Management And Accounting Web

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Section J: JAA-JEN


Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Jaafar, A. and S. McLeay. 2007. Country effects and sector effects on the harmonization of accounting policy choice. Abacus 43(2): 156-189.

Jaber, M. Y. 2011. Learning Curves: Theory, Models, and Applications. CRC Press.

Jablonsky, S. F. 1986. Discussion of "the micro dynamics of a budget-cutting process: Modes, models and structure. Accounting, Organizations and Society 11(4-5): 423-427.

Jablonsky, S. F. and M. W. Dirsmith. 1979. Is financial reporting influencing internal decision making? Management Accounting (July): 40-44.

Jablonsky, S. F. and N. P. Barsky. 2001. The Manager's Guide to Financial Analysis. John Wiley & Sons.

Jablonsky, S. F. and N. P. Barsky. 1999. Business advocates and corporate cops: Core values from fad to fact. Strategic Finance (November): 50-54.

Jablonsky, S. F. and M. W. Dirsmith. 1978. The pattern of PPB rejection: Something about organizations, something about PPB. Accounting, Organizations and Society 3(3-4): 215-225.

Jablonsky, S. F. and P. J. Keating. 1995. Financial managers: Business advocates or corporate cops? Management Accounting (February): 21-25.

Jachimowicz, J. M. and F. Gino. 2022. Case study: What's the right career move after a public failure? Harvard Business Review (September/October): 144-149.

Jack, F. G. 1948. Application of operation time standards to departmental labor cost control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November 1): 235-242.

Jack, L. 2005. Stocks of knowledge, simplification and unintended consequences: The persistence of post-war accounting practices in UK agriculture. Management Accounting Research (March): 59-79.

Jack, L. 2015. Book review: Fair Value Accounting in Historical Perspective. The Accounting Review (March): 825-828.

Jack, L., R. Florez-Lopez and J. M. Ramon-Jeronimo. 2018. Accounting, performance measurement and fairness in UK fresh produce supply networks. Accounting, Organizations and Society (64): 17-30.

Jack, S. M. 1966. An historical defence of single entry book-keeping. Abacus 2(2): 137-158.

Jack, S. M. 1967. A note on F. P. Barnard: The casting counter and the counting board: A chapter in the history of numismatics and early arithmetic. Abacus 3(1): 80-82.

Jacke, R. E. 1932. Simple application of gain-sharing principles. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September 15): 101-115.

Jacke, R. E. 1933. Printing cost estimating for price setting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November 15): 325-335.

Jacke, R. E. 1941. Uniform pricing: Introduction. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September 1): 3-27.

Jackels, E. W. 1948. A payroll system using general purpose office equipment. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November 1): 243-250.

Jackels, E. W. 1950. A standard cost system for the match industry. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 979-994.

Jackling, B. 2013. Introduction to the special section on IFRS: Implications for accounting education. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 207-208.

Jackling, B. 2013. Global adoption of international financial reporting standards: Implications for accounting education. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 209-220.

Jackling, B., P. A. de Lange and R. Natoli. 2013. Transitioning to IFRS in Australian classrooms: Impact on teaching approaches. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 263-275.

Jackman, J. M. and M. H. Strober. 2003. Fear of feedback. Harvard Business Review (April): 101-107.

Jackson, A. B. 2018. Discretionary accruals: Earnings management ... or not? Abacus 54(2): 136-153.

Jackson, A. B., B. R. Rountree and K. Sivaramakrishnan. 2017. Earnings co-movements and earnings manipulation. Review of Accounting Studies 22(3): 1340-1365.

Jackson, A. B., C. Li and R. D. Morris. 2020. Earnings co-movements and the informativeness of earnings. Abacus 56(3): 295-319.

Jackson, A. B., M. A. Plumlee and B. R. Rountree. 2018. Decomposing the market, industry, and firm components of profitability: Implications for forecasts of profitability. Review of Accounting Studies 23(3): 1071-1095.

Jackson, C. 2000. Discussion of information technology-related activities of internal auditors. Journal of Information Systems (Supplement): 55-56.

Jackson, C. B. 1978. Trust fund accounting for multi-employer trust funds. Management Accounting (October): 49-54.

Jackson, C. N. and D. C. King. 1983. The effects of representatives' power within their own organizations on the outcome of a negotiation. The Academy of Management Journal 26(1): 178-185.

Jackson, C. W. and D. M. Jackson. 2020. ASU 2016-15 and GAAP treatment of securitization-related cash flows: Catching up to the fast-moving financial sector. The CPA Journal (January): 14-16.

Jackson, D. 2000. The New National Accounts. Edward Elgar.

Jackson, D. H. 1974. New product management. Management Accounting (July): 54-56.

Jackson, G. S. 2008. Individual income tax planning. The CPA Journal (February): 52-55.

Jackson, G. S. 2010. Lessons for tax planners. The CPA Journal (August): 52-55.

Jackson, G. W. 1959. A pitfall in R. O. I. reporting. N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 58.

Jackson, H. A. 1914. Better store system and department accounting: A system for departmentizing a store, or for department stores. Press of the Grinnell Herald Publishing Co.

Jackson, J. B. 1976. Do tax shelters really reduce taxes? Management Accounting (May): 43-45.

Jackson, J. H. 1919. Standardization of printers' accounts. Journal of Accountancy (May): 358-363.

Jackson, J. H. 1920. Depreciation policy and true cost. Journal of Accountancy (June): 452-455.

Jackson, J. H. 1920. Neglected commercial discounts. Journal of Accountancy (November): 321-328.

Jackson, J. H. 1921. Some problems in depreciation. Journal of Accountancy (February): 81-102.

Jackson, J. H. 1922. Accountants' Reports. Journal of Accountancy (April): 313-314.

Jackson, J. H. 1922. Analytical Credits. Journal of Accountancy (April): 311-313.

Jackson, J. H. 1922. Choosing a profession - Accountancy. Journal of Accountancy (March): 161-166.

Jackson, J. H. 1922. New York laws affecting business corporations. Journal of Accountancy (March): 230-231.

Jackson, J. H. 1922. Taking the examination. Journal of Accountancy (November): 346-350.

Jackson, J. H. 1922. Treatment of redemption funds. Journal of Accountancy (June): 417-430.

Jackson, J. H. 1923. Factory management wastes. Journal of Accountancy (January): 65-66.

Jackson, J. H. 1923. Success through vocational guidance. Journal of Accountancy (June): 474-475.

Jackson, J. H. 1924. Professional accountancy education within the public accountant's organization. Journal of Accountancy (July): 6-21.

Jackson, J. H. 1925. Accountancy as a profession: What opportunities does it offer for a professional career? Journal of Accountancy (September): 161-172.

Jackson, J. H. 1925. Investment Banking in England; The Investment Trust. Journal of Accountancy (December): 473-474.

Jackson, J. H. 1925. The Economics of Overhead Costs. The American Economic Review (March): 82-84.

Jackson, J. H. 1926. Audit certificates and reports. The Accounting Review (September): 45-63.

Jackson, J. H. 1926. Present tendencies in commercial education. The Accounting Review (June): 1-11.

Jackson, J. H. 1926. The case method. The Accounting Review (March): 108-111.

Jackson, J. H. 1945. The growing responsibility of the accountant. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 15): 839-854.

Jackson, J. H. 1946. Cost accounting in the education of management. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August 15): 1183-1193.

