A-J |
Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
AIS and MIS Main
See the Journal of Information Systems and International Journal of Accounting Information Systems for many articles not included here.
Abdel-Rahim, H. Y. and D. E. Stevens. 2018. Information system precision and honesty in managerial reporting: A re-examination of information asymmetry. Accounting, Organizations and Society (64): 31-43.
Abernethy, M. A. and A. M. Lillis. 1995. The impact of manufacturing flexibility on management control system design. Accounting, Organizations and Society 20(4): 241-258.
Abinanti, L. 1996. Put OLAP to work in our data warehouse. Management Accounting (October): 54-55. (Online analytical processing).
Abiteboul, S., R. Hull and V. Vianu. 1995. Foundations of Databases. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.
Abrams, B. S. 1957. A one-card timekeeping system. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 929-933.
Ackoff, R. L. 1967. Management misinformation systems. Management Science (December): B147-B156. (Five assumptions underlying management information systems that are frequently unjustified). See Rappaport, A. 1968. Management misinformation systems - Another perspective. Management Science (December): B133-B136.
Adams, C. R. 1975. How management users view information systems. Decision Sciences 6(2): 337-345.
Afsay, A., A. Tahriri and Z. Rezaee. 2023. A meta-analysis of factors affecting acceptance of information technology in auditing. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (49): 100608.
Agarwal, R. and P. Weill. 2012. The benefits of combining data with empathy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 35-41.
Aiken, T. E. 1957. Processing our payroll on the Univac. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May): 1167-1178.
Aislabie, C. 1966. The choice between logic, technique and pragmatism in the organizational use of computers. Abacus 2(1): 68-77.
Akrong, G. B., S. Yunfei and E. Owusu. 2022. Development and validation of improved DeLone-McLean IS success model - application to the evaluation of a tax administration ERP. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (47): 100579.
Alavi, M., Y. Yoo, D. R. Vogel. 1997. Using information technology to add value to management education. The Academy of Management Journal 40(6): 1310-1333.
Albright, T. L., G. P. Moynihan, R. G. Batson and E. Henderson . 1998. Activity-based relationships among management information systems and service organization revenues: A Markov process. Advances in Management Accounting (6): 195-213.
Aldhizer, G. R. III, P. E. Juras and D. R. Martin. 2008. Using automated identity and access management controls. The CPA Journal (September): 66-71.
Alexander, R. A. 1996. Teaching good systems design for spreadsheet projects. Journal of Accounting Education 14(1): 113-122.
Allen, B. 1987. Make information services pay its own way. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 57-63.
Allen, B. R. 1969. Computer time-sharing. Management Accounting (January): 36-38, 47.
Allen, C. E. 1935. The written report in accounting systems. The Accounting Review (March): 26-28.
Alles, M. 2018. Examining the role of the AIS research literature using the natural experiment of the 2018 JIS conference on cloud computing. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (31): 58-74.
Alles, M. G., A. Kogan and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2008. Exploiting comparative advantage: A paradigm for value added research in accounting information systems. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 9(4): 202-215.
Amitage, H. 1985. Linking Management Information Systems with Computer Technology. Hamilton, Ontario: Society of Management Accountants of Canada (September).
Amstutz, A. E. and H. Stern. 1968. Information systems in management science. Management Science (October): B91-B100.
Anandarajan, A. and C. Sylla. 2000. Examining investments in IT: A critical appraisal approach. Journal of Cost Management (March/April): 5-14.
Andal-Ancion, A., P. A. Cartwright and G. S. Yip. 2003. The digital transformation of traditional businesses. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 34-41.
Anders, S. B. 2017. Practical data security resources. The CPA Journal (November): 72-73.
Anderson, J. J. 1967. Integrated instruction in computers and accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 583-588.
Anderson, J. J. 1976. Computer-supported instruction in managerial accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 617-624.
Anderson, M. C., R. D. Banker and S. Ravindran. 2006. Value implications of investments in information technology. Management Science (September): 1359-1376.
Anderson, S. 1998. JAVA unplugs time and expense reporting. Management Accounting (October): 52-53.
