Management And Accounting Web

Management Theory Bibliography M-Z

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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Macintosh, N. B. and R. W. Scapens. 1990. Structuration theory in management accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 15(5): 455-477.

Macintosh, N. B. and R. W. Scapens. 1991. Management accounting and control systems: A structuration theory analysis. Journal of Management Accounting Research (Fall): 131-158.

MacNeille, J. R. 1906. Functions and organization of factory management. Journal of Accountancy (February): 283-292.

MacNeille, J. R. 1906. The management of labor. Journal of Accountancy (September): 331-344.

Magee, R. P. 2001. Discussion of “Contracting theory and accounting”. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 89-96.

Magretta, J. 2002. The behavior behind the buzzwords. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 89-93. (Buzzwords such as "thinking outside the box", "resource allocation", and "respect for the individual" may create behavioral problems. What's needed? - straight talk).

Magretta, J. 2002. Why business models matter. Harvard Business Review (May): 86-92. Explains the difference between a business model and a competitive strategy. (Summary).

Mahoney, T. A. and W. Weitzel. 1969. Managerial models of organizational effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(3): 357-365.

Malmi, T. 2016. Managerialist studies in management accounting: 1990-2014. Management Accounting Research (June): 31-44.

Maniha, J. K. 1975. Universalism and particularism in bureaucratizing organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(2): 177-190.

Mankins, M., C. Brahm and G. Caimi. 2014. Your scarcest resource. Time is money, but few organizations treat it that way. Harvard Business Review (May): 74-80. (Eight practices for time-management: Setting selective agendas, using a zero-based time budget, requiring a business case for each initiative, simplying the organization, delegating authority for time investments, standardizing the decision process, making time descipline organization wide, and using feedback to manage organizational load).

Manousaridou, E. 2022. Keys to a management mentality. Strategic Finance (July): 21-22.

Manville, B. and J. Ober. 2003. Beyond empowerment: Building a company of citizens. Harvard Business Review (January): 48-53. ("We're in a knowledge economy, but our managerial and governance systems are stuck in the industrial era. It's time for a whole new model." The Athenian model provides a window into how sizable groups of people can successfully govern themselves with dignity and trust, and without resorting to stifling bureaucracy. It also shows the need to combine structures, values and practices in a coherent, self-sustaining system).

March, J. G. 1996. Continuity and change in theories of organizational action. Administrative Science Quarterly 41(2): 278-287.

March, J. G. and H. A. Simon. 1958. Organizations. New York: John Wiley.

Marschak, J. 1955. Elements for a theory of teams. Management Science (January): 127-137.

Martin, J. R. Not dated. Henry Fayol's theory of management. Management And Accounting Web. NoteOnFayol'sTheory

Martin, J. R. Not dated. What is the red bead experiment? Management And Accounting Web. DemingsRedbeads

Martin, J. R. Not dated. Russell Ackoff quotes and f-laws. Management And Accounting Web. RussellAckoff

Martin, J. R. Not dated. Russell Ackoff: What is a system? Videos. Management And Accounting Web. RussellAckoffVideos

Marvick, D. 1958. Expectations concerning power in a bureaucratic arena. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(4): 542-549.

Maslow, A. 1943. A theory of human motivation. Psychological Review (50): 370-396.

Maslow, A. H. 2011. Hierarchy of Needs: A Theory of Human Motivation. Published by all-about-psychology

Massie, J. L. 1958. Criteria for evaluating proposed frameworks of a "general theory of management". The Journal of the Academy of Management 1(2): 58-61.

Masuch, M. and P. LaPotin. 1989. Beyond garbage cans: An AI model of organizational choice. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(1): 38-67.

Matuszewski, L. J. 2010. Honesty in managerial reporting: Is it affected by perceptions of horizontal equity? Journal of Management Accounting Research (22): 233-250.

May, R. A. 1923. The trade association and its place in the business fabric. Harvard Business Review (October): 84-97.

McAfee, A. and E. Brynjolfsson. 2012. Big data: The management revolution: Exploiting vast new flows of information can radically improve your company's performance. But first you'll have to change your decision-making culture. Harvard Business Review (October): 60-68.

McCann, E. C. 1964. An aspect of management philosophy in the United States and Latin America. The Academy of Management Journal 7(2): 149-152.

McDaid, E., P. Andon and C. Free. 2023. Algorithmic management and the politics of demand: Control and resistance at Uber. Accounting, Organizations and Society (109): 101465.

McElroy, J. C. and H. K. Downey. 1982. Observation in organizational research: Panacea to the performance-attribution effect? The Academy of Management Journal 25(4): 822-835.