Jackson, J. H. 1947. Quarter century of cost accounting progress. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June 1): 1201-1209.

Jackson, J. H. 1952. A half century of cost accounting progress. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September): 3-17.

Jackson, J. H. and A. E. Davis. 1928. Teaching auditing by the case method. The Accounting Review (September): 297-310.

Jackson, J. R. 1956. A computing procedure for a line balancing problem. Management Science (April): 261-271.

Jackson, J. R. 1961. Queues with dynamic priority discipline. Management Science (October): 18-34.

Jackson, J. R. 1963. Jobshop-like queueing systems. Management Science (October): 131-142.

Jackson, J. R. 1968. On decision theory under competition. Management Science (September): 12-32.

Jackson, M. 2014. Accounting "Boot camp". Journal of Accounting Education 32(1): 88-97.

Jackson, M., S. Pippin and R. Mason. 2013. Marital status after DOMA. The CPA Journal (October): 40-43. (Defense of Marriage Act of 1996).

Jackson, M. W. 1992. Goethe's economy of nature and the nature of his economy. Accounting, Organizations and Society 17(5): 459-469.

Jackson, P. 1998. Introduction to Expert Systems (3rd Edition). Addison Wesley.

Jackson, S. 2020. Oath Keepers: Patriotism and the Edge of Violence in a Right-Wing Antigovernment Group. Columbia University Press.

Jackson, S. B. 2004. Earnings management by initial public offering firms: A reexamination. Journal of Forensic Accounting (5): 67-90.

Jackson, S. B. 2008. The effect of firms' depreciation method choice on managers' capital investment decisions. The Accounting Review (March): 351-376.

Jackson, S. B. and X. Liu. 2010. The allowance for uncollectible accounts, conservatism, and earnings management. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 565-601.

Jackson, S. B., T. C. Rodgers and B. Tuttle. 2010. The effect of depreciation choice on asset selling prices. Accounting, Organizations and Society 35(8): 757-774.

Jackson, S. B., T. M. Keune and L. Salzsieder. 2013. Debt, equity, and capital investment. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 291-310.

Jackson, S. B., X. Liu and M. Cecchini. 2009. Economic consequences of firms’ depreciation method choice: Evidence from capital investments. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October): 54-68.

Jackson, S. E. and J. E. Dutton. 1988. Discerning threats and opportunities. Administrative Science Quarterly 33(3): 370-387.

Jackson, S. E., S. Zedeck and E. Summers. 1985. Family life disruptions: Effects of job-induced structural and emotional interference. The Academy of Management Journal 28(3): 574-586.

Jackson, S. R. 2023. (Not) paying for diversity: Repugnant market concerns associated with transactional approaches to diversity recruitment. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(3): 824-866.

Jackson, T. 2018. Decoding value at the source: The ABCs of lean production metrics. Cost Management (July/August): 31-42.

Jackson, T. 2023. Self-managed teams, agency risk, and management accounting. Cost Management (March/April): 45-47.

Jackson, T. and J. A. Field. 2023. Toyota's last secret? Radical decentralization, target costing, and Japanese management accounting has supercharged Toyota's development and production operations. Cost Management (January/February): 6-21.

Jackson, T. L. 2019. Don't shed accounting, reengineer it - With strategy management and A3 thinking. Cost Management (January/February): 31-41.

Jackson-Cox, J., J. E. M. Thirkell and J. McQueeney. 1984. The disclosure of company information to trade unions: The relevance of the ACAS Code of Practice on Disclosure. Accounting, Organizations and Society 9(3-4): 253-273.

Jacob, D., S. Bergland and J. Cox. 2009. Velocity: Combining Lean, Six Sigma and the Theory of Constraints to Achieve Breakthrough Performance - A Business Novel. Free Press.

Jacob, J. 1996. Taxes and transfer pricing: Income shifting and the volume of intrafirm transfers. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 301-312.

Jacob, J. 1997. Discussion of do security analysts improve their performance with experience? Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Experts and the Application of Expertise in Accounting, Auditing, and Tax): 159-166.

Jacob, J. and B. N. Jorgensen. 2007. Earnings management and accounting income aggregation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (July): 369-390.

Jacob, J., N. Desai and S. K. Agarwalla. 2019. An examination of factors driving Big 4 audit fee premiums: Evidence from India's audit market. Accounting Horizons (June): 43-58.

Jacob, J., T. Lys and J. Sabino. 1999. Autocorrelation structure of forecast errors from time-series models: Alternative assessments of the causes of post-earnings announcement drift. Journal of Accounting and Economics 28(3)(December): 329-358.

Jacob, J., T. Z. Lys and M. A. Neale. 1999. Expertise in forecasting performance of security analysts. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November): 51-82.

Jacob, M. and M. Todtenhaupt. 2023. Withholding taxes, compliance cost, and foreign portfolio investment. The Accounting Review (March): 299-327.

Jacobides, M. G. 2005. Industry change through vertical disintegration: How and why markets emerged in mortgage banking. The Academy of Management Journal 48(3): 465-498.

Jacobides, M. G. 2010. Strategy tools for a shifting landscape. Harvard Business Review (January-February): 76-84.

Jacobides, M. G. 2019. In the ecosystem economy, what's your strategy? The five questions you need to answer. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 128-137. (Can you help other firms create value? What role should you play? What should the terms for participation be? Can your organization adapt? How many ecosystems should you manage?).

Jacobides, M. G. and J. P. MacDuffie. 2013. How to drive value your way. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 92-100.

Jacobides, M. G. and M. Reeves. 2020. Adapt your business to the new reality: Start by understanding how habits have changed. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 74-81.

Jacobs, B., and F. van der Ploeg. 2006. Guide to reform of higher education: A European perspective. Economic Policy 21(47): 535-592.

Jacobs, D. 1974. Dependency and vulnerability: An exchange approach to the control of organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(1): 45-59.

Jacobs, D. and L. P. Kalbers. 2019. The Volkswagen diesel emissions scandal and accountability: Where were the auditors and attorneys during this sustainability charade? The CPA Journal (July): 16-21.

Jacobs, D. and M. Moore. 2020. The IRS 'roboaudit' - An abuse of authority. The CPA Journal (May): 6-9.

Jacobs, D. C. 2000. Why ERP? A Primer on SAP Implementation. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Jacobs, F. 1983. When and how to use statistical/cost variance investigation techniques. Cost and Management (January/February): 26-32.

Jacobs, F. and K. S. Lorek. 1979. A note on the time-series properties of control data in an accounting environment. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 618-621.

Jacobs, F. and R. Marshall. 1999. Accuracy of service cost allocations. The Journal of Cost Analysis & Management 1(1): 45-57.

Jacobs, F. A. and E. R. Larkins. 1992. Management control of a foreign sales corporation: Some special considerations. Journal of Management Accounting Research (4): 99-115.

Jacobs, F. A. and E. R. Larkins. 1998. Export tax incentives for establishing foreign markets: An analysis of marginal costing techniques. Accounting Horizons (December): 374-396.

Jacobs, F. A. and H. C. Herring III. 1976. The impact of proposed CASB standards. Management Accounting (September): 13-14, 18.

Jacobs, F. A. and H. C. Herring III. 1987. Salary compression in the academic marketplace: Some empirical evidence. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 237-250.

Jacobs, F. A., A. L. Hartgraves and L. H. Beard. 1986. Publication productivity of doctoral alumni: A time-adjusted model. The Accounting Review (January): 179-187.

