Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Vaduganathan, N., B. Zweig, C. McDonald and L. Simon. 2022. What outperformers do differently to tap internal talent. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-4.
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Vagneur, K. and M. Peiperl. 2000. Reconsidering performance evaluative style. Accounting, Organizations and Society 25(4-5): 511-525.
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Vaile, R. S. 1927. The use of advertising during depression. Harvard Business Review (April): 323-330.
Vairaktarakis, G. L. and T. Aydinliyim. 2017. Benchmark schedules for subcontracted operations: Decentralization inefficiencies that arise from competition and first-come-first-served processing. Decision Sciences 48(4): 657-690.
Vaisanen, M., S. Tessier and J. T. Jarvinen. 2021. Fostering enabling perceptions of management controls during post-acquisition integration. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(2): 1341-1367.
Vaivio, J. 1999. Examining "The quantified customer". Accounting, Organizations and Society 24(8): 689-715.
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Vakharia, A. J. 2010. Elwood S. Buffa Doctoral Dissertation Competition. Decision Sciences 41(4): 983-1000.
Vakharia, A. J. 2011. In this issue. Decision Sciences 42(3): 531-536.
Vakharia, A. J. 2011. In this issue. Decision Sciences 42(4): 799-801.
Vakharia, A. J. 2012. Elwood S. Buffa Doctoral dissertation competition. Decision Sciences 43(2): 369-387.
Vakharia, A. J. 2012. In this issue. Decision Sciences 43(1): 1-4.
Vakharia, A. J. 2012. In this issue. Decision Sciences 43(2): 209-211.
Vakharia, A. J. 2013. Elwood S. Buffa Doctoral Dissertation competition. Decision Sciences 44(2): 377-394.
Valachoutsicos, C. A. 2011. How to cultivate engaged employees. Harvard Business Review (September): 123-126.
Valas, K. D. 2021. Ask the expert: Gift planning. Journal of Accountancy (December): 17.
Valatka, J. 2018. The road to the Gables. Strategic Finance (October): 72.
Valcour, M. 2016. Managing yourself: Beating burnout. Harvard Business Review (November): 98-101.
Valcour, M. 2024. How to refuel when you're feeling emotionally drained. Harvard Business Review (Spring Special Issue): 51-53.
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Van Alstyne, M. W., Parker, G. G. and S. P. Choudary. 2016. Pipelines, platforms, and the new rules of strategy. Harvard Business Review (April): 54-62. (Summary).
Van Berne, G. 2022. Communicate with color. Strategic Finance (November): 8.
Van Berne, G. 2022. Fortitudine Vincimus: "Through endurance, we conquer." Strategic Finance (July): 6.
Van Berne, G. 2022. Music to my ears. Strategic Finance (October): 8.
Van Berne, G. 2022. Solid as a rock. Strategic Finance (December): 8.
Van Berne, G. 2022. Teachable moments. Strategic Finance (August): 5.
Van Berne, G. 2022. The art of compromise. Strategic Finance (September): 6.
Van Berne, G. 2023. A historic understanding. Strategic Finance (February): 8.
Van Berne, G. 2023. Ask the right questions. Strategic Finance (June): 8.
Van Berne, G. 2023. A rich legacy. Strategic Finance (April): 10.
Van Berne, G. 2023. Making connections. Strategic Finance (March): 8.
Van Berne, G. 2023. See the whole picture. Strategic Finance (May): 6.
Van Berne, G. 2023. Standing up for what's right. Strategic Finance (January): 7.
Van Breda, M. F. 1981. Capital budgeting using terminal values. Management Accounting (July): 42-48.
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Van Brenk, H., B. Majoor and A. M. Wright. 2021. The effects of profit-sharing plans, client importance, and reinforcement sensitivity on audit quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 40(1): 107-131.
Van Buren, M. E. and T. Safferstone. 2009. The quick wins paradox. Harvard Business Review (January): 54-61. (Five traps new leaders face).
Van Buskirk, A. 2012. Discussion of Option prices leading equity prices: Do option traders have an information advantage? Journal of Accounting Research (May): 433-442.
Van Buuren, J., C. Koch, N. Van Nieuw Amerongen and A. M. Wright. 2014. The use of business risk audit perspectives by non-Big 4 audit firms. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 33(3): 105-128.
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Van Capelleveen, G., M. Poel, R. M. Mueller, D. Thornton and J. van Hillegersberg. 2016. Outlier detection in healthcare fraud: A case study in the Medicaid dental domain. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (21): 18-31.
Van Cauwenbergh, A., E. Durinck, R. Martens, E. Laveren and I. Bogaert. 1996. On the role and function of formal analysis in strategic investment decision processes: Results from an empirical study in Belgium. Management Accounting Research (June): 169-184.
