, Organizations and Society 18(1): 65-80.

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Crumbley, D. L. 2017. What is your forensic accounting IQ in the healthcare industry? Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 9(2): 880-882.

Cui, X., P. Li., M. A. Sayed and S. S. Zhou. 2019. China's healthcare costing in times of crisis: Conflicts, interactions, and hidden agendas. Abacus 55(3): 610-633.

D'Aunno, T. 2011. Book review: Challenging Operations: Medical Reform and Resistance in Surgery by K. C. Kellogg. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(4): 642-643.

D'Aunno, T., R. I. Sutton and R. H. Price. 1991. Isomorphism and external support in conflicting institutional environments: A study of drug abuse treatment units. The Academy of Management Journal 34(3): 636-661.

Dafny, L. S. and T. H. Lee. 2016. Health care needs real competition. Harvard Business Review (December): 76-87. (Five interrelated actions to promote value-based competition in health care: Stop rewarding volume, Standardize methods to pay for value, Make data on outcomes transparent, Put patients at the center of care, and Create choice for patients and providers).

Dai, T. 2015. Abstract from the Elwood S. Buffa Doctoral Dissertation award competition: Incentives in U.S. healthcare operations. Decision Sciences 46(2): 455-463.

Damali, U., L. D. Fredendall, J. Miller, D. Moore and C. J. Dye. 2022. Enhancing patient participation in healthcare operations through patient training and education using the theoretical lens of media synchronicity. Decision Sciences 53(4): 750-770.

Dambrin, C. and K. Robson. 2011. Tracing performance in the pharmaceutical industry: Ambivalence, opacity and performativity of flawed measures. Accounting, Organizations and Society 36(7): 428-455.

Davenport, T. H. and J. Glaser. 2002. Just-in-time delivery comes to knowledge management. Harvard Business Review (July): 107-111. (Summary).

De Harlez, Y. and R. Malagueno. 2016. Examining the joint effects of strategic priorities, use of management control systems, and personal background on hospital performance. Management Accounting Research (March): 2-17.

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Demir, E. 2014. A decision support tool for predicting patients at risk of readmission: A comparison of classification trees, logistic regression, generalized additive models, and multivariate adaptive regression splines. Decision Sciences 45(5): 849-880.

Demonaco, H., P. Oliveira, A. Torrance, C. Von Hippel and E. Von Hippel. 2019. When patients become innovators. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 81-88.

Dennis, K. C. 1979. Hospitals must allocate bad debts properly. Management Accounting (July): 11-14.

Deo, S. and I. Gurvich. 2011. Centralized vs. decentralized ambulance diversion: A network perspective. Management Science (July): 1300-1319.

Desouza, A. 2011. Preparing for the 2013 Medicare contribution tax. The CPA Journal (September): 36-38.

Dezhbakhsh, H. 2021. An incentive to encourage vaccination. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. (June 20): A22. (Summary).

DiBenigno, J. 2018. Anchored personalization in managing goal conflict between professional groups: The case of U.S. Army mental health care. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(3): 526-569.

DiBenigno, J. and K. C. Kellogg. 2014. Beyond occupational differences: The importance of crosscutting demographics and dyadic toolkits for collaboration in a U.S. hospital. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(3): 375-408.

Dietrich, M. O. 2005. Medical practices: A BV R^sub x^: Using an income approach to value health care practices gets the best results. Journal of Accountancy (November): 45-50.

Dietrich, M. O. 2015. How health care data security rules may affect you: CPAs need to understand the responsibilities under HIPAA to avoid potentially severe civil and criminal penalties. Journal of Accountancy (January): 54-58. (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act).

Dietrich, M. O. and B. K. Marks. 2014. Health care reform essentials. Journal of Accountancy (July): 30-33.

Dikolli, S. S. 2010. Discussion of Nonfinancial performance measures and physician compensation. Journal of Management Accounting Research (22): 57-64.

Ding, X. and X. Peng. 2022. The impact of electronic medical records on the process of care: Alignment with complexity and clinical focus. Decision Sciences 53(2): 348-389.

Dobrzykowski, D. D. and K. L. McFadden. 2020. Examining governance in hospital operations: The effects of trust and physician employment in achieving efficiency and patient satisfaction. Decision Sciences 51(1): 74-109.

