Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Raa, T. T. 2006. The Economics of Input-Output Analysis. Cambridge University Press.
Raa, T. T. 2009. Input-Output Economics: Theory and Applications: Featuring Asian Economies. World Scientific Publishing Company.
Raabe, W. A. and W. P. Stevens. 1985. Who is educating today's accountants? Some observations. Journal of Accounting Education 3(2): 147-154.
Raabe, W. A., G. E. Whittenburg, D. L. Sanders and R. Sawyers. 2011. Federal Tax Research, 9th edition. South-Western College/West.
Raabe, W. A., R. M. Kozub and D. L. Sanders. 1987. Attitude measurement and the perceptions of tax accounting faculty publication outlets. Journal of Accounting Education 5(1): 45-51.
Raasch, C. and E. Von Hippel. 2013. Innovation process benefits: The journey as reward. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 33-39.
Rabas, C. R. 1976. An accounting guide for retail land sales. Management Accounting (March): 41-42, 44.
Rabier, M. R. 2018. Value is in the eye of the beholder: The relative valuation roles of earnings and book value in merger pricing. The Accounting Review (January): 335-362.
Rabinowitz, A. M. 2009. Who was Luca Pacioli? The CPA Journal (February): 12-14.
Rabinowitz, S., D. T. Hall and J. G. Goodale. 1977. Job scope and individual differences as predictors of job involvement: Independent or interactive? The Academy of Management Journal 20(2): 273-281.
Rabinowitz, S. I. 1940. Treatment of prepaid expenses on the cash basis of accounting. The Accounting Review (December): 474-484.
Rabun, T. M. 1964. Formulating the principles. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 51-54. (For published financial statements).
Rabun, T. M. 1966. Accounting and labor relations. Management Accounting (January): 14-17.
Raby, W. L. 1952. The Raby Corporations. The Accounting Review (July): 359-360.
Raby, W. L. 1954. Uni-fied accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 643-644.
Raby, W. L. 1959. The two faces of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 452-461. (According to Raby, the accountant stands like the Roman god Janus who had two faces looking in opposite directions. The accountant must report the past and interpret the past as it affects the future).
Raby, W. L. 1962. Accounting for employee stock options. The Accounting Review (January): 28-38.
Raby, W. L. 1964. A decision-making approach to the first tax course. The Accounting Review (January): 167-172.
Raby, W. L. 1966. Ethics in tax practice. The Accounting Review (October): 714-720.
Raby, W. L. 1969. Tax allocation and non-historical financial statements. The Accounting Review (January): 1-11.
Raby, W. L. and R. D. Neubig. 1963. Inter-period tax allocation or basis adjustment?. The Accounting Review (July): 568-576.
Rachel, N. N. 1965. Auditing fund-raising campaigns. Management Accounting (October): 52-54.
Rachlin, R. editor. 1998. Handbook of Budgeting (4th Edition). John Wiley & Sons.
Rachlin, R. editor. 1999. Total Business Budgeting: A Step-by-Step Guide with Forms. John Wiley & Sons.
Rachui, C. 1974. Percentage of completion accounting. Management Accounting (December): 41-44.
Racine, S. F. 1918. Accounting Principles. The Western Institute of Accountancy, Commerce and Finance.
Rackham, N. 1988. Spin Selling. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing.
Rackliffe, U. and G. B. Waymire. 2019. Book review: The Book of the Art of Trade by Benedetto Cotrugli. The Accounting Review (May): 373-375.
Racz, S. 2000. Finding the right talent through sourcing and recruiting. Strategic Finance (December): 38-44.
Radcliffe, V. 2008. Accounting, Accountants and Accountability: Post-Structuralist Positions by Norman Belding Macintosh. The Accounting Review (January): 258-260.
Radcliffe, V., D. J. Cooper and K. Robson. 1994. The management of professional enterprises and regulatory change: British accountancy and the financial services act, 1896. Accounting, Organizations and Society 19(7): 601-628.
Radcliffe, V. S. 1998. Efficiency audit: An assembly of rationalities and programmes. Accounting, Organizations and Society 23(4): 377-410.
Radcliffe, V. S. 1999. Knowing efficiency: The enactment of efficiency in efficiency auditing. Accounting, Organizations and Society 24(4): 333-362.
Radcliffe, V. S. 2006. "It's oysters, Dear!" Professor Carnegies prescription and the seeming fate of accounting history in the United States. The Accounting Historians Journal 33(1): 211-214.
Radcliffe, V. S. 2010. Discussion of "The world has changed - Have analytical procedure practices?" Contemporary Accounting Research 27(2): 701-709.
Radcliffe, V. S. 2012. The election of auditors in government: A study of politics and the professional. Accounting and the Public Interest (12): 38-61.
Radcliffe, V. S., C. Spence and M. Stein. 2017. The impotence of accountability: The relationship between greater transparency and corporate reform. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(1): 622-657.
Radcliffe, V. S., C. Spence, M. Stein and B. Wilkinson. 2018. Professional repositioning during times of institutional change: The case of tax practitioners and changing moral boundaries. Accounting, Organizations and Society (66): 45-59.
Radcliffe, V. S., D. R. Campbell and T. J. Fogarty. 2001. Exploring downsizing: A case study on the use of accounting information. Journal of Management Accounting Research (13): 131-157.
Raddatz, N. I., J. G. Coyne and B. S. Trinkle. 2020. Internal motivators for the protection of organizational data. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 199-211.
Raddatz, N. I., K. Marett and B. S. Trinkle. 2020. The impact of awareness of being monitored on computer usage policy compliance: An agency view. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 135-149.
Raddatz, N. I., P. A. Raddatz, K. Sorensen and K. Ogunade. 2024. The adverse effects of the "Anticipation of Racial Discrimination" on auditors who are black, indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC): An exploratory study with research propositions. Accounting Horizons (March): 139-147.
Raddatz, N. I., T. Stafford, C. Van Slyke and M. Warkentin. 2020. Grassroots adoption of cloud-based storage solutions. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 213-232.
Rader, F. 1989. Keep on trucking. Management Accounting (April): 43-45.
Rader, L. T. 1965. Roadblocks to progress in the management sciences and operations research. Management Science (February): C1-C5.
Rader, L. T. 1968. Will management be automated by 1975? Management Science (July): 720-727.
Radhakrishnan, G., S. Huang and J. Maharjan. 2021. The role of deferred equity pay in retaining managerial talent. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(4): 2521-2554.
Radhakrishnan, G., X. Martin and K. Srinivasan. 2023. Regulatory protection and opportunistic bankruptcy. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(1): 544-576.
Radhakrishnan, S. 1999. Investors' recovery friction and auditor liability rules. The Accounting Review (April): 225-240.
Radhakrishnan, S. and B. Srinidhi. 1997. Avoiding the death spiral: A case for activity-based costing. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 19-24.
Radhakrishnan, S. and S. Wu. 2014. Analysts' cash flow forecasts and accrual mispricing. Contemporary Accounting Research 31(4): 1191-1219.
Radigan, J. 2020. How to incorporate AI into your audit. Journal of Accountancy (September): 71, 73, 76-77.
Radigan, J. 2021. Quality audits amid chaos. Journal of Accountancy (March): 10.
Radin, A. J. 2008. A practical approach to finding management override. The CPA Journal (October): 6-9.
Radin, A. J. 2012. PCAOB proposal for greater disclosure from auditors. The CPA Journal (January): 11-14.
Radin, A. J. 2013. The effects of regulatory overload: High costs and few benefits. The CPA Journal (February): 12-15.
Radin, A. J. 2015. Response to "Professionalism and commercialism: Can they coexist?" The CPA Journal (March): 13-14.
Radin, A. J. 2016. A mountain or a molehill? The CPA Journal (December): 21-22. (Review of The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers).
Radin, A. J. 2016. Sustainability assurance reporting. The CPA Journal (June): 10-11.
Radin, A. J. 2017. What were they thinking? The CPA Journal (March): 10-12. (Discussion of Why They Do It: Inside the Mind of the White-Collar Criminal by E. Soltes 2016).
Radin, A. J. 2018. Are audit committees worth the cost? The CPA Journal (August): 10-11.
Radin, A. J. 2018. Reflections on my 66 years in public accounting. The CPA Journal (September): 10-12.
Radin, A. J. 2019. Assurance attestation statements on sustainability reports. The CPA Journal (July): 6-8.
Radin, A. J. and M. E. Katowitz. 2013. Should auditors opine on going concern? The CPA Journal (October): 6-9.