McGrath, R. G. 2007. No longer a stepchild: How the management field can come into its own. The Academy of Management Journal 50(6): 1365-1378.

McInerney, D. M. and S. Van Etten. 2004. Big Theories Revisited (Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning). Information Age Publishing.

McKelvey, B. 1979. Comment on the biological analog in organizational science, on the occasion of Van de Ven's review of Aldrich. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(3): 488-493.

McKelvey, B. and H. Aldrich. 1983. Populations, natural selection, and applied organizational science. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(1): 101-128. (Part of a special section on the utilization of organizational research, part 2).

McKinley, W. 1987. Complexity and administrative intensity: The case of declining organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 32(1): 87-105.

McNeil, K. 1978. Understanding organizational power: Building on the Weberian legacy. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(1): 65-90.

McNulty, M. S. 1975. A question of managerial legitimacy. The Academy of Management Journal 18(3): 579-588.

McWhinney, W. H. 1965. On the geometry of organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(3): 347-363.

Megginson, L. C. 1958. The pressure for principles: A challenge to management professors. The Journal of the Academy of Management 1(2): 7-12.

Meindl, J. R. 1989. Managing to be fair: An exploration of values, motives, and leadership. Administrative Science Quarterly 34(2): 252-276.

Meinhart, W. A. 1966. Artificial intelligence, computer simulation of human cognitive and social processes, and management thought. The Academy of Management Journal 9(4): 294-307.

Melcher, A. J. and R. Beller. 1967. Toward a theory of organization communication: Consideration in channel selection. The Academy of Management Journal 10(1): 39-52.

Melumad, N., D. Mookherjee and S. Reichelstein. 1992. A theory of responsibility centers. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 445-484.

Metcalf, H. C. ed. 1927. Business Management as a Profession. W. Shaw Company. (A compilation of lectures that represent "a unique effort to analyze the fundamentals of business administration and help to develop the professional status of business management." From a review in Harvard Business Review. 1928. (January): 254-255).

Methé, D. T. 1987. Review: Strategic vs. Evolutionary Management: A U.S.-Japan Comparison of Strategy and Organization, by T. Kagono, I. Nonaka, K. Sakakibara, A. Okumura, S. Sakamoto and J. K. Johansson. Administrative Science Quarterly 32(3): 450-452.

Meyer, M. W. 1968. The two authority structures of bureaucratic organization. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(2): 211-228.

Miles, R. E. 1964. Attitudes toward management theory as a factor in managers' relationships with their superiors. The Academy of Management Journal 7(4): 308-314.

Miller, C. C., L. B. Cardinal and W. H. Glick. 1997. Retrospective reports in organizational research: A reexamination of recent evidence. The Academy of Management Journal 40(1): 189-204.

Miller, D. C. and F. A. Shull, Jr. 1962. The prediction of administrative role conflict resolutions. Administrative Science Quarterly 7(2): 143-160.

Miller, F. P., A. F. Vandome and J. McBrewster, Editors. 2009. Motivation: Motivation. Drive Theory, Cognitive Dissonance, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Frederick Herzberg, Self-efficacy, Equity Theory, Expectancy Theory. Alphascript Publishing.

Millett, J. D. 1956. A critical appraisal of the study of public administration. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(2): 171-188.

Millman, R. W. 1964. Some unsettled questions in organization theory. The Academy of Management Journal 7(3): 189-195.

Milne, R. S. 1970. Mechanistic and organic models of public administration in developing countries. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(1): 57-67.

Mintzberg, H. 1973. The Nature of Managerial Work. Harper & Row. (Based on Mintzberg's MIT Ph.D. dissertation, The Manager at Work: Determining His Activities, Roles and Programs by Structured Observation).

Minzberg, H. 1975. The manager's job: Folklore and fact: The classical view says that the manager organizes, coordinates, plans and controls; the facts suggest otherwise. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 51-61. (Mintzberg reveals how managers use relationships and intuition).

Minztberg, H. 1989. Mintzberg on Management. Free Press.

Mintzberg, H. 2004. Managers Not MBAs: A Hard Look at the Soft Practice of Managing and Management Development. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. (Note and MIT Video).

Mintzberg, H. 2005. How inspiring. How sad. Comments on Sumantra Ghoshal's paper. Academy of Management Learning & Education (March): 108. (Related to Ghoshal's criticism of management theory).

Mintzberg, H. 2009. Rebuilding companies as communities. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 140-143.

Mintzberg, H. and L. Van der Heyden. 1999. Organigraphs: Drawing how companies really work. Harvard Business Review (September-October): 87-94. (Summary).

