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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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IMA Educational Case Journal |
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Nanda, R., L. Kind, K. Laws and J. Lum. 2015. Case study: Is a start-up's strength becoming its weakness? Harvard Business Review (November): 145-149.
Nanni, A. J. Jr., P. E. Juras and P. A. Dierks. (eds.) 1998. Cases From Management Accounting Practice Volumes 12 & 13. Institute of Management Accountants. (12 cases).
Nanni, A. J. Jr., P. E. Juras and P. A. Dierks. (ed.) 1998. Cases From Management Accounting Practice Volume 12 & 13: Instructors Manual. Institute of Management Accountants. (12 cases).
Nason, S., J. Salvacruz and J. P. Stevenson. 2017. Case study: Competing against bling. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 155-159.
Nayak, S. and J. Bhatnagar. 2018. Case study: Are our customer liaisons helping or hurting? Harvard Business Review (January/February): 147-151.
Nayar, V. 2010. A maverick CEO explains how he persuaded his team to leap into the future. Harvard Business Review (June): 110-113.
Needles, B. E. Jr. 2012. Graeber Companies, Inc.: Examining impairment of equity-owned investments. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 1215-1241.
Neely, D. G. and D. Tinkelman. 2013. The Whip Cancer Walk: A case of real earnings management in the nonprofit sector. Journal of Accounting Education 31(3): 294-309.
Neumann, B. R. and P. R. Jaouen. 1986. Kanban, ZIPS and cost accounting: A case study. Journal of Accountancy 162(2): 132-141.
Neumann, K. 2020. Ex ante governance decisions in inter-organizational relationships: A case study in the airline industry. Management Accounting Research (December): 220-237.
Newton, L. H. and D. P. Schmidt. 2004. Wake Up Calls: Classic Cases in Business Ethics, 2e. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Nguyen, H. and G. Spraakman. 2011. Impcorp Foods. IMA Educational Case Journal 4(3): 1-5.
Niccol, G. 2021. The CEO of Chipotle on charting a culinary and digital turnaround. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 32-35.
Nixon, B. 1998. Research and development performance measurement: A case study. Management Accounting Research (September): 329-355.
Noble, T. B. 1947. The case of a standard cost plan. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April 15): 993-1005.
Noga, T. J., B. R. Wilkinson and C. O. Ford. 2007. International transfer pricing at Marks Pharmaceuticals: A tax and financial accounting perspective. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 761-768.
Nohria, N., K. Josephson, S. Wronsky, E. Rah, P. Pettiti and S. Ma. 2023. Case study: How should a start-up cut its burn rate? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 144-149.
Nohria, N., K. Tsang, M. Javidan and J. Champy. 2009. From regional star to global leader. Harvard Business Review (January): 33-39. (Case study).
Nohri, N., M. MacKay and J. Jones. 2024. Case study: Are the right people in the right seats? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 152-157.
Norman, C. S., M. D. Payne and V. P. Vendrzyk. 2009. Assessing information technology general control risk: An instructional case. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 63-76.
Nunes, P. F., G. McCracken, J. Soden, T. Rothwell and B. Griffith. 2002. License to overkill. Harvard Business Review (December): 29-38. (Case study).
Nunes, P. F. and N. P. Mulani. 2008. HBR case study: Can knockoffs knock out your business? Harvard Business Review (October): 41-46, 48, 50.
Nurnberg, H. and T. F. Schaefer. 2010. Integrative case in advanced accounting. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 323-329.
Nutt, P. C. 1986. Tactics of implementation. The Academy of Management Journal 29(2): 230-261.
Nuxoll, C. 2018. A forensic accounting case: A data analytic mindset. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(3): 436-437.
Nylen, P. C. and B. W. Huels. 2021. Making trade in the National Basketball Association (NBA): A research case exploring like-kind exchange treatment post Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 103-115.
O'Brien, A. and D. N. Stone. 2021. A case study in managing the analytics "Iceberg": Data cleaning and management using Alteryx. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 18(2): 221-245.
O'Brien, C. L. and D. I. Buzinkai. 2023. The ex-files, a payroll teaching case. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 155-167.
O'Bryan, D. and J. J. Quirin. 2012. The obvious fraud: A short, problem-based case study to highlight inappropriate fraud examination techniques. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 4(2): 292-308.
O'Bryan, D., J. J. Quirin and M. J. Goedeke. 2019. A tax return is worth more than a 1,000 words: The case of the interview with IRS-CI. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 11(1): 154-220.
O'Dwyer, B. 2005. The construction of a social account: A case study in an overseas aid agency. Accounting, Organizations, and Society 30(3): 279-296.
O’Dwyer, B. and J. Unerman. 2008. The paradox of greater NGO accountability: A case study of Amnesty Ireland. Accounting, Organizations and Society 33(7-8): 801-824.
Oehm, J. K. 1973. Controlling professional manpower costs. Management Accounting (March): 31-35. (Describes the engineered operations analysis technique).
