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Volume 1(1) 1956 - Volume 68(4) 2023

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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Earley, P. C. 1989. Social loafing and collectivism: A comparison of the United States and the People's Republic of China. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(4): 565-581.

Earley, P. C. 1994. Self or group? Cultural effects of training on self-efficacy and performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(1): 89-117.

Easton, D. 1957. Traditional and behavioral research in American political science. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(1): 110-115.

Eaton, J. W. 1962. Symbolic and substantive evaluative research. Administrative Science Quarterly 6(4): 421-442.

Eberhart, R. N. 2022. Book review: Greenwood, R., C. Oliver, T. B. Lawrence, and R. E. Meyer (eds.). 2017. The SAGE Handbood of Organizational Institutionalism. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(1): NP1-NP5.

Eberly, C. G. and D. C. Smith. 1970. Preface to "The teacher-student relation". Administrative Science Quarterly 15(2): 135-136.

Eccles, R. G. 1981. Bureaucratic versus craft administration: The relationship of market structure to the construction firm. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(3): 449-469.

Echaurren, R. M. 1969. [Illustration]: Oeuficiency. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(3): 377.

E. C. I. 1969. The Sepoy revolt in India, Brahmin mutineers "Blown from the guns". Administrative Science Quarterly 14(4): 557.

Edelstein, J. D. and H. J. Ruppel, Jr. 1970. Convention frequency and oligarchic degeneration in British and American unions. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(1): 47-56.

Edmondson, A. 1999. Psychological safety and learning behavior in work teams. Administrative Science Quarterly 44(2): 350-383.

Edmondson, A. C., R. M. Bohmer and G. P. Pisano. 2001. Disrupted routines: Team learning and new technology implementation in hospitals. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(4): 685-716.

Edström, A. and J. R. Galbraith. 1977. Transfer of managers as a coordination and control strategy in multinational organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(2): 248-263.

Eesley, C. E. and D. Hannah. 2012. Book review: Winds of Change: The Environmental Movement and the Global Development of the Wind Energy Industry by I. B. Vasi. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(2): 359-362.

Egelhoff, W. G. 1982. Strategy and structure in multinational corporations: An information-processing approach. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(3): 435-458.

Eggers, J. P. 2012. Falling flat: Failed technologies and investment under uncertainty. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(1): 47-80.

Ehrmann, H. W. 1961. French bureaucracy and organized interests. Administrative Science Quarterly 5(4): 534-555.

Eilon, S. 1968. Taxonomy of communications. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(2): 266-288.

Eisenhardt, K. M. and B. N. Tabrizi. 1995. Accelerating adaptive processes: Product innovation in the global computer industry. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(1): 84-110.

Eisenhardt, K. M. and C. B. Schoonhoven. 1990. Organizational growth: Linking founding team, strategy, environment, and growth among U.S. semiconductor ventures, 1978-1988. Administrative Science Quarterly 35(3): 504-529.

Eisenstadt, S. N. 1959. Bureaucracy, bureaucratization, and debureaucratization. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(3): 302-320.

Eisenstadt, S. N. 1968. Some reflections on the variability of development and organizational structures. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(3): 491-497.

Eitzen, D. S. and N. R. Yetman. 1972. Managerial change, longevity, and organizational effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(1): 110-116.

Elizur, D. and L. Guttman. 1976. The structure of attitudes toward work and technological change within an organization. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(4): 611-622.

Elling, R. H. and S. Halebsky. 1961. Organizational differentiation and support: A conceptual framework. Administrative Science Quarterly 6(2): 185-209.

Elsbach, K. D. 1994. Managing organizational legitimacy in the California cattle industry: The construction and effectiveness of verbal accounts. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(1): 57-88.

Elsbach, K. D. 2003. Relating physical environment to self-categorizations: Identity threat and affirmation in a non-territorial office space. Administrative Science Quarterly 48(4): 622-654.

