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Behavioral Issues Bibliography R-S

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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Raabe, W. A., R. M. Kozub and D. L. Sanders. 1987. Attitude measurement and the perceptions of tax accounting faculty publication outlets. Journal of Accounting Education 5(1): 45-51.

Rabinowitz, S., D. T. Hall and J. G. Goodale. 1977. Job scope and individual differences as predictors of job involvement: Independent or interactive? The Academy of Management Journal 20(2): 273-281.

Radcliffe, V. S., C. Spence, M. Stein and B. Wilkinson. 2018. Professional repositioning during times of institutional change: The case of tax practitioners and changing moral boundaries. Accounting, Organizations and Society (66): 45-59.

Radzevick, J. R. and D. A. Moore. 2011. Competing to be certain (but wrong): Market dynamics and excessive confidence in judgment. Management Science (January): 93-106.

Rafaeli, A. 1989. When cashiers meet customers: An analysis of the role of supermarket cashiers. The Academy of Management Journal 32(2): 245-273.

Rafaeli, A. and R. I. Sutton. 1990. Busy stores and demanding customers: How do they affect the display of positive emotion? The Academy of Management Journal 33(3): 623-637.

Rafaeli, A. and R. I. Sutton. 1991. Emotional contrast strategies as means of social influence: Lessons from criminal interrogators and bill collectors. The Academy of Management Journal 34(4): 749-775.

Ragins, B. R. 2006. Exploring Positive Relationships at Work: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Ragins, B. R., J. L. Cotton and J. S. Miller. 2000. Marginal mentoring: The effects of type of mentor, quality of relationship, and program design on work and career attitudes. The Academy of Management Journal 43(6): 1177-1194.

Ragland, L. and J. L. Reck. 2016. The effects of the method used to present a complex item on the face of a financial statement on nonprofessional investors' judgments. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (34): 77-89.

Rahim, M. A. 1983. A measure of styles of handling interpersonal conflict. The Academy of Management Journal 26(2): 368-376.

Rahman, H. A. 2021. The invisible cage: Workers' reactivity to opaque algorithmic evaluations. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(4): 945-988.

Rahman, M. and A. M. McCosh. 1976. The influence of organisational and personal factors on the use of accounting information: An empirical study. Accounting, Organizations and Society 1(4): 339-355.

Rahnuma, A. 2011. Cultural aspects of credit risk management: A lesson from the microfinance industry. The CPA Journal (August): 56-59.

Raja, U., G. Johns and F. Ntalianis. 2004. The impact of personality on psychological contracts. The Academy of Management Journal 47(3): 350-367.

Rajan, P. 2020. Resolving conflicts of interest. Strategic Finance (December): 11-12.

Ram, M. M. and T. S Ramakrishnan. 1991. A decision-theory model of motivation and its usefulness in the diagnosis of management control systems. Accounting, Organizations and Society 16(2): 167-184.

Ramamoorti, S. 2008. The psychology and sociology of fraud: Integrating the behavioral sciences component into fraud and forensic accounting curricula. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 521-533.

Ramamoorti, S., D. Morrison and J. W. Koletar. 2014. Bringing Freud to fraud: Understanding the state-of-mind of the C-level suite/white collar offender through "A-B-C" analysis. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 6(1): 47-81.

Ramanna, K. 2015. Book review: International Perspectives on Accounting and Corporate Behavior. The Accounting Review (May): 1244-1247.

Ramirez, C. 2001. Understanding social closure in its cultural context: Accounting practitioners in France (1920-1939). Accounting, Organizations and Society 26(4-5): 391-418.

Ramsay, A., D. Hanlon and D. Smith. 2000. The association between cognitive style and accounting students' preference for cooperative learning: An empirical investigation. Journal of Accounting Education 18(3): 215-228.

Ramus, C. A. and U. Steger. The roles of supervisory support behaviors and environmental policy in employee "ecoinitiatives" at leading-edge European companies. The Academy of Management Journal 43(4): 605-626.