Anderson, S. W. and W. N. Lanen. 2002. Using electronic data interchange (EDI) to improve the efficiency of accounting transactions. The Accounting Review (October): 703-729.
Anthony, P. 1976. Functional cost accounting for D. P. centers. Management Accounting (October): 33-41.
Antle, R. and J. Fellingham. 1995. Information rents and preferences among information systems in a model of resource allocation. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Managerial Accounting): 41-58.
Apostolou, B., J. W. Dorminey, J. M. Hassell and J. E. Rebele. 2014. A summary and analysis of education research in accounting information systems (AIS). Journal of Accounting Education 32(2): 99-112.
Appelbaum, D., A. Kogan and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2017. An introduction to data analysis for auditors and accountants. The CPA Journal (February): 32-37. (Summary).
Appelbaum, D., A. Kogan, M. Vasarhelyi and Z. Yan. 2017. Impact of business analytics and enterprise systems on managerial accounting. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (25): 29-44. (Summary).
Arad, A. and G. Gayer. 2012. Imprecise data sets as a source of ambiguity: A model and experimental evidence. Management Science (January): 188-202.
Archak, N., A. Ghose and P. G. Ipeirotis. 2011. Deriving the pricing power of product features by mining consumer reviews. Management Science (August): 1485-1509.
Argyris C. 1977. Organizational learning and management information systems. Accounting, Organizations and Society 2(2): 113-123.
Arnoff, E. L. 1970. Operations research and decision-oriented management information systems. Management Accounting (June): 11-16.
Arnold, A. C. 1959. Making forms control work for the company. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 44-48.
Arnold, V. and S. G. Sutton, editors. 2002. Researching Accounting as an Information Systems Discipline. American Accounting Association.
Arunachalam, V. 2004. Electronic data interchange: An evaluation of alternative organizational forms. Accounting, Organizations and Society 29(3-4): 227-241.
Arunachalam, V. and G. Beck. 2002. Functional fixation revisited: The effects of feedback and repeated measures design on information processing changes in response to an accounting change. Accounting, Organizations and Society 27(1-2): 1-25.
Arya, A. and J. Glover. 2003. Abandonment options and information system design. Review of Accounting Studies 8(1): 29-45.
Asher, L. I. 1952. The payroll method-manual, machine or mixed? N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 864-869.
Aubert, B. A., S. Rivard and M. Patry. 2003. A transaction cost model of IT outsourcing. Information and Management. 1-12.
August, T. and T. I. Tunca. 2006. Network software security and user incentives. Management Science (November): 1703-1720.
Austin, R. D. and C. A. R. Darby. 2003. The myth of secure computing. Harvard Business Review (June): 120-126.
Babich, G. 1975. The application of information theory to accounting reports: An appraisal. Abacus 11(2): 172-181.
Backes, R. W. and R. J. Glowacki. 1983. Microcomputers: Successful management and control. Management Accounting (September): 48-51.
Badua, F. A. and A. L. Watkins. 2011. Too young to have a history? Using data analysis techniques to reveal trends and shifts in the brief history of accounting information systems. The Accounting Historians Journal 38(2): 75-103.
Bagby, J. W. 2003. Cyberlaw Handbook for E-Commerce (Cyperlaw Handbook for E Commerce). South-Western Educational Publishing.
Baiman, S. 1975. The evaluation and choice of internal information systems within a multiperson world. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 1-15.
Baker, W. M. 1994. Shedding the bean counter image. Management Accounting (October): 29-31. (Related to participation in systems design).
Baker, W. M. and F. D. Roberts. 2010. Business tools: The next quantum leap. Strategic Finance (January): 28-35. (Person-less transactions on the Semantic web).
Baker, W. M. and D. S. Lester. 1994. Control plans for the new computer viruses. Management Accounting (September): 47-51.
Baker, W. M., K. L. Kemerer and K. Poston. 2017. The quest for privacy: Failing to protect your data can have a cascading effect that can damage your company's reputation as well as relationships with vendors and customers. Strategic Finance (January): 34-41.
Balachandran, B. V. and K. S. Sundar. 2003. Interface between ABC/M requirements and multi-dimensional databases. Cost Management (November/December): 33-39.