Elsbach, K. D. 2023. Book review: Thomas J. Roulet. The Power of Being Divisive: Understanding Negative Social Evaluations. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(2): NP43-NP45. (The book begins with the paradox of Donald Trump's popularity:...)

Elsbach, K. D. and R. M. Kramer. 1996. Members' responses to organizational identity threats: Encountering and countering the Business Week rankings. Administrative Science Quarterly 41(3): 442-476.

Ely, R. J. 1994. The effects of organizational demographics and social identity on relationships among professional women. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(2): 203-238.

Ely, R. J. and D. A. Thomas. 2001. Cultural diversity at work: The effects of diversity perspectives on work group processes and outcomes. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(2): 229-273.

Emrich, C. G., H. H. Brower, J. M. Feldman and H. Garland. 2001. Images in words: Presidential rhetoric, charisma, and greatness. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(3): 527-557.

Engel, G. V. 1970. Professional autonomy and bureaucratic organization. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(1): 12-21.

Entwisle, D. R. and J. Walton. 1961. Observations on the span of control. Administrative Science Quarterly 5(4): 522-533.

Enz, C. A. 1988. The role of value congruity in intraorganizational power. Administrative Science Quarterly 33(2): 284-304.

Ericksen, J. and L. Dyer. 2004. Right from the start: Exploring the effects of early team events on subsequent project team development and performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 49(3): 438-471.

Ethiraj, S. K. and D. Levinthal. 2004. Bounded rationality and the search for organizational architecture: An evolutionary perspective on the design of organizations and their evolvability. Administrative Science Quarterly 49(3): 404-437. 2004. Erratum: Bounded rationality and the search for organizational architecture: An evolutionary perspective on the design of organization and their evolvability. Administrative Science Quarterly 49(4): 678-679.

Etzioni, A. 1958. Administration and the consumer. Administrative Science Quarterly 3(2): 251-264.

Etzioni, A. 1959. Authority structure and organizational effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(1): 43-67.

Etzioni, A. 1960. Two approaches to organizational analysis: A critique and a suggestion. Administrative Science Quarterly 5(2): 257-278.

Etzioni, A. 1966. On the national guidance of science. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(4): 466-487.

Eulau, H. 1962. Bases of authority in legislative bodies: A comparative analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly 7(3): 309-321.

Evan, W. M. 1962. Due process of law in military and industrial organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 7(2): 187-207.

Evan, W. M. 1965. Superior-subordinate conflict in research organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(1): 52-64.

Evan, W. M. and R. G. Simmons. 1969. Organizational effects of inequitable rewards: Two experiments in status inconsistency. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(2): 224-237.

Evans, J. 2021. How professionals construct moral authority: Expanding boundaries of expert authority in stem cell science. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(4): 989-1036.

Evans, J. A., G. Kunda and S. R. Barley. 2004. Beach time, bridge time, and billable hours: The temporal structure of technical contracting. Administrative Science Quarterly 49(1): 1-38.

Evans, P. B. 1975. Multiple hierarchies and organizational control. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(2): 250-259.

Evers, F. T., J. M. Bohlen, R. D. Warren. 1976. The relationships of selected size and structure indicators in economic organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(2): 326-342.

Ezzamel, M. and H. Willmott. 1998. Accounting for teamwork: A critical study of group-based systems of organizational control. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(2): 358-396.

Farh, J. and P. C. Earley, S. Lin. 1997. Impetus for action: A cultural analysis of justice and organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese society. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(3): 421-444.

Farris, G. F. and D. A. Butterfield. 1972. Control theory in Brazilian organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(4): 574-585.

Fayard, A., I. Stigliani and B. A. Bechky. 2017. How nascent occupations construct a mandate: The case of service designers' ethos. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(2): 270-303.

Feinstein, N. 2022. Book review: Aghion, P., C. Antonin and S. Bunel. 2021. The Power of Creative Destruction: Economic Upheaval and the Wealth of Nations. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(3): NP47-NP49.