Ofek, E. 2018. Case study: From niche to mainstream. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 139-143.
Ofek, E. and J. Avery. 2013. In search of a second act. Harvard Business Review (April): 133-137. (Case related to product management).
O'Leary, D. E. 2005. ABB Industries: Implementing SAP's ABC. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (2): 73-85.
O'Leary, D. E. 2012. The virtual close and continuous monitoring at Cisco. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (9): 111-126.
Ordyna, P. E., S. C. Jackson and S. C. Ragothaman. 2023. Diagnosing fraud at Decision Diagnostics: A COVID-19 case study. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 8(1): 252-265.
Ortega, W. R. and G. H. Grant. 2003. Maynard Manufacturing: An analysis of GAAP-based and operations earnings management techniques. Strategic Finance (July): 50-56. (Student case competition related to ethics).
Osborn, J. P. 2004. Student case: Pork to Plate Corp. Journal of Forensic Accounting (5): 173-188.
Otley, D. 1990. Issues in accountability and control: Some observations from a study of colliery accountability in the British Coal Corporation. Management Accounting Research (June): 101-123.
Otley, D. T. and A. J. Berry. 1994. Case study research in management accounting and control. Management Accounting Research (March): 45-65.
Owhoso, V. and A. Weickgenannt. 2010. Vinand Petroleum, Inc.: Initial audit engagement and fraud risk case for a specialized industry. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 331-346.
Ozlanski, M. E. and S. Seymoure. 2021. Conducting a physical inventory of McIntyre Organics: Bringing real-life experiences to the classroom. Journal of Accounting Education (56): 100729.
Pacini, C., J. Paterson and S. Ghahramani. 2011. The uncertain liability of accountants and other professionals in securities fraud cases: The shifting sands of Central Bank. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 3(3): 46-67.
Paik, G. H, B. Lee and K. R. Krumwiede. 2017. Corporate social responsibility performance and outsourcing: The case of the Bangladesh tragedy. Journal of International Accounting Research 16(1): 59-79.
Palepu, K. 2023. Case study: How should we diversify our supply chain? Harvard Business Review (November/December): 148-153.
Palmer, R. J. and L. D. Green. 1999. ITT Automotive North America: A case study requiring use of benchmarking, activity/process analysis, and reengineering concepts. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 465-496.
Parlier, J. and L. Lee. 2023. Inventory analytics: A teaching case using Excel and Alteryx. Journal of Accounting Education (63): 100848.
Parra, F., A. Jacobs and L. L. Trevino. 2021. Shippy express: Augmenting accounting education with Google sheets. Journal of Accounting Education (56): 100740.
Patell, J. M. 1987. Cost Accounting, Process control, and product design: A case study of the Hewlett-Packard Personal Office Computer Division. Accounting Review 62(4): 808-839.
Peacock, E. and P. Juras. 2006. Alternative costing methods: Precision Paint Shop's dilemma. Strategic Finance (August): 50-55. (IMA student case competition related to ABC vs. TOC vs. RCA).
Peaden, D. and N. M. Stephens. 2013. Old Main Manufacturing: The case of unrecorded sales discounts. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 51-58.
Peebles, M. E. 2003. And now, a word from our sponsor. Harvard Business Review (October): 31-42. (Case study).
Peebles, M. E., N. C. Widmann, A. D. Kopelan, F. Hassan, A. Cohen and G. B. Rhodes. 2005. Into the fray. Harvard Business Review (January): 15-18.
Pelzer, J. E. E., D. Booker, N. Pencle and V. L. Brown. 2023. Making the case for diversity: Exploring the use of case studies for underrepresented minorities in the accounting curriculum. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 39-63.
Perdana, A. and T. Wang. 2023. Harnessing data and embracing digital strategy at Zalora. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 20(1): 111-123.
Perera, S., J. L. McKinnon and G. L. Harrison. 2003. Diffusion of transfer pricing innovation in the context of commercialization - A longitudinal case study of a government trading enterprise. Management Accounting Research (June): 140-164.
Perna, G. D. 1968. Inventory systems simulation - A case study. Management Accounting (July): 50-54.
Perry, K. W. and R. K. Mautz. 1956. Theory cases for undergraduate courses. The Accounting Review (July): 497-500.
Perry, W. E. 1940. Case study of a standard cost system. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September 1): 1-25. (Volume 22, issue 1).
Persellin, J. S., M. K. Shaub and M. S. Wilkins. 2014. Arachnophobia: A case on impairment and accounting ethics. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 25-33.
Petacchi, P. and J. Potepa. 2022. Ann Arbor Railroad Company: A case study. Journal of Accounting Education (59): 100780.
Peters, C. J. 1946. Case study of production and cost control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 15): 891-916.
Peters, K. 2011. Office Depot's president on how "mystery shopping" helped spark a turnaround. Harvard Business Review (November): 47-50.