Jacobs, F. H. 1978. An evaluation of the effectiveness of some cost variance investigation models. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 190-203.

Jacobs, F. H. and R. M. Marshall. 1987. A reciprocal service cost approximation. The Accounting Review (January): 67-78.

Jacobs, J. A. 1992. Women's entry into management: Trends in earnings, authority, and values among salaried managers. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(2): 282-301.

Jacobs, K. 1995. Budgets: A medium of organizational transformation. Management Accounting Research (March): 59-75.

Jacobs, K. 1998. Costing health care: A study of the introduction of cost and budget reports into a GP association. Management Accounting Research (March): 55-70.

Jacobs, K., G. Marcon and D. Witt. 2004. Cost performance information for doctors: An international comparison. Management Accounting Research (September): 337-354.

Jacobs, M. T. and A. Shivdasani. 2012. Do you know your cost of capital? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 118-124.

Jacobs, P., K. Hartmarx, E. Lamarre and L. Vinter. 2020. It's time to reset the IT talent model. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-6.

Jacobs, R. 1950. Measurement and guidance in the field of public accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 27-34.

Jacobs, R. and S. W. J. Kozlowski. 1985. A closer look at halo error in performance ratings. The Academy of Management Journal 28(1): 201-212.

Jacobs, W. 1957. Air Force progress in logistics planning. Management Science (April): 213-224.

Jacobsen, L. E. 1960. Management accounting: Content and approach. The Accounting Review (January): 64-69.

Jacobsen, L. E. 1962. Allocation and attitudes. The Accounting Review (July): 472-474.

Jacobsen, L. E. 1963. The rise of the profit deferral notion: The concept and practice of optimeasurement. The Accounting Review (April): 285-292.

Jacobsen, L. E. 1964. The ancient Inca empire of Peru and the double entry accounting concept. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 221-228.

Jacobsen, L. E. 1983. Use of knotted string accounting records in old Hawaii and ancient China. The Accounting Historians Journal 10(2): 53-61.

Jacobson, C. K. 1994. Investor response to health care cost containment legislation: Is American health policy designed to fail? The Academy of Management Journal 37(2): 440-452.

Jacobson, E. 2018. Meaningful mentoring. Strategic Finance (May): 64.

Jacobson, R. 1993. After the “virtual reality” gold rush: The virtual worlds paradigm. Computers & Graphics (November-December): 695-698.

Jacobson, R. and D. Aaker. 1993. Myopic management behavior with efficient, but imperfect, financial markets: A comparison of information asymmetries in the U.S. and Japan. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October): 383-405.

Jacoby, J. and H. B. Levy. 2016. The materiality mystery. The CPA Journal (July): 14-18.

Jacoby, S. 2004. Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism. Holt Paperbacks.

Jacoby, S. 2009. The Age of American Unreason. Vintage.

Jacques, F. M. 2007. Even commodities have customers. Harvard Business Review (May): 110-119 . (Differentiation of commodities such as cement).

Jaecle, I. 2017. The popular pursuit of DIY: Exploring the role of calculative technologies in an actor network. Management Accounting Research (June): 99-109.

Jaedicke, R. K. 1958. Some notes on product-combination decisions. The Accounting Review (October): 596-601.

Jaedicke, R. K. 1959. Production method changes and the Hormel wage plan. The Accounting Review (April): 266-280.

Jaedicke, R. K. 1960. Rate-of-return verification by follow-up reporting. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 59-64.

Jaedicke, R. K. 1961. Improving B-E analysis by linear programming technique. N.A.A. Bulletin (March): 5-12.

Jaedicke, R. K. 1962. Accounting data for purposes of control. The Accounting Review (April): 181-188.

Jaedicke, R. K. 1962. Marketing cost analysis - A reply. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 57-61.

Jaedicke, R. K. 1970. Discussion of toward an empirical measure of materiality. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 149-153.

Jaedicke, R. K. and A. A. Robichek. 1964. Cost-volume-profit analysis under conditions of uncertainty. The Accounting Review (October): 917-926.

Jaedicke, R. K. and C. L. Nelson. 1960. The allocation of income taxes - A defense. The Accounting Review (April): 278-281.

Jaeger, M. 2016. Five to-dos for the start of tax season. The CPA Journal (January): 11.

Jaenicke, H. R. 1962. Management's choice to purchase or pool. The Accounting Review (October): 758-765.

Jaenicke, H. R. 1970. Accounting for restricted stock plans and deferred stock plans. The Accounting Review (January): 115-128.

Jaenicke, H. R. and P. A. McConnell. 1978. A prospectus for auditors' responsibilities: The report of the Cohen commission. Management Accounting (May): 19-24, 29.

Jaffe, A. B. and J. Lerner. 2004. Innovation and Its Discontents: How Our Broken Patent System is Endangering Innovation and Progress, and What to Do About It. Princeton University Press.

Jagannathan, R. 1966. On some properties of programming problems in parametric form pertaining to fractional programming. Management Science (March): 609-615.

Jagannathan, R., S. Marakani, H. Takehara and Y. Wang. 2012. Calendar cycles, infrequent decisions, and cross section of stock returns. Management Science (March): 507-522.

Jagels, M. G. and M. M. Coltman. 2003. Hospitality Management Accounting, Textbook and Student Workbook , 8th edition. John Wiley & Sons.

Jaggard, E. A. 1907. The President of the United States. Journal of Accountancy (December): 175-178. ("It is as hard to distinguish, here at least, between a Democrat and a Republican as it is to determine from the size of his hip pockets or his bibulous habits between the gentleman from Kentucky and the sockless statesman from Kansas who is in favor of prohibition but opposed to its enforcement. It would be a hard job to separate Republican sheep from Democratic goats. The average man doesn't know what he is himself. He resembles the Irishman, who had carried the pitcher to often to the well. He left his friends and joined the ranks of dividend payers in a street car. The car gave a lurch. He lost the strap and was precipitated into a woman's lap. He apologized and moved up the aisle. The car lurched again and he was compelled to sit down on another woman's lap. He apologized again and in search of safety, he walked still further up the aisle and was about to take hold of another strap when, another lurch threw his into another woman's lap. He was about to apologize when this woman indignantly asked: "What are you, anyway?" The man with the map of Erin on his face looked at her sorrowfully and meekly replied: "Oi don't know mum: whin Oi came in here, Oi thawt Oi was and Oirishman, but now Oi guess Oi must be a Lap lander."" Jaggard, E. A. 1907. JOA (December): 175).

Jaggi, B. 1976. Human resources are assets. Management Accounting (February): 41-42.

Jaggi, B. 1978. A note on the information content of corporate annual earnings forecasts. The Accounting Review (October): 961-967.

Jaggi, B. 1979. A comment on motivational considerations in cost allocation systems: A conditioning theory approach. The Accounting Review (January): 209-214.

Jaggi, B. 1980. Further evidence on the accuracy of management forecasts vis-a-vis analysts' forecasts. The Accounting Review (January): 96-101.

Jaggi, B. and H. Lau. 1974. Toward a model for human resource valuation. The Accounting Review (April): 321-329.

Jaggi, B. and H. Lau. 1975. Toward a model for human resource valuation: A reply. The Accounting Review (April): 348-350.

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Jaggi, J. 2023. When does the internal audit function enhance audit committee effectiveness? The Accounting Review (March): 329-359.

