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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
Education Issues Main Page
See the following journals for many articles not included here:
Issues in Accounting
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Journal of Accounting Education
| Global Perspectives on Accounting Education
Abdel-Khalik, A. R. 1976. An analysis of the attitudes of a sample of the AAA members toward The Accounting Review. The Accounting Review (July): 604-616.
Abraham, A. and H. Jones. 2016. Facilitating student learning in accounting through scaffolded assessment. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 29-49.
Abranovic, W., F. F. Newpeck and D. G. Frederick. 1974. APL as a computer language for teaching statistics. Decision Sciences 5(4): 669-676.
Accounting Education Change Commission.1990. Objectives of education for accountants: Position Statement Number One. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 307-312.
Accounting Education Change Commission. 1996. Position and Issues Statements of the Accounting Education Change Commission. Accounting Education Series (13). American Accounting Association.
Ackerman, J. L. 2019. The accounting curriculum needs a complete overhaul. The CPA Journal (September): 74.
Ackoff, R. L. 1968. Toward an idealized university. Management Science (December): B121-B131.
Ackoff, R. L. and D. Greenberg. 2008. Turning Learning Right Side Up: Putting Education Back on Track. Pearson Prentice Hall.
Addington, C. R. 1955. Governmental accounting in the undergraduate curriculum. The Accounting Review (April): 290-292.
Addington, C. R. 1957. The undergraduate course in income taxation for accounting majors. The Accounting Review (January): 93-94.
Addy, N., and C. Herring. 1996. Grade inflation effects of administrative policies. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 1-13.
Adelberg, A. H. and J. R. Razek. 1984. The cloze procedure: A methodology for determining the understandability of accounting textbooks. The Accounting Review (January): 109-122.
Administrative Science Quarterly. 1970. The Telltale. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(1): 114-118.
Ahadiat, N. 2008. In search of practice-based topics for management accounting education. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 42-54.
AIA and AAA Committees. 1955. Statement of standards and responsibilities under public accounting internship programs. The Accounting Review (April): 206-210.
Akaaboune, O., L. H. Blix, L. G. Carrington and C. D. Henderson. 2022. Accountability in distance learning: The effect of remote proctoring on performance in online accounting courses. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 19(1): 121-131.
Akers, M. D. and T. V. Eaton. 2009. An examination of whistleblowing policies and mechanisms at universities. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 1(1): 1-26.
Al-Shurafat, H., C. Beattie, G. Jones and J. Sands. 2019. Forensic accounting core and interdisciplinary curricular components in Australian universities: Analysis of websites. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 11(2): 353-365.
Alali, F. 2018. Teaching students financial statements' assertions: Crisp-Drinks Case. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(3): 438-444.
Alavi, M., Y. Yoo, D. R. Vogel. 1997. Using information technology to add value to management education. The Academy of Management Journal 40(6): 1310-1333.
Alawadhi, A. and P. E. Byrnes. 2019. Clustering university programs in accounting to enhance selection productivity: Precursor to recommendation system development. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 16(1): 65-79.
Alberti, C. T. and L. Morris. 2024. Online toxic communication about the accounting academic job market. Accounting Horizons (March): 7-26.
Alblas, A. and M. Notten. 2021. Speed is significant in short-loop experimental learning: Iterating and debugging in high-tech product innovation. Decision Sciences 52(6): 1364-1402.
Albrecht, W. S. and R. J. Sack. 2000. Accounting Education: Charting the Course through a Perilous Future. Accounting education Series (16): American Accounting Association.
Alexion, J. C. 1977. Separate Schools of Accountancy: Are they necessary? Management Accounting (September): 11-13.
Alford, R. M., J. R. Strawser and R. H. Strawser. 1990. Does graduate education improve success in public accounting? Accounting Horizons (March): 69-76. (Survey).
Allen, A. and A. Woodland. 2010. Education requirements, audit fees, and audit quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 29(2): 1-25.
Allen, C. E. 1927. The growth of accounting instruction since 1900. The Accounting Review (June): 150-166.
Allen, R. W. 1968. Staffing practices and problems of business units in the California state college system. The Academy of Management Journal 11(1): 75-89.
Allyn, R. G. 1951. The study of philosophy as part of the accounting students' training. The Accounting Review (October): 576-579.
Allyn, R. G. 1958. The theory vs. practice gap in teaching accounting. N.A.A. Bulletin (August): 13-14.
Allyn, R. G. 1966. Accreditation of accounting curriculums. The Accounting Review (April): 303-311.
Alzahrane, M. 2022. Personal skills and educational qualifications for practicing forensic accountants in Saudi courts: Exploratory and qualitative semi-structured interviews. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 14(1): 151-166.
Amann, L. 2015. Nurturing student leaders while they have fun: Under the careful guidance of a faculty advisor, IMA student chapter members can develop and refine their leadership skills without even realizing it. Strategic Finance (August): 48-55.
Amato, R. M. 2021. Changes ahead in finance education. Strategic Finance (August): 70-71.
American Accounting Association. 1936. A statement of objectives of the American Accounting Association. The Accounting Review (March): 1-4.
Amernic, J. and R. Craig. 2004. Reform of accounting education in the post-Enron era: Moving accounting 'out of the shadows'. Abacus 40(3): 342-378.
Amernic, J. and R. Elitzur. 1992. Using historical annual reports in teaching: Letting the past benefit the present. The Accounting Historians Journal 19(1): 29-50.
Amernic, J. H. and T. H. Beechy. 1984. Accounting students' performance and cognitive complexity: Some empirical evidence. The Accounting Review (April): 300-313.
Amory, R. Jr. 1951. Accounting instruction in law schools. The Accounting Review (January): 61-69.
Anders, S. B. 2019. Accounting career and education resources. The CPA Journal (September): 72-73.
Andersen, A. V. 1962. A defense of accounting education. The Accounting Review (October): 768-769.
Anderson, H. M. and F. B. Griffin. 1963. The accounting curriculum and postgraduate achievement. The Accounting Review (October): 813-818.
Anderson, H. M., B. A. Coda and J. W. Giese. 1972. An experiment with a one-semester introductory accounting course. The Accounting Review (January): 175-177.
Anderson, J. J. 1967. Integrated instruction in computers and accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 583-588.
Anderson, J. J. 1976. Computer-supported instruction in managerial accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 617-624.
Anderson, M. L. and B. K. Klamm. 2018. Haidt's social intuitionist model: What are the implications for accounting ethics education? Journal of Accounting Education (44): 35-46.
Anderson, M. O. 2013. Building accounting students' communication skills. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 32-43.
Anderson, W. T. 1964. Large classes in elementary accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 1034-1036.
Anderson, W. T. 1966. Recruiting capable students to accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 331-333.
Anderson, W. T. and M. F. Usry. 1970. Use of theses and reports in master's degree programs. The Accounting Review (July): 579-584.
Anderson, W. T., E. K. St. Pietre and R. L. Benke, Jr. eds. Not dated. Essays on Accounting Education. The Center for Research in Accounting Education, School of Accounting, James Madison University.
Andrews, F. M. 1964. Scientific performance as related to time spent on technical work, teaching, or administration. Administrative Science Quarterly 9(2): 182-193.
Andrews, W. T. 1974. Another improbable occurrence. The Accounting Review (April): 369-370.
Andrews, W. T. and P. B. McKenzie. 1978. Leading accounting departments revisited. The Accounting Review (January): 135-138.
Ankers, R. G. 1946. College education as a requirement for public accountants in New York State. The Accounting Review (October): 441-444.