Peters, M. D. 2021. The Frozen Supply Chain Business Case: A management accounting instructional resource. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 135-160.
Peters, M. D. 2022. The Solar Panels Business Case: A management accounting instructional resource. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 141-167.
Peters, M. F., K. W. Shaw and R. B. Thompson. 2002. Shopping WithoutDoppping.com, Inc. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 197-209.
Peterson, B. K. and T. A. Buckhoff. 2004. Interstate Business College: A case study in fraud examination. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 505-527.
Peterson, B. K. and T. H. Gibson. 1999. Fraud detection and investigation: Microcomputer Consulting Services. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 99-115.
Peterson, B. K. and T. H. Gibson. 2003. Student health services: A case of employee fraud. Journal of Accounting Education 21(1): 61-73.
Pfeffer, J. 2001. What's wrong with management practices in Silicon Valley? A lot. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 101-102.
Pfeffer, J., M. Goldsmith and R. C. Kessler. 2011. Can nice guys finish first? Harvard Business Review (December): 131-135. (A fictionalized case study).
Pfeiffer, G., R. Capettini and G. Whittenburg. 1997. Forrest Gump - Accountant: A study of accounting in the motion picture industry. Journal of Accounting Education 15(3): 319-344.
Pflugshaupt, A. D. 1961. Accounting for labor - A case study. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 69-74.
Pforsich, H., B. K. P. Kramer and G. R. Just. 2008. Establishing an internal audit department: The case of the Schwan Food Company. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (5): 1-16.
Phillips, F. 2015. Evaluating financial results at Graphic Apparel corporation (GAC): The impact of accounting policies. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 1-12.
Phillips, F. and D. Kalesnikoff. 2006. Q-Dots Incorporated: Assurance for a nanotechnology buyout. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 147-155.
Phillips, F. and P. E. Hopkins. 1997. Instructional case: Upper Plains Auto Rentals. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 81-98.
Phillips, F. and R. D. Martin. 1998. Instructional case: Northern Frontier Park. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 1005-1018.
Phillips, F., K. Morris and K. Zvinakis. 2000. Baywatch International: A case linking financial-reporting, business, and user decisions. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 605-633.
Phillips, J. F. and R. A. Page. 2011. Accounting analysis restores decision making rationality: The case of the Connecticut Department of Aging. Accounting and the Public Interest (11): 96-115.
Picconi, M. P., K. J. Smith and A. Woods. 2013. Arborista, Inc.: An instructional resource case. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 90-104.
Pillsbury, C. 2005. Megafrauds: Should the auditors have known? A classroom exercise. Journal of Forensic Accounting 6(2): 441-454.
Pincus, M. 1996. Instructional case: The British Petroleum Company. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 443-467.
Pincus, M. 1997. Erratum instructional case: The British Petroleum Company. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 171-172.
Platt, D. E. and K. L. Towry. 2001. Pecos Products: A project introducing complexity into the study of activity-based costing. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 99-124.
Player, R. S. and M. B. Kramer. 1995. TTI, Inc.: Using ABC to increase revenues. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 75-79.
Plesner Rossing, J. C. and T. C. Pearson. 2022. Tax-compliant transfer pricing of intra-group services: The soft drink case. Journal of Accounting Education (61): 100815.
Pointer, L. G. and P. W. Ljungdahl. 1973. The merit of using the case method in teaching the specialized accounting course. The Accounting Review (July): 614-618.
Polimeni, R. S. and J. A. Burke. 2021. Integrating emerging accounting digital technologies and analytics into an undergraduate accounting curriculum - A case study. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 18(1): 159-173.
Pollock, K., K. D. Kauffman and J. C. Papiernik. 2011. The effects of charismatic leader's actions in a public community college. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 3(3): 194-209.
Pope-Rogers, U. 2018. Not-for-profits teaming up to fulfill missions: A case study shows how merging or collaborating with like-minded agencies can help not-for profits more effectively achieve their objectives. Journal of Accountancy (November): 16-20.
Popova, V. K. and S. E. Stein. 2016. Trading Styles, Inc.: An analysis of the going concern assessment. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 355-366.
Porter, J. and M. W. Penn Jr. 2023. 2024 Student Case Competition: Determining how to classify stock investment: The case of Unbekannt, Inc. Strategic Finance (August): 53-60.
Porter, J. C. 2012. How adjusting entries affect the quality of financial reporting: The case of Frosty Co. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 493-524.
Portman, R. K. 1958. Installing direct costing in one division of a company. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 5-12. (Case study).
Premuroso, R. F., W. S. Hopwood and S. Bhattacharya. 2011. Tasteless Tea Company: A comprehensive revenue transaction cycle case study. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 163-179.
Presley, T. J. 2019. A risk based approach to large datasets: Analysis of time series data for a large merchandising firm. Journal of Accounting Education (49): 100639.
Prewett, K., T. J. Schaefer and D. Wengler. 2019. WrecksAll Drug Company. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 31-38.