Randall, R. 1973. Influence of environmental support and policy space on organizational behavior. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(2): 236-247.

Randall, R. F. 1973. Job enrichment ensures savings at Travelers. Management Accounting (January): 68-69, 72.

Rankin, F. W. and T. L. Savre. 2000. The effects of performance separability and contract type on agent effort. Accounting, Organizations and Society 25(7): 683-695.

Rao, H. and S. Dutta. 2012. Free spaces as organizational weapons of the weak: Religious festivals and regimental mutinies in the 1857 Bengal Native Army. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(4): 625-668.

Rao, H., G. F. Davis and A. Ward. 2000. Embeddedness, social identity and mobility: Why firms leave the NASDAQ and join the New York Stock Exchange. Administrative Science Quarterly 45(2): 268-292.

Rappaport, A. 1978. Executive incentives vs. corporate growth. Harvard Business Review (July-August ): 81-88.

Rappaport, R. A. 1999. Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity. Cambridge University Press.

Rasch, R. H. and A. Harrell. 1989. The impact of individual differences on MAS personnel satisfaction and turnover intentions. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 13-22.

Rauschenberger, J., N. Schmitt and J. E. Hunter. 1980. A test of the need hierarchy concept by a Markov model of change in need strength. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(4): 654-670.

Ravenscroft, S., and S. Haka. 1996. Incentive plans and opportunities for information sharing. Behavioral Research in Accounting (8): 114-133.

Ravenscroft, S., T. R. Waymire and T. D. West. 2012. Accounting students' metacognition: The association of performance, calibration error, and mindset. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 707-732.

Raver, J. L. and M. J. Gelfand. 2005. Beyond the individual victim: Linking sexual harassment, team processes, and team performance. The Academy of Management Journal 48(3): 387-400.

Ray, A. W., M. M. Prosch and D. F. Roberts. 2007. Performance and perceptions in an online, distributed environment: Effects of collaborative versus individual activities. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (4): 199-213.

Read, D., S. Frederick, B. Orsel and J. Rahman. 2005. Four score and seven years from now: The date/delay effect in temporal discounting. Management Science (September): 1326-1335.

Read, W. H. 1962. Upward communication in industrial hierarchies. Human Relations 15(1): 3-15.

Ready, D. A. and E. Truelove. 2011. The power of collective ambition. Harvard Business Review (December): 94-102.

Ready, D. A., J. A. Conger and L. A. Hill. 2010. Are you a high potential? Harvard Business Review (June): 78-84.

Reagans, R., E. Zuckerman and B. McEvily. 2004. How to make the team: Social networks vs. demography as criteria for designing effective teams. Administrative Science Quarterly 49(1): 101-133.

Reardon, K. K. 2007. Courage as a skill. Harvard Business Review (January): 58-64.

Reay, T., K. Golden-Biddle and K. Germann. 2006. Legitimizing a new role: Small wins and microprocesses of change. The Academy of Management Journal 49(5): 977-998.

Reber, R. A. and J. A. Wallin. 1984. The effects of training, goal setting, and knowledge of results on safe behavior: A component analysis. The Academy of Management Journal 27(3): 544-560.

Rechtschaffen, G. S. and J. A. Yardley. 1995. Whistleblowing and the law. Management Accounting (March): 38-41.

Reck, J. L. 2000. Ethics and budget allocation decisions of municipal budget officers. Journal of Business Ethics (27): 335-350.

Reckers-Sauciuc, A. K. and D. J. Lowe. 2010. The influence of dispositional affect on whistle-blowing. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 26(2): 259-269.

Redman, T. C. 2022. The trust problem that slows digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-3.

Reed, A. II. and L. E. Bolton. 2005. The complexity of identity. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 18-22. (Identity marketing captures the complex process of how a person's view of who they are influences their purchase decisions).

Reed, C. J. 1944. Incentive payment plans - A current resume. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April 15): 867-877.

Reed, S. A. and S. H. Kratchman. 1989. A longitudinal and cross-sectional study of students' perceptions of the importance of job attributes. Journal of Accounting Education 7(2): 171-193.