Ankers, R. G. 1946. The question of staff training. The Accounting Review (January): 1-8.
Apostolou, B., J. W. Dorminey, J. M. Hassell and A. Hickey. 2019. Accounting education literature review (2018). Journal of Accounting Education (47): 1-27.
Apostolou, B., J. W. Dorminey, J. M. Hassell and J. E. Rebele. 2015. Accounting education literature review (2013-2014). Journal of Accounting Education 33(2): 69-127.
Apostolou, B., J. W. Dorminey, J. M. Hassell and J. E. Rebele. 2016. Accounting education literature review (2015). Journal of Accounting Education (35): 20-55.
Apostolou, B., J. W. Dorminey, J. M. Hassell and J. E. Rebele. 2017. Accounting education literature review (2016). Journal of Accounting Education (39): 1-31.
Apostolou, B., J. W. Dorminey, J. M. Hassell and J. E. Rebele. 2017. Analysis of trends in the accounting education literature (1997-2016). Journal of Accounting Education (41): 1-4.
Apostolou, B., J. W. Dorminey, J. M. Hassell and J. E. Rebele. 2018. Accounting education literature review (2017). Journal of Accounting Education (43): 1-23.
Archer, G. S. H. and K. V. Peasnell. 1984. Debt finance and capital maintenance in current cost accounting. Abacus 20(2): 111-124.
Arens, A. A. and D. D. Ward. 1984. The use of a systems understanding aid in the accounting curriculum. The Accounting Review (January): 98-108.
Arens, A. A., R. G. May and G. Dominiak. 1970. A simulated case for audit education. The Accounting Review (July): 573-578.
Argyris, C. 1991. Teaching smart people how to learn. Harvard Business Review (May-June): 99-109.
Ariail, D. L. and D. L. Crumbley. 2016. Fraud triangle and ethical leadership perspectives on detecting and preventing academic research misconduct. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 8(3): 480-500.
Arnold, D. F. and T. J. Geiselhart. 1984. Practitioners' views on five-year educational requirements for CPAs. The Accounting Review (April): 314-324.
Arnold, J. L. 1992. Message from the managing editor. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-3. (Discussion of the four functions of the professoriate: 1) The scholarship of discovery, 2) the scholarship of integration, 3) the scholarship of application, and 4) the scholarship of teaching, and how recognition of the multiple levels of scholarship is to be applied in the editorial policy of Accounting Horizons. Based on Boyer, E. L. 1990. Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching).
Arnott, K. E., H. A. McNeill, C. L. Paterson, N. Prahalis and J. Lanz. 2019. Developing a student community of learning. The CPA Journal (September): 6-9.
Aronoff, C. 1975. The rise of the behavioral perspective in selected general management textbooks: An empirical investigation through content analysis. The Academy of Management Journal 18(4): 753-768.
Ashburne, J. G. 1955. Accounting training for non-accounting majors. The Accounting Review (January): 134-139.
Ashburne, J. G. 1958. The five-year professional accounting program. The Accounting Review (January): 106-110.
Ashton, R. H. 1984. Integrating research and teaching in auditing: Fifteen cases on judgment and decision making. The Accounting Review (January): 78-97.
Askin, N. and M. S. Bothner. 2016. Status-aspirational pricing: The "Chivas regal" strategy in U.S. higher education, 2006-2012. Administrative Science Quarterly 61(2): 217-253.
Askins, B. E. 1970. Determining the effectiveness of programmed instruction - A training course example. The Accounting Review(January): 159-163.
Athanassiades, J. C. 1974. The basic management course: Its objectives, content, and instruction. The Academy of Management Journal 17(4): 775-781.
Atkins, P. M. 1928. University instruction in industrial cost accounting. The Accounting Review (December): 345-363.
Atkins, P. M. 1929. University instruction in industrial cost accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 23-32.
Avery, H. G. 1958. Formal accounting laboratory or not? The Accounting Review (April): 309-313.
Ayres, D., K. R. Brasel and J. Duncan. 2016. Making the jump from accounting practice to academia. The CPA Journal (August): 22-28.
Azim, A. N. and F. G. Boseman. 1975. An empirical assessment of Etzioni's topology of power and involvement within a university setting. The Academy of Management Journal 18(4): 680-689.
Bacas, P. E. 1939. Content of the auditing course. The Accounting Review (September): 263-266.
Bach, G. L. 1958. Some observations on the business school of tomorrow. Management Science (July): 351-364.
Bachrach, D. G., E. Bendoly, D. B. Ammeter, R. Blackburn, K. G. Brown, G. Burke, T. Callahan, K. Y. Chen, V. H. Day, A. E. Ellstrand, O. H. Erekson, J. A. Gomez, T. Greenlee, R. Handfield, M. L. Loudder, M. Malhotra, K. R. Petroni, A. Sevilla, S. Shafer, M. Shih and D. Voss. 2017. On academic rankings, unacceptable methods, and the social obligations of business schools. Decision Sciences 48(3): 561-585.
Backer, M. 1961. The quantitative data course in the executive development program. The Accounting Review (April): 217-221.
Backer, M. and P. E. Fertig. 1958. Statistical sampling and the accounting curriculum. The Accounting Review (July): 415-418.
Badua, F. 2019. Lies, sex, and suicide: Teaching fundamental accounting concepts with sordid tales from the seamier side of accounting history. The Accounting Historians Journal 46(2): 53-59.
Badua, F. 2022. Poirot, Pacioli, and pedagogy: Using accounting history to build an introductory forensic accounting course. The Accounting Historians Journal 49(2): 1-5.
Bailes, J. C. 1979. Lectures versus personalized instruction: An experimental study in elementary managerial accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 147-154.
Bailey, A. R. 1994. Accounting education: Gradual transition or paradigm shift. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 1-10.
Bailey, A. D. Jr. 2008. Forward - "Your intellectual property: Who owns it? Accounting Horizons (March): 47-48.
Bailey, C. D. 2015. Psychopathy, academic accountants' attitudes toward unethical research practices, and publication success. The Accounting Review (July): 1307-1332.
Bailey, C. D. 2017. Psychopathy and accounting students' attitudes towards unethical professional practices. Journal of Accounting Education (41): 15-32.
Bailey, C. D., J. W. Briggs and J. H. Irving. 2022. Test-wiseness and multiple-choice accounting questions: Implications for instructors. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 1-14.
Bailey, J. A. 1995. Forming professional/educational partnerships. Management Accounting (May): 24-26.
Baily, H. H. 1931. First-year examinations. The Accounting Review (March): 57-61.
Bain, C. E., A. I. Blankley and L. M. Smith. 2002. An examination of topical coverage for the first accounting information systems course. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 143-164.
Baird, J. E., R. C. Zelin II and K. C. Olson. 2016. Occupational fraud: A comparison of perceptions of law enforcement majors, accounting majors, and other business majors. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 8(2): 275-287.
Bakarich, K. M., J. A. Burke, J. Castonguay and R. S. Palimeni. 2021. Modifying the collegiate accounting curriculum to prepare for the CPA Evolution Project: Incorporating advances in technology into accounting programs. The CPA Journal (August/September): 32-39.
Baker, C. R. 1974. Some observations on student values and their implications for accounting education: A comment. The Accounting Review (July): 576-577.
Baker, C. R. 1976. An investigation of differences in values: Accounting majors vs. nonaccounting majors. The Accounting Review (October): 886-893.
Baladouni, V. 1968. Instructional objectives in accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 582-585.
