Management And Accounting Web

Technology in Accounting and Management Bibliography K-Z

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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

Technology Related Main Page | AIS/MIS Main Page

Kampas, P. J. 2003. Shifting cultural gears in technology-driven industries. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 41-48.

Kane, G. C. 2016. Digital health care: The patient will see you now. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 54-59.

Kane, G. C. 2016. The dark side of the digital revolution. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 51-56.

Kane, G. C., D. Palmer, A. N. Phillips and D. Kiron. 2015. Is your business ready for the digital future? MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 37-44.

Kane, G. C., D. Palmer, A. Nguyen Phillips, D. Kiron and N. Buckley. 2016. Aligning the organization for its digital future. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-28.

Kane, G. C. 2017. Big data and IT talent drive improved patient outcomes at Schumacher Clinical Partners. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 96.

Kane, G. C. 2017. Digital innovation lights the fuse for better health care outcomes. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 13.

Kane, G. C. 2017. In the hotel industry, digital has made itself right at home: Changing from a traditional to a digital business model altered Marriott's culture in unexpected ways. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 96.

Kane, G. C. 2017. MetLife centers its strategy on digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 88.

Kane, G. C. and A. N. Phillips. 2017. Cultivating a culture of cross-functional teaming and learning at CarMax. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 96.

Kane, G. C., D. Palmer, A. N. Phillips and D. Kiron. 2017. Winning the digital war for talent. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 17-19.

Kane, G. C., D. Palmer, A. N. Phillips, D. Kiron and N. Buckley. 2017. Achieving digital maturity. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-29.

Kang, H. and G. Bradley. 2002. Measuring the performance of IT services: An assessment of SERVQUAL. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 3(3): 151-164.

Kanter, R. M. 2001. Evolve! : Succeeding in the Digital Culture of Tomorrow. Harvard Business School Press.

Kaplan, A. M. and M. Haenlein. 2009. The fairyland of Second Life: About virtual social worlds and how to use them. Business Horizons 52(6): 563-572. (Summary).

Kaplan, R. S. 1989. Management accounting in advanced technological environments. Science (August): 819-823.

Kaplan, S. 2012. Book review: Instrumental Community: Probe Microscopy and the Path to Nanotechnology by C. Mody. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(2): 348-352.

Kapoor, R. and T. Klueter. 2017. Organizing for new technologies. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 85-86.

Kappos, D. J. 2018. Innovation-based technology standards are under threat. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-5.

Karaevli, A., S. Ozcan and A. Wintermeyer. 2020. The four competencies every IT workforce needs. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-6.

Karchner, Q. L. Jr. 1980. How one plant automated its collection of data. Management Accounting (September): 45-48.

Kasap, N., B. T. Sivrikaya and D. Delen. 2013. Optimal pricing strategies for capacity leasing based on time and volume usage in telecommunication networks. Decision Sciences 44(1): 161-191.

Katila, R., J. D. Rosenberger and K. M. Eisenhardt. 2008. Swimming with sharks: Technology ventures, defense mechanisms and corporate relationships. Administrative Science Quarterly 53(2): 295-332. (Resource dependence theory).

Katz, B. M. and M. G. Olsen. 2008. Price tags on technology: No simple solutions. Journal of Accountancy (November): 80-85.

Kavadias, S., K. Ladas and C. Loch. 2016. The transformative business model: How to tell if you have one. Harvard Business Review (October): 90-98. (Summary).

Kazanjian, R. K. 1988. Relation of dominant problems to stages of growth in technology-based new ventures. The Academy of Management Journal 31(2): 257-279.

Kee, R. 1993. Data processing technology and accounting: A historical perspective. The Accounting Historians Journal 20(2): 187-216.

Keenoy, C. L. 1958. The impact of automation on the field of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 230-236.

Keller, J. 2019. Book review: James E. Coverdill and William Finlay: High Tech and High Touch: Headhunting, Technology, and Economic Transformation. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(4): NP36-NP37.

Keller, R. T. 1994. Technology-information processing fit and the performance of R&D project groups: A test of contingency theory. The Academy of Management Journal 37(1): 167-179.

Keough, W. H. 1964. Computers - Some legal aspects. N.A.A. Bulletin (February): 21-26.

Kerr, D. S. and U. S. Murthy. 2009. Beyond brainstorming: The effectiveness of computer-mediated communication for convergence and negotiation tasks. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 10(4): 245-262.

Kerr, W. R. 2019. The plight of the graying tech worker. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-4.