Mixter, C. W. 1923. The general question of extent and method of control under scientific management. Harvard Business Review (October): 13-22.

Moan, F. E. 1973. Does management practice lag behind theory in the computer environment? The Academy of Management Journal 16(1): 7-23.

Montgomery, J. D. 1972. Allocation of authority in land reform programs: A comparative study of administrative processes and outputs. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(1): 62-75.

Morden, T. 2004. Principles of Management (Innovative Business Textbooks). Ashgate Publishing.

Morgan, G. 1980. Paradigms, metaphors, and puzzle solving in organization theory. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(4): 605-622.

Morgan, G. 1981. Erratum: Paradigms, metaphors, and puzzle solving in organization theory. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(1): 140.

Morgan, G. 1983. More on metaphor: Why we cannot control tropes in administrative science. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(4): 601-607.

Morton, T. 2004. Principles of Management. Ashgate Publishing.

Mowll, C. A. 1989. Successful management based on key principles. Healthcare Financial Management (June): 122-124.

Narasimhan, R. 2014. Theory development in operations management: Extending the frontiers of a mature discipline via qualitative research. Decision Sciences 45(2): 209-227.

Negandhi, A. R. 1970. Comments: "The comparative management theory jungle". The Academy of Management Journal 13(1): 103-105.

Negandhi, A. R. 1975. Comparative management and organization theory: A marriage needed. The Academy of Management Journal 18(2): 334-344.

Nicholson, N. 1984. A theory of work role transitions. Administrative Science Quarterly 29(2): 172-191.

Nightingale, D. V. and J. Toulouse. 1977. Toward a multilevel congruence theory of organization. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(2): 264-280.

Nord, W. 1974. Personality, organizational theory, and the status quo: A response to Argyris. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(2): 250-253.

Nord, W. 1978. Theory Y assumptions in a non - theory Y world. Interfaces (February): 61-66.

Nord, W. 2005. Introduction: Treats and some treatments. Academy of Management Learning & Education (March): 92. (Related to Ghoshal's criticism of management theory).

Nord, W. R. 1969. Beyond the teaching machine: The neglected area of operant conditioning in the theory and practice of management. Organizational Behavior and Performance (November): 375-401.

Nord, W. R. and D. E. Durand. 1978. What's wrong with the human resources approach to management? Organizational Dynamics (Winter): 13-25.

Nord, W. R. and S. Fox. 1996. The individual in organizational studies: The great disappearing act? Handbook of Organization Studies. Edited by S. R. Clegg, C. Hardy and W. R. Nord. Sage Publications.

Norton, S. D., D. P. Gustafson, C. E. Foster. 1977. Assessment for management potential: Scale design and development, training effects and rater/ratee sex effects. The Academy of Management Journal 20(1): 117-131.

Notz, W. W. and F. A. Starke. 1978. Final-offer versus conventional arbitration as means of conflict management. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(2): 189-203.

Nutt, P. C. 1984. Types of organizational decision processes. Administrative Science Quarterly 29(3): 414-450.

Oberg, W. 1963. Management and the international scene: A symposium II. Cross-cultural perspectives on management principles. The Academy of Management Journal 6(2): 129-143.

Ocon, R. 2006. Issues on Gender and Diversity in Management. University Press of America.

Odiorne, G. S. 1966. The management theory jungle and the existential manager. The Academy of Management Journal 9(2): 109-116.

O'Leary, D. E. 2010. Enterprise ontologies: Review and an activity theory approach. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 11(4): 336-352.

Oliver, J. E. Jr. 1982. An instrument for classifying organizations. The Academy of Management Journal 25(4): 855-866. (The instrument yields a hierarchic score, a professional score, a task score, and a group score).

Ondrack, D. A. 1974. Defense mechanisms and the Herzberg theory: An alternate test. The Academy of Management Journal 17(1): 79-89.

Orbanes, P. 2002. Everything I know about business I learned from MONOPOLY. Harvard Business Review (March): 51-57. (Principles of great game design. Managers as game players).

Ouchi, W. 1981. Theory Z. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.

Ouchi, W., R. Riordan, L. Lingle and L. Porter. 2005. Making public schools work: Management reform as the key. The Academy of Management Journal 48(6): 929-940.

Ouchi, W. G. 1977. The relationship between organizational structure and organizational control. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(1): 95-113.

Ouchi, W. G. 1978. The transmission of control through organizational hierarchy. The Academy of Management Journal 21(2): 173-192.

Ouchi, W. G. 1979. A conceptual framework for the design of organizational control mechanisms. Management Science (September): 833-848. (Summary and Comparison of the Control Mechanisms).

Ouchi, W. G. 1980. Markets, bureaucracies, and clans. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(1): 129-141.

