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Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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X. 1926. The management aspect of the comptroller's work. Harvard Business Review (October): 21-26.

Xenikou, A. and A Furnham. 1996. A correlational and factor analytical study of four questionnaire measures of organizational culture. Human Relations (4): 349-371.

Xho, H. and V. Muslu. 2021. How do firms change investments based on MD&A disclosures of peer firms? The Accounting Review (March): 177-204.

Xia, W., H. K. Steensma and X. Bai. 2023. When do collaborative first moves diminish nationality-based homophilic preferences? An examination of Chinese venture capital investment syndicates. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(2): 355-394.

Xia, Y. and G. P. Zhang. 2010. The impact of the online channel on retailers' performances: An empirical evaluation. Decision Sciences 41(3): 517-546.

Xia, Y., T. Xiao and G. P. Zhang. 2013. Distribution channel strategies for a manufacturer with complementary products. Decision Sciences 44(1): 39-56.

Xia, Y., T. Xiao and G. P. Zhang. 2017. The impact of product returns and retailer's service investment on manufacturer's channel strategies. Decision Sciences 48(5): 918-955.

Xiang, B. 1998. Institutional factors influencing China's accounting reforms and standards. Accounting Horizons (June): 105-119.

Xiao, J. Z., S. Yang, X. Zhang and M. Firth. 2016. Institutional arrangements and government audit independence in China. Abacus 52(3): 532-567.

Xiao, H. and J. Yuan. 2007. Ownership structure, board composition and corporate voluntary disclosure: Evidence from listed companies in China. Managerial Auditing Journal 22(6): 604-619.

Xiao, Y. and J. Chen. 2012. Supply chain management of fresh products with producer transportation. Decision Sciences 43(5): 785-815.

Xiao, Z. and A. S. Tsui. 2007. When brokers may not work: The cultural contingency of social capital in Chinese high-tech firms. Administrative Science Quarterly 52(1): 1-31.

Xiao, Z. J. 1999. Corporate disclosures made by Chinese listed companies. The International Journal of Accounting 34(3): 349-373.

Xiao, Z. J. and J. R. Dyson. 1999. Chinese students’ perceptions of good accounting teaching. Accounting Education 8(4): 341-361.

Xiao, Z. J. and A. Pan. 1997. Developing accounting standards on the basis of a conceptual framework by the Chinese government. The International Journal of Accounting 32(3): 279-299.

Xiao, Z. J., D. O. Young, J. R. Dyson and A. Pan. 1995. Development of accounting standards and conceptual framework in China. Advances in International Accounting 8: 177-199.

Xiao, Z. J., H. Yang and C. W. Chow. 2004. The determinants and characteristics of voluntary internet-based disclosures by listed Chinese companies. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 23: 191-225.

Xiao, J. Z., P. Weetman and M. Sun. 2004. Political influence and coexistence of a uniform accounting system and accounting standards: Recent developments in China. Abacus 40(2): 193-218.

Xiao, J. Z., Y. Zhang and Z. Xie. 2000. The making of independent auditing standards in China. Accounting Horizons (March): 69-89.

Xiaosong, D. P., Y. Ye, B. Feng, D. X. Ding and G. R. Heim. 2020. Impacts of hospital complexity on experiential quality: Mitigating roles of information technology. Decision Sciences 51(3): 500-541.

Xie, B. 2016. Does fair value accounting exacerbate the procyclicality of bank lending? Journal of Accounting Research (March): 235-274.

Xie, F. and S. J. Daniel. 2021. Analysis of measures of audit failure. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 13(2): 397-412.

Xie, H. 2001. The mispricing of abnormal accruals. The Accounting Review (July): 357-373.

Xie, J. L. 1996. Karasek's model in the People's Republic of China: Effects of job demands, control, and individual differences. The Academy of Management Journal 39(6): 1594-1618.

Xie, J. L. and G. Johns. 1995. Job scope and stress: Can job scope be too high? The Academy of Management Journal 38(5): 1288-1309.

