Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
Quality Cost and Models Main Page | Deming
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Adam, E. E. Jr. 1975. Behavior modification in quality control. The Academy of Management Journal 18(4): 662-679.
Adam, E. E. Jr. and W. E. Scott, Jr. 1971. The application of behavioral conditioning procedures to the problems of quality control. The Academy of Management Journal 14(2): 175-193.
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Aghili, S. 2011. Throughput metrics meet six sigma. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 12-17.
Akao, Y. 1991. Hoshin Kanri: Policy Deployment for Successful TQM. Productivity Press.
Albright, T. L. and H. Roth. 1992. The measurement of quality costs: An alternative paradigm. Accounting Horizons (June): 15-27. (Summary).
Albright, T. L. and H. Roth. 1993. Controlling quality on a multidimensional level. Journal of Cost Management (Spring): 29-37. (Summary).
Albright, T. L. and H. P. Roth. 1994. Managing quality through the quality loss function. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 20-37. (Summary).
Allen, C. 2011. Benefits of effective quality control systems in accounting firms. The CPA Journal (January): 52-57.
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Anderson, S. W. and K. Sedatole. 1998. Designing quality into products: The use of accounting data in new product development. Accounting Horizons (September): 213-233. (Summary).
Ashton, R. H. 2007. Value-creation models for value-based management: Review, analysis, and research directions. Advances in Management Accounting (16): 1-62. (Models of value creation including the balanced scorecard, the Baldrige quality award criteria, the Deming management method, the service-profit chain, and the Skandia intellectual capital model are compared).
Atkinson, A., J. Hamburg and C Ittner. 1994. Linking Quality to Profits. Montvale, NJ: Institute of Management Accountants and Milwaukee, WI: ASQC Quality Press.
Atuahene-Gima, K. 2003. The effects of centrifugal and centripetal forces on product development speed and quality: How does problem solving matter? The Academy of Management Journal 46(3): 359-373.
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Botelho, T. L. and M. Abraham. 2017. Pursuing quality: How search costs and uncertainty magnify gender-based double standards in a multistage evaluation process. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(4): 698-730.
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Caldwell, C., J. Brexier and T. Gillem. 2005. Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare: A Senior Leader Guide to Improving Cost and Throughput. Productivity Press.
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Carlson, D. A. and S. M. Young. 1993. Activity-based total quality management at American Express. Journal of Cost Management (Spring): 48-58.
Carr, L. P. 1995. Cost of quality - Making it work. Journal of Cost Management (Spring): 61-65.
Carr, L. P. 1995. How Xerox sustains the cost of quality. Management Accounting (August): 26-32. (Summary).
Carr, L. P. and L. A. Ponemon. 1992. Manager's perceptions about quality costs. Journal of Cost Management (Spring): 65-71.
Carr, L. P. and L. A. Ponemon. 1994. The behavior of quality costs: Clarifying the confusion. Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 26-34. (Summary).
Carr, L. P. and T. Tyson. 1992. Planning quality cost expenditures. Management Accounting (October): 52-56.
Carr, S., Y. T. Mak and J. E. Needham. 1997. Differences in strategy, quality management practices and performance reporting systems between ISO accredited and non-ISO accredited companies. Management Accounting Research (December): 383-403.
Chalice, R. 2005. Stop Rising Healthcare Costs Using Toyota Lean Production Methods: 38 Steps for Improvement. ASQ Quality Press.
Chambers, C., P. Kouvelis and J. Semple. 2006. Quality-based competition, profitability, and variable costs. Management Science (December): 1884-1895.
Chan, S. Y. 2001. Quality management systems certification: Research note. Abacus 37(2): 248-266.
Chase, R. B. and D. M. Stewart. 1994. Make your service fail-safe. Sloan Management Review (Spring): 35-44.
Chen, A. Y. S. and J. L. Rodgers. 1995. Teaching the teachers TQM. Management Accounting (May): 42-46. (Discussion of the University Challenge program).
Chen, C. X., M. Martin and K. A. Merchant. 2014. The effect of measurement timing on the information content of customer satisfaction measures. Management Accounting Research (September): 187-205.
Chenhall, R. H. 1997. Reliance on manufacturing performance measures, total quality management and organizational performance. Management Accounting Research (June): 187-206.
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Chung, C. 1987. Quality control sampling plans under zero inventories: An alternative method. Production and Inventory Management (2nd Quarter): 37-41.
Gitlow, H. S. and S. J. Gitlow. 1987. The Deming Guide to Quality and Competitive Position. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
Clark, J. 1985. Costing for quality at Celanese. Management Accounting (March): 42-46.
Clark, R. L. and J. B. McLaughlin. 1986. Controlling the cost of product defects. Management Accounting (August): 32-35.
Clifford, L. A. and M. P. Plomann. 1985. Cost and quality: Two sides of the coin in cost containment. Healthcare Financial Management (September): 30-32.