Reeser, C. 1969. Some potential human problems of the project form of organization. The Academy of Management Journal 12(4): 459-467.

Reeves, T. K. and B. A. Turner. 1972. A theory of organization and behavior in batch production factories. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(1): 81-98.

Rehder, R. R. 1965. Communication and opinion formation in a medical community: The significance of the detail man. The Academy of Management Journal 8(4): 282-291.

Reichelstein, S. 2000. Providing managerial incentives: Cash flows versus accrual accounting. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 243-269.

Reichheld, F. F. 2001. Loyalty Rules! How Leaders Build Lasting Relationships. Harvard Business School Press.

Reichert, B. E. and A. Woods. 2017. Does motivational orientation impact the effectiveness of incentive contracts? Journal of Management Accounting Research 29(2): 87-103.

Reichert, B. E. and M. Sohn. 2023. The effect of using competition to induce employee effort on employee cooperation in multitask job environments. Advances in Management Accounting (34): 33-62.

Reichmann, S. and A. Rohlfing-Batian. 2014. Decentralized task assignment and centralized contracting: On the optimal allocation of authority. Journal of Management Accounting Research 26(1): 33-35.

Reif, W. E., R. M. Monczka and J. W. Newstrom. 1973. Perceptions of the formal and the informal organizations: Objective measurement through the semantic differential technique. The Academy of Management Journal 16(3): 389-403.

Reill, A. 2023. Why it's OK to be an impostor. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 57-58.

Reimers, J. L. and S. A. Butler. 1992. The effect of outcome knowledge on auditor's judgmental evaluations. Accounting, Organizations and Society 17(2): 185-194.

Reinsch, N. L. Jr. and R. W. Beswick. 1990. Voice mail versus conventional channels: A cost minimization analysis of individuals' preferences. The Academy of Management Journal 33(4): 801-816.

Reinstein, A. and E. Z. Taylor. 2017. Fences as controls to reduce accountants' rationalization. Journal of Business Ethics 141(3): 477-488.

Reinstein, A. and P. M. J. Reckers. 2022. The effects of exposing CPAs to rationalizations: Conscious and unconscious outcomes. Accounting Horizons (December): 219-239.

Reitell, C. 1929. Humanizing cost findings. N.A.C.A Bulletin (April 1).

Reiter, S. A. 1994. Beyond economic man: Lessons for behavioral research in accounting. Behavioral Research in Accounting (6) Supplement: 163-185. (Summary).

Reitz, H. J. and L. N. Jewell. 1979. Sex, locus of control, and job involvement: A six-country investigation. The Academy of Management Journal 22(1): 72-80.

Ren, Y., K. M. Carley and L. Argote. 2006. The contingent effects of transactive memory: When is it more beneficial to know what others know? Management Science (May): 671-682.

Rennekamp, K., K. K. Rupar and N. Seybert. 2015. Impaired judgment: The effects of asset impairment reversibility and cognitive dissonance on future investment. The Accounting Review (March): 739-759.

Renshall, J. M. 1976. Changing perceptions behind the corporate report. Accounting, Organizations and Society 1(1): 105-109.

Renwick, P. A. and H. Tosi. 1978. The effects of sex, marital status, and educational background on selection decisions. The Academy of Management Journal 21(1): 93-103.

Reschke, B. P., P. Azoulay and T. E. Stuart. 2018. Status spillovers: The effect of status-conferring prizes on the allocation of attention. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(4): 819-847.

Reves, W. F. 1946. The human side of auditing. The Accounting Review (January): 82-84.

Revsine, L. 1970. Change in budget pressure and its impact on supervisor behavior. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 290-292.

Revsine, L. 1971. Discussion of accounting for intercorporate investments: A behavior field experiment. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 66-73.

Rhymer, J. 2023. Location-independent organizations: Designing collaboration across space and time. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(1): 1-43.

Riahi-Belkaoui, A. 2001. Behavioral Management Accounting. Quorum Books.

