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1986 - Volume 37(3) Fall 2023
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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Ingram, R. W. and D. L. Lunsford. 2003. Developing an e-commerce system using active server pages. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 135-156.
Ionita, D., R. Wieringa, J. Gordijn and A. S. Yesuf. 2019. Quantitative, value-driven risk analysis of e-services. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 45-60.
Issa, H. and A. Kogan. 2014. A predictive ordered logistic regression model as a tool for quality review of control risk assessments. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 209-229.
Ivancevich, D. M., D. R. Hermanson and L. M. Smith. 1998. The association of perceived disaster recovery plan strength with organizational characteristics. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 31-40.
Jackson, C. 2000. Discussion of information technology-related activities of internal auditors. Journal of Information Systems (Supplement): 55-56.
Janvrin, D., J. Bierstaker and D. J. Lowe. 2009. An investigation of factors influencing the use of computer-related audit procedures. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 97-118.
Janvrin, D. J. 2003. Instructional case: St. Patrick Company: Using role play to examine internal control and fraud detection concepts. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 17-39.
Janvrin, D. J. and D. A. Wood. 2016. The Journal of Information Systems 2015 Conference on information technology audit. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 3-5.
Janvrin, D. J. and W. G. No. 2012. XBRL implementation: A field investigation to identify research opportunities. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 169-197.
Janvrin, D. J., E. A. Payne, P. Byrnes, G. P. Schneider and M. B. Curtis. 2012. The updated COSO internal control - Integrated framework: Recommendations and opportunities for future research. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 189-213.
Janvrin, D. J., J. Lim and G. F. Peters. 2015. The perceived impact of Journal of Information Systems on promotion and tenure. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 73-93.
Janvrin, D. J., M. F. Mascha and M. A. Lamboy-Ruiz. 2020. SOX 404(b) audits: Evidence from auditing the financial close process of the accounting system. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 77-103.
Janvrin, D. J., R. E. Pinsker and M. F. Mascha. 2013. XBRL-enabled, spreadsheet, or PDF? Factors influencing exclusive user choice of reporting technology. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 35-49.
Jena, R. K. 2022. Exploring antecedents of peoples' intentions to use smart services in a smart city environment: An extended UTAUT model. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 133-149.
Jeong, A. Y and J. Lim. 2023. The impact of blockchain technology adoption announcements on firm's market value. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 39-65.
Jiang, W., J. Legoria, K. J. Reichelt and S. Walton. 2022. Firm use of cybersecurity risk disclosures. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 151-180.
Johnson, E. C. 2002. Discussion of holistic, continuous assurance integration: e-business opportunities and challenges. Journal of Information Systems (Spring Supplement): 21-24.
Johnston, J. 2020. Extended XBRL tags and financial analysts' forecast error and dispersion. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 105-131.
Johnston, J. A. and J. H. Zhang. 2021. Auditor style and financial reporting similarity. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 79-99.
Johnson, V. E. and S. E. Kaplan. 1996. Auditors' decision-aided probability assessments: An analysis of the effects of list length and response format. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 87-101.
Journal of Information Systems. 2000. Open question-and-answer session AICPA/CICA SYSTRUST™. Journal of Information Systems (Supplement): 17-20.
Journal of Information Systems. 2000. Open question-and-answer session Journal of Information Systems (Supplement): 37-38.
Journal of Information Systems. 2014. Annual editors report. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 379-383.
Kandelin, N. A. and T. W. Lin. 1992. A computational model of an events-based object-oriented accounting information system for inventory management. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 47-62.
Karim, K. E., K. J. Lin, R. E. Pinsker and H. Zhu. 2019. Using linguistics to mine unstructured data from FASB exposure drafts. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 67-83.
Kauffman, R. J., Y. J. Lee, M. Prosch and P. J. Steinbart. 2011. A survey of consumer information privacy from the accounting information systems perspective. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 47-79.
Kelton, A. S. and R. R. Pennington. 2020. Do voluntary disclosures mitigate the cybersecurity breach contagion effect? Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 133-157.
Kelton, A. S. and R. R. Pennington. 2020. If you tweet, they will follow: CEO tweets, social capital, and investor say-on-pay judgments. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 105-122.
Kelton, A. S. and U. S. Murthy. 2016. The effects of information disaggregation and financial statement interactivity on judgments and decisions of nonprofessional investors. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 99-118.