Radin, A. J. and M. E. Katowitz. 2016. Have audits become too inefficient and expensive? The CPA Journal (February): 18-23.
Radjou, N. and J. Prabhu. 2012. Mobilizing for growth in emerging markets. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 81-88.
Radner, R. 1959. The application of linear programming to team decision problems. Management Science January): 143-150.
Radner, R. and D. W. Jorgenson. 1963. Opportunistic replacement of a single part in the presence of several monitored parts. Management Science (October): 70-84.
Rados, D. L. 1972. Determining the optimal number of bid solicitations. Decision Sciences 3(3): 32-40.
Rados, D. L. 1972. Selection and evaluation of alternatives in repetitive decision making. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(2): 196-206.
Radosevich, R., T. H. Naylor and H. Bierman, Jr. 1968. Letters to the editor. Management Science (February): B279-B282.
Radtke, R. R. 2004. Exposing accounting students to multiple factors affecting ethical decision making. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 73-84.
Radtke, R. R. and J. B. Stinson. 1999. An experimental study of the impact of budgetary participation, budget emphasis, and information asymmetry on performance. Advances in Management Accounting (7): 129-150.
Radtke, R. R., R. F. Spekle and S. K. Widener. 2023. Flourish of flounder: Do trust-centric management controls encourage knowledge sharing and team performance? Accounting, Organizations and Society (107): 101429.
Radzevick, J. R. and D. A. Moore. 2011. Competing to be certain (but wrong): Market dynamics and excessive confidence in judgment. Management Science (January): 93-106.
Rae, D. 1975. Maximin justice and an alternative principle of general advantage. The American Political Science Review (June): 630-647.
Rae, K., N. Subramaniam and J. Sands. 2008. Risk management and ethical environment: Effects on internal audit and accounting control procedures. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 11-30.
Raeder, J. R. 1952. Multiple-base burden allocation in a paint company. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September): 58-65.
Rael, R. 2008. Smart Risk Management: A Guide to Identifying and Reducing Everyday Business Risks. AICPA.
Rael, R. 2009. Risk Management Strategies for a Turbulent Economy. AICPA.
Rael, R. 2016. From CGMA Magazine: 9 skills of a great organizational coach. Journal of Accountancy (February): 20-21.
Raelin, J. 2006. Finding meaning in the organization. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 64-68. (Meaning-making. Leaders need to be clear about their vision and express it in terms of what is inherent in the organization's work).
Raelin, J. A. 2015. Rethinking leadership. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 96-97.
Rafaeli, A. 1989. When cashiers meet customers: An analysis of the role of supermarket cashiers. The Academy of Management Journal 32(2): 245-273.
Rafaeli, A. and R. I. Sutton. 1990. Busy stores and demanding customers: How do they affect the display of positive emotion? The Academy of Management Journal 33(3): 623-637.
Rafaeli, A. and R. I. Sutton. 1991. Emotional contrast strategies as means of social influence: Lessons from criminal interrogators and bill collectors. The Academy of Management Journal 34(4): 749-775.
Rafaeli, A., J. Dutton, C. V. Harquail and S. Mackie-Lewis. 1997. Navigating by attire: The use of dress by female administrative employees. The Academy of Management Journal 40(1): 9-45.
Raff, L. 2006. Seeking SOX software? Strategic Finance (May): 52-55.
Raff, M. C. 1971. Exposing first-semester accounting students to accounting periodicals. The Accounting Review (July): 594-595.
Raffaelli, R. 2019. Technology reemergence: Creating new value for old technologies in Swiss mechanical watchmaking, 1970-2008. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(3): 576-618.
Raffish, N. 1991. How much does that product really cost? Management Accounting (March): 36-39.
Raffish, N. and P. B. B. Turney. 1991. Glossary of activity-based management. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 53-63.
Rafii, F. and L. P. Carr. 1997. Why major change programs fail: An integrative analysis. Journal of Cost Management (January/February): 41-45. (Summary).
Rafii, F. and P. J. Kampas. 2002. How to identify your enemies before they destroy you. Harvard Business Review (November): 115-123. (A tool to distinguish signal from noise).
Raftelis, G. A. 1991. Financial and accounting measures as part of pollution prevention assessment. Environmental Finance (Summer): 129-149.
Raggio, R. D., B. Victor and C. Love. 2010. When the CEO's personal crusade drives decisions. Harvard Business Review (June): 118-123.
Raggio, R. D., M. McCullough, A. Parker and C. W. Pollard. 2009. Do you thank the taxpayer for your bailout? Harvard Business Review (June): 25-32. (Case study).
Raghunandan, A. 2021. Financial misconduct and employee mistreatment: Evidence from wage theft. Review of Accounting Studies 26(3): 867-905.
Raghunandan, A. and S. Rajgopal. 2022. Do ESG funds make stakeholder-friendly investments? Review of Accounting Studies 27(3): 822-863.
Raghunandan, K. and D. V. Rama. 2007. Determinants of audit committee diligence. Accounting Horizons (September): 265-279.
Raghunandan, K., D. V. Rama and W. N. Riccardi. 2019. Audits of the largest clients by industry. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (47): 100435.
Raghunandan, K., R. A. Grimlund and A. Schepanski. 1991. Auditor evaluation of loss contingencies. Contemporary Accounting Research 7(2):549-569.
Raghunandan, K., W. J. Read and D. V. Rama. 2001. Audit committee composition, "Gray Directors," and interaction with internal auditing. Accounting Horizons (June): 105-118.
Raghunandan, K., W. J. Read and J. S. Whisenant. 2003. Initial evidence on the association between nonaudit fees and restated financial statements. Accounting Horizons (September): 223-234.
Raghunathan, B. 1991. Premature signing-off on audit procedures: An analysis. Accounting Horizons (June): 71-79.
Raghunathan, B. and T. S. Raghunathan. 1988. Impact of top management support on IS planning. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 15-23.
Raghunathan, B. and T. S. Raghunathan. 1989. MIS steering committees: Their effect on information systems. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 104-116.
Raghunathan, B. and T. S. Raghunathan. 1992. The relationship between organizational factors and accounting for information systems costs. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 115-126.
Ragin, C. 1994. Constructing Social Research. Pine Forge Press.
Ragins, B. R. 2006. Exploring Positive Relationships at Work: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Ragins, B. R. and J. L. Cotton. 1991. Easier said than done: Gender differences in perceived barriers to gaining a mentor. The Academy of Management Journal 34(4): 939-951.
Ragins, B. R. and T. A. Scandura. 1994. Gender differences in expected outcomes of mentoring relationships. The Academy of Management Journal 37(4): 957-971.
Ragins, B. R., J. L. Cotton and J. S. Miller. 2000. Marginal mentoring: The effects of type of mentor, quality of relationship, and program design on work and career attitudes. The Academy of Management Journal 43(6): 1177-1194.
Ragland, L. and J. L. Reck. 2016. The effects of the method used to present a complex item on the face of a financial statement on nonprofessional investors' judgments. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (34): 77-89.
Ragland, L. and U. Ramachandran. 2014. Towards an understanding of Excel functional skills needed for a career in public accounting: Perceptions from public accountants and accounting students. Journal of Accounting Education 32(2): 113-129.
Ragland, L. G. 2017. The association between compensated absences liabilities and interest cost on public school districts' general obligation bonds. Accounting Horizons (March): 37-55.
Ragones, E. J. 2002. Discussion of investigating the impact of auditor-provided systems reliability assurance on potential service recipients. Journal of Information Systems (Spring Supplement): 89.
Ragothaman, S. 2003. A neural networks approach to predicting corporate illegal behavior. Journal of Forensic Accounting (4): 181-198.
Ragothaman, S. 2014. Moha Computer Services Limited: A fraud case. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 6(1): 264-271.
Ragothaman, S. and A. Lavin. 2008. Restatements due to improper revenue recognition: A neural networks perspective. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (5): 129-142.
Ragothaman, S., A. Lavin and T. Davies. 2008. A neural networks approach to predicting earnings restatements. Journal of Forensic Accounting 9(1): 95-114.
Ragothaman, S., T. Custis and M. Christianson. 2022. Fake accounts scandal at Wells Fargo: What are the lessons? Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 14(2): 314-324. (Instructional case).
Ragothaman, S. C. 2014. The Madoff debacle: What are the lessons? Issues in Accounting Education (February): 94-109.