Kerrigan, H. D. 1955. Electronic data processor - A milestone in machine method. The Accounting Review (October): 660-665.

Keys, D. E. 1986. Six problems in accounting for N/C machines. Management Accounting (November): 38-39, 42-47.

Khallaf, A. and T. R. Skantz. 2007. The effects of information technology expertise on the market value of a firm. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 83-105.

Khanlarian, C. and R. Singh. 2015. Does technology affect student performance. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (12): 1-22.

Khanna, T. 2018. When technology gets ahead of society. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 86-95. (The challenges of emergent industries, e.g., drones).

Khanna, T., M. C. Beckerle and N. Y. Sakkab. 2024. Boards need a new approach to technology. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 128-137.

Kim, H., M. Mannino and R. J. Nieschwietz. 2009. Information technology acceptance in the internal audit profession: Impact of technology features and complexity. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 10(4): 214-228.

Kim, I. and M. J. Lenard. 1989. Office technology: FAX for accountants. Management Accounting (November): 50-52.

Kim, J., B. Y. Song and T. C. Stratopoulos. 2018. Does information technology reputation affect bank loan terms? The Accounting Review (May): 185-211.

King, A. M. 1992. Let's make America competitive. Management Accounting (May): 24-27. (Related to high-tech investments).

Kiron, D. 2015. Innovating with airborne analytics. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 24-28.

Kiron, D., P. Kirk Prentice and R. Boucher Ferguson. 2012. Innovating with analytics. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 47-52.

Kiron, D., P. K. Prentice and R. B. Ferguson. 2014. Raising the bar with analytics. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 29-33.

Klapper, P. 1910. Organized labor's attitude toward machinery: I. Introduction. Journal of Accountancy (September): 321-325.

Klapper, P. 1910. Organized labor's attitude toward machinery: II. Effects of machinery on the craft and the organization of labor unions (to be continued). Journal of Accountancy (September): 326-333.

Klapper, P. 1910. Organized labor's attitude toward machinery: Part II. II. Effects of machinery on the craft and the organization of labor unions - (continued). Journal of Accountancy (October): 439-457.

Klapper, P. 1911. Organized labor's attitude toward machinery. Journal of Accountancy (April): 439-454.

Klassen, R. D. and D. C. Whybark. 1999. The impact of environmental technologies on manufacturing performance. The Academy of Management Journal 42(6): 599-615. 2000. Errata. The Academy of Management Journal 43(4): 783.

Klatt, T. 2014. Digital businesses: The next evolution of cost management. Cost Management (January/Feburary): 6-12.

Klaus, J. P., K. Philipp, A. Masli, K. Guerra and L. Kappelman. 2022. Prioritizing IT management issues and business performance. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 83-99.

Klecan, F. E. 1956. Flexible inventory control by mechanization. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 1014-1021.

Kleis, L., B. R. Nault and A. S. Dexter. 2014. Producing synergy: Innovation, IT, and productivity. Decision Sciences 45(5): 939-969.

Klososky, S. 2011. The Velocity Manifesto: Harnessing Technology, Vision, and Culture to Future-Proof Your Organization. Greenleaf Book Group Press.

Klotz, F. 2016. Are you ready for robot colleagues? MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 60-65.

Klotz, F. 2016. Where digitization is failing to deliver. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 136-140.

Klotz, F. 2017. The heavy toll of 'always on' technology. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 7-9.

Klotz, F. 2018. Building a robotic colleague with personality. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-5.

Klotz, F. 2018. How AI can amplify human competencies. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 14-15.

Klotz, F. 2018. The quest to create utterly normal virtual reality experiences. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-5.

Kluwer, W. 2023. Leveraging advanced tech. Journal of Accountancy (October): 1-2.

Knee, J. 2022. Can big tech be disrupted? Harvard Business Review (January/February): 54-56.

Kobelsky, K. 2010. Discussion of 'A capabilities-based approach to obtaining a deeper understanding of information technology governance effectiveness: Evidence from IT steering committees'. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 11(3): 233-235.

Kobelsky, K., G. Larosiliere and E. Plummer. 2014. The impact of information technology on performance in the not-for-profit sector. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 15(1): 47-65.

Kobelsky, K., S. Hunter and V. J. Richardson. 2008. Information technology, contextual factors and the volatility of firm performance. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 9(3): 154-174.

Kobelsky, K. W. 2014. A conceptual model for segregation of duties: Integrating theory and practice for manual and IT-supported processes. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 15(4): 304-322.

