Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Ma, C. 1988. Unique implementation of incentive contracts with many agents. Review of Economic Studies 55(4): 555-572.
Ma, C. W. 2009. Expected life after SAB 107 and SAB 110: One approach to estimating the expected term of stock options. The CPA Journal (May): 36-41.
Ma, D., R. Fisher and T. Nesbit. 2021. Cloud-based client accounting and small and medium accounting practices: Adoption and impact. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (41): 100513.
Ma, G. and S. Markov. 2017. The market's assessment of the probability of meeting or beating the consensus. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(1): 314-342.
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Ma, M. 2017. Economic links and the spillover effect of earnings quality on market risk. The Accounting Review (November): 213-245.
Ma, M. and S. Mallik. 2017. Bundling of vertically differentiated products in a supply chain. Decision Sciences 48(4): 625-656.
Ma, M. and W. B. Thomas. 2023. Economic consequences of operating lease recognition. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 101566.
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Ma, X., W. Ho, P. Ji and S. Talluri. 2018. Contract design with information asymmetry in a supply chain under an emissions trading mechanism. Decision Sciences 49(1): 121-153.
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Ma, Z., L. Ruan, D. Wang and H. Zhang. 2021. Generalist CEOs and credit ratings. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(2): 1009-1036.
Ma, Z., R. Wang and K. Zhou. 2021. Generalist CEOs and audit pricing. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 40(4): 123-147.
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Maali, B., P. Casson and C. Napier. 2006. Social reporting by Islamic banks. Abacus 42(2): 266-289.
Maama, H., J. O. Akande and M. Doorasamy. 2020. NGOs' engagements and Ghana's environmental accounting disclosure quality. Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management: Environmentalism and NGO Accountability. (9): 83-106.
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Maas, J. D. and B. A. Leauby. 2005. Concept mapping - Exploring its value as a meaningful learning tool in accounting education. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (2): 75-98.
Maas, J. D. and B. A. Leauby. 2014. Active learning and assessment: A student guide to using concept mapping in financial accounting. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (11): 41-63.
Maas, V. S. and B. Shi. 2023. The effects of target difficulty and relative ability on managers' delegation decisions. Management Accounting Research (September): 100851.
Maas, V. S. and H. Yin. 2022. Finding partners in crime? How transparency about managers' behavior affects employee collusion. Accounting, Organizations and Society (96): 101293.
Maas, V. S. and H. Yin. 2022. The link between fraud and transparency: While organizational transparency can deter corruption, it can also lead to an increase in employee collusion. Strategic Finance (June): 19-20.
Maas, V. S. and M. Matejka. 2009. Balancing the dual responsibilities of business unit controllers: Field and survey evidence. The Accounting Review (July): 1233-1253.
Maas, V. S. and M. Van Rinsum. 2013. How control system design influences performance misreporting. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1159-1186.
Maas, V. S., M. van Rinsum and K. L. Towry. 2012. In search of informed discretion: An experimental investigation of fairness and trust reciprocity. The Accounting Review (March): 617-644.
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MacArthur, J. B. 1992. Activity-based costing: How many cost drivers do you want? Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 37-41.
MacArthur, J. B. 1992. The ABC/JIT costing continuum. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 61-63.
MacArthur, J. B. 1993. Theory of constraints and activity-based costing: Friends or foes? Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 50-56. (Summary).
MacArthur, J. B. 1993. Zero-base activity-based costing. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 45-49.
MacArthur, J. B. 1996. From activity-based costing to throughput accounting. Management Accounting (April): 30, 34, 36-38. (Summary).
MacArthur, J. B. 1996. Performance measures that count: Monitoring variables of strategic importance. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 39-45.
MacArthur, J. B. 2003. Practical guidelines for activity-driver selection. Journal of Cost Management (September/October): 37-40.
MacArthur, J. B. 2006. Culture influences on German versus U.S. management accounting. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 10-16.
MacArthur, J. B. 2008. Practical guidelines for replacement cost depreciation in RCA. Cost Management (January/February): 29-34.