Dobrzykowski, D. D. and M. Tarafdar. 2017. Linking electronic medical records use to physicians' performance: A contextual analysis. Decision Sciences 48(1): 7-38.

Dobrzykowski, D. D., S. K. Callaway and M. A. Vonderembse. 2015. Examining pathways from innovation orientation to patient satisfaction: A relational view of healthcare delivery. Decision Sciences 46(5): 863-899.

Drake, D. F. 1977. Discussion of hospital working capital: An empirical study. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Measurement and Evaluation of the Economic Efficiency of Public and Private Nonprofit Institutions): 219-224.

Drummond, M. F. and A. McGuire 2002. Economic Evaluation in Health Care: Merging Theory with Practice. Oxford University Press.

Dukerich, J. M., B. R. Golden and S. M. Shortell. 2002. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: The impact of organizational identification, identity, and image on the cooperative behaviors of physicians. Administrative Science Quarterly 47(3): 507-533.

Dunn, M. B. and C. Jones. 2010. Institutional logics and institutional pluralism: The contestation of care and science logics in medical education, 1967-2005. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(1): 114-149.

Dunn, R. 2002. Haimann's Healthcare Management, Seventh Edition. Health Administration Press.

Dwyer, D. J. and M. L. Fox. 2000. The moderating role of hostility in the relationship between enriched jobs and health. The Academy of Management Journal 43(6): 1086-1096.

Dykxhoorn, H. J. and K. E. Sinning. 2010. Helping small businesses provide healthcare coverage. The CPA Journal (December): 38-41.

Eastman, E. M., D. L. Eckles and A. Van Buskirk. 2021. Accounting-based regulation: Evidence from health insurers and the Affordable Care Act. The Accounting Review (March): 231-259.

Edmondson, A. C., R. M. Bohmer and G. P. Pisano. 2001. Disrupted routines: Team learning and new technology implementation in hospitals. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(4): 685-716.

Efsta, P. 2021. A system thinking approach to health-care financial management. Cost Management (January/February): 36-39.

Eggleston, D. C. 1913. Accounting system for a municipal hospital. Journal of Accountancy (November): 366-370.

Eldenburg, L. 1994. The use of information in total cost management. The Accounting Review (January): 96-121. (Part of a forum on accounting for not-for-profit organizations).

Eldenburg, L. and N. Soderstrom. 1996. Accounting system management by hospitals operating in a changing regulatory environment. The Accounting Review (January): 23-42.

Eldenburg, L. and S. Kallapur. 1997. Changes in hospital service mix and cost allocations in response to changes in Medicare reimbursement schemes. Journal of Accounting and Economics (May): 31-51.

Eldenburg, L. G., K. A. Gunny, K. W. Hee and N. Soderstrom. 2011. Earnings management using real activities: Evidence from nonprofit hospitals. The Accounting Review (September): 1605-1630.

Ellwood, S. 1996. Full-cost pricing rules within the National Health Service internal market-accounting choices and the achievement of productive efficiency. Management Accounting Research (March): 25-51.

Ellwood, S. 2008. Accounting for public hospitals: A case study of modified GAAP. Abacus 44(4): 399-422.

Elnicki, R. A. 1977. Hospital working capital: An empirical study. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Measurement and Evaluation of the Economic Efficiency of Public and Private Nonprofit Institutions): 209-218.

Escobar-Rodríguez, T., P. Monge-Lozano and M. M. Romero-Alonso. 2012. Acceptance of e-prescriptions and automated medication-management systems in hospitals: An extension of the technology acceptance model. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 77-96.

Esquire. 2015. America: These are your choices. Esquire (December/January): 149-153, 160-161, 164, 168. (Summary - This is a summary of ten questions related to the most critical choices for America based on information from the Brookings Institution. One of the questions is related to Obamacare).

Evans, J. 2021. How professionals construct moral authority: Expanding boundaries of expert authority in stem cell science. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(4): 989-1036.

Evans, J. H., A. Leone and N. J. Nagarajan. 2005. Non-Financial Performance Measures in the Healthcare Industry: Do Quality-Based Incentives Matter? Advances in Management Accounting (14): 1-31.

Evans, J. H., Y. Hwang, and N.J. Nagarajan. 1997. Cost reduction and process reengineering in hospitals. Journal of Cost Management (May/June): 20-27.