Ragothaman, S. C., W. Wilcox and T. L. Davies. 2003. Garbage In, Garbage Out Waste Disposal Incorporated: An audit case. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 307-316.
Rahaman, A., D. Neu and J. Everett. 2010. Accounting for social-purpose alliances: Confronting the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa. Contemporary Accounting Research 27(4): 1093-1129.
Rahill, J. J. and A. G. Platt. 1905. Corporation Accounting and Corporation Law: A Manual of Corporate Organization and Management: Accounting in Theory and Practice: Banking, with Special Reference to the National Banking System, and a Treatise on Stock Exchanges. The Author.
Rahim, M. A. 1983. A measure of styles of handling interpersonal conflict. The Academy of Management Journal 26(2): 368-376.
Rahimian, F., A. Bajaj and W. Bradley. 2016. Estimation of deficiency risk and prioritization of information security controls: A data-centric approach. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (20): 38-64.
Rahimikia, E., S. Mohammadi, T. Rahmani and M. Ghazanfari. 2017. Detecting corporate tax evasion using a hybrid intelligent system: A case study of Iran. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (25): 1-17.
Rahman, A., H. Perera and S. Ganesh. 2002. Accounting practice harmony, accounting regulation and firm characteristics. Abacus 38(1): 46-77.
Rahman, A. R. and R. S. Debreceny. 2014. Institutionalized online access to corporate information and cost of equity capital: A cross-country analysis. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 43-74.
Rahman, H. A. 2021. The invisible cage: Workers' reactivity to opaque algorithmic evaluations. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(4): 945-988.
Rahman, A. R., L. W. Ng and G. D. Tower. 1994. Public choice and accounting standard setting in New Zealand: An exploratory study. Abacus 30(1): 98-117.
Rahman, M. and A. M. McCosh. 1976. The influence of organisational and personal factors on the use of accounting information: An empirical study. Accounting, Organizations and Society 1(4): 339-355.
Rahmouni, A. F. A. and K. Charaf. 2012. Success of ABC projects in French companies: The influence of organizational and technical factors. Cost Management (November/December): 12-23.
Rahnuma, A. 2011. Cultural aspects of credit risk management: A lesson from the microfinance industry. The CPA Journal (August): 56-59.
Rahr, K., K. E. Karim and R. W. Rutledge. 2010. Transitioning to IFRS. The CPA Journal (March): 6-8.
Rahrovani, Y., A. Pinsonneault and R. D. Austin. 2018. If you cut employees some slack, will they innovate? MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 47-51.
Rai, A. 2003. Reconciliation of net income to cash flow from operations: An accounting equation approach. Journal of Accounting Education 21(1): 17-24.
Raiborn, C. and M. Massoud. 2010. Emissions allowances: Accounting and public policy issues. Accounting and the Public Interest (10): 105-121.
Raiborn, C. and R. Morris. 2009. MEOU: This co-op scratches rather than purrs. Strategic Finance (July): 49-53. (This case won the best case award in the third annual Carl Menconi Case Writing competition).
Raiborn, C., D. Payne and C. Schorg. 1991. Takeovers: It helps to know how to play the game. Management Accounting (March): 27-32.
Raiborn, C., J. B. Butler and A. L. Watkins. 2018. From the vine to the bottle: Opportunities for CPAs within the wine industry. The CPA Journal (November): 34-40.
Raiborn, C., J. B. Butler and L. Zelazny. 2013. Standard costing variances: Potential red flags of fraud? Cost Management (May/June): 16-27.
Raiborn, C., J. B. Butler, N. H. Cannon and R. F. Young. 2015. Trust may breed trouble - Fraud opportunities and ethics at Saintly Church. IMA Educational Case Journal 8(4): 1-5.
Raiborn, D. D. and T. A. Ratcliffe. 1979. Are you accounting for inflation in your capital budgeting process? Management Accounting (September): 19-22.
Raiborn, M. H. 1971. Systems planning for performance evaluation. Management Accounting (August): 21-23.
Raiborn, M. H. and W. T. Harris. 1974. Integration of inventory and product sales-mix models. Decision Sciences 5(4): 664-668.
Raiborn, M. H., M. R. Lane and D. D. Raiborn. 1985. Accounting for 'that other' prior period adjustment. Management Accounting (July): 39-43. (Tax benefits from purchased loss carryforwards).
Raiffa, H. 1968. Decision Analysis: Introductory Lectures on choices under Certainty. Addison-Wesley.
Raiffa, H. 1970. Decision Analysis: Introductory Lectures on Choices under Uncertainty. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Raiffa, H. 1988. Decision Analysis: Introductory Lectures on choices under Certainty. Random House.
Raiffa, H. and R. Schlaifer. 2000. Applied Statistical Decision Theory. Wiley-Interscience.
Raiffa, H., J. Richardson and D. Metcalfe. 2007. Negotiation Analysis: The Science and Art of Collaborative Decision Making. Belknap Press.
Raine, J. D. and J. E. Corder. 1957. State unemployment insurance - A controllable tax cost. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 45-50.
Raine, J. E. 1971. Self adaptive forecasting reconsidered. Decision Sciences 2(2): 181-191.
Raine, J. E. 1971. The effective unit of the Poisson distribution and demand forecasting. Decision Sciences 2(4): 499-503.
Rainey, C. O. 1932. Time study and its relation to the piece rate method of wage payment. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September 15): 115-132.
Rainey, H. G. 2009. Book review: The Warping of Government Work by John D. Danahue. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(4): 671-673.
Rainey, V. 2016. Accounting in the international age: Future-focused and more relevant than ever. Journal of Accountancy (June): 46.
Rains, J. 2010. Target Cost Management: The Ladder to Global Survival and Success. CRC Press.
Raisch, S. and G. Von Krogh. 2007. Navigating a path to smart growth. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 65-72.
Raisinghani, M., B. Shoemaker and L. Schkade. 2004. Accounting issues in electronic commerce: An USA perspective regarding valuations and implications for corporate governance. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 53-68.
Raja, J. Z., T. Frandsen, C. Kowalkowski and M. Jarmatz. 2020. Learning to discover value: Value-based pricing and selling capabilities for services and solutions. Journal of Business Research (114): 142-159.
Raja, U., G. Johns and F. Ntalianis. 2004. The impact of personality on psychological contracts. The Academy of Management Journal 47(3): 350-367.
Rajagopalan, N. and D. K. Datta. 1996. CEO characteristics: Does industry matter? The Academy of Management Journal 39(1): 197-215.
Rajan, M. V. 1992. Cost allocation in multiagent settings. The Accounting Review (July): 527-545.
Rajan, M. V. 1992. Management control systems and the implementation of strategies. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 227-248.
Rajan, M. V. 2000. Discussion of EVA versus earnings: Does it matter which is more highly correlated with stock returns? Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Accounting Information and the Economics of the Firm): 247-254.
Rajan, M. V. 2003. Discussion of “Performance evaluation and corporate income taxes in a sequential delegation setting”. Review of Accounting Studies 8(2-3): 311-319.
Rajan, M. V. and R. E. Saouma. 2006. Optimal information asymmetry. The Accounting Review (May): 677-712.
Rajan, M. V. and S. Reichelstein. 2006. Subjective performance indicators and discretionary bonus pools. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 585-618.
Rajan, M. V. and S. Reichelstein. 2009. Depreciation rules and the relation between marginal and historical cost. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 823-865.
Rajan, M. V. and S. Reichelstein. 2009. Objective versus subjective indicators of managerial performance. The Accounting Review (January): 209-237.
Rajan, M. V., S. Reichelstein and M. T. Soliman. 2007. Conservatism, growth, and return on investment. Review of Accounting Studies 12(2-3): 323-370.
Rajan, P. 2020. Resolving conflicts of interest. Strategic Finance (December): 11-12.
Rajaraman, A., J. Leskovec and J. D. Ullman. 2012. Mining of Massive Datasets.
Rajgopal, S. 1999. Early evidence on the informativeness of the SEC's market risk disclosures: The case of commodity price risk exposure of oil and gas producers. The Accounting Review (July): 251-280.
Rajgopal, S. 2015. Book review: Financial Reporting Disclosures: Market Regulatory Failures. The Accounting Review (March): 819-822.
Rajgopal, S., A. Srivastava and R. Zhao. 2023. Do digital technology firms earn excess profits? Alternative perspectives. The Accounting Review (July): 321-344.
Rajgopal, S. and M. Venkatachalam. 2011. Financial reporting quality and idiosyncratic return volatility. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 1-20.