Baldwin, A. A., C. E. Brown and B. S. Trinkle. 2010. Accountng doctoral programs: A multidimensional description. Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations. (11): 101-128.
Baldwin, A. A., V. Chiu, Q. Liu and B. Muehlmann. 2023. Technology agility supported by a growth mindset: A new requirement for accounting curricula. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 20(2): 11-28.
Baldwin, B. A. 1980. On positioning the quiz: An empirical analysis. The Accounting Review (October): 664-671.
Baldwin, B. A. and K. R. Howe. 1982. Secondary-level study of accounting and subsequent performance in the first college course. The Accounting Review (July): 619-626.
Baldwin, R. 1956. A practitioner's plea for more training in written English. The Accounting Review (July): 358-362.
Baldwin, T. T., M. D. Bedell and J. L. Johnson. 1997. The social fabric of a team-based M.B.A. program: Network effects on student satisfaction and performance. The Academy of Management Journal 40(6): 1369-1397.
Ballas, A. and V. Theoharakis. 2003. Faculty perceptions of readership patterns of accounting journals: A global view. Contemporary Accounting Research (June).
Ballou, B., D. L. Heitger and D. Stoel. 2018. Data-driven decision-making and its impact on accounting undergraduate curriculum. Journal of Accounting Education (44): 14-24.
Barhyte, D. Y. 1975. A critique of "Socialization in professional schools". Administrative Science Quarterly 20(4): 631-633.
Barish, N. N. 1949. Cost control for sponsored research in a university. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 1): 673-682.
Barkhi, R. and S. Kozlowski. 2017. ERP in the classroom: Three SAP exercises focused on internal controls. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 14(1): 77-83.
Barnes, L. B. and C. R. Christensen. 1994. Teaching and the Case Method: Text, Cases, and Readings. Harvard Business Review Press.
Barker, R. F. and B. J. Landwehr. 1966. Quantitative techniques and the faculty. The Accounting Review (April): 338-340.
Barragato, C. A., J. Bastoli, J., S. B. Lilien, D. Lin, G. Victor, and S. Scarpati. 2008. Meeting of the minds. Dialogue between practitioners, educators, and regulators: Preparing future accounting professionals. Part 2 Panel discussion: How academics and practitioners can work together. The CPA Journal (April): 20-28.
Barrett, A. L. 1963. University governance: Some omitted aspects. The Academy of Management Journal 6(2): 170-172.
Barsky, N. P. and A. H. Catanach Jr. 2001. Perception is reality: Managing student and parental expectations is critical to increasing accounting enrollments. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 22-32.
Barth, M. E. 2008. Global financial reporting: Implications for U.S. Academics. The Accounting Review (September): 1159-1179.
Basopidis, I. G. and P. A. de Lange. 2009. An assessment of the learning benefits of using a web-based learning environment when teaching accounting. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 25(1): 13-19.
Bassler, L. E. and J. A. Litterer. 1959. Business games at the undergraduate level. The Journal of the Academy of Management 2(2): 127-133.
Bastable, C. W. Jr. 1955. A revised concept of inventories. The Accounting Review (January): 130-133. (Income statement versus balance sheet approach).
Basu, S. 2015. Is there a scientific basis for accounting? Implications for practice, research, and education. Journal of International Accounting Research 14(2): 235-265.
Bates, H. L. and B. E. Waldrup. 2010. A reexamination of the deductibility of graduate business educational expenses. The CPA Journal (September): 34-37.
Battista, M. S. 1978. The effect of instructional technology and learner characteristics on cognitive achievement in college accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 477-485.
Bauer, R. D. M. 1942. Keeping the proper balance between practical and theoretical accounting training. The Accounting Review (July): 233-236.
Bay, M. W. 1953. An experience in teaching accountants' report writing by visual methods. The Accounting Review (January): 113-114.
Bazley, J. D. 1974. An algebraic aid in teaching the differences between direct costing and full-absorption costing models: A comment. The Accounting Review (October): 838.
Bazley, J. D. and L. A. Nikolai. 1975. A comparison of published accounting research and qualities of accounting faculty and doctoral programs. The Accounting Review (July): 605-610.
Beamer, G. C. and T. Rose. 1955. The use of the GATB and the AIA tests in predicting success in courses in accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 533-535.
Beams, F. A. 1969. EDP and the elementary accounting course. The Accounting Review (October): 832-836.
Beams, J. D. and J. W. Briggs. 2012. Tax planning for parents of college students. Journal of Accountancy (March): 50-54.
Bean, V. L. and W. G. Mister. 1978. A partner in residence program at the University of Colorado for national accountancy firms. The Accounting Review (January): 139-142.
Beatson, N., C. Gabriel, A. Howell, S. Scott, and L. C. Wood. 2020. Just opt in: How choosing to engage with technology impacts business students' academic performance. Journal of Accounting Education (50): 100641.
Beatty, W. C. 1941. Accounting in the graduate program of the social-science student. The Accounting Review (June): 155-161.
Beaudoin, L. 2014. IMA's Higher Education Endorsement Program: Certifying quality. Strategic Finance (August): 54-57.
Becker, D. and S. Haugen. 2004. Wireless instruction: A new dimension in course delivery. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 41-46.
Bedford, N. M. 1963. The laws of learning and accounting instruction. The Accounting Review (April): 406-408. (Old laws: 1) Learning occurs through active practice, 2) People should not try tasks where they are unlikely to succeed, 3) Transfer or using of learned knowledge is to be expected only if the problems encountered are much like those on which the person was trained, 4) Knowledge that leads to a desired goal is easier taught than knowledge motivated only by direct incentives and compulsion. New laws: 1) The law of discovery and 2) The law of transfer. Claimed advantages of the discovery method include: a) It increases the intellectual capacity of the student, b) it shifts the rewards from extrinsic to intrinsic promoting an attitude for continuous life-long learning, and c) it conserves memory by causing the student to develop his or her own associations that are the basis for retrieval).
Bedford, N. M. 1997. A History of Accountancy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Bedingfield, J. P. and S. E. Loeb. 1973. Attitudes of professors toward accounting ethics. The Accounting Review (July): 603-605.
Bednarcik, T. R. 2016. Exceptional students: Double the recognition. Strategic Finance (August): 60-61. (About the IMA Accounting Honor Society).
Beechy, T. H. and W. A. Bernath. 1971. The measurement of economic activity: An introductory accounting course. The Accounting Review (April): 385-387.
Beers, J. W. 1928. Training classes in the income tax unit. The Accounting Review (June): 177-183.
Beeson, L. J. 1975. An accounting internship program in industry. Management Accounting (March): 59-61.
Beights, D. M. 1954. The accounting curriculum. The Accounting Review (April): 219-223.
Belik, B. and G. Violette. 2018. Student perceptions of what it means to be a professional: A survey of domestic and international accounting majors. The CPA Journal (September): 30-34.
Belkaoui, A. 1975. Learning order and acceptance of accounting techniques. The Accounting Review (October): 897-899.
Belkaoui, A. 1977. The primacy-recency effect, ego involvement and the acceptance of accounting techniques. The Accounting Review (January): 252-256.
Bell, C. S. 1960. Wanted: Qualified accountants for the opportunities ahead. N.A.A. Bulletin -1960 Conference Proceedings I (July): 22-28.
Bell, E. C. 1974. A college of business administration as a production system. The Academy of Management Journal 17(2): 306-317.
Bell, H. E. 1968. Discussion of university cost structure and behavior: An empirical study. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 156-159.