Kelton, A. S., R. R. Pennington and B. M. Tuttle. 2010. The effects of information presentation format on judgment and decision making: A review of information systems research. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 79-105.
Kerr, D. S. and U. S. Murthy. 1994. Group decision support systems and cooperative learning in auditing: An experimental investigation. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 85-96.
Khallaf, A. and T. R. Skantz. 2007. The effects of information technology expertise on the market value of a firm. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 83-105.
Kiersey, G. F., Ko, C. and T. W. Lin. 1988. Use of a multi-attribute utility theory model in computer system selection. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-9.
Kim, J. W., J. Lim and W. G. No. 2012. The effect of first wave mandatory XBRL reporting across the financial information environment. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 127-153.
Kim, K. K. 1989. User satisfaction: A synthesis of three different perspectives. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-12.
Kim, Y. and A. Kogan. 2014. Development of an anomaly detection model for a bank's transitory account system. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 145-165.
Kipp, P. C., Y. Zhang and A. F. Tadesse. 2019. Can social media interaction and message features influence nonprofessional investors' perceptions of firms? Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 77-98.
Kissinger, J. N. 1988. Adapting Coopers & Lybrand's pre-audit accounting software to a floppy disk environment. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 87-93.
Klamm, B. K. and M. W. Watson. 2009. SOX 404 reported internal control weaknesses: A test of COSO framework components and information technology. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-23.
Klaus, J. P., K. Philipp, A. Masli, K. Guerra and L. Kappelman. 2022. Prioritizing IT management issues and business performance. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 83-99.
Kneer, D. C. 1986. Masters degree programs in accounting information systems/EDP auditing. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 137-144.
Kogan, A. and C. Yin. 2021. Privacy-preserving information sharing within and audit firm. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 243-268.
Kogan, A., E. F. Sudit and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 1999. Continuous online auditing: A program of research. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 87-103.
Koreff, J. 2022. Are auditors'' reliance on conclusions from data analytics impacted by different data analytic inputs? Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 19-37.
Koreff, J., L. Baudot and S. G. Sutton. 2023. Exploring the impact of technology dominance on audit professionalism through data analytic-driven healthcare audits. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 59-80.
Kovar, S. E. 2002. Discussion of An experimental examination of alternative forms of web assurance for business-to-consumer e-commerce. Journal of Information Systems (Spring Supplement): 59-63.
Kovar, S. E., K. G. Burke and B. R. Kovar. 2000. Consumer responses to the CPA WEBTRUST assurance. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 17-35.
Krahel, J. P. and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2014. AIS as a facilitator of accounting change: Technology, practice, and education. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-15.
Krishnan, G. V. and R. S. Sriram. 2000. An examination of the IT investments on firm value: The case of Y2K-compliance costs. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 95-108.
Ku, C. and M. Firoozi. 2019. The use of crowdsourcing and social media in accounting research. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 85-111.
Kuhn, J. R. Jr. and S. G. Sutton. 2010. Continuous auditing in ERP system environments: The current state and future directions. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 91-112.
Kwon, J., J. R. Ulmer and T. Wang. 2013. The association between top management involvement and compensation and information security breaches. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 219-236.
Lacity, M. C., and I. R. Weiss. 1989. The organizational exchange of talent: Rotating MIS professionals into user areas. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 23-31.
Lainhart, J. W. IV. 2000. COBIT™: A methodology for managing and controlling information and information technology risks and vulnerabilities. Journal of Information Systems (Supplement): 21-25.
Lamberton, B., J. Fedorowicz and S. J. Roohani. 2005. Tolerance for ambiguity and IT competency among accountants. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 75-95.
Lamboy-Ruiz, M. A., W. G. No and O. V. Watanabe. 2019. Discrepancies in hospital financial information: Comparison of financial data in state data repositories and the healthcare cost reporting information system. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 19-44.
Lampe, J. C. 2004. Alternative personality measurements. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 21-34.
Lankton, N., J. B. Price and M. Karim. 2021. Cybersecurity breaches and the role of information technology governance in audit committee charters. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 101-119.
Laurier, W., S. Horiuchi and M. Snoeck. 2021. An executable axiomatization of the REA2 ontology. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 133-154.
Lederer, A. L. and L. B. Burky. 1988. Understanding top management's objectives: A management information systems concern. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 50-66.