Rajgopal, S. and P. Tantri. 2023. Does a government mandate crowd out voluntary corporate social responsibility? Evidence from India. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 415-447.
Rajgopal, S. and R. White. 2019. Cheating when in the hole: The case of New York city taxis. Accounting, Organizations and Society (79): 101070.
Rajgopal, S. and T. Shevlin. 2002. Empirical evidence on the relation between stock option compensation and risk taking. Journal of Accounting and Economics (June): 145-171.
Rajgopal, S., D. Taylor and M. Venkatachalam. 2012. Frictions in the CEO labor market: The role of talent agents in CEO compensation. Contemporary Accounting Research 29(1): 119-151.
Rajgopal, S., M. Venkatachalam and S. Kotha. 2002. Managerial actions, stock returns, and earnings: The case of business-to-business internet firms. Studies on Accounting, Entrepreneurship and E-Commerce. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 529-556.
Rajgopal, S., M. Venkatachalam and S. Kotha. 2003. The value relevance of network advantages: The case of e-commerce firms. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 135-162.
Rajgopal, S., S. Srinivasan and X. Zheng. 2021. Measuring audit quality. Review of Accounting Studies 26(2): 559-619.
Rajgopal, S., T. Shevlin and M. Venkatachalam. 2003. Does the stock market fully appreciate the implications of leading indicators for future earnings? Evidence from order backlog. Review of Accounting Studies 8(4): 461-492.
Raju, J. and Z. J. Zhang. 2010. Smart Pricing: How Google, Priceline, and Leading Businesses Use Pricing Innovation for Profitability. Pearson Prentice Hall.
Raju, P. 2020. Small Business: Go teal for growth. Strategic Finance (April): 19-20.
Raju, P. and B. Nathan. 2018. Technology workbook: The data life cycle. Strategic Finance (July): 62-63. (Capture, qualify, transform, utilize, report, archive, and purge).
Raju, P. and R. Koch. 2019. Technology workbook: Can RPA improve agility? Strategic Finance (March): 68-69. (Robotic process automation).
Rakes, H. W. 1974. Grass roots forecasting. Management Accounting (September): 38-40. (Uses a computerized step-chart based on 13 four-week accounting periods).
Rakow, K. C. 2010. The effect of management earnings forecast characteristics on cost of equity capital. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 26(1): 37-46.
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Ram, R. and S. Newberry. 2017. Agenda entrance complexity in international accounting standard setting: The case of IFRS fro SMEs. Abacus 53(4): 485-512.
Rama, D. V. and W. J. Read. 2006. Resignations by the big 4 and the market for audit services. Accounting Horizons (June): 97-109.
Rama, D. V., K. Raghunandan, L. B. Logan and B. V. Barkman. 1997. Gender differences in publications by promoted faculty. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 353-365.
Rama, D. V., S. Ravenscroft, S. K. Wolcott and E. Zlotkowski. 2000. Service-learning outcomes: Guidelines for educators and researchers. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 657-692.
Ramachandran, J, K. S. Manikandan and A. Pant. 2013. Why conglomerates thrive (Outside the U.S.). Harvard Business Review (December): 110-119.
Ramadhan, M. G., M. Janssen and H. van der Voort. 2023. Driving and inhibiting factors for implementing audit analytics in an internal audit function. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 20(2): 135-163.
Ramage, J. G., A. M. Krieger and L. L. Spero. 1979. An empirical study of error characteristics in audit populations. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Auditing-Selections from the "Research Opportunities in Auditing" Program): 72-102.
Ramage, J. G., A. M. Krieger and L. L. Spero. 1979. [Discussion of an empirical study of error characteristics in audit populations]: A reply. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Auditing-Selections from the "Research Opportunities in Auditing" Program): 111-113.
Ramage, M. and K. Shipp. 2009. Systems Thinkers. Springer.
Ramakrishnan, R. 2022. How to build good AI solutions when data is scarce. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-9.
Ramakrishnan, R. 2023. How to build good AI solutions when data is scarce. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 48-53.
Ramalingegowda, S. 2014. Evidence from impending bankrupt firms that long horizon institutional investors are informed about future firm value. Review of Accounting Studies 19(2): 1009-1045.
Ramalingegowda, S. and Y. Yu. 2012. Institutional ownership and conservatism. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February-April): 98-114.
Ramalingegowda, S., C. Wang and Y. Yu. 2013. The role of financial reporting quality in mitigating the constraining effect of dividend policy on investment decisions. The Accounting Review (May): 1007-1039.
Ramalingegowda, S., S. Utke and Y. Yu. 2021. Common institutional ownership and earnings management. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(1): 208-241.
Ramamoorti, S. 2008. The psychology and sociology of fraud: Integrating the behavioral sciences component into fraud and forensic accounting curricula. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 521-533.
Ramamoorti, S. 2018. Discussion of: Economic analysis of proposed PCAOB standards: Finding a path forward. Accounting Horizons (June): 201-209.
Ramamoorti, S. and B. J. Epstein. 2016. When reckless executives become dangerous fraudsters. The CPA Journal (November): 6-10.
Ramamoorti, S., D. Morrison and J. W. Koletar. 2014. Bringing Freud to fraud: Understanding the state-of-mind of the C-level suite/white collar offender through "A-B-C" analysis. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 6(1): 47-81.
Raman, A. P. 2003. The global brand face-off. Harvard Business Review (June): 35-46. (Case study).
Raman, A. P. 2009. The new frontiers. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 130-137. (How the global slowdown is reshaping competition from emerging markets).
Raman, A. P. 2011. "Why don't we try to be India's most respected company?" Harvard Business Review (November): 80-86. (Interview with N. R. Narayana Murthy).
Raman, A. P. 2013. The sum of India's contradictions. Harvard Business Review (November): 138-139.
Raman, K. and H. Shahrur. 2008. Relationship-specific investments and earnings management: Evidence on corporate suppliers and customers. The Accounting Review (July): 1041-1081.
Ramanna, K. 2023. Managing in the age of outrage: As societies become angrier, managers must condition themselves to respond sensitively. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 96-107.
Ramanna, K. 2024. Managing in the age of outrage. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 16-24.
Ramanna, K. and S. Roychowdhury. 2010. Elections and discretionary accruals: Evidence from 2004. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 445-475.
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Raman, K. K., C. Ye and L. Yu. 2023. Do auditors price common ownership? Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 42(4): 105-129.
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Ramanna, K. 2013. Why "fair value" is the rule. Harvard Business Review (March): 99-101.
Ramanna, K. 2015. Book review: International Perspectives on Accounting and Corporate Behavior. The Accounting Review (May): 1244-1247.
Ramanna, K. and E. Sletten. 2014. Network effects in countries' adoption of IFRS. The Accounting Review (July): 1517-1543.
Ramanna, K. and R. L. Watts. 2012. Evidence on the use of unverifiable estimates in required goodwill impairment. Review of Accounting Studies 17(4): 749-780.
Ramanna, K., C. A. Murphy and C. Smith. 2015. Is a promotion worth hiding who you are? Harvard Business Review (October): 123-127.
Ramanujam, R. 2003. The effects of discontinuous change on latent errors in organizations: The moderating role of risk. The Academy of Management Journal 46(5): 608-617.
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Ramasubramanian, H. 2022. Aiming high. Strategic Finance (October): 66.
Ramasubramanian, H., M. R. Gujarathi and D. Feldmann. 2023. Leveraging cost accounting to manage earnings: Evidence from Toshiba's semiconductor business. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 177-194.
Ramaswamy, K. 1997. The performance impact of strategic similarity in horizontal mergers: Evidence from the U.S. banking industry. The Academy of Management Journal 40(3): 697-715.
Ramaswamy, V. and F. Gouillart. 2010. Building the co-creative enterprise. Harvard Business Review (October): 100-109. (The co-creation approach to process and product design attempts to serve the interest of all stakeholders and focuses on their experiences and how they interact with each other).
Rambo, R. G. 2019. Hedges of recognized foreign currency - Denominated assets and liabilities. The CPA Journal (August): 54-58.
Rambo, R. G. 2021. Hedges of unrecognized foreign currency-denominated firm commitments. The CPA Journal (April/May): 58-63.
Rambo, R. G. and C. L. Lousteau. 2003. Accounting for trading and available-for-sale investments. Journal of Accounting Education 21(2): 127-147.
Rambo, R. G., D. Main and L. Beaubien. 2011. Reducing reporting risk: Designating foreign currency forward contracts as cash flow hedges. Journal of Accounting Education 29(4): 284-294.