Van Cauwenberge, P. and I. De Beelde. 2007. On the IASB comprehensive income project: An analysis of the case for dual income display. Abacus 43(1): 1-26.
Van de Kuilen, G. and P. P. Wakker. 2011. The midweight method to measure attitudes toward risk and ambiguity. Management Science (March): 582-598.
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Van de Poel, K. and A. Vanstraelen. 2011. Management reporting on internal control and accruals quality: Insights from a "comply-or-explain" internal control regime. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 30(3): 181-209.
Van De Velde, R. and P. Degoulet. 2003. Clinical Information Systems: A Component-Based Approach (Health Informatics). Springer-Verlag.
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Van den Abbeele, A. 2016. Discussion of Integrated information systems, alliance formation, and the risk of information exchange between partners. Journal of Management Accounting Research 28(3): 19-23.
Van den Abbeele, A., F. Roodhooft and L. Warlop. 2009. The effect of cost information on buyer-supplier negotiations in different power settings. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(2): 245-266.
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Van den Bogaard, M. A. and R. F. Spekle. 2003. Reinventing the hierarchy: Strategy and control in the Shell Chemicals carve-out. Management Accounting Research (June): 79-93.
Van Den Bosch, F. A. J. 2003. Review: Management Consulting: Emergence and Dynamics of a Knowledge Industry by Matthias Kipping and Lars Engwall. Administrative Science Quarterly 48(4): 695-699.
Van Den Bossche, B., B. De Vleeschauwer, T. Verdickt, F. De Turck, B. Dhoedt and P. Demeester. 2009. Autonomic microcell assignment in massively distributed online virtual environments. Journal of Network and Computer Applications (November): 1242-1256.
Van Den Brink, G. J. 2002. Operational Risk: The New Challenge for Banks. Palgrave.
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Van den Steen, E. 2011. Overconfidence by Bayesian-rational agents. Management Science (May): 884-896.
Van Denburgh, W., R. De Laurell and R. B. Daniels. 2022. Regulatory concerns could dampen investor excitement for stable coins. The CPA Journal (July/August): 60-65.
Van der Heijden, H. 2013. Charities in competition: Effects of accounting information on donating adjustments. Behavioral Research In Accounting 25(1): 1-13.
Van der Heijden, H. 2013. Evaluating dual performance measures on information dashboards: Effects of anchoring and presentation format. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 21-34.
Van der Kolk, P. M. G. van Veen-Dirks and H. J. ter Bogt. 2020. How combinations of control elements create tensions and how these can be managed: An embedded case study. Management Accounting Research (September): 100677.
Van der Laan, S. and D. Christodoulou. 2012. Audit fees and deeds of cross guarantee: An empirical evaluation. Abacus 48(3): 293-315.
Van der Laan Smith, J. and R. M. Spindle. 2007. The impact of group formation in a cooperative learning environment. Journal of Accounting Education 25(4): 153-167.
Van der Laan Smith, J. A. L. Gouldman and R. H. Tondkar. 2014. Does the adoption of IFRS affect corporate social disclosure in annual reports? Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 30(2): 402-412.
Van der Lugt, C. 2021. Management accounting for human capital at SAP. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 1-10.
Van der Mandele, K. P. 1930. The Bank for International Settlements. Harvard Business Review (January): 129-136.
Van der Meer-Kooistra, J. 1994. The coordination of internal transactions: The functioning of transfer pricing systems in the organizational context. Management Accounting Research (June): 123-152.
Van der Meer-Kooistra, J. and E. G. J. Vosselman. 2000. Management control of interfirm transactional relationships: The case of industrial renovation and maintenance. Accounting, Organizations and Society 25(1): 51-77.
Van der Meer-Kooistra, J. and E. G. J. Vosselman. 2006. Research on management control of interfirm transactional relationships: Whence and whither. Management Accounting Research (September): 227-237.
Van der Meer-Kooistra, J. and E. G. J. Vosselman. 2004. The balanced scorecard: Adoption and application. Advances in Management Accounting (12): 287-310.
Van der Meer-Kooistra, J. and G. J. Vosselman. 2004. Special issue of Management Accounting Research. Management control of inter-firm transactional relationships. Management Accounting Research (September): 375-376.
Van der Meer-Kooistra, J. and P. E. Kamminga. 2015. Joint venture dynamics: The effects of decisions made within a parent company and the role of joint management control. Management Accounting Research (March): 23-39.
Van der Meer-Kooistra, J. and R. W. Scapens. 2008. The governance of lateral relations between and within organisations. Management Accounting Research (December): 365-384.
Van der Meer-Kooistra, J. and R. W. Scapens. 2015. Governing product co-development projects: The role of minimal structures. Management Accounting Research (September): 68-91.
Van der Merwe, A. 2004. Chapter zero in perspective. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 1-6. (Overview of Wiesbaden's textbook on German cost accounting).