Lee, C. C., R. B. Welker and M. D. Odom. 2009. Features of computer-mediated, text-based messages that support automatable, linguistics-based indicators for deception detection. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 5-24.
Lee, H., X. Wang and R. B. Dull. 2023. Designing a classifying system for nonprofit organizations using textual contents from the mission statement. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 33-58.
Lee, L. S. and E. Green. 2015. Systems thinking and its implications in enterprise risk management. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 195-210.
Lee, L. S. and W. D. Brink. 2020. Trust in cloud-based services: A framework for consumer adoption of software as a service. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 65-85.
Lee, M. T. and S. K. Widener. 2016. The performance effects of using business intelligence systems for exploitation and exploration learning. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-31.
Lee, T. M. 2005. Discussion of Behavioral self-regulation of telework locations: Interrupting interruptions! Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 141-144.
Leech, S. A. 1994. Discussion of integrating accounting and manufacturing information systems: An ABC and REA-based approach. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 81-83.
Lehmann, C. M. and C. D. Heagy. 2006. An introduction to the clinical case representation paradigm for information systems research. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 87-101.
Lehmann, C. M., C. D. Heagy and C. S. Norman. 2007. The evaluation of application controls in accounting software: A short instructional case. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 87-98.
Lei, L., Y. Li and Y. Luo. 2019. Social media and voluntary nonfinancial disclosure: Evidence from Twitter presence and corporate political disclosure. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 99-128.
Lenk, M. M., J. P. Krahel, D. J. Janvrin and B. Considine. 2019. Social technology: An integrated strategy and risk management framework. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 129-153.
Levitan, A. S. 1988. Using a data base management system in an accounting information systems course. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 73-78.
Levitan, A. S., J. Guan and A. T. Cobb. 2008. Modeling an object-oriented accounting system with computer-aided software engineering. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 123-139.
Li, H., S. Chang, T. Wang and L. Chang. 2020. Information technology internal control items for the post-implementation phase of enterprise resource planning systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 159-197.
Li, P., D. Y. Chan and A. Kogan. 2016. Exception prioritization in the continuous auditing environment: A framework and experimental evaluation. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 135-157.
Li, S. and E. T. Nwaeze. 2015. The association between extensions in XBRL disclosures and financial information environment. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 73-99.
Li, T. and S. Walton. 2023. Business strategy and cybersecurity breaches. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 51-76.
Li, Y. and A. H. Juma'h. 2022. The effect of technological and tax considerations on auditors' acceptance of blockchain technology. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 129-151.
Liang, T. 1988. Expert systems as decision aids: Issues and strategies. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 41-50.
Liew, A., D. E. O'Leary, A. Perdana and T. Wang. 2022. Digital transformation in accounting and auditing: 2021 International Conference of the Journal of Information Systems panel discussion. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 177-190.
Lim, J., B. Dehning, V. J. Richardson and R. E. Smith. A meta-analysis of the effects of IT investment on firm financial performance. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 145-169.
Lim, J., V. J. Richardson and R. Smith. 2023. Does XBRL tagging indicate disclosure quality? The relationship between XBRL standard and extension tags and stock return synchronicity. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 81-100.
Lim, W. M. 2014. Understanding the influence on online flow elements on hedonic and utilitarian online shopping experiences: A case of online group buying. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 287-306.
Limor, R. 2015. Knowledge resources and book reviews. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 163-166.
Lin, P. and L. M. Smith. 2006. Using a web-based accounting system for teaching accounting system design and implementation. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 65-79.
Litt, B., P. Tanyi and M. Weidenmier Watson. 2023. Cybersecurity breach at a Big 4 accounting firm: Effects on auditor reputation. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 77-100.
Liu, Q. and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2014. Editorial: Big questions in AIS research: Measurement, information processing, data analysis, and reporting. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-17.
Liu, W., M. Yen and T. Wu. 2022. Report users' perceived sentiments of key audit matters and firm performance: Evidence from a deep learning-based natural language processing approach. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 191-209.
Liu, X. and B. Wong-On-Wing. 2022. The role of construal alignment in enterprise risk management. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 39-52.
Lombardi, D. R., J. C. Sipior and S. Dannemiller. 2023. Auditor judgment bias research: A 50-year trend analysis and emerging technology use. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 109-141.