Rambow, E. A. 1971. Direct costing the company's aircraft. Management Accounting (April): 25-26, 36.
Ramdas, K., E. Teisberg and A. L. Tucker. 2012. 4 ways to reinvent service delivery. Harvard Business Review (December): 98-106.
Ramesh, B., L. Cao, J. Kim, K. Mohan, T. L. James, E. Apfelbaum, M. E. Mangelsdorf, T. Wakayama, K. LaPierre, J. McConnell, M. Spiegel, T. Schmiedel and J. vom Brocke. 2019. Leading through change conflicts: Discover some of the best ways to acknowledge and work through the fears of experimentation - while still embracing flexibility, creativity, and communication. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-23. (This special collection includes Ramesh, B., L. Cao, J. Kim, K. Mohan and T. L. James. Consider culture when implementing agile practices; Wakayama, T. and K. LaPierre. Embracing a strategic paradox; McConnell, J. Neutralize internal politics in digital initiatives; and Spiegel, M., T. Schmiedel and J. vom Brocke. What makes change harder - easier).
Ramesh, B., L. Cao, J. Kim, K. Mohan, T. L. James, J. Birkinshaw, N. P. Repenning, D. Kieffer, J. Repenning, J. Ross, J. Ross, and D. Gillespie. 2019. Staying agile: Learn how the agile software development process is being used as a management strategy, with lessons from ING bank, Toyota, Spotify, and others. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-37. (This special collection includes: An Introduction; Ramesh, B., L. Cao, J. Kim, K. Mohan and T. L. James. Consider culture when implementing agile practices; Birkinshaw, J. What to expect from agile; Repenning, N. P., D. Kieffer and J. Repenning. A new approach to designing work; Ross, J. Goodbye structure; Hello accountability; Ross, J. Architect your company for agility; and Gillespie, D. What the military can teach organizations about agility).
Ramesh, C. 1992. Discussion of 'Bond ratings, bond yields and financial information. Contemporary Accounting Research 9(1): 283-289.
Ramesh, K. and L. Revsine. 2000. The effects of regulatory and contracting costs on banks’ choice of accounting method for other postretirement employee benefits. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October): 159-186.
Ramesha, K. V. 2020. Earn what you deserve. Strategic Finance (February): 64.
Ramesh Krishnan, R. G. and P. N. Ram Kumar. 2024. An integrated sustainable and resilient closed-loop supply chain network design: A case study of the Indian mango pulp industry. Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management: Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain. (12): 13-47.
Ramey, D. 1993. Budgeting and control of discretionary costs. Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 58-64.
Ramirez, A. R. 1959. Maintenance cost reporting for all levels of management. N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 21-30.
Ramirez, C. 2001. Understanding social closure in its cultural context: Accounting practitioners in France (1920-1939). Accounting, Organizations and Society 26(4-5): 391-418.
Ramirez, C. 2009. Constructing the governable small practitioner: The changing nature of professional bodies and the management of professional accountants’ identities in the UK. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(3-4): 381-408.
Ramirez, R., S. Churchhouse, A. Palermo and J. Hoffmann. 2017. Using scenario planning to reshape strategy: Rather than trying to predict the future, organizations need to strengthen their abilities to cope with uncertainty. A new approach to scenario planning can help companies reframe their long-term strategies by developing several plausible scenarios. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 31-37.
Ramirez, R., T. Lang, M. Finch, G. Carson and D. Fisher. 2023. Strategizing across organizations. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 62-65.
Ramirez-Nafarrate, A., O. M. Araz and J. W. Fowler. 2021. Decision assessment algorithms for location and capacity optimization under resource shortages. Decision Sciences 52(1): 142-181.
Ramnath, S. 2002. Investor and analyst reactions to earnings announcements of related firms: An empirical analysis. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1351-1376.
Ramos, J. 2005. Bean-counting goes global. The World in 2005. The Economist. 119. (Nearly 100 countries in six continents will be using international standards by 2005).
Ramos, M. 2004. How to Comply with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404: Assessing the Effectiveness of Internal Control. John Wiley & Sons.
Ramos, M. 2009. Risk-based audit best practices. Journal of Accountancy (December): 32-38.
Ramos, M. J. 2008. How to Comply with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404: Assessing the Effectiveness of Internal Control, 3rd Edition. Wiley.
Rampe, K. and L. Hart. 2018. Set your own personal vision... Journal of Accountancy (October): 80.
Rampulla, R. 2012. Gaming Audit & Accounting Guide. AICPA.
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Ramsay, R. J. and R. M. Tubbs. 2005. Analysis of diagnostic tasks in accounting research using signal detection theory. Behavioral Research in Accounting (17): 149-173.
Ramsey, D. 2009. The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness. Thomas Nelson.
Ramsey, R. H. 1994. Activity-based costing for hospitals. Hospital & Health Services Administration 39(3): 385-396.
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Ramus, C. A. and U. Steger. The roles of supervisory support behaviors and environmental policy in employee "ecoinitiatives" at leading-edge European companies. The Academy of Management Journal 43(4): 605-626.
Ranasinghe, T., K. Sivaramakrishnan and L. Yi. 2022. Hedging, hedge accounting, and earnings predictability. Review of Accounting Studies 27(1): 35-75.
Ranasinghe, T., L. Yi and L. Zhou. 2023. Do auditors charge a client business risk premium? Evidence from audit fees and derivative hedging in the U.S. oil and gas industry. Review of Accounting Studies 28(2): 1107-1139.
Ranck, J. H. Jr. 1986. Avoiding the pitfalls in sales forecasting. Management Accounting (September): 51-55.
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Randall, R. 1973. Influence of environmental support and policy space on organizational behavior. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(2): 236-247.
Randall, R. F. 1972. Managing money at the United Nations. Management Accounting (November): 57-59.
Randall, R. F. 1972. Sports accountants: They watch team's bottom line. Management Accounting (December): 56-58.
Randall, R. F. 1972. What cost education? Management Accounting (October): 67-69.
Randall, R. F. 1973. A businessman-emeritus speaks out. Management Accounting (April): 54-56.
Randall, R. F. 1973. Job enrichment ensures savings at Travelers. Management Accounting (January): 68-69, 72.
Randall, R. F. 1973. 'Mister chairman, I have a question...' Management Accounting (March): 53-54, 62.
Randall, R. F. 1974. CASB: Developing standards for cost accounting. Management Accounting (April): 46-48.
Randall, R. F. 1974. FASB: The year for decisions. Management Accounting (January): 55-59.
Randall, R. F. 1974. Finally - Inflation accounting. Management Accounting (November): 57-59.
Randall, R. F. 1975. Accounting by SAM. Management Accounting (June): 51-53. (Motion picture production accounting).
Randall, R. F. 1975. The 43 years of Cy Marshall. Management Accounting (November): 52-55.
Randall, R. F. 1976. FASB: In the crucible. Management Accounting (April): 57-59.
Randall, R. F. 1976. More debits than credits. Management Accounting (September): 59-60. (Review of Brilloff's book).
Randall, R. F. 1976. On the air for NAA. Management Accounting (May): 58-60.
Randall, R. F. 1978. Computer fraud: A growing problem. Management Accounting (April): 61-64.
Randall, R. F. 1978. Metcalf subcommittee: Let accountants make reforms. Management Accounting (January): 17-18.
Randall, R. F. 1979. Lee Brummet, NAA president, 1979-80. Management Accounting (July): 8-10.
Randall, R. F. 1980. Bob Donachie, NAA President 1980-81. Management Accounting (July): 12-14.
Randall, R. F. 1980. The SEC and corporate disclosure: Regulation in search of a purpose by Homer Kripke. Management Accounting (April): 56. (Review of Kripke's book).
Randall, R. F. 1982. Louis Vlasho, President, 1982-83. Management Accounting (July): 15-18, 43.
Randall, R. F. 1983. Charles T. Smith, Jr.: His goal is to help people excel. Management Accounting (July): 13-16. (NAA President 1983-84.)
Randall, R. F. 1983. Houston '83: The annual conference story. Management Accounting (September): 72-78.
Randall, R. F. 1984. Herb Seiffert: NAA President, 1984-85. Management Accounting (July): 24-27.
Randall, R. F. 1984. Seattle '84: Annual conference focuses on change. Management Accounting (May): 74-75.
Randall, R. F. 1984. Management accounting degree established in Canada. Management Accounting (June): 12.