Feldberg, A. C. 2022. The task bind: Explaining gender differences in managerial tasks and performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(4): 1049-1092.

Feldman, D. C. 1976. A contingency theory of socialization. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(3): 433-452.

Feldman, M. S. and B. T. Pentland. 2003. Reconceptualizing organizational routines as a source of flexibility and change. Administrative Science Quarterly 48(1): 94-118.

Feldman, M. S. and J. G. March. 1981. Information in organizations as signal and symbol. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(2): 171-186.

Felsenthal, D. S. and E. Fuchs. 1976. Experimental evaluation of five designs of redundant organizational systems. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(3): 474-488.

Felsenthal, D. S. and E. Fuchs. 1976. Errata: Experimental evaluation of five designs of redundant organizational systems. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(4): 716.

Fennell, M. L. 1980. The effects of environmental characteristics on the structure of hospital clusters. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(3): 485-510.

Ferguson, J. and S. Hasan. 2013. Specialization and career dynamics: Evidence from the Indian Administrative Service. Administrative Science Quarterly 58(2): 233-256.

Ferguson, J., T. Dudley and S. A. Soule. 2018. Osmotic mobilization and union support during the long protest wave, 1960-1995. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(2): 441-477.

Fiedler, F. E. 1972. The effects of leadership training and experience: A contingency model interpretation. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(4): 453-470.

Fiedler, F. E. 1996. Research on leadership selection and training: One view of the future. Administrative Science Quarterly 41(2): 241-250.

Fine, G. A. 1996. Justifying work: Occupational rhetorics as resources in restaurant kitchens. Administrative Science Quarterly 41(1): 90-115.

Finkelstein, S. and D. C. Hambrick. 1990. Top-management-team tenure and organizational outcomes: The moderating role of managerial discretion. Administrative Science Quarterly 35(3): 484-503.

Finlay, W. 1987. Industrial relations and firm behavior: Informal labor practices in the west coast longshore industry. Administrative Science Quarterly 32(1): 49-67.

Fiol, C. M. 1989. A semiotic analysis of corporate language: Organizational boundaries and joint venturing. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(2): 277-303.

Fisher, E. 1970. [Illustration]: Street vendor. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(2): 229.

Fisher, G. W. and R. P. Fairbanks. 1967. The politics of property taxation. Administrative Science Quarterly 12(1): 48-71.

Fisher, L. 1970. The politics of impounded funds. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(3): 361-377.

Fiss, P. C. 2012. Book review: Research in the Sociology of Organizations, vols. 30A and 30B: Markets on Trail: The Economic Sociology of the U.S. Financial Crisis by M. Lounsbury, P. M. Hirsch. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(2): 363-365.

Fiss, P. C. and E. J. Zajac. 2004. The diffusion of ideas over contested terrain: The (non)adoption of a shareholder value orientation among German firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 49(4): 501-534.

Flango, V. E. and R. B. Brumbaugh. 1974. The dimensionality of the cosmopolitan-local construct. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(2): 198-210.

Fleischer, A. 2009. Ambiguity and the equity of rating systems: United States brokerage firms, 1995-2000. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(4): 555-574.

Fleming, L., S. Mingo and D. Chen. 2007. Collaborative brokerage, generative creativity, and creative success. Administrative Science Quarterly 52(3): 443-475.

Fleming, W. G. 1966. Authority, efficiency, and role stress: Problems in the development of East African bureaucracies. Administrative Science Quarterly 11(3): 386-404.

Fligstein, N. 2010. Book reviews: Managed by the Markets: How Finance Re-Shaped America by G. F. Davis; The Road to Financial Reformation: Warnings, Consequences, Reforms by H. Kaufman. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(1): 150-155.

Flynn, F. J., D. Gruenfeld, L. D. Molm and J. T. Polzer. 2011. Social psychological perspectives on power in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(4): 495-500.