Loraas, T. and C. J. Wolfe. 2006. Why wait? Modeling factors that influence the decision of when to learn a new use of technology. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-23.
Loraas, T. M. and J. M. Mueller. 2008. Bridging the gap between spreadsheet use and control: An instructional case. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 161-172.
Loraas, T. M. and M. C. Diaz. 2011. Learning new technologies: The effect of ease of learning. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 171-194.
Lovata, L. M. 1990. Audit technology and the use of computer assisted audit techniques. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 60-68.
Lowe, D. J., J. L. Bierstaker, D. J. Janvrin and J. G. Jenkins. 2018. Information technology in an audit context: Have the Big 4 lost their advantage? Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 87-107.
Lunardi, G. L., A. C. Gastaud Macada, J. L. Becker and W. Van Grembergen. 2017. Antecedents of IT governance effectiveness: An empirical examination in Brazilian firms. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 41-57.
Malaescu, I. and S. G. Sutton. 2015. The reliance of external auditors on internal audit's use of continuous audit. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 95-114.
Malimage, K., N. Raddatz, B. S. Trinkle, R. E. Crossler and R. Baaske. 2020. Impact of deterrence and inertia on information security policy changes. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 123-134.
Malone, J. D. 2003. Shooting the past: An instructional case for knowledge management. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 41-49.
Maris, T. L. and R. E. Meier. 1986. A profile of management consulting firms. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 113-117.
Marley, R. N. and N. M. Snow. 2019. An empirical investigation on social media users' demand for financial information distributed via social media platforms. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 155-175.
Masli, A., V. J. Richardson, J. M. Sanchez and R. E. Smith. 2011. The business value of IT: A synthesis and framework of archival research. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 81-116.
Masli, A., V. J. Richardson, J. M. Sanchez and R. E. Smith. 2014. The interrelationships between information technology spending, CEO equity incentives, and firm value. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 41-65.
Matherly, C. M. 2004. Discussion of: Growing a nontraditional accounting firm: Warren and Associates. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 57-59.
Mauldin, E. 2003. An experimental examination of information technology and compensation structure complementarities in an expert system context. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 19-41.
Mauldin, E. and V. Arunachalam. 2002. An experimental examination of alternative forms of web assurance for business-to-consumer e-commerce. Journal of Information Systems (Spring Supplement): 33-54.
Mauldin, E. and V. Arunachalam. 2002. Reply to discussions of An experimental examination of alternative forms of web assurance for business-to-consumer e-commerce. Journal of Information Systems (Spring Supplement): 65-67.
Mayer, J. H., L. Lischke, R. Quick and F. Kalden. 2023. When cash is king - An accounts receivable app accommodating different use situations. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 101-122.
McCall, H., V. Arnold and S. G. Sutton. 2008. Use of knowledge management systems and the impact on the acquisition of explicit knowledge. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 77-101.
McCarthy, W. E. 1987. Accounting information systems: Research directions and perspective. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 29-32.
McPhie, D. 2000. AICPA/CICA SYSTRUST™ principles and criteria. Journal of Information Systems (Supplement): 1-7.
Moffit, K. C. and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2013. Editorial. AIS in a age of big data. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-19.
Moffitt, K. C., V. J. Richardson, N. M. Snow, M. M. Weisner and D. A. Wood. 2016. Perspectives of past and future AIS research as the Journal of Information Systems turns thirty. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 157-171.
Morris, B. W. and A. B. Pushkin. 1995. Determinants of information systems audit involvement in EDI systems development. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 111-128.
Morris, B. W., V. F. Kleist, R. B. Dull and C. D. Tanner. 2014. Secure information market: A model to support information sharing, data fusion, privacy, and decisions. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 269-285.
Morris, J. J. 2011. The impact of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems on the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 129-157.
Muhanna, W. A. and M. D. Stoel. 2010. How do investors value IT? An empirical investigation of the value relevance of IT capability and IT spending. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 43-66.
Murphy, D. S. 1990. Expert system use and the development of expertise in auditing: A preliminary investigation. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 18-35.
Murthy, U. S. 2004. An analysis of the effects of continuous monitoring controls on e-commerce system performance. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 29-47.
Murthy, U. S. 2016. Researching at the intersection of accounting and information technology: A call for action. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 159-167.