MacArthur, J. B. and H. A. Stranahan. 1998. Cost driver analysis in hospitals: A simultaneous equations approach. Journal of Management Accounting Research (10): 279-312. (Summary).
MacArthur, J. B., B. E. Waldrup and G. R. Fane. 2004. Caution: Fraud overhead. Strategic Finance (October): 28-32.
MacArthur, J. B., J. E. Michelman, B. E. Waldrup and D. M. Wallace. 2010. JEA: On the road to cost transparency. IMA Educational Case Journal 3(1): 1-13.
MacArthur, J. B., M. J. Brost and B. Doueck. 2004. Strategic alignment and systems control of processes: The case of JEA. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 11-24.
MacAulay, K. D., R. Marley, M. J. Mellon and R. Shortridge. 2023. Emily's dilemma: An examination of tactics used to protect and surrender market share. Journal of Accounting Education (62): 100829.
MacBryde, J., S. Paton, M. Bayliss and N. Grant. 2014. Transformation in the defence sector: The critical role of performance measurement. Management Accounting Research (June): 157-172.
Macaulay, H. 1955. Responsibilities of the professional accounting firms in continuing the training of college graduates. The Accounting Review (January): 48-50.
Maccarrone, E. T. 2021. The impact of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair: Compliance challenge for small and medium-sized businesses. The CPA Journal (February/March): 62-65. (Expansion of retailers' responsibilities to collect sales taxes on out-of-state purchases).
MacCauley, F. A. 1943. Punched-card system of payroll and labor cost accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 15): 685-702.
Maccoby, M. 2004. Narcissistic leaders: The incredible pros, the inevitable cons. Harvard Business Review (January): 92-101.
Maccoby, M. 2004. Why people follow the leader: The power of transference. Harvard Business Review (September): 76-85.
Maccoby, M., G. H. Gittell and M. A. Ledeen. 2004. Leadership and the fear factor. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 14-18.
MacCormack, A. 2001. Product-development practices that work: How internet companies build software. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 75-84.
MacCormack, A., F. Murray and E. Wagner. 2013. Spurring innovation through competitions. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 25-32.
MacCormack, A., J. Rusnak and C. Y. Baldwin. 2006. Exploring the structure of complex software designs: An empirical study of open source and proprietary code. Management Science (July): 1015-1030.
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MacDonald, A. 2019. How digital platforms have become double-edged swords. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-7.
MacDonald, A. 2021. Why building an ethical culture must start at the top. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-6.
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Macdonald, E. K., H. N. Wilson and U. Konus. 2012. Better customer insight - in real time. Harvard Business Review (September): 102-108.
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MacDonald, L. A. 2010. Fair value changes ahead. The CPA Journal (January): 24-27.
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MacDonnell, G. J. S. and W. H. Weissman. 2008. Employment tax audits. The CPA Journal (April): 48-51.
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MacDuffie, J. P. and T. Fujimoto. 2010. Why dinosaurs will keep ruling the auto industry. Harvard Business Review (June): 23-25.
Mace, S. F. 1968. Accounting - Italian concept. Management Accounting (December): 52-53.
MacFarland, G. A. 1927. Accounting in the Wharton School. The Accounting Review (June): 175-177.
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MacGregor, J., D. Stanley and M. Stuebs. 2016. Making the right calls: There's no substitute for quality and integrity if management accountants want to maintain their credibility as critical business professionals. Strategic Finance (April): 32-39.
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Machande, K. and W. D. Richardson. 2018. Daddy wants a diesel or does he? IMA Educational Case Journal 11(1): 1-2.
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Macías, M. 2002. Vangermeersch manuscript award winner, 2001: Privatization and management accounting systems change: The case of the 19th century Spanish tobacco monopoly. The Accounting Historians Journal 29(2): 31-57.
Macinnes, J. 2021. Contract manufacturing for OEM CFOs: Contract manufacturing can increase flexibility and reduce some supply chain risks. Is your finance team ready to contribute to the decision-making process? Strategic Finance (June): 34-39. (Reasons to consider outsourced manufacturing).
