Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Fabian, T. 1958. A linear programming model of integrated iron and steel production. Management Science (July): 415-449.
Fabian, T. 1967. Blast furnace production planning - A linear programming example. Management Science (October):
Faccio, M. 2016. Discussion of "Corporate political connections and tax aggressiveness". Contemporary Accounting Research 33(1): 115-120.
Fader, J. A. Jr. 1984. Getting what's yours when you're the subcontractor. Management Accounting (February): 32-36.
Faems, D., M. Janssens, A. Madhok and B. Van Looy. 2008. Toward an integrative perspective on alliance governance: Connecting contract design, trust dynamics, and contract application. The Academy of Management Journal 51(6): 1053-1078.
Fagan, M. L. 1987. Raising profits through lower distribution costs. Corporate Accounting (Winter): 26-31.
Fagerberg, D. Jr. 1954. Spotlight on personal accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 355-364.
Fagerberg, D. Jr. 1955. Perspective in the practice of accountancy. The Accounting Review (April): 211-216.
Fagerberg, D. Jr. 1957. Why accounting? The Accounting Review (January): 3-7.
Fagerberg, D. Jr. 1969. Accounting for vacation expense. Management Accounting (December): 47-48.
Fagerberg, D. Jr. 1972. Concerning three mischievous accounts. The Accounting Review (July): 454-457. (The clearing or "wash" account, the suspense account, and the over/short account).
Fagerberg, D. Jr. 1974. The selling of cost accounting. Management Accounting (June): 23-24, 28.
Fagerberg, D. Jr. 1974. Unmeasured costs: A checklist. Management Accounting (February): 29-32.
Fagerberg, D. Jr. 1990. A World War II cost accounting assignment. The Accounting Historians Journal 17(1): 81-88.
Fahey, B. G. 1970. Production performance reporting under direct costing. Management Accounting (November): 9-13.
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Fairchild, G. 2015. Case study. Should you sell that product? Harvard Business Review (January/February): 113-115.
Fairchild, K. M. and D. Bline. 1988. Capital investment analysis: The index method. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 72-78.
Faircloth, A. 1988. The importance of accounting to the Shakers. The Accounting Historians Journal 15(2): 99-129.
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Fairfield, P. M. and T. L. Yohn. 2001. Using asset turnover and profit margin to forecast changes in profitability. Review of Accounting Studies 6(4): 371-385.
Fairfield, P. M., J. S. Whisenant and T. L. Yohn. 2003. Accrued earnings and growth: Implications for future profitability and market mispricing. The Accounting Review (January): 353-371.
Fairfield, P. M., K. A. Kitching and V. W. Tang. 2009. Are special items informative about future profit margins? Review of Accounting Studies 14(2-3): 204-236.
Fairfield, P. M., R. J. Sweeney and T. L. Yohn. 1996. Accounting classification and the predictive content of earnings. The Accounting Review (July): 337-355.
Fairfield, P. M., S. Rammath and T. L. Yohn. 2009. Do industry-level analyses improve forecasts of financial performance? Journal of Accounting Research (March): 147-178.
Fairfield, P. M., S. Whisenant and T. L. Yohn. 2003. The differential persistence of accruals and cash flows for future operating income versus future profitability. Review of Accounting Studies 8(2-3): 221-243.
Fairhurst, G. T. and B. K. Snavely. 1983. A test of the social isolation of male tokens. The Academy of Management Journal 26(2): 353-361.2
Fairlie, R. W. 2006. The personal computer and entrepreneurship. Management Science (February): 187-203.
Fairweather, W. R. 2017. Sensitivity and specificity in application of Benford's Law to explore for potential fraud. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 9(3): 953-961.
Fairweather, W. R. 2018. Detecting fraud in non-Benford transaction files. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(2): 258-266.
Faisst, J. and N. Michels-Kim. 2016. Making reports more standardized: The Philips journey toward IBCS. Strategic Finance (October): 34-39.
Falbe, C. M. and G. Yukl. 1992. Consequences for managers of using single influence tactics and combinations of tactics. The Academy of Management Journal 35(3): 638-652.