Randall, R. F. 1984. Seattle '84: Managing change. Management Accounting (April): 63-64.
Randall, R. F. 1984. Seattle '84: The impact of change. Management Accounting (September): 59-64.
Randall, R. F. 1985. Comptroller's Comptroller: NAA president Herbert Knortz. Management Accounting (July): 20-25.
Randall, R. F. 1985. St. Louis '85: Leadership in the '80s. Management Accounting (September): 62-67.
Randall, R. F. 1986. Glen Woodson: 'Grassroots president'. Management Accounting (July): 20-23.
Randall, R. F. 1987. John Arme elected NAA president. Management Accounting (July): 16-18.
Randall, R. F. 1988. NAA President, Ernie Huband. Management Accounting (July): 18-21.
Randall, R. F. 1989. The coming crunch in employee benefits. Management Accounting (January): 18-22.
Randall, R. F. 1989. Tom O'Toole, NAA President, 1989-90. Management Accounting (July): 17-20.
Randall, R. F. 1990. Stan Pylipow, NAA President, 1990-91. Management Accounting (July): 23-25.
Randall, R. F. 1991. Don Baker, CMA, President, 1991-92. Management Accounting (July): 20-23.
Randall, R. F. 1991. IMA visits capitol hill. Management Accounting (December): 19-21.
Randall, R. F. 1992. Bob Liptak, President, 1992-93. Management Accounting (July): 24-27.
Randall, R. F. 1992. Letters to the editor. Management Accounting (November): 10-11.
Randall, R. F. 1992. Letters to the editor. Management Accounting (December): 8-13.
Randall, R. F. 1993. Leo Loiselle, President 1993-94. Management Accounting (July): 19-20, 22.
Randall, R. F. 1994. Keith Bryant, CMA President, 1994-95. Management Accounting (July): 19-22.
Randall, R. F. 1995. IMA President, 1995-96 William J. Ihlanfeldt. Management Accounting (July): 20-23.
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Randall, R. F. 1997. Mission to Macedonia. Management Accounting (December): 52-54. (Setting up a cost accounting system at a small company).
Randall, R. F. 1999. New challenges in finance. Strategic Finance (March): 30-32, 34-37.
Randall, R. F. 2000. Frank C. Minter: Pilot for the 21st century. Strategic Finance (August): 24-27. (IMA President).
Randall, R. F. 2001. Robert E. Bell Jr.: Hickory Brands CEO leads IMA. Strategic Finance (August): 24-28.
Randall, R. F. 2002. Margaret D. Butler wants to ensure members get full value. Strategic Finance (August): 24-28. (IMA President 2002-03).
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Randall, T., S. Netessine and N. Rudi. 2006. An empirical examination of the decision to invest in fulfillment capabilities: A study of internet retailers. Management Science (April): 567-580.
Randel, A. E. and K. S. Jaussi. 2003. Functional background identity, diversity, and individual performance in cross-functional teams. The Academy of Management Journal 46(6): 763-774.
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Randolph, D. W. and J. A. Seida. 2007. Balancing tax and financial reporting objectives: Effective tax planning within the property and casualty insurance industry. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 285-318.
Randolph, D. W., G. L. Salamon and J. A. Seida. 2005. Quantifying the costs of intertemporal taxable income shifting: Theory and evidence from the property-casualty insurance industry. The Accounting Review (January): 315-348.
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Rangan, K., L. K. Chase and S. Karim. 2015. The truth about CSR. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 40-49. (Firms must develop coherent corporate social responsibility strategies).
Rangan, S. and M. Sengul. 2009. The influence of macro structure on the foreign market performance of transnational firms: The value of IGO connections, export dependence, and immigration links. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(2): 229-267.
Rangan, S. and R. Adner. 2001. Profits and the internet: Seven misconceptions. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 44-53.
Rangan, S. and R. G. Sloan. 1998. Implications of the integral approach to quarterly reporting for the post-earnings-announcement drift. The Accounting Review (July): 353-371.
Rangan, V. K., D. Corsten and M. Higgins. 2021. How direct-to-customer brands can continue to grow: They need to revise the marketing innovations that gave them early momentum. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 100-109.
Rangan, V. K., M. Chu and D. Petkoski. 2011. Segmenting the base of the pyramid. Harvard Business Review (June): 113-117.
Ranganathan, A. 2018. The artisan and his audience: Identification with work and price setting in a handicraft cluster in Southern India. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(3): 637-667.
Ranganathan, A. 2018. Train them to retain them: Work readiness and the retention of first-time women workers in India. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(4): 879-909.
Rangarajan, S. 2019. Keep going. Strategic Finance (March): 72.
Rangaswami, M. R. 2009. Why sustainability is now the key driver of innovation. Harvard Business Review (September): 56-64.
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Rangone, A. 1997. Linking organizational effectiveness, key success factors and performance measures: An analytical framework. Management Accounting Research (June): 207-219.
Ranke, M. and M. I. Aguirre-Urreta. 2020. Cautionary note on the two-step transformation to normality. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 151-166. (Demonstrates three sources of non-normality using simulated datasets and their consequences for regression estimation).
Rankin, A. C. 1956. The administrative processes of contract and grant research. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(3): 275-294.
Rankin, C. H. 1940. Treasury stock: A source of profit or loss? The Accounting Review (March): 71-77.
Rankin, F. W. and T. L. Savre. 2000. The effects of performance separability and contract type on agent effort. Accounting, Organizations and Society 25(7): 683-695.
Rankin, F. W. and T. L. Sayre. 2011. Responses to risk in tournaments. Accounting, Organizations and Society 36(1): 53-62.
Rankin, F. W., S. T. Schwartz and R. A. Young. 2003. Management control using nonbinding budgetary announcements. Journal of Management Accounting Research (15): 75-93.
Rankin, F. W., S. T. Schwartz and R. A. Young. 2008. The effect of honesty and superior authority on budget proposals. The Accounting Review (July): 1083-1099.
Rankin, L. J. 1984. The development of compilations and reviews. The Accounting Historians Journal 11(1): 63-82.
Rankin, R. 2018. Higher degrees of an ethical dilemma. IMA Educational Case Journal 11(4): 1-4.
Rankin, R. and M. Stuebs. 2017. The chicken or the egg: Hatching a new and innovative product. IMA Educational Case Journal 10(2):. 1-6.
Rankin, R. and T. Driskill. 2020. Troubled Waters: An outsourced ethical dilemma. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(2): 1-4.
Rankin, R. J., C. D. Henderson, T. K. England and M. E. Opara. 2023. Crossroads Car Wash: When family and finances collide. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 169-182.
Rankine, G. and E. K. Stice. 1994. Using articles from the popular press in the introductory accounting course. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 142-150.
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Ranney, G. B. 2009. Remembering NUMMI. In2: In Thinking Network Insights. (Article link) and (Site link).
Ransbotham, S. 2015. At this education nonprofit, A is for analytics. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 32-37.
Ransbotham, S. 2015. Coca-Cola's unique challenge: Turing 250 datasets into one. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 34.
Ransbotham, S. 2015. Marketing in five dimensions. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 97-102.
Ransbotham, S. 2015. Telling data's story with graphics. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 116-119.
Ransbotham, S. 2016. Addressing complexity in the modern environment: Complexity's competitive edge. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 79-83.
Ransbotham, S. 2016. Enough health care data for an army: The Million Veteran Program. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 15-19.
Ransbotham, S. 2017. A bank on the edge of a deep river. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 14-15.
Ransbotham, S. and D. Kiron. 2017. Analytics as a source of business innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-16.
Ransbotham, S. 2017. The subtle sources of sampling bias hiding in your data. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 20-22.
Ransbotham, S., D. Kiron and P. K. Prentice. 2015. Minding the analytics gap. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 63-68.
Ransbotham, S., D. Kiron and P. K. Prentice. 2015. The talent dividend. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-11.
Ransbotham, S., D. Kiron, P. Gerbert and M. Reeves. 2017. Reshaping business with artificial intelligence. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-17.
Ransom, C. R. 1985. The ex ante information content of accounting information systems. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Accounting Earnings and Security Valuation: Current Research Issues): 124-139.
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Rao, H. and S. Dutta. 2012. Free spaces as organizational weapons of the weak: Religious festivals and regimental mutinies in the 1857 Bengal Native Army. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(4): 625-668.
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Rao, J. and J. Weitraub. 2013. How innovative is your company's culture? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 29-37.
Rao, J. H. 2022. Resilence through value-stream mapping. Strategic Finance (August): 21-22.