Rice, L. E. and T. R. Mitchell. 1973. Structural determinants of individual behavior in organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(1): 56-70.

Rice, R. E. and C. Aydin. 1991. Attitudes toward new organizational technology: Network proximity as a mechanism for social information processing. Administrative Science Quarterly 36(2): 219-244.

Rich, A. J. 1985. The controller who said 'no'. Management Accounting (February): 34-36. (Controller blew the whistle).

Rich, J. S., I Soloman and K. T. Trotman. 1997. The audit review process: A characterization from the persuasion perspective. Accounting, Organizations and Society 22(5): 481-505.

Richard, O. C., T. Barnett, S. Dwyer and K. Chadwick. 2004. Cultural diversity in management, firm performance, and the moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation. The Academy of Management Journal 47(2): 255-266.

Richardson, A. J. 1989. Corporatism and intraprofessional hegemony: A study of regulation and internal social order. Accounting, Organizations and Society 14(5-6): 415-431.

Richman, B. M. 1965. Significance of cultural variables. The Academy of Management Journal 8(4): 292-308.

Richter, A. W., M. A. West, R. V. Dick and J. F. Dawson. 2006. Boundary spanners' identification, intergroup contact, and effective intergroup relationships. The Academy of Management Journal 49(6): 1252-1269. Erratum: Boundary spanners' identification, intergroup contact, and effective intergroup relations. 2007. The Academy of Management Journal 50(1): 2.

Ridgway, V. F. 1956. Dysfunctional consequences of performance measurements. Administrative Science Quarterly (September): 240-247. (Summary).

Riggs, A. J. 1977. An experimental study of the effects of participation, authoritarianism and feedback on cognitive dissonance in a standard setting situation: A comment. The Accounting Review (July): 759-761.

Rijsman, J. 1969. The Leuven laboratory for experimental social psychology. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(2): 254-259.

Riordan, D. A. and D. L. Street. 1999. Type A behavior in the workplace: The good, the bad, and the angry. Strategic Finance (September): 28-32.

Rizzo, J. R., R. J. House and S. I. Lirtzman. 1970. Role conflict and ambiguity in complex organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(2): 150-163.

Roberts, J., P. Sanderson, R. Barker and J. Hendry. 2006. In the mirror of the market: The disciplinary effects of company/fund manager meetings. Accounting, Organizations and Society 31(3): 277-294.

Roberts, J. A., I. Hann and S. A. Slaughter. 2006. Understanding the motivations, participation, and performance of open source software developers: A longitudinal study of Apache projects. Management Science (July): 984-999.

Roberts, K., R. E. Miles and L. V. Blankenship. 1968. Organizational leadership satisfaction and productivity: A comparative analysis. The Academy of Management Journal 11(4): 401-414.

Roberts, K. H. and C. A. O'Reilly III. 1974. Failures in upward communication in organizations: Three possible culprits. The Academy of Management Journal 17(2): 205-215. (Survey).

Roberts, K. H. and C. A. O'Reilly, III. 1979. Some correlations of communication roles in organizations. The Academy of Management Journal 22(1): 42-57.

Roberts, L. M. and J. E. Dutton. 2009. Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Roberts, M. L., B. R. Neumann and E. Cauvin. 2017. Individual performance measures: Effects of experience on preference for financial or non-financial measures. Advances in Management Accounting (28): 191-221.

Robey, D. 1972. A cross-cultural perspective of supervisory values: Comment. The Academy of Management Journal 15(3): 367-369.

Robey, D. 1979. User attitudes and management information system use. The Academy of Management Journal 22(3): 527-538.

Robin, D. R. 1967. An input-output model of employee behavior. The Academy of Management Journal 10(3): 257-268.

Robinson, J. P., P. R. Shaver, L. S. Wrightman, and F. M. Andrews. 1991. Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes. San Diego: Academic Press.

Robinson, S. L. 1996. Trust and breach of the psychological contract. Administrative Science Quarterly 41(4): 574-599.