Kobelsky, K. W. and M. A. Robinson. 2010. The impact of outsourcing on information technology spending. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 11(2): 105-119.

Kobelsky, K. W., V. J. Richardson, R. E. Smith and R. W. Zmud. 2008. Determinants and consequences of firm information technology budgets. The Accounting Review (July): 957-995.

Kocakülâh, M. C., A. Norris and D. Danko. 2013. How lean and six sigma redesigned an IT department by reducing costs and increasing efficiencies. Cost Management (May/June): 39-47.

Koch, R. 2017. Technology workbook: Cognitive computing: Teaching computers to learn. Strategic Finance (April): 62-63.

Koch, R. 2017. Technology workbook: Will artificial intelligence eliminate my job? Strategic Finance (September): 62-63.

Koch, R. 2018. Technology workbook: Draining the data swamp: An organization's data lake is only as good as the preparation and maintenance planning that go into creating it.. Strategic Finance (June): 62-63.

Koch, R. 2020. Technology workbook: Technology in the new decade. Strategic Finance (March): 68-69.

Koch, R. 2022. Technology workbook: Digital skills of the future. Strategic Finance (August): 62-63.

Koch, R. and T. Corban. 2020. Technology workbook: Data governance in digital transformation. Strategic Finance (September): 60-61.

Koh, J. and N. Venkatraman. 1991. Joint venture formations and stock market reactions: An assessment in the information technology sector. The Academy of Management Journal 34(4): 869-892.

Kolfal, B., R. A. Patterson and M. L. Leo. 2013. Market impact on IT security spending. Decision Sciences 44(3): 517-556.

Komisar, R. and K. Lineback. 2000. The Monk and the Riddle: The Education of a Silicon Valley Entrepreneur. Harvard Business School Press.

Koo, M., H. Lin, and G. Smedley. 2008. The added value of IT investment: A demand-side perspective. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (5): 175-187.

Koontz, M. M. 1956. Choose the computer the company needs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July): 1317-1322.

Koontz, M. M. 1957. Modern communications for modern equipment. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January): 613-625.

Kovalerchuk, B., E. Vityaev and R. Holtfreter. 2007. Correlation of complex evidence in forensic accounting using data mining. Journal of Forensic Accounting 8(1-2): 53-88.

Krahel, J. P. and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2014. AIS as a facilitator of accounting change: Technology, practice, and education. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 1-15.

Krahel, J. P. and W. R. Titera. 2015. Consequences of big data and formalization on accounting and auditing standards. Accounting Horizons (June): 409-422.

Krames, J. A. 2001. The Jack Welch Lexicon of Leadership: Over 250 Terms, Concepts, Strategies & Initiatives of the Legendary Leader. McGraw-Hill Professional.

Krull, J. and K. Rich. 2012. 10 questions audit committees should ask: Managing information technology risks. The CPA Journal (October): 68-71.

Krull, J. and K. Rich. 2023. Revisiting information technology risks. The CPA Journal (July/August): 56-59.

Kulatilaka, N. and L. Lin. 2006. Impact of licensing on investment and financing of technology developments. Management Science (December): 1824-1837.

Kwo, T. T. 1965. The potential for office automation in department stores. Management Science (August): B271-B281.

Kwon, J., J. R. Ulmer and T. Wang. 2013. The association between top management involvement and compensation and information security breaches. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 219-236.

Lacity, M., E. Carmel, A. G. Young and T. Roth. 2023. The quiet corner of web3 that means business. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 20-26.

LaFollette, G. 2014. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (August): 80. (Fing shows all the network connections ( and Redlaser helps pinpoint the best deals (

LaFollette, G. 2014. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (September): 104-105. (GroceryIQ,, and

LaFollette, G. 2014. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (October): 66-67. (, Microsoft Office mobile app, and

LaFollette, G. 2014. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (November): 86. ( and

LaFollette, G. 2014. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (December): 76. (, mobile app, and

LaFollett, G. 2015. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (April/May): 114-115. (Apps include Kabbage at, Buypartisan at, and Seamless-Grubhub at and (Summary).

LaFollett, G. 2015. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (August): 80. (Apps include Scanner&Translator at, Sayhitranslate at, and Transferwise at (Summary).

LaFollette, G. 2015. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (December): 84. (Apps include Invoice2go at and Square Register at (Summary).

LaFollett, G. 2015. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (February): 74. (Apps include Slideshark at and on line storage at,,, and (Summary).