Jago, A. G. and V. H. Vroom. 1978. Predicting leader behavior from a measure of behavioral intent. The Academy of Management Journal 21(4): 715-721.

Jago, A. G. and V. H. Vroom. 1980. An evaluation of two alternatives to the Vroom/Yetton normative model. The Academy of Management Journal 23(2): 347-355.

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Jagolinzer, A. D., D. F. Larcker and D. J. Taylor. 2011. Corporate governance and the information content of insider trades. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1249-1274.

Jagolinzer, A. D., S. R. Matsunaga and P. E. Yeung. 2007. An analysis of insiders' use of prepaid variable forward transactions. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1055-1079.

Jahandideh, H., K. McCardle, C. Tang and B. Fahimnia. 2023. Capacity allocation for producing age-based products. Decision Sciences 54(5): 473-493.

Jahani, H., B. Abbasi and S. Talluri. 2019. Supply chain network redesign: A technical note on optimising financial performance. Decision Sciences 50(6): 1319-1353.

Jahn, J. J. and D. E. Norberg. 1968. The Barchris decision - Liability for all. Management Accounting (November): 54-56. (Related to officer and director liability for the SEC registration statement).

Jaikumar, R. 1990. An architecture for a process control costing system. Measures for Manufacturing Excellence. Edited by R. S. Kaplan (Harvard Business School Press) Chapter 7: 193-222.

Jain, A. 2018. Responding to shipment delays: The roles of operational flexibility & lead time visibility. Decision Sciences 49(2): 306-334.

Jain, A. and A. Subramanian. 2004. The intertemporal exercise and valuation of employee options. The Accounting Review (July): 705-743.

Jain, A., P. K. Jain and Z. Razaee. 2016. Value-relevance of corporate social responsibility: Evidence from short selling. Journal of Management Accounting Research 28(2): 29-52.

Jain, C. and V. Baskaran. 2022. Charting a route to success in technology mergers. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-3.

Jain, P. C. 1982. Cross-sectional association between abnormal returns and firm specific variables. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 205-228.

Jain, P. C. 1983. The impact of accounting regulation on the stock market: The case of oil and gas companies - Some additional results. The Accounting Review (July): 633-638.

Jain, P. C. 1986. Analyses of the distribution of security market model prediction errors for daily returns data. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 76-96.

Jain, P. C. 1986. Relation between market model prediction errors and omitted variables: A methodological note. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 187-193.

Jain, P. C. 2010. Buffett Beyond Value: Why Warren Buffett Looks to Growth and Management When Investing. Wiley.

Jain, T. and L. Brennan. 2022. What space missions can teach us about remote work. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-3.

Jain, T., J. Hazra T. E. Cheng. 2021. IT outsourcing and vendor cost improvement strategies under asymmetric information. Decision Sciences 52(5): 1109-1136.

Jain, T. N. 1973. Alternative methods of accounting and decision making: A psycho-linguistical analysis. The Accounting Review (January): 95-104.

Jain, V. 2023. Innovative processes in finance and accounting. Strategic Finance (October): 45-54.

Jalbert, T. 2008. Experiences in publishing peer-reviewed research with undergraduate accounting and finance students. Journal of Accounting Education 26(3): 104-117.

Jalbert, T. and S. P. Landry. 2003. Which performance measurement is best for your company? Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 32-41. (Discussion of EVA, tracking stock and balanced scorecard). (Summary).

Jalili, M. and M. S. Pangburn. 2021. Understanding the value of delayed discounts in retail rewards programs. Decision Sciences 52(4): 952-985.

Jamal, K. 1997. Commentary on Auditor judgments: The effects of the partner's views on decision outcomes and cognitive effort. Behavioral Research In Accounting (9 Supplement): 176-181.

Jamal, K. and E. Marshall. 2008. Profile of courage: Marilyn Stitt, KPMG and the audit of Hollinger Inc. Journal of Forensic Accounting 9(1): ?.

Jamal, K. and H. Tan. 2001. Can auditors predict the choices made by other auditors? Journal of Accounting Research (December): 583-597.

Jamal, K. and S. Sunder. 2011. Is mandated independence necessary for audit quality? Accounting, Organizations and Society 36(4-5): 284-292.

Jamal, K. and S. Sunder. 2014. Monopoly versus competition in setting accounting standards. Abacus 50(4): 369-385.

Jamal, K., E. Marshall and H. Tan. 2016. Does disclosure of conflict of interest increase or decrease bias? Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 35(1): 89-99.

Jamal, K., M. Maier and S. Sunder. 2003. Privacy in e-commerce: Development of reporting standards, disclosure, and assurance services in an unregulated market. Journal of Accounting Research (May-The Effects of Regulation (Including Taxation) on Financial Reporting and Disclosure): 285-309.

Jamal, K., M. Maier and S. Sunder. 2005. Enforced standards versus evolution by general acceptance: A comparative study of e-commerce privacy disclosure and practice in the United States and the United Kingdom. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 73-96.

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Jamal, K., R. Bloomfield, T. E. Christensen, R. H. Colson, et al. 2010. A research-based perspective on the SEC's proposed rule-roadmap for the potential use of financial statements prepared in accordance with international financial reporting standards (IFRS) by U.S. issuers. Accounting Horizons (March): 139-147.

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Jeffers, A. E., B. Lin, S. Romero and L. A. DeGaetano. 2014. Is it time for companies to capitalize on sustainability? The CPA Journal (March): 6, 8-10. (There were several articles in the March issue related to sustainability, defined by the United Nations as "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs").

Jeffers, P. I. and B. R. Nault. 2011. Why competition from a multi-channel e-tailer does not always benefit consumers*. Decision Sciences 42(1): 69-91.

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Jeffery, C. 1993. Ethical development of accounting students, non-accounting business students, and liberal arts students. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 86-96.

Jeffrey, C. 2008. Internal control at private companies and nonprofits. The CPA Journal (September): 52-54.

Jeffrey, C. and N. Weatherholt. 1996. Ethical development, professional commitment, and rule observance attitudes: A study of CPAs and corporate accountants. Behavioral Research In Accounting (8): 8-31.

Jeffery, C. A. 2009. The Strategic Treasurer: A Partnership for corporate Growth. Wiley.

Jeffrey, C. G. and J. D. Perkins. 2015. Cisco Systems, Inc.: Minding the GAAP? Issues in Accounting Education (November): 329-352.

Jeffrey, N. G., T. O. Rusticus and R. S. Verdi. 2008. Implications of transaction costs for the post-earnings announcement drift. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 661-696.

Jeffery, S. 1999. The power of B2B e-commerce. Strategic Finance (September): 22-26.

Jegadeesh, N. and J. Livnat. 2006. Revenue surprises and stock returns. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 147-171.

Jegers, M. 1991. Prospect theory and the risk-return relation: Some Belgian evidence. The Academy of Management Journal 34(1): 215-225.

Jegers, M. 2008. Managerial Economics of Non-Profit Organizations. Routledge.

Jehle, K. 1999. Budgeting as a competitive advantage. Strategic Finance (October): 54-57.

Jehn, K. A. and E. A. Mannix. 2001. The dynamic nature of conflict: A longitudinal study of intragroup conflict and group performance. The Academy of Management Journal 44(2): 238-251.

Jehn, K. A. 1995. A multimethod examination of the benefits and detriments of intragroup conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(2): 256-282.

Jehn, K. A. 1997. A qualitative analysis of conflict types and dimensions in organizational groups. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(3): 530-557.