Faleye, O. 2017. The downside to full board independence. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 87-88.
Faleye, O., R. Hoitash and U. Hoitash. 2013. The trouble with too much board oversight. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 53-56.
Falgiani, A., M. J. Coe, and J. Thompson. 2004. How to pursue a grassroots mentoring program. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 61-64.
Falgout, S., J. L. Evanko and D. Boyle. 2022. Will you be ready if the SEC comes knocking? If a company and its chief officers respond proactively to instances of misconduct, the SEC may reduce or even eliminate its corrective actions and penalties. Strategic Finance (December): 50-56.
Falk, A. T. 1929. Analyzing advertising results. Harvard Business Review (January): 185-194.
Falk, A. T. 1929. Analyzing advertising results II. Harvard Business Review (April): 312-329.
Falk D. L. and M. H. Granof. 1990. Internal service funds are beyond salvation. Accounting Horizons (June): 58-66. (Internal service funds are used to account for the financing of goods and services provided by one department or agency to other departments or agencies of the government unit, or to other governmental units, on a cost reimbursement basis).
Falk, D. R. 1930. Central buying by department-store mergers. Harvard Business Review (April): 265-273.
Falk, H. 1972. Assessing the effectiveness of accounting courses through facet analysis. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 359-375.
Falk, H. 1989. Contemporary accounting research: The first five years. Contemporary Accounting Research 5(2): 816-826.
Falk, H. 1992. Towards a framework for not-for-profit accounting. Contemporary Accounting Research 8(2): 468-499.
Falk, H. and J. A. Heintz. 1975. Assessing industry risk by ratio analysis. The Accounting Review (October): 758-779.
Falk, H. and J. A. Heintz. 1978. Assessing industry risk by ratio analysis: A reply. The Accounting Review (January): 210-215.
Falk, H. and J. C. Miller. 1977. Amortization of advertising expenditures. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 12-22.
Falk, H. and L. A. Gordon. 1978. Assessing industry risk by ratio analysis: Validation. The Accounting Review (January): 216-227.
Falk, H. and T. Ophir. 1973. The effect of risk on the use of financial statements by investment decision-makers: A case study. The Accounting Review (April): 323-338.
Falk, H. and T. Ophir. 1973. The influence of differences in accounting policies on investment decisions. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 108-116.
Fallon, D. F. 1966. EDP - Fixed asset control. Management Accounting (May): 49-50.
Fallon, D. F. 1968. Reliability cycle sampling for control of inventories. Management Accounting (October): 41-43.
Fallon, P. 2014. How I did it... Fallon's chairman on getting clients to take creative risks. Harvard Business Review (October): 35-38.
Falls, G. 1955. The financial value of early tax deductions for depreciation. The Accounting Review (July): 515-518.
Falsetta, D. and B. Tuttle. 2011. Transferring risk preferences from taxes to investments. Contemporary Accounting Research 28(2): 472-486.
Falsetta, D. and S. E. Kaplan. 2018. Discussion of The psychology of billing. Contemporary Accounting Research 35(3): 1455-1463.
Falsetta, D., T. J. Rupert and A. M. Wright. 2013. The effect of the timing and direction of capital gain tax changes on investment in risky assets. The Accounting Review (March): 499-520.
Fama, E. F. 1965. Portfolio analysis in a stable Paretian market. Management Science (January): 404-419.
Fama, E. F. 1980. Agency problems and the theory of the firm. Journal of Political Economy: 288-307.
Fan, H. and X. Song. 2020. The advantages of combining mobile technology and audience response systems. Journal of Accounting Education (50): 100657.
Fan, J. P. H. and T. J. Wong. 2002. Corporate ownership structure and the informativeness of accounting earnings in East Asia. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 401-425.
Fan, J. P. H. and T. J. Wong. 2005. Do external auditors perform a corporate governance role in emerging markets? Evidence from East Asia. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 35-72.
Fan, J. P. H., T. J. Wong and T. Zhang. 2012. Founder succession and accounting properties. Contemporary Accounting Research 29(1): 283-311.