Baldwin, A. A., B. W. Morris and J. H. Scheiner. 2000. Where do AIS researchers publish? International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 1(2): 123-134.
Ball, R. T. and C. Cuny. 2021. Information imprecision. The Accounting Review (March): 33-53.
Balwin, A. A., C. E. Brown and B. S. Trinkle. 2006. XBRL: An impacts framework and research challenge. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (3): 97-116.
Bandury, J. and J. E. Nahapiet. 1979. Towards a framework for the study of the antecedents and consequences of information systems in organizations. Accounting, Organizations and Society 4(3): 163-177.
Bandyopadhyay, K., P. P. Mykytyn and K. Mykytyn. 1999. A framework for integrated risk management in information technology. Management Decision (37(5): 437-445.
Banham, R. 2013. May the field be with you: Cloud-based applications are pushing out planning and forecasting to workers in the farthest reaches of the company. CFO (September): 38-44.
Bariff, M. L. and J. R. Galbraith. 1978. Intraorganizational power considerations for designing information systems. Accounting, Organizations and Society 3(1): 15-27.
Barkman, A. I. 1998. Teaching and educational Note: The use of live cases in the accounting information systems course. Journal of Accounting Education 16(3-4): 517-524.
Barra, J. A. 1963. How one company organized for electronic data processing. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 39-45.
Barry, J. E. Jr. 1959. Forms designing as a step in systems improvement. N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 65-76.
Barthelemy, J. 2001. The hidden costs of IT outsourcing. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 60-69.
Barton, D. and D. Court. 2012. Making advanced analytics work for you: A Practical guide to capitalizing on big data. Harvard Business Review (October): 78-83. (Choose the right data, Build models that predict and optimize business outcomes, and Transform your company's capabilities).
Baum, B. and E. Burack. 1969. Information technology, manpower development and organizational performance. The Academy of Management Journal 12(3): 279-291.
Beaman, I. and B. Richardson. 2007. Information technology, decision support and management accounting roles. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 59-68.
Bean, D. 2002. Learn Peach Tree Accounting. Wordware Publishing.
Beasley, M., M. Bradford and B. Dehning. 2009. The value impact of strategic intent on firms engaged in information systems outsourcing. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 10(2): 79-96.
Beasley, M. S. and J. G. Jenkins. 2003. The relation of information technology and financial statement fraud. Journal of Forensic Accounting (4): 217-232.
Beath, C., I. Becerra-Fernandez, J. Ross and J. Short. 2012. Finding value in the information explosion. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 18-20.
Beaudry, D. P. Jr. 1949. An economical payroll system featuring centralized processing of employee deductions by machine methods. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September): 43-58.
Beaver, K. 2002. Healthcare Information Systems, Second Edition. AUERBACH.
Becker, E. M. 1966. The case for decentralized data processing in manufacturing companies. Management Accounting (January): 17-18.
Beckett, J. A. 1964. Management accounting in the age of systems. N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 3-10.
Beged-Dov, A. G., S. Ehrenfeld and C. E. Summer. 1967. An overview of management science and information systems. Management Science (August): B817-B837.
Beichley, M. W. and H. L. Poppel. 1965. Use of EDP and teletype in monthly financial closings. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 27-32.
Bell, H. M. 1957. Machine accounting and the medium-size business. N.A.A. Bulletin (September): 29-30.
Bell, J. W. 1968. Financial data in a management information system. Management Accounting (June): 23-33.
Benbya, H. and M. Van Alstyne. 2011. How to find answers within your company. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 65-75.
Bench, N., S. G. Ginsburg and H. Stern. 1967. Information systems in management science. Management Science (June): B693-B702.
Benford, T. L. and J. E. Hunton. 2000. Incorporating information technology considerations into an expanded model of judgment and decision making in accounting. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 1(1): 54-65.
Bengtson, W. P. 2003. Waste in IT. Journal of Cost Management (March/April): 28-33.
Beniger, J. R. 1989. The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information Society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Bennett, G. E. 1926. Accounting Systems: Principles and Problems of Installation. A. W. Shaw Company. Review 1926. Harvard Business Review (October): 125.