Jehn, K. A., G. B. Northcraft and M. A. Neale. 1999. Why differences make a difference: A field study of diversity, conflict, and performance in workgroups. Administrative Science Quarterly 44(4): 741-763.

Jekiel, C. M. 2020. Applying lean practices to Covid-19. Cost Management (July/August): 42-45.

Jelen, B. 2013. All the Excel shortcuts. CFO (May): 12.

Jelen, B. 2013. Ask MrExcel. CFO (April): 14.

Jelen, B. 2013. Ask MrExcel. Making a list. CFO (June): 15.

Jelen, B. 2013. Horizontal help. CFO (January/February): 14.

Jelen, B. 2013. What's in a name? CFO (March): 12.

Jelen, B. 2015. Excel cash flow waterfall charts in Excel 2016. Strategic Finance (September): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2015. Excel pivot tables and custom numbers. Strategic Finance (December): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2015. Excel poorly formatted dates. Strategic Finance (November): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2015. Excel: What's new in Excel 2016. Strategic Finance (October): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2016. Excel: Array formulas in conditional formatting. Strategic Finance (June): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2016. Excel: Color-coding values. Strategic Finance (August): 82-83.

Jelen, B. 2016. Excel: Combining many CSV files. Strategic Finance (January): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2016. Excel: Interactive reports with power BI. Strategic Finance (October): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2016. Excel: Moving subtotals to a new column. Strategic Finance (November): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2016. Excel: Problems after upgrading computers. Strategic Finance (September): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2016. Excel: Replacing volatile conditional formatting. 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2016. Excel: Sentiment analysis. Strategic Finance (May): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2016. Excel: Shortening a vlookup. Strategic Finance (February): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2016. Excel: Six new functions. Strategic Finance (March): 66-67.

Jelen, B. 2016. Excel: Using an alternative calendar. Strategic Finance (December): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2016. Excel: Using custom lists with the fill handle. Strategic Finance (July): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2017. Excel: Converting dates to quarters. Strategic Finance (February): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2017. Excel: Finding journal entries not in balance. Strategic Finance (March): 66-67.

Jelen, B. 2017. Excel: Setting pivot table defaults. Strategic Finance (April): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2017. Excel: Sorting with VGA. Strategic Finance (June): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2017. Excel: The function arguments dialog and nested functions. Strategic Finance (May): 66-67.

Jelen, B. 2017. Excel: When "identical" cells don't match. Strategic Finance (January): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2017. Technology workbook: Excel: New features in Office 365. Strategic Finance (September): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2017. Technology workbook: Excel: Creating tables from timeline slicers. Strategic Finance (December): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2017. Technology workbook: Excel: Rank, countif, and floating point errors. Strategic Finance (August): 82-83.

Jelen, B. 2017. Technology workbook: Excel: Split delimited data into new rows. Strategic Finance (November): 66-67.

Jelen, B. 2017. Technology workbook: Excel: The pitfalls of autosave. Strategic Finance (October): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2017. Technology workbook: Excel: Using paste special. Strategic Finance (July): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2018. Technology workbook: Excel: A checklist system using Icon sets. Strategic Finance (June): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2018. Technology workbook: Excel: Artificial intelligence comes to Excel. Strategic Finance (March): 66-67.

Jelen, B. 2018. Technology workbook: Excel: Cell selection and deselection. Strategic Finance (February): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2018. Technology workbook: Excel: Comments and notes. Strategic Finance (October): 64-65.

Jelen, B. 2018. Technology workbook: Excel: Dynamic array functions. Strategic Finance (November): 66-67.

Jelen, B. 2018. Technology workbook: Excel consolidations in Excel. Strategic Finance (May): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2018. Technology workbook: Excel: New geography data type. Strategic Finance (December): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2018. Technology workbook: Excel: Power query makes tasks easier. Strategic Finance (August): 90-91.

Jelen, B. 2018. Technology workbook: Excel: Reporting text in a pivot table. Strategic Finance (July): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2018. Technology workbook: Excel: Surveys in Excel. Strategic Finance (September): 64-65.

Jelen, B. 2018. Technology workbook: Excel: Use helper cells to improve formula speed. Strategic Finance (January): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2018. Technology workbook: Excel: Using textjoin with an array. Strategic Finance (April): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2019. Technology workbook. Excel: Ask Excel a question about your data. Strategic Finance (December): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2019. Technology workbook: Excel: Brute-force solving. Strategic Finance (August): 74-75.

Jelen, B. 2019. Technology workbook: Excel: Collaboration in an Excel workbook. Strategic Finance (November): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2019. Technology workbook: Excel: Converting units of measurement. Strategic Finance (September): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2019. Technology workbook: Excel: Clustered column chart with percent of month. Strategic Finance (June): 72-73.

Jelen, B. 2019. Technology workbook: Excel: Filter faster. Strategic Finance (February): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2019. Technology workbook: Excel: Pivot table by weekday and month. Strategic Finance (March): 64-65.

Jelen, B. 2019. Technology workbook: Excel: Rolling 12 months in a pivot table. Strategic Finance (April): 56-57.

Jelen, B. Technology workbook: Excel: The new xlookup function. Strategic Finance (October): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2019. Technology workbook: Excel: Undoing and undo. Strategic Finance (July): 54-55.

Jelen, B. 2019. Technology workbook: Excel: Wildcards in Vlookup and Sumifs. Strategic Finance (May): 62-63.

Jelen, B. 2019. Technology workbook: Stock data in Excel. Strategic Finance (January): 54-55.

Jelen, B. 2020. Technology workbook: Excel: A pivot table with data from different worksheets. Strategic Finance (February): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2020. Technology workbook: Excel: Add your own linked data type. Strategic Finance (December): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2020. Technology workbook: Excel: Combining all worksheets in a workbook. Strategic Finance (March): 64-65.

Jelen, B. 2020. Technology workbook: Excel: Excel performance improvements. Strategic Finance (November): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2020. Technology workbook: Excel: Hack for filtering a pivot table. Strategic Finance (October): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2020. Technology workbook: Excel: Historical weather data arrives in Excel. Strategic Finance (September): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2020. Technology workbook: Excel: Office 365 adds cutout people and more. Strategic Finance (July): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2020. Technology workbook: Excel: Reuse logic within a formula. Strategic Finance (June): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2020. Technology Workbook: Excel: Sending feedback to the Excel team. Strategic Finance (January): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2020. Technology workbook: Excel: Sharing a pivot table slicer between multiple data sets. Strategic Finance (May): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2020. Technology workbook: Excel: Stock and exchange rate history. Strategic Finance (August): 64-65.

Jelen, B. 2020. Technology workbook: Excel: Year-over-year changes in a pivot table. Strategic Finance (April): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2021. Excel: Calculations based on visible rows. Strategic Finance (June): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2021. Excel: Clean data with get & transform. Strategic Finance (October): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2021. Excel: Clipboard tricks. Strategic Finance (December): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2021. Excel: Encapsulate complex formulas in Lambda. Strategic Finance (March): 66-67.

Jelen, B. 2021. Excel: Format numbers with flash fill. Strategic Finance (February): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2021. Excel: Full-screen mode and sketch types. Strategic Finance (November): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2021. Excel: Fuzzy matching. Strategic Finance (January): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2021. Excel: IS Excel's rounding skewing data? Strategic Finance (May): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2021. Excel: Show changes debuts. Strategic Finance (August): 68-69.

