Management And Accounting Web

Economics Related Bibliography I-Z

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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Iansiti, M. and K. R. Lakhani. 2017. Managing our hub economy: Strategy, ethics, and network competition in the age of digital superpowers. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 84-92.

Iansiti, M. and K. R. Lakhani. 2020. From disruption to collision: The new competitive dynamics. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 34-39.

Iansiti, M., K. R. Lakhani, K. McBrien and M. Moon. 2018. Managing our hub economy: Interaction. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 17.

Iatridis, G. and A. I. Dimitras. 2013. Financial crisis and accounting quality: Evidence from five European countries. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 29(1): 154-160.

ICAEW Financial Reporting Faculty. 2010. Business Models In Accounting: The Theory of The Firm and Financial Reporting: Information for Better Markets Initiative. ICAEW.

Ichimura, S. and H. Wang. 2003. Interregional Input-Output Analysis of the Chinese Economy (Econometrics in the Information Age: Theory and Practice of Measurement, 2). World Scientific Publications Company Inc.

Ignatius, A. 2017. The new reality of business. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 10.

Ignatius, A. 2017. The truth about globalization. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 10.

Ignatius, A. 2018. "Businesses exist to deliver value to society." Harvard Business Review (March/April): 82-87.

Ignatius, A. 2021. "Americans don't know how capitalist China is". Harvard Business Review (May/June): 61-63. (Summary).

Ijiri, Y. 1967. The Foundations of Accounting Measurement: A Mathematical, Economic, and Behavioral Inquiry. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Review by T. R. Dyckman.

Imhoff, E. A. Jr. and J. K. Thomas. 1988. Economic consequences of accounting standards: The lease disclosure rule change. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 277-310.

Immelt, J. R. 2012. The CEO of General Electric on sparking an American manufacturing renewal. Harvard Business Review (March): 43-46.

Ingram, P. and T. Simons. 2000. State formation, ideological competition, and the ecology of Israeli workers' cooperatives, 1920-1992. Administrative Science Quarterly 45(1): 25-53.

Ivanov, S. 2015. The rise (and likely fall) of the talent economy. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 19.

Ivins, M. and L. Dubose. 2003. Bushwhacked: Life in George W. Bush's America. Random House.

Izard, F. C. 1965. Economic data for management. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 21-22.

Jackson, D. 2000. The New National Accounts. Edward Elgar.

Jamal, K. and S. Sunder. 2014. Monopoly versus competition in setting accounting standards. Abacus 50(4): 369-385.

Jappe, K. W. 1931. The business outlook. N.A.C.A Bulletin Section II (December 15).

Jaruga, A. and S. S. M. Ho. 2002. Management accounting in transitional economies. Management Accounting Research (December): 375-378.

Jegers, M. 2008. Managerial Economics of Non-Profit Organizations. Routledge.

Jensen, M. C. 1976. Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency costs and Ownership Structure. Center For Research in Government Policy & Business, Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester.

Jensen, M. C. and W. H. Meckling. 1976. Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics (October): 305-360.

Jensen, R. E. 1976. Phantasmagoric Accounting: Research and Analysis of Economic, Social and Environmental Impact of Corporate Business. American Accounting Association.

Jin, X. and H. Wu. 2021. Economic policy uncertainty and cost stickiness. Management Accounting Research (September): 100750.

Joerres, J. 2016. Globalization, robots, and the future of work: An interview with Jeffrey Joerres, former CEO and chairman of ManpowerGroup. Harvard Business Review (October): 74-79.

Johnson, A. H. 1926. Functions of municipal government which affect business and industry. Harvard Business Review (October): 27-40.

Johnson, A. H. 1927. Functions of municipal government which affect business and industry. Harvard Business Review (January): 175-185.

Johnson, J. F. 1908. Schemes for currency reform. Journal of Accountancy (January): 224-235.

Johnson, J. F. 1910. The currency and banking problem. Journal of Accountancy (August): 289-291.

Johnson, M. F. 1999. Business cycles and the relation between security returns and earnings. Review of Accounting Studies 4(2): 93-117.

Johnson, M. W. and J. Suskewicz. 2009. How to jump-start the clean tech economy. Harvard Business Review (November): 52-60.

Johnson, O. and S. Gunn. 1974. Conflict resolution: The market and/or accounting? The Accounting Review (October): 649-663.

Jones, F. D. 1925. Trade statistics and public policy. Harvard Business Review (July): 394-403.

Jonish, J. E. and R. G. Worthley. 1973. Cyclical behavior of unemployment and the help wanted index: A cross spectral analysis. Decision Sciences 4(3): 350-363.

Journal of Accountancy. 1906. Industrial America. Journal of Accountancy (December): 165-171.

Journal of Accountancy. 1908. Accountancy and economics. Journal of Accountancy (June): 140.

Journal of Accountancy. 1908. Census statistics of cities. Journal of Accountancy (April): 484-485.

Journal of Accountancy. 1908. The Cotton Mills of South Carolina. Journal of Accountancy (July): 215-216.