Flynn, F. J., J. A. Chatman and S. E. Spataro. 2001. Getting to know you: The influence of personality on impressions and performance of demographically different people in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(3): 414-442.

Follett, M. P. 1970. The teacher-student relation. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(2): 137-148.

Fombrun, C. J. 1986. Structural dynamics within and between organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 31(3): 403-421.

Ford, C. M. 2010. Book review: Creativity and the Contemporary Economy by N. Koivunen, A. Rehn. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(3): 526-529.

Foreman, P. 2010. Book review: Research in the Sociology of Organizations, vol 26: Studying Differences between Organizations: Comparative Approaches to Organizational Research by B. G. King, T. Felin, D. A. Whetten. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(3): 512-515.

Fouraker, L. E. and J. M. Stopford. 1968. Organizational structure and the multinational strategy. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(1): 47-64.

Fox, D. M. 1976. Review: What's public administration?: An examination of basic textbooks. Reviewed works: The Craft of Public Administration. by George E. Berkley; The Dynamics of Public Administration: Guidelines to Current Transformations in Theory and Practice. by Gerald E. Caiden; An Introduction to Public Administration. by James W. Davis, Jr.; Public Administration, 4th ed. by Marshall Edward Dimock and Gladys Ogden Dimock; Public Administration and Public Affairs. by Nicholas Henry; Public Administration: Politics and the Political System. by William L. Morrow; Modern Public Administration, 3rd ed. by Felix A. Nigro and Lloyd G. Nigro; Public Administration, 6th ed. by Robert Presthus; Public Administration as Political Process. by John Rehfuss; Public Administration, 3rd ed. by Ira Sharkansky; Performance in American Bureaucracy. by Robert C. Fried; American Public Administration: Concepts and Cases. by Carl E. Lutrin and Allen K. Settle; Public Administration: Government in Action. by Ivan L. Richardson and Sidney Baldwin. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(2): 346-352. 1976. Erratum: What's public administration?: An examination of basic textbooks. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(3): 515.

Fox, F. V. and B. M. Staw. 1979. The trapped administrator: Effects of job insecurity and policy resistance upon commitment to a course of action. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(3): 449-471.

Fox, G. H. and C. A. Joiner. 1964. Perceptions of the Vietnamese public administration system. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(4): 443-481.

Fox-Wolfgramm, S. J., K. B. Boal, J. G. Hunt. 1998. Organizational adaptation to institutional change: A comparative study of first-order change in prospector and defender banks. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(1): 87-126.

Fragale, A. R., J. J. Sumanth, L. Z. Tiedens and G. B. Northcraft. 2012. Appeasing equals: Lateral deference in organizational communication. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(3): 373-406.

Frank, J. E. 1973. A framework for analysis of PPB success and causality. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(4): 527-543.

Frank, R. H. 2022. Book review essay: Luck's expanding footprint. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(3): NP38-NP41. Based on Paige, H. K. 2021. The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality. Princeton University Press.

Franklin, J. L. 1975. Down the organization: Influence processes across levels of hierarchy. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(2): 153-164.

Franklin, J. L. 1975. Relations among four social-psychological aspects of organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(3): 422-433.

Franko, L. G. 1974. The move toward a multidivisional structure in European organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(4): 493-506.

Frederickson, H. G. 1969. Role occupancy and attitudes toward labor relations in government. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(4): 595-606.

Freeman, J. 1979. Going to the well: School district administrative intensity and environmental constraint. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(1): 119-133.

Freeman, J. 1986. Data quality and the development of organizational social science: An editorial essay. Administrative Science Quarterly 31(2): 298-303.

Freeman, J. 1999. Efficiency and rationality in rganizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 44(1): 163-175.

Freeman, S. J. 2010. Book review: Corporate Co-evolution: A Political Perspective by S. B. Rodriques, J. Child. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(1): 175-178.

Frey, E., E. Bernstein and N. Rekenthaler. 2022. Scarlet letters: Rehabilitation through transgression transparency and personal narrative control. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(4): 968-1011.