Evans, J. H. III. 1998. Cost management and management control in health care organizations: Research opportunities. Behavioral Research In Accounting (10 Supplement): 78-93.

Evans, J. H. III., K. Kyonghee, N. J. Nagarajan and S. Patro. 2010. Nonfinancial performance measures and physician compensation. Journal of Management Accounting Research (22): 31-56.

Eyring, H. 2020. Disclosing physician ratings: Performance effects and the difficulty of altering ratings consensus. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 1023-1067.

Fatoullah, R. A. and E. Forspan. 2015. The top 10 questions about Medicaid planning in New York. The CPA Journal (September): 42-45.

Fatoullah, R. A., E. Forspan, J. P. Gorak and S. Kess. 2017. The critical importance of a power of attorney for incapacitated individuals. The CPA Journal (May): 18-22.

Fatoullah, R. A., H. S. Margolis, K. M. Coughlin and ElderLawAnswers. 2008 and 2012. The CPA's Guide to Long-Term Care Planning. AICPA.

Feldbush, M. A. 1981. Participative budgeting in a hospital setting. Management Accounting (September): 43-46.

Fennell, M. L. 1980. The effects of environmental characteristics on the structure of hospital clusters. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(3): 485-510.

Ferrand, Y. B., M. J. Magazine and U. S. Rao. 2014. Partially flexible operating rooms for elective and emergency surgeries. Decision Sciences 45(5): 819-847.

Finkler, S. A. and D. M. Ward. 1999. Essentials of Cost Accounting for Health Care Organizations (2nd Edition). Aspen Publishers.

Finkler, S. A., D. M. Ward and J. J. Baker. 2007. Essentials of Cost Accounting for Health Care Organizations, 3rd edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Fish, M. and D. Becker. 2016. Accounting for work-related injuries at Growth Spurt Automotive Accessories. IMA Educational Case Journal 9(1): 1-9.

Flasher, R. and M. A. Lamboy-Ruiz. 2018. Healthcare data sources and fraud research opportunities. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(3): 374-391.

Flower, J. 2004. The healthcare cost crisis: What must be done. Cost Management (November/December): 23-33.

Flynn, W., P. Langan, R. L. Mathis and J. H. Jackson. 2004. Healthcare Human Resource Management. South-Western Educational Publishing.

Ford, J. B. 2009. Healthy savings. Strategic Finance (February): 30-37.

Fox, M. L., D. J. Dwyer and D. C. Ganster. 1993. Effects of stressful job demands and control on physiological and attitudinal outcomes in a hospital setting. The Academy of Management Journal 36(2): 289-318.

Frost, C. A. and G. Pownall. 1996. Interdependencies in the global markets for capital and information: The case of SmithKline Beecham plc. Accounting Horizons (March): 38-57.

Fryer, B. 2006. Sleep deficit: The performance killer. Harvard Business Review (October): 53-59.

Gaertner, J. F. and K. Milani. 1980. The TRR yardstick for hospital capital expenditure decisions. Management Accounting (December): 25-28, 30-31.

Galetsi, P., K. Katsaliaki, S. Kumar and M. Ferguson. 2023. What affects consumer behavior in mobile health professional diagnosis applications. Decision Sciences 54(3): 315-333.

Gallani, S. and G. L. Sabin. 2021. Successfully implementing TDABC in healthcare provider organizations. Cost Management (November/December): 29-33.

Galloway, S. 2020. Post Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity. Portfolio.

Galvin, T. L. 2002. Examining institutional change: Evidence from the founding dynamics of U.S. health care interest associations. The Academy of Management Journal 45(4): 673-696.

Ganguly, S., S. Lawrence and M. Prather. 2014. Emergency department staff planning to improve patient care and reduce costs. Decision Sciences 45(1): 115-145.

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Gietzmann, M. 1990. Performance assessment for the English community dental services screening programme. Management Accounting Research (June): 125-137.

Ginter, P. M., W. J. Duncan and L. E. Swayne. 2002. Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations. Blackwell Publishers.

Gilman, T. A. 1985. Hospitals recognize need to install or improve cost accounting systems. Healthcare Financial Management (November): 86-89.

Givens, H. R. 1985. A total information system for physicians: c. 1897. The Accounting Historians Journal 12(1): 117-120.

Glaser, W. A. 1959. Internship appointments of medical students. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(3): 337-356.