Journal of Accountancy. 1908. The economic policy of Robert Walpole. Journal of Accountancy (November): 70-71.

Journal of Accountancy. 1910. Text of the federal incorporation bill. Journal of Accountancy (February): 286-299.

Journal of Accountancy. 1910. The new federal incorporation bill. Journal of Accountancy (February): 279-284.

Journal of Accountancy. 1911. Big business and monopoly. Journal of Accountancy (December): 609-612.

Journal of Accountancy. 1914. Daily statement of the United States Treasury at close of business June 30, 1914. Journal of Accountancy (October): 292-293.

Journal of Accountancy. 1914. Statement of the United States Treasury at close of business June 30, 1913. Journal of Accountancy (October): 294-295.

Journal of Accountancy. 1915. Interstate Commerce Commission's Uniform System of Accounts for Class "C" Telephone Companies - Objections as Set Forth in the Brief Submitted By The Wisconsin Railroad Commission. Journal of Accountancy (May): 398-401.

Journal of Accountancy. 2016. Largest percentage changes in corporate pretax profits by sector, 2012-2013. Journal of Accountancy (September): 84.

Kahneman, D., D. Lovallo and O. Sibony. 2011. Before you make that big decision: Dangerous biases can creep into every strategic choice. Here's how to find them - before they lead you astray. Harvard Business Review (June): 50-60. (Summary).

Kalkanci, B., Y. Chen and F. Erhun. 2011. Contract complexity and performance under asymmetric demand information: An experimental evaluation. Management Science (April): 689-704.

Kane, G. C. 2016. Crowd-based capitalism? Empowering entrepreneurs in the sharing economy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 127-133.

Kanter, R. M. 2012. Enriching the ecosystem: A four-point plan linking innovation, enterprises, and jobs. Harvard Business Review (March): 140-147.

Kapanowski, G. 2020. The five forces that shape industry competition. Cost Management (November/December): 43-47.

Kaplan, R. S., G. Serafeim and E. Tugendhat. 2018. Inclusive growth: Profitable strategies for tackling poverty and inequality. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 126-133. (Three principles for designing strategies that can create inclusive, sustainable, and profit-generating ecosystems. Companies should search for systemic multisector opportunities, mobilize complementary partners, and obtain seed and scale-up financing. A forth principle: Implement a new measurement and governance system to build commitment, monitor progress, and sustain alignment among key players involved in creating the new ecosystem).

Kaplan, S. 2023. Book review: Shalene Wuttunee Jobin. Upholding Indigenous Economic Relationships: Nehiyawak ᓀᐦᐃᔭᐊᐧᐠ narratives. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(4): NP71-NP74. (Cree narratives or ways of living).

Karim, M. A., S. Sarkar and S. Zhang. 2016. Earnings management surrounding M&A: Role of economic development and investory protection. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (35): 207-215.

Karr, H. W. and M. A. Geisler. 1956. A fruitful application of static marginal analysis. Management Science (July): 313-326.

Karuna, C. 2020. Product market competition and managerial pay. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(1): 203-222.

Kay, E. and W. Lewenstein. 2013. The problem with the "poverty premium. Harvard Business Review (April): 21-23.

Kefalas, A. and P. P. Schoderbek. 1973. Application and implementation: Scanning the business environment - Some empirical results. Decision Sciences 4(1): 63-74.

Kehoe, J. 2016. Can capitalism be redeemed? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 128-129. (Books).

Keith, E. G. 1943. Excess-profits taxation and profit limitation. The Accounting Review (April): 103-110.

Kelley, A. C. 1936. In defense of the accountant. The Accounting Review (March): 63-65.

Kelley, A. C. 1951. Can corporate incomes be scientifically ascertained? The Accounting Review (July): 289-298.

Kelton, S. 2020. The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy. PublicAffairs. (Note).

Kempster, J. H. 1949. Break-even analysis - Common ground for the economist and the cost accountant. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 15): 711-720.

Kempster, J. H. 1965. Marginal cost and income accounting - Some perennial problems. N.A.A. Bulletin (March): 21-30.

Kershaw, R. 2004. Measuring performance during economic slowdowns. Cost Management (September/October): 31-37.

Kersnar, J. 2010. Is a trade war at hand? Recent moves on Capital Hill may force CFOs to carefully consider what will help them versus hurt them. CFO (November): 31-33 . (Most of the attention is on China).

Kessler, S. R., E. Z. Taylor, E. L. Levine, J. W. Wiley and L. M. Kessler. 2008. Is a happy nation a productive nation? An exploration of the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity at the national level. European Journal of International Management 2(3): 356-375.

Keynes, J. M. 1936. General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Palgrave Macmillan.

Keynes, J. 1989. General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Harvest Books. (Reprint).

Khandwalla, P. N. 1972. The effect of different types of competition on the use of management controls. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 275-285.

Khanna, T. 2007. China + India: The power of two. Harvard Business Review (December): 60-69.