Van der Merwe, A. 2006. Letter to the editor. Cost Management (November/December): 5-6. (Van der Merwe is critical of Grassor's article: Grasso, L. P. 2006. Barriers to lean accounting. Cost Management (March/April): 6-19).
Van der Merwe, A. 2007. Management accounting philosophy I: Gaping holes in our foundation. Cost Management (May/June): 5-11. (Summary).
Van der Merwe, A. 2007. Management accounting philosophy II: The cornerstones of restoration. Cost Management (September/October): 26-33. (Summary).
Van der Merwe, A. 2007. Management accounting philosophy III: The management accounting evaluation framework. Cost Management (November/December): 20-29. (Summary).
Van der Merwe, A. 2008. Debating the principles: Asking questions of lean accounting. Cost Management (September/October): 29-36.
Van der Merwe, A. 2008. Debating the principles - Theory of constraints. Cost Management (March/April): 26-34.
Van der Merwe, A. 2009. Debating the principles: ABC and its dominant principle of work. Cost Management (September/October): 20-28.
Van der Merwe, A. and D. E. Keys. 2001 The case for RCA: Understanding resource interrelationships. Journal of Cost Management (September/October): 27-36.
Van der Merwe, A. and D. E. Keys. 2001. The case for RCA: Decision support in an advanced cost management system. Journal of Cost Management (November/December): 23-32.
Van der Merwe, A. and D. E. Keys. 2002. The case for resource consumption accounting. Strategic Finance (April): 31-36. (Summary).
Van der Merwe, A. and J. Jones. 2023. The case for managerial economics: Part I. Cost Management (November/December): 13-19.
Van der Merwe, A. and J. Thomson. 2007. The lowdown on lean accounting. Strategic Finance (February): 26-33.
Van Der Merwe, A. and L. R. White. 2021. AI for decision analysis. Strategic Finance (February): 22-29.
Van der Spek, M. 2017. Investing in real estate debt: Is it real estate or fixed income? Abacus 53(3): 349-370.
Van der Stede, W. 2001. Measuring 'tight budgetary control'. Management Accounting Research (March): 119-137.
Van der Stede, W. 2018. David Solomons Prize: Relational contracting and the myth of trust: Control in a co-opetitive setting. Management Accounting Research (September): 62.
Van der Stede, W. 2019. Announcement David Solomons Prize: Lourenco, S., J. O. Greenberg, M. Littlefield, D. W. Bates and V. G. Narayanan. 2018. The performance effect of feedback in a context of negative incentives: Evidence from a field experiment. Management Accounting Research (September) 1-14. Management Accounting Research (September): 57.
Van der Stede, W. 2019. Editorial. Management Accounting Research (December): 100660.
Van der Stede, W. A. 2000. The relationship between two consequences of budgetary controls: Budgetary slack creation and managerial short-term orientation. Accounting, Organizations and Society 25(6): 609-622. (Summary).
Van Der Stede, W. A. 2013. Discretion in managerial bonus pools. The Accounting Review (January): 351-354.
Van der Stede, W. A. 2013. Discussion of "The role of performance measures in the intertemporal decisions of business unit managers". Contemporary Accounting Research 30(3): 962-969.
Van der Stede, W. A. 2014. A manipulationist view of causality in cross-sectional survey research. Accounting, Organizations and Society 39(7): 567-574.
Van der Stede, W. A. 2014. Some ideas for further research in managerial accounting. Journal of Management Accounting Research 26(2): 117-118.
Van der Stede, W. A. 2015. Management accounting: Where from, where now, where to? Journal of Management Accounting Research 27(1): 171-176. (Part of the special section on management accounting research: Knowledge base, themes, and future directions).
Van der Stede, W. A. 2015. Editorial. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-2.
Van der Stede, W. A. 2016. Management accounting in context: Industry, regulation and informatics. Management Accounting Research (June): 100-102.
Van der Stede, W. A. 2017. "Global" management accounting research: Some reflections. Journal of International Accounting Research 16(2): 1-8.
Van der Stede, W. A. 2018. Multitasking academics. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 85-94.
Van der Stede, W. A., A. Wu and S. Y. Wu. 2020. An empirical analysis of employee responses to bonuses and penalties. The Accounting Review (November): 395-412.
Van der Stede, W. A., C. W. Chow, and T. W. Li. 2006. Strategy, choice of performance measures, and performance. Behavioral Research in Accounting (18): 185-205.
Van der Stede, W. A., S. M. Young and C. X. Chen. 2005. Assessing the quality of evidence in empirical management accounting research: The case of survey studies. Accounting, Organizations, and Society 30(7-8): 655-684.
Van der Veeken, H. J. M. and M. J. F. Wouters. 2002. Using accounting information systems by operations managers in a project company. Management Accounting Research (September): 345-370.