Bell, L. and R. B. Trueman. 2008. Virtual Worlds, Real Libraries: Librarians and Educators in Second Life and Other Multi-User Virtual Environments. Information Today, Inc.
Bell, P. W. 1987. Accounting as a discipline for study and practice: 1986. Contemporary Accounting Research 3(2): 338-367.
Belser, F. C. 1927. How the universities can aid the accounting profession. The Accounting Review (March): 37-42.
Benis, M., C. Brody and R. T. Johnson. 1976. Utilization of the small group approach to teaching intermediate accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 894-898.
Benjamin, J. J. and D. E. Ricketts. 1973. A profit planning project in the management accounting course. The Accounting Review (October): 794-797.
Benjamin, J. J. and V. C. Brenner. 1974. Perceptions of journal quality. The Accounting Review (April): 360-362.
Bennett, G. E. 1927. The administration of college courses in accounting. The Accounting Review (June): 182-188.
Bennett, R. J. 1912. Educational training of an accountant. Journal of Accountancy (March): 182-193.
Bennis, W. G. and J. O'Toole. 2005. How business schools lost their way: Too focused on "scientific" research, business schools are hiring professors with limited real-world experience and graduating students who are ill equipped to wrangle with complex, unquantifiable issues - in other words, the stuff of management. Harvard Business Review (May): 96-104. (Summary).
Benson, S. S. 2022. Perceptions of the graduate accounting student mindset. The CPA Journal (September/October): 13-14.
Bentz, W. F. 1975. Learning transfer in professional education and training for accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 370-379.
Berger, P. K. and A. J. Grimes. 1973. Cosmopolitan-local: A factor analysis of the construct. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(2): 223-235.
Bergeron, P. G. 2003. Finance: Essentials for the Successful Professional. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Bergner, J., J. J. Filzen and M. G. Simkin. 2016. Why use multiple choice questions with excess information? Journal of Accounting Education (34): 1-12.
Bergolofsky, H. 1968. A proposed revision of the accounting curriculum. The Accounting Review (October): 787-788.
Berheussen, B. A. 2014. Power to business professors: Automatic grading of problem-solving tasks in a spreadsheet. Journal of Accounting Education 32(1): 76-87.
Berinato, S. 2016. Visualizations that really work. Harvard Business Review (June): 92-100. (Summary).
Berkner, L. V. 1966. Management in the university. Management Science (June): C183-C191.
Bernthal, W. F. 1969. Sigma Iota Epsilon: The academy's student division: Opportunity and dilemma for the management professor. The Academy of Management Journal 12(3): 379-381.
Berry, S. E., H. J. Watson and W. T. Greenwood. 1978. A survey as to the content of the introductory POM course. The Academy of Management Journal 21(4): 699-714.
Bevis, D. J. 1958. Professional education for public accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 445-449.
Bexell, J. A. 1927. Accounting at "Erehwon". The Accounting Review (June): 172-174. (Erehwon spelled backwards is the location of the school - nowhere).
Beyer, B., D. Herrmann, G. K. Meek and E. T. Rapley. 2010. What it means to be an accounting professor: A concise career guide for doctoral students in accounting. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 227-244. (Summary).
Beyer, J. M. and T. M. Lodahl. 1976. A comparative study of patterns of influence in United States and English universities. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(1): 104-129.
Bidwell, C. E. and R. S. Vreeland. 1963. College education and moral orientations: An organizational approach. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(2): 166-191.
Birnberg, J. G. and R. Nath. 1967. Implications of behavioral science for managerial accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 468-479.
Bishop, C. C., D. M. Boyle, B. W. Carpenter and D. R. Hermanson. 2016. Transitioning into academia: A new pathway for practitioners. Journal of Accountancy (March): 48-53.
Bishop, C. C., D. M. Boyle, R. R. Clune and D. R. Hermanson. 2012. A different model for doctoral education in accounting and auditing: Student and faculty reflections. Current Issues in Auditing 6(1): A1-A16. (Note).
Bishop-Monroe, R. and J. L. Garcia. 2023. Where do I start? A pathway for personal growth for faculty committed to creative inclusive classrooms. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 109-128.
Black, J. A. 1970. Design and implementation philosophy for quantitatively oriented undergraduate business programs. Decision Sciences 1(1-2): 211-219.
Black, M. L. , Jr. 1954. Student associate memberships. The Accounting Review (October): 691-692.
Blanchard, K. H. 1967. College boards of trustees: A need for directive leadership. The Academy of Management Journal 10(4): 409-417.
Blanchard, K. H. 1969. Comments on "College boards of trustees: A Need for directive leadership" - By Kenneth H. Blanchard: Reply to Hunt's comments. The Academy of Management Journal 12(1): 124-126.
Blasingame, J. W. 1977. Personalized systems of instruction in management - A replication. The Academy of Management Journal 20(3): 482-487.
Blay, A. D. and M. G. Fennema. 2017. Are accountants made or born? An analysis of self-selection into the accounting major and performance in accounting courses and on the CPA exam. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 33-50.
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Chang, O. H. and C. W. Chow. 1999. The balanced scorecard: A potential tool for supporting change and continuous improvement in accounting education. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 395-412.
Chapin, N. 1963. Teaching business data processing with the aid of a computer. The Accounting Review (October): 835-839.
Chapman, H. H. 1926. The administration of college courses in accounting. The Accounting Review (December): 81-84.
Chase, H. S. 1907. Teach English, economics, history and law. Journal of Accountancy (January): 191-192.
Chatfield, M. 1968. A writing program in intermediate accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 592-594.
Chawla, S. K., Z. Khan, R. E. Jackson and A. W. Gray III. 2015. Evaluating ethics education for accounting students. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 16-25.
Chen, A. Y. S. and J. L. Rodgers. 1995. Teaching the teachers TQM. Management Accounting (May): 42-46. (Discussion of the University Challenge program).
Chen, C., K. T. Jones and D. D. Mcintyre. 2005. A reexamination of the factors important to selection of accounting as a major. Accounting and the Public Interest (5): 14-31.
Chen, C., K. T. Jones and K. Moreland. 2017. How online learning compares to the traditional classroom: Measuring accounting course outcomes. The CPA Journal (September): 44-47.
Chen, C. C., K. T. Jones and K. Moreland. 2014. Differences in learning styles. The CPA Journal (August): 46-51. (Concrete Experience - Feeling, Observations and Reflection - Watching, Abstract Conceptualization - Thinking, and Active Experimentation - Doing).
Chen, T. T. Y. 2013. A comparative study of what accounting employers in the United States and Hong Kong expect: Implications for curriculum and pedagogical design. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (10): 123-134.
Cheng, C. and D. L. Crumbley. 2018. Student and professor use of publisher test banks and implications for fair play. Journal of Accounting Education (42): 1-16.
Cheng, C., S. Rhoades-Catanach and L. Watson. 2023. Data analytics for undergraduate tax students: A Alteryx case study for MACRS depreciation. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 145-164.
Cheng, X. 2022. The effect of the frequency and source of instructional messages on knowledge sharing behavior. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 125-140.
Chentnik, C. G. and P. A. Weatherford. 1974. Teaching management by management exception. The Academy of Management Journal 17(1): 90-100.
Cherrington, J. O. 1993. Implementing a graduate management consulting course. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 48-61.
Cherrington, J. O. and K. D. Stocks. 1986. Educating a management consultant. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 145-153.
Cherry, R. W. 1962. What we told high school students on career days. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 59.