Khanna, T. and K. Palepu. 2000. The future of business groups in emerging markets: Long-run evidence from Chile. The Academy of Management Journal 43(3): 268-285.

Khosla, S. 2015. How to Prevent Recession: Using Ancient Wisdom and Management Ideas. PartridgeSingapore.

Kilbridge, M. and L. Wester. 1966. An economic model for the division of labor. Management Science (February): B255-B269.

Kim, I. 1989. Microeconomic approach to quality cost control. Journal of Cost Management (Fall):11-16.

Kim, J., S. McGuire and R. Wilson. 2022. Expected economic growth and investment in corporate tax planning. Review of Accounting Studies 27(2): 745-778.

Kim, L. and Y. Lim. 1988. Environment, generic strategies, and performance in a rapidly developing country: A taxonomic approach. The Academy of Management Journal 31(4): 802-827.

Kim, M. and G. Moore. 1988. Economic vs. accounting depreciation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 111-125.

Kim, S., M. Matejka and J. Park. 2023. Economic determinants and consequences of performance target difficulty. The Accounting Review (March): 361-387.

King, A. A. and M. J. Lenox. 2000. Industry self-regulation without sanctions: The chemical industry's responsible care program. The Academy of Management Journal 43(4): 698-716.

King, M. E. 2016. From financial capitalism to sustainable capitalism. The CPA Journal (June): 40-45.

King, R. R. 1996. Reputation formation for reliable reporting: An experimental investigation. The Accounting Review (July): 375-396.

Kinsella, S. 2019. Visualising economic crises using accounting models. Accounting, Organizations and Society (75): 1-16.

Kircher, P. 1953. Accounting entries and national accounts. The Accounting Review (April): 191-199.

Kircher, P. 1961. Translator's note on "Mathematical methods in economics". Management Science (July): 335-336.

Kiron, D. and G. Unruh. 2018. Business needs a safety net: Government's long-ignored role in creating and sustaining market conditions needs to take center stage as climate events become both more common and more destructive. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-6.

Klein, J. 1922. The future of American export trade. Harvard Business Review (October): 24-30.

Klein, R. B. 1972. Inter-country purchasing power index numbers. Management Accounting (August): 28-32.

Klepper, S. and S. Sleeper. 2005. Entry by spinoffs. Management Science (August): 1291-1306.

Klotz, R. 2018. Manufacturers can also win in the sharing economy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-5.

Knapp, J. G. 1926. The California Farm Bureau Exchange. Harvard Business Review (July): 445-457.

Kochan, T. A. 2012. A jobs compact for America's future. Harvard Business Review (March): 64-72.

Kogut, B. 2017. Book review essay: Economic Sociology as the New Dismal Science: G. F. Davis: The Vanishing American Corporation: Navigating the Hazards of a New Economy, and Y. Levin: The Fractured Republic: Renewing America's Social Contract in the Age of Individualism. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(1): NP1-NP5.

Kohler, E. L. 1952. Accounting concepts and national income. The Accounting Review (January): 50-56.

Kohler, E. L. 1953. The 1952 Report of the Committee on National Income. The Accounting Review (April): 178.

Kohli, R. and R. Sah. 2006. Research note: Some empirical regularities in market shares. Management Science (November): 1792-1798.

Konchitchki, Y. and P. Patatoukas. 2014. Accounting earnings and gross domestic product. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 76-88.

Konchitchki, Y. and P. N. Patatoukas. 2014. Taking the pulse of the real economy using financial statement analysis: Implications for macro forecasting and stock valuation. The Accounting Review (March): 669-694.

Koot, R. S. and D. A. Walker. 1972. A reconsideration of the 'great ratios' of economics. Decision Sciences 3(3): 115-123.

Kothari, S. P. and R. Lester. 2012. The role of accounting in the financial crisis: Lessons for the future. Accounting Horizons (June): 335-351.

Krackhardt, D. 1995. Review: WANTED: A good network theory of organization. Reviewed work: Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition. by Ronald S. Burt. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(2): 350-354.

Kranacher, M. 2011.Deficit reduction versus job creation: A delicate balancing act. The CPA Journal (October): 80.

Kranacher, M. 2012. Revisiting the Dodd-Frank Act and the challenges of regulation: An interview with former U.S. senator Christopher J. Dodd. The CPA Journal (September): 16-20.

Kraten, M. 2013. Why Libor manipulation matters. The CPA Journal (September): 6-10. (London Interbank Offered Rate scandal).

Krawcheck, S. 2012. Four ways to fix banks. Harvard Business Review (June): 106-111.

Kremer, M., B. Moritz and E. Siemsen. 2011. Demand forecasting behavior: System neglect and change detection. Management Science (October): 1827-1843.

Krishnan, K. S. and S. K. Gupta. 1967. Mathematical model for a duopolistic market. Management Science (March): 568-583.

Krugman, P. 1994. Peddling Prosperity: Economic Sense and Nonsense in the Age of Diminished Expectations. W. W. Norton & Company.

Krugman, P. 2003. The Great Unraveling: Losing Our Way in the New Century. W. W. Norton.