Macintosh, J. C. C. 1999. The issues, effects and consequences of the Berle-Dodd debate, 1931-1932. Accounting, Organizations and Society 24(2): 139-153.
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Mackey, J. 2010. Overseeing investment managers: Ten lessons from the financial crisis. The CPA Journal (January): 48-51.
Mackey, J. and L. Välikangas. 2004. The myth of unbounded growth. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 89-92. (Alternatives: Break up the company, create a new corporate form, or make a graceful growth-to-value transition).
Mackey, J. and R. Sisodia. 2013. The kind of capitalist you want to be. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 34. (Conscious capitalism - Recognizing that all businesses operate in a broader system with interdependencies).
Mackey, J. T. 1983. Allocating opportunity costs. Management Accounting (March): 33-37.
Mackey, J. T. 1987. 11 key issues in manufacturing accounting. Management Accounting (January): 32-37.
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Mackey, J. T. and H. D. Pforsich. 2006. Beating the budget. Strategic Finance (September): 47-50. (Focus on continuous improvement).
Mackey, J. T. and M. F. Thomas. 1999. Strategic Accounting for Managers: One Company's Road of Discovery. South-Western Publishing.
Mackey, J. T. and V. H. Hughes. 1993. Decision focused costing at Kenco. Management Accounting (May): 22-26.
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Mackunis, K. J. 2014. It could never happen to me, or could it? Journal of Accountancy (September): 61-62. (Professional liability insurance).
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Maclean, R. 2022. Getting more value from cost analysis: Efficiency is the key. Cost Management (May/June): 20-23.
Maclean, R. 2022. Quantum costing: The alternative cost model to ABC you always wanted. Cost Management (July/August): 28-32.
Macleod, R. K. 1971. Program budgeting works in nonprofit institutions. Harvard Business Review (September-October): 45-56.
MacMahon, S. 2020. The challenge of rating ESG performance. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 52-54. (Environmental, social, and governance).
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Majchrzak, A., D. Logan, R. McCurdy and M. Kirchmer. 2006. Four keys to managing emergence. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 14-18. (Continuous discourse with potential participants, continuous updating of knowledge maps, blurring the boundaries between participants inside and outside the organization, and governing through reputation networks).
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Malhotra, M. K., S. Ahire and G. Shang. 2017. Mitigating the impact of functional dominance in cross-functional process improvement teams. Decision Sciences 48(1): 39-70.
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Malmi, T., D. S. Bedford, R. Bruhl, J. Dergard, S. Hoozee, O. Janchek, J. Willert, C. Ax, P. Bednarek, M. Gosselin, M. Hanzlick, P. Israelsen, D. Johanson, T. Johanson, D. O. Madsen, C. Rohde, M. Sandelin, T. Stromsten and T. Toldbod. 2020. Culture and management control interdependence: An analysis of control choices that complement the delegation of authority in western cultural regions. Accounting, Organizations and Society (86): 101116.
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Malone, J. A. 2015. Report of Judith A. Malone, Bentley University ethics officer, concerning Dr. James E. Hunton. The Accounting Review (July): 1-5.
Malone, J. A. 2016. Report of Judith A. Malone, Bentley University ethics officer, concerning Dr. James E. Hunton. Behavioral Research In Accounting 28(2): 1-5. ("1. Dr. Hunton engaged in research misconduct by fabricating the data underlying Fraud Brainstorming and Tone at the Top." "2. The whole body of Dr. Hunton's extensive research while a faculty member at Bentley University must now be considered suspect."
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Manes, R. P. 1969. The expense of expected idle capacity. Management Accounting (March): 37-41.
Manes, R. P. 1970. Birch Paper Company revisited: An exercise in transfer pricing. The Accounting Review (July): 565-572. (Examines the possibility of using shadow prices to determine transfer prices in the legendary Harvard Business transfer pricing case developed by W. Rotch and N. E. Harlan).
Manes, R. P. 1971. Rejoinder to "Breakeven analysis and capital budgeting". Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 158-159.
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