Cherubini, J., K. Rich, H. Zhu and A. Michenzi. 2011. IFRS in the general business curriculum: Why should we care? The CPA Journal (February): 13-15.
Chervany, N. L. and J. S. Heinen. 1975. The structure of a student project course. Decision Sciences 6(1): 174-183.
Childress, S. 2012. Rethinking school: For the U.S. to remain competitive, its students need to learn vastly more, much more quickly. New approaches prove they can. Harvard Business Review (March): 76-79.
Chiu, V., T. Gershberg, A. J. Sannella and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2014. Does a live instructor matter? Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (11): 1-25.
Chmielewski-Raimondo, D. A., W. McKeown and A. Brooks. 2016. The field as our classroom: Applications in a business-related setting. Journal of Accounting Education (34): 41-58.
Choi, J., G. Hecht, I. D. Tafkov and K. L. Towry. 2020. Bring the noise, but not the funk: Does the effect of performance measure noise on learning depend on whether the learning is experiential or vicarious? The Accounting Review (July): 153-172.
Christensen, A. L. and A. M. Woodland. 2016. Is participation in the volunteer tax assistance (VITA) program associated with students' problem-solving skills and professional commitment? Issues in Accounting Education (February): 71-90.
Christensen, C. R. 1982. Business Policy: Text and Cases. Irwin.
Christensen, C. R., D. A. Garvin, and A. Sweet. (Eds.) 1991. Education for Judgment: The Artistry of Discussion Leadership. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. (Contents and Summaries).
Christiansen, I. K. 1961. Bringing reality into the accounting program. The Accounting Review (April): 293-296.
Christensen, J. 2018. Accounting in 2036: A learned profession: Part II: A learned research and education environment. The Accounting Review (November): 387-390.
Cismoski, D. R. and F. Toepfer. 1979. How to allocate the college budget objectively. Management Accounting (December): 45-50.
Claire, R. S. 1944. Training for the public accounting profession. The Accounting Review (April): 150-159.
Clark, B. R. 1965. Interorganizational patterns in education. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(2): 224-237.
Clark, B. R. 1972. The organizational saga in higher education. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(2): 178-184.
Clark, E. L. 1925. Courses in accounting: VI. Oregon Institute of Technology. Journal of Accountancy (April): 317-318.
Clark, R. L. and R. B. Sweeney. 1985. Admission to accounting programs: Using a discriminant model as a classification procedure. The Accounting Review (July): 508-518.
Clark, T. N. 1968. Institutionalization of innovations in higher education: Four models. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(1): 1-25.
Clary, D. A. 1973. Blueprint for an accounting program in federal taxation. The Accounting Review (April): 425-427.
Clay, R. J. Jr. and M. H. Mann. 1976. Modification of standards: A proposed solution to the problem of increased accounting enrollment. The Accounting Review (April): 352-358.
Cleveland, F. A. 1907. Suggested curriculum for a professional school of accountancy. Journal of Accountancy (January): 199-202.
Clinebell, S., and J. Clinebell. 2008. The tension in business education between academic rigor and real-world relevance: The role of executive professors. Academy of Management Learning & Education 7(1): 99-107.
Clinton, B. 1988.Teaching to Rebuild the nation. AAHE Bulletin (May):
Clinton, B. D. 2007. Crisis! When will the accountancy profession finally recognize the value of management accountants? Strategic Finance (January): 24-30.
Clinton, B. D., L. J. Matuszewski and D. E. Tidrick. 2011. Escaping professional dominance? Cost Management (September/October): 43-47. (Discussion of how to change the financial accounting dominance over management accounting).
Clovey, R. and O. Oladipo. 2008. The VITA program: A catalyst for improving accounting education. The CPA Journal (December): 60-65. (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program).
Cloyd, H. M. 1971. Optimum course requirements for nonaccounting majors. The Accounting Review (July): 591-594.
Cluskey, G. R. Jr., C. R. Ehlen and R. Rivers. 2007. Accounting theory: Missing in action? Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 24-31. (Survey of 88 doctoral granting institutions in the U.S.).
Cobb, E. K. 1960. Current status of managerial accounting as a course of study. The Accounting Review (January): 125-129.
Coe, M. and J. Delaney. 2008. The impact of certifications on accounting education. Strategic Finance (July): 47-51.
Coe, R. and I. Weinstock. 1984. Evaluating the management journals: A second look. The Academy of Management Journal 27(3): 660-666.
Coe, R. K. and I. Weinstock. 1983. Teaching and educational notes: Evaluating the accounting professor's journal publications. Journal of Accounting Education 1(1): 127-129.
Coffman, W. E. 1954. Determining student’s concepts of effective teaching and their ratings of instructors. Journal of Educational Psychology: 277-286.
Coglitore, F. J. and D. M. Matson. 2007. The use of computer-assisted auditing techniques in the auditing course: Further evidence. Journal of Forensic Accounting 8(1-2): 201-226.
Cohen, J. R. and L. L. Holder-Webb. 2006. Rethinking the influence of agency theory in the accounting academy. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 17-30.
Cohen, K. J. and E. Rhenman. 1961. The role of management games in education and research. Management Science (January): 131-166.
Cohen, W. M. and D. A. Levinthal. 1990. Absorptive capacity: A new perspective on learning and innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly 35(1): 128-152.
Coleman, A. R. 1957. A Report by the Task Committee on Faculty Personnel: [Introduction]. The Accounting Review (April): 239-241.
Coltrin, S. and W. F. Glueck. 1977. The effect of leadership roles on the satisfaction and productivity of university research professors. The Academy of Management Journal 20(1): 101-116.
Colvin, G. 2015. Humans are underrated. Fortune (August): 100-113. (Summary).
Colvin, G. 2015. Humans Are Underrated: What High Achievers Know that Brilliant Machines Never Will. Portfolio/Penguin. (Contents).
Commager, H. S. 1976. The People and Their Schools. Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Reprinted in Anderson, W. T., E. K. St. Pietre and R. L. Benke, Jr. eds. Not dated. Essays on Accounting Education. The Center for Research in Accounting Education, School of Accounting, James Madison University: 3-19. (Commager discusses the history, problems and triumphs of the American education experience).
Committee for New Courses for Professional Accounting Programs: Report. 1977. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 133, 135-137, 139-143, 145-149, 151-155, 157-160.
Committee on Accounting Education. 1974. Inclusion of EDP in an undergraduate auditing curriculum: Some possible approaches. The Accounting Review (October): 859-864.
Committee on Accreditation. 1977. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 161, 163-164.
Committee on Application of Learning and Communications Theories to Accounting Instruction: Report. 1972. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 267-292. Committee members are listed in the Front matter).
Committee on Auditing Education: Report. 1973. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 1-16. Committee members are listed in the Front matter.
Committee on Behavioral Science Content of the Accounting Curriculum: Report. 1971. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 247-285. (Committee members are listed in the Front matter).
Committee on Consequences of Accreditation. 1977. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 165, 167-177.
Committee on Courses in Financial Accounting: Report. 1972. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 295-315. (Committee members are listed in the Front matter).
Committee on Courses in Managerial Accounting: Report. 1972. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 1-13. (Committee members are listed in the Front matter).
Committee on Faculty Residency. 1955. Faculty fellowships in industrial and professional accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 605-606.
Committee on Junior (Community) College Curriculum in Accounting: Report. 1972. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 165-185. (Committee members are listed in the Front matter).
Committee on the Accounting Curriculum for Junior and Community Colleges: Report. 1970. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 11-26.