Friedkin, N. E. 2011. A formal theory of reflected appraisals in the evolution of power. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(4): 501-529.

Freidson, E. and B. Rhea. 1965. Knowledge and judgment in professional evaluations. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(1): 107-124.

Friedkin, N. E. and M. J. Simpson. 1985. Effects of competition on members' identification with their subunits. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(3): 377-394.

Friedlander, F. and H. Pickle. 1968. Components of effectiveness in small organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(2): 289-304.

Friedlander, F. and E. Walton. 1964. Positive and negative motivations toward work. Administrative Science Quarterly 9(2): 194-207.

Friedman, R. A. and J. Podolny. 1992. Differentiation of boundary spanning roles: Labor negotiations and implications for role conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(1): 28-47.

Friedmann, J. 1967. A conceptual model for the analysis of planning behavior. Administrative Science Quarterly 12(2): 225-252.

Friesema, H. P. 1970. Interjurisdictional agreements in metropolitan areas. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(2): 242-252.

Fromkin, H. L. 1969. The behavioral science laboratories at Purdue's Krannert School. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(2): 171-177.

Fu, P. P., A. S. Tsui, J. Liu and L. Li. 2010. Pursuit of whose happiness? Executive leaders' transforming behaviors and personal values. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(2): 222-254.

Funk, R. J. 2018. Book review: N. Bandelj, F. F. Wherry and V. A. Zelizer (eds.): Money Talks: Explaining How Money Really Works. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(2): NP19-NP22.

Funk, R. J. and D. Hirschman. 2014. Derivatives and deregulation: Financial innovation and the demise of Glass-Seagall. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(4): 669-704.

Furnari, S. 2016. Book review: C. Jones, M. Lorenzen, and J. Sapsed, eds.: The Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries. Administrative Science Quarterly 61(3): NP29-NP32.

Galaskiewicz, J. 1997. An urban grants economy revisited: Corporate charitable contributions in the twin cities, 1979-81, 1987-89. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(3): 445-471.

Galaskiewicz, J. and D. Shatin. 1981. Leadership and networking among neighborhood human service organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(3): 434-448.

Galaskiewicz, J. and R. S. Burt. 1991. Interorganization contagion in corporate philanthropy. Administrative Science Quarterly 36(1): 88-105.

Galaskiewicz, J. and S. Wasserman. 1989. Mimetic processes within an interorganizational field: An empirical test. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(3): 454-479.

Galaskiewicz, J., W. Bielefeld and M. Dowell. 2006. Networks and organizational growth: A study of community based nonprofits. Administrative Science Quarterly 51(3): 337-380.

Galperin, R. V., O. Hahl, A. D. Sterling and J. Guo. 2020. Too good to hire? Capability and inferences about commitment in labor markets. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(1): 275-313.

Gamoran, A. and R. Dreeben. 1986. Coupling and ontrol in educational organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 31(4): 612-632.

Gao, C. and R. McDonald. 2022. Shaping Nascent Industries: Innovation strategy and regulatory uncertainty in personal genomics. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(4): 915-967.

Gardner, H. K. 2012. Performance pressure as a double-edged sword: Enhancing team motivation by undermining the use of team knowledge. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(1): 1-46.

Gargiulo, M. 1993. Two-step leverage: Managing constraint in organizational politics. Administrative Science Quarterly 38(1): 1-19.

Gargiulo, M., G. Ertug and C. Galunic. 2009. The two faces of control: Network closure and individual performance among knowledge workers. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(2): 299-333.

Garnier, M. A. 1972. Changing recruitment patterns and organizational ideology: The case of a British military academy. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(4): 499-507.

Gasciaro, T., F. Gino and M. Kouchaki. 2014. The contaminating effects of building instrumental ties: How networking can make us feel dirty. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(4): 705-735.

Gavetti, G. and D. Levinthal. 2000. Looking forward and looking backward: Cognitive and experiential search. Administrative Science Quarterly 45(1): 113-137.