Murthy, U. S. and B. A. Schafer. 2011. The effects of relative performance information and framed information systems feedback on performance in a production task. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 159-184.
Murthy, U. S. and C. E. Wiggins Jr. 1993. Object-oriented modeling for designing accounting information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 97-111.
Murthy, U. S. and C. E. Wiggins Jr. 1999. A perspective on accounting information systems research. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 3-6.
Murthy, U. S. and C. E. Wiggins Jr. 1999. Editors' foreword. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-2.
Murthy, U. S. and C. E. Wiggins Jr. 2001. Editorial: The sections of the journal. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-2.
Murthy, U. S. and C. E. Wiggins Jr. 2002. Why manuscripts are rejected: An analysis of JIS rejections. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 41-48.
Murthy, U. S. and G. L. Geerts. 2017. An REA ontology-based model for mapping big data to accounting information systems elements. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 45-61.
Murthy, U. S. and J. A. Swanson. 1992. Integrating expert systems and database technologies: An intelligent decision support system for investigating cost variances. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 127-148.
Murthy, U. S. and P. R. Wheeler. 2018. The effects of decision-aid design on auditor performance in internal control evaluation tasks. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 95-113.
Murthy, U. S., T. J. Smith, J. D. Whitworth and Y. Zhang. 2020. The effects of information systems compatibility on firm performance following mergers and acquisitions. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 211-233.
Myers, N., N. Snow, S. L. Summers and D. A. Wood. 2016. Accounting institution citation-based research rankings by topical area and methodology. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 33-62.
Neely, M. P. and J. S. Cook. 2011. Fifteen years of data and information quality literature: Developing a research agenda for accounting. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 79-108.
Nicolaou, A., M. M. Masoner and R. B. Welker. 1995. Intent to enhance information systems as a function of system success. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 93-108.
Nicolaou, A. I. 2004. Firm performance effects in relation to the implementation and use of enterprise resource planning systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 79-105.
Nicolaou, A. I. 2004. Reply to Discussion of: Firm performance effects in relation to the implementation and use of enterprise resource planning systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 111-112.
Nikitkov, A. 2006. Information assurance seals: How they impact consumer purchasing behavior. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-17.
Nikitkov, A. N., D. N. Stone and T. C. Miller. 2014. Internal controls, routine activity theory (RAT), and sustained online auction deception: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 311-337.
Norman, C. S., A. M. Rose, J. M. Rose, I. Suh and X. Xiao. 2021. An investigation of the effects of allegation sources and consequences on corporate directors' responses to whistleblowing allegations. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 223-232.
Nuijten, A. L. P., M. Keil and B. Zwiers. 2023. Internal auditors' perceptions of information technology-related risks: A comparison between general auditors and information technology auditors. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 67-83.
Nuttall, G., N. M. Snow, S. L. Summers and D. A. Wood. 2018. Citation-based benchmarks and individual accounting faculty research rankings by topical area and methodology. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 115-140.
Odkhishig, G., A. M. Rose, J. M. Rose and K. Rotaru. 2022. Increasing reliance on financial advice with avatars: The effects of competence and complexity on algorithm aversion. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 7-17.
Odom, M. D. and P. B. Dorr. 1995. The impact of elaboration-based expert system interfaces on de-skilling: An epistemological issue. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-17.
O'Leary, D. E. 1988. Software engineering and research issues in accounting. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 24-38.
O'Leary, D. E. 1992. Intrusion-detection systems. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 63-74.
O'Leary, D. E. 1999. REAL-D: A schema for data warehouses. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 49-62.
O'Leary, D. E. 1999. The impact of the Euro on information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 105-116.
O'Leary, D. E. 2019. Facilitating citizens' voice and process reengineering using a cloud-based mobile app. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 137-162.
O'Leary, D. E. 2019. What phishing e-mails reveal: An exploratory analysis of phishing attempts using text analysis. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 285-307.
Owens, J. and E. M. Hawkins. 2019. Using online labor market participants for nonprofessional investor research: A comparison of MTurk and Qualtrics samples. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 113-128.
Paradice, D. B. and W. L. Fuerst. 1991. An MIS data quality methodology based on optimal error detection. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 48-66.
Paredes, A. A. P. and C. M. Wheatley. 2018. Do enterprise resource planning systems (ERPs) constrain real earnings management? Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 65-89.