Cokins, G., K. J. Euske, G. Millush, P. Nostrom and A. Vercio. 2008. Let's certify quality of manager's information. Strategic Finance (December): 38-45.
Collier, J. E. and C. C. Bienstock. 2006. How do customers judge quality in an e-tailer? MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 35-40.
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Copley, P. A., M. S. Doucet and K. M. Gaver. 1994. A simultaneous equations analysis of quality control review outcomes and engagement fees for audits of recipients of federal financial assistance. The Accounting Review (January): 244-256.
Corbett, C. J., M. J. Montes-Sancho and D. A. Kirsch. 2005. The financial impact of ISO 9000 certification in the United States: An empirical analysis. Management Science (July): 1046-1059.
Cote, J. and C. Latham. 2004. Relationship quality: A critical link in management accounting performance measurement systems. Advances in Management Accounting (12): 171-190.
Cowherd, D. M. and D. I. Levine. 1992. Erratum: Product quality and pay equity between lower-level employees and top management: An investigation of distributive justice theory. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(3): 524.
Cowherd, D. M. and D. I. Levine. 1992. Product quality and pay equity between lower-level employees and top management: An investigation of distributive justice theory. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(2): 302-320.
Crosby, P. B. 1979. Quality Is Free: The Art of Making Quality Certain. New York: Penguin Books USA, Inc.
Dahl, T. 2004. The unfreezing of America. Cost Management (November/December): 16-22.
Dale, B. G. 2003. Managing Quality. Blackwell Publishing.
Daniel, S. J. and W. D. Reitsperger. 1991. Linking quality strategy with management control systems: Empirical evidence from Japanese industry. Accounting, Organizations and Society 16(7): 601-618.
Daniel, S. J., and W. D. Reitsperger. 1992. Management control systems for quality: An empirical comparison of the U.S. and Japanese electronic industries. Journal of Management Accounting Research (4): 64-78.
Daniel, S. J., W. D. Reitsperger and T. Gregson. 1995. Quality consciousness in Japanese and U.S. electronics manufacturers: An examination of the impact of quality strategy and management control systems on perceptions of the importance of quality to expected management rewards. Management Accounting Research (December): 367-382.
David, R. J. and D. Strang. 2006. When fashion is fleeting: Transitory collective beliefs and the dynamics of TQM consulting. The Academy of Management Journal 49(2): 215-233.
De Waal, A. 2001. Power of Performance Management: How Leading Companies Create Sustained Value. John Wiley & Sons.
DeBusk, G. K. and C. Debusk. 2010. Characteristics of successful lean six sigma organizations. Cost Management (January/February): 5-10.
DeBusk, G. K. and C. DeBusk. 2011. Has your accounting department evolved?: Accounting and the use of lean six sigma. Cost Management (May/June): 15-19.
Defeo, J. and J. M. Juran. 2010. Juran's Quality Handbook: The Complete Guide to Performance Excellence. McGraw-Hill Professional.
Deming, W. E. Some principles of Shewhart method of quality control. Mechanical Engineering (March):
Deming, W. E. 1982. Quality, productivity and competitive position. M.I.T. Center for Advanced Engineering Study.
Deming, W. E. 1986. Out of the Crisis. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Advanced Engineering Study.
Deming, W. E. 1993. The New Economics for Industry For Industry, Government & Education. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Advanced Engineering Study. (Summary).
Deming, W. E., J. Orsini (ed.) and D. D. Cahill (ed.). 2012. The Essential Deming: Leadership Principles from the Father of Quality. McGraw-Hill. (Includes 8 Chapters: 1. The World Is Being Ruined by Best Efforts, 2. Quality Is Made in the Boardroom, 3. By What Method? 4. There Is No Such Thing as Instant Pudding, 5. A System Must Be Managed, 6. There Is No Substitute for Knowledge, 7. Management Is Prediction, and 8. What Happened in Japan?).
Diallo, A., Z. U. Khan and C. F. Vail. 1994. Measuring the cost of investment in quality equipment. Management Accounting (August): 32-35.
Diallo, A., Z. U. Khan and C. F. Vail. 1995. Cost of quality in the new manufacturing environment. Management Accounting (August): 20-25.
Diekmann, D. and M. C. Kocakulah. 2002. Achieving quality in a manufacturing environment: A case study. Journal of Cost Management (May/June): 38-43.
Dixon, M. 2018. Reinventing customer service: How T-Mobile achieved record levels of quality and productivity. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 82-90.
Douglas, T. J. and W. Q. Judge Jr. 2001. Total quality management implementation and competitive advantage: The role of structural control and exploration. The Academy of Management Journal 44(1): 158-169.
Dovich, R. A. 1992. Quality Engineering Statistics. American Society for Quality.