Krugman, P. 2009. The Return of Depression Economics and The Crisis of 2008. W. W. Norton & Company.

Krugman, P. 2020. Arguing with Zombies: Economics, Politics, and the Fight for a Better Future. W. W. Norton & Company, Illustrated edition.

Krugman, P. and R. Wells. 2017. Macroeconomics, Fifth edition. Worth Publishers.

Krueger, E. W. 1933. An outline of the practical application to industry of the proposed National Industrial Recovery Act. N.A.C.A Bulletin (June 15): 1465-1476.

Kuczynski, R. R. 1923. The real significance of recent German stock exchange quotations and dividends. Harvard Business Review (October): 23-27.

Kurlantzick, J. 2016. State Capitalism: How the Return of Statism is Transforming the World. Oxford University Press.

Kurtzman, J. 2002. How the Markets Really Work. Crown Publishers.

Kurtzman, J., G. Yago and T. Phumiwasana. 2004. The global cost of opacity. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 38-40. (Opacity - The degree to which countries lack clear, accurate, easily discernible and widely accepted practices governing the relationships among businesses, investors and governments that form the basis of most small scale high frequency risks, e.g., fraudulent transactions, bribery, legal and regulatory complexity, and unenforceable contracts. An opacity index is developed for each country that indicates how much more or less return an investor needs to receive to invest in that country).

Kuttner, R. 2018. Can Democracy Survive Capitalism? W. W. Norton & Company.

Laessig, R. E., E. R. Glaser and P. F. Ricci. 1975. A retrospective study on the influence of a state park-lake on land value, from the time of land acquisition to reservoir filling. Decision Sciences 6(4): 775-785.

Lafrentz, F. W. 1906. Economic aspects of accounting and auditing. Journal of Accountancy (April): 479-486.

Lamden, C. W. 1943. The place of accounting in price control. The Accounting Review (January): 26-34.

Lamoreaux, M. G. 2009. Economic outlook remains uncertain. Journal of Accountancy (May): 22-26.

Lamoreaux, M. G. 2009. Preparing for the next opportunity. Journal of Accountancy (November): 28-32.

Landes, D. S. 1999. The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some are So Rich and Some are So Poor. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. (For a review of this book, see Warsh, D. 1998. What drives the wealth of nations? Harvard Business Review (July-August): 171-175. Answer: Inner values, beliefs and attitudes = Culture. This book provides a global history and analysis of economic development with emphasis on the cultures of nations. The following quote from Landes makes the point. "If we learn anything from the history of economic development, it is that culture makes all the difference.").

Lang, M. and E. Sul. 2014. Linking industry concentration to proprietary costs and disclosure: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 265-274.

Lansberg, A. W. 1952. Fifteen months with price controls. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 921-931.

LaPierre, S. 2020. One last chance to fix capitalism: To avert upheaval we need policy change and private-sector leadership. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 146-147.

LaPierre, S. 2024. Does capitalism need reform - or revolution? Harvard Business Review (March/April): 150-151. (Discussion of books including: Romeo, N. 2024. The Alternative; Stigitz, J. E. 2024. The Road to Freedom; Mayer, C. 2024. Capitalism and Crises; Rathi, A. 2024. Climate Capitalism; Gupta, A. 2024. Venture Meets Mission; and Saito, K. 2024. Slow Down).

Lardy, N. R. 2019. The State Strikes Back: The End of Economic Reform in China? Peterson Institute for International Economics.

Largay, J. A. III. 1973. Microeconomic foundations of variable costing. The Accounting Review (January): 115-119.

Larwood, L., M. Kavanagh and R. Levine. 1978. Perceptions of fairness with three alternative economic exchanges. The Academy of Management Journal 21(1): 69-83.

Latham, S. and B. Humberd. 2018. Four ways jobs will respond to automation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 11-14.

LaValle, I. H. and A. Rappaport. 1968. On the economics of acquiring information of imperfect reliability. The Accounting Review (April): 225-230.

Lawrence, R. Z. and L. Edwards. 2012. Shattering the myths about U.S. trade policy: Stop blaming China and India. A more active trade policy can lead to a stronger U.S. economy. Harvard Business Review (March): 149-153. (Myth 1: America's open trade policy is the main cause of job losses, especially in manufacturing. Myth 2: U.S. living standards are falling and wage inequality is rising because developing countries compete with the U.S. in its export markets on cost. Myth 3: The rapid growth of emerging markets like China and India is the most important reason for the higher oil prices that hurt Americans).

Lawson, G. H. 1997. Aspects of the Economic Implications of Accounting. Garland Publishing.

Lawton, W. H. 1908. The new classification of electrical railway expenses. Journal of Accountancy (June): 114-122.

Lazenby, C. D. 1927. The economic accounting approach. The Accounting Review (December): 397-408.

Lazonick, W. 2014. Profits without prosperity. Stock buybacks manipulate the market and leave most Americans worse off. Harvard Business Review (September): 46-55. (Shows how productivity and wages have parted ways).