Pei, B. K. W. 1988. Course outline microcomputer applications in accounting information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 79-84.
Pei, B. K. W., J. Paul and J. H. Reneau. 1994. The effects of judgment strategy and prompting on using rule-based expert systems for knowledge transfer. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 21-42.
Peng, J., R. E. Viator and S. Buchheit. 2007. An experimental study of multidimensional hierarchical accounting data: Drill-down paths can influence economic decisions. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 69-86.
Pennington, R. R., A. S. Kelton and D. D. DeVries. 2006. The effects of qualitative overload on technology acceptance. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 25-36.
Perdana, A., A. Robb and F. Rohde. 2015. An integrative review and synthesis of XBRL research in academic journals. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 115-153.
Perdana, A., A. Robb and F. Rohde. 2015. XBRL diffusion in social media: Discourses and community learning. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 71-106.
Perols, J. L. and U. S. Murthy. 2012. Information fusion in continuous assurance. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 35-52.
Pickard, M. D. and G. Cokins. 2015. From bean counters to bean growers: Accountants as data analysts - A customer profitability example. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 151-164.
Pickard, M. D., M. B. Burns and K. C. Moffitt. 2013. A theoretical justification for using embodied conversational agents (ECAs) to augment accounting-related interviews. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 159-176.
Pimentel, E., E. Boulianne, S. Eskandari and J. Clark. 2021. Systemizing the challenges of auditing blockchain-based assets. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 61-75.
Pinsker, R. and P. Wheeler. 2009. The effects of expanded independent assurance on the use of firm-initiated disclosures by investors with limited business knowledge. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 25-49.
Pitre, T. J., R. Pinsker, R. J. Daigle and Y. Zhang. 2023. #Twitter: Examining the impact of earnings format choice and rehashing prior positive information on market prices. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 1-20.
Plattfaut, R. and V. Borghoff. 2022. Robotic process automation: A literature-based research agenda. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 173-191.
Plumlee, R. D. 2002. Discussion of Impression management with graphs: Effects on choices. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 203-206.
Plumlee, R. D. and D. Snowball. 1987. Auditing your own system: Some findings and implications. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 41-49.
Ponemon, L. A. 1994. Discussion of group decision support systems and cooperative learning in auditing: An experimental investigation. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 97-103.
Ponemon, L. A. and R. J. Nagoda II. 1990. Perceptual variation and implementation of accounting information. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-14.
Prasad, A. and P. Green. 2015. Organizational competencies and dynamic accounting information system capability: Impact on AIS and firm performance. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 123-149.
Prasad, A., P. Green and J. Heales. 2013. On governing collaborative information technology (IT): A relational perspective. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 237-259.
Price, J. B. and N. Lankton. 2018. A framework and guidelines for assessing and developing board-level information technology committee charters. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 109-129.
Prokofieva, M. 2015. Twitter-based dissemination of corporate disclosure and the intervening effects of firms' visibility: Evidence from Australian-listed companies. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 107-136.
Raddatz, N. I., J. G. Coyne and B. S. Trinkle. 2020. Internal motivators for the protection of organizational data. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 199-211.
Raddatz, N. I., K. Marett and B. S. Trinkle. 2020. The impact of awareness of being monitored on computer usage policy compliance: An agency view. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 135-149.
Raddatz, N. I., T. Stafford, C. Van Slyke and M. Warkentin. 2020. Grassroots adoption of cloud-based storage solutions. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 213-232.
Raghunathan, B. and T. S. Raghunathan. 1988. Impact of top management support on IS planning. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 15-23.
Raghunathan, B. and T. S. Raghunathan. 1989. MIS steering committees: Their effect on information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 104-116.
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Ranke, M. and M. I. Aguirre-Urreta. 2020. Cautionary note on the two-step transformation to normality. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 151-166. (Demonstrates three sources of non-normality using simulated datasets and their consequences for regression estimation).
Rasch, R. H. and A. Harrell. 1989. The impact of individual differences on MAS personnel satisfaction and turnover intentions. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 13-22.
Rasch, R. H. and J. A. Yost, 1997. Friction in the design of information systems: The design dilemma. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 19-30.
Rasch, R. H. and J. V. Hansen. 1993. Information sharing arrangements in electronic data interchange environments. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 85-96.