Fan, M., J. Stallaert, S. Srinivasan and A. Whinston. 2002. Electronic Commerce and the Revolution in Financial Markets. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Fan, O. and X. Zhang. 2012. Accounting conservatism, aggregation, and information quality. Contemporary Accounting Research 29(1): 38-56.
Fan, Q. 2007. Earnings management and ownership retention for initial public offering firms: Theory and evidence. The Accounting Review (January): 27-64.
Fan, Q. and W. Li. 2018. Leading indicator variables and managerial incentives in a dynamic agency setting. Review of Accounting Studies 23(4): 1715-1753.
Fan, Q., N. B. Johnson and T. Pfeiffer. 2023. The impact of intrafirm incentive conflicts on the interplay between tax incidence and economic efficiency. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(4): 2173-2202.
Fan, Y. and X. Liu. 2017. Misclassifying core expenses as special items: Cost of goods sold or selling, general, and administrative expenses? Contemporary Accounting Research 34(1): 400-426.
Fan, Y., C. Li and K. Raghunandan. 2017. Is SOX 404(a) management internal control reporting an effective alternative to SOX 404(b) internal control audits? Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 36(3): 71-89.
Fan, Y., J. L. Gunn, L. Chan and J. Shao. 2022. Financial reporting quality and auditor dismissal decisions at companies with common directors and auditors. Contemporary Accounting Research 39(3): 1871-1904.
Fan, Y., W. B. Thomas and C. Wang. 2015. The effect of regulatory benchmarks on firm reporting behavior. Journal of International Accounting Research 14(1): 85-107.
Fan, Z., S. Radhakrishnan and Y. Zhang. 2021. Corporate governance and earnings management: Evidence from shareholder proposals. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(2): 1434-1464.
Fancher, C. L. 1949. Calling physical inventory into a voice recorder. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September): 32.
Fang, B. and O. Hope. 2021. Analyst teams. Review of Accounting Studies 26(2): 425-467. (The impact of teamwork on sell-side analysts' performance).
Fang, B., O. Hope, Z. Huang and R. Moldovan. 2020. The effects of MiFID II on sell-side analysts, buy-side analysts, and firms. Review of Accounting Studies 25(3): 855-902.
Fang, F., H. Gurnani and H. P. Natrajan. 2018. Leadership, dominance, and preeminence in a channel structure with a common retailer. Decision Sciences 49(1): 65-120.
Fang, J. 2011. Why is the U.S. XBRL conversion process so slow? The CPA Journal (January): 6-10.
Fang, J. 2013. The progress of XBRL conversion: Reviewing the rules, consequences, and potential remedies. The CPA Journal (February): 68-71.
Fang, J. 2014. Retrieving financial information in XBRL. The CPA Journal (November): 60-65.
Fang, J., J. Pittman, Y. Zhang and Y. Zhao. 2017. Auditor choice and its implications for group-affiliated firms. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(1): 39-82.
Fang, J., G. J. Lobo, Y. Zhang and Y. Zhao. 2018. Auditing related party transactions: Evidence from audit opinions and restatements. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 37(2): 73-106.
Fang, J., L. He and T. S. Shaw. 2018. The effect of external auditors on managerial slack. Accounting Horizons (December): 85-115.
Fang, S., X. Pu and S. Q. Wang. 2023. The inception of credit default swap trading and corporate cost structure. Journal of Management Accounting Research 35(1): 115-143.
Fang, V. W., A. H. Huang and W. Wang. 2017. Imperfect accounting and reporting bias. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 919-962.
Fang, V. W., M. Maffett and B. Zhang. 2015. Foreign institutional ownership and the global convergence of financial reporting practices. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 593-631.
Fang, X., J. Pittman and Y. Zhao. 2021. The importance of director social networks to stock price crash risk. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(2): 903-941.
Fang, X., K. He and J. Ye. 2023. The role of auditing firms in implementing of new accounting standards: Evidence from China. Abacus 59(2): 541-569.
