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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Nabar, S. and X. Song. 2017. Growth firms' real earnings management practices. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 9(1): 606-620.
Nabar, S., K. K. Boonlert-U-Thai. 2007. Earnings management, investor protection, and national culture. Journal of International Accounting Research 6(2): 35-54.
Nagar, V. 1999. The role of the manager's human capital in discretionary disclosure. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Credible Financial Reporting): 167-181.
Nagar, V. 2004. Discussion of investor protection and corporate governance: Evidence from CEO turnover. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 313-318.
Nagar, V. and J. Schoenfeld. 2021. Shareholder monitoring and discretionary disclosure. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 101422.
Nagar, V., D. Nanda and P. Wysocki. 2003. Discretionary disclosure and stock-based incentives. Journal of Accounting and Economics (January): 283-309.
Nagar, V., J. Schoenfeld and L. Wellman. 2019. The effect of economic policy uncertainty on investor information asymmetry and management disclosures. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 36-57.
Nagel, D. Y., S. Fuhrmann, R. Tietmeyer and T. W. Guenther. 2022. The perception of risk disclosure characteristics on the credit default swap market - An automated analysis. Accounting Horizons (December): 157-187.
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Nair, R. D., L. E. Rittenberg and J. J. Weygandt. 1990. Accounting for redeemable preferred stock: Unresolved issues. Accounting Horizons (June): 33-41.
Nallareddy, S. and M. Ogneva. 2017. Accrual quality, skill, and the cross-section of mutual fund returns. Review of Accounting Studies 22(2): 503-542.
Nallareddy, S. 2020. Discussion of "ETFs and information transfer across firms." Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 101358.
Nallareddy, S. and M. Ogneva. 2017. Predicting restatements in macroeconomic indicators using accounting information. The Accounting Review (March): 151-182.
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Naughton, J. P., C. Wang, and I. Yeung. 2019. Investor sentiment for corporate social performance. The Accounting Review (July): 401-420.
Naughton, J. P., T. O. Rusticus, C. Wang and I. Yeung. 2019. Private litigation costs and voluntary disclosure: Evidence from the Morrison ruling. The Accounting Review (May): 303-327.
Navarro, P. 2004. Principles of the master cyclist. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 20-24.
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Neilson, J. J., S. G. Ryan, K. P. Wang and B. Xie. 2022. Asset-level transparency and the (E)valuation of asset-backed securities. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 1131-1183.
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Nezlobin, A., M. V. Rajan and S. Reichelstein. 2016. Structural properties of the price-to-earnings and price-to-book ratios. Review of Accounting Studies 21(2): 438-472.
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Ng, J. and S. Roychowdhury. 2014. Do loan loss reserves behave like capital? Evidence from recent bank failures. Review of Accounting Studies 19(3): 1234-1279.
Ng, J., I. Tuna and R. Verdi. 2013. Management forecast credibility and under reaction to news. Review of Accounting Studies 18(4): 956-986.
Nguyen, L. T. M., C. S. Cheong and R. Zurbruegg. 2022. The heterogeneous impact of industry concentration on analyst performance. Advances in Accounting (59): 100629.
Nichols, D. C. and J. M. Wahlen. 2004. How do earnings numbers relate to stock returns? A review of classic accounting research with updated evidence. Accounting Horizons (December): 263-286.
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Shell, G. R. 2001. When is it legal to trade on inside information? MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 89-90. (It is illegal when: 1. a security is bought or sold, 2. the trade is prompted by the possession of material, non public information, 3. the defendant, whether a trader or tipper, knows that the information he or she is dealing with is hot property, and 4. the insider is breaching a fiduciary duty owed to his or her corporation when they trade on or tip confidential corporate information. Insiders are employees, or anyone connected with the company or family member of anyone connected such as a lawyer, accountant, consultant etc.).
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