Van Der Vegt, G. S. and J. S. Bunderson. 2005. Learning and performance in multidisciplinary teams: The importance of collective team identification. The Academy of Management Journal 48(3): 532-547.
Van Der Vegt, G. S., E. Van De Vliert and A. Oosterhof. 2003. Informational dissimilarity and organizational citizenship behavior: The role of intrateam interdependence and team identification. The Academy of Management Journal 46(6): 715-727.
Van Der Vegt, G. S., E. Van De Vliert and X. Huang. 2005. Location-level links between diversity and innovative climate depend on national power distance. The Academy of Management Journal 48(6): 1171-1182.
Van Der Vegt, G. S., J. S. Bunderson and A. Oosterhof. 2006. Expertness diversity and interpersonal helping in teams: Why those who need the most help end up getting the least. The Academy of Management Journal 49(5): 877-893.
Van Der Velde, M., P. Jansen and N. Anderson. 2004. Guide to Management Research Methods. Blackwell Publishers.
Van Duin, S. R., H. C. Dekker, J. L. Wielhouwer and J. P. Mendoza. 2018. The tone from above: The effect of communicating a supportive regulatory strategy on reporting quality. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 467-519.
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Van Helden, G. J., J. Van der Meer-Kooistra and R. W. Scapens. 2001. Co-ordination of internal transactions at Hoogoverns Steel: Struggling with the tension between performance-oriented business units and the concept of an integrated company. Management Accounting Research (September): 357-386.
Van Hoek, R. and M. Lacity. 2023. Procurement in the age of automation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 46-53.
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Van Mourik, C. and Y. Katsuo. 2015. The IASB and ASBJ conceptual frameworks: Same objective, different financial performance concepts. Accounting Horizons (March): 199-216.
Van Ness, P. H. 1960. Direct costing and the no-value inventory. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 51-52.
Van Ness, P. H. 1961. The mathematics of accelerated depreciation. N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 5-22.
Van Ness, P. H. 1966. To reverse or not to reverse? The Accounting Review (January): 138-141.
Van Ness P. H. 1973. Adjusting polynomial trend functions. Decision Sciences 4(4): 563-568.
Van Nostrand, R. C. 1988. Justifying CAD/CAM systems: A case study. Journal of Cost Management (Spring): 9-17.
Van Oorschot, K. E., L. N. Van Wassenhove, M. Jahre, K. Selviaridis and H. De Vries. 2022. Drug shortages: A systems view of the current state. Decision Sciences 53(6): 969-984.
Van Osch, W. and B. Bulgurcu. 2023. The profound influence of small choices in digital collaboration. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 38-41.
Van Oss, A. V. 1921. Computation of commissions and federal taxes where commissions are based upon profits after deducting taxes. Journal of Accountancy (January): 1-20.
Van Pelt, J. V. 1955. Factors affecting intelligent use of variances. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 904-910.
Van Pelt, J. V. III. 1961. Giving attention to accruals and deferrals in interim reporting. N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 15-22.
Van Pelt, J. V. III. 1962. Inventory valuation lacks accounting standards. N.A.A. Bulletin (March): 25-34.
Van Pelt, J. V. III. 1967. Post audit of capital expenditures. Management Accounting (November): 33-40.
Van Pelt, J. V. III. 1968. Some basic rules for property accounting in manufacturing companies. Management Accounting (May): 47-54.
Van Pelt, J. V. III. 1969. Accounting for acquisitions: What should be done. Management Accounting (February): 16-18.
Van Pelt, J. V. III. 1969. Developing financial executives. Management Accounting (April): 18-19.
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Van Pelt, J. V. III. 1974. Accounting for future losses. Management Accounting (May): 25-29.
Van Pelt, J. V. III. 1974. The social costs of social benefits. Management Accounting (October): 11-14, 26.
Van Pelt, J. V. III. 1975. Materiality. Management Accounting (June): 13-15, 24.
Van Pelt, V. 2023. Asymmetric adjustment of control. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(4): 2203-2225.
Van Peteghem, M., L. Bruynseels and A. Gaeremynck. 2018. Beyond diversity: A tale of faultlines and frictions in the board of directors. The Accounting Review (March): 339-367.
Van Peursem, K. A. 2005. Public dialogue toward social policy: A methodology for accounting research. Accounting and the Public Interest (5): 56-87.
Van Putten, A. B. and I. C. MacMillan. 2004. Making real options really work. Harvard Business Review (December): 134-141. (Integrating options and discounted cash flow).
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Verschoor, C. C. 2017. Ethics: Trust as a constant. Strategic Finance (January): 17-18.
Verschoor, C. C. 2017. Rules-based culture leads to dysfunction. Strategic Finance (July): 19-20. (Ethics at United Airlines).
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