LaFollett, G. 2015. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (January): 74. (Apps include Perch at and Umano at (Summary).

LaFollett, G. 2015. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (July): 82. (Apps include Scanbizcards at, and Tripit at (Summary).

LaFollett, G. 2015. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (June): 89. (Apps include Coinbase at and Irs2go at (Summary).

LaFollett, G. 2015. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (March): 74. (Apps include Mobilday at, and Abbyy's Textgrabber at (Summary).

LaFollette, G. 2015. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (November): 82. (Apps include: Simple In/Out at, and a web site builder at (Summary).

LaFollette, G. 2015. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (October): 90. (Apps include Charlie at, and Notability at (Summary).

LaFollette, G. 2015. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (September): 102. (Apps include Itunes U at, AGOGO at, and Amazon's Audible at (Summary).

LaFollette, G. 2016. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (January): 63. (Apps include Doodle for planning meetings, and Timetravel for scheduling ahead with Uber).

LaFollette, G. 2016. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (February): 72. (Apps include a typography generator called Word Swag at, and a reminder called Followupthen at

LaFollette, G. 2016. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (March): 79. (Apps include a sleep machine called Sleepsoftlic at, and Jet Lag Rooster at

LaFollette, G. 2016. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (April): 84. (Apps include Hoteltonight at, Waze through traffic at, and Hipmunk at

LaFollette, G. 2016. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (May): 74-75. (Apps include Automatic at, KIWI at, and HUM at All use your car's on-board diagnostic port like a Fitbit for your automobile).

LaFollette, G. 2016. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (June): 84. (Apps include No more voicemail at and Google voice at

LaFollette, G. 2016. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (July): 76. (Apps include Wappwolf at and Architecture at

LaFollette, G. 2016. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (August): 75. (Apps include TunnelBear VPN at and Easy Group at

LaFollette, G. 2016. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (September): 98. (Apps include Trello at; Wrike at; and Slack at

LaFollette, G. 2016. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (October): 90. (Apps include Fantastical 2 at, and Cloudmagic at

LaFollette, G. 2016. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (November): 86. (Apps include Camfind at; My Garden at; and Vivino at

LaFollette, G. 2016. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (December): 80. (Apps include Do at; and Asana at

LaFollette, G. 2018. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (January): 72. (Speedtest gauges your internet speed; Ihandy carpenter keeps you on the level;

LaFollette, G. 2018. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (February): 74. (Add a business line to our personal cellphone;).

LaFollette, G. 2018. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (May): 74. (Rescue productivity with App-Aided time management).

LaFollette, G. 2018. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (July): 76. (Zoom: Zooming in on affordable business videoconferencing).

LaFollette, G. 2018. Expanding your app-titude. Journal of Accountancy (October): 74. (10 to 8 Cutting down on schedule headaches).

LaFollette, G. 2018. Tech tools. Journal of Accountancy (December): 76. (Expanding your app-titude is not Tech Tools: Learn about your customers with SurveyMonkey).

LaFollette, G. 2019. Tech tools: A CPA's guide to death in the internet age. Journal of Accountancy (August): 68.

LaFollette, G. 2019. Tech tools. Journal of Accountancy (January): 70.

LaFollette, G. 2019. Tech tools. Journal of Accountancy (February): 64.

LaFollette, G. 2019. Tech tools: Software offers 'fresh' approach to small business invoicing. Journal of Accountancy (April/May): 70.

LaFollette, G. 2019. Tech tools: Website helps CPAs and clients plan for life and beyond. Journal of Accountancy (October): 74.

LaFollette, G. 2019. Tech tools: Zapier From IFTTT 'Weird' to 'Wonderful' in a ZAP. Journal of Accountancy (December): 75.

LaFollette, G. 2020. Tech tools. Journal of Accountancy (February): 72. (New payment apps).

LaFollette, G. 2020. Tech tools. Journal of Accountancy (March): 74.

LaFollette, G. 2020. Tech tools: Tips and tools for eliminating duplicate files. Journal of Accountancy (September): 82.

LaFollette, G. 2020. Tech tools: Check your exposure to the dark web. Journal of Accountancy (November): 69.

LaFollette, G. 2020. Tech tools. Journal of Accountancy (October): 65.

LaFollette, G. 2020. Tech tools: 3 ways to professionalize your zoom presence. Journal of Accountancy (December): 69.

LaFollette, G. 2021. Tech tools: Take control of your home Wi-Fi with Gryphon. Journal of Accountancy (July): 58.