Fang, X., Y. Li, B. Xin and W. Zhang. 2016. Financial statement comparability and debt contracting: Evidence from the syndicated loan market. Accounting Horizons (June): 277-303.
Fang, Y., W. Dbouk, I. Hasan and L. Li. 2022. Banking reform, risk-taking, and accounting quality: Evidence from post-soviet transition states. Journal of International Accounting Research 21(1): 23-47.
Fang, Z. and Y. Tang. 1991. Recent accounting developments in China: An increasing internationalization. The International Journal of Accounting 26(2): 85-103.
Fang, Z., X. Luo and M. E. Keith. 2015. How effective is location-targeted mobile advertising? MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 14-15.
Fanning, K. and M. D. Piercey. 2014. Internal auditors' use of interpersonal likability, arguments, and accounting information in a corporate governance setting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 39(8): 575-589.
Fanning, K., C. P. Agoglia and M. D. Piercey. 2015. Unintended consequences of lowering disclosure thresholds. The Accounting Review (January): 301-320.
Fanning, K., J. Williams and M. G. Williamson. 2021. Group recruiting events and gender stereotypes in employee selection. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(4): 2496-2520.
Fanning, L. 2020. The ethics of inclusion. Strategic Finance (August): 15-16.
Fantini, F. and D. Narayandas. 2023. Analytics for marketers: When to rely on algorithms and when to trust your gut. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 82-91.
Fantl, I. L. 1971. The case against international uniformity. Management Accounting (May): 13-16.
Farag, S. M. 1967. Input-Output Analysis: Applications to Business Accounting. Center for International Education and Research in Accounting, University of Illinois. Review by R. Mattessich.
Farag, S. M. 1968. A planning model for the divisionalized enterprise. The Accounting Review (April): 312-320.
Farahany, N. A. 2023. Neorotech at work: Welcome to the world of brain monitoring for employees. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 43-48.
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Farber, D. B. 2005. Restoring trust after fraud: Does corporate governance matter? The Accounting Review (April): 539-561.
Farber, D. B., M. F. Johnson and K. R. Petroni. 2007. Congressional intervention in the standard-setting process: An analysis of the Stock Option Accounting Reform Act of 2004. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-22.
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Farewell, S. and R. Pinsker. 2015. Does assurance on XBRL-derived financial statements impact the decisions of nonprofessional investors? Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 13-21.
Farewell, S. M. 2006. An introduction to XBRL through the use of research and technical assignments. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 161-185.
Farewell, S. M., L. Hao, V. Kashyap and R. E. Pinsker. 2017. A field study examining the Indian Ministry of Corporate Affairs' XBRL implementation. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 103-117.
Fargher, N. and D. Morse 1998. Quality costs: Planning the trade-off between prevention and appraisal activities. Journal of Cost Management (January/February): 14-22. (Summary).
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Fargher, N. L., A. Jiang and Y. Yu. 2018. Further evidence on the effects of regulation on the exit of small auditors from the audit market and resulting audit quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 37(4): 95-115.
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Farkas, M. and R. Hirsch. 2017. The view from outside: How do attitudes and behavior of external auditors change when internal auditors don't detect significant problems? Strategic Finance (May): 56-62.
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Farley, C. T. 1973. Reporting for United Fund agencies. Management Accounting (December): 28-30.
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Farrell, A., J. O. S. Goh, R. Kahle, M. Shackell and B. White. 2017. When managers make emotional business decisions: Will they become more successful, or will they lose track of what's good for the organization? Strategic Finance (September): 46-53.
Farrell, A., L. Jutte, K. Kadous, M. Shackell, K. L. Towry and K. Young. 2017. Do you want linkages with that? To best allocate their resources and effort, workers must first understand the cause-and-effect linkages between their choices today and organizational success tomorrow. Strategic Finance (July): 40-47.
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Farrell, A. M., J. H. Grenier and J. Leiby. 2017. Scoundrels or stars? Theory and evidence on the quality of workers in online labor markets. The Accounting Review (January): 93-114. (Using online workers vs. students in accounting research).