Bensaou, M. and M. Earl. 1998. The right mind-set for managing information technology. Harvard Business Review (September-October): 119-128. (Compares the western approach with how Japanese companies manage information technology). (Summary).
Benston, G. J. 1963. The role of the firm's accounting system for motivation. The Accounting Review (April): 347-354.
Berg, G. G., M. S. Freeman and K. N. Schneider. 2008. Analyzing the TJ Maxx data security fiasco. The CPA Journal (August): 34-37.
Bergeron, B. 2003. Essentials of XBRL. John Wiley & Sons.
Berry, W. E. 1994. Management accountants' strategic asset: The human resource information system. Management Accounting (January): 56-57.
Bertomeu, J. and I. Marinovic. 2016. A theory of hard and soft information. The Accounting Review (January): 1-20.
Beyer, R. 1967. Management information systems: Who'll be in charge? Management Accounting (June): 3-8.
Bhamidipati, K. 2013. Productivity outlook: Poor visibility and bad reporting ahead. Strategic Finance (March): 42-46, 61.
Bhattacharya, S., R. S. Behara, D. E. Gundersen. 2003. Business risk perspectives on information systems outsourcing. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 4(1): 75-93.
Bidwell, M. J. and F. Briscoe. 2009. Who contracts? Determinants of the decision to work as an independent contractor among information technology workers. The Academy of Management Journal 52(6): 1148-1168.
Biere, M. 2010. The New Era of Enterprise Business Intelligence: Using Analytics to Achieve a Global Competitive Advantage. IBM Press.
Bill, R. W., J. H. Harrison and H. R. Maly. 1967. An EDP system for stores inventory control. Management Accounting (August): 35-42. (A case study).
Binz, O., E. Ferracuti and P. Joos. 2023. Investment, inflation, and the role of internal information systems as a transmission channel. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 101632.
Birkett, W. P. 1968. Accounting inputs. Abacus 4(2): 164-173.
Black, G. 1967. Systems analysis in government operations. Management Science (October): B41-B58.
Blackburn, N., J. Brown, J. Dillard and V. Hooper. 2014. A dialogical framing of AIS-SEA design. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 15(2): 83-101.
Blake, H. D. and K. M. Frey. 1976. Information retrieval. Management Accounting (September): 47-48.
Bloomfield, B. P. and T. Vurdubakis. 1997. Visions of organization and organizations of vision: The representational practices of information systems development. Accounting, Organizations and Society 22(7): 639-668.
Boadman, L. 1956. What it means to integrate data processing. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June): 1191-1198.
Bodnar, G. H. and W. S. Hopwood. 2009. Accounting Information Systems,10th Edition. Prentice Hall.
Boland, R. J. Jr. 1979. Control, causality and information system requirements. Accounting, Organizations and Society 4(4): 259-272.
Boland, R. J. Jr. 1981. A study in system design: C. West Churchman and Chris Argyris. Accounting, Organizations and Society 6(2): 109-118.
Bologna, G. J. and A. M. Walsh. 1997. The Accountant's Handbook of Information Technology. John Wiley & Sons.
Bolt-Lee, C. and J. Moody. 2008. Highlights of accounting systems research. Journal of Accountancy (December): 86-89.
Bonner, W. W. 1952. Sales accounting by machine methods. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 870-878.
Bonsón, E., V. Cortijo, and T. Escobar. 2008. The role of XBRL in enhanced business reporting (EBR). Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (5): 161-173.
Bonsón, E., V. Cortijo and T. Escobar. 2009. Towards the global adoption of XBRL using international financial reporting standards (IFRS). International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 10(1): 46-60.
Boockholdt, J. L. and S. E. Mills. 1997. MEDUSA - An earth-shaking client/server solution. Management Accounting (July): 38, 40-43. (MEDUSA = Management's electronic database used to support administration).
Boone, A. L. 1977. Wouldn't it be nice if -. Management Accounting (February): 27-28.
Boritz, J. E. 2005. IS practitioners' views on core concepts of information integrity. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 6(4): 260-279.
Boritz, J. E. 2016. Foreword and procedures for requesting and evaluating papers for the 2015 Research Symposium of information integrity & information systems assurance. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (22): 1-3.