Le Master, E. 1922. Economics and the accountant. Journal of Accountancy (August): 100-105.

Lee, M. A. 1933. Production control as a remedy for the depression. N.A.C.A Bulletin (October 1): 167-173.

Leftwich, R. 1990. Aggregation of test statistics: Statistics vs. economics. Journal of Accounting and Economics (January): 37-44.

Leininger, W. E. 1977. Opportunity costs: Some definitions and examples. The Accounting Review (January): 248-251. (Summary

Lemert, C. C. 1998. Social Theory: The Multicultural and Classic Readings. Westview Press.

Lenin, V. I. 1987. Essential Works of Lenin: "What Is to Be Done?" and Other Writings. Dover Publications.

Lenox, M. J., S. F. Rockart and A. Y. Lewin. 2006. Interdependency, competition, and the distribution of firm and industry profits. Management Science (May): 757-772.

Lerner, J. and W. Sahlman. 2012. Reviving entrepreneurship: Policy decisions in 12 areas could nurture - or cripple - America's greatest asset. Harvard Business Review (March): 116-119.

Lester, R. 2019. Made in the U.S.A.? A study of firm responses to domestic production incentives. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 1059-1114.

Leuz, C. and R. E. Verrecchia. 2000. The economic consequences of increased disclosure. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Accounting Information and the Economics of the Firm): 91-124.

Levitt, S. D. and S. J. Dubner. 2005. Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. William Morrow.

Levy, J. 2021. Ages of American Capitalism: A History of the United States. Random House.

Lewis, H. 2013. Crony Capitalism in America: 2008-2012. AC2 Books.

Lewis, M. 2010. Liar's Poker. W. W. Norton & Company.

Lewis, M. 2010. The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine. W. W. Norton & Company.

Lewis, W. W. 2004. The Power of Productivity: Wealth, Poverty, and the Threat to Global Stability. University of Chicago Press.

Li, F., R. Lundholm and M. Minnis. 2013. A measure of competition based on 10-K filings. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 399-436.

Lindsey, B. 2001. Against the Dead Hand: The Uncertain Struggle for Global Capitalism. John Wiley & Sons.

Lisowsky, P., M. Minnis and A. Sutherland. 2017. Economic growth and financial statement verification. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 745-794.

Little, I. M. D. 1950. A Critique of Welfare Economics. Oxford University Press.

Littleton, A. C. 1933. Socialized accounts. The Accounting Review (December): 267-271.

Liu, Y. and R. K. Tyagi. 2011. The benefits of competitive upward channel decentralization. Management Science (April): 741-751.

Lo, A. K. 2015. Accounting credibility and liquidity constraints: Evidence from reactions of small banks to monetary tightening. The Accounting Review (May): 1079-1113.

Lo, K. 2003. Economic consequences of regulated changes in disclosure: The case of executive compensation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 285-314.

Lobo, G. J., L. Paugam, H. Stolowy and P. Astolfi. 2017. The effect of business and financial market cycles on credit ratings: Evidence from the last two decades. Abacus 53(1): 59-93.

Locke, J. 1952. The Second Treatise of Government. Peardon, T. P. Editor. Bobbs-Merrill.

Lodge, G. C. 1991. Perestroika for America: Restructuring U.S. Business-Government Relations for Competitiveness in the World Economy. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

Loh, A. L. C. and T. H. Tan. 2002. Asset write-offs - Managerial incentives and macroeconomic factors. Abacus 38(1): 134-151.

Lomborg, B. 2004. Global Crises, Global Solutions. Cambridge University Press.

Loucks, W. N. 1965. Comparative Economic Systems, 7th edition. Harper & Row Publishers.

Lough, W. H. Jr. 1906. The United States in the twentieth century. Journal of Accountancy (April): 509-510.

Lovins, A. B., L. H. Lovins and P. Hawken. 1999. A road map for natural capitalism. Harvard Business Review (May-June): 145-158. (A new approach where the natural capital of the ecosystem is properly valued. Where business practices shift: 1) to dramatically increase the productivity of natural resources, 2) to biologically inspired production models, 3) to solutions based business models, and 4) to reinvest in the natural capital).

Lovins, A. B., L. H. Lovins and P. Hawken. 2007. A road map for natural capitalism. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 172-183. (Reprint of their 1999 article).

Lucas, M. R. 2003. Pricing decisions and the neoclassical theory of the firm. Management Accounting Research (September): 201-217.

Lucas, W. H. 1965. Imputed cost for decision making. Management Accounting (November): 18.

Lundholm, R. J. 1991. What affects the efficiency of a market? Some answers from the laboratory. The Accounting Review (July): 486-515.

Lyu, C., K. Wang, F. Zhang and X. Zhang. 2018. GDP management to meet or beat growth targets. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 318-338.

Mackey, J. and R. Sisodia. 2013. The kind of capitalist you want to be. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 34. (Conscious capitalism - Recognizing that all businesses operate in a broader system with interdependencies).

Macneil, I. R. 1986. Exchange revisited: Individual utility and social solidarity. Ethics (April): 567-593.