Xie, X. and W. Zhang. 2023. Should more internally generated intangible assets be recognized? A commentary. Abacus 59(1): 6-31. (Reference to China).

Xie, X., R. Verma and C. K. Anderson. 2016. Demand growth in services: A discrete choice analysis of customer preferences and online selling. Decision Sciences 47(3): 473-491.

Xie, X., Y. Chang and M. Shiue. 2022. Corporate life cycle, family firms, and earnings management: Evidence from Taiwan. Advances in Accounting (56): 100579.

Xie, Y., H. S. Yi and Y. Zhang. 2013. The value of Big N. target auditors in corporate takeovers. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32(3): 141-169.

Xin, K. and V. Pucik. 2003. Trouble in paradise. Harvard Business Review (August): 27-35. (Case study).

Xin, K., W. Haijie, X. Shuibo and Z. Tianbing. 2011. Culture clash in the boardroom. Harvard Business Review (September): 129-133. (Case study of a Chinese Company).

Xin, K. R. and J. L. Pearce. 1996. Guanxi: Connections as substitutes for formal institutional support. The Academy of Management Journal 39(6): 1641-1658.

Xiong, Y. and D. W. Law. 2008. Student case: Auditing a private third-party claims processor for Medicare. Journal of Forensic Accounting 9(1): 175-188.

Xiong, Y. and X. Jiang. 2022. Economic consequences of managerial compensation contract disclosure. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 101489.

Xiong, Y., W. Su, T. W. Lin. 2008. Activity-based costing popularity in China. Cost Management (May/June): 40-48.

Xiong, Y., W. Su and T. W. Lin. 2008. The use of financial and nonfinancial performance measures in Chinese firms. Cost Management (September/October): 37-46.

Xu, B. and Z. Huang. 2016. Information traffic and information effectiveness. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 13(2): 21-36.

Xu, C., C. Liu, D. Nie and L. Gai. 2021. How can a blockchain-based anti-money laundering system improve customer due diligence process? Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 13(2): 273-287.

Xu, D., J. W. Lu and Q. Gu. 2014. Organizational forms and multi-population dynamics: Economic transition in China. Administrative Science Quarterly 59(3): 517-547.

Xu, G., C. Yang and P. T. Fukofuka. 2023. Professional skepticism in practice: An analysis of auditors' stories. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 42(4): 157-178.

Xu, H. and M. Dao. 2020. Government contracts and trade credit. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (49): 100473.

Xu, H. and W. J. Moser. 2022. Terrorism and corporate tax avoidance. Abacus 58(1): 174-208.

Xu, H., B. E. Waldrup and A. Michenzi. 2023. Assessing the effectiveness of advisory boards in accounting programs. Journal of Accounting Education (63): 100847.

Xu, H., S. Guo, J. Z. Haislip and R. E. Pinsker. 2019. Earnings management in firms with data security breaches. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 267-284.

Xu, H., Y. Liu and Z. Liu. 2023. Strong team identity and internal whistleblowing. Strategic Finance (September): 35-42.

Xu, J., B. Xin and Y. Xiong. 2023. The value of mandatory certification: A real effects perspective. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 377-413.

Xu, K., R. Yin and Y. Dong. 2016. Stockout recovery under consignment: The role of inventory ownership in supply chains. Decision Sciences 47(1): 94-124.

Xu, M. and C. Zhang. 2009. Bankruptcy prediction: The case of Japanese listed companies. Review of Accounting Studies 14(4): 534-558.

Xu, M. and S. Bhattacharyya. 2021. Taste transitivity for collaborative filtering: A stochastic network dynamics approach. Decision Sciences 52(3): 629-660.

Xu, N. 2023. Information coordination: Does preannouncement media coverage improve earnings expectations? Contemporary Accounting Research 40(2): 1136-1175.

Xu, Q. and R. Kalelkar. 2020. Consequences of going-concern opinion inaccuracy at the audit office level. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 39(3): 185-208.