Geeraerts, G. 1984. Erratum: The effect of ownership on the organization structure in small firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 29(3): 456.

Geeraerts, G. 1984. The effect of ownership on the organization structure in small firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 29(2): 232-237.

Gehman, J. 2022. Book review: Pollock, T. G. 2021. How to Use Storytelling in Your Academic Writing: Techniques for Engaging Readers and Successfully Navigating the Writing and Publishing Process. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(4): NP63-NP64.

Geiger, D., A. Danner-Schroder and W. Kremser. 2021. Getting ahead of time - Performing temporal boundaries to coordinate routines under temporal uncertainty. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(1): 220-264.

Geletkanycz, M. A. and D. C. Hambrick. 1997. The external ties of top executives: Implications for strategic choice and performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(4): 654-681.

Georgallis, P., G. Dowell and R. Durand. 2019. Shine on me: Industry coherence and policy support for emerging industries. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(3): 503-541.

George, E. and P. Chattopadhyay. 2005. One foot in each camp: The dual identification of contract workers. Administrative Science Quarterly 50(1): 68-99.

George, J. R. and L. K. Bishop. 1971. Relationship of organizational structure and teacher personality characteristics to organizational climate. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(4): 467-475.

Georgiou, P. 1973. The goal paradigm and notes towards a counter paradigm. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(3): 291-310.

Gephart, R. P. Jr. 1978. Status degradation and organizational succession: An ethnomethodological approach. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(4): 553-581.

Gerlach, M. L. 1992. The Japanese corporate network: A blockmodel analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(1): 105-139.

Gerstner, W., A Konig, A. Enders and D. C. Hambrick. 2013. CEO narcissism, audience engagement, and organizational adoption of technological discontinuities. Administrative Science Quarterly 58(2): 257-291.

Gerwin, D. 1969. Towards a theory of public budgetary decision making. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(1): 33-46.

Gibbons, D. E. 2004. Friendship and advice networks in the context of changing professional values. Administrative Science Quarterly 49(2): 238-262.

Gibbons, R. 1999. Taking Coase seriously. Administrative Science Quarterly 44(1): 145-157. (Refers to Ronald Coase 1937 - "If markets work perfectly, why would there be firms?").

Gibbs, J. 2010. Book review: Building Theories of Organization: The Constitutive Role of Communication by L. L. Putnam, A. M. Nicotera. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(1): 159-161.

Gibson, C. and F. Vermeulen. 2003. A healthy divide: Subgroups as a stimulus for team learning behavior. Administrative Science Quarterly 48(2): 202-239.

Gibson, C. B. and J. L. Gibbs. 2006. Unpacking the concept of virtuality: The effects of geographic dispersion, electronic dependence, dynamic structure, and national diversity on team innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly 51(3): 451-495.

Gibson, C. B. and M. E. Zellmer-Bruhn. 2001. Metaphors and meaning: An intercultural analysis of the concept of teamwork. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(2): 274-303. 001. Erratum: Metaphors and meaning: An intercultural analysis of the concept of teamwork. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(3): 594.

Gibson, D. E. 2009. Book review: The Handbook of Mentoring at Work: Theory, Research and Practice by Belle Rose Ragins, Kathy E. Kram. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(1): 158-161.

Gibson, R. O. 1966. Toward a conceptualization of absence behavior of personnel in organization. Administrative Science Quarterly 11(1): 107-133.

Gielniak, J. 1970. [Illustration]: To my fellow reatures. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(2): 149.

Gillis, F. 1970. [Illustration]: A public utility. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(3): 360.

Gillis, F. E. and J. C. Wesselmann. 1969. [Illustration]: Gillis's garden. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(3): 442.

Gimeno, J., T. B. Folta, A. C. Cooper and C. Y. Woo. 997. Survival of the fittest? Entrepreneurial human capital and the persistence of underperforming firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(4): 750-783.