Price, R. A. III. 2013. Cash flows at Amazon.com. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 353-374.
Price Waterhouse LLP and the American Accounting Association. 1997. Price Waterhouse - Auditing/Accounting Teaching Cases and Exercises. American Accounting Association.
Pries, F. and S. Scott. 2015. Lakeview Hotel Investment Corp. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 105-112.
Pryor, T. E. 1989. A cost management case study. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 3-4.
Puri, S. 2022. Case study: Should you compromise your founding principles for faster growth? Harvard Business Review (January/February): 144-149.
Puri, S., F. Hughell and M. Kureshi. 2019. Case study: Your star salesperson lied. Should he get a second chance? Harvard Business Review (September/October): 156-161.
Quarles, R. and A. Stratton. 1998. A case study using ABC to quantify environmental costs in plant operations. Journal of Cost Management (September/October): 23-32.
Quinn, J. D. and K. J. Smith. 2000. The Ridgely House venture: Triple net commercial lease/purchase case. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 459-481.
Quirin, J. J. and D. O'Bryan. 2016. The marriage of Sharon and Henry Sawbones: A forensic case illustrating the use of a tax return in a litigation advisory services context. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 347-354.
Quirin, J. J. and D. W. O'Bryan. 2014. The mobile home monster: A forensic case in the use of pubic records to locate assets. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 64-71.
Radcliffe, V. S., D. R. Campbell and T. J. Fogarty. 2001. Exploring downsizing: A case study on the use of accounting information. Journal of Management Accounting Research (13): 131-157.
Raggio, R. D., M. McCullough, A. Parker and C. W. Pollard. 2009. Do you thank the taxpayer for your bailout? Harvard Business Review (June): 25-32. (Case study).
Ragothaman, S. 2014. Moha Computer Services Limited: A fraud case. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 6(1): 264-271.
Ragothaman, S., T. Custis and M. Christianson. 2022. Fake accounts scandal at Wells Fargo: What are the lessons? Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 14(2): 314-324. (Instructional case).
Ragothaman, S. C. 2014. The Madoff debacle: What are the lessons? Issues in Accounting Education (February): 94-109.
Ragothaman, S. C., W. Wilcox and T. L. Davies. 2003. Garbage In, Garbage Out Waste Disposal Incorporated: An audit case. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 307-316.
Rahimikia, E., S. Mohammadi, T. Rahmani and M. Ghazanfari. 2017. Detecting corporate tax evasion using a hybrid intelligent system: A case study of Iran. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (25): 1-17.
Raiborn, C. and R. Morris. 2009. MEOU: This co-op scratches rather than purrs. Strategic Finance (July): 49-53. (This case won the best case award in the third annual Carl Menconi Case Writing competition).
Raman, A. P. 2003. The global brand face-off. Harvard Business Review (June): 35-46. (Case study).
Ramasubramanian, H., M. R. Gujarathi and D. Feldmann. 2023. Leveraging cost accounting to manage earnings: Evidence from Toshiba's semiconductor business. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 177-194.
Ramesh Krishnan, R. G. and P. N. Ram Kumar. 2024. An integrated sustainable and resilient closed-loop supply chain network design: A case study of the Indian mango pulp industry. Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management: Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain. (12): 13-47.
Rankin, R. J., C. D. Henderson, T. K. England and M. E. Opara. 2023. Crossroads Car Wash: When family and finances collide. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 169-182.
Ransbotham, S. 2015. At this education nonprofit, A is for analytics. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 32-37.
Ransbotham, S. 2015. Coca-Cola's unique challenge: Turing 250 datasets into one. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 34.
Ransbotham, S. 2016. Enough health care data for an army: The Million Veteran Program. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 15-19.
Raschke, R. L. and K. F. Charron. 2021. Review of data analytic teaching cases, have we covered enough? Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 18(2): 247-255.
Rastegar, F. 2011. Maclaren's CEO on learning from a recall. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 41-45.
Ratnatunga, J. and M. Alam. 2011. Strategic governance and management accounting: Evidence from a case study. Abacus 47(3): 343-382.
Ravenscroft, S. 2004. Compass Point University: How many spring/summer classes should be offered? Journal of Accounting Education 22(4): 345-355.
Ravenscroft, S. P. and S. C. Kattelus. 1998. Compass State University Foundation: Managerial accounting issues in a nonprofit entity. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 629-653.
Ray, A W., M. A. Robbert and J. Brocious. 2003. The Cambridge Container Company: Managing customer-centric information integration. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 4(4): 309-330.
Razek, J. R. 1987. Ante-bellum bank accounting - A case study: The New Orleans Savings Bank in the 1930s. The Accounting Historians Journal 14(2): 19-39.
Reddic, W., S. W. Shelton and G. K. Shmagel. 2017. A repeat offender of corruption: South MunaiGas case study. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 2(1): A91-A107.