Jelen, B. 2021. Excel: Smooth scrolling for large cells. Strategic Finance (September): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2021. Excel: Use sequence to loop through characters. Strategic Finance (April): 58-59.

Jelen, B. 2021. Excel: Using a slicer on a dashboard. Strategic Finance (July): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2022. Excel: Changes to the quick access toolbar. Strategic Finance (January): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2022. Excel: Choose a random workday. Strategic Finance (December): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2022. Excel: Compare two items in a pivot table. Strategic Finance (April): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2022. Excel: Find differences with go to special. Strategic Finance (November): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2022. Excel: Finding particular days of the month. Strategic Finance (June): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2022. Excel: Finding text after a delimiter. Strategic Finance (July): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2022. Excel: Improvements to version history. Strategic Finance (May): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2022. Excel: New formula to show images in Excel. Strategic Finance (October): 62-63.

Jelen, B. 2022. Excel: Next larger item with Xlookup. Strategic Finance (September): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2022. Excel: Sorting left to right. Strategic Finance (February): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2022. Excel: Testing data quality in Excel. Strategic Finance (March): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2022. Excel: Vlookup for speed. Strategic Finance (August): 60-61.

Jelel, B. 2023. Embedding a range in a word document. Strategic Finance (July): 68-71.

Jelen, B. 2023. Combining subformulas using Excel Labs. Strategic Finance (June): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2023. Excel: Formula debugging in Excel. Strategic Finance (April): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2023. Excel: Text to columns with TEXTSPLIT. Strategic Finance (May): 60-61.

Jelen, B. 2023. How well does ChatGPT know Excel. Strategic Finance (March): 56-57.

Jelen, B. 2023. Max minus min in a pivot table. Strategic Finance (February): 54-55.

Jelen, B. 2023. Microsoft debuts GROUPBY and PIVOTBY functions. Strategic Finance (December): 51-55.

Jelen, B. 2023. Modeling risk scenarios using BASE. Strategic Finance (August): 99-103.

Jelen, B. 2023. Python inside of Excel. Strategic Finance (November): 59-64.

Jelen, B. 2023. Stale value formatting in Excel. Strategic Finance (October): 73-78.

Jelen, B. 2023. Using a picture as the lookup value in Excel. Strategic Finance (September): 69-72.

Jelen, B. 2023. Using the filter function for columns. Strategic Finance (January): 60-61.

Jelinek, K. 2012. Deviance at RKGA LLP. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 475-491.

Jelinek, K. 2018. Will and Caroline: Accounting, professional integrity and lobbying. Journal of Accounting Education (43): 76-88.

Jelinek, K. and R. Jelinek. 2008. Friend or foe: Is your audit staff helping or hurting your firm? The CPA Journal (August): 60-63.

Jelinek, K. and R. Jelinek. 2010. Becoming a more relational firm in the post-Sarbanes-Oxley era. The CPA Journal (September): 64-67.

Jelinek, M., L. Smircich and P. Hirsch. 1983. Introduction: A code of many colors. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(3): 331-338. (Introduction to the 28(3) issue on culture).

Jemaa, F. 2022. Recoupling work beyond COSO: A longitudinal case study of enterprise-wide management. Accounting, Organizations and Society (103): 101369.

Jemine, G., F. Puyou and C. Dubois. 2023. The diffusion of management fashions as software in an intermediated market: The case of continuous accounting. Management Accounting Research (December): 100852.

Jemiolo, S. V. 2020. Sec 6662(a) penalties require written supervisor approval. Journal of Accountancy (April): 42-43, 45.

Jemiolo, S. V. 2021. Deduction denied for home donated as salvage. Journal of Accountancy (April/May): 40-41.

Jemiolo, S. V. 2021. Whistleblower award denied. Journal of Accountancy (December): 46-47.

Jemiolo, S. V. and I. Redpath. 2022. Eleventh Circuit: Judicial extinguishment proceeds formula invalid. Journal of Accountancy (May): 1-2.

Jemiolo, S. V. and I. Redpath. 2023. Taxpayer's blog posts held admissible in innocent-spouse case. Journal of Accountancy (July): 1-2.

Jen, F. C. and C. C. Pegels and T. M. Dupuis. 1968. Optimal capacities of production facilities. Management Science (June): B573-B580. 1968. Errata: Optimal capacities of production facilities. Management Science (October): B117.

Jen, F. C. and R. J. Huefner. 1970. Depreciation by probability-life. The Accounting Review (April): 290-298.

Jena, R. K. 2022. Exploring antecedents of peoples' intentions to use smart services in a smart city environment: An extended UTAUT model. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 133-149.

Jendry, R. 2000. BaanERP Business Solutions: Foundations for E-Commerce: Your Guide to Success in the Changing World of Information Technology. Baan Business Solutions.

Jenkin, T. A., Y. E. Chan, D. B. Skillicorn and K. W. Rogers. 2013. Individual exploration, sensemaking, and innovation: A design for the discovery of novel information. Decision Sciences 44(6): 1021-1057.

Jenkins, C. and S. Wolf. 2008. As the move to IFRS accelerates, liability looms for unprepared U.S. CPAs. The CPA Journal (November): 48-53.

Jenkins, D. O. 1964. Accounting for funded industrial pension plans. The Accounting Review (July): 648-653.

Jenkins, D. O. 1970. Pitfalls in using discounted cash flows for mutually exclusive proposals. Management Accounting (October): 33-37.

Jenkins, D. S. and G. D. Kane. 2006. A contextual analysis of income- and asset-based approaches to private equity valuation. Accounting Horizons (March): 19-35.

Jenkins, D. S. and U. K. Velury. 2012. Auditor tenure and the pricing of discretionary accruals in the post-SOX era. Accounting and the Public Interest (12): 1-15.

Jenkins, D. S., G. D. Kane and U. Velury. 2007. Earnings conservatism and audit quality: An examination of the late 1990s. Journal of Forensic Accounting 8(1-2): 287-302.

Jenkins, J. C. 1977. Radical transformation of organizational goals. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(4): 568-586.

Jenkins, J. G., D. R. Deis, J. C. Bedard and M. B. Curtis. 2008. Accounting firm culture and governance: A research synthesis. Behavioral Research In Accounting 20(1): 45-74.

Jenkins, J. G., E. M. Negangard and M. J. Oler. 2018. Getting comfortable on audits: Understanding firms usage of forensic specialists. Contemporary Accounting Research 35(4): 1766-1797.

Jenkins, J. G., T. M. Loraas and J. D. Stanley. 2024. Auditors' remote work experiences during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic and implications going forward. Accounting Horizons (December): 123-135.

Jenkins, L. 1996. Improving Student Learning: Applying Deming's Quality Principles in Classrooms. American Society for Quality.

Jenkins, M. E. and D. A. Maber. 2020. Using conjoint analysis to estimate consumers' willingness to pay for product attributes. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 20-34.

Jenkins, M. E. and L. E. Robinson. 1985. The corporate audit committee. Management Accounting (December): 31-35.

Jenkins, R. L. and M. A. Rubin. 2011. Interview. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 751-757. (Related to the first accounting course).

Jenkins, S. 2007. Web Design: The L Line, The Express Line to Learning. Wiley.

Jenkins, W. L. 1973. Nonprofit hospital accounting system. Management Accounting (June): 23-27.