Borthick, A. F. and G. P. Wentworth. 1998. Will your company be year 2000-compliant? Management Accounting (July): 31-32, 34-36.
Borthick, A. F. and H. P. Roth. 1993. EDI for reengineering business processes. Management Accounting (October): 32-37.
Borthick A. F. and H. P. Roth. 1994. Understanding client/server computing. Management Accounting (August): 36-41.
Bothick, A. F. and H. P. Roth. 1997. Faster access to more information for better decisions. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 25-30.
Borthick, A. F., P. L. Bowen, S. T. Liew and F. H. Rohde. 2001. The effects of normalization on end-user query errors: An experimental evaluation. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 2(4): 195-221.
Boulianne, E. 2007. Revisiting fit between AIS design and performance with the analyzer strategic-type. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 8(1): 1-16.
Boutell, W. S. 1964. Business-oriented computers: A frame of reference. The Accounting Review (April): 305-311.
Bouwens, J. and M. A. Abernethy. 2000. The consequences of customization on management accounting system design. Accounting, Organizations and Society 25(3): 221-241.
Bowen, P. L. and F. H. Rohde. 2002. Further evidence of the effects of normalization on end-user query errors: An experimental evaluation. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 3(4): 255-290.
Bowen, P. L. and F. H. Rohde. 2005. Fifth International Research Symposium on Accounting Information Systems. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 6(3): 157-158.
Bowen, P. L., C. B. Ferguson, T. H. Lehmann and F. H. Rohde. 2003. Cognitive style factors affecting database query performance. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 4(4): 251-273.
Bowen, P. L., F. H. Rohde and C. Y. A. Wu. 2004. Imperfect communication between information requestors and information providers: The effects of syntactic and extraneous ambiguity. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 5(4): 371-394.
Bowen, P. L., M. D. Cheung and F. H. Rohde. 2007. Enhancing IT governance practices: A model and case study of an organization's efforts. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 8(3): 191-221.
Boyd, A. W. 1959. Human relations in system changes. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 69-71.
Bradford, M., E. Z. Taylor and F. Badua. 2012. Elegance, relevance, and provenance: Contextualizing and analyzing AIS educators' choice of systems diagramming techniques. Journal of the Acadamy of Business Education 13(Spring): 140-161.
Brandon, C., R. E. Drtina and D. Plane. 1986. Using modeling languages in managerial accounting: An example for pricing decisions. Journal of Accounting Education 4(1): 69-80.
Brands, K. and M. Holtzblatt. 2015. Business analytics: Transforming the role of management accountants. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 1-12.
Brecht, H. D. and M. P. Martin. 1996. Accounting information systems: The challenge of extending their scope to business and information strategy. Accounting Horizons (December): 16-22.
Bressler, L. A. and M. S. Bressler. 2006. How entrepreneurs choose and use accounting information systems. Strategic Finance (June): 56-60. (Survey).
Broadbent, J. and R. Laughlin. 2009. Performance management systems: A conceptual model. Management Accounting Research (December): 283-295.
Bromwich, M. 1980. Discussion of multidimensional accounting and distributed databases: Their implications for organizations and society. Accounting, Organizations and Society 5(1): 125-128.
Brown, C., E. J. Coakley and M. E. Phillips. 1995. Neural networks enter the world of management accounting. Management Accounting (May): 51-57. (Related to artificial intelligence).
Brown, H. L. 1976. User control of data processing. Management Accounting (March): 22-26.
Brown, J. S. and P. Duguid. 2002. The Social Life of Information. Harvard Business School Press.
Brown, O. M. 1957. Central functions of a records center. N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 59-60.
Brown, T. 2015. A primer on data security. The CPA Journal (May): 58-62.
Brown, W. B. 1966. Systems, boundaries, and information flow. The Academy of Management Journal 9(4): 318-327.
Brown-Liburd, H., H. Issa and D. Lombardi. 2015. Behavioral implications of big data's impact on audit judgment and decision making and future research directions. Accounting Horizons (June): 451-468.
Brubaker, J. A. 1973. A data processing program for hospitals. Management Accounting (March): 21-25.