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Rao, M. P. 2000. A simple method to link productivity to profitability. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 12-17.
Rao, M. P. 2007. From a black hole to a hole-in-one. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 32-46. (A profit-linked multi-factor productivity measurement for a golf course).
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Rao, S. 2017. Current state of assurance on sustainability reports. The CPA Journal (July): 52-57. (Includes a list of articles for further reading).
Rao, S., K. B. Lee, B. Connelly and D. Iyengar. 2018. Return time leniency in online retail: A signaling theory perspective on buying outcomes. Decision Sciences 49(2): 275-305.
Rao, T. R. 1972. Time between purchases and consumer brand choice. Decision Sciences 3(1): 47-55.
Rao, T. R. 1973. Is brand loyalty a criterion for market segmentation: Discriminant analysis. Decision Sciences 4(3): 395-404.
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Rapaccioli, D. and A. Schiff. 1991. Reporting sales of segments under ABP opinion No. 30. Accounting Horizons (December): 53-59.
Rapacioli, S. 2012. Thirsty planet: Business responses to water scarcity. CGMA Magazine (Inaugural issue): 12-13.
Raper, C. L. 1929. Shall accounting instructors indulge in outside practice? The Accounting Review (June): 129-130.
Raphae, J. 2017. Rethinking the audit. Journal of Accountancy (April): 28-32.
Rapoport, A. 1961. Remarks on Marshall Wood's paper. Management Science (April): 219-223.
Rapoport, A. 1961. Three modes of conflict. Management Science (April): 210-218.
Rapoport, R. N. and E. Skellern. 1957. Some therapeutic functions of administrative disturbance. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(1): 82-96.
Rapoza, J. 2001. Get a grip on your site: Managing your site's content can be extremely expensive, unwieldy, and tedious. We evaluate systems that break the mold. PC Magazine (March 20): 146-153.
Rapoza, J. 2001. The high end. PC Magazine (March 20): 154-155. (More on content management).
Rappaport, A. 1964. Establishing objectives for published corporate accounting reports. The Accounting Review (October): 951-962.
Rappaport, A. 1965. Lease capitalization and the transaction concept. The Accounting Review (April): 373-376.
Rappaport, A. 1965. Seminar research on uniformity. The Accounting Review (July): 643-648.
Rappaport, A. 1966. Towards a theory of interim reports: A modification and an extension. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 121-126.
Rappaport, A. 1967. Sensitivity analysis in decision making. The Accounting Review (July): 441-456.
Rappaport, A. 1968. Discussion of evaluation of the usefulness to investors of different accounting estimators of earnings: A simulation approach. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 50-53.
Rappaport, A. 1968. Management misinformation systems - Another perspective. Management Science (December): B133-B136.
Rappaport, A. 1969. Integer programming and managerial analysis. The Accounting Review (April): 297-299.
Rappaport, A. 1978. Executive incentives vs. corporate growth. Harvard Business Review (July-August ): 81-88.
Rappaport, A. 1981. Selecting strategies that create shareholder value. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 139-149.
Rappaport, A. 2006. 10 ways to create shareholder value. Harvard Business Review (September): 66-77. (1. Do not manage earnings or provide earnings guidance, 2. Make strategic decisions that maximize expected value, even at the expense of lowering near-term earnings, 3. Make acquisitions that maximize expected value, even at the expense of lowering near-term earnings, 4. Carry only assets that maximize value, 5. Return cash to shareholders when there are no credible value-creating opportunities to invest in the business, 6. Reward CEOs and other senior executives for delivering superior long-term returns, 7. Reward operating-unit executives for adding superior multiyear value, 8. Reward middle managers and frontline employees for delivering superior performance on the key value drivers that they influence directly, 9. Require senior executives to bear the risks of ownership just as shareholders do, 10. Provide investors with value-relevant information.).
Rappaport, A. 2011. Intangible Capital: Putting Knowledge to Work in the 21st-century Organization by Mary Adams, Michael Oleksak. The Accounting Review (November): 2185-2186.
Rappaport, A. and M. J. Mauboussin. 2001. Expectations Investing: Reading Stock Prices for Better Returns. Harvard Business School Press.
Rappaport, D. 1963. Materiality. The Price Waterhouse Review (Summer): 26-33.
Rappaport, R. A. 1999. Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity. Cambridge University Press.
Raps, A. 2004. Implementing strategy. Strategic Finance (June): 48-53.
Raptis, J. 1952. College instruction-A student's viewpoint. The Accounting Review (October): 431-435.
Rasch, H. 1957. A better product mix recipe through direct costing. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 869-874.
Rasch, R. H. and A. Harrell. 1989. The impact of individual differences on MAS personnel satisfaction and turnover intentions. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 13-22.
Rasch, R. H. and J. A. Yost, 1997. Friction in the design of information systems: The design dilemma. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 19-30.
Rasch, R. H. and J. V. Hansen. 1993. Information sharing arrangements in electronic data interchange environments. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 85-96.
Raschke, R. L. 2010. Process-based view of agility: The value contribution of IT and the effects on process outcomes. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 11(4): 297-313.
Raschke, R. L. and A. Mann. 2017. Enterprise content risk management: A conceptual framework for digital asset risk management. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 14(1): 57-62.
Raschke, R. L. and K. F. Charron. 2021. Review of data analytic teaching cases, have we covered enough? Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 18(2): 247-255.
Raschke, R. L. and P. J. Steinbart. 2008. Mitigating the effects of misleading graphs on decisions by educating users about the principles of graph design. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 23-52.
Raschke, R. L., A. Saiewitz, P. Kachroo and J. B. Lennard. 2018. AI-enhanced audit inquiry: A research note. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 15(2): 111-116.
Raschke, R. L., A. S. Krishen and P. Kachroo. 2014. Understanding the components of information privacy threats for location-based services. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 227-242.
Rashid, F., A. C. Edmondson and H. B. Leonard. 2013. Leadership lesson from the Chilean mine rescue. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 113-119.
Rashty, J. 2011. New guidance for cloud-based service control reports: An introduction to AICPA SOC reports and SSAE 16. The CPA Journal (October): 68-71.
Rashty, J. 2012. Employee stock purchase plans and the calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share. The CPA Journal (May): 32-36.
Rashty, J. 2012. The Dodd-Frank Act addresses corporate governance: Internal controls, whistleblower provisions, and disclosure regulations. The CPA Journal (April): 40-42.
Rashty, J. 2012. The two-class stock method for calculating earnings per share: Stock compensation awards as participating securities. The CPA Journal (August): 26-31.
Rashty, J. 2013. An overview of XBRL compliance. The CPA Journal (August): 67-71.
Rashty, J. 2014. Employment contracts with post-employment obligations. The CPA Journal (December): 24-27.
Rashty, J. 2014. Foreign currency matters. The CPA Journal (March): 54-56.
Rashty, J. 2015. Corporate ethics and the rights of whistleblowers. The CPA Journal (February): 48-50.
Rashty, J. 2017. Interest rate swaps. The CPA Journal (November): 42-47.
Rashty, J. 2018. An analysis of the new sale and leaseback guidance. The CPA Journal (September): 52-56.
Rashty, J. 2018. Changes to accounting for employee share-based payment: ASU 2016-09 may increase volatility of diluted EPS. The CPA Journal (March): 56-59.
Rashty, J. 2018. Implications of pushdown accounting. The CPA Journal (March): 53-55.
Rashty, J. 2018. The new guidance for goodwill impairment. The CPA Journal (September): 48-51.
Rashty, J. 2021. Dividend-protected stock compensation awards. The CPA Journal (June/July): 68-71.
Rashty, J. 2022. Asset acquisition accounting. The CPA Journal (January/February): 57-61.
Rashty, J. 2023. Equity method accounting. The CPA Journal (January/February): 58-63.
Rashty, J. 2023. Insights into pushdown accounting. The CPA Journal (March/April): 56-61.
Rashty, J. and J. O'Shaughnessy. 2010. Foreign currency forward contracts and cash flow hedging: Navigating accounting and disclosure requirements. The CPA Journal (October): 24-30.
Rashty, J. and J. O'Shaughnessy. 2010. Revenue recognition for cloud-based computing arrangements. The CPA Journal (November): 32-35.
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Rashty, J. and J. O'Shaughnessy. 2012. Stock compensation under U.S. GAAP and IFRS: Similarities and differences. The CPA Journal (February): 32-35.