Reid, M. 2001. Helga Havalot: A case in corporate tax planning. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 273-289.
Reidenbach, M. and P. Wang. 2021. Heartland payment systems: Cybersecurity impact on audits and financial statement contingencies. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 93-109.
Reimus, B. 2004. Oil and Wasser. Harvard Business Review (May): 33-44. (Case study).
Reinert, S. A., A. Leke and M. Mehta. 2020. Case study: Pursue your dream or move on? Harvard Business Review (March/April): 140-145.
Reinhardt, F. L. 2016. Case study: How would you save this farm? Harvard Business Review (November): 105-109.
Reinstein, A. and D. Johnson. 2004. Applying accounting principles to partnership dissolution. Journal of Accounting Education (3): 253-273.
Reisch, J. T. 1999. Broadnax Minerals Company: A case study on auditors' responsibilities. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 589-612.
Reisch, J. T. and L. P. Seese. 2005. Compliance with Title IX at Kingston State University: A case study on cost allocation and ethical decision making. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 81-97.
Reitz, H. J. and L. N. Jewell. 1979. Sex, locus of control, and job involvement: A six-country investigation. The Academy of Management Journal 22(1): 72-80.
Rhoades-Catanach, S. C. 2003. Dot.com or Dot-bomb? The unpleasant tax surprise of stock options in a volatile market. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 385-395.
Ricci, P., L. J. Hanquille and G. A. Jarrell. 1993. Valuing American Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 139-168.
Richtermeyer, S. 2007. Building processes for a solid financial foundation: The case of Community Health Initiatives. Strategic Finance (August): 52-57. (IMA student case competition).
Ricks, T. E. 2012. What ever happened to accountability: When leaders don't fire underperforming executives, they send a bad message to the whole organization. Case in point: The U.S. Army. Harvard Business Review (October): 93-100.
Rickwood, C. P., J. B. Coates and R. J. Stacey. 1990. Stapylton: Strategic management accounting to gain competitive advantage. Management Accounting Research (March): 37-49.
Riggins, F. J. and B. K. Klamm. 2017. Data governance case at KrauseMcMahon LLP in an ear of self-service BI and Big Data. Journal of Accounting Education (38): 23-36.
Rismiller, G. H. 1970. A product line case study. Management Accounting (December): 39-41.
Rittler, E. S. 1942. A case problem in lumber costs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January 1): 599-613.
Roberto, M. A. and L. C. Levesque. 2005. The art of making change initiatives stick. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 53-60. (This case study uncovered four critical processes: chartering, learning, mobilizing, and realigning that provide for a successful strategic change initiative).
Robbins, W. A., (ed.) 1989. Cases in Government and Nonprofit Accounting. American Accounting Association.
Robinson, M. A. (ed.) 1989. Cases From Management Accounting Practice Volume 5. National Association of Accountants. (5 cases).
Robinson, M. A. (ed.) 1989. Cases From Management Accounting Practice Volume 5: Instructors Manual. National Association of Accountants. (5 cases).
Robinson, M. A. (ed.) 1992. Cases From Management Accounting Practice Volume 6. Institute of Management Accountants. (4 cases).
Robinson, M. A. (ed.) 1992. Cases From Management Accounting Practice Volume 6: Instructors Manual. Institute of Management Accountants. (4 cases).
Robinson, M. A. (ed.) 1992. Cases From Management Accounting Practice Volume 7. Institute of Management Accountants. (4 cases).
Robinson, M. A. (ed.) 1992. Cases From Management Accounting Practice Volume 7: Instructors Manual. Institute of Management Accountants. (4 cases).
Robinson, M. A., M. Stuebs, L. Wilfong and H. Beard. 2020. The costs to bus go round and round: Charting a route to a decision. Journal of Accounting Education (50): 100654.
Robinson, S. and M. Lokanan. 2017. Testing for impression management in creative accounting: A case of the automobile industry. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 9(3): 962-978.
Roche, E. 2003. Do something - He's about to snap. Harvard Business Review (July): 23-31. (Case study).
Roche, E. 2005. Riding the Celtic tiger. Harvard Business Review (November): 39-50. (Case study - Ireland's booming economy).
Rockness, H. O., J. W. Rockness, C. L. Earney and S. J. Ankrum. 2011. Jane Ashby Sinclair Art Museum. IMA Educational Case Journal 4(2): 1-10.
Rodomansky, R. 2023. A cofounder of Ralabs on leading a Ukrainian start-up through a year of war. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 29-33.
Rogathaman, S. and T. Custis. 2020. Internal control violations at Thor Industries: What are the lessons? Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 12(1): 138-146.
Rogers, J. E. 2011. The CEO of Duke Energy on learning to work with green activists. Harvard Business Review (May): 51-54.
Román, F. J. 2011. A case study on cost estimation and profitability analysis at Continental Airlines. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 181-200.
Romney, M. B. 1984. Teaching accounting information systems using a case study approach. Journal of Accounting Education 2(1): 145-154.