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Fass, N. 2017. IMA teams up with NABA. Strategic Finance (September): 13. (National Association of Black Accountants).
Fass, N. 2018. Barton appointed chair of IIRC. Strategic Finance (November): 9. (International Integrated Reporting Council).
Fass, N. 2018. CFOs are making data and analytics top priorities. Strategic Finance (October): 9.
Fass, N. 2018. IFAC plans overhaul of education standards. Strategic Finance (September): 11.
Fass, N. 2018. IMA releases competency framework for comment. Strategic Finance (July): 11.
Fass, N. 2018. Tech pros not confident in AI deployment security. Strategic Finance (October): 8.
Fass, N. 2019. Digital transformation improves efficiency. Strategic Finance (November): 11.
Fass, N. 2019. FASB: Proposed ASU on distinguishing liabilities from equity. Strategic Finance (September): 10.
Fass, N. 2019. IASB issues new education standards. Strategic Finance (December): 8.
Fass, N. 2019. IASB proposes amendments to standards. Strategic Finance (July): 12.
Fass, N. 2019. Mature analytics improve profit margins. Strategic Finance (October): 9.
Fass, N. 2019. Survey reveals lack of risk management efforts. Strategic Finance (July): 14.
Fass, N. 2019. Paul E. Juras named IMA Chair-Elect. Strategic Finance (June): 12.
Fass, N. 2020. Companies report higher audit fees. Strategic Finance (February): 10.
Fass, N. 2020. COSO releases blockchain paper. Strategic Finance (September): 11.
Fass, N. 2020. IESBA proposes revisions to independence standards. Strategic Finance (February): 9.
Fass, N. 2020. J. Stephen McNally named IMA Chair-elect. Strategic Finance (May): 12.
Fass, N. 2020. New COSO compliance risk management guidance. Strategic Finance (December): 8.
Fass, N. 2020. New IFAC report for accountants in business. Strategic Finance (July): 11.
Fass, N. 2020. Whistleblower report issued. Strategic Finance (January): 11.
Fass, N. 2021. Gwen Van Berne named IMA Chair-Elect. Strategic Finance (April): 11.
Fass, N. 2022. Call for greater alignment around sustainability disclosure. Strategic Finance (July): 11.
Fass, N. 2022. FASB proposes changes to segment reporting. Strategic Finance (November): 13.
Fass, N. 2022. Global economy set for weak growth as confidence drops. Strategic Finance (August): 8.
Fass, N. 2022. IASB and ISSB work to integrate reporting framework. Strategic Finance (July): 10.
Fass, N. 2022. IFAC's new action plan fights corruption. Strategic Finance (October): 11.
Fass, N. 2022. IFRS Foundation and GRI to align standards. Strategic Finance (May): 11.
Fass, N. 2022. IFRS Foundation completes consolidation with VRF. Strategic Finance (September): 10.
Fass, N. 2022. ISSB confirms GHG emissions requirements. Strategic Finance (December): 10.
Fass, N. 2022. ISSB proposes sustainability disclosure standards. Strategic Finance (May): 10.
Fass, N. 2023. FASB proposes standards update for crypto assets. Strategic Finance (May): 9.
Fass, N. 2023. IFAC releases report on corporate emissions. Strategic Finance (January): 10.
Fass, N. 2023. Sunil Deshmukh named IMA Chair-elect. Strategic Finance (April): 12.
Fass, N. 2022. Richard T. Brady named IMA Chair-elect. Strategic Finance (April): 12.
Fath, S., R. P. Larrick, J. B. Soll and S. Zhu. 2021. Why putting on blinders can help us see more clearly. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 38-45. (Related to hiring and other people evaluations).
Fatoullah, R. and E. Forspan. 2015. Tax issues to consider in elder care planning. The CPA Journal (March): 40-44.
Fatoullah, R. A. and E. Forspan. 2015. The top 10 questions about Medicaid planning in New York. The CPA Journal (September): 42-45.