Ouchi, W. G. and A. M. Jaeger. 1978. Type Z organization: stability in the midst of mobility. Academy of Management Review (April): 305-314. (Summary).

Ouchi, W. G. and J. B. Dowling. 1974. Defining the span of control. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(3): 357-365.

Ouchi, W. G. and J. B. Johnson. 1978. Types of organizational control and their relationship to emotional well being. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(2): 293-317.

Ouchi, W. G. and M. A. Maguire. 1975. Organizational control: Two functions. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(4): 559-569.

Padgett, J. F. 1980. Managing garbage can hierarchies. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(4): 583-604.

Palmer, D. 2006. Taking stock of the criteria we use to evaluate one another's work: ASQ 50 years out. Administrative Science Quarterly 51(4): 535-559. (Palmer embraces Weick's definition of stock taking as "a complex mixture of appreciation, wariness, anticipation, regret, and pride, all fused into thoughts of renewal." Palmer reviews the vision of organization studies established when the ASQ was first published in 1956, identifies seven controversies related to whether ASQ scholars have clung too closely to, or strayed to far from, the founder's vision for the journal, and offers his own thoughts on the concerns and challenges that ASQ scholars might do well to contemplate. The seven controversies relate to concerns about the field's: 1) object of inquiry, 2) devotion to theory building, 3) paradigmatic heterogeneity, 4) mode of building theory and conducting research, 5) disciplinary status and foundation, 6) relevance to practitioners, and 7) Anglocentrism).

Parker, L. D. 1984. Control in organizational life: The contribution of Mary Parker Follett. The Academy of Management Review 9(4): 736-745. (Note).

Parker, L. D. 1986. The classical model of control in the accounting literature. The Accounting Historians Journal 13(1): 71-92. (The purpose of this paper is to outline the classical management control model described by Frederick Taylor and Henry Foyol).

Parker, L. D. and I. Jeacle. 2019. The construction of the efficient office: Scientific management, accountability, and the neo liberal state. Contemporary Accounting Research 36(3): 1883-1926.

Parker, L. D. and P. Ritson. 2011. Accounting's latent classicism: Revisiting classical management origins. Abacus 47(2): 234-265.

Parkinson, C. N. 1957. Parkinson's Law and Other Studies in Administration. Houghton Mifflin Company. ("Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion" p. 2).

Parsons, T. 1956. Suggestions for a sociological approach to the theory of organizations I. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(1): 63-85.

Parsons, T. 1956. Suggestions for a sociological approach to the theory of organizations II. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(2): 225-239.

Pascale, R. T., and A. G. Athos 1981. The Art of Japanese Management. Simon and Schuster. "If anything, the extent of Japanese superiority over the United States in industrial competitiveness is understated."

Patchen, M. 1962. Supervisory methods and group performance norms. Administrative Science Quarterly 7(3): 275-294.

Patterson, J. L. 1983. The development of the concept of corporation from earliest Roman times to A.D. 476. The Accounting Historians Journal 10(1): 87-98.

Paul, R. J. 1968. The universality of management: A comment. The Academy of Management Journal 11(1): 121-123.

Pearson, C. M. 2010. Book review: Crisis Management in a Complex World by D. R. Gilpin, P. J. Murphy. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(1): 170-171.

Pellegrin, R. J. and C. H. Coates. 1957. Executives and supervisors: Contrasting definitions of career success. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(4): 506-517.

Pentland, B. T. and H. H. Rueter. 1994. Organizational routines as grammars of action. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(3): 484-510.

Perrow, C. 1985. Comment on Langton's "Ecological theory of bureaucracy". Administrative Science Quarterly 30(2): 278-283.

Perrow, C. 2009. Book review: High Reliability Management: Operating on the Edge by Emery Roe, Paul R. Schulman. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(2): 364-367.

Peters, T. J. and R. H. Waterman. 1982. In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies. Harper & Row. "The problem in America is that our fascination with the tools of management obscures our apparent ignorance of the art."

Peterson, M. F. 2009. Book review: The Academy of Management Annals, Volume 1 by James P. Walsh, Arthur P. Brief. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(2): 356-360.

Peterson, R. A. and D. G. Berger. 1971. Entrepreneurship in organizations: Evidence from the popular music industry. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(1): 97-106.

Petit, T. A. 1967. A behavioral theory of management. The Academy of Management Journal 10(4): 341-350.

Pfeffer, J. 2005. Why do bad management theories persist? Academy of Management Learning & Education (March): 96-100. (Related to Ghoshal's criticism of management theory).