Xu, O., G. D. Fernando and K. Tam. 2018. Executive age and the readability of financial reports. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (43): 70-81.

Xu, Q., G. D. Fernando and K. Tam. 2019. Trust and firm performance: A bi-directional study. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (47): 100433.

Xu, R. Z. and M. J. Lacina. 2009. Explaining the accrual anomaly by market expectations of future returns and earnings. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 25(2): 190-199.

Xu, S. and L. Guo. 2023. Financializaiton and corporate performance in China: Promotion or inhibition? Abacus 59(3): 776-817.

Xu, W. 2010. Do management earnings forecasts incorporate information in accruals? Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 227-246.

Xu, W., K. Wand and A. Anandarajan. 2012. Quality of reported earnings by Chinese firms: The influence of ownership structure. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 28(1): 193-199.

Xu, X. 2019. The association between fair value measurements and banks' discretionary accounting choices. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (44): 108-120.

Xu, X., T. Siqin, S. Chung and T. Choi. 2023. Seeking survivals under COVID-19: The WhatsApp platform's shopping service operations. Decision Sciences 54(4): 375-393.

Xu, X., X. Cai and L. Zhang. 2020. Optimal purchasing policy for fresh products from multiple supply sources with considerations of random delivery times, risk, and information. Decision Sciences 51(6): 1377-1410.

Xu, Y. and B. Tuttle. 2012. Adaption-innovation at work: A new measure of problem-solving styles. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 17-33.

Xu, Y. and B. M. Tuttle. 2005. The role of social influences in using accounting performance information to evaluate subordinates: A causal attribution approach. Behavioral Research in Accounting (17): 191-210.

Xu, Y. and X. Xu. 2003. Vangermeersch manuscript award winner, 2002: Becoming professional: Chinese accountants in early 20th century Shanghai. The Accounting Historians Journal 30(1): 129-153.

Xu, Y. and X. Xu. 2008. Social actors, cultural capital, and the state: The standardization of bank accounting classification and terminology in early twentieth-century China. Accounting, Organizations and Society 33(1): 73-102.

Xu, Y. and X. Xu. 2016. Taxation and state-building: The tax reform under the Nationalist Government in China, 1928-1949. Accounting, Organizations and Society (48): 17-30.

Xu, Y., J. Yu and J. H. Zhang. 2016. The effects of the existence and financial expertise of audit committees on firms' controversial activities - Evidence form IPOs. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 8(3): 400-427.

Xue, H. 2017. Independent and affiliated analysts: Disciplining and herding. The Accounting Review (July): 243-267.

Xue, H. and R. Zheng. 2021. Word-of-mouth communication, noise-driven volatility, and public disclosure. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 101363.

Xue, M., L. M. Hitt and P. Chen. 2011. Determinants and outcomes of internet banking adoption. Management Science (February): 291-307.

Xue, W., L. Ma, Y. Liu and M. Lin. 2022. Value of inventory pooling with limited demand information and risk aversion. Decision Sciences 53(1): 51-83.

Xue, Y. 2007. Make or buy new technology: The role of CEO compensation contract in a firm’s route to innovation. Review of Accounting Studies 12(4): 659-690.

Xydias-Lobo, M., C. Tilt and D. Forsaith. 2004. The future of management accounting: A South Australian perspective. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 53-70. (Survey).

Yaari, M. E. 1981. Rawls, Edgeworth, Shapley, Nash: Theories of distributive justice re-examined. Journal of Economic Theory. 1-39.

Yacobian, P. 1959. A practical evaluation of break-even analysis. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 23-29.

Yager, E. B. 1963. An aid in explaining "funds provided by operations". The Accounting Review (January): 154-156.

Yager, R. and D. Basson. 1975. Decision making with fuzzy sets. Decision Sciences 6(3): 590-600.

Yahya-Zadeh, M. 1999. Integrating long-run strategic decisions into the theory of constraints. Journal of Cost Management (January/February): 11-19. (Summary).