Rotch, W., B. Allen and E. Brownlee. 1995. Cases in Management Accounting and Control Systems. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Roth, A. J. and C. M. Lehmann. 2022. An inventory diversion case: "It's only inventory shrinkage, right?" Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 14(2): 299-306. (Teaching case).
Rouse, P. and L. Houghton. 2002. Instructional case: Floating investments. Journal of Accounting Education 20(3): 235-247.
Rowe, W. G. and L. Guerrero. 2010. Cases in Leadership, 2nd Edition. Sage Publications.
Rufus, R. J. and W. Hahn. 2011. Mountain State Sporting Goods: A case of fraud? A case study in fraud examination. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 201-217.
Ruhl, J. M. and J. G. Kreuze. 1997. Startup, Inc.: Linking financial accounting, managerial accounting and strategic management. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 435-456.
Ruhl, J. M. and L. Wilson. 2008. Bak Funeral Home. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 481-492.
Ruhl, J. M. and M. Ola. 2012. A perfect storm: A case in nonprofit financial reporting. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 819-836.
Rushinek, A. and S. Rushinek. 2000. Internet fraud auditing: A simulated health care industry case study. Journal of Forensic Accounting (1): 125-134.
Russ, R. W., G. J. Previts and E. N. Coffman. 2006. The stockholder review committee of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, 1828-1857: Evidence of changes in financial reporting and corporate governance. The Accounting Historians Journal 33(1): 125-143.
Russo, C. J., A. Stone and C. L. Martin Jr. 2014. Consideration of fraud in a financial statement audit: Forensic case study. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 6(2): 312-355.
Ryan, V. 2013. Spirited away: Tracking operational data more closely led a liquor distributor to employees committing fraud and theft. CFO (July/August): 26-28.
Ryan, V. 2013. The ROI of doing the right thing: As Sierra Nevada Brewing grows, so does the cost of its sustainability projects. Finance ensures the projected savings are realistic. CFO (July/August): 20-21.
Ryan, V. 2013. Weather report. CFO (November): 56. (CFO of The Weather Company).
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The Accounting Review. 1940. Akron Brass Manufacturing Company, Inc.: Reorganization; appreciation of fixed assets; parent and unprofitable subsidiary. The Accounting Review (September): 400-406.
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The Accounting Review. 1940. Phillips-Jones Corporation: Reclassification of surplus; donated and leased assets; reserves. The Accounting Review (December): 495-499.
The Accounting Review. 1940. Underwood Elliott Fisher Company: Adjustments between earned and capital surplus; write-off of intangible assets. The Accounting Review (September): 412-416.
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Venkat, J. (Jagannath M.V.K.) and M. Raithatha. 2022. IL&FS - A case of accounting misstatement and financial mismanagement. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 14(2): 325-338. (The author's LinkedIn page shows the name Jagannath Venkat).
Vent, G. A. and C. Birk. 1993. Insider trading and accounting reform: The Comstock case. The Accounting Historians Journal 20(2): 67-82.
Verreault, D. A., S. Yang and J. Angel. 2004. Sprint Corporation: Ethical decisions and tax avoidance strategies. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 119-143.
Verschoor, C. C. 1990. Readers respond to accounting ethics case study. Management Accounting (July): 53-55.
Vesty, G. and A. Brooks. 2017. St George Hospital: Flexible budgeting, volume variance, and balanced scorecard performance measurement. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 103-116.
Vijaykar, S. and M. Gupta. 2017. Smartkey: A tale of too many vendors. Cost Management (November/December): 41-48. (New feature related to case studies: Submit your own or a resolution to this one).
Vijaykar, S. and M. Gupta. 2021. The remote working conundrum: The Gennext Case Study. Cost Management (July/August): 16-23.
Vogel, T. J. 2001. Cendant Corp.: A case study examining the compensation and accounting issues involved in a stock-option repricing program. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 409-441.
Vollmers, G. 1999. Using distribution costs in decision making at the Dennison Manufacturing Company, 1909 to 1949. The Accounting Historians Journal 26(1): 127-151.
Vollmers, G. L. 1993. Accounting for distribution costs in the Dennison Manufacturing Company during the 1920s and 1930s. The Accounting Historians Journal 20(2): 83-94.
Vruwink, D. R. and B. L. Knoeber. 1997. Blockbuster Video. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 513-519.
Vuori, T. O. and Q. N. Huy. 2016. Distributed attention and shared emotions in the innovation process: How Nokia lost the smartphone battle. Administrative Science Quarterly 61(1): 9-51.
Waite, T. 2003. Keeping to the fairway. Harvard Business Review (April): 29-37. (Case study).
Waite, T. J. 2002. Stick to the core - or go for more? Harvard Business Review (February): 31-36. (Case study).
Wakefield, J. and P. Thambar. 2019. Applying target costing to the service sector: Sunline Auto Insurance case. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 1-19.