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Raschke, R. L., A. S. Krishen and P. Kachroo. 2014. Understanding the components of information privacy threats for location-based services. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 227-242.
Raval, V. 1988. A conceptual model of a curriculum for accountants. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 132-152.
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Richardson, V. J., R. E. Smith and M. W. Watson. 2019. Much ado about nothing: The (lack of) economic impact of data privacy breaches. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 227-265.
Richins, G., A. Stapleton, T. C. Stratopoulos and C. Wong. 2017. Big data analytics: Opportunity or threat for the accounting profession? Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 63-79.
Ritchi, H., M. Jans, J. Mendling and H. A. Reijers. 2020. The influence of business process representation on performance of different task types. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 167-194.
Rose, A. M., J. M. Rose, K. Rotaru, K. Sanderson and J. C. Thibodeau. 2022. Effects of data visualization choices on psychophysiological responses, judgment, and audit quality. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 53-79.
Rose, A. M, J. M. Rose, K. Sanderson and J. C. Thibodeau. 2017. When should audit firms introduce analyses of big data into the audit process? Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 81-99.
Rose, J. M., A. M. Rose and C. S. Norman. 2004. The evaluation of risky information technology investment decisions. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 53-66.
Rose, J. M., A. M. Rose and C. S. Norman. 2005. A service-learning course in accounting information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 145-172.
Rose, J. M., B. A. McKay, C. S. Norman and A. M. Rose. 2012. Designing decision aids to promote the development of expertise. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 7-34.
Rowley, T. H. 1988. Course outline seminar in accounting information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 167-170.
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Samuels, J. A. and P. J. Steinbart. 2002. The Journal of Information Systems: A review of the first 15 years. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 97-116.
Savage, A., C. S. Norman and K. A. S. Lancaster. 2008. Using a movie to study the COSO internal control framework: An instructional case. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 63-76.
Savage, A., J. H. Callaghan and E. Peacock. 2004. Accounting for the development costs of internal-use software. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 111-126.
Schaupp, L. C. and F. Bélanger. 2014. The value of social media for small businesses. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 187-207.
Scheller, C. V. and P. Hruby. 2016. Business process and value delivery modeling using possession, ownership, and availability (POA) in enterprises and business networks. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 5-47.
Scherr, E. and D. Ditter. 2017. Customization versus standardization in electronic financial reporting: Early evidence from the SEC XBRL mandate. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 125-148.
Schmidt, P. J. and G. Gal. 2020. Editor's introduction to the speical section on cloud computing and accounting information systems (JISC 2018). Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 1-4.
Schmidt, P. J., J. T. Wood and S. V. Grabski. 2016. Business in the cloud: Research questions on governance, audit, and assurance. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 173-189.
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Schobel, K. and J. S. Denford. 2013. The chief information officer and chief financial officer dyad in the public sector: How an effective relationship impacts individual effectiveness and strategic alignment. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 261-281.
Sedbrook, T. and R. I. Newmark. 2008. Automating REA policy level specifications with semantic web technologies. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 249-277.
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Seddon, P., M. Wong and S. Yip. 1992. Computer-based general ledger systems: An exploratory study. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 93-110.
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Sheldon, M. D. 2021. Auditing the blockchain Orachel problem. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 135-154.
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Sheldon, M. D., S. Bhattacharjee and R. Barkhi. 2023. The impact of persuasive response sequence and consistency when information technology service providers address auditor-identified issues in system and organization control 2 reports. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 85-107.
Sherer, S. A. and J. Paul. 1993. Focusing audit testing on high risk software modules: A methodology and an application. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 65-84.
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Sidgman, J. and M. Crompton. 2016. Valuing personal data to foster privacy: A thought experiment and opportunities for research. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 169-181.
Sidgman, J., V. L. Brown and J. F. Brazel. 2021. The multitasking audit environment: The effect of alternative modes of communication on team performance. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 155-175.
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Smith, A. L., Y. Zhang and P. C. Kipp. 2019. Cloud-computing risk disclosure and ICFR material weakness: The moderating role of accounting reporting complexity. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-17.
Smith, T. J., J. L. Higgs and R. E. Pinsker. 2019. Do auditors price breach risk in their audit fees? Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 177-204.
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Zhou, M., L. Lei, J. Wang, W. Fan and A. G. Wang. 2015. Social media adoption and corporate disclosure. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 23-50.
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