Dunk, A. S. 2005. Financial and non-financial performance: The influence of quality of information system information, corporate environmental integration, product innovation, and product quality. Advances in Management Accounting (14): 91-114.
Eccles, R. G. and P. J. Pyburn. 1992. Creating a comprehensive system to measure performance. Management Accounting (October): 41-44. (Related to quality).
Edmonds, T. P., B. Tsay and W. Lin. 1989. Analyzing quality costs. Management Accounting (November): 25-29.
Evans, J. H., A. Leone and N. J. Nagarajan. 2005. Non-Financial Performance Measures in the Healthcare Industry: Do Quality-Based Incentives Matter? Advances in Management Accounting (14): 1-31.
Evans, J. R. 2010. Quality & Performance Excellence, 6th edition. South-Western College Pub.
Evans, J. R. and J. W. Dean. 2003. Total Quality Management, 3e. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Evans, J. R. and W. M. Linsay. 2010. Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence, 8th edition. South-Western Centage Learning.
Fargher, N. and D. Morse 1998. Quality costs: Planning the trade-off between prevention and appraisal activities. Journal of Cost Management (January/February): 14-22. (Summary).
Farrow, J. 1987. Quality audits: An Invitation to management. Quality Progress (January):
Fay, J. R., W. L. Ferrara and J. P. Stryker. 1993. The quest for quality in business schools. Management Accounting (December): 48-50.
Filer, R. J. and L. R. Eiswerth. 1966. Quality control and associated costs. Management Accounting (September): 37-44.
Fine, C. H. 1986. Quality improvement and learning in productive systems. Management Science (October): 1301-1313.
Fink, R. L., G. W. Margavio and T. M. Margavio. 1994. Evaluating capital investments in quality improvement. Journal of Cost Management (Spring): 57-62. (Discussion of the Taguchi loss function in relation to capital investments).
Fiorenza, F. A. 1969. Accounting for unusual quality-control costs. Management Accounting (February): 53-55.
Fleming, J. H., C. Coffman and J. K. Harter. 2005. Manage your human sigma. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 106-114.
Flister, J. D. and J. S. Jozaitis. 1992. PPG's journey to ISO 9000. Management Accounting (July): 33-35, 38.
Flynn, B. B., S. Sakakibara and R. G. Schroeder. 1995. Relationship between JIT and TQM: Practices and performance. The Academy of Management Journal 38(5): 1325-1360.
Foster, G. L. Sjoblom. 1996. Quality improvement drivers in the electronics industry. Journal of Management Accounting Research (8): 55-86.
Francis, J. R. 2011. A framework for understanding and researching audit quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 30(2): 125-152.
Frei, F. X. 2006. Breaking the trade-off between efficiency and service. Harvard Business Review (November): 92-101.
Friedman, M. and H. Gitlow. 2002. Six Sigma primer for CPA's. The CPA Journal (November): 56-59.
Gabel, N. 1991. Is 99.9% good enough? Training Magazine (March). (Summary).
Garvin, D. A. 1983. Quality on the line: Hard new evidence on American product quality underscores the task ahead for management. Harvard Business Review (September-October): 64-75. (Compares U.S. and Japanese quality. Japanese companies' average assembly-line defect rate was almost 70 times lower and their average first-year service call rates nearly 17 times better).
Garvin, D. 1988. Managing Quality: The Strategic and Competitive Edge. New York: The Free Press.
Garvin, D. A. 1986. Quality problems, policies, and attitudes in the United States and Japan: An exploratory study. The Academy of Management Journal 29(4): 653-673.
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George, M. L. 2002. Lean Six Sigma: Combining Six Sigma Quality with Lean Production Speed. McGraw-Hill Trade.
George, M. L. 2003. Lean Six Sigma for Service: How to Use Lean Speed and Six Sigma Quality to Improve Services and Transactions. McGraw-Hill.
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Kennedy, M. T. and P. C. Fiss. 2009. Institutionalization, framing, and diffusion: The logic of TQM adoption and implementation decisions among U.S. hospitals. The Academy of Management Journal 52(5): 897-918.
Kershaw, R. and A. Harrell. 1999. Strategic control systems and managers' quality effort decisions: An agency theory perspective. Advances in Management Accounting (7): 151-167.
Kettering, R. C. 2001. Accounting for quality with nonfinancial measures: A simple no-cost program for the small company. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 14-19. (Summary).
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Krehbiel, T. C., J. E. Eighme and P. G. Cottell. 2010. Morgan Systems, Inc.: Application of Six Sigma to the finance function. Journal of Accounting Education 27(2): 104-123.
Kubiak, T. M. and D. W. Benbow. 2009. The Certified Six Sigma Black Belt Handbook, 2nd edition. ASQ Quality Press.
Kull, T. J. and R. Narasimhan. 2010. Quality management and cooperative values: Investigation of multilevel influences on workgroup performance. Decision Sciences 41(1): 81-113.
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