Jenkinson, T., W. R. Landsman, B. R. Rountree and K. Soonawalla. 2020. Private equity net asset values and future cash flows. The Accounting Review (January): 191-210.

Jenks, L. H. 1960. Early phases of the management movement. Administrative Science Quarterly 5(3): 421-447.

Jenne, S. E. 1998. Homerun Baseball Products, Inc: Defective products. Journal of Accounting Education 16(1): 163-178.

Jenne, S. E. 1999. Famous Presidents Savings: Client acceptance and retention. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 657-674.

Jennergren, L. P. and B. Naslund. 1993. A comment on "Valuation of executive stock options and the FASB proposal". The Accounting Review (January): 179-183.

Jennings, A. R. 1948. Staff training-present and future. The Accounting Review (October): 401-409.

Jennings, A. R. 1958. Accounting research. The Accounting Review (October): 547-554.

Jennings, B. 2007. Stay connected on the road. Journal of Accountancy (June): 36-38.

Jennings, E. E. 1959. The authoritarian cultural lag in business. The Journal of the Academy of Management 2(2): 111-126.

Jennings, J. 2019. The role of sell-side analysts after accusations of managerial misconduct. The Accounting Review (January): 183-203.

Jennings, J., H. Seo and M. T. Soliman. 2020. The market's reaction to changes in relative performance rankings. Review of Accounting Studies 25(2): 672-725.

Jennings, J., J. Lee and D. A. Matsumoto. 2017. The effect of industry co-location on analysts' information acquisition costs. The Accounting Review (November): 103-127.

Jennings, J. P. and E. G. Henry. 1999. An instructional case in the ethics of accounting disclosures: Springfield Medical Center. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 55-73.

Jennings, J. P. and E. G. Henry. 2008. Safety Products, Inc.: A case in financial analysis of a failing company. Journal of Accounting Education 26(1): 34-53.

Jennings, L. P. 1949. Continuous review of forms, methods, and procedures. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 15): 1051-1056.

Jennings, L. P. 1951. "Thirty days hath September". N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 802-807.

Jennings, M. K. 1963. Public administrators and community decision making. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(1): 18-43.

Jennings, M. M. 2004. Incorporating ethics and professionalism into accounting education and research: A discussion of the voids and advocacy for training in seminal works in business ethics. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 7-26.

Jennings, M. M., D. C. Kneer and P. M. J. Reckers. 1991. Selected auditor communications and perceptions of legal liability. Contemporary Accounting Research 7(2): 449-465.

Jennings, M. M., K. J. Pany and P. M. J. Reckers. 2006. Strong corporate governance and audit firm rotation: Effects on judges' independence perceptions and litigation judgments. Accounting Horizons (September): 253-270.

Jennings, N. H. and J. H. Dickins. 1958. Computer simulation of peak hour operations in a bus terminal. Management Science (October): 106-120.

Jennings, P. D. 2010. Book review: Learning by Example: Imitation and Innovation at a Global Bank by D. Strang. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(4): 680-682.

Jennings, R. 1986. Discussion of the association of operating cash flow and accruals with security returns. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Alternative Measures of Accounting Income): 134-137.

Jennings, R. 1987. Unsystematic security price movements, management earnings forecasts, and revisions in consensus analyst earnings forecasts. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 90-110.

Jennings, R. 1990. A note on interpreting "incremental information content". The Accounting Review (October): 925-932.

Jennings, R. and A. Marques. 2013. Amortized cost for lease assets. Accounting Horizons (March): 51-74.

Jennings, R. and L. Starks. 1985. Information content and the speed of stock price adjustment. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 336-350.

Jennings, R. and R. B. Thompson II. 1996. Accounting for intangibles in the United States. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 491-495.

Jennings, R. and R. B. Thompson II. 1996. Reply. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 503.

Jennings, R., A. Kartapanis and Y. Yu. 2021. Do political connections induce more or less opportunistic financial reporting? Evidence from close elections involving SEC-influential politicians. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(2): 1177-1203.

Jennings, R., C. D. Weaver and W. J. Mayew. 2012. The extent of implicit taxes at the corporate level and the effect of TRA86. Contemporary Accounting Research 29(4): 1021-1059.

Jennings, R., D. P. Mest and R. B. Thompson, II. 1992. Investor reaction to disclosures of 1974-75 LIFO adoption decisions. The Accounting Review (April): 337-354. (Part of a forum on LIFO choice of inventory valuation).

Jennings, R., P. J. Simko and R. B. Thompson II. 1996. Does LIFO inventory accounting improve the income statement at the expense of the balance sheet? Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 85-109.

Jennings, R. E., A. S. Allison and K. Lanaj. 2024. Want to be a better leader? Stop thinking about work after hours. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 129-130.

Jennings, R. G. 1998. Concepts before rules: A new approach to intermediate accounting. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 833-850.

Jennings, R. M. 1960. An algebraic model for working capital. The Accounting Review (April): 316-317.

Jennings, R. M. 1962. Selections from a pre-revolutionary accounting record. The Accounting Review (January): 73-75.

Jennings, R. M. 1964. Prepayals - A flow simulation. The Accounting Review (January): 172-173.

Jennings, R. M. 1966. Graphical analysis of overhead. The Accounting Review (January): 144-145.

Jennings, R. M. 1966. Installment interest computations - True and quoted. The Accounting Review (April): 333-335.

Jennings, R. M. and R. B. McCosh. 1967. Construction in progress - A different approach. The Accounting Review (July): 598-600.

Jensen, C. G. 1923. Cost problems in the wrought iron industry. National Association of Cost Accountants Official Publications (January 2): 3-18.

Jensen, C. G. 1926. Costs and depreciation. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 1): 626-634.

Jensen, D. L. 1973. Hartley's demand-price analysis in a case of joint production: A comment. The Accounting Review (October): 768-770.

Jensen, D. L. 1974. The role of cost in pricing joint products: A case of production in fixed proportions. The Accounting Review (July): 465-476.

Jensen, D. L. 1977. A class of mutually satisfactory allocations. The Accounting Review (October): 842-856.

Jensen, D. L. 1989. Opportunities for accounting education research. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 245-246.

Jensen, D. L. 1989. Report of the editor. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 496-499.

Jensen, D. L. 1989. Sources of interdisciplinary support for accounting education research. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 494-495.

Jensen, D. L. 1990. Crisis in instructional materials. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 172-174.

Jensen, D. L. 1990. Report of the editor. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 360-364.

Jensen, D. L. 1998. Accounting Hall of Fame 1997 induction: Citation: Thomas Junior Burns. The Accounting Historians Journal 25(1): 159-161.

Jensen, D. L. 1998. Review: Leonard M. Savoie: Words from the Past, Thoughts for Today by Donald E. Tidrick. The Accounting Historians Journal 25(1): 174-176.

Jensen, D. L. editor. 2002. Challenge and Achievement in Accounting During the Twentieth Century: A Conference Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Accounting Hall of Fame. Ohio State University.

Jensen, D. L. and A. D. Bailey, Jr. 1975. Discriminant analysis as an aid to employee selection: A comment. The Accounting Review (July): 588-592.

Jensen, D. L., A. R. Wyatt and C. A. Bowscher. 1997. Accounting Hall of Fame induction: citation and response: Charles Arthur Bowshler. The Accounting Historians Journal 24(1): 143-148.

Jensen, E. L. 1967. Extensions of Amoroso-Robinson's formula. Management Science (May): 712-722.