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Goldsmith, S. B. 2009. Principles of Health Care Management: Foundations for a Changing Health Care System, 2nd edition. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Goodrick, E. and G. R. Salancik. 1996. Organizational discretion in responding to institutional practices: Hospitals and cesarean births. Administrative Science Quarterly 41(1): 1-28.

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Gordon, P. J. 1962. The top management triangle in voluntary hospitals (II). The Journal of the Academy of Management 5(1): 66-75.

Govindarajan, V. and R. Ramamurti. 2013. Delivering world-class health care, affordably. Harvard Business Review (November): 117-122.

Govindarajan, V. and R. Ramamurti. 2018. Transforming health care from the ground up. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 96-104.

Graban, M. 2011. Lean Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Employee Engagement. Second Edition. Productivity Press.

Grafton, J., M. A. Abernethy and A. M. Lillis. 2011. Organisational design choices in response to public sector reforms: A case study of mandated hospital networks. Management Accounting Research (December): 242-268.

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Greer, W. R. Jr. and H. Rockness. 1987. Management decision support systems for medical group practice. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 65-79.

Gross, A. G. 2019. The challenges in proving a medical exception. The CPA Journal (August): 11-12.

Gross, A. G. 2019. Helping individuals handle medical expenses: Working with a medical insurance advocate. The CPA Journal (January): 15-16.

Gross, A. G. 2020. Understanding the difference between a health plan, cost sharing, and other ways to fund coverage. The CPA Journal (December/January): 18.

Gross, A. G. 2021. Medical coverage when working past retirement age. The CPA Journal (December): 16.

Grundy, R. A. 1971. Hospital accounting. Management Accounting (March): 45-47, 50.

Gupta, M., S. Baxendale, and K. McNamara. 1997. Integrating TOC and ABCM in a health care company. Journal of Cost Management (July/August): 23-33.

Gutekunst, D. 1991. Managing health care costs: Flex plans. Management Accounting (April): 31-34.

Hackett, R. D., P. Bycio and R. M. Guion. 1989. Absenteeism among hospital nurses: An idiographic-longitudinal analysis. The Academy of Management Journal 32(2): 424-453.

Hancock, S. 1978. An approach to hospital data processing development. Management Accounting (March): 51-55.

Hanks, G. F. 1988. Rx for better management: Critical success factors. Management Accounting (October): 45-49. (Related to hospital management).

Hao, M. and E. T. Emeka. 2015. Healthcare reform proposal and the behavior of pharmaceutical companies: The role of political costs. Accounting Horizons (March): 171-198.

Harden, W. and D. Upton. 2018. Health reimbursement arrangements in small businesses. Strategic Finance (February): 16, 18.

Hardin, J. R. and M. Segal. 2013. Tax implications of healthcare reform for small businesses. The CPA Journal (October): 52-54.

Hart, M. 2023. How to talk about long-term care with clients. Journal of Accountancy (February): 1-6.

Hawkes, R. W. 1961. The role of the psychiatric administrator. Administrative Science Quarterly 6(1): 89-106.

Heaphy, E. 2009. Book review: The Changing Face of Medicine: Women Doctors and the Evolution of Health Care in America by Ann K. Boulis, Jerry A. Jacobs. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(4): 674-676.

Hellowell, M., A. Stafford and P. Stapleton. 2019. Austerity and hospitals in deficit: Is PPP termination the answer? Abacus 55(3): 535-556.

Hemp, P. 2004. Presenteeism: At work - But out of it. Harvard Business Review (October): 49-58. ("Companies struggle to rein in health care costs, most overlook what may be a $150 billion problem: The nearly invisible drain on worker productivity caused by such common ailments as hay fever, headaches, and even heartburn.").

Heninger, W. G., S. D. Smith and D. A. Wood. 2019. Reward type and performance: An examination of organizational wellness programs. Management Accounting Research (September): 1-11.

Hermanson, D. R., L. Azzano, D. Merkel, D. Gardner, D. E. Offermann and L. Matthews. 2010. Support for health reform: Concept versus realities. CFO (January/February): 8-10.

Hershey, J. C., W. J. Abernathy and N. Baloff. 1974. Comparison of nurse allocation policies - A Monte Carlo model. Decision Sciences 5(1): 58-72.

Herzlinger, R. E. 2002. Let's put consumers in charge of health care. Harvard Business Review (July): 44-55.