Yahya-Zadeh, M. 2002. A linear programming framework for flexible budgeting and its application to classroom teaching. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 69-93. (Comparison of the proposed framework with traditional flexible budgeting and TOC).

Yahya-Zadeh, M. 2011. A new framework for capacity costing and inventory variance analysis. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 61-81.

Yakel, R. G. 1970. Cycle inventory audit. Management Accounting (May): 29-33.

Yakir, B. 2011. Introduction to Statistical Thinking (With R, Without Calculus). (Link to Pdf Version).

Yakubovich, A. 2021. Procurement's new charter: Procurement teams are moving beyond cost containment to better manage risk, support business agility, maintain supply continuity, and seize opportunities for supplier-driven innovations. Strategic Finance (July): 40-46.

Yakura, E. K. 2002. Charting time: Timelines as temporal boundary objects. The Academy of Management Journal 45(5): 956-970.

Yalcin G. and S. Puntoni. 2023. How AI affects our sense of self - And why it matters for business. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 130-136.

Yalcin, G., S. Lim, S. Puntoni and S. M. van Osselaer. 2022. How do customers react when their requests are evaluated by algorithms? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-3.

Yamada, H. and D. Tannen. 2002. Different Games, Different Rules: Why Americans and Japanese Misunderstand Each Other. Oxford University Press.

Yamakawa, T. T. 1979. How the strong yen influenced financial reporting in Japan. Management Accounting (June): 26-31.

Yamamoto, D. H. 1990. Retiree health plans - What do we do now? Management Accounting (April): 21-25.

Yamamura, J. H. and F. H. Grupe. 2008. Ethical considerations for providing professional services online. The CPA Journal (May): 62-64.

Yamamura, J. H., C. A. Birk and B. J. Cossitt. 2010. Attracting and retaining talent: The importance of first impressions. The CPA Journal (April): 58-60.

Yamashita, K. 1952. Accounting trends in post-war Japan. The Accounting Review (July): 313-315.

Yamey, B. 1959. Some seventeenth and eighteenth century double-entry ledgers. The Accounting Review (October): 534-546.

Yamey, B. S. 1941. A note on accounting standards. The Accounting Review (June): 209-212.

Yamey, B. S. 1944. Edward Jones's "English system of bookkeeping". The Accounting Review (October): 407-416.

Yamey, B. S. 1947. Notes on the origin of double-entry bookkeeping. The Accounting Review (July): 263-272.

Yamey, B. S. 1975. Common costs and business decisions: An historical note. The Accounting Historians Journal 2(1-4): 1-2.

Yamey, B. S. 1981. The 'Partimenti' account: A discarded practice. Abacus 17(1): 3-7.

Yamey, B. S. 1964. Accounting and the rise of capitalism: Further notes on a theme by Sombart. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 117-136.

Yamey, B. S. 1967. Fifteenth and sixteenth century manuscripts on the art of bookkeeping. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 51-76.

Yamey, B. S. 1979. Compound journal entries in early treatises on bookkeeping. The Accounting Review (April): 323-329.

Yamey, B. S. 1978. Essays on the History of Accounting. Arno Press.

Yamey, B. S. 1980. The index to the ledger: Some historical notes. The Accounting Review (July): 419-425.

Yamey, B. S. 1982. Further Essays on the History of Accounting. Garland Publishing.

Yamey, B. S. 2010. The market for Luca Pacioli's Summa De Arithmetica: Some comments. The Accounting Historians Journal 37(2): 145-154.

Yamey, B. S. 2011. Two-currency, Nostro and Vostro accounts: Historical notes, 1400-1800. The Accounting Historians Journal 38(2): 125-143.

Yamey, B. S. 2012. Personal accounts, account books and their probative value: Historical notes, c.1200 to c.1800. The Accounting Historians Journal 39(2): 1-26.

Yammarino, F. J., A. J. Dubinsky, L. B. Comer and M. A. Jolson. 1997. Women and transformational and contingent reward leadership: A multiple-levels-of-analysis perspective. The Academy of Management Journal 40(1): 205-222.