Robinson, S. L. and A. M. O'Leary-Kelly. 1998. Monkey see, monkey do: The influence of work groups on the antisocial behavior of employees. The Academy of Management Journal 41(6): 658-672.

Robinson, S. L. and R. J. Bennett. 1995. A typology of deviant workplace behaviors: A multidimensional scaling study. The Academy of Management Journal 38(2): 555-572.

Robinson, S. L., M. S. Kraatz and D. M. Rousseau. 1994. Changing obligations and the psychological contract: A longitudinal study. The Academy of Management Journal 37(1): 137-152.

Robinson, S. N., M. B. Curtis and J. C. Robertson. 2018. Disentangling the trait and state components of professional skepticism: Specifying a process of state scale development. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 37(1): 215-235.

Robson, G. S., D. R. Wholey and R. M. Barefield. 1996. Institutional determinants of individual mobility: Bringing the professions back in. The Academy of Management Journal 39(2): 397-420.

Roche, E. 2003. Do something - He's about to snap. Harvard Business Review (July): 23-31. (Case study).

Roethlisberger, F. J. 1977. The Elusive Phenomena. Harvard University Press. (An autobiographical account of Roethlisberger's work in the field of organizational behavior).

Rogers, D. L. and J. Molnar. 1976. Organizational antecedents of role conflict and ambiguity in top-level administrators . Administrative Science Quarterly 21(4): 598-610.

Rogers, K. M., K. G. Corley and B. E. Ashforth. 2017. Seeing more than orange: Organizational respect and positive identity transformation in a prison context. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(2): 219-269.

Rojas, F. 2015. Book review: B. Leondar-Wright: Missing Class: How Seeing Class Cultures Can Strengthen Social Movement Groups. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(2): NP31-NP32.

Román, F. J. 2009. An analysis of changes to a team-based incentive plan and its effects on productivity, product quality, and absenteeism. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(5): 589-618.

Romzek, B. S. 1989. Personal consequences of employee commitment. The Academy of Management Journal 32(3): 649-661.

Ronen, J. and J. L. Livingstone. 1975. An expectancy theory approach to the motivational impacts of budgets. The Accounting Review (October): 671-685.

Roos, L. L. Jr. 1978. Institutional change, career mobility, and job satisfaction. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(2): 318-330.

Roos, L. L. Jr. and R. I. Hall. 1980. Influence diagrams and organizational power. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(1): 57-71.

Rose, A. M., J. M. Rose, K. Rotaru, I. Suh, J. Thibodeau and A. Schulz. 2024. Can thinking about alternative explanations promote professional skepticism? Accounting Horizons (December): 191-206.

Rose, J. M. 2001. The effects of multimedia-induced affective states on recall and decision-making by individual investors. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 2(1): 22-40.

Rose, J. M., F. D. Roberts and A. M. Rose. 2004. Affective responses to financial data and multimedia: The effects of information load and cognitive load. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 5(1): 5-24.

Rose, R. L. and J. F. Veiga. 1984. Assessing the sustained effects of a stress management intervention on anxiety and locus of control. The Academy of Management Journal 27(1): 190-198.

Rosen, B. and T. H. Jerdee. 1978. Effects of decision permanence on managerial willingness to use participation. The Academy of Management Journal 21(4): 722-725.

Rosen, B. and T. H. Jerdee. 1979. Influence of employee age, sex, and job status on managerial recommendations for retirement. The Academy of Management Journal 22(1): 169-173.

Rosen, C., J. Case and M. Staubus. 2005. Every employee an owner. [Really.]: It's not uncommon for rank-and-file employees to have equity in their companies. But it takes more than that to make them think and act like owners. Harvard Business Review (June): 122-130.

Rosenbaum, J. E. 1979. Tournament mobility: Career patterns in a corporation. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(2): 220-241.

Rosenberg, D., C. Tomkins and P. Day. 1982. A work role perspective of accountants in local government service. Accounting, Organizations and Society 7(2): 123-137.