Brundage, M. U. and J. L. Livingstone. 1969. Simulation on a time-sharing computer utility system. The Accounting Review (July): 539-545.
Bryant, S. M., J. E. Hunton and D. N. Stone. 2004. Internet-based experiments: Prospects and possibilities for behavioral accounting research. Behavioral Research in Accounting (16): 107-130.
Buckless. 2004. Comprehensive Assurance and Systems Tool: An Integrated Practice Set. Prentice Hall.
Buge, E. W. 1957. The broad, fast picture which electronics can provide. N.A.A. Bulletin (September): 61-62.
Buge, E. W. 1967. Business needs "intelligence" not data. Management Accounting (March): 45-47.
Burns, J. H. 1965. Future application of on-line-real-time in banking. N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 12.
Burrill, J. C. 1966. Training accounting personnel for EDP systems. Management Accounting (September): 12-16.
Burton, A. S. 1919. Why some cost systems fail to produce desired results. Journal of Accountancy (April): 249-258.
Buse, C. H. 1957. A multi-deck punched card system to control materials inventory. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 71-78.
Butterworth, J. E. 1972. The accounting system as an information function. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 1-27.
Button, K. 2013. Clouds in the forecast: Finance departments will invest heavily in cloud computing in the coming year. CFO (December): 34-39.
Button, K. 2013. Insight on demand growing your accounting systems with your company. CFO (December): 45-49.
Button, K. 2013. Poised for takeoff: Propelled by new technologies and savings on overhead and maintenance, IT spending is on the rise. CFO (September): 50-51.
Bynum, G. R. 1960. Centralized record keeping for decentralized operations - Development of data processing applications. N.A.A. Bulletin -1960 Conference Proceedings II (August): 12-15.
Bynum, T. W. and S. Rogerson. 2003. Computer Ethics and Professional Responsibility. Blackwell Publishing.
Calderon, T. G., J. J. Cheh and I. Kim. 2003. How large corporations use data mining to create value. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 1-11.
Calhoun, E. S. 1953. The challenge of electronic equipment. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June): 1267-1279.
Cameron, D. M. 1971. Computer use in a customer accounting operation. Management Accounting (October): 17-20, 25.
Cameron, P. D. 2000. For good measure. Strategic Finance (July): 62-66. (Measuring the IT function).
Camilli, L. F. 1966. Technical unification in a management information system. Management Accounting (April): 3-8.
Campbell, C. and T. J. Fogarty. 2018. Behind the curve: Higher education's efforts to implement advanced information systems. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 15(2): 77-91.
Campbell, T. L. 1985. Automating the systems understanding aid. Journal of Accounting Education 3(1): 185-187.
Camuffo, A. and P. Romano. 2001. Back to the future: Benetton transforms its global network. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 46-52.
Cao, M., R. Chychyla and T. Stewart. 2015. Big data analytics in financial statement audits. Accounting Horizons (June): 423-429.
Carbone, J. P. and J. R. Hudicka. 1998. Layered systems deployment. Management Accounting (December): 27-30. (Using Complex Objects software to design information systems in record time).
Carlow, A. and B. Johnson. 1984. Overcoming the mystique of EDP auditing. Management Accounting (August): 30-37.
Carlson, A. E. 1957. Automation in accounting systems. The Accounting Review (April): 224-228.
Carlton, J. L. 1974. Security and computerized systems. Management Accounting (February): 33-36.
Carmean, J. M. 1957. Useful production information from punched tape equipment. N.A.A. Bulletin (September): 39-43.
Carmean, J. M. 1962. Integrated order processing using a computer and communications equipment. N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 87-90.
Carmean, J. M. 1965. What do systems and procedures offer? N.A.A. Bulletin (March): 31-33.
Carr, N. G. 2003. IT doesn't matter. Harvard Business Review (May): 41-49.
Carr, N. G. 2005. The end of corporate computing. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 67-73. (Outsourcing IT).
Carson, A. J. 1956. Data processing in store sales accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August): 1450-1456.
Caruso, R. L. 1984. Paying bills the electronic way. Management Accounting (April): 24-27.