Yan, A. and B. Gray. 1994. Bargaining power, management control, and performance in United States-China joint ventures: A comparative case study. The Academy of Management Journal 37(6): 1478-1517.

Yan, H., T. Ma and V. Huynh. 2014. Coping with group behaviors in uncertain quality function deployment. Decision Sciences 45(6): 1025-1052.

Yan, N., X. Xu and T. Tong. 2022. Should businesses keep consistent performance between channels? Empirical evidence from the impact of rating discrepancy on demand. Decision Sciences 53(2): 260-276.

Yan, S., F. Ferraro and J. Almandoz. 2019. The rise of socially responsible investment funds: The paradoxical role of the financial logic. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(2): 466-501.

Yan, S., J. Almandoz and F. Ferraro. 2021. The impact of logic (In)compatibility: Green investing, state policy, and corporate environmental performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(4): 903-944.

Yan, T. and A. Nair. 2016. Structuring supplier involvement in new product development: A China-U.S. study. Decision Sciences 47(4): 589-627.

Yan, T. and T. J. Kull. 2015. Supplier opportunism in buyer-supplier new product development: A China-U.S. study of antecedents, consequences, and cultural/institutional contexts. Decision Sciences 46(2): 403-445.

Yan, W., P. Letizia and W. Zhou. 2022. Three cobblers worth the mastermind? The potential of ensemble in crowdsourced classification problems. Decision Sciences 53(2): 223-238.

Yan, Z., D. Appelbaum, A. Kogan and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2023. Teaching predictive audit data analytic techniques: Time-series forecasting with transactional and exogenous data. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 20(1): 169-194.

Yanagi, R. and N. Michels-Kim. 2018. Integrating nonfinancials to create value: Japanese companies have been leading the way in the adoption of integrated reporting and sustainability metrics. Strategic Finance (January): 26-35.

Yanagi, R. and N. Michels-Kim. 2021. Eisai's ESG investments: The Japanese pharmaceutical company's investments in human capital and R&D are linked to a positive correlation with long-term corporate value. Strategic Finance (May): 46-53. (Environmental, Social, and Governance investments).

Yancey, W. F. and J. Klemm. 1996. Implementing electronic tax research in a university environment. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 95-110.

Yang, B., B. Ke, B. Li, Y. J. Yu and J. Zhang. 2020. Detecting accounting fraud in publicly traded U.S. firms using a machine learning approach. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 199-235.

Yang, C. 1981. 'Mass line' accounting in China. Management Accounting (May): 13-17.

Yang, C. and J. Huang. 2000. A decision model for IS outsourcing. International Journal of Information Management (20): 225-239.

Yang, C. and S. Modell. 2015. Shareholder orientation and the framing of management control practices: A field study in a Chinese state-owned enterprise. Accounting, Organizations and Society (45): 1-23.

Yang, C., C. Wei and Y. Chaing. 2014. Exploiting technological indicators for effective technology merger and acquisition (M&A) predictions. Decision Sciences 45(1): 147-174.

Yang, D. C. and C. Kao. 1994. A comparison between the FASB conceptual framework and the draft of accounting standards of the People's Republic of China. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation 3(1): 71-83.

Yang, F., B. Dolar and L. Mo. 2018. Textual analysis of corporate annual disclosures: A comparison between bankrupt and non-bankrupt companies. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 15(1): 45-55.

Yang, F., C. Chang and L. Mo. 2022. An introduction to multilevel analyses of text readability in accounting and finance. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 19(2): 187-197.

Yang, F., J. M. David and C. Chang. 2023. Detecting financial statement fraud through multidimensional analysis of text readability. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 8(1): 74-96.

Yang, G. Y. and R. C. Wu. 1993. Strategic costing & ABC. Management Accounting (May): 33-37.