Rosenkopf, L., A. Metiu and V. P. George. 2001. From the bottom up? Technical committee activity and alliance formation. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(4): 748-772.

Ross, A. 1994. Trust as a moderator of the effect of performance evaluation style on job-related tension: A research note. Accounting, Organizations and Society 19(7): 629-635.

Ross, A. 1995. Job related tension, budget emphasis and uncertainty: A research note. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-11.

Ross, J. and K. R. Ferris. 1981. Interpersonal attraction and organizational outcomes: A field examination. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(4): 617-632.

Ross, R. D. 1975. Direct, indirect, and spurious effects: Comments on "Causal analysis of interorganizational relations". Administrative Science Quarterly 20(2): 295-297.

Ross, T. L. and E. C. Bomeli. 1971. A comment on accountants' job satisfaction. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 383-388.

Ross, W. 2009. Book review: Commitment in Organizations: Accumulated Wisdom and New Directions by Howard J. Klein, Thomas E. Becker, John P. Meyer. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(4): 680-683.

Rossel, R. D. 1971. Required labor commitment, organizational adaptation, and leadership orientation. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(3): 316-320.

Rothbard, N. P. 2001. Enriching or depleting? The dynamics of engagement in work and family roles. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(4): 655-684.

Rothman, R. A. and R. Perrucci. 1970. Organizational careers and professional expertise. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(3): 282-293.

Rotondi, T. Jr. 1975. Organizational identification and group involvement. The Academy of Management Journal 18(4): 892-897.

Rouis, S., M. Limayem, and E. Salchi-Sangari. 2011. Impact of Facebook usage on students' academic performance: Role of self-regulation and trust. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology 9(3): 961-994.

Rousseau, D. M. 1978. Characteristics of departments, positions, and individuals: Contexts for attitudes and behavior. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(4): 521-540.

Roussell, C. 1974. Relationship of sex of department head to department climate. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(2): 211-220.

Rubineau, B. and Y. Kang. 2012. Bias in white: A longitudinal natural experiment measuring changes in discrimination. Management Science (April): 660-677.

Rubington, E. 1965. Organizational strains and key roles. Administrative Science Quarterly 9(4): 350-369.

Ruchala, L. V. and J. W. Hill. 1994. Reducing accounting students' oral communication apprehension: Empirical evidence. Journal of Accounting Education 12(4): 283-303.

Ruh, R. A., J. K. White and R. R. Wood. 1975. Job involvement, values, personal background, participation in decision making, and job attitudes. The Academy of Management Journal 18(2): 300-312.

Ruhl, J. M. and R. S. Sriram. 1996. Initial attributions for failure to meet a goal: The effects of role, empowerment, and outcome seriousness. Advances in Management Accounting (5): 139-168.

Rusbult, C. E., D. Farrell, G. Rogers and A. G. Mainous III. 1988. Impact of exchange variables on exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect: An integrative model of responses to declining job satisfaction. The Academy of Management Journal 31(3): 599-627.

Russell, C. J. 1987. Person characteristic versus role congruency explanations for assessment center ratings. The Academy of Management Journal 30(4): 817-826.

Russell, H. M, D. L. Ariail, K. T. Smith and L. M. Smith. 2020. Analysis of compassion in accounting and business students, overall and by gender. Journal of Accounting Education (53): 100684.

Russo, M., M. Bergami and G. Morandin. 2018. Surviving a day without smartphones. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 7-9.

Ruths, D. 2003. Improve productivity with contextual collaboration. Strategic Finance (March): 22-26.

Ryder, P. A. 1975. The role of behavioral measures in accounting for human resources: A comment. The Accounting Review (July): 574-578.

Saaty, T. L. 1980. The Analytic Hierarchy Process: Planning, Priority Setting, Resource Allocation. New York: McGraw Hill Inc.

Şabac, F. 2008. Dynamic incentives and retirement. Journal of Accounting and Economics (September): 172-200.

Sabac, F. and J. J. Tian. 2023. Unintentional bias and managerial reporting. Journal of Management Accounting Research 35(2): 169-187.