Fatoullah, R. A., E. Forspan, J. P. Gorak and S. Kess. 2017. The critical importance of a power of attorney for incapacitated individuals. The CPA Journal (May): 18-22.
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Fattahi, M. and K. Govindan. 2022. Data-driven rolling horizon approach for dynamic design of supply chain distribution networks under disruption and demand uncertainty. Decision Sciences 53(1): 150-180.
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Faulhaber, T. A., F. A. Coad and T. J. Little. 1988. Building a process cost management system from the bottom up. Management Accounting (May): 58-62.
Faulisi, B. 2016. Stand out from the crowd. Strategic Finance (January): 64.
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Faupel, C. 2012. Value-based performance management. Advances in Management Accounting (20): 187-208.
Faupel, C. and R. Michels. 2014. Value-based risk management: Costs and benefits. Advances in Management Accounting (24): 239-257.
Fauré, B. and L. Rouleau. 2011. The strategic competence of accountants and middle managers in budget making. Accounting, Organizations and Society 36(3): 167-182.
Faurel, L., T. D. Haight and A. Simon. 2018. The issuance and informativeness of management long-term earnings growth forecasts. Accounting Horizons (September): 1-27.
Faux, M. C. 1966. A new matrix approach to accounting training. The Accounting Review (January): 129-132.
Fava, K. L. 2013. Conservation easement: Tax donation update. Journal of Accountancy (May): 56-61.
Fava, K. L., E. Weiss and R. E. Huber. 2011. Tax relief for homeowners with corrosive drywall. Journal of Accountancy (April): 45-49.
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Favere-Marchesi, M. and C. E. N. Emby. 2005. The impact of continuity on partner reviews: An exploratory study. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-10.
Favere-Marchesi, M. and C. Emby. 2018. The alumni effect and professional skepticism: An experimental investigation. Accounting Horizons (March): 53-63.
Fay, B., E. Keller, R. Larkin and K. Pauwels. 2019. Deriving value from conversations about your brand. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 72-77.
Fay, J. R. and M. L. Roush. 2013. Business expense deduction versus hobby expense deductions. The CPA Journal (September): 26-31.
Fay, J. R., M. L. Roush and S. V. Shamenin. 2010. Personal income tax issues for international students in the United States. The CPA Journal (March): 44-50.
Fay, J. R., S. M. Hyder and M. L. Roush. 2010. Tax implications and other considerations of winning a lottery. The CPA Journal (April): 30-37.
Fay, J. R., W. L. Ferrara and J. P. Stryker. 1993. The quest for quality in business schools. Management Accounting (December): 48-50.
Fay, R. and E. M. Negangard. 2017. Manual journal entry testing: Data analytics and the risk of fraud. Journal of Accounting Education (38): 37-49.
Fay, R. and N. R. Montague. 2015. I'm not biased, am I? Avoid 5 common judgment biases that can affect accounting and auditing decisions. Journal of Accountancy (February): 26-31.
Fay, R. G. and N. R. Montague. 2015. Witnessing your own cognitive bias: A compendium of classroom exercises. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 13-34.
Fayard, A. and J. Weeks. 2011. Who moved my cube? Creating workspaces that actually foster collaboration. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 102-110.
Fayard, A., I. Stigliani and B. A. Bechky. 2017. How nascent occupations construct a mandate: The case of service designers' ethos. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(2): 270-303.
Fayard, A., J. Majekodunmi, M. Mendolall and R. Kenny. 2024. Nurturing innovation. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 88-97.
Fayard, A., J. Weeks, M. Khan and F. Hines. 2021. Designing the hybrid office: From workplace to "culture space". Harvard Business Review (March/April): 114-123.
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Fayard, D. and N. E. Vincent. 2018. Assessing IT risks: Management accountants have the experience and know-how to implement performance measures for monitoring and evaluating IT risk. Strategic Finance (January): 48-54.
Fayard, D., L. S. Lee, R. A. Leitch and W. J. Kettinger. 2012. Effect of internal cost management, information systems integration, and absorptive capacity on inter-organizational cost management in supply chains. Accounting, Organizations and Society 37(3): 168-187.
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