Pfeffer, J. and R. I. Sutton. 2006. Evidence-based management: Executives routinely dose their organizations with strategic snake oil: discredited nostrums, partial remedies, or untested management miracle cures. In many cases, the facts about what works are out there - so why don't managers use them? Harvard Business Review (January): 62-74.

Piehl, D. 1974. Nonlinearity and the study of organizations. The Academy of Management Journal 17(4): 760-767.

Pinder, C. C. and L. F. Moore. 1979. The resurrection of taxonomy to aid the development of middle range theories of organizational behavior. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(1): 99-118.

Pogue, G. 1983. Control and the management function. Management Accounting. UK (October): 44-45.

Pollard, S. 1965. The Genesis of Modern Management: A Study of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Pollard, S. 2000. Genesis of Modern Management a Study of the Industry. Harvard University Press.

Pondy, L. R. 1966. A systems theory of organizational conflict. The Academy of Management Journal 9(3): 246-256.

Pondy, L. R. 1969. Effects of size, complexity, and ownership on administrative intensity. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(1): 47-60.

Pope, W. C. 1988. Management practices in the analysis of flawed social systems (Part One). Occupational Hazards (April): 71-74.

Porter, L. W. 1996. Forty years of organization studies: Reflections from a micro perspective. Administrative Science Quarterly 41(2): 262-269.

Porter, M. E. 1979. How competitive forces shape strategy. Harvard Business Review (March-April): 137-145. (This article was the basis for Chapter 1 of Porter's book, Competitive Strategy).

Porter, M. E. 1980. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. The Free Press. (Chapter Summaries).

Porter, M. E. 1985. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. The Free Press.

Porter, M. E. 1987. From competitive advantage to corporate strategy. Harvard Business Review (May-June): 43-59. (Summary).

Porter, M. E. 1996. What is a strategy? Harvard Business Review (November-December): 61-78. (Summary).

Porter, M. E. 1998. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industry and Competitors. The Free Press.

Porter, M. E. 1998. Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance. The Free Press.

Porter, M. E. 2001. Strategy and the internet. Harvard Business Review (March): 63-78. (Summary).

Porter, M. E. 2008. The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review (January): 78-93. (This article is an update of Porter's 1979 article that was the basis for  Chapter 1 of Porter's book, Competitive Strategy).

Porter, M. E. and J. E. Heppelmann. 2014. How smart, connected products are transforming competion. Harvard Business Review (November): 64-88. (The third wave of IT-driven competition).

Porter, M. E. and M. R. Kramer. 2002. The competitive advantage of corporate philanthropy. Harvard Business Review (December): 56-68.

Porter, M. E. and M. R. Kramer. 2006. Strategy and society: The link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility. Harvard Business Review (December): 78-92. (Summary).

Porter, M. E. and M. R. Kramer. 2011. Creating shared value: How to reinvent capitalism and unleash a wave of innovation and growth. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 62-77. (Summary).

Porter, M. E. and T. H. Lee. 2013. The strategy that will fix health care: Providers must lead the way in making value the overarching goal. Harvard Business Review (October): 50-67. (Summary).

Powell, G. N. and D. A. Butterfield. 1979. The "good manager": Masculine or androgynous? The Academy of Management Journal 22(2): 395-403.

Powell, R. M. and J. L. Schlacter. 1971. Participative management a panacea? The Academy of Management Journal 14(2): 165-173.

Presthus, R. V. 1958. Toward a theory of organizational behavior. Administrative Science Quarterly 3(1): 48-72.

Preston, L. E. and J. E. Post. 1974. The third managerial revolution. The Academy of Management Journal 17(3): 476-486.

Price, J. L. 1963. The impact of governing boards on organizational effectiveness and morale. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(3): 361-378.

Pugh, D. S. and D. J. Hickson. 1972. Causal inference and the Aston studies. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(2): 273-276.

Pugh, D. S., D. J. Hickson and C. R. Hinings. 1969. An empirical taxonomy of structures of work organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(1): 115-126.

Pugh, D. S., D. J. Hickson, C. R. Hinings and C. Turner. 1968. Dimensions of organization structure. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(1): 65-105.

Pugh, D. S., D. J. Hickson, C. R. Hinings and C. Turner. 1969. The context of organization structures. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(1): 91-114.

Pugh, D. S., D. J. Hickson, C. R. Hinings, K. M. Macdonald, C. Turner and T. Lupton. 1963. A conceptual scheme for organizational analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(3): 289-315.

Pugh, D. S., D. J. Hickson, C. R. Hinings and C. Turner. 1968. Dimensions of organization structure. Administrative Science Quarterly (June): 65-105.