Case, J. G. 1963. PERT - A dynamic approach to systems analysis. N.A.A. Bulletin (March): 27-38. (Scheduling a cost closing).
Cash, J. I. Jr., M. J. Earl and R. Morrison. 2008. Teaming up to crack innovation and enterprise integration. Harvard Business Review (November): 90-100.
Caspari, J. A. 1968. Fundamental concepts of information theory. Management Accounting (June): 8-10.
Caspole, J. M. 1972. Costing from a data bank. Management Accounting (July): 47-50.
Castellani, D. J. 2000. ASPs: Changing information technology delivery. Strategic Finance (March): 34-37. (Outsourcing technology, e.g., e-mail and ERP, to application service providers).
Castells, M. 2000. The Rise of the Network Society. Blackwell Publishers.
Castells, M. 2003. The Power of Identity (The Information Age). Blackwell Publishers.
Cathey, J. M. 1991. Electronic data interchange: What a controller should know. Management Accounting (November): 47-51.
Cathey, J. M. and C. E. Wiggins. 2002. Broadband: New speeds, new risks. Strategic Finance (March): 38-43.
Cathey, J. M. and R. H. Phillips Jr. 1994. Backup and recovery. Management Accounting (October): 49-54.
Cerullo, M. J. 1977. The data base concept. Management Accounting (November): 43-47.
Cerullo, M. J. 1979. MIS: What can go wrong? Management Accounting (April): 43-48.
Cerullo, M. J. 1985. Designing accounting information systems. Management Accounting (June): 37-42.
Chai, S. and W. Shih. 2017. Why big data isn't enough. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 57-61.
Chandler, J. S. 1984. A course on the management of the systems development process with hands-on computing. Journal of Accounting Education 2(1): 99-110.
Chandra, A., J. J. Cheh and I. Kim. 2006. Do we teach enough IT skills in management accounting courses? Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 49-54. (Survey).
Chandra, A., N. M. Menon and B. K. Mishra. 2007. Budgeting for information technology. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 8(4): 264-282.
Chang, H., C. D. Ittner and M. T. Paz. 2014. The multiple roles of the finance organization: Determinants, effectiveness, and the moderating influence of information systems integration. Journal of Management Accounting Research 26(2): 1-32.
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Davenport, T. H. 1998. Putting the enterprise into the enterprise system. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 121-131. (Summary).
Davenport, T. H. 2006. Competing on analytics. Harvard Business Review (January): 98-107. ("Some companies have built their very businesses on their ability to collect, analyze, and act on data. Every company can learn from what these firms do." Some applications include: 1) Simulating and optimizing supply chain flows, reducing inventory and stock-outs, 2) Identifying customers with the greatest profit potential, 3) Identifying the price that will maximize yield or profit, 4) Selecting the best employees for tasks or jobs, 5) Detecting and minimizing quality problems, 6) Proving a better understanding of the drivers of financial performance including nonfinancial factors, 7) Improving quality, efficacy and safety of products and services).
Davenport, T. H. and D. J. Patil. 2012. Data scientist: The sexiest job of the 21st century. Harvard Business Review (October): 70-76.
Davenport, T. H. and J. G. Harris. 2005. Automated decision making comes of age. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 83-89.
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David, J. S. and P. J. Steinbart. 1999. Drowning in data. Strategic Finance (December): 30-34. (Related to setting up and maintaining a data warehouse).
David, J. S., C. L. Dunn, W. E. McCarthy and R. S. Poston. 1999. The research pyramid: A framework for accounting information systems research. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 7-30.
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Evans, W. P. and R. L. Bosworth. 1966. Computerized information systems (COINS). Management Accounting (October): 36-44.
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Firmin, P. A. and J. J. Linn. 1968. Information systems and managerial accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 75-82.
Fish, E. R. 1968. Is everything under control? Management Accounting (December): 27-29. (Related to data processing).
Fisher, I. E. 2004. On the structure of financial accounting standards to support digital representation, storage, and retrieval. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (1): 23-40.
Fisher, W. G. and E. A. Weiss. 1958. Cost comparison of payroll calculation - Drum-computer vs. tabulating equipment. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 71-74.
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