Sadun, R., J. Fuller, S. Hansen and P. J. Neal. 2022. The C-suite skills that matter most: More than ever, companies need leaders who are good with people. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 42-50. (Leaders need social skills).

Saemann, G. P. and K. J. Crooker. 1999. Student perceptions of the profession and its effect on decisions to major in accounting. Journal of Accounting Education 17(1): 1-22.

Safizadeh, H. 1991. The case of workgroups in manufacturing operations. California Management Review (Summer): 61-82.

Sagini, M. M. 2001. Organizational Behavior: The Challenges of the New Millennium. University Press of America.

Saiewitz, A. and M. D. Piercey. 2020. To big to comprehend? A research note on how large number disclosure format affects voter support for government spending bills. Behavioral Research In Accounting 32(1): 149-158. Erratum. 2020. Behavioral Research In Accounting 32(2): 123.

Salancik, G. R. 1979. Field stimulations for organizational behavior research. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(4): 638-649.

Salancik, G. R. 1986. An index of subgroup influence in dependency networks. Administrative Science Quarterly 31(2): 194-211.

Salancik, G. R. and J. Pfeffer. 1977. An examination of need-satisfaction models of job attitudes. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(3): 427-456.

Salancik, G. R. and J. Pfeffer. 1978. A social information processing approach to job attitudes and task design. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(2): 224-253.

Saleh, S. D. and J. Hosek. 1976. Job involvement: Concepts and measurements. The Academy of Management Journal 19(2): 213-224.

Saleh, S. D. and V. Pasricha. 1975. Job orientation and work behavior. The Academy of Management Journal 18(3): 638-645.

Salemma, A. 1969. [Illustration]: Enigma of joy. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(3): 465.

Sales, S. M. 1969. Organizational role as a risk factor in coronary disease. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(3): 325-336.

Salman, P. C. 1955. Is your suggestion system making money? N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February): 841-845.

Sampath, V. S. 2021. Caught in a cognitive trap? An examination of student heuristics and debiasing when analyzing an accounting restatement case study. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 6(1): 360-388.

San Miguel, J. G. 1976. Human information processing and its relevance to accounting: A laboratory study. Accounting, Organizations and Society 1(4): 357-373.

Sandberg, J. 2000. Understanding human competence at work: An interpretative approach. The Academy of Management Journal 43(1): 9-25.

Sanchez, J. I. and P. Brock. 1996. Outcomes of perceived discrimination among Hispanic employees: Is diversity management a luxury or a necessity? The Academy of Management Journal 39(3): 704-719.

Sanchez, J. I., W. P. Korbin and D. M. Viscarra. 1995. Corporate support in the aftermath of a natural disaster: Effects on employee strains. The Academy of Management Journal 38(2): 504-521.

Sanchez-Burks, J. and M. Sytch. 2021. Reimagining the office for immensely human interactions. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-4.

Sanchez-Burks, J., C. Bradley and L. Greer. 2021. How leaders can optimize teams' emotional landscapes. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-4.

Sapp, R. W. and R. E. Seiler. 1980. Accounting for performance: Stressful - But satisfying. Management Accounting (August): 29-31, 34-35.

Sarachek, B. 1968. Elton Mayo's social psychology and human relations. The Academy of Management Journal 11(2): 189-197.

Sasmaz, M. and T. J. Fogarty. 2023. Work-life balance in public accounting: An experimental inquiry into supervisor support for subordinate career progression. Advances in Accounting (61): 100646.

Sasovova, Z., A. Mehra, S. P. Borgatti and M. C. Schippers. 2010. Network churn: The effects of self-monitoring personality on brokerage dynamics. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(4): 639-670.

Sathe, V. 1978. The relevance of modern organization theory for managerial accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 3(1): 89-92.

Sauer, J. R. 1980. Psychology and accounting: The odd couple? Management Accounting (August): 14-17.

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A-B  |  C-E  |  F-H  |  I-L  |  M-Q  |  R-S  |  T-Z