Ragins, B. R. 2006. Exploring Positive Relationships at Work: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Ram, M. M. and T. S Ramakrishnan. 1991. A decision-theory model of motivation and its usefulness in the diagnosis of management control systems. Accounting, Organizations and Society 16(2): 167-184.

Rappaport, A. 2006. 10 ways to create shareholder value. Harvard Business Review (September): 66-77. (1. Do not manage earnings or provide earnings guidance, 2. Make strategic decisions that maximize expected value, even at the expense of lowering near-term earnings, 3. Make acquisitions that maximize expected value, even at the expense of lowering near-term earnings, 4. Carry only assets that maximize value, 5. Return cash to shareholders when there are no credible value-creating opportunities to invest in the business, 6. Reward CEOs and other senior executives for delivering superior long-term returns, 7. Reward operating-unit executives for adding superior multiyear value, 8. Reward middle managers and frontline employees for delivering superior performance on the key value drivers that they influence directly, 9. Require senior executives to bear the risks of ownership just as shareholders do, 10. Provide investors with value-relevant information.).

Rapoport, R. N. and E. Skellern. 1957. Some therapeutic functions of administrative disturbance. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(1): 82-96.

Reeves, T. K. and B. A. Turner. 1972. A theory of organization and behavior in batch production factories. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(1): 81-98.

Reichmann, S. and A. Rohlfing-Batian. 2014. Decentralized task assignment and centralized contracting: On the optimal allocation of authority. Journal of Management Accounting Research 26(1): 33-35.

Reimann, B. C. 1973. On the dimensions of bureaucratic structure: An empirical reappraisal. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(4): 462-476.

Rhodes, D. and D. Stelter. 2009. Seize advantage in a downturn. Harvard Business Review (February): 50-58.

Rich, F. M. 1959. A businessman's management philosophy. The Journal of the Academy of Management 2(2): 89-96.

Richard, O. C., T. Barnett, S. Dwyer and K. Chadwick. 2004. Cultural diversity in management, firm performance, and the moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation. The Academy of Management Journal 47(2): 255-266.

Rigby, D. K., J. Sutherland and H. Takeuchi. 2016. Embracing agile: How to master the process that's transforming management. Harvard Business Review (May): 40-50. (Summary).

Robbins, S. P. and M. Coulter. 2011. Management, 11th edition. Prentice Hall.

Roberts, L. M. and J. E. Dutton. 2009. Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Robinson, D. E. 1972. Review: The evolutionary heritage of corporation man: Introducing the organizational theory of Antony Jay. Reviewed work: Corporation Man by A. Jay. The Academy of Management Journal 15(3): 345-353.

Roethlisberger, F. J. 1977. The Elusive Phenomena. Harvard University Press. (An autobiographical account of Roethlisberger's work in the field of organizational behavior).

Rogelberg, S. G., C. Scott and J. Kello. 2007. The science and fiction of meetings. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 18-21.

Roos, L. L. Jr. 1972. Politics, organizations, and choice: Applications of an equilibrium model. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(4): 529-543.

Roos, L. L. Jr. 1975. Rotation designs and field experiments: A causal modeling approach. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(1): 71-86.

Rosengren, W. R. 1967. Structure, policy, and style: Strategies of organizational control. Administrative Science Quarterly 12(1): 140-164.

Rosenzweig, P. 2010. Robert S. McNamara and the evolution of modern management. Harvard Business Review (December): 86-93.

Rossel, R. D. 1971. Autonomy in bureaucracies. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(3): 308-315.

Roth, W. 1994. Evolution of Management Theory: Past, Present, Future. CRC.

Roth, W. 1999. The Roots and Future of Management Theory: A Systems Perspective. CRC.

Ruef, M. 2022. Book review: Levinthal, D. A. 2021. Evolutionary Processes & Organizational Adaptation: A Mendelian Perspective on Strategic Management. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(2): NP15-NP-17.

Ruef, M. and W. R. Scott. 1998. A multidimensional model of organizational legitimacy: Hospital survival in changing institutional environments. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(4): 877-904.

Ruhl, J. M. 1996. Activity-based management: Lessons from the ABM battlefield and world class manufacturing: The next decade. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 60-66. (Reviews of Player and Key's 12 ABM case studies and Schonberger's 1996 book with 16 principles for management).

Rushing, W. A. 1966. Organizational rules and surveillance: Propositions in comparative organizational analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(4): 423-443.

Rushing, W. A. 1967. The effects of industry size and division of labor on administration. Administrative Science Quarterly 12(2): 273-295.

Salancik, G. R. and J. R. Meindl. 1984. Corporate attributions as strategic illusions of management control. Administrative Science Quarterly 29(2): 238-254.