Committee on Masters' Programs in Accounting: Report. 1970. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 45-51.
Committee on Multi-Media Instruction in Accounting: Report. 1972. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 111, 113-162. (Committee members are listed in the Front matter).
Committee on Research Universities Board of Higher Education and Workforce Policy and Global Affairs. National Research Council of the National Academies. 2012. Research Universities and The Future of America: Ten Breakthrough Actions Vital to Our Nation's Prosperity and Security. The National Academies Press.
Committee on Tax Information Service: Report. 1973. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 255-297. Committee members are listed in the Front matter.(Related to faculty).
Committee on the Junior (Community) College Curriculum: Report. 1973. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 37-71. Committee members are listed in the Front matter.
Committee on the Measurement Methods Content of the Accounting Curriculum: Report. 1971. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 213-245. (Committee members are listed in the Front matter).
Committee on the Role of the Computer in Accounting Education: Report. 1970. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 29-43.
Comunale, C. L., J. H. Irving and J. E. Trainor. 2023. The accounting pipeline. The CPA Journal (September/October): 44-49.
Conaway, J. K. and T. Wiesen. 2023. Academic dishonesty in online accounting assessments - Evidence on the use of academic resource sites. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 45-60.
Conley, W. H. 1939. Accounting in the junior colleges. The Accounting Review (March): 22-26.
Copeland, R. M. 1969. Textbook knowledge: Fact or fiction. The Accounting Review (January): 164-167.
Cook, D. L. and J. C. Granger. 1976. Current status of project management instruction in American colleges and universities. The Academy of Management Journal 19(2): 323-328.
Cook, H. R. M. 1910. The standardization of school statistics. Journal of Accountancy (August): 256-266.
Cook, K. A., M. Hart, M. R. Kinney and D. K. Oler. 2016. How to discuss a paper: Developing and showcasing your scholarly skills. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 211-218.
Coopage, R. and T. Shastri. 2013. Using PCAOB settled disciplinary orders to improve audit quality education. The CPA Journal (July): 46-51.
Cooper, J. A. 1908. Education for the accountant. Journal of Accountancy (August): 261-268.
Cooper, W. D. 1985. An academic dilemma: Teaching versus research. Management Accounting (October): 12, 71.
Copeland, G. A. 1958. Training and developing accounting and analytical personnel. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 5-14.
Copley, P. and E. Douthett. 2020. The enrollment cliff, mega-universities, COVID-19, and the changing landscape of U.S. colleges. The CPA Journal (September): 22-27.
Coppage, R. E. and G. R. French. 2002. Restructuring management accounting education. Journal of Cost Management (March/April): 40-45.
Corey, E. R. 1990. MBA Field Studies: A Guide for Students and Faculty. Harvard Business School Press.
Costa, C. and C. W. Addison. 2001. Alpha Teach Yourself Accounting in 24 Hours. Penguin Putnam.
Coutu, D. L. 2002. The anxiety of learning. Harvard Business Review (March): 100-107. (Summary).
Covaleski, M. A. and M. W. Dirsmith. 1988. An institutional perspective on the rise, social transformation, and fall of a university budget category. Administrative Science Quarterly 33(4): 562-587.
Covey, S. R. 1990. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Simon & Schuster.
Covey, S. R. 1998. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families: Building a Beautiful Family Culture in a Turbulent World. Golden Books.
Covey, S. R. 2000. Living the 7 Habits: The Courage to Change. The Free Press.
Covey, S. R. 2003. Beyond the 7 Habits. Franklin Covey.
Covey, S. R. 2003. Focus: Achieving Your Highest Priorities. Franklin Covey.
Covey, S. R., A. R. Merrill and R. R. Merrill. 1996. First Things First: To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy. The Free Press.
Cox, R. G. 1957. The place of tax and fiscal policy issues in the federal income tax course. The Accounting Review (January): 95-97.
Coyne, J. G., E. M. Coyne and K. B. Walker. 2016. A model to update accounting curricula for emerging technologies. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 13(1): 161-169.
Craig, R. J. and A. J. Greinke. 1994. Accounting history and governmental inquiries: An experiment in adversarial roleplay. The Accounting Historians Journal 21(2): 117-134.
Cramer, D. H. 1957. What does the employer expect of the college graduate? The Accounting Review (January): 15-20.
Cramer, J. J. Jr. 1966. Management accounting via computer assisted instruction. Management Accounting (January): 38-45.
Crawford, D. 2015. Prescribing an accounting curriculum. The CPA Journal (November): 6-9.
Cross, K. P. 1986. A proposal to improve teaching or 'what taking teaching seriously should mean.' American Association for Higher Education (September). (A number of studies found that when lecturing is the dominant mode of teaching, students forget as much as 50 percent of the course content within a few months. This reference was noted in Christensen, C. R., D. A. Garvin, and A. Sweet. (Eds.) 1991. Education for Judgment: The Artistry of Discussion Leadership. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, p. 4).
Crum, W. F. 1949. Intermediate and advanced accounting advice sheet. The Accounting Review (January): 94-96.
Crum, W. F. 1962. The strong under-graduate accounting major. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 33-36.
Crum, W. F. 1978. Survey of doctoral programs in the United States. The Accounting Review (April): 486-494.
Crum, W. F. 1981. 1980 Survey of doctoral programs in accounting in the United States. The Accounting Review (July): 634-641.
Crum, W. F. and D. E. Garner. 1985. 1983 Survey of doctoral programs in accounting in the United States and Canada. The Accounting Review (July): 519-525.
Cullather, J. L. 1959. Accounting: Kin to the humanities? The Accounting Review (October): 525-527. ("Is accounting kin to the humanities? One almost answers that it's too close a relative to bring about a marriage." p. 527).
Cummings, B. R., E. Bennett and C. J. Normand. 2001.Meeting the challenge: The university accounting program corporate America needs. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 4-13.
Cunningham, E. H. 1955. The need for college courses in internal auditing. The Accounting Review (January): 51-57.
Cummings, L. L. 1966. Managerial effectiveness I: Formulating a research strategy. The Academy of Management Journal 9(1): 29-42.
Cummings, L. L. 1967. Managerial effectiveness II: Performance at the graduate student level. The Academy of Management Journal 10(2): 145-160.
Currie, E. M. and J. L. Witwer. 1969. Gaining a foothold in systems education. The Accounting Review (July): 618-623.
Curtis, G. E. 2008. Legal and regulatory environments and ethics: Essential components of a fraud and forensic accounting curriculum. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 535-543.
Curtis, G. E. 2008. The model curriculum in fraud and forensic accounting and economic crime programs at Utica College. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 581-592.
Curtis, S. M. 2017. Pathway to reform: Developing action research capacity in accounting education. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 51-79.
Cushing, B. E. and C. H. Smith. 1972. A new emphasis for introductory accounting instruction. The Accounting Review (July): 599-601.
Cyert, R. M. and J. T. Wheeler. 1960. A proposal for an integrated course in statistics and accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 51-59.
Daigle, R. J. and V. Arnold. 2000. An analysis of the research productivity of AIS faculty. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 1(2): 106-122.
Daigle, R. J., D. C. Hayes and D. N. McSwain. 2018. Solving the "Mystery" of profiling fraud: Teaching students about occupational fraud by examining episodes of Mystery Diners. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 3(1): A1-A15.
Daigle, R. J., D. C. Hayes and K. E. Hughes II. 2007. Assessing student learning outcomes in the introductory accounting information course using the AICPA's core competency framework. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 149-169.