Walker, P. L., W. G. Shenkir and S. Hunn. 2001. Developing risk skills: An investigation of business risks and controls at Prudential Insurance Company of America. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 291-313.
Wallace, W. A. 1998. Instructional case: Is auditor selection associated with cost of capital? Issues in Accounting Education (August): 693-714.
Wallace, W. A. 2002. Mastery of the Financial Accounting Research System (FARS) Through Cases with FARS CD 2003. Wiley.
Wallace, W. A. 2007. Mastery of the Financial Accounting Research System (FARS) Through Cases, 2nd Edition. Wiley.
Walters, L. M. and T. M. Pergola. 2009. An instructional case: Cost concepts and managerial analysis. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 531-538.
Walton, S. and L. H. Charland. 1915. Problem. Olivedale Land Improvement Company. Journal of Accountancy (May): 395-397.
Wang, C. C. Y. 2021. Case study: Should we embrace crypto? Harvard Business Review (November/December): 146-151.
Watson, I. D. 1997. Applying Case-Based Reasoning: Techniques for Enterprise Systems. Morgan Kaufmann.
Watson, M. W. and K. E. Dow. 2010. Auditing operational compliance: The case of employee long distance piracy. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 513-526.
Watson, M. W., B. K. Klamm, J. Segovia and M. W. Lehman. 2016. Enterprise system case using Microsoft Dynamics GP via DynamicsCloud. Journal of Accounting Education (37): 67-92.
Waweri, N. 2020. Transfer pricing in an imperfect market: A case study of productivity accounting. Cost Management (March/April): 17-25.
Webber, S. and B. D. Clinton. 2004. Resource Consumption Accounting Applied: The Clopay Case. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 1-14.
Weinstein, G. P. 2005. A tool for accessing accounting cases. Journal of Accounting Education 23(3): 204-214.
Weinstein, G. P. and R. Bloom. 1998. Towards an integrative tax course: A mutual funds case study. Journal of Accounting Education 16(2): 315-334.
Weirich, T. R. and N. T. Churyk. 2018. AIM Corporation: A business fraud case study. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 3(1): A37-A51.
Weirich, T. R. and R. L. Crawford. 2012. Vision Services, Inc. accountants receivable collateral reporting fraud. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 4(1): 285-318.
Weisel, J. A. 1997. Hong Kong Airport Core Programme. Journal of Accounting Education 15(3): 371-388.
Weiss, M. 2016. Case study: Should you adjust your business model for a major customer? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 119-121.
Weiss, S. F. 2019. Carl Menconi case writing competition: Bexley Box Company. Strategic Finance (July): 46-50.
Welsh, C., L. S. Kyj and H. Nouri. 2002. First Delta bank. Journal of Accounting Education20(3): 249-264.
Wengler, D. 2021. A segregation of duties teaching case regarding employee fraud in a university athletics department. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 13(2): 413-420.
West, R. N. 1998. Chase Industries. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 1031-1042.
Weston, F. T. 1966. Discussion of audit recommendations and management auditing: A case study and some remarks. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 157-159.
Wheeler, P. and D. R. Jones. 2008. The psychology of case-based reasoning: How information produced from case-matching methods facilitates the use of statistically generated information. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-25.
White, C. E. Jr. 2010. Jim's Sporting Goods: The move to XBRL reporting. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 425-463.
Whittred, G. 1994. Instructional case: Tully Pty Ltd. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 160-167.
Whittred, G. 1996. Instructional case: Accounting method choice in the IPO process. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 175-185.
Whittred, G. and K. R. Ferris. 1995. Instructional case: The impact of SFAS No. 94 on Ford Motor Company. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 331-350.
Wiedman, C. I. 1999. Instructional case: Detecting earnings manipulation. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 145-176.
Wiewel, W. and A. Hunter. 1985. The interorganizational network as a resource: A comparative case study on organizational genesis. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(4): 482-496.
Wilks, P. A. 1936. The flexible budget system at Strathmore Paper Company. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June 1): 1143-1155.
Williams, P. A. 2005. The effect of pension income on the quality of corporate earnings: IBM, a case study. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 167-181.
Williams, P. A. and B. S. Koch. 2004. Putting the clock back: MicroStrategy, Inc. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 249-260.
Williams, R. 1999. Management accounting practice and price calculation at Boulton and Watt's Soho Foundry: A late 18th century example. The Accounting Historians Journal 26(2): 65-88.
Williams, R. B. 1997. Accounting for Steam and Cotton: Two Eighteenth Century Case Studies (New Works in Accounting History). Garland Publishing Company.
Williams, S. L. 2011. The case of Phar-Mor Inc: Could SOX have prevented the fraud? The CPA Journal (September): 58-63.
Wilson, M. 2011. The Broadway School: An application of a cost-benefit model in the public sector. Cost Management (March/April): 11-19.
Wilson, M. S. 2021. A revenue recognition case study for contracts with customers. Cost Management (May/June): 31-37.