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Rasiel, E. M. and P. N. Friga. 2001. The McKinsey Mind: Understanding and Implementing the Problem-Solving Tools and Management Techniques of the World's Top Strategic Consulting Firm. McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing.
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Rasmussen, N. H., C. J. Eichorn, C. S. Barak and T. Prince. 2003. Process Improvement for Effective Budgeting and Financial Reporting. John Wiley & Sons.
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Rathi, A. 2024. Climate Capitalism: Winning the Race to Zero Emissions and Solving the Crisis of Our Age. Greystone Books.
Ratigan, G. 2020. Ethics in the digital age. Strategic Finance (April): 13-14.
Ratigan, G. 2022. The ethics of ESG: Achieving competence in sustainability and environmental, social, and governance factors is an ethical responsibility. Strategic Finance (April): 15-16.
Ratigan, J. 2015. Communicating like a leader. Strategic Finance (December): 19-21.
Ratigan, J. 2016. Amplify your influence in a new role. Strategic Finance (January): 15-16.
Ratigan, S. 2014. Beware the slippery slope of sales tax. Strategic Finance (May): 40-45.
Ratliff-Miller, P. 2010. Haworth, Inc.: Building for the triple bottom line. IMA Educational Case Journal 3(1): 1-4.
Ratliff-Miller, P. A. 2018. Chandler Corp: Choosing the right costing method to evaluate new products. IMA Educational Case Journal 11(3): 1-6.
Ratnatunga, J. 2002. The valuation of capabilities: A new direction for management accounting. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 1-15.
Ratnatunga, J. 2004. Editorial: Empowerment accounting: The role of financial statements in the shift from the information to the influencial paradigm. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 1-16.
Ratnatunga, J. 2006. Editorial: The valuation and reporting of reputation risk management capability. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 1-10.
Ratnatunga, J. 2007. Editorial: An inconvenient truth about accounting. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 1-20. (Related to environmental issues).
Ratnatunga, J. 2007. Editorial: Carbon cost accounting: The impact of global warming on the cost accounting profession. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 1-8.
Ratnatunga, J. 2008. Carbonomics: Strategic management accounting issues. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 1-10.
Ratnatunga, J. 2012. Ivory towers and legal powers: Attitudes and behaviour of town and gown to the accounting research-practice gap. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 1-20.
Ratnatunga, J. 2014. Costing life: Air, water and food. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 1-12.
Ratnatunga, J. 2015. The impact of new technologies on the management accountant. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 1-8.
Ratnatunga, J. 2016. Editorial: Applying disruptive technologies to audited financial statements. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer).
Ratnatunga, J. 2016. The accounting delusion: Faith and trust in IFRS reports. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter).
Ratnatunga, J. and A. Sopanah. 2015. Disaster financing: A contingent valuation approach. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer).
Ratnatunga, J. and L. Montali. 2008. Performance management measures that enhance organisational value: A review. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 1-16.
Ratnatunga, J. and M. Alam. 2011. Strategic governance and management accounting: Evidence from a case study. Abacus 47(3): 343-382.
Ratnatunga, J. and M. Ariff. 2005. Editorial: Towards a holistic model of corporate governance. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 1-16.
Ratnatunga, J., J. Miller, N. Mudalige and A. Sohalled, editors. 1993. Issues in Strategic Management Accounting. Sydney, Australia: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Ratnatunga, J., J. Vaz and G. Ramirez. 2004. Counting, accounting, eccounting - Can the profession make the move? Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 1-12. (Addresses the question of whether e-commerce requires fundamental changes in accounting).
Ratnatunga, J., M. Vincent and L. Duval. 2005. Editorial: The need for a 5-star reporting index™ for the ranking of publicly listed companies: A conceptual framework. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 1-20.
Ratnatunga, J., M. S. C. Tse and D. Wahyuni. 2015. Societal role expectations of management accounting professionals: An Australian study. Advances in Management Accounting (25): 29-48.
Ratnatunga, J., N. Gray and K. R. Balachandran. 2004. CEVITA™: The valuation and reporting of strategic capabilities. Management Accounting Research (March): 77-105. (A valuation approach that involves calculating the Capability Economic Value of Intangible and Tangible Assets (CEVITA™) of an organization by leveraging its capability-enhancing expenses to economic value by using Specific Expense Leveraged Value Indexes (ELVI™).
Ratnatunga, J., N. Gray and K. R. Balachandran. 2004. Corrigendum to "CEVITA™: The valuation and reporting of strategic capabilities" [Manage. Acc, Res. 15(1) (2004) 77-105]. Management Accounting Research (June): 241.
Ratnatunga, J., S. Jones and K. R. Balachandran. 2011. The valuation and reporting of organizational capability in carbon emissions management. Accounting Horizons (March): 127-147.
Ratsch, H. 1964. The new professional code for certified accountants and licensed accountants in the Federal Republic of Germany. The Accounting Review (January): 140-144.
Ratzinger-Sakel, N. V. S. 2013. Auditor fees and auditor independence - Evidence from going concern reporting decisions in Germany. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32(4): 129-168.
Rau, P. R. and J. Xu. 2013. How do ex ante severance pay contracts fit into optimal executive incentive schemes? Journal of Accounting Research (June): 631-671.
Rau, S. E. and D. V. Moser. 1999. Does performing other audit tasks affect going-concern judgments? The Accounting Review (October): 493-508.
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Raval, V. 1988. A conceptual model of a curriculum for accountants. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 132-152.
Raval, V. 1989. A curriculum-wide approach to integration of computer in accounting education. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 132-144.
Raval, V. 1991. Perspectives on students' teaching evaluations of AIS courses. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 62-72.
Raval, V. and T. A. Shimerda. 2002. Integrating AIS course content using concept maps. The Review of Business Information Systems. 6(3): 85-95.
Raval, V. and V. Raval. 2020. The truth about Satyam. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 12(3): 477-486.
Ravasi, D. and M. Schultz. 2006. Responding to organizational identity threats: Exploring the role of organizational culture. The Academy of Management Journal 49(3): 433-458.
Ravenscraft, B. 2016. See it to believe it: Using a VSM to understand manufacturing and make better capital investment decisions. Cost Management (March/April): 16-22.
Ravenscroft, S. 2004. Compass Point University: How many spring/summer classes should be offered? Journal of Accounting Education 22(4): 345-355.
Ravenscroft, S. 2018. Looking back...and looking forward. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 23-33.
Ravenscroft, S. and P. F. Williams. 2009. Making imaginary worlds real: The case of expensing employee stock options. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(6-7): 770-786.
Ravenscroft, S. and P. F. Williams. 2021. Sustaining discreditable accounting research through ignorance: The mainstream elite's response to the 2008 financial crisis. Accounting, Organizations and Society (95): 101280.
Ravenscroft, S., and S. Haka. 1996. Incentive plans and opportunities for information sharing. Behavioral Research in Accounting (8): 114-133.
Ravenscroft, S., T. R. Waymire and T. D. West. 2012. Accounting students' metacognition: The association of performance, calibration error, and mindset. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 707-732.
Ravenscroft, S. P. 1997. In support of cooperative learning. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 187-190.
Ravenscroft, S. P. 1997. Reply. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 195-196.
Ravenscroft, S. P. 2004. Editor's report. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 583.
Ravenscroft, S. P. 2005. Editor's report. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 135.
Ravenscroft, S. P. 2005. Editor's report. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 223.
Ravenscroft, S. P. 2005. Editor's report. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 303.
Ravenscroft, S. P. 2006. Editor's report. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 471.
Ravenscroft, S. P. 2006. From the editor's desk. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 15. (Comment on the two papers by Cohen and Holder-Webb, and Reckers).
Ravenscroft, S. P. 2006. From the editor's desk. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 111. (Comment on two papers related to the faculty's future in the academy by Plumlee, Kachelmeier, Madeo, Pratt and Krull, and developing faculty teaching skills by Brightman).
Ravenscroft, S. P. 2007. Editor's report. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 129.
Ravenscroft, S. P. 2007. Editor's report. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 347.
Ravenscroft, S. P. 2007. Editor's report. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 541.
Ravenscroft, S. P. 2007. From the editor's desk. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 57. (Comment on the Almer and Single paper).
Ravenscroft, S. P. 2007. From the editor's desk. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 163. (Comment on Wyhe's paper related to the accountants' struggle for status).
Ravenscroft, S. P. and F. A. Buckless. 1992. The effect of grading policies and student gender on academic performance. Journal of Accounting Education 10(1): 163-179.
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