Daigle, R. J., D. C. Hayes and P. W. Morris. 2014. Helping students understand occupational fraud by applying the ACFE Report to daytime television talk show confessions. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 1-13.
Daigle, R. J., J. T. Morris and R. Quarles. 2015. Using non-academic multimedia resources to enhance student learning of fact-based fraud cases. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 7(1): 212-252.
Daly, G. A. and B. H. Ward. 1995. Working together in higher education: The challenge and rewards. Management Accounting (May): 27-30. (Combining classroom learning with on-site company visits).
Daniels, H. M. 1958. An evolutionary 5-year professional program. The Accounting Review (July): 455-460.
Daniels, R. B. and A. J. McKee. 2009. Using technology to teach joint product costing. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 14-21.
Darkenwald, G. G. Jr. 1971. Organizational conflict in colleges and universities. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(4): 407-412.
Dascher, P. E. and T. D. Hubbard. 1973. The CPA review course - A second dimension. The Accounting Review (April): 418-420.
Davies, E. C. 1935. Auditing teaching methods. The Accounting Review (March): 19-21.
Davis, A., S. Kaden and L. Zhang. 2016. Paying for children's education can be taxing. The CPA Journal (September): 48-53.
Davis, J. R. and R. A. Leitch. 1988. Accounting information systems courses and curricula: New perspectives. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 153-166.
Davis, K. 1959. A management teacher by any other name. The Journal of the Academy of Management 2(3): 197-199.
Davis, K. 1960. Management brain-power needs for the 1970's. The Journal of the Academy of Management 3(2): 125-127.
Davis-Blake, A. 2015. Book review: M. Anteby: Manufacturing Morals: The Values of silence in Business School Education. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(1): NP7-NP9.
Davis-Friday, P. Y. and L. B. Boyar. 2020. Combating implicit bias in accounting education and training. The CPA Journal (September): 11-12.
Dawkins, M. C. 2023. Declining enrollments - A call to action! Issues in Accounting Education (February): 9-18.
Dawkins, M. C. 2023. Life experiences of a black accounting student and faculty member. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 19-33.
Dawkins, M. C. and M. T. Dugan. 2022. An update on the future of accounting education: A pessimistic outlook calls for major changes. The CPA Journal (September/October): 20-25. (Recommendations: 1. Drop the 150-hour requirement for CPA eligibility, 2. Extend the 18-month CPA testing window to 3-4 years, 3. Increase starting salaries to compete with fields such as data analytics, supply chain, logistics, finance, and MIS/computer science, 4. Provide work/life balance by reducing work hours, 5. Allow CPA exam candidates to qualify for the exam by "reading" or apprenticing under another CPA).
Dawkins, M. C., M. T. Dugan, S. S. Mezzio and J. E. Trapnell. 2020. The future of accounting education: In-demand skills, workplace readiness, the 150-hour requirement, MAcc programs, and the CPA exam. The CPA Journal (September): 28-35.
Daylor, J. and S. Saint Amant. 2017. Education. The CPA Journal (December): 12-13.
De Cani, J. S. 1962. A queueing model for business students. Management Science (April): 278-286.
De Lucia, A., R. Francese, I. Passero and G. Tortora. 2009. Development and evaluation of a virtual campus on Second Life: The case of SecondDMI. Computers & Education (January): 220-233.
Deakin, E. B. 1974. A class project for risk analysis in capital budgeting. The Accounting Review (January): 146-149.
Deakin, E. B. III and E. L. Summers. 1975. A survey of curriculum topics relevant to the practice of management accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 380-383.
Deakin, E. B. III, M. H. Granof and C. H. Smith. 1974. Educational objectives for an accounting program. The Accounting Review (July): 584-589. (Discussion of how six basic objectives of learning (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) should be emphasized at the introductory, intermediate and advanced levels).
Dean, P. C. 2017. Becoming better students. The combination of attending IMA student leadership conferences and starting an IMA student chapter can help students prepare for the workplace. Strategic Finance (August): 62-63.
DeBerry, T. W. 2004. Successes and failures with a new fraud course at a small university. Journal of Forensic Accounting (5): 515-528.
Debnam, T. F. 1957. Postgraduate training of accounting teachers for the small colleges. The Accounting Review (April): 309-312.
DeCoster, D. and G. Prater. 1973. An experimental study of the use of a business game in elementary accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 137-142.
DeCoster, D. T. and K. V. Ramanathan. 1973. An algebraic aid in teaching the differences between direct costing and full-absorption costing models. The Accounting Review (October): 800-801.
Dehning Grimm, S. 2015. Learning logs: Incorporating writing-to-learn assignments into accounting courses. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 79-104.
Dein, R. C. 1942. Objective examinations in elementary accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 101-113.
Deines, D. and E. Valentine. 2007. A career-neutral accounting curriculum? Strategic Finance (January): 31-39.
Deines, D. S., J. Bittner and G. Eichman. 2012. The Accounting Pilot and Bridge Project. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 113-122. (The Accounting Pilot and Bridge Project created a new college-level high school accounting course that provides college credit for those students who take the course and pass a rigorous qualifying examination).
Deinzer, H. T. 1953. Specialization or integration as the objective of graduate accounting instruction. The Accounting Review (April): 249-257.
Delaney, P. R., D. E. Keys, C. L. Norton and J. R. Simon. 1979. An admission test for intermediate accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 155-162.
DeLaune, L. D., J. S. Rakow and K. C. Rakow. 2010. Teaching financial literacy in a co-curricular service-learning model. Journal of Accounting Education 28(2): 103-113.
DeMong, R. F., J. H. Lindgren Jr., and S. E. Perry.1994. Designing an assessment program for accounting. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 11-27.
Demski, J. S. 2007. Is accounting an academic discipline? Accounting Horizons (June): 153-157. (According to Demski, "Accounting today is not an academic discipline; it is an ever-narrowing insular vocational enterprise.").
Demski, J. S. and J. L. Zimmerman. 2000. On "Research vs. teaching": A long-term perspective. Accounting Horizons (September): 343-352.
Denison, C. 2018. Preparing students for real accounting. Strategic Finance (October): 37-43.
Deppe, L., D. R. Hansen and S. Jenne. 1988. The 150-hour education requirement: The history and message of the Utah experience. Accounting Horizons (June): 53-57.
Deppe, L. A. 2014. The 150-hour education requirement. The CPA Journal (August): 62-65.
DePree, C. 2018. Or Just Plain Dumb?: Are AACSB and University Administrators Trustworthy, Miscreant Authority, Or Just Plain Dumb? Amazon Digital Services LLC.
Derstine, R. P., J. M. Emig, T. J. Grant and K. Hiltebeitel. 2012. A case-based approach to intermediate accounting courses: New hires ready to hit the ground running. The CPA Journal (October): 12-13.
Deskins, J. W., F. L. Neumann and L. Revsine. 1970. A research methodology course for accountants. The Accounting Review (October): 789-795.
Devine, C. T. 1952. Integration of accounting and economics in the elementary accounting course. The Accounting Review (July): 329-333.
DeWinter, J. and S. Vie. 2008. Press enter to “Say”: Using Second Life to teach critical media literacy. Computers and Composition 25(3): 313-322.
DeZoort, F. T. 2023. The experimental effects of a student whistleblower policy on reporting classmate misconduct. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 61-79.
Diamond, R. M. 2002. Field Guide to Academic Leadership (Jossey Bass Higher and Adult Education Series). Jossey-Bass.