Yang, H., L. L. Luo and A. Bhattacharyya. 2021. Mandatory environmental reporting in Australia: An in-depth analysis of quantity and quality. Abacus 57(4): 737-779.

Yang, H. I. 2012. Capital market consequences of managers' voluntary disclosure styles. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February-April): 167-184.

Yang, J., Y. Yu and L. Zheng. 2021. The impact of shareholder litigation risk on equity incentives: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment. The Accounting Review (November): 427-449.

Yang, J. G. S. 1986. Managing multinational exchange risks. Management Accounting (February): 45-52.

Yang, J. G. S. 2014. What every victim of a Ponzi scheme must know about tax deduction. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 6(2): 260-289.

Yang, J. G. S. and W. W Poon. 2001. To tax or not to tax: Tax freedom or free ride? Strategic Finance (August): 44-48. (Related to internet commerce).

Yang, J. M. 1927. The valuation of intangibles. The Accounting Review (September): 223-231.

Yang, J. M. 1952. Changes in monetary value and problems of conversion. The Accounting Review (October): 441-453.

Yang, J. M. 1959. Accounting in a free economy. The Accounting Review (July): 442-451.

Yang, L. 2022. An information quality-based explanation for loan loss allowance inadequacy during the 2008 financial crisis. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 101433.

Yang, L. 2023. Compensation committee CSR-related expertise, CSR contracting quality, and performance implications. Journal of Management Accounting Research 35(3): 197-223. (CSR refers to Corporate Social Responsibility).

Yang, L. and D. E. Mahdy. 2022. Social networking (Guanxi) and whistleblowing intentions: Does CSR ring the bell? Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 14(2): 236-258. (Chinese banking employees' attitudes toward corporate social responsibility).

Yang, L., Q. Tang, A. Kilgore and Y. J. Hong. 2001. Auditor-government associations and auditor independence in China. The British Accounting Review 33(2): 175-189.

Yang, N., C. C. Chen, J. Choi and Y. Zou. 2000. Sources of work-family conflict: A Sino-U.S. comparison of the effects of work and family demands. The Academy of Management Journal 43(1): 113-123.

Yang, P. 2012. Information systems assurance practices in China: Where they are and where are they going? International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 13(3): 185-198.

Yang, S. 2022. Comment letters on annual reports: Evidence from an emerging market. Accounting Horizons (September): 189-210.

Yang, S. 2023. Sunlight is the best disinfectant: Real-time comment letters and large M&As in China. Journal of International Accounting Research 22(1): 137-168.

Yang, S., R. Yang and Z. J. Lin. 2014. Historical evolution of the balance sheet in The People's Republic of China. The Accounting Historians Journal 41(1): 1-34.

Yang, S. Y., F. Liu, X. Zhu and D. C. Yen. 2019. A graph mining approach to identify financial reporting patterns: An empirical examination of industry classifications. Decision Sciences 50(4): 847-876.

Yang, X. 2023. Cat owners are more cautious consumers than dog owners. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 28-29.

Yang, Y. and R. Simnett. 2020. Financial reporting by charities: Why do some choose to report under a more extensive reporting framework? Abacus 56(3): 320-347.

Yang, Y. and R. Simnett. 2023. Determinants and consequences of audit pricing for charities, including the provision of pro bono audits. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 42(1): 183-210.

Yang, Y., Q. Liu, J. Song and M. Zhou. 2021. The influence mechanism of financial shared service mode on the competitive advantage of enterprises from the perspective of organizational complexity: A force field analysis. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (42): 100525.

Yang, Z. 2013. Do political connections add value to audit firms? Evidence from IPO audits in China. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(3): 891-921.

Yang, Z. and X. Dong. 2015. Earnings roundup in private and public bank holding companies. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 31(1): 96-99.

Yang, Z., K. Rohrbach and S. Chen. 2005. The impact of standard setting on relevance and reliability of accounting information: Lower of cost or market accounting reforms in China. Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 16(3): 194-228.

Yankee, G. G. 1958. The faculty residency program. The Accounting Review (April): 206-208.