Laitinen, E. K. 2001. Management accounting change in small technology companies: Towards a mathematical model of the technology firm. Management Accounting Research (December): 507-541.

Lambers, G. W. 1966. Computers used as accounting tools. Management Accounting (January): 29-37.

Lamberton, B., C. J. Chang, G. L. Geerts and R. L. Raschke. 2024. Breadth versus depth: A gap analysis of technology requirements from the perspective of academics and practitioners. Accounting Horizons (December): 149-172.

Lampe, J. C. 1977. Electronic funds transfer systems. Management Accounting (March): 37-41.

Lansiti, M. and K. R. Lakhani. 2014. Digital ubiquity: How connections, sensors, and data are revolutionizing business. Harvard Business Review (November): 90-99.

Lanz, J. 2013. Helping small and midsized businesses succeed in a technology-driven world. The CPA Journal (November): 6-9.

Lanz, J. 2015. Conducting information technology risk assessments. The CPA Journal (May): 6-9.

Larose, D. T. 2004. Discovering Knowledge in Data: An Introduction to Data Mining. Wiley-Interscience.

Larsen, T. J., F. Niederman, M. Limayem and J. Chan. 2009. The role of modelling in achieving information systems success: UML to the rescue? Information Systems Journal 19(1): 83-117. (This paper was published online in 2007. UML stands for Unified Modeling Language).

Latham, S. and B. Humberd. 2018. Four ways jobs will respond to automation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 11-14.

Lau, E. L., M. A. van der Laan, A. Kruis and R. F. Speklé. 2012. Management control of support services: Organizational embeddedness and non-strategic IT. Advances in Management Accounting (20): 241-265.

LaValle, S., E. Lesser, R. Shockley, M. S. Hopkins and N. Kruschwitz. 2011. Special report: Analytics and the new path to value. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 22-32. (Survey).

Lavery, R. 2001. Does application hosting make sense for you? Strategic Finance (September): 44-49.

Lawson, R. 1998. Achieving "net" results. Management Accounting (January): 51-54. (Related to the internet and intranets).

Lawson, R. 2018. Technology workbook: Preparing to compete in the digital age. Strategic Finance (December): 60-61.

Lawson, R. and D. Smith. 2018. How to master digital age competencies. Strategic Finance (September): 30-37.

Lawson, R. and D. Smith. 2018. Technology workbook: Developing data fluency. Strategic Finance (September): 68-69.

Leader, B. 2004. Discussion of IT assurance competencies. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 5(2): 275-279.

Learson, T. V. 1956. Plan your computer installation. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July): 1311-1316.

Lee, C. and R. B. Welker. 2022. Usability of language features of emails for detecting misrepresentations. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 7(1): 95-114.

Lee, F., D. Vogel and M. Limayem. 2003. Virtual community informatics: A review and research agenda. The Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA) 5(1):  47-61.

Lee, H. C. 1964. On information technology and organization structure. The Academy of Management Journal 7(3): 204-210.

Leibs, S. 2012. Adobe remolds itself: CFO Mark Garrett describes what is takes to remain resilient in the fast-changing technology sector. CFO (March): 44-46.

Lenk, M. M., J. P. Krahel, D. J. Janvrin and B. Considine. 2019. Social technology: An integrated strategy and risk management framework. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 129-153.

Leon, J. F. 2008. Protect your wireless network - And your business. Journal of Accountancy (November): 88-92.

Leonard-Barton, D. and D. K. Sinha. 1993. Developer-user interaction and user satisfaction in internal technology transfer. The Academy of Management Journal 36(5): 1125-1139.

Leonardi, P. 2023. Helping employees succeed with generative AI: How to manage performance when new technology brings constant and unpredictable change. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 49-53.

Leonardi, P. M., M. H. Jackson and A. Diwan. 2009. 18The enactment-externalization dialectic: Rationalization and the persistence of counterproductive technology design practices in student engineering. The Academy of Management Journal 52(2): 400-420.

Leondes, C. 2000. Computer-Aided Design, Engineering, and Manufacturing: Systems Techniques and Applications, Volume I, Systems Technique. CRC Press.

Leone, M. 2010. Technical difficulties: As the pace of accounting-rule changes intensifies, can IT systems keep up? CFO (November): 27-29 .

LeRouge, C. 2000. 21st century technology issues. Strategic Finance (January): 55-60.

Levin, M. H. 2023. A taxpayer victory in a statutory resident case: New York court of appeals denial finalizes a landmark decision. The CPA Journal (May/June): 9-10.