Wisner, P. S. 2011. À Votre Santé: Product costing and decision analysis in the wine industry. IMA Educational Case Journal 4(2): 1-4.
Wisner, P. S. and H. P. Roth. 1998. Metalworks Company. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 1043-1057.
Woods, M., L. Taylor and G. C. Ge Fang. 2012. Electronics: A case study of economic value added in target costing. Management Accounting Research (December): 261-277.
Worrell, J. L. 2010. Blazer Communications: A procurement audit simulation. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 527-546.
Wright, A. and B. Wright. 2023. The founders of Bitty & Beau's Coffee on building a business around employees with disabilities. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 33-37.
Wright, G. B. and C. P. Cullinan. 2017. Sino-Forest Corporation: The case of the standing timber. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (14): 10-22. (Financial misstatement and audit failure).
Wright, S. 1998. Instructional case: Style, Inc. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 1059-1077.
Xin, K. and V. Pucik. 2003. Trouble in paradise. Harvard Business Review (August): 27-35. (Case study).
Xiong, Y. and D. W. Law. 2008. Student case: Auditing a private third-party claims processor for Medicare. Journal of Forensic Accounting 9(1): 175-188.
Yan, A. and B. Gray. 1994. Bargaining power, management control, and performance in United States-China joint ventures: A comparative case study. The Academy of Management Journal 37(6): 1478-1517.
Yin, R. K. 1981. The case study crisis: Some answers. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(1): 58-65.
Yin, R. K. 1994. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Applied Social Research Methods Series, (5) 2nd edition. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.
Yin, R. K. 2002. Applications of Case Study Research (Applied Social Research Methods). Sage Publications.
Yoffie, D. B. and M. Kwak. 2001. Mastering strategic movement at Palm. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 55-63.
Young, M. 2008. Using experiential learning to teach earnings management: A comprehensive earnings management case. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (5): 63-71.
Young, R. F., C. T. Conn and B. E. Brewster. 2023. Martin's Lounge: From valuation engagement to fraud examination. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 8(1): 128-140. (Teaching case).
Young, S. M., J. J. Gong and W. A. Van der Stede. 2008. The business of making movies. Strategic Finance (February): 26-32.
Young, S. M., J. J. Gong and W. A. Van der Stede. 2010. The business of making money with movies. Strategic Finance (February): 34-40.
Young, S. M., J. J. Gong and W. A. Van der Stede. 2012. Using real options to make decisions in the motion picture industry. Strategic Finance (May): 53-59. ("A real option is the right, but not the obligation, to undertake a business decision.").
Young, S. M., J. J. Gong, W. A. Van der Stede, T. Sandio and F. Du. 2008. The business of selling movies. Strategic Finance (March): 35-41.
Youngman, J. F., M. F. Hess and E. P. Cowins. 2022. Managing and disclosing environmental risks: A tale of two utilities. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 59-71.
Yue, L. Q., H. Rao and P. Ingram. 2013. Information spillovers from protests against corporations: A tale of Walmart and Target. Administrative Science Quarterly 58(4): 669-701.
Zahller, K. A. 2017. Truffle in paradise: Job costing for a small business. Journal of Accounting Education (40): 32-42.
Zahller, K. A. and M. Beranek. 2017. Baby Freedom: Stakeholders, strategy, and qualitative analysis. 2018 Student Case Competition. Strategic Finance (August): 70-77.
Zaltman, G. and L. Zaltman. 2008. The sure thing that flopped. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 29-32, 34-37. (Case study).
Zavodney, I. J. N. 1946. Case study of payroll practices and procedures. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 15): 549-566.
Zeff, S. A. 2023. AirTouch Communications' innovative disclosure: "Proportionate financial data". The Accounting Historians Journal 50(1): 77-83.
Zekany K. E., L. W. Braun and Z. T. Warder. 2004. Behind closed doors at WorldCom: 2001. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 101-117.
Zeller, T. L., T. J. Palzer and A. D. Tressler. 2011. Fire the big box!? Issues in Accounting Education (May): 421-438. (Case related to customer profitability analysis, customer management life cycle, and time-driven ABC).
Zeng, S. X., P. Tian and C. M. Tam. 2005. Quality assurance in design organisations: A case study in China. Managerial Auditing Journal 20(7): 679-690.
Zhang, C., H. Issa, A. Rozario and J. S. Soegaard. 2023. Robotic process automation (RPA) implementation case studies in accounting: A beginning to end perspective. Accounting Horizons (March): 193-217.
Zhang, S., J. W. Paul and X. Huang. 2013. AKM Mortgages, Inc. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 128-139.
Zimmermann, S., C. Rentrop and C. Felden. 2017. A multiple case study on the nature and management of shadow information technology. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 79-101.
Zülch, H. and D. Detzen. 2011. Enforcing financial reporting standards: The case of White Pharmaceuticals AG. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 619-632.