Gioia, D. A. and J. B. Thomas. 1996. Identity, image, and issue interpretation: Sensemaking during strategic change in academia. Administrative Science Quarterly 41(3): 370-403.

Gioia, D. A., K. N. Price, A. L. Hamilton and J. B. Thomas. 2010. Forging an identity: An insider-outsider study of processes involved in the formation of organizational identity. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(1): 1-46.

Giorgi, S. and K. Weber. 2015. Marks of distinction: Framing and audience appreciation in the context of investment advice. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(2): 333-367.

Gladstein, D. L. 1984. Groups in context: A model of task group effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly 29(4): 499-517.

Glaser, B. G. 1963. Attraction, autonomy, nd reciprocity in the scientist-supervisor relationship. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(3): 379-398.

Glaser, B. G. 1965. "Differential association" and the institutional motivation of scientists. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(1): 82-97.

Glaser, W. A. 1959. Internship appointments of medical students. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(3): 337-356.

Glisson, C. and M. Durick. 1988. Predictors of job satisfaction and organizational commitment in human service organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 33(1): 61-81.

Glisson, C. A. 1978. Dependence of technological routinization on structural variables in human service organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(3): 383-395.

Glynn, M. A. 2013. Book review: The Institutional Logics Perspective: A New Approach to Culture, Structure, and Process by P. Thornton, W. Ocasio, M. Lounsbury. Administrative Science Quarterly 58(3): 493-495.

Glynn, M. A. 2023. Book review: John W. Mohr, Christopher A. Bail, Margaret Frye, Jennifer C. Lena, Omar Lizardo, Terence E. McDonnell, Ann Mische, Iddo Tavory, and Frederick F. Wherry. Measuring Culture. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(1): NP12-NP14.

Godfrey, P. C. 2021. Book review: Antnio Strati. 2019: Organizational Theory and Aesthetic Philosophies. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(4): NP33-NP35.

Goitein, B. 1984. The danger of disappearing postdecision surprise: Comment on Harrison and March, "Decision making and postdecision surprises". Administrative Science Quarterly 29(3): 410-413.

Gold, C. H. 1969. [Illustration]: City planning. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(3): 417.

Gold, C. H. 1969. [Illustration]: Dialogue. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(4): 594.

Goldberg, A. 2017. Book review: D. B. Cornfield: Beyond the Beat: Musicians Building Community in Nashville. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(1): NP6-NP7.

Golden-Biddle, K. 2009. Book review: Time in Organizational Research by Robert A. Roe, Mary J. Waller, Stewart R. Clegg. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(4): 677-679.

Goldfarb, B. 2012. Book review: Zombie Economics: How Dead Ideas Still Walk among Us by J. Quiggin. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(1): 156-158. ["Specifically, the book devotes a chapter to explaining and debunking each of the following ideas (in order of interest to ASQ readers): the efficient market hypothesis, privatization (private firms can always do things better than the government), the Great Moderation (long-lasting macro-economic stability), Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (a fundamentally anti-Keynesian idea that is foundational in micro-foundational models of macro-economic phenomena), and trickle-down economics (policies benefiting the wealthy will eventually make all better off)."].

Goldsen, R. K. 1975. Review: The technological fix: Existentialist version. Reviewed work(s): Beyond the Stable State. by Donald A. Schon. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(3): 464-468.

Goldstein, N. J. and N. A. Hays. 2011. Illusory power transference: The vicarious experience of power. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(4): 593-621.

Goldstein, N. J., V. Griskevicius and R. B. Cialdini. 2011. Reciprocity by proxy: A novel influence strategy for stimulating cooperation. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(3): 441-473.

Golembiewski, R. T. 1964. Authority as a problem in overlays: A concept for action and analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly 9(1): 23-49.

Golembiewski, R. T. and S. B. Carrigan. 1970. Planned change in organization style based on the laboratory approach. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(1): 79-93.

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