Levin, M. H. 2023. New Jersey enacts a convenience of the employer rule. The CPA Journal (November/December): 22-23.

Li, C., J. Lim and Q. Wang. 2007. Internal and external influences on IT control governance. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 8(4): 225-239.

Li, Y. and J. Jhang-Li. 2013. Analyzing the integration of WiMAX and Wi-Fi services: Bandwidth sharing and channel collaboration. Decision Sciences 44(6): 1059-1090.

Liang, D., F. Lin and S. Wu. 2001. Electronically auditing EDP systems: With the support of emerging information technologies. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 2(2): 130-147.

Liang, H., N. Wang, Y. Xue, S. Ge and S. Ransbotham. 2018. Can IT be too in sync with business strategy? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-5. (Alignment vs. agility).

Liew, A. 2015. The use of technology-structured management controls: Changes in senior management's decision-making behaviours. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (17): 37-64.

Lim, J., B. Dehning, V. J. Richardson and R. E. Smith. A meta-analysis of the effects of IT investment on firm financial performance. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 145-169.

Lim, J., T. C. Stratopoulos and T. S. Wirjanto. 2012. Role of IT executives in the firm's ability to achieve competitive advantage through IT capability. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 13(1): 21-40.

Limayem, M. and C. Cheung. 2011. Predicting the continued use of internet-based learning technologies: The role of habit. Behaviour & Information Technology 30(1): 91-99.

Limayem, M., F. Bergeron and A. Richard. 1997. IT Usage: Objective measures versus subjective measures. Systemes d'information et Management 1(2): 51-69.

Lin, G. C. I. and S. V. Nagalingam. 2000. CIM Justification and Optimisation. CRC Press.

Lin, P. P. 2014. What CPAs need to know about big data. The CPA Journal (November): 50-55.

Lin, P. P. and K. F. Brown. 2008. RFID deployment. The CPA Journal (August): 68-71. (Radio frequency identification systems).

Lipstreu, O. 1960. Organizational implications of automation. The Journal of the Academy of Management 3(2): 119-124.

Lipstreu, O. and K. A. Reed. 1965. A new look at the organizational implications of automation. The Academy of Management Journal 8(1): 24-31.

Littrell, E. K. 1984. High tech: The challenge to management accounting. Management Accounting (October): 33-36.

Liu, B. 2007 and 2010. Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data. Springer.

Loeb, M. 2002. Return on information security investments: Myths vs. realities. Strategic Finance (November): 26-31.

Long, C. 2016. Access: Building a menu. Strategic Finance (July): 60-61.

Long, C. 2016. Access: Calculating running sums. Strategic Finance (February): 60-61.

Long, C. 2016. Access: Chart a secondary axis. Strategic Finance (March): 68-69.

Long, C. 2016. Access: Control names in calculations. Strategic Finance (June): 60-61.

Long, C. 2016. Access: Creating a graph. Strategic Finance (January): 60-61.

Long, C. 2016. Access: Creating a grouped report. Strategic Finance (October): 60-61.

Long, C. 2016. Access: Customize the quick access toolbar. Strategic Finance (December): 60-61.

Long, C. 2016. Access: Enhancing a menu. Strategic Finance (August): 84-85.

Long, C. 2016. Access: Grouped report. Strategic Finance (May): 60-61.

Long, C. 2016. Access: Refining the sales report. Strategic Finance (November): 60-61.

Long, C. 2016. Access: Stacked column chart. Strategic Finance (April): 60-61.

Long, C. 2017. Technology workbook Access database tables. Strategic Finance (January): 60-61

Long, C. A. 2016. Access: Use VBA to modify a crosstab query. Strategic Finance (September): 60-61.

Long, C. 2017. Access: Aging accounts receivable. Strategic Finance (June): 60-61.

Long, C. 2017. Access: Data types. Strategic Finance (February): 60-61.

Long, C. 2017. Access: Formulas. Strategic Finance (April): 60-61.

Long, C. 2017. Access: Numbers. Strategic Finance (March): 68-69.

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Prasad, A., P. Green and J. Heales. 2014. On governance structures for the cloud computing services and assessing their effectiveness. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 15(4): 335-356.

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Raju, P. and R. Koch. 2019. Technology workbook: Can RPA improve agility? Strategic Finance (March): 68-69. (Robotic process automation).

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Rohrer, K. K. and N. S. Hom. 2017. Technology workbook: Who's responsible for Cybersecurity? Strategic Finance (October): 62-63.