Diaz, M. C. 2016. Assembling the opinion: An active learning exercise for audit students. Journal of Accounting Education (34): 30-40.
Dibbern, N., L. Pilipenko, J. Slivensky and W. Chiang. 2013. Deductibility of MBA education expenses. The CPA Journal (September): 56-61.
Dickens, R. L. 1952. Non-commercial curriculum for accounting majors. The Accounting Review (October): 502-505.
Dickens, R. L. 1956. A sabbatical year in public accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 617-620.
Dickerson, W. E. 1950. The courses in tax accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 173-179.
Dickerson, W. E. 1957. Tax planning and tax research in the tax accounting courses. The Accounting Review (January): 98-100.
Dietrich, J. R., D. Kligman, M. V. Mannino, J. Mote, N. V. Phillips and D. Schkade. 1989. A graduate program for information systems managers. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 145-154.
Dill, W. R. and N. Doppelt. 1963. The acquisition of experience in a complex management game. Management Science (October): 30-46.
Dilley, M. B. 1936. Innovations in teaching elementary accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 79-82.
Dilley, M. B. 1961. What happens to accounting majors? The Accounting Review (January): 121-123.
Dilley, M. B. 1967. Textbooks used in accounting courses. The Accounting Review (October): 800-802.
Dilley, M. B. and D. R. Dilley. 1963. College accounting courses - 1963. The Accounting Review (July): 629-632.
Dilley, M. B. and D. R. Dilley. 1964. College accounting courses - 1964. The Accounting Review (October): 1050-1053.
Dilley, S. and J. J. Wheatley. 1977. Tax considerations in research grants to faculty. The Accounting Review (October): 915-924.
Dilley, S. C., R. B. Hayes and P. Steinbart. 1983. Development of a paradigm for applied accounting research: A way of coping with subject-matter complexity. The Accounting Review (April): 405-416. (The authors recommend that applied accounting research techniques be included in the accounting curricula to help students deal with the cumbersome body of authoritative literature).
Dillon, T. W. and S. E. Kruck. 2004. The emergence of accounting information systems programs. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 29-36.
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Dixon, R. L. 1970. An experimental interview program to attract students to our field. The Accounting Review (January): 140-143.
Djatej, A., Y. Chen, S. Eriksen and D. Zhou. 2015. Understanding student's major choice in accounting: An application of the theory of reasoned action. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (12): 53-72.
Dock, V. T., D. M. Guy and D. Z. Williams. 1974. Integrating the computer in the classroom: An approach in auditing. The Accounting Review (January): 149-153.
Dockweiler, R. C. and C. G. Willis. 1984. On the use of entry requirements for undergraduate accounting programs. The Accounting Review (July): 496-504.
Dombrovske, W. J. 1964. Financial management preparation for the accountant. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 25-36.
Donaldson, L. 2005. For positive management theories while retaining science: Reply to Ghoshal. Academy of Management Learning & Education (March): 109-113. (Related to Ghoshal's criticism of management theory).
Dohr, J. L. 1930. Accounting in the law school. The Accounting Review (September): 213-214.
Dohr, J. L. 1938. Business-law training for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 77-80.
Dohr, J. L. 1947. An introduction to the art of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 151-161.
Dohr, J. L. 1948. A graduate curriculum in accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 206-208.
Domingo, M. S. and H. Nouri. 2016. How do transfer students in accounting compare academically to "native" students? Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (13): 21-35.
Doney, L. D. and R. C. Neumann. 1965. Teaching approaches to elementary accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 653-655.
Dosch, J. 2008. Accounting degree opportunities - Now more than ever. Cost Management (September/October): 47-48.
Dosch, J. 2010. Teaching management accounting online. Cost Management (March/April): 44-48.
Downing, G. D. 1960. Teaching income tax concepts in the elementary accounting course. The Accounting Review (October): 730-732.
Drake, A. E. and J. G. Matre. 1974. A strategy for integrating quantitative techniques into the business curriculum. Decision Sciences 5(1): 140-144.
Dreibelbis, B. 2002. Training: Time to learn or time to run? Strategic Finance (January): 34-37.
Drebin, A. R. 1964. A computer solution to cost or market problems. The Accounting Review (July): 745-749.
Drews-Bryan, A. and G. Luoma. 1997. Preparing for careers in management accounting and financial management. Management Accounting (August Supplement): 12-14, 16.
Drotning, J. E. 1967. "On prestige and loyalty of university faculty" by Lionel S. Lewis. Administrative Science Quarterly 12(3): 501-502.
Drucker, P. F. 2005. Managing oneself. Harvard Business Review (January): 100-109. (Summary).
Du, H. 2016. Cutting-edge technologies in the classroom. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 13(1): 119-120.
Du, J. and I. Lapsley. 2019. The reform of UK universities: A management dream, an academic nightmare? Abacus 55(3): 452-482.
Du, N., T. Wang and O. R. Whittington. 2021. Accounting data analytics exercise for intermediate accounting: Warranty expense and product liability. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 18(2): 201-208.
Dubin, R. and F. Beisse. 1967. The assistant: Academic subaltern. Administrative Science Quarterly 11(4): 521-547.
Dugan, M. T. 2021. Reflections on my career as an accounting educator. The CPA Journal (August/September): 21-22.
Duncan, J. C. 1914. Some scientific and educational problems of the accountancy profession. Journal of Accountancy (October): 260-275.
Duncan, J. C. 1915. Priority in educational methods. Journal of Accountancy (February): 161-162.
Dunn, C. L. 1956. Helping accounting students to learn how to analyze a business transaction. The Accounting Review (July): 501-503.
Dunn, C. L. 1956. Instruction aids in teaching basis of property acquired in certain tax-free exchanges. The Accounting Review (January): 129-131.
Dunn, C. L. 1960. Teaching of adjusting and reversing entries in the elementary accounting courses. The Accounting Review (January): 135-137.
Dunn, C. L. 2016. A portable factory: Experiential learning of manufacturing concepts. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 13(1): 141-159.
Dunn, J. O. 1962. The honors student and accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 115-117.
Dunn, K. A. and K. L. Hooks. 2009. Cost of an
accounting education, economic returns, and preparation to enter the profession.
Issues in Accounting Education
(November): 433-464.
Dunn, K. A., K. L. Hooks and M. J. Kohlbeck. 2016. Preparing future accounting faculty members to teach. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 155-170.
Dunn, M. B. and C. Jones. 2010. Institutional logics and institutional pluralism: The contestation of care and science logics in medical education, 1967-2005. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(1): 114-149.
Durtschi, C. and R. R. Fullerton. 2005. Teaching fraud detection skills: A problem-based learning approach. Journal of Forensic Accounting 6(1): 187-212.
Dutta, S. and R. A. Lawson. 2007. Boosting management accounting's stature on campus. Strategic Finance (December): 42-47.
Dyche, W. A. 1905. Need of business methods in our universities. Journal of Accountancy (December): 122-127.
Dyckman, T. R. 1964. A dynamic case approach to management accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 1045-1050.
Dye, A. F. 1991. Does your school district's accounting system rate an A? Management Accounting (March): 49-51.
Dyer, J. S. 1970. The use of PPBS in a public system of higher education: "Is it cost-effective?" The Academy of Management Journal 13(3): 285-299.
Dzuranin, A. C., J. R. Jones and R. M. Olvera. 2018. Infusing data analytics into the accounting curriculum: A framework and insights from faculty. Journal of Accounting Education (43): 24-39.