Herzlinger, R. E. 2006. Why innovation is health care is so hard. Harvard Business Review (May): 58-66.

Hey, T. 2010. The next scientific revolution. Harvard Business Review (November): 56-63. (The four paradigms of science: 1) Theory, 2) Experimentation, 3) Computation and simulation, and 4) Data mining. The next scientific revolution involves using the fourth paradigm, deep-data-mining tools to solve the worlds problems in astronomy, oceanography, healthcare, water management, and climate change).

Heydebrand, W. 1974. Reply to Alford. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(4): 490-492.

Hines, C., J. Kreuze and S. Langsam. 2011. The new healthcare tax credit for small employers: Considerations for tax-exempt organizations and businesses. The CPA Journal (March): 46-49.

Hogler, R. L., H. G. Hunt III and P. A. Wilson. 1996. Accounting standards, health care, and retired American workers: An institutional critique. Accounting, Organizations and Society 21(5): 423-439.

Holmes, M. E. 1993. Research RX. Management Accounting (November): 40-42.

Horvath, W. J. 1966. The systems approach to the national health problem. Management Science (June): B391-B395.

Horvath, W. J. 1968. Guest editorial: Organizational and management problems in the delivery of medical care. Management Science (February): B275-B279.

Hosseinifard, Z., B. Abbasi, M. Fadaki and N. M. Clay. 2020. Post disaster volatility of blood donations in an unsteady blood supply chain. Decision Sciences 51(2): 255-281.

Howell, C. D. 1966. Hospital depreciation funding. Management Accounting (February): 48-50.

Hrebiniak, L. G. and J. A. Alutto. 1973. A comparative organizational study of performance and size correlates in impatient psychiatric departments. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(3): 365-382.

Huckman, R. S. and G. P. Pisano. 2006. The firm specificity of individual performance: Evidence from cardiac surgery. Management Science (April): 473-488.

Huckman, R. S., V. S. Lee and B. R. Staats. 2024. Retailers & health systems can improve together. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 120-127.

Hunter, L. W. 2010. Book review: Never Good Enough: Health Care Workers and the False Promise of Job Training by A. Ducey. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(1): 162-164.

Hunter, R. J. and J. E. Schnee. 1966. Long range planning in mental health. Management Science (August): B519-B524.

Hwang, Y. and A. Kirby. 1994. Distorted Medicare reimbursements: The effect of cost accounting choices. Journal of Management Accounting Research (6): 128-143.

Hynninen, Y., E. Vilkkumaa and A. Salo. 2021. Operationalization of utilitarian and egalitarian objectives for optimal allocation of health care resources. Decision Sciences 52(5): 1169-1208.

Ilett, F. Jr. 1976. Cost of capital in hospital financing. Management Accounting (February): 46-48.

Ishfaq, R. and U. Raja. 2015. Bridging the healthcare access divide: A strategic planning model for rural telemedicine network. Decision Sciences 46(4): 755-790.

Ittner, C. D., D. F. Larcker and M. Pizzini. 2007. Performance-based compensation in member-owned firms: An examination of medical group practices. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 300-327.

Jacobs, K. 1998. Costing health care: A study of the introduction of cost and budget reports into a GP association. Management Accounting Research (March): 55-70.

Jacobs, K., G. Marcon and D. Witt. 2004. Cost performance information for doctors: An international comparison. Management Accounting Research (September): 337-354.

Jacobson, C. K. 1994. Investor response to health care cost containment legislation: Is American health policy designed to fail? The Academy of Management Journal 37(2): 440-452.

James, B. C. and G. P. Poulsen. 2016. Fixing health care: The case for capitation: It's the only way to cut waste while improving quality. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 102-111. (Look to the ideas of W. Edwards Deming).

James, K., C. Lovato and G. Khoo. 1994. Social identity correlates of minority workers' health. The Academy of Management Journal 37(2): 383-396.

Jasmon, A. and R. Bakar. 2014. Harmonizing service performance measurement frameworks: The case of health care. Cost Management (January/Feburary): 22-32.

Jayson, S. 1993. Health care reform: A question of cost. Management Accounting (November): 29-30.

Jeacle, I. and C. Carter. 2023. Calorie accounting: The introduction of mandatory calorie labeling on menus in the UK food sector. Accounting, Organizations and Society (110): 101468.