Jensen, H. L. 1982. Cost analyses of commercial bank portfolios. Management Accounting (October): 47-51, 79.

Jensen, H. L. 1983. Allocating tax liabilities in consolidated returns. Management Accounting (June): 56-62.

Jensen, H. L. and R. W. Wyndelts. 1976. Through the looking glass: An empirical look at discrimination in the federal income tax rate structure. The Accounting Review (October): 846-853.

Jensen, J. A. and H. G. Larson. 1980. Records management for pollution abatement programs: Meeting EPA requirements. Management Accounting (March): 37-41, 49.

Jensen, K., T. Byers, L. Dunham and J. Fjeld. 2021. Entrepreneurs and the truth: They often bend it. But don't demonize them - the problem is systemic. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 124-131.

Jensen, K. L. and M. W. Smith. 2021. A preliminary examination of the effectiveness of assessment questions in detecting dishonest behavior. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 6(1): 127-148.

Jensen, M. 2003. The role of network resources in market entry: Commercial banks' entry into investment banking, 1991-1997. Administrative Science Quarterly 48(3): 466-497.

Jensen, M. 2006. Should we stay or should we go? Accountability, status anxiety, and client defections. Administrative Science Quarterly 51(1): 97-128. (This study focuses on what affected client defections from Arthur Andersen during its collapse in 2002).

Jensen, M. 2008. The use of relational discrimination to manage market entry: When do social status and structural holes work against you? The Academy of Management Journal 51(4): 723-743.

Jensen, M. 2015. Book review: E. Appelbaum and R. Batt: Private Equity at Work: When Wall Street Manages Main Street. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(1): NP1-NP3.

Jensen, M. 2018. Book review: D. Waller and R. Younger: The Reputation Game: The Art of Changing How People See You. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(4): NP43-NP45.

Jensen, M. 2018. Book review: G. Guthrie: The Firm Divided: Manager-Shareholder Conflict and the Fight for Control of the Modern Corporation. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(2): NP23-NP25.

Jensen, M. and A. Roy. 2008. Staging exchange partner choices: When do status and reputation matter? The Academy of Management Journal 51(3): 495-516.

Jensen, M. and W. Meckling. 1976. Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics (3): 305-360.

Jensen, M. and R. Ruback. 1983. The market for corporate control: The scientific evidence. Journal of Financial Economics (11): 5-50.

Jensen, M. C. 1970. Discussion of the time series of behavior of earnings. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 100-103.

Jensen, M. C. 1976. Theory of the Firm: Managerial Behavior, Agency costs and Ownership Structure. Center For Research in Government Policy & Business, Graduate School of Management, University of Rochester.

Jensen, M. C. 1982. Discussion of corporate financial reporting: A methodological review of empirical research. Journal of Accounting Research (Supplement: Studies on Current Research Methodologies in Accounting: A Critical Evaluation): 239-244.

Jensen, M. C. 1983. Organization theory and methodology. The Accounting Review (April): 319-339. (Part of a special section that includes 8 papers on research perspectives from related disciplines).

Jensen, M. C. 2001. Corporate budgeting is broken - Let's fix it. Harvard Business Review (November): 94-101. (Summary).

Jensen, M. C. and W. H. Meckling. 1976. Theory of the firm: Managerial behavior, agency costs and ownership structure. Journal of Financial Economics (October): 305-360.

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Jensen, P. E. 1962. Instant unit cost reporting. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 61-65.

Jensen, R. E. 1966. An experimental design for study of effects of accounting variations in decision making. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 224-238.

Jensen, R. E. 1967. A multiple regression model for cost control - Assumptions and limitations. The Accounting Review (April): 265-273.

Jensen, R. E. 1967. Discussion of the effect of frequency of feedback on attitudes and performance. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 229-234.

Jensen, R. E. 1967. [Observations on Jensen's experimental design for study of effects of accounting variations in decision making]: A rejoinder. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 230-251.

Jensen, R. E. 1968. Sensitivity analysis and integer linear programming. The Accounting Review (July): 425-446.

Jensen, R. E. 1969. Discussion of comparative values of information structures. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 168-181.

Jensen, R. E. 1970. Empirical evidence from the behavioral sciences: Fish out of water. The Accounting Review (July): 502-508.

Jensen, R. E. 1971. A cluster analysis study of financial performance of selected business firms. The Accounting Review (January): 36-56.

Jensen, R. E. 1975. Truth versus ΦIKTION versus something. The Accounting Review (October): 871-873.

Jensen, R. E. 1976. Phantasmagoric Accounting. Studies in Accounting Research (14). American Accounting Association. (The words phantasmagoric and phantasmagoria have several definitions. "A fantastic sequence of haphazardly associative imagery, as seen in dreams or fever." "A scene of constant and bewildering change").

Jensen, R. E. 1979. Fantasyland accounting research: Let's pretend.... The Accounting Review (January): 189-196.

Jensen, R. E. 1983. Review of Forecasts: Scaling and Analysis of Expert Judgments Regarding Cross-Impacts of Assumptions on business Forecasts and Accounting Measures. Studies in Accounting Research (19). American Accounting Association.

Jensen, R. E. 1988. Discussion of "Exercising budgetary control in automated production environments". Contemporary Accounting Research 5(1): 250-266.

Jensen, R. E. 1991. Reconciliation of learning rates between the cumulative average vs incremental learning rate models. Scandinavian Journal of Management 7(2): 137-142.

Jensen, R. E. and C. E. Arrington. 1983. Accounting education: Turning wrongs into rights in the 1980's. Journal of Accounting Education 1(1): 5-18.

Jensen, R. E. 2007. Fair value accounting in the USA. The Routledge Companion to Fair Value and Financial Reporting by Peter Walton: 300-321.

Jensen, R. E. and C. T. Thomsen. 1968. Statistical analysis in cost measurement and control. The Accounting Review (January): 83-93.

Jensen, R. E. and J. Z. Xiao. 2001. Customized financial reporting, networked databases, and distributed file sharing. Accounting Horizons (September): 209-222.

Jensen, R. E. and P. K. Sandlin. 1992. Why do it? Advantages and dangers of new waves of computer-aided teaching/instruction. Journal of Accounting Education 10(1): 39-60.

Jensen, R. E. and P. K. Sandlin. 1992. How to do it? Getting started in authoring computer-aided teaching/instruction and what software features to consider. Journal of Accounting Education 10(1): 61-93.

Jensen, R. E. and P. K. Sandlin. 1995. Who's doing it? Sources of public and private computer-aided learning materials for accounting educators. Journal of Accounting Education 13(2): 119-148.

Jensen, T. K. and M. A. Plumlee. 2020. Measuring news in management range forecasts. Contemporary Accounting Research 37(3): 1687-1719.

Jensen, W. 1912. Workmen's Compensations Act of Washington. Journal of Accountancy (November): 380-381.

Jensen, W. 1914. Treatment of the returnable package in accounts. Journal of Accountancy (August): 118-119.

Jensen, W. 1916. Logging in western Washington. Journal of Accountancy (February): 125-135.

Jensen, W. S. 1973. Problem identification in accounting research. Management Accounting (December): 49-52. (Uses Venn diagrams).

Jentho, D. and D. Beddow. 2005. Peer review is stronger and better now. Journal of Accountancy (April): 44-46.

Jentz, G. A. 1966. The case against the present CPA commercial law examination. The Accounting Review (July): 535-541.

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