Yankee, G. G. and R. J. De Reyna, II. 1959. Accounting achievement in conventional and television classes at the University of Miami. The Accounting Review (October): 651-655.

Yankelovich, D. and D. Meer. 2006. Rediscovering market segmentation. Harvard Business Review (February): 122-131. (Discovering customers whose behavior can be changed or whose needs are not being met).

Yanovsky, M. 1965. Social Accounting Systems. Aldine Publishing Company. Review by W. L. Farman.

Yao, D., M. Percy, J. Stewart and F. Hu. 2018. Fair value accounting and earnings persistence: Evidence from international banks. Journal of International Accounting Research 17(1): 47-68.

Yao, L. J. C. Liu and S. H. Chan. 2010. The influence of firm specific context on realizing information technology business value in manufacturing industry. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 11(4): 353-362.

Yao, Y., Y. Dong and M. Dresner. 2012. Supply chain learning and spillovers in vendor managed inventory. Decision Sciences 43(6): 979-1001.

Yardley, J. A. 1989. Explaining the conditional nature of the audit risk model. Journal of Accounting Education 7(1): 107-114.

Yarian, N. R. 1975. Segmentation for reporting purposes. Management Accounting (April): 16-20, 23.

Yarp, H. R. 1965. An approach to cost control. Management Accounting (September): 11-21.

Yasai-Ardekani, M. 1989. Effects of environmental scarcity and munificence on the relationship of context to organizational structure. The Academy of Management Journal 32(1): 131-156.

Yates, J. 1998. Corporate purchasing cards are hitting their stride. Management Accounting (November): 45-48.

Yates, J., W. J. Orlikowski and A. Jackson. 2008. The six key dimensions of understanding media. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 63-69.

Yates, R. E. 1998. The Kikkoman Chronicles: A Global Company With a Japanese Soul. McGraw-Hill.

Yatsenko, D. 2022. Productivity effects of shared peer effort and relative performance information. Management Accounting Research (September): 100779.

Yaun, R., Y. Han and Z. Chen. 2023. Multiple large shareholders and financial reporting quality: Evidence from China. Abacus 59(1): 197-229.

Yayavaram, S. and G. Ahuja. 2008. Decomposability in knowledge structures and its impact on the usefulness of inventions and knowledge-base malleability. Administrative Science Quarterly 53(2): 333-362.

Yayla, A. A. and Q. Hu. 2014. The effect of board of directors' IT awareness on CIO compensation and firm performance. Decision Sciences 45(3): 401-436.

Yayla-Kullu, H. M. 2013. Capacity investment and product line decisions of a multiproduct leader and a focus strategy entrant. Decision Sciences 44(4): 645-678.

Yayla-Küllü, H. M., A. K. Parlaktürk and J. M. Swaminathan. 2011. Segmentation opportunities for a social planner: Impact of limited resources. Decision Sciences 42(1): 275-296.

Yazdani, A., E. B. Cil and M. S. Pangburn. 2020. What if Hotelling's firms can mass customize? Decision Sciences 51(2): 395-422.

Yaziji, M. 2004. Turing gadflies into allies. Harvard Business Review (February): 110-115. (Nongovernmental organizations have four strengths that multinational corporations need to heed. Legitimacy, awareness of social forces, distinct networks, and specialized technical expertise.).

Yaziji, M. 2008. Forethought: Time to rethink capitalism. Harvard Business Review (November): 27-28. (Short, but interesting discussion of the need to move from free-market competitive capitalism to free-market competitive laborism, where those who work for a company receive most of the residual returns, and the greatest decision-making authority within it. The underlying logic of this claim is that now, labor not capital, is the biggest risk taker and labor's generation of knowledge is the greatest source of competitive advantage for most firms).

Ye, K., R. Zhang and Z. Rezaee. 2010. Does top executive gender diversity affect earnings quality? A large sample analysis of Chinese listed firms. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 26(1): 47-54.

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