Jekiel, C. M. 2020. Applying lean practices to Covid-19. Cost Management (July/August): 42-45.

Jenkins, W. L. 1973. Nonprofit hospital accounting system. Management Accounting (June): 23-27.

Jervis, K. J., G. M. Goldberg and A. C. Cutting. 2012. Rights, needs, and equality of opportunity of health care: A financial analysis of morality. Accounting and the Public Interest (12): 62-86.

Jessee, K. 1979. Woodland Hospital computerizes to reduce administrative costs. Management Accounting (July): 37-39.

Jiles, L., Q. Duong and R. Gundling. 2023. Innovating healthcare costing. Strategic Finance (April): 24-31.

Jimmerson, C. L. 2009. Value Stream Mapping for Healthcare Made Easy. Productivity Press.

Joehnk, M. D. and G. R. McGrail. 1977. Benefit-cost ratios for family practice residency centers. Management Accounting (February): 41-46.

Johnson, L. 2024. The case for taking naps (Even at work). Harvard Business Review (Spring Special Issue): 38-40.

Johnson, R. E. 2005. Health and productivity programs: The business case. Strategic Finance (March): 46-53, 67.

Johnson, R. E. and P. G. Johnson. 2003. Are H&P programs for you? Strategic Finance (December): 39-45. (Healthcare and productivity programs).

Joonyup, E., V. Tiwari and W. S. Sandberg. 2022. Predicting daily surgical volumes using probabilistic estimates of providers' future availability. Decision Sciences 53(1): 124-149.

Journal of Accountancy. 2016. Individual health care mandate benchmark set for 2016. Journal of Accountancy (November): 82.

Kaciuba, G. and G. H. Siegel. 2009. Activity-based management in a medical practice: A case study emphasizing the AICPA's core competencies. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 553-577.

Kadane, J. B., R. Krishnan and G. Shmueli. 2006. A data disclosure policy for count data based on the com-Poisson distribution. Management Science (October): 1610-1617.

Kallapur, S. and L. Eldenburg. 2005. Uncertainty, real options, and cost behavior: Evidence from Washington State hospitals. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 735-752.

Kane, G. C. 2015. How digital transformation is making health care safer, faster and cheaper. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 41-47.

Kane, G. C. 2016. Digital health care: The patient will see you now. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 54-59.

Kane, G. C. 2017. Big data and IT talent drive improved patient outcomes at Schumacher Clinical Partners. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 96.

Kaplan, R. S. 2016. Letter to Paul Sharman. Cost Management (September/October): 6-7. (Kaplan said he is distressed to learn that accounting academics have commended that management accounting may no longer be relevant for a service and knowledge-led economy. Service firms have an even greater need for cost information because all the cost incurred by service organizations are related to shared resources. He argues that those who advocate otherwise are "detached from the current problems and opportunities in today's organizations." Kaplan uses his work on time-driven ABC for health care as an example).

Kaplan, R. S. and M. E. Porter. 2011. How to solve the cost crisis in health care: The biggest problem with health care isn't with insurance or politics. It's that we're measuring the wrong things the wrong way. Harvard Business Review (September): 46-64. (Time-driven ABC applied to health care). (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. and D. A. Haas. 2014. How not to cut health care costs. The missteps that keep us paying too much for treatment. Harvard Business Review (November): 116-122. (Five mistakes: Cutting back on support staff, underinvesting in space and equipment, focusing narrowly on procurement prices, maximizing patient throughput, and failing to benchmark and standardize).

Kaplan, R. S. and M. L. Wikowski. 2014. Better accounting transforms health care delivery. Accounting Horizons (June): 365-383. (Time-driven ABC applied to health care).

Kaplan, R. S. and S. Gallani. 2022. Variance analysis: New insights from health care applications. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 27-36. (Uses time-driven activity-based costing and two new visualization tools).

Kaplan, R. S., M. E. Porter and M. L. Frigo. 2017. Managing healthcare costs and value. Strategic Finance (January): 24-33. (Summary).

Kaplan, S. E., D. Lanier, K. R. Pope and J. A. Samuels. 2020. External investigators' follow-up intentions when whistleblowers report healthcare fraud: The effects of report anonymity and previous confrontation. Behavioral Research In Accounting 32(2): 91-101.

Karl, P. A. III. 2018. Twenty questions about planning for Medicaid and nursing home care. The CPA Journal (October): 18-24.