Rohrer, K. K. and N. Hom. 2017. Where do we start with Cybersecurity? Strategic Finance (December): 62-63.

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Rosenbaum, D. 2011. Now you see (some of) it: Sales-force automation tools can illuminate what's in the sales pipeline, but smart CFO's know that success also requires the ability to see what's not there. CFO (July/August): 22-24.

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Sampson, R. C. 2007. R&D alliances and firm performance: The impact of technological diversity and alliance organization on innovation. The Academy of Management Journal 50(2): 364-386.

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Smith, D. 2016. Technology workbook: Big data on small budgets.  Strategic Finance (December): 62-63. (HIVE, Drill, and Phoenix).

Smith, D. 2019. Technology workbook: AI in data governance. Strategic Finance (September): 60-61.

Smith, D. and T. Driscoll. 2017. Key skill sets for management accounting. Strategic Finance (June): 62-63.

Smith, D. and T. Driscoll. 2017. Partnering with data scientists for management accounting success. Strategic Finance (May): 70-71.

Smith, D. and T. Driscoll. 2017. Technology workbook: Growing up in analytics. Strategic Finance (July): 62-63.

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Strategic Finance. 2017. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (July): 57. (Asus Zenbook Flip S, Apple iPad Pro 10.5, Apple Homepod, Rocketbook wave notebook).

Strategic Finance. 2017. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (September): 57. (Galaxy Tab S3, Keeper pass-word manager, Samsung Dex station, Gideon Dagan calendar).

Strategic Finance. 2017. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (August): 81. (Dell Latitude 7285, HTC U11, Louis Vuitton Tambour Horizon smartwatch, Nikon Key-Mission 170).

Strategic Finance. 2017. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (October): 57. (iPhone X, iPhone 8, Apple watch series 3, Volterman smart wallet).

Strategic Finance. 2017. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (November): 65. (Google pixel 2, Microsoft Surface Book 2, Google Home Assistant, August Smart Lock Pro).

Strategic Finance. 2017. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (December): 57. (Kindle Oasis 2, Google Home, Nixplay Wi-Fi Cloud Frames, and Razer phone).

Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (January): 57.

Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (February): 57.

Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (March): 65.

Strategic Finance. 2018. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (April): 57.

Strategic Finance. 2018. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (May): 57.

Strategic Finance. 2018. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (June): 57.

Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (July): 57.

Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (August): 89.

Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (September): 63.

Strategic Finance. 2018. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (October): 63. (iPhone XS, iPhone XR, Lenovo Yoga Book C930, Apple Watch series 4).

Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (November): 65. (Google Pixel 3, Google Home Hub, Razer phone, and Kobo forma eReader).

Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (December): 55. (Apple ipad pro, Macbook air, Dell Untrawide monitor, Mac mini).

Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (January): 53. (Garmin Fenix 5 plus, UDOQ charging system, MIXCDER wireless headset, Epson scanner).

Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (February): 55. (LG signature Oled TV R, ASUS Zenbook S13, Withings move ECG, and Aerbectic wearable glucose sensor).

Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (March): 63. (Sony RX100 VI, Libreoffice 6, Ominipage ultimate, and Wemo mini smart plug).

Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (April): 55. (Samsung Galaxy Fold, LG V50 Thinq 5G, F(X)Tec Pro1, Microsoft Hololens 2).

Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (May): 61. (Ipad mini 5, Galaxy S10, Google Pixel 3, Ravpwer filehub plus).

Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade - A look back. Strategic Finance (June): 71. (Brunsviga Nova II calculator, Osborne 1, Microsoft multiplan, HP 12C Platinum calculator).

Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (August): 71. (Oneplus 7 Pro, iPhone XR, Remarkable Digital Notepad, and Brother Monochrome Compact Printer).

Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (December): 55. (Panasonic Toughbook 55, Google Pixel 4, Amazon Echo Buds, and Mophie Juice Pack).

Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (July): 53. (Asus Zenbook Pro, Apple Mac Pro and Pro display XDR, Dell Inspiron 27 7000, and Apple IPOD Touch).

Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (November): 55. (Microsoft Surface Pro 7, Microsoft Surface Laptop 3, LG G8X Thinq Phone, and Langogo Pocket AI Translator).

Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (October): 55. (iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11, Apple Watch Series 5, and Garmin Venu GPS Watch).

Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (September): 55. (Hasselblad X System, Hirise Wireless Charger, Staygo USB-C Hub, and Seagate Expansion Drive).

Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (January): 55. (Surface Pro 7, Motorola One Hyper, Dyson Cryptomic Purifier, and Microsoft Seeing AI).

Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (February): 55. (Samsung Galaxy Chromebook, Withings Scanwatch , Lenovo Yoga 5G Laptop, and GE Kitchen Hub Microwave).

Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (March): 63. (Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon, Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, Dell XPS 13 2-in-1, Yamaha Desktop Audio System).

Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (April): 55. (Samsung Galaxy 520 Ultra, Lenovo Foldable Thinkpad, Acer Conceptd, Moleskine Smart Writing Set).

Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (May): 55. (Apple IPAD Pro 2020, MacBook Air, Onyx Boox Nova2, iStorage Encriypted Drive).

Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (June): 55. (iPhone SE, Microsoft Lifecam, Logitech Digital Office Pro Bundle, TO-Link Range Extender).

Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (July): 57. (Surface Book 3 for Business, Amazon Echo Show 8, Fiora Desk Charger, FitBit Charge 4).

Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (August): 63. (Dell XPs 17, Western Digital My Book, Lapgear Desk, Twelve South Laptop Cradle).

Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (September): 57. (Galaxy Note 20, Google Pixel 4a, Kobo Forma, Galaxy Watch 3).

Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (October): 55. (Microsoft Surface Duo, Remarkable 2, Yubkey 5C NFC, Satechi Powr Bank).

Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (November): 55. (Google Pixel 5, iPad 8th Generation, Apple Watch Series 6, Google Nest Speaker).

Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (December): 57. (Apple iPhone 12, iPad Air 2020, WD 3TB Elements Drive, Logitch Spotlight Remote).

Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade: Strategic Finance (January): 57. (Dell XPS  13 9310, Microsoft Surface Laptop Go, Boox Note Air, Apple Macbook Air).

Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (February): 57. (Lenovo All-in-one, Samsung Galaxy Chromebook 2, HP Elite Folio, HP Elite Dragonfly Max).

Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (March): 65. (Galax. S21, Acer Chromebook Spin, UTS-1 Wireless Charger, Chipolo Ocean Edition).

Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (April): 57. (Acer Swift 3, Kensington Docking Station, Omnicharge Omni Ultimate, Blueparrott B450-XT Headset).

Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (May): 57. (CAT S62 Pro, Canon Pixma, Onyx Boox Nova 3 Color, Logitech Mouse).

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Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (August): 67. (Lenovo Yoga Tab 13, Nokia G20, Kobo Elipsa, Lenovo Smart Clock 2).

Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (September): 59. (HP Spectre x360, Apple MacBook Pro, WaterField Cargo Laptop Bag, Logitech Powered 3-in-1 Dock).

Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (October): 59. (Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3, Samsung Galaxy Z. Flip3, Galaxy Watch4 Classic, Dell Portable Monitor).

Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (November): 59. (iPhone 13 Pro, iPad 10.2, iPad Mini, Mophie UV Sanitizer and Charger).

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Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade: Strategic Finance (February): 59. (Samsung Galaxy S21FE, ASUS Zenbook 17 Fold, Dell XPS 13 Plus, and Targus Cypress Hero Backpack).

Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (March): 59. (Thinkbook Plus Gen 3, Anker Powerconf, Audeze Conference Speakerphone, and Eufy Video Doorbell).

Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (April): 59. (Galaxy S22 Ultra, Galazy Tab S8 Tablets, Motorola Edge Plus, TCL 30 Series).

Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (May): 59. (Apple Ipad Air 5, Apple Iphone SE, Lenovo Tab P11, Rybozen USB Hub).

Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (June): 59. (GETAC F110, Samsung 17 Shield SSD, Logitech Lift Verical Mouse, Sandisk Extreme Pro Flash Drive).

Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (July): 59. (Google Pixel 6A, Jabra Wireless Earbuds, Anker Charger, Tile Tracking Tags).

Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (August): 59. (Samsung M7 Smart Monitor, Instax Mini Evo, Onyx Boox Poke4 Lite, Iniu Portable Charger).

Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (September): 59. (M2 MacBook Air, Iphone 13 Pro, Surface Pro 8, Sandisk Mp3).

Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (October): 61. (Galaxy Z Fold4, Galaxy Z Flip4, Galaxy Watch5, HP Pavilion Aero 13).

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Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (December): 59. (Microsoft Surface Pro 9, Apple Ipad 10th Generation, Google Pixel 7 and Anker 3-in-1 Cube with Magsafe).

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A-J  |  K-Z