Macpherson, C. B. Editor. 1978. Property: Mainstream and Critical Positions. University of Toronto Press.

Madura, J. 2005. International Financial Management (with Xtra!, World Map, and InfoTrac ). South-Western.

Maines, L. A., G. L. Solamon and G. B. Sprinkle 2006. An information economics perspective on experimental research in accounting. Behavioral Research in Accounting (18): 85-102.

Malone, T. W., R. J. Laubacher and T. Johns. 2011. The age of hyper specialization. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 56-65.

Manes, N. P. 1964. The grant-in-aid system for interstate highway construction: An accounting or economic problem? The Accounting Review (July): 631-638.

Manes, R. P. 1983. Demand elasticities: Supplements to sales budget variance reports. The Accounting Review (January): 143-156.

Mankiw, N. G. 2018. Macroeconomics, Tenth edition. Worth Publishers.

Margavio, G. W. 1993. The savings and loan debacle: The culmination of three decades of conflicting regulation, deregulation, and re-regulation. The Accounting Historians Journal 20(1): 1-32.

Markham, S. E. and G. H. McKee. 1991. Declining organizational size and increasing unemployment rates: Predicting employee absenteeism from within- and between-plant perspectives. The Academy of Management Journal 34(4): 952-965.

Marks, B. R. and K. K. Raman. 1988. The effect of unfunded accumulated and projected pension obligations on governmental borrowing costs. Contemporary Accounting Research 4(2): 595-608.

Marple, R. P. 1963. Value-itis. The Accounting Review (July): 478-482.

Martin, J. R. Not dated. ASCE report cards for America's infrastructure. Management And Accounting Web. ASCE Infrastructure

Martin, J. R. Not dated. Chapter 11: Conventional Linear Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis. Management Accounting: Concepts, Techniques & Controversial Issues. Management And Accounting Web. Chapter11

Martin, J. R. Not dated. Inflation History: CPI 1920-2021 and CPI-W Social Security COLAs 1975-2022. MAAW.

Martin, J. R. Not dated. Russell Ackoff: What is a system? Videos. Management And Accounting Web. Russell Ackoff Videos

Martin, J. R. Not dated. The Beer Game. Management And Accounting Web. TheBeerGame

Martin, J. R. Not dated. What are economies of scale? Management And Accounting Web. Economies Of Scale Note

Martin, J. R. Not dated. World Competitiveness Reports. Management And Accounting Web. World Competitiveness Reports

Martin, J. R. 1976. An Empirical Investigation into the Nature, Strength and Significance of the Relationship between Market Structure and Corporate Accounting and Discretionary Expenditure Strategy. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Alabama.

Martin, J. R. 1979. Tracing the effects of inflation and productivity with input-output accounting. Economic Planning (November-December): 3-7.

Martin, J. R. 1981. Segment planning and reporting for firms with reciprocal intersegment transfers Business Economics (May): 25-29.

Martin, J. R. 1984. Market structure and corporate accounting strategy. The American Economist (Spring): 34-43.

Martin, J. R. and V. Martin. 1982. How to bring down the high price of unemployment costs. Perspective (September): 36-38.

Martin, J. R. and V. Martin. 1984. Controlling unemployment costs. Association Management (May): 129-133.

Martin, R. 2010. The age of customer capitalism. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 58-65.

Martin, R. 2014. The rise (and likely fall) of the talent economy. How to rein in the dynamic that enriches executives and financiers - at everyone else's expense. Harvard Business Review (October): 40-47.

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Pfeffer, J. 1998. Six dangerous myths about pay. Harvard Business Review (May-June): 109-119. (Summary). (Pfeffer mentions that economic theory is part of the problem).

Petriglieri, J. 2018. Talent management and the dual-career couple. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 106-113.

Phillips, G. M. 2013. Discussion of A measure of competition based on 10-K filings. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 437-447.

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Piketty, T. 2014. Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Belknap Press. (Note and Some Reviews).

Piketty, T. and A. Goldhammer. 2020. Capital and Ideology. Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press.

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Porter, C. H. 1951. Practical determination of excess profits. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February): 695-698. (Porter proposes a payroll to earnings base as a profit measure).

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Porter, M. E. and E. O. Teisberg. 2004. Redefining competition in health care. Harvard Business Review (June): 65-76.

Porter, M. E. and J. W. Rivkin. 2012. Choosing the United States: In contests to attract high-value business activities, the U.S. is losing out more than it should. Harvard Business Review (March): 80-93.

Porter, M. E. and J. W. Rivkin. 2012. The looming challenge to U.S. competitiveness. Harvard Business Review (March): 54-62. ("The United States is a competitive location to the extent that companies operating in the U.S. are able to compete successfully in the global economy while supporting high and rising living standards for the average American.").

Porter, M. E. and M. R. Kramer. 2006. Strategy and society: The link between competitive advantage and corporate social responsibility. Harvard Business Review (December): 78-92. (Summary).