Katz-Navon, T., E. Naveh and Z. Stern. 2005. Safety climate in health care organizations: A multidimensional approach. The Academy of Management Journal 48(6): 1075-1089.

Kavadias, S., K. Ladas and C. Loch. 2016. The transformative business model: How to tell if you have one. Harvard Business Review (October): 90-98. (Summary).

KC, D. S. and C. Terwiesch. 2011. The effects of focus on performance: Evidence from California hospitals. Management Science (November): 1897-1912.

Kelemen, D. M., J. B. MacArthur and C. R. Menzel. 2007. A strategic planning and cost management model for managed care companies. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 37-47.

Keller, T. F. and D. J. Laughhunn. 1973. An application of queuing theory to a congestion problem in an outpatient clinic. Decision Sciences 4(3): 379-394.

Kennedy, M. T. and P. C. Fiss. 2009. Institutionalization, framing, and diffusion: The logic of TQM adoption and implementation decisions among U.S. hospitals. The Academy of Management Journal 52(5): 897-918.

Kensbock, J. M., L. Alkaersig and C. Lomberg. 2022. Authors' response: If anything, we should stigmatize unhealthy organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(1): 70-81.

Kensbock, J. M., L. Alkaesig and C. Lomberg. 2022. The epidemic of mental disorders in business - How depression, anxiety, and stress spread across organizations through employee mobility. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(1): 1-48.

Kershaw, R. 2000. Using TOC to ‘cure’ healthcare problems. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 22-28. (Summary).

Kershaw, R. and S. Kershaw. 2001. Developing a balanced scorecard to implement strategy at St. Elsewhere Hospital. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 28-35.

Kess, S. and E. Forspan. 2023. What to consider when there is a recent dementia diagnosis. The CPA Journal (March/April): 40-44.

Kess, S. and E. Mendlowitz. 2015. Assisting individuals with elder care planning. The CPA Journal (December): 66-69.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2018. Planning during terminal illness. The CPA Journal (May): 32-37.

Kess, S., J. R. Crimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2018. Planning for a new child in the family. The CPA Journal (March): 69-71.

Keyes, K. M. and J. Shaman. 2022. Contagion and psychiatric disorders: The social epidemiology of risk (Comment on "The epidemic of metal disorders in business"). Administrative Science Quarterly 67(1): 49-55.

Khalifa, M. and I. Zabani. 2016. Utilizing health analytics in improving the performance of healthcare services: A case study on a tertiary care hospital. Journal of Infection and Public Health (November-December): 757-765.

Khan, S. 2021. One health system's transformation from crisis to breakthrough. Cost Management (January/February): 40-44.

Khessina, O. M., S. Reis and J. C. Verhaal. 2021. Stepping out of the shadows: Identity exposure as a remedy for stigma transfer concerns in the medical marijuana market. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(3): 569-611.

Kieffer, R. G. 1998. Global trends, needs, issues. PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology (Jul-Aug): 151-153.

Kim, K. K. 1988. Organizational coordination and performance in hospital accounting information systems: An empirical investigation. The Accounting Review (July): 472-489.

Kimberly, J. R. and M. J. Evanisko. 1981. Organizational innovation: The influence of individual, organizational, and contextual factors on hospital adoption of technological and administrative innovations. The Academy of Management Journal 24(4): 689-713.

King, R., P. M. Clarkson and S. Wallace. 2010. Budgeting practices and performance in small healthcare businesses. Management Accounting Research (March): 40-55.

Klassen, K. J. and R. Yoogalingam. 2014. Strategies for appointment policy design with patient unpunctuality. Decision Sciences 45(5): 881-911.

Knopf, T. 2020. How to identify and report health care fraud. Journal of Accountancy (March): 28-30.

Kocakulah, M. and J. Powers. 2015. Saving money through wellness programs. Strategic Finance (December): 23-33.

Kocakulah, M. C. and B. L. McGuire. 2001. Creating value in healthcare through DSS design. Journal of Cost Management (March/April): 33-39.

Kocakulah, M. C., J. McGowan and A. D. Austill. 2018. In-house or outsource: Tactical decision for health-care revenue cycle management. Cost Management (November/December): 16-27.

Koreff, J., L. Baudot and S. G. Sutton. 2023. Exploring the impact of technology dominance on audit professionalism through data analytic-driven healthcare audits. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 59-80.