Samuel, Y. and B. F. Mannheim. 1970. A multidimensional approach toward a typology of bureaucracy. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(2): 216-228.

Sandhu, S. and C. T. Kulik. 2019. Shaping and being shaped: How organizational structure and managerial discretion co-evolve in new managerial roles. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(3): 619-658.

Sarachek, B. 1967. A comment on the interdisciplinary approach to administrative thought. The Academy of Management Journal 10(4): 365-370.

Sathe, V. 1978. The relevance of modern organization theory for managerial accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 3(1): 89-92.

Satow, R. L. 1975. Value-rational authority and professional organizations: Weber's missing type. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(4): 526-531.

Schall, M. S. 1983. A communication-rules approach to organizational culture. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(4): 557-581.

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Schollhammer, H. 1969. The comparative management theory jungle. The Academy of Management Journal 12(1): 81-97.

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Schreuder, H. 1985. Suitable research: On the development of a positive theory of the business suit. Accounting, Organizations and Society 10(1): 105-108.

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Sheldon, O. 1925. Policy and policy-making. Harvard Business Review (October): 1-6. (According to Sheldon, "The very word - "policy" - conveys an idea of something unapproachable. The term is as vague as many another in industrial terminology, and gold-shot clouds have been thrown by this very vagueness, around its minarets. It can be used to serve a hundred purposes - often to shroud a hundred sins. It can be made conveniently to dignify the most trivial of details, to cloak conflicting facts with a specious sheen of unity; to adorn with an imperial finality what is barely begun; to portray perfected structures of thought which, like Spanish castles, are built on airy foundations; to place a halo around decisions which would otherwise lack conviction; to permit of generalities without the tedious necessity for considering detail; to make a fire-ball of what is but a glistening water-bubble. To say that a matter is one "of policy" is to lift it to a plane above the merely mundane; to "settle policy" suggests a journey along the perilous highway of thinking which only the most daring or the most heavily guarded may hazard. It is all vague, and vaguely portentous." Sheldon, O. 1925. HBR (October): 2-3).

Sheldon, O. 1925. The development of scientific management in England. Harvard Business Review (January): 129-140.

Sheldon, O. 1928. The significance of rationalization. Harvard Business Review (April): 264-269. (The term rationalization "would appear to cover all that we have normally understood by such words as "efficiency," "scientific management," "simplification," "integration," and "combination." ).

Sheldrake, J. 2002. Management Theory. Int. Thomson Business Press.

Shenhav, Y. 1995. From chaos to systems: The engineering foundations of organization theory, 1879-1932. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(4): 557-585.

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Shull, F. Jr. 1962. The nature and contribution of administrative models and organizational research. The Journal of the Academy of Management 5(2): 124-138.

Siggelkow, N. 2002. Evolution toward fit. Administrative Science Quarterly 47(1): 125-159. (A new method of determining an organization's core elements).

Simon, H. A. 1947. Administrative Behavior: A Study of Decision Making Processes in Administrative Organization. Free Press. (The 3rd edition was published in 1976. Simon discusses the concept of "bounded rationality" in decision making).

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Simon, H. A. 1964. On the concept of organizational goal. Administrative Science Quarterly 9(1): 1-22.

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Smircich, L. 1983. Concepts of culture and organizational analysis. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(3): 339-358.

Smith, E. A. 1957. Bureaucratic organization: Selective or saturative. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(3): 361-375.

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Snell, S. 2010. Management: Leading & Collaborating in the Competitive World, 9th edition. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Soemardjan, S. 1957. Bureaucratic organization in a time of revolution. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(2): 182-199.

Solomons, D. 1965. Divisional Performance: Measurement and Control. Financial Executives Research Foundation, Inc. Review by C. W. Taylor. See also Vatter, W. J. 1971. Two views and a vignette. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 396-409.

Sørensen, J. B. 2002. The strength of corporate culture and the reliability of firm performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 47(1): 70-91.

Spencer, M. H. 1962. Uncertainty, expectations, and foundations of the theory of planning. The Journal of the Academy of Management 5(3): 197-205.

Staw, B. M. and L. D. Epstein. 2000. What bandwagons bring: Effects of popular management techniques on corporate performance, reputation, and CEO pay. Administrative Science Quarterly 45(3): 523-556.

Staw, B. M. and S. G. Barsade. 1993. Affect and managerial performance: A test of the sadder-but-wiser vs. happier-and-smarter hypotheses. Administrative Science Quarterly 38(2): 304-331.

Stead, B. A. 1972. Berlo's communication process model as applied to the behavioral theories of Maslow, Herzberg, and McGregor. The Academy of Management Journal 15(3): 389-394.