Porter, M. E. and M. R. Kramer. 2011. Creating shared value: How to reinvent capitalism and unleash a wave of innovation and growth. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 62-77. (Summary).

Porter, M. E., M. Sakakibara and H. Takeuchi. 2000. Can Japan Compete?. Perseus. (Note).

Porter, M., J. Sacks, A. Warner and K. Schwab. 2000. The Global Competitiveness Report 2000. Oxford University Press. (This was the first report I summarized. My most recent summary includes specific data for 2011 and 2012, and overall data on the Global Competitiveness Index for 1999 to 2012. Summary).

Posey, R. 1930. Profits of commercial banks. Harvard Business Review (July): 425-434.

Posner, R. A. 1985. Economic Analysis of Law. 3rd edition. Little Brown.

Pozen, R. C. 2009. Is it fair to blame fair value accounting for the financial crisis? Harvard Business Review (November): 84-92.

Prahalad, C. K. 2004. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty Through Profits. Wharton School Publishing.

Prahalad, C. K. and A. Hammond. 2002. Serving the world's poor. Harvard Business Review (September): 48-57. (The 3 tiers of the world income pyramid measured in U.S. dollars: 100 million people earn more than $20,000 per year, 2 billion earn between $2,000 and $20,000, and 4 billion earn less than $2,000. Most companies ignore the vast majority of the world's population in the bottom tier).

Prahalad, C. K. and V. Ramaswamy. 2004. The Future of Competition: Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers. Harvard Business School Press.

Pratt, J. 1987. The economics of external reporting: Three frameworks for the classroom. Journal of Accounting Education 5(2): 175-185.

Preda, A. 2009. Brief encounters: Calculation and the interaction order of anonymous electronic markets. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(5): 675-693.

Preda, A. 2022. Book review: Prasad, E. S. 2021. The Future of Money: How the Digital Revolution is Transforming Currencies and Finance. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(4): NP65-NP68.

Prescott, G. L. and J. R. Hardin. 2013. In pursuit of revenues: Federal Income Tax reform. The CPA Journal (November): 16-21.

Presthus, R. V. 1961. Weberian v. welfare bureaucracy in traditional society. Administrative Science Quarterly 6(1): 1-24.

Preston, A. and L. Oakes. 2001. The Navajo documents: A study of the economic representation and construction of Navajo. Accounting, Organizations and Society 26(1): 39-71.

Prins, N. 2004. Other People's Money: The Corporate Mugging of America. The New Press.

Pryor, F. L. 2002. The Future of U.S. Capitalism. Cambridge University Press.

Putman, K. 2010. The 'tighten your belt, happy beneficiaries' retirement strategy: Balancing withdrawals and preserving assets. The CPA Journal (December): 50-53.

Puxty, A. G., H. C. Willmott, D. J. Cooper and T. Lowe. 1987. Modes of regulation in advanced capitalism: Locating accountancy in four countries. Accounting, Organizations and Society 12(3): 273-291.

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Raa, T. T. 2009. Input-Output Economics: Theory and Applications: Featuring Asian Economies. World Scientific Publishing Company.

Rackliffe, U. and G. B. Waymire. 2019. Book review: The Book of the Art of Trade by Benedetto Cotrugli. The Accounting Review (May): 373-375.

Radzevick, J. R. and D. A. Moore. 2011. Competing to be certain (but wrong): Market dynamics and excessive confidence in judgment. Management Science (January): 93-106.

Raman, A. P. 2009. The new frontiers. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 130-137. (How the global slowdown is reshaping competition from emerging markets).

Rampy, T. R. 1952. The accountant's role in our present economy. The Accounting Review (October): 467-471.

Rawls, J. 1971. A Theory of Justice. Harvard University Press.

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Reich, R. 1983. The Next American Frontier. Time Books.

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Reichheld, F. 2006. The microeconomics of customer relationships. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 73-78. (The net-promoter score or NPS is derived from customers' answers to the following question. On a scale of 0-10, how likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend or colleague? The NPS is the percentage of those who answered with a 9 or 10 (promoters), minus the percentage who answered with a 0-6 (detractors).

Ren, C. R., Y. Hu, Y. Hu and J. Hausman. 2011. Managing product variety and collocation in a competitive environment: An empirical investigation of consumer electronics retailing. Management Science (June): 1009-1024.

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Richardson, A. P. 1917. Banking with the government. Journal of Accountancy (December): 455-456.

Richardson, A. P. 1917. The Federal Reserve Board and audits. Journal of Accountancy (June): 452-454.

Richardson, A. P. 1918. State ownership. Journal of Accountancy (December): 453-454.

Richardson, A. P. 1918. Third liberty loan. Journal of Accountancy (April): 268.

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Richardson, A. P. 1921. Pieces-of-eight - pieces-of-eight. Journal of Accountancy (May): 364-365. ("The man who said that there was a fool born every minute must have been a conservative.... Ponzi is being out-Ponzied. An that is the reason why we say that there are not minutes enough to allot one to each fool.").

Richardson, A. P. 1921. The high cost of strikes. Journal of Accountancy (December): 473-474.