Koreff, J., M. Weisner and S. G. Sutton. 2021. Data analytics (ab) use in healthcare fraud audits. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (42): 100523.

Koreff, J., S. W. G. Robb and G. M. Trompeter. 2020. The sentinel effect and financial reporting aggressiveness in the healthcare industry. Accounting Horizons (March): 131-149.

Kovener, R. R. 1999. Chart of Accounts for Hospitals. McGraw-Hill.

Kovner, A. R., J. Pfeffer and D. Fine. 2010. What more evidence do you need? Harvard Business Review (May): 123-127.

Kralewski, J. E., L. Pitt and D. Shatin. 1985. Structural characteristics of medical group practices. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(1): 34-45.

Kreuter, E. A. 2023. Leveraging business skills in counseling the recovering addict. The CPA Journal (March/April): 8-9.

Krishnan, R. and M. H. Yetman. 2011. Institutional drivers of reporting decisions in nonprofit hospitals. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 1001-1039.

Kuiper, A., M. Mandjes, J. de Mast and R. Brokkelkamp. 2023. A flexible and optimal approach for appointment scheduling in healthcare. Decision Sciences 54(1): 85-100.

Kuriyan, J. 2022. The anatomy of a Medicaid fraud. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 14(1): 1-10.

Kurunmaki, L. 1999. Professional vs financial capital in the field of health care - Struggles for the redistribution of power and control. Accounting, Organizations and Society 24(2): 95-124.

Kurunmaki, L. 2004. A hybrid profession - The acquisition of management accounting expertise by medical professionals. Accounting, Organizations and Society 29(3-4): 327-347.

Kurunmaki, L., I. Lapsley and K. Melia. 2003. Accountingization v. legitimation: A comparative study of the use of accounting information in intensive care. Management Accounting Research (June): 112-139.

Kyle, M. A., E. Aveling and S. J. Singer. 2020. Establishing high-performing teams: Lessons from health care. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 14-18.

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Lamboy-Ruiz, M. A., B. A. McKay and A. M. Scheetz. 2023. Do no harm: Whistleblowing on Medicare fraud. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 8(1): 431-460.

Lamboy-Ruiz, M. A., W. G. No and O. V. Watanabe. 2019. Discrepancies in hospital financial information: Comparison of financial data in state data repositories and the healthcare cost reporting information system. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 19-44.

Lander, G. H., A. Reinstein and J. A. Busch. 2008. Controlling nursing home fraud. The CPA Journal (October): 60-65.

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McGowan, M. 2020. Internal Medicine Associates: Decision analysis in an evolving healthcare environment. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(3): 1-6.

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Roane, D. 2015. Health reform prohibits most reimbursement plans. Journal of Accountancy (September): 78-80.

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Rood, D. K. and J. Wolfe. 2015. Drawing the line: Providing tax advice related to the Affordable Care Act. Journal of Accountancy (January): 16-17.

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Rotch, W. 1996. Activity-based costing for service businesses. Chapter C2. Handbook of Cost Management. Warren, Gorham & Lamont: C2-1-C2-12.

Ruef, M. and W. R. Scott. 1998. A multidimensional model of organizational legitimacy: Hospital survival in changing institutional environments. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(4): 877-904.

Ruhl, J. M., B. P. Hartman. 1998. Activity-based costing in the service sector. Advances in Management Accounting (6): 147-161. (Summary).

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Sabeti, H. 2011. The for-benefit enterprise: A fourth sector of the economy is emerging, with the power to transform the course of capitalism. Harvard Business Review (November): 98-104. (A new hybrid "For-benefit" enterprise is emerging. Sabeti discusses COOPs as an example - "Community operated and oriented plans" encouraged by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Characteristics of a for-benefit enterprise include: a commitment to social purpose, and a reliance on earned income. For-benefit companies emphasize their impact on all stakeholders, rather than the for-profit companies more narrow focus on shareholder value. The for-benefit value proposition is to be able to account for its total impact and performance including financial, social, and environmental. New accounting methods are needed since conventional accounting is not designed for this type of organization structure. The other three sectors are the private or for-profit sector, the social or nonprofit sector, and the public or government sector).

Sahni, N. R., R. S. Huckman, A. Chigurupati and D. M. Cutler. 2017. The IT transformation health care needs. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 128-138.

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