Steade, R. D. 1967. "Interface and interorganizational coordination" - Some comments. The Academy of Management Journal 10(3): 309-311.

Stephens, J. P. 2021. How the show goes on: Using the aesthetic experience of collective performance to adapt while coordinating. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(1): 1-41.

Stern, R. N. and S. R. Barley. 1996. Organizations and social systems: Organization theory's neglected mandate. Administrative Science Quarterly 41(1): 146-162.

Stewart, J. 1978. Review: Understanding women in organizations: Toward a reconstruction of organizational theory. Reviewed works: Men and Women of the Corporation. by Rosabeth Moss Kanter; The Managerial Woman. by Margaret Hennig and Anne Jardim. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(2): 336-350.

Stinchcombe, A. L. 1959. Bureaucratic and craft administration of production: A comparative study. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(2): 168-187.

Stinson, J. E. and T. W. Johnson. 1975. The path-goal theory of leadership: A partial test and suggested refinement. The Academy of Management Journal 18(2): 242-252.

Stogdill, R. M., F. H. Goldner, A. L. Stinchcombe. 1967. Basic concepts for a theory of organization. Management Science (June): B666-B680.

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Sutton, R. I. and B. M. Staw. 1995. What theory is not. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(3): 371-384.

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Taylor, F. W. 2008. The Principles of Scientific Management. Forgotten Books. (First published in 1911).

Taylor, F. W. 2011. The Principles of Scientific Management. CreateSpace.

Terreberry, S. 1968. The evolution of organizational environments. Administrative Science Quarterly 12(4): 590-613.

Thayer, F. 1972. General system(s) theory: The promise that could not be kept. The Academy of Management Journal 15(4): 481-493.

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Thompson, V. A. 1961. Hierarchy, specialization, and organizational conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly 5(4): 485-521.

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Tosi, H., J. Hunter, R. Chesser, J. R. Tarter and S. Carroll. 1976. How real are changes induced by management by objectives. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(2): 276-306.

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Urwick, L. 1929. The significance of rationalization. Harvard Business Review (January): 170-174. ("The term "scientific management," while including broadly any form of management in any undertaking which relies upon the technique of science in coming to its decisions, is more commonly understood to apply to those developments in the management of individual enterprises which were originally based on the work of F. W. Taylor. No later efforts at definition can diminish the dignity attached to Taylor's name as the pioneer to apply scientific techniques to the solution of management problems." Urwick, L. 1929. HBR (January): 174. "Rationalization may be defined, therefore, either as an attitude or as a process. As an attitude it implies the belief that a more rational control of world economic life through the application of scientific method is possible and desirable and that our economic thinking should be modified to this extent. As a process it involves application of the methods and standards of science to all problems, whatever their scale, which arise in the organization and conduct of production and distribution." Urwick, L. 1929. HBR (January): 174).

Urwick, L. F. 1963. The tactics of jungle warfare. The Academy of Management Journal 6(4): 316-329.

Urwick, L. F. 1967. Organization and theories about the nature of man. The Academy of Management Journal 10(1): 9-15.

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Walton, R. E. and J. M. Dutton. 1969. The management of interdepartmental conflict: A model and review. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(1): 73-84.

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Webb, E. and K. E. Weick. 1979. Unobtrusive measures in organizational theory: A reminder. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(4): 650-659.

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Weick, K. E. 1974. Review: The Nature of Managerial Work. by Henry Mintzberg. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(1): 111-118.

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Weiner, N. and T. A. Mahoney. 1981. A model of corporate performance as a function of environmental, organizational, and leadership influences. The Academy of Management Journal 24(3): 453-470.

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Willmott, H. C. 1984. Images and ideals of managerial work: A critical examination of conceptual and empirical accounts. Journal of Management Studies (July): 349.

Withey, M., R. L. Daft and W. H. Cooper. 1983. Measures of Perrow's work unit technology: An empirical assessment and a new scale. The Academy of Management Journal 26(1): 45-63.

Wolcott, R. C. and M. J. Lippitz. 2007. The four models of corporate entrepreneurship. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 75-82. (Four basic models of corporate entrepreneurship: the opportunist, the enabler, the advocate, and the producer).

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Wortman, M. S. Jr. 1970. Review: Shifts in the conceptual approaches which underlie principles of management. Reviewed works: Introduction to Behavioral Science for Business by B. J. Kolasa; Managerial Process and Organizational Behavior by A. C. Filley and R. J. House; Organization and Management: A Systems Approach by F. E. Kast and J. E. Rosenzweig. The Academy of Management Journal 13(4): 439-448.

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