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Richardson, A. P. 1921. Where the dollar goes. Journal of Accountancy (April): 286. (Of a dollar of taxation the government uses 68 cents to pay for past wars, 20 cents to pay for present defense, and 12 cents to pay for all other government activities).

Richardson, A. P. 1921. Where the dollar goes. Journal of Accountancy (June): 428-49.

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Rosser, J. B. Jr. 1991. From Catastrophe to Chaos: A General Theory of Econonic Discontinuties. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

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Ruchala, L. V. 1997. Managing and controlling specialized assets. Management Accounting (October): 20, 22, 24, 26-27. (Discussion of transaction cost economic theory to consider asset specificity, i.e., the degree to which an asset can be redeployed to other purposes, and how it is related to capital investments, make or buy decisions, and investments in intangible and human assets. Four categories of asset specificity include site specificity, physical asset specificity, human asset specificity, and dedicated assets).

Ruggles, C.O. 1924. Problems in the development of a super-power system. Harvard Business Review (January): 160-173.

Rushkoff, D. 2011. Life inc: How Corporatism Conquered the World, and How We Can Take It Back. Random House.

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Rushkoff, D. 2016. Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus: How Growth Became the Enemy of Prosperity. Portfolio.

Russo, C. J. and J. A. DiGabiele. 2018. Impact of the tax cuts and Jobs Act on the valuation of S Corporations. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(2): 153-167.

Ryall, M. D. 2013. The new dynamics of competition. Harvard Business Review (June): 80-87.

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Sabeti, H. 2011. The for-benefit enterprise: A fourth sector of the economy is emerging, with the power to transform the course of capitalism. Harvard Business Review (November): 98-104. (A new hybrid "For-benefit" enterprise is emerging. Sabeti discusses COOPs as an example - "Community operated and oriented plans" encouraged by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Characteristics of a for-benefit enterprise include: a commitment to social purpose, and a reliance on earned income. For-benefit companies emphasize their impact on all stakeholders, rather than the for-profit companies more narrow focus on shareholder value. The for-benefit value proposition is to be able to account for its total impact and performance including financial, social, and environmental. New accounting methods are needed since conventional accounting is not designed for this type of organization structure. The other three sectors are the private or for-profit sector, the social or nonprofit sector, and the public or government sector).

Saito, K. 2024. Slow Down: The Degrowth Manifesto. Astra House.  (English translation of Saito's 2020 book).

Sakolski, A. M. 1925. Price-making and price stability. Harvard Business Review (January): 204-209.

Salancik, G. R. 1995. Review: WANTED: A good network theory of organization. Reviewed work: Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition. by Ronald S. Burt. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(2): 345-349.

Salinger, M. and M. Ampudia. 2011. Simple economics of the price-setting newsvendor problem. Management Science (November): 1996-1998.

Salisbury, K. 2017. Book review: Strategy for business advantage. Strategic Finance (May): 18. (Review of D'Aveni. 2012. Strategic Capitalism: The New Economic Strategy for Winning the Capitalist Cold War. McGraw-Hill Education).

Samila, S. and O. Sorenson. 2011. Noncompete covenants: Incentives to innovate or impediments to growth. Management Science (March): 425-438.

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Sanders, T. H. 1944. Accounting as a means of social and economic control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December 1): 319-334.

Sangster, A. 2015. The reckoning: Financial accountability and the making and breaking of nations by Jacob Soll, Jacob Roll. The Accounting Historians Journal 42(1): 139-155.

Sawyer, A. E. 1938. Cost accounting as evidence in cases arising under the Robinson-Patman Act. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 15): 681-697.

Scapens, R. W. 1978. A neoclassical measure of profit. The Accounting Review (April): 448-469.

Schaefer, J. 1991. A review essay: The savings and loan crisis. Thrifts Under Siege by R. Dan Brumbaugh,; Other Peoples Money by Paul Zane Pilzer; Inside Job: The Looting of Americas Savings and Loans by Stephen Pizzo; Mary Fricker; Paul Muolo. The Accounting Historians Journal 18(1): 75-79.

Schaefer, J. 1992. Continuing research on the savings and loan crisis: A review essay. The S & L Insurance Mess: How Did It Happen? by Edward J. Kane; The S & L Debacle. Public Policy Lessons for Bank and Thrift Regulation by Lawrence J. White; The Greatest-Ever Bank Robbery. The Collapse of the Savings and Loan Industry by Martin Mayer. The Accounting Historians Journal 19(2): 175-180.

Schiff, M. 1966. Accounting tactics and the theory of the firm. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 62-67.

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Schreuder, H. 2013. Book review: Accounting and Business Economics: Insights from National Traditions by Yuri Biondl, Stefano Zambon. The Accounting Review (November): 2241-2243.

Schuler, D. A. 1996. Corporate political strategy and foreign competition: The case of the steel industry. The Academy of Management Journal 39(3): 720-737.

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Scitovsky, T. 1971. Welfare